Monday, 8 May 2017

Quintessence  PHILOSOPHY  gathered  AND  OF DIRECTORS

I.                    PRESENTATION
Bhikkhu-Buddha- Examination [1] , is  thetranscription of the  Pali word  Vipassī , Sanskrit:  Vipaśyin ; is  set  from the verb based  PAS  (Skt. Vipasyati  -  Pali  vipassati ): means clear, clear view. So  Vipassī  means special vision  , insight and  purity ; This view thoroughly penetrates all  matters . 
Away from the etymology of  the Sanskrit   ambiguity so, so Han is often transliterated Buddhist monk-she-examination [2]  or thinking about Buddha [3]  and  Vipasyin  drought translated as: "觀shop; Variant 見 見 " [4] and  so on. [5] , or translated as  Thang Quan Buddhist [6] , meaning that  the Buddha  had  the consistent  projection  special , or  universal  service is  Xu Quan  Buddhist淨觀佛, ie  the Buddha  have insight and  purity , or translated Thang Quan  Kien Buddha  勝觀見佛,  generic Quan Buddhist  種種觀佛, 
He  appeared  in lifetimes  past  stately  strictly ago 91 lives [7] ,  clan Kondanna  (Question-ly-elegant拘利若), his father is  Bandhuma  (Desk-top盤頭), the queen is  Bandumati  ( Head-to-head 頭 婆 提 提),  strain of  Khattiya  (Assassin-benefit), in Bandumāti city  ,  human  life now 80,000 years old. He is the 998 th Buddha's  past lives Dignified ,  enlightenment  under a tree  PA ali  (Ba-ba-la波波羅),  sermon three Assembly, a total of 860. 000 bhikkhus attain  Arahantship [8] . He had two  disciples  are  Khanda  (Control-tea提舍) and Tissa (Cartesian amnesty提舍) [9] .
Richard Morris,  Vipassi  is the name of Buddha 22 minutes, in order that many  classic  Buddhist  mentioned and is narrated in chapter 27 of the book clearly  Buddhavamsa [10] ; Buddhist history  - Buddhavamsa  is a text  describing  the  life of Buddha  Sakyamuni and two Buddhas before him, in the 14th book of  sub sutras Khuddaka Nikaya . Before  Buddhist monk-she-exam  is after him is Buddha and Buddha Phussa Sikhi [11] .
Essence of  philosophy of the  practice  and  practice  of  the Buddha  -monk-thi is as follows:
Khantī parama ṃ  tapo tītikkhā
Nibbāna ṃ  parama ṃ  vadanti buddhā,
Na hi pabbajito parūpaghātī
Sama ṇ o hoti para ṃ  vihe ṭ hayanto [12] .
Perseverance , suffering
Patience ,  the  most valuable ;
The Enlightened One  teaches:
Nirvana  is  the  ultimate integrity
Renunciation  brain damage  who
Not deserve to be called a  subject .
第一 道 道,
惱 他人 他人,
不 沙門 沙門.
Patience  filed  Best director
Buddha  of  dark micro- theory
Renunciation  brain  neighbor
Any  list of  monk [13] .
Translate :
The  most virtuous,
The Buddhas teach:
Nirvana  is  paramount
Renunciation  brain damage  who
Not worth calling a  sa disciple .
English has translated many  equivalents  , here  we  choose a fairly popular song   :
Patience and forgiveness is the highest ascetic practice.
The Awakened Ones say the Nirvana is the highest.
A monk does not hurt others.
One, who harms others, is not a monk [14] .
Patience  and  forgiveness  is the  practice of  asceticism highest.
Buddhas say  Nirvana  is  the supreme .
A bhikkhu does not  harm  others.
One who harms another, not a bhikkhu.
Entire  planet  elite  philosophical  practice  and  religious practice  of  the Buddha Bhikkhu-she-examination are enclosed in  shelves chant  Pali led above, but Han was shifting in Kinh  Dai Ban  - school A-levels  I, recording Into the  Four Laws  by the Buddha-momentum-translation and  French 184.

Khantī parama ṃ  tapo tītikkhā
Patience and forgiveness is the highest ascetic practice
Perseverance , suffering; Patience  is  the  most  valuable
Chinese equivalent translation: "第一 道 道" [15] :  First degree of humility ; Factor :  Persistence , and suffering in Pāli and English are omitted. There are  issues  of grammar here, so the English translation slightly different from the Han: " Patience and  forgiveness  is the  practice of  asceticism highest" [16] . We can draw a Pali grammar diagram of this sentence as follows: 
Khantī paramaṃ tapo tītikkhā
| | | | 
Nf Adj.n. Nn Nf  
Nom.Sg. Nom.Sg. Nom.Sg. Nom.Sg [17] ..  
| | _______ | | 
| _______________ | ___________ | 
              | _______ |
Pali language  khanti , noun, feminine, it means  patience , patience, the  forgiveness or  desire , etc. He dich  Dhammapada  have equivalent words like patience, forbearance, forgiveness. In this sentence  khanti  play a  role in  all the way, few, we pause from  Perseverance , although not necessarily can not  completely  accurate with  the meaning  khanti .
Contact  with it with words like  Khantu  : people who  suffer , who patiently; or it is also close means from  Khamati  be  established  from the original  Kham + a  and + tail  ti  means patience, patience, patience, but from the  uncertainty  of it is  Khami , with  the past  participle is  Khanta , and  The fecundas  are  khamanta  and  khamamāna . As close to the meaning of  Khamana , middle, if written in the form of the  khamā : means lenient, patient,  tolerant . Etc.
Persevere  here, ie  persistent  practice  of  learned origin  ( Sila ), to  achieve  Noble liberation . In the amusement,  the Buddha , when teaching about the  Law,  he mentioned the  persistence of  the product  as follows: "Eyes though see colors but do not grasp the general, eyes are not  attached. forced ,  permanent  president of course , not that greedy, nor sorrow, no leakage of evil,  perseverance  world products, smart  guardian  eyesense . Ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, and so on ... " [18]
Adoption 行 行: Tapa pāli language  , of all  three , here it is mastery of the word, singular, noun, medium, ie the  practice of  ascetic ,  morally moral  suffering,  etc. He translated  Dhammapada  is: heptoma practice, Religious practice.
