The Shakyamuni Buddha Statue.17.
4 nd in the Ghosita, Kosambi (-581)
In the capital of Kosambi, in the Vatsa kingdom, on the bank of the Yamunà River, there is a treasury chief named Ghosaka offering his simsapà forest to Ghosita. There is also the director Treasury Kukkuta name Vihara Kukkuta offerings, and treasury director Pavariya name Vihara Pavariya offerings [1] .
Mrs. Magadiyà, the latter of King Udayana, defames the Buddha. [2]
A few years ago, in Kosambi, a beautiful maiden named Māgandiyà was born in a Brahmin family. Her parents are proud of her gorgeous beauty, just want to marry her for a worthy person. One day the Buddha came to the Brahmin worshiping the fire god outdoors. Seeing the good shape of the Buddha, Brahmin thought that this was indeed the son-in-law that he longed for. He promptly invited the Buddha to linger waiting for him a moment will come back, and he rushed home to call his daughter. At that time, the Buddha deliberately stamped footprints on the ground and went to another place nearby. When the Brahmin leads his wife and beautifully dressed daughter to the place, only Buddha footprints are visible. His wife, good at numerology, knew that this footprint was not of ordinary people, but of the very pure, who eradicated all desires. Brahmin scoffed at his wife or fortune telling, saw the Buddha not far away, he led his daughter to propose to her. The Buddha wanted these two Brahmins to recount how he succeeded and won the Mara's three daughters, and he said:
- "Having seen Divine, Unreasonable and Believer [3] ,
"I am not interested in the pleasures of love.
"The body is just a pouch filled with urine and dirt,
"I never want to touch it, even with my foot.
Listen here two brahmins immediately bear Anakin (Anàgàmi). But Madam Magda was afflicted with affection, for it was insulting, so angry, she thought:
- If this person does not need me, keep telling me the truth. Why does he say his body is full of urine and stale? Very well, until we have a good husband we will deal with Gotama.
Shortly thereafter, the brahmins passed her on to her maternal grandmother, and left home to attain Arahantship. Uncle took her to reign as king Udayana post-secondary [4] Origin Vatsa.
In the ninth of this month, Madagaspa raked in money from the heathen and instigated the slaves to scold him, banishing the Buddha from the city of Kosambi. When the Buddha entered the alms round, they shouted loudly:
- He was a thief, a fool, a madman, a camel, a cow, a donkey, a human being in hell, an animal. He did not expect to be up in the sky. He will suffer in hell.
Venerable Ānanda could not bear the curse of such malice, so cruel. Master Buddha:
- Lord Buddha, people are cursing and insulting us badly. Please move to another place.
- Ananda, where should we go now?
- Lord Buddha, to another town.
- If there are people who curse and insult me then where will we go?
" Lord Buddha, go to another place again."
- Ananda, do not say that. Wherever we find it difficult, we have to settle in that place. And only when the arrangement is complete we have the right to go elsewhere. But, Ānanda, who curses you?
- Lord Buddha, who also curse me. Slaves, servants, and ... everyone.
The Buddha gave this opportunity to teach him to practice Dharma as follows:
- Ānanda, as a warrior statue must be marked with bullets from the four sides rushed to shoot. Like that, we have to suffer the damn curse from everywhere. Indeed, the majority of people live non-virtuous.
"Many horse elephants are led to the king in order to choose. In the midst of the crowds of elephants, the king chose the most skilled man to ride. Among the people, the most worthy person is the mature, suffering the curse .
"Well-trained mules, Sindh-like horses and ivory-plated cherubs are all worthy and precious. But the mature man, the solemn virtue is more than all. [5]
Then the Buddha said,
- Ananda, you should rest assured, these people just beat me for seven days, until the eighth day they will quiet. A difficult situation for a Buddha can not last more than seven days. [6]
Do not chase the Buddha, and again see the Queen Samavati is very reverent and trust the Buddha, Mangandiyà conspired to fire his uncle Samavati fire. King Udayana knew this, ordered the burned rice to live with the Merdeka and his companions. [7]
Grasshopper Simsapà and Malunkyaputta Bhikkhu [8]
In the ninth season, great disciples such as Mahà Kassapa, Moggallàna, Sariputta were absent from the Buddha because they had to preside over other retreat centers. Rahula must study with master Sariputta. Adjacent to the Buddha is a teacher Nagita and attendant Aanda.
