Shakyamuni Buddha 's Appreciation
18- Lower 40 in Jetavana (-550)
King Pasenadi transmitted the construction of a new mendicant mendicant mansion near the capital city of Sàvatthi. This new paradigm was named Ràjakarāma. The Buddha stayed in Kosala for two consecutive years, traveling all the country and settling in Jetavana.
During this time, at Rajagaha, the capital of Magadha, Venerable Devadatta was no longer respected by King Ajatasattu. Of the more than one hundred monks who remained with the Venerable, 80 had left the Venerable Master to return to the congregation of the Buddha at the Venuvana monastery. Devadatta is increasingly isolated. The teacher was paralyzed on Mount Gayàsìsa for nine months, can not go anywhere.
From the end of the war between Kosala and Magadha, King Ajatasattu no longer met the Venerable Devadatta, nor had any contact with the Venuvana buddhist congregation of the Buddha. The king was only close to the leaders of the other sects. However, the mendicants are still practicing the way safely. The people as well as the masters in Griddhakùta and Venuvana would like to return to the Buddha. Jìvaka is also very earnest to return to the Buddha.
The Buddha just how to improve the legal and economic [1]
After the holiday season in -550, Queen Mallikà of Kosala died. King Pasenadi is too sad, visiting the Buddha to find comfort. Queen Mallika is the biological sister of King Bimbisara and a very good friend of King Pasenadi, greatly loved by the king. Empress is a pure Buddhist followers, intelligent, wise, deep understanding of the Dhamma. It was she who interfered with the king to kill the animals to worship the gods, and guide the king to follow the Buddha's enlightenment.
Suffered by the loss of his beloved mate, who had shared with him for over 50 years, King Pasenadi sought the Buddha. Sitting silently for a long time in the Buddha, the king felt his soul calm again. After comforting the king by reminding that life is impermanent, the sorrow is harmful, the Buddha advised the king to devote more time to meditation, and in old age should try to live according to the Dharma Good for the next life. The Buddha advised the king to seek reform of the judiciary and economy to bring peace and happiness to the people. The Buddha said that the penalties such as beating, torture, imprisonment, and death were not the most effective measures to prevent robbery. Encounters of famine and chaos, robbery, and natural violence increase. The government should have a timely economic policy to protect the people, such as reducing taxes, food, rice seeds, fertilizers for poor farmers,
King Pasenadi heard the Buddha finished talking, eager to spend more time to study and improve the economy for the people are happy.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/5/2017.
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