Typically, in these  texts  Pali  Majjhima Nikaya  ( Middle-sets ), of literature Nikaya, often  appear  from  tappa + kamma  =  tappokamma  only for the  practice of asceticism  according to the  Magi . SSI + tail or from Tapa, Tapa it  envisioned  from the only  diligently  wholeheartedly  in the austerity.
But sometimes the austerity being  misunderstood  and  become  extreme mortification , should lead to  a result  that does not give the  achievement whatsoever. We  reread a paragraph  text of  the  Majjhima Nikaya  dialogue five brothers  ascetics  and  Buddha , will see this clearly - " Eva  vutte bhikkhave pancavaggiya Bhikkhu ma  etadavocu  " Tayapi warehouse tva  avuso Gotama iriyaya Taya pa Ṭ ipadāya tāya dukkarakārikāya nājjhagamā uttari manussadhammā alamariyañā ṇ adassanavisesa ṃ evidence could be French super  human,  knowledge wins  worthy saint? and  the Buddha  had  answered  them as follows - " Na bhikkhave tathagato bahulliko na padhanavibbhanto na avatto bahullaya, Araha  bhikkhave tathagato Sammasambuddho, odahatha bhikkhave SOTA , amatamadhigata  ahamanusasami, aha  dhamma  desemi, yathanusi tt ha  tatha pa Ṭ ipajjamānā nacirasseva, yassatthāya kulaputtā sammadeva agārasmā anagāriya ṃ  pabbajanti,        
In Sanskrit there are two words  often used  to indicate the size issue is  Du Kara-Carya  and  tapas ; Duskara , with the prefix Du   (= duh  Pāli), means  discomfort , pain , danger, harm, discomfort ,  grief,  sorrow ,  disaster ...  Kara  raw The change is  Karma : goes from the  ṛ verb  of  Sanskrit , which means creation,  activity , action. English translation  Duskara  is difficult act: work hard, or difficult; Also  Carya , He translated activities, performances and so on. Means activities , performances,  practices . Should  Du Kara-Carya : means working hard, the  pain  danger, etc.
As for the letter  Tapas  its original meaning  originally  just for this kind of "deep meditation" (deep Meditation); or the  efforts  of the  Magi  to  achieve  "self-propelled", sometimes  involving the  isolation  and to show the actions of a  hermit , or to say the ascetic [21] . Tapas  verb root  tap , it has many means that  depending on context can be understood as "heat" from fire or  weather  , or have the same meaning as: fire, burn, shine,  repent  denying ,  pain , 
The term  professional  is often used  in the  scriptures  just Austerity is  Dau Da Administration. In  Mahaparinirvana  Business [22] : Austerity has many methods such as fasting, throw myself into the area, located on the thorns, poisonous weeds, manure etc ..
Also about the  Head of the Da  陀 陀,  Sanskrit  Dhūta:  meaning out of shaking,  shaking ,  removal , abandonment , etc. In  Visuddhimagga conclusion , refers to shake off small dust and  pollution  of education [23] , because  the meaning  of this English translation is "not shaken" (shaken off), "remove" (unaligned) or "Abandoned", here to say no longer be shaken by the sex, remove , abandon the structure  ... 
Han often transliterated  Dhuta  is: REC-multi偷多, Do-map杜荼, First multi投多, parking radar杜多, Tran-Hong-multi塵吼多,  common  translation is:  locomotive  抖擻, Gas 藪 藪,  tu  治 治, gas minus 除 除,  lay off  汰 汰, purgative 洗 洗, division 彈 彈, leg knife 振 振 etc ... means to exclude,  dispose , exclude , wash the  stains ,  cankers  and  defilement  of body and mind. In the document  texts  in Sanskrit  occasionally  we encounter from  Dhuta-gu a , Han shifting is the head of Da  Gong 功德 功德 ie  merit  arising from the  head of the conduct. Who  practice  virtues Da First  , they must  adhere to  thirteen ascetic [24]  or under the  Cross  First Da Trading  is operating twelve [25] .
Patience  忍辱[26]  : Pāli is  tītikkhā , noun, female, nominative case; English   translation is French : endurance, forgiveness. Han transcriptions are  available for羼提, available for羼底, begging to乞叉底rubbing and shifting is  An安忍rings , rings忍.
According  Yogacara Address Remarks ,  patience  consists of  three  executive minister  : No  outrage , no  the resentment  and  the mind does not  bring containing  malicious [27] .
Beijing Vimalakirti  said - " Antik ETRA  hi bodhisattvasya buddhak ETRA ; tasmi stad bodhi praptibuddhak etre dvatri sallak ala TA  k antidamaparamasamathaparamita  Sattva upapatsyante ":  Patience  is  pure  of Bodhisattva ( Antik ETRA)  When does the Bodhisattva  became Buddha , 
According to the  Great Intelligence [29] ,  Patience  has two types:
1.   Beings rings  humiliation:  To endure  persecution because  sentient  beings causes, such as slaughter, humiliation, verbal abuse ...
2. Africa  beings rings  humiliation (or  legal entity ):  Endure  the  urgent  due to the  phenomenon of  natural  causes, like the wind, rain, cold, hot ...  Patience  is one of six Balaam density and  a high  In the  horizon .
Patience  Balaam secret Sanskrit called ksanti-paramitā products (products) -to three Perfections羼提波羅密; Or parable ring 波 羅 密 密.
Talking about  Patience  Three Perfections,  Beijing  Upasaka  About  Book 7,  the  yard to [30] , the definition of  patience  Balaam density as follows:  patience  that every  dual redundant  practice  just  Patience , Not the Bahá'í; only the  patient  due to  the practice of  the practice  of the bodhisattva new  special  called  Patience Balaam density [31] .