Ghosita condominium lies in the forest of simsapà. One afternoon from the forest, the Buddha held a handful of simsapà leaves. He took the leaf and asked the mendicants who were present:
- Do you, leaves in the Tathagata hand or leaves in the forest much?
- Praise the Buddha, the number of leaves in the hands of the Buddha is very little, but the leaves in the forest are countless countless.
- Yes, this teacher, knowledge of the Tathagata as much as the number of leaves in the forest, but the Tathagata teaches you just like the number of leaves in the fist. Why so? Because Tathagata just wants to present to you what really benefits the practice to achieve enlightenment and liberation only. Once fully enlightened then of course you have full knowledge of a Buddha without learning. But now you should put your mind into the Four Noble Truths, and meditation has the benefit of enlightenment and liberation, not to worry and to waste time in futile discussions.
The reason why the Buddha has such advice is because in the Jetavana monastery, Mr. Malunkyaputta and some other mendicants, after a heated debate, dragged together to ask the Buddha:
- Lord, is this universe is boundless or infinite? Limited or infinite? Tathagata or not exists after death?
The Buddha silent silence. Malunkyaputta could not bear the Buddha's silence, continued:
" If the Blessed One answered my questions, I would continue to study with him for the rest of my life." Otherwise, I would like to renounce the almanac congregation. If you really know the universe is endowed or infinite, then please continue to speak. And if you do not know, then do not tell me you do not know.
The Buddha watched Malunkyaputta slowly say:
- Malunkyaputta, the teacher asked to leave home, Tathagata have promised teachers will explain to him about such questions? Tathagata says, "Malunkyaputta, do you leave home, will Tathagata teach you about metaphysical problems?"
- Lord, do not.
- Why now you set conditions with Tathagata?
"Malunkyaputta, as if someone was hit by a poisoned arrow . Relatives invited a physician to pick up their arrows and bandaged and given pesticides. But the person who was hit by the name did not let the doctor touch his wound. He said, "Wait, before healing the wound, I want to know who shot the arrow, what is the name of the person, what age, where, what job, what class, for what purpose shoot I also want to know what kind of wood the bow is made of, and how the poison is processed. " Malunkyaputta, the wounded man will die before he can find out all that. (Trung A To: Kinh Doi Suc, Trung Bo 63)
"The same is the ordained. Things that the monk must know and must practice are the basic things Tathagata has been teaching the teacher. As for other things, since there is no practical benefit to the practice and practice to go to enlightenment and liberation, so Tathagata not talk about.
Listen to this, Malunkyaputta sincerely ask for repentance, then bow out.
Dispute between a teacher and a lawyer [9]
At the end of a week at the Ghosita monastery in the capital Kosambi, Vatsa, there was a dispute between a monk and a lawyer in a mendicant congregation. The teacher is the teacher who praised and taught the Buddha's teachings, such as the Dhammapada, the Unofficial Business, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Noble Eightfold Path. Teaching the precepts, such as the ordained ones, the precepts of the ordained ones, the rules of retreat, self, chanting ...
One day, after bathing, one of the teachers forgot to draw a well to fill the bath in the bath. A lawyer in the bath after that, see no water straight up the teacher:
- Dear friends, have you finished bathing and forget to bring water to the bathroom?
- Dear friend, yes.
- You do not know how to do that?
- Dear friends, I forgot. So let me go and bring water in.
- Good! If you commit a mistake without knowing, not intentionally, you are not guilty.
Then the lawyer told his students:
- The teacher did not know mistakes.
The student body of the lawyer told the student's close friend:
- The law teacher says he teaches sin without knowing it.
The instructor's close friend told his teacher:
- The lawyer said he was guilty without knowing.
- I just forgotten to bring water to lu after bath. Yesterday he said I'm not guilty, why today say I'm guilty? He lied!