Beijing  League  Shenzhen Password  vol 4, Phẩm  Location Paramita  majority [32] , presented  patience  Balaam bile  include  three categories:  Complaint resentment harm rings , rings and First Security police storekeepers  legal persons [33]  ;
The  Brahma-Man  talk about Bala-Confucius Ruan  is very  interesting : "For those who need to be  matured  with  patience ; if the  beings  that vilification, destroying humiliation,  defamation ,  terrorism , then I will in  mind not  resentment , heart  benefits ,  capabilities  rings First,  for the  beauty  has not changed,  according to  the mind of who does that make  mature , making  beings  are  mature  that stand in  the Dharma . 
In Phẩm  An rings  perfections majority ,  Beijing  Mahayana  interesting  Luc Balaam secret radar , vol 6, called «  Patience  » is «  benefactor  » [35] , and  explained about  An rings  Three-La- Privacy is very  interesting  : only the  security ring  shop are all French «no», called the  security ring  Balaam density [36] .
Also , in Phẩm tenth:  Fight , in doing  Genesis ,  the Buddha  taught the monks: "If a wise man who wants to propagate the religion of me, he must  cultivate  patience,silence , do not hug heart Resentment of struggle » [37] .
Value  the most , Pali is  Parama m  denominated  envisioned  from the  Parama  (= Skt.  Para ): the best,  the elite , the highest, noblest,  value  Most etc. There is the use of the word paramaj: the first variable, the highest parama, highest, absolute ... The translation is the most, highest, or absolute.
Should  Parama m  have  meaning  is a quality  elite  best or highest dignity,  value most. Han translated as «De  least religion  » [38] , that is  ethically  most. Parama m  or filed  most direct  here it is only for  the eightfold [39] ,  the Buddhist religion .
Meditators  can enter  Noble  through the  practice of  the Eightfold Path  ie:  samyaksa kalpa  | Samyagvāk | samyakkarmanta  | samyagajiva  | samyagvyayama  | samyaksm ti  | samyaksamadhiriti  [40] :  Right  -  Right Thought -  Right Speech  -  Right Action  -  Right Livelihood  -  Right effort  -  Mindfulness  and Right dinhva by  practicing  the  legal chief  director,         
So,  the Noble Eightfold Path  is the "  Middle Way  ", and it is transported throughout the  wheel of dharma  of  the Buddha , this  doctrine  Buddha  preached  first at  Deer Park ( gadava)  for five brothers Kieu- ceiling-like (Kondnna), before he presented  the teachings four noble truths , and  the Buddha  had  preached Eightfold  last for  Venerable  Tu-promoted-da-la (Subhadda), in forests sentence-exam- na-up-out ( passed away ), before he entered Nirvana. Offal,  

Nibbāna ṃ  parama ṃ  vadanti buddhā,
The Enlightenment  teaches:  Nirvana  is  the  ultimate integrity
The Awakened Ones say the Nirvana is the highest
Buddhas say  Nirvana  is  the supreme .
This sentence, the Chinese translation is: "無為 最 最" [42] :  Buddha theory  of  dark dark; Unconditioned  in  school A-levels -we  Dai Ban  called:  nirvana ,  calm ,  liberation  etc.
This Pāli grammar is as follows:
Nibbāna ṃ  parama ṃ  vadanti buddhā
| | | | 
Nn Adj.n. Nm 
Acc.Sg. Acc.Sg. 3.Pl.pres. Nom.Pl. 
| ____________ | | | 
          | ______________ | | 
                       | _______________ |
Buddha or Buddha-momentum is Transcribe from the word  Buddha  according to Pali, adjective, means  conscious (awakened), is  the past  participle of the verb root budh-  awakening  (to awaken). When it is in the form of nouns,  neutral  it means: Tier  awareness  (awakened One),  Enlightened (Enlightened One), or a person who has  reached  Nirvana (a being who has attained the Nirvana). Its plural noun also says  Buddha  means Buddha-momentum.
Natural language Sanskrit:  Buddha  was  formed  from the verb root  Budh  : means  understanding ,  Willow tri , tri ... If radical take  Budh + a  ---> Bodha  =  Enlightenment . Bodha  is derived from the verb root Budh by plus the suffix " a" , in the first category ( t pratyaya ). Bodha  also with means  enlightenment . We can write these words as follows:  
Budh spell  --->  (gu ṇ a): bodh  --->  bodh + a = bodha 
And nouns of  Budh  is  Buddha  means the  full understanding , the  understanding , the  enlightenment , commitment tri etc. Should Buddha or Buddha who  knows who  in another prophet , who is seeking knowledge,  Enlightened  etc. Han shifting is  enlightenment  : that is the enlightened person  .
According to the  Sign of  the  Buddha: the Buddha is full of all  wisdom , fullness and  enlightenment of the  three  enlightenment  ; not only that, also in this business over the question of a Brahmin  the Buddha  had  answered  about  meaning  of «Buddha» [43] .
In  Mahaparinirvana Beijing [44]  explains  Buddha himself who is  enlightened , have the ability to make others  enlightened  anymore. He Mahamoggallana recorded the  verses  that  the Buddha  had  answered  a Brahmin when he asked him why  the title is Buddha. The shelf is as follows [45]  :
1. 門 當 知 我 去 來 佛 佛           
就 覺 者 相 故 名 佛 陀 陀
2. 羅 門 當 知 我 三 世 行 行
有 生 滅 法 故 名 佛 陀 陀
3. 羅 門 當 知 我 應 知 斷 斷
脩 事 已 辦 故 名 佛 陀 陀
4. 羅 門 當 知 我 於 一 境 境
一 切 智 見 故 名 佛 陀 陀
5. 羅 門 當 知 我 於 無 劫 劫
 諸 純 淨 行 經 量 死 生 生
 於 最 後 身 離 垢 毒 箭 箭
得 無 上 覺 故 名 佛 陀 陀.
1. Traditional Balochi
Falls as the past Buddha
Achievement  of false  poses
Try to fall down Buddha-momentum
2. Brahmin contemplates
Settle related  triangle that  acts
The  birth  of the law
Try to fall down Buddha-momentum
3. Brahmins
Trip tri ted
Proven practice dictation
Try to fall down Buddha-momentum
4. Traditional Balochi
The most intimidating   scene
It  is the perfect  ant
To fall down the  Buddha
5. Brahminism
Lost countless  lives
Tu  pure life
The immeasurable  experience of  death
Kim's  ultimate back
Classical  structure of  monopoly
To attain  the highest sense
Try to fall down Buddha-momentum.
Translate :
"She  Brahman  should know
We are the same Buddha
achievements  Minister  enlightenment
So , called the Buddha.
Brahman  should know
I  live in  three generations
All are  born
So , called the Buddha.
Brahman  should know
I  tri unpredictable Episode
Existence,  tu Dao  finished
So , called the Buddha.
Brahman  should know
I where all the scene
All  knowledgeable
So , called the Buddha.
Brahman  should know
I where  countless lives
Here the pure behavior
birth and death  experienced  immeasurable .
Now the last trunk 
To leave the name of the  ceiling
Invisible  achievement
So , called Buddha. "
Here,  think  the same should be said about  the meaning  refuge in the Buddha profile . Because we want to understand the true and true nature of the Buddha's teachings,  we should  also  learn  the  meaning of taking refuge in the BuddhaRefuge , Sanskrit is  Śaraṇa ; Pāli is  Saraṇa . Śaraṇa  means to whom; Stand with the ranks; contact  or  involvement  with, ... Sarana means refuge,  shelter ,  refuge ,  protection , if it goes from base  SMR , meaning recall, ... Both Śaraṇa  and  Saraṇa , Han are translated as  refuge . Quy is  back  and he is relied on. Go back to the refuge  for life  where  Buddhism increases , called the  Three Refuges .
Three Jewels , Sanskrit  Tri - ratna  or  Ratna - traya  and Pali is  Ti - ratana  or   Ratanattaya . Tri or Ti is three; Ratna or ratana is  precious . Three Jewels  are three  precious , including Buddha, Dharma, Sang. Three Jewels  have six meanings: "  Hy ; Celebrities ; Power  ; Dignified  ; Victory  ; And  immutable  » [46] . According to  Yoga Teacher Comment address ,  Three Jewels  also has six meanings: 1 / Gen only know (different  forms ); 2) specialization (industrial difference  ); 3) special  credit (difference  in  understanding); 4 / Separate practice (different  religious practice ); 5 / Special attention (  discretionary difference ); 6 / Distinguished blessings (different birth blessed)  [47] .
The Buddha  taught - "  bahu ṃ  ve sara ṇ ṃ  yanti, pabbatāni vanāni ca / ​​ārāmarukkhacetyāni, manussā bhayatajjitā.  » [48]  : Because  of the fear  that people come  to take refuge with the tree ... What is the meaning of  refuge  ?
In conclusion the General  Ty Ba Sa said: "Refuge Buddha is the  refuge in France itself, which is a legal  uneducated  achievements  wisdom of Buddha» [49] , with  significant  refuge in  this, in verses  Luan Kosa  us see:
"依 成 佛 僧 僧
學 二 種 法 法
涅 槃 擇 滅 滅
說 具 三 歸 歸[50] "
                        "Refuge  into the Buddhist  Sangha
                        Uneducated  II strains  legal
                        Counter  Nirvana  trạch Removal
                        Three-time theory.
Ie  Refuge Buddha  as  refuge France  uneducated  work the  qualities of the Buddha. Refuge  is  to take refuge in the  two kinds of dharma and  not  to  the quality of the Sangha. And taking  refuge in the Fa  is  the refuge of  the  tranquility  of  Nirvana .
It is full disclosure of  three rules . As for  refuge in the Buddha  is  the refuge  may charge  enlightenment  of Buddha, like  Luan Ly Chanh Thuan  said:
                        "歸 依 最 勝 勝
                        歸 依 最 尊 尊
                        因 此 歸 衣 衣
                        解 脫 眾 苦 苦 » [51]
"Take  refuge  in victory ,
Try  to take refuge  ,
All people try  refuge ,
energy  liberated them  suffering. "
"This refuge is  won ;
 This refuge is supreme,
By   this refuge ,
The suffering is gone. "
At the conclusion  of the Residence  Ty Ba Sa , Nagarjuna ( Nagarjuna ) had  explained  the purpose of  refuge in the Buddha  as follows:
                        "不 菩 提 心 心
                        不 所 受 法 法
                        不 大 悲 心 心
                        不 樂 餘 乘 乘
                        是 則 名 為 為
                        實 歸 依 佛 佛 » [52]
                        Does not discharge  bodhichitta
                        indestructible  basis of  initiation
                        Irresponsible  mind compassion
                        Real take peanut  surplus
as market  rules  list vi
Like  refuge  Buddha.
                        "Do not abandon mind  Bodhi ;
Not  to  be neglected life;
Do not abandon the  great compassion ;
No other  pleasing  ;
So called new
Take refuge in the Buddha  as real ".
Center  Bodhi  is the mind  alert  and  lucid ,  refuge in the Buddha  is  back  with his heart and  keeping  the mind was not to be ruined and not to fall away. Heart  Bodhi is also the heart  of great compassion ,  refuge in the Buddha  's  return to  nourish and  preserve the  interest was to do  benefits  for all  beings , and not have any other interest and  purpose  other. Thus,  the purpose  of Buddhist refuge is  to take refuge  and  nourish the  mind of  Bodhi , To benefit  all  beings . According to this Commentary,  to take refuge in the Buddha , always remember  the  enlightened nature  of the Buddha; Again, follow him  Nagarjuna , so remember the  Buddhist religion  that  practices almsgiving  called  refuge in the Buddha [53] .