The student's close friend came to see the lawyer's close friend:
- The scribe said the lawyer lied.
The two sides talk back. Finally, the lawyer declared that the scribe had committed a crime without repentance, according to the law, he would not be allowed to attend bodhisattva prayers every half a month. A few years ago, at the Mārāra lecture hall in the Pubbaràma monastery (Dong Vien), the Buddha instituted a law prohibiting monks from chastising the bodhisattva [10] . The scribe said he was not guilty, it was the guilty lawyer who was guilty of repentance. Debate from small to tear up. The mendicants split into two sides of heated debate. The condition becomes strained. The mendicants do not side, complaining together:
- died lost! Dead lose! There is also a serious division within the congregation.
Some beggars presented to the Buddha to divide in the mass. The Buddha called the lawyer to explain how things went, then he said:
- Have to keep the precepts must be strict to the mind is pure. But the precepts are only a means to make the practice easier and faster towards the goal of enlightenment and liberation. If the precepts that mind, controversy, birth, discord, bodhicitta, divide the Congregation, the precepts lost its noble meaning and goals. In this case, you should be happy and find a way to mediate better.
The Buddha called the scribe to present the matter, and then he said:
- For the teacher forgot to get water to fill lu after bath is a small pick. But if you have endured the pain of repentance with the other teacher in the first place, everything is fine. But it is not late, now you should endure the penance so that everything will be good between congregation and congregation.
But the Buddha's intervention did not work. Both sides of the reverberation was much to be gravely touched narcissism. Each side sought to influence other witches to pull on their side. The non-minority aliquots do not have the capacity to mediate a settlement. The group of lawyers gathered to handle suspended monks, not to attend the Uposatha. To the recitation of the world, the majority group of monks should organize chanting at the lecture hall; The group of lawyers is less organized than the outside world.
The interior reaches the ears of laypeople, and soon all the denominations know. The prestige of the mendicant congregation was severely damaged. Venerable Nagita's attendant brought the proceedings to the Buddha and asked the Buddha to intervene again. The next morning, the Buddha wore a robe and went straight to the auditorium, telling the attendant Nagita to summon the bell. When everyone gathered at the lecture hall, the Buddha said:
" Teacher, the old king of Kosala was Dìghiti defeated by the king of Kasi Brahmatta. Emperor Dìghìti along with his daughter, Dìghàvu, pretended to flee to Benares. But Dìghìti was betrayed by a barber, and was accused of being murdered. Before his death, he advised his son is Dighavu as follows: "Hey baby, should not look away, do not look nearly [11] ; Hatred can not be ended by hatred, hatred can only be stopped by act of forgiving tolerance. "Later, Dìghàvu became a close servant of Brahminata. One day, while hunting in the forest, Dìghàvu was in strong position, telling Brahmādattà that he was the child of Dìììti, and as his father told him, he had completely eradicated hatred. King Brahmādattà immediately gave Dìghàvu the king of Kosala. [twelfth]
"Master, hatred is a poison for yourself. Narcissism, anger and division are three major obstacles to the practice . You must immediately stop fighting arguments because something does not lose harmony between them. Increased harmony is an essential condition for practicing meditation and visualization. Teachers should not let the fire burning the virtue of the practice of the teacher. Teachers should not embark on the insatiable apprehension boat, as it will send the master into the dark realm of hell. The demeanor of the teachers has hurt the mission of the Congregation, and that attitude only brings misery to the teacher. You should stop jealousy. Teach the penitents to return to the Dharma.
A marshal stood up, saying:
- Lord, please stand out of this dispute. Please stay in the pure joy of meditation. We have grown up, we can handle this ourselves, we need to debate to clarify who is harassing. Please do not intervene in private matters between us.