Beijing Wins Man, Chapter  Redundant ,  explained  very  thoroughly  about  issues refuge ; Tathagata  is  an endless refuge   throughout the  marginal future  for  the world  has not been saved, not  protected . Tathagata  is where  the refuge often head. For  the world  has not been  saved , for  the world where  no  one rely on  where  the endless refuge ,  often refuge , until  during the  post-health , which is  the Tathagata ,  application offerings ,  chief equity sense  that. This point in Thang Man is also mentioned under the name «Nhat y»; I mean  , in  three refuge  ,  refuge in the Buddha  is  true refuge . Taking refuge  in the Buddha here is  the refuge of the Buddha's usual  body  . The Dharmakaya  is also the  Tathagata . As a rule of  Thang Man , The purpose of taking refuge in the Buddha  or taking  Refuge as Lai  is  to take refuge in the Most Venerable . Thang Man said: "As Lai with  time limitless. Tathagata , Tier  Arhat , Tier  Enlightenment exist across the  boundaries of  time  ending  future . As Lai  with infinite. Great compassion is also infinite,  consoling the world . Great compassion  ,  consoling the  infinite world, saying so is to say the  Tathagata perfectly  . Again, if you say, The endless Dharma , the  dharma  , the dharma for all  the world to  take refuge, is also about the  Tathagata perfectly  . Therefore, for  the world  has not been  turned degrees , no  refuge , how  helplessendless , as  helpless  resident  until the end border of the future . It is Him who relying on it is the  Tathagata , the  Perfect Self  . France Main  is about a  path onlyRising is that they are in the triple . These two refuges are not absolute refuge  , just  a refuge  . Why? Because talking about  religion Most admit ,  attained legal body the absolute , which is not to say there is  dharmakaya Most admit  any more above " [54] .                 
Thus, according to Win Man,  refuge  Tathagata  is the  refuge  Most admit religion[55]  and  refuge Most admit religion  as  the refuge  of truth  absolute . Truth absolute  as  France itself . France itself is the  Tathagata . From the  Tathagata where the law is  maintained  and expressed, the law is  declared . And also from the  Tathagata  that  the pure harmony of  the character  of Sang is  maintained and manifested. And also from the pure nature  of the  Tathagata  that  Sangha  was  established . Therefore, in the  Tathagata  is full of the absolute nature   of the Dharma and Sangha. Therefore, when the new  director ,  the Tathagata  has given three  legal self  to the two  traders  Tapassu and Bhallika first, in  the sense  of refuge in the  Most Noble  . The Dharma and the Sangha are not different from the  Tathagata . Main  Tathagata  full three refuge. The Dharma and the Sangha from  the Pure Land  of the  Tathāgata  , so the  Dharma and the Sangha Council  unitary  with  Tathagata . So  refuge  Tathagata  is  the refuge  Most admit  absolute  and that is  the purpose of  the absolute of the  refuge .
Originally  refuge in the Buddha  is recorded in the  scriptures  Agama and Nikaya with  the verse  really  simple . The  Buddha's  Sanskrit verses are recorded in many Sanskrit texts as follows: " Buddhaṃ śaraṃaṃ gacchāmi ",  in contrast  to Pāli Nikāya, we have a similar sentence   to  Sanskrit : " Buddhaṃ śaraṃaṃ gacchāmi ". Buddhaṃ  is the second variant in the eight variants of  Sanskrit . The second is also called the opposite. Chinese translation is career. The   object of the function is the direct object of the verb in the sentence. Candle, In the phrase Buddhaṃ  saraṃaṃ gacchāmi , the  Buddhaṃ  is the direct object of the two verbs for the verb  gacchāmi.  Śāṇṃaṃ  is also the second variant of  Sanskrit . This  Sanskrit root  , which means standing in the ranks, and Pāli as a refuge or  return . Han translation is  to take refuge , rescue or degree.  Gacchami : verb root  grams . Gam  means go to. Mi  is the tail  variant  of the throne a few, just for the  current visual presentations dynamic . So,  gacchāmi  means that I go to. Buddhaṃ śaraṃaṃ gacchāmi, "followed closely by Sanskrit means" I go to stand in the rank of Buddha "or Pāli as" I go to rely on the Buddha. " Thus,  refuge in the Buddha  is standing in the ranks of the Buddha to  practice , to be able  achieve  the status  of enlightenment  like him, to be able to  helpless  peace  for all  beings  seek  the life  of liberation .
Return to the  question of  the business world  of Pi-she-thi. Now,  we  speak to  issues  Nirvana is  supreme . Why is Nirvāna called "supreme"? Nirvana transcribed from  Nirvāṇa  or Pāli  Nibbāna , from its ancient Prakrit  found to  be  ivivāṇa .  Nirvana  it is distributed from  passive  past  verb  nih- Apartments  And the : means "has,  finished , finished ..." +  Nirvati  with  sense  means "blowing out", "extinguish" (a flame) , Thus, the Nirvana signifies  that it has  been extinguished , extinguished here to  extinguish the  fire of  affliction , or blow off the fire of  craving,  etc. Nirvāṇa has a negative prefix from  Nir  +  vāṇa is the vane 's variable  ,  formed  from verbal  verbs  :  forests, bushes, wood; and from base  valve  also means  lust ,  desire , lust etc. sensuality. Nirvana is understood to be  the state  out of the forest of  ignorance ,  afflictions , The wood here is an example of a warm year,  so that people are no longer  bound  by  the warmth of the year , because the aggregates and no longer  dominated  by  desire , no longer  thirst  for control. And it also goes from the verb base and:  in the form  of past participle   , in addition to blowing, it also means emitting an odor, or also means being diffused, diffused ( Be wafted or diffused); Verb base  : it also means sewing, weaving; And all  its meanings  when it begins with  Nis  a negative term: no, off, no longer, no longer, v. v ... So Nirvana  can  mean no longer weave  mortal , sewing up the  romantic idea  topsy-turvy , is  terminated stamping pull over  completely  flame and  taste  craving  , not  radiating , diffuse the  negativity  anymore etc. According to Sanskrit law Sanskrit changes the law of writing  Nis  when combined with  vāṇa , starting with " v", Nis  ---> Nir (and also in other  cases where  Ni is Ni, Nih etc.). . Na  also belongs to the negative word category so vāna: That means no more weaving and afflictions  . Nir- based  VR,  which means "play  out , comprehend, visibility was so.", So Nirvana is comprehended by  foot like , found  out the truth , but does not carry  the meaning  is "nowhere "Empty", in  the sense of  duality . And in Pāli language,  Nibbāna is  formed  from  Ni (= Na ) is non- divisible, unchanged  :  meaning no  or no,  the function  of negative prefix word meaning separation, separation, exit, etc. .. Bbāna  craving ,  desire , so in the Pāli  Nirvana literature means separation  from  craving , no  desire , away from the desire for  illusion . Should  Sanskrit  Nirvana  or  Nibbana , very ambiguous, Chinese or English translation may not be a word that is disproportionate with the  sense  that  varies  so. Thereby that  the term  Nirvana  is also Han translated as  Killing滅 , Diet滅盡,  passing滅度 ,  President Removal寂滅 , Real Birth不生,  Vienna Chairman  圓寂, and because the die  is understood that  the purpose of  the Supreme  in  Buddhism should Nirvana also been translated as  Liberation  解脫,  tasteless  無爲,  Peace安樂  etc. The Nikāya or Ajitika has more than thirty equivalent words.
Nirvana , the cause is only for the  achievement  of  the Buddha . Why? Because after  meditation  shop, he had himself cessation involved, the total extinction of the field, make an end to ignorance, apparent  selflessness of natural and legal persons,  the achievements  of the invention,  the fullness  of virtue,  self in  for aggregates, origin and gender  mismatches  with  nature  pure ,  peaceful ,  unborn  eternity  of  Nirvana . Therefore,  the Buddha attained enlightenment , is  the achievement of Nirvana . Therefore, Nirvana  is only  indicative  of the enlightenment of  the Buddha . Thus, in addition to  the Buddha  , no one has  the authority  to express  and present Nirvana in  a comprehensive way. By reason  that, but after Buddha  renounced the incarnation , to return  to the legal body  of permanent residence, the Buddhist sect  in turn  was born and explains  Nirvana  through the implications  are as follows: No one has the authority to express and expound on Nirvana . By reason that, but after Buddha renounced the incarnation , to return to the legal body of permanent residence, the Buddhist sect in turn was born and explains Nirvana through the implications are as follows: No one has the authority to  express and expound on  Nirvana . By  reason that, but after  Buddha renounced the  incarnation , to  return to the  legal body of permanent residence, the  Buddhist sect in turn was born and  explains Nirvana through the  implications are as follows:
1. Saffron y Nirvana  :
But that where  self-interest  of all the  habitual  ignorance  negativity  was  permanently  deserted ,  absolutely  not  arise , but the  report itself  remains. Meaning  the agent  no longer, but still  affect  the fruit.
 2. No surplus medicine Nirvana .
Mind and body  completely  serene,  permanently  no longer  operational  and is no longer effective life.
It is  the state  peace  altogether , no longer  governed  by  causal  and falling property illegally .
According to  Kinh Luong Ministry , then  Nirvana  is just a  terminology  assume , temporarily used to  describe a  state  of body and mind everything absence  afflictions .
In addition ,  Duy Thuc Tong  also mentioned two types of  Nirvana  , which are:
A net  Nirvana : That is the nature of the  ancient  capital that  passed away  as real .
B. Countless stay  origin  nirvana : That is  meditators  practice  based on  intellectual,  permanently  separated from  negativity , no longer  obstacles  by aggregates, origin and gender.
Conversely , even where aggregate, origin, gender that  carefree , trigger  immeasurable  compassion ,  great location  to  goods of countless  beings  in  immeasurable  all  space  and  time .
Therefore, for this person there is  no time  and  no space  is not  Nirvana .
For  Buddhism ,   nirvana  is not a  realm of  reach  of practitioners  after death , but it can be  experienced  immediately  life  lived  out of money . This is  practical  and  highlights  the  teachings  of Buddhism  that  the doctrine  of  Religious  others can not  compare . And it is fun  practical ,  elegant  and ethereal of people  practice there  administrative border . There are no classes of law  and  practice  can not  compare . So  Nirvana  is equivalent to  cessation  of the mind and methods, which have the practice  may experience  can count  passed away  that right here and now.  Nirvana meaning is very rich , characteristic , specific, etc. of Nirvana, canonic  and comment organ  sectarian  explain  a lot, broad exemption discussed here, will elaborate on in all later [56] . Nirvana is equivalent to cessation of heart and Justice, which has the practice may experience can count passed away that right here and now. Nirvana meaning is very rich , characteristic , specific, etc. of Nirvana, canonic and comment organ sectarian explain a lot, broad exemption discussed here, will elaborate on in all later [56] . Nirvana is  equivalent to cessation of heart and Justice, which has  the practice may experience can count passed away that right here and now. Nirvana meaning is very rich , characteristic , specific, etc. of Nirvana, canonic and comment organ sectarian explain a lot, broad exemption discussed here, will elaborate on in all later [56] . The dharma practitioner can witness the disappearance here and now. Nirvana meaning is very rich , characteristic , specific, etc. of Nirvana, canonic and comment organ sectarian explain a lot, broad exemption discussed here, will elaborate on in all later [56] . The dharma practitioner can  witness the disappearancehere and now. Nirvana meaning is very  rich ,  characteristic , specific, etc. of Nirvana,  canonic and  comment organ sectarian explain a lot, broad exemption discussed here, will elaborate on in all later [56] .