The mendicant said, everyone was silent. The Buddha was also silent. A moment later, he got up, left the auditorium, returned to the porch, and went out alone in the Kosambi city. Alone finished, Buddha into the forest alone to eat the boy. When the boys finished, the Buddha got up, hugging the bowl along the bank of the Yamunà River, leaving Kosambi. No one is allowed to follow the Buddha, including the attendant Nagita and the master Ananda. [13]
Venerable Bhagu met Buddha in Balaka City [14]
Buddha went to the city of Balaka (Balakalonakra). Here he meets Bhagu. Seeing the Buddha, Bhagu is very happy. He took the Buddha to a cluster of forests, invited the Buddha to sit, then go get water and towels for Buddha wash his face and hands. The Buddha inquired about his study. He replied:
- Lord, I feel very comfortable, peaceful, although only alone.
- Being alone is better than staying with more than one person.
Then the Buddha said the following verse:
"If you meet good knowledge,
Should live in harmony,
"Mutual support and rejoicing,
"Go beyond the danger. (Dumb Duk, lesson 328)
"No good knowledge
"To live in harmony,
We would rather live alone
"As the king left the kingdom,
Elephants in the deep forest. (Dumb Duk, lesson 329)
"If you live alone,
"No you with a fool,
"Relax, do not do evil,
Do not worry, like a forest elephant. (Dumb Dab, post 330)
After teaching more about catechism and encouraging the Bhagu Venerable to study, the Buddha left the teacher to go east to Ragagaha.
Venerable Anuruddha meets the Buddha at Mount Pàcìnavamsa [15]
At the park gate in Pācìnavamsa [16] , the Buddha was prevented by the gardener. He said:
- Do not go to the park, do not disturb the teacher meditating in it.
The Buddha did not know how to say the great virtue Anuruddha from the park came out. Seeing the Buddha, the great Mercifully greeted, then said to the gardener:
- This is our teacher, please let him in.
Venerable Buddha in the park to meet the virtues of Nandiya and Kimbila. Master Nandiya lift bowl, teacher Kimbila lifted the shirt to the Buddha. They invited the Buddha to sit next to a bamboo bundle of gold, bring water and towels to wash his face and wash his feet. Then the three hands to pay respect Buddha. Buddha asked:
- Are the teachers here calm? Is the training convenient? Is begging and propagating easy?
" The Blessed One," replied Anuruddha, "we are very safe here, the scenery is calm, the begging and propagation is no obstacle. Thanks to the favorable context, we have made much progress in our study.
- Do you love and get along?
- Dear Brother, we love each other. We harmonize with each other as easily as water with milk. Whenever something important happens we come together to make a common decision. While studying Dhamma, if there is anything suspicious or unclear, we discuss together to learn and exchange experience with each other. Dear Lord, thanks to the three people in common, so we find our study easier and more convenient.
- Well done, the Buddha said, living in harmony with each other is the most favorable conditions for the study.
The Buddha stayed at Pācìnavamsa Park for a month to observe the way of living and study of the three teachers. The Buddha learned that the great virtue has reached the highest level of meditation is the thought of Destruction. Before leaving the great virtues of Anuruddha, Nandiya and Kimbila, the Buddha said:
- Teacher, if all the mendicants in the congregation can treat each other as teachers, it is very beneficial and easy for the mutual learning. From now Tathagata proposed application of Luc Hoa below for mendicant in general [17] :
The first is the harmony of companionship , that is, in harmony share a learning center, a forest or a roof.
2- The second benefit is the harmony (divided equally) , that is to divide evenly together the food and amenities in life.
Third, the harmony of fellow initiates , ie mutual respect for the common rules.
4- The fourth is invisible , meaning talking to each other using gentle words, do not use words that cause friction and controversy.
5- The fifth is the mediation of mutual understanding , that is, learn together and exchange knowledge in peace, not be concealed or debated.
6- Friday is the agreement of approval , that is, when different opinions, must review together so that people harmonious and sympathetic to each other.
Master, from now on, all the mendicants in the congregation must take these six principles of harmony that treat one another.
The three masters rejoiced to hear the Buddha's teachings. The Buddha left the three teachers, heading northwest. Seven days after the Buddha came to the forest Rakkhita, near the city of Pārileyyaka. The Buddha came to rest under a beautiful sala tree, leaves sum sue. Recognizing the scenery here is so cool, cool climate, the Buddha decided to stay here alone in the coming holiday season. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2017.
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