Why Nirvana,  we  can not see, can not understand and can not be  described  just as real? Since Nirvana only be seen by  the right view  outflows , or is chief  knowledge in  the Noble Eightfold Path . What is Right View? Sanskrit  Samyagdṛṣti ; Pāli is  Sammadiṭṭhi . Samyag : means  accurate , authentic,  realistic ,  reasonable , ...  drsti  or  diṭṭhi  away from the verb root  pas,  means seeing,  perception ,  understanding , ... So, Samyagdrsti  or  Sammaditthi  are seeing the exact way, the  understanding of the true and the  reality , the  perception  reasonable ... the Chinese translation is  right view  and English translation is Right- understanding, right insight, right view ,. ..  right  is looking  reasonable , the  understanding of authentic, authenticity, thorough for all things  exist . That is, all  existence , how  they  exist, one must understand it properly, that is  right view [57] . So all the talk  about Nirvana is outside of  Right Understanding , it is just  relative speech  . And  roads  go to  Nirvana  is the  Noble Eightfold Path  is  built  on the foundation of  three ways of learning , is Gender-Dinh-Tue. From where  nature first President  of  Nirvana  that  Buddha  set the  academic world , should  academic world  that is  now used by  nature . Therefore , want to prove  Nirvana  must go by  way  of gender. And gender is the basis  of determination. To  set up  on the foundation of the world, then this is the  right concentration . Why? Because it is rooted in gender, it is  adapted  to  Nirvana . Tue  born  from the precepts and wisdom, that knowledge is the  wisdom of liberation  and  purity , so knowledge is called Right Consciousness. Why? Since his wisdom, rooted in the world and so intellectual that  adapt  to  Nirvana . Thus, Nirvana called  Trach kill ,  liberation  or is  Separated consequence , Sanskrit is  Visamyogaphala . Visam  is integral, Breakaway. Yoga is relative ,  contact . Phala is fruit. The consequence  is the result  of Nibbana realization  , by the renunciation and the separation of all  defilements .  Separated consequences  are  certifications  attained  nirvana  by  practicing sole director  in the  Four Noble Truths  that  achievement . Chanh Thuan Reasoning explains : "Separated consequently results  trạch kill . Trach is  wisdom ; Kill is  illegal . By taking the  wisdom  to  cultivate  , Leaving away  and ending all the  bonds  of  craving ,  the realization of destruction . So,  Destruction  is  a divorce  . Trace or  wisdom  is the suicide and the killing or the liberation  is the result. Thus, fruit cup  system is the result trạch kill  or results Nirvana [58] ". Trace or wisdom is the suicide and the killing or the liberation is the result. Thus, fruit cup system is the result trạch kill or results Nirvana [58] ". Trace or wisdom is the suicide and the killing or  the liberation is the result. Thus,  fruit cup system is the result  trạch kill or results  Nirvana [58] ".   
In short , the  nature  of Nibbàna is  the  undesirable , irreversible ,  irregular ,  irregular ,  unreal , irreducible, inconsiderate and unnatural [9] . So Nirvana is  the ultimate , the maximum respect, is  impossible theory , unsayable,  unthinkable , can only  go on  by  way  noble  outflows  liberation  alone!

Na hi pabbajito parūpaghātī / Sama ṇ o hoti para ṃ  vihe ṭ hayanto [60] .
Renunciation  brain damage  people; Not worthy of the  subject .
惱 他人 他人, 不 沙門 沙門. 
Renunciation  brain neighbor / Any  list of  monk
A monk does not hurt others. / One, who harms others, is not a monk
A bhikkhu does not  harm  others.
One who harms another, not a bhikkhu.
First ,  we  look at the grammatical scheme of these two verses in Pāli
/  na hi pabbajito para + upaghati 
| | | | | 
Neg. Part. Adj.m. Ad. Adj.m. 
| _____ | Nom.Sg. | Nom.Sg. 
     | ________ | | ______ | 
            | _____________ |
2 / samano hoti paraj vihethayanto 
| | | | 
Nm Adj.m. Adj.m. 
Nom.Sg. 3.Sg.pres. Acc.Sg. Nom.Sg. 
___________ | _________ | 
          _________________ | 

Ordained , Pali language is  Pabbajito , or  Pabbajana , it is  set  from  Pa + vaj + e , which means go,  ordained  or go  practice  vv.Doi when we caught from  Pabbajito  be written differently: as in ranging from  uncertainty , from the infinite forms, from its tail will be  baji ; If in the form  of past  tails from its   jita ; In the present participle form,   the word tail is  Janta and  so on. But in whatever form it still holds  the meaning of  being  ordained . It  relates  to words like: format from Neutral  its  Pabbajana , equal of `  pabbajja : the  ordained , the  became  a monk; Or  Pabbajita  in the form of the word virtue means: priest,  Taoist . Sanskrit  is  Pravrajya : mean separatism, separate everything,  abandon  all etc. Should  Pravrajya  means  renounce , breakaway, separated  life  privatization ,  life  secular ,  life  family towards  life  freed  from the sex, Life is  not falling down in  samsara . So  ordained that like? Beijing  University of Japan  ( Mahā Padana )  explains : "The  ordained are skillful practitioner  of dignity , well-religious  moral purification , well  doing good business, smart executive  merit  now, cleverly  keeping  innocuous  beings , well have  compassion  for all beings " [61] . Therefore, "the  renouncer  is the person who sees the danger of suffering birth, old age, sickness, death that expects  escape ,  
Thus, to  achieve  the purpose  of  liberation  Nirvana  Buddha  taught Saccaka: "Life  family  bound,  roads  full of street. The life  of the monk  as living in the middle of  nowhere . It is difficult to live  in in  the home, can live  completely  full,  completelypure ,  life  of dignity,  pure. Let shaved, up shirt  ca sa ,  renunciation ,  abandon families , living not  bound  by family " [63] . Who left home  to live  escapism  family is not  bound  by  his wife and children  is so  convenient  for the  practice  and  achievements of dignity . And only  abandoned  the family ,  abandoned  his wife and children  new  achievements  are  meaningful  ordained . Thus, actions of  renunciation  is the action  to abandon  secular . Again, the  life  of the  monastic called  life  renunciation of  all  evil law , Practice  all  favors . In  Anguttara trading ,  the Buddha  taught that: "In life there are four categories of people  renunciation : Body  renunciation ,  the mind is not  renunciation ; The body is not long-  distance , the mind of  distance ; Body is not long-  distance , the  heart is not long-  distance ; Body  renunciation , renunciation heart " [64] . In the four categories of people  renunciation like that, the isolation of people every  desire , every glass of  hatred , ly any delusion  of the mind and body of people living  renunciation  has  meaningful integrity . And only the  renunciation of  such new affirm  the ideal  of  renunciation and new members affirmed as worthy of  the Sangha . Ideally,  the ultimate  of  life of renunciation , which is  ideal  to become Buddhas  and  turned the  living beings . In the  bodhisattva  The Man Born  treatise  states: "The Buddhas of  three generationsby agent  ordained  that  achievement  stroll through  enlightened " [65] . By  ideals he who  ordained  outside the  spirit of  freedom, and  perform  actions  of forgive anymore. Ideal  of  life of renunciation , it noble as such,  certain  to require action very close to the skin, which is the act  selfless ,  selfless , act  practice  and  sufferings  that every  impression of falls  entirely  absent . Ideals  and actions of beings have  life  renunciation was so, then it is certainly the actions and  ideals  of  the sangha . Main  life  renunciation  of every member of the  Sangha , the  factors effect the  essence  harmony  and  purity  of the Sangha. So, those who do not mind and body are  ordained or pro  ordained  that  the mind is not  in, goes against life renunciation  that  Buddha  taught clearly in the  scriptures  and  Gender duties , that person does not deserve to be called a recluse. Why? Monks are those who stop and  terminate  the evil, diligent  practice  of kindness , clever  photography households  mind, longing bridge  fruition , integration of  purity , can Nibbana.  Sa-沙門 ,  Sanskrit  is sramana , Pali is  Samana,  objects  like letters from  samane  of hours Kucina ( The Justice  龜茲) Or samanā of Kustana ( Vu Dien  于闐 now Khotan). Letters  sramana , away from the wall from  SRAM : he translated  SRAM  is  Verbal : ie by  words , verbal, verbal France also translated as: ie by mouth, by  word empty. There is suffix from Na: Negative word: no, not only, not just ... So  Śramaṇa : not just oral, not just  words ; Meaning  sramana  want to  emphasize  not only on  words  but by  practical  action. So, Recluses  ie even the  practice  by actions  specific ,  just not  aspect  theory .  What is the practice here? That is to stop all the  evil , only to  practice good  French. Because  of the  overly traumatic meaning of   Sramaṇa , Han usually transliterated only Hui La Noa 羅 末 拏 拏, Ra Ra Ma Noa 囉 摩 拏 拏, Na Ma Na Noa 摩 那 拏 拏, Sa Soon Nang 懣 囊 Th ; Samana Na沙門那, Sa Van Na沙聞那, Ta Mon娑門, Tang Mon桑門, Interment Mon喪門, Translate the translation is  needed TB  (勤勞),  labor  (功勞),  islet  (劬勞),  need Urgent  (勤懇), 
(1)  Sa Satmunism 道 沙門 沙門, also known as   feudal triumph , as Buddha or  solitary , can be  self-conscious .
(2)  Marketing Director Samana  示道沙門, also known as the  Theory of Religion Samana  (說道沙門), that is well  preached  that religion is only for people who  preach  about religion is not  wrong .
(3) Network Director  Samana  命道沙門, also known as  Activities Director Samana 活道沙門, which means shifting religious  activities ; It is only  for the living who live;
(4)  Sa Dao Mon  Gate 道 沙門 沙門.
Also, in  addition , the  Great Prize of the Sutra [68] , there are four other types of  Sa Mon  :
(1)  Figure Easter  Samana  形服沙門; 
(2)  Majesty  When stem  Samana  威儀欺誑沙門;
(3) Join  Bridge List  Van  Samana  貪求名聞沙門  
(4)  Practice  Samana  實行沙門etc ..
According  Yogacara Add Comment [69]   also mentioned four types of  recluses , said Thang religion  recluses  ie Newbie  friendly oath ,  Theory of religion  recluses ie subjectivism  righteous ,   activity director recluses  ie autonomy  friendly France And  Shakyamuni  is the act of  mischief .
Summary  that said, there are many classes that recluses that  the Buddha  taught, the  renunciation  must  understand  to not go  deflect  the Noble Eightfold Path ,  deflected  Noble  ie  go into realms  of reincarnation , ie falling into  evil directed  that such worthy recluses called righteous, worthy  part in  the ranks of  the Sangha  so.
So those who, not  practice  the Noble Eightfold Path  that is not is not  practical path noble  outflows ,  so  will not be led start  Tri pure . Why? Because  features  the first of  the Noble Eightfold Path  is the time is: ie measures that can see and  experience right in  reality  or even in the life of this world; France  Eightfold Path  by  Buddha shown, that approach has  performance  quell  all  negativity  in the mind for those who  practice . And practice  the Noble Eightfold Path , is likely  to experience nirvana  right  in life  to live  now . Nirvana  is a  state  of  mind no  longer fire  afflictions  as hot or burned. Fire  negativity  in the  birth and death  has been legal  Eightfold Path  extinguished , so  characteristic  second  Eightfold Path  is  no heatThe  third characteristic is the  time : the  Eightfold Path presented  by  the Buddha , It is adapted  to all  times  and  adapted  to all the  space ; France  Eightfold Path has  characteristics  as  ballistic because he has legal  personality  scout, guide entrance put sugar, makes the  practice of  going to the  status  of liberation  or  enlightenment ; France  Eightfold Path  also  features  access to consistent, France by itself  Buddha  experienced  that said, it is not understood by  theory but by the very  practice . In the central sutra  the Buddha said  : "Our teaching is to  practice , not to say." So, the  Eightfold Path  is  the  practice to live and to  experience . Value insight  that  features  the final  of the French. In  the holy prayer ,  the Buddha taught, the Dharma he attained, only he who understands new understanding. The wise  in the world  away from the two  extremes  and  middle school practice   is the  Noble Path ,  taught by  the Buddha , making them the first President ,  peace  and  nirvana  right in  body and mind out of money . Therefore , this method is  the Buddha taught that law belongs to  place false insight .  
 Summarizing  told,  Essence  philosophy  of the  practice  and  religious practice  of  the Buddhist monk-she-examination  is  patience ,  perseverance  and hard act to  achieve  Noble  outflows  liberation . Noble that is the  Most admit religion ,  Buddhist religion , but it goes with  the Middle Way ,  the Middle Way  here is not the  path between, which is  way  beyond the two  extremes  -  mortification  austerity  and  let Lung  by the sex. The road  was capable of giving way to see directly, the  knowledge proper , the act  reasonably , leading to a  life of  peace ,  enlightenment  and  Nirvana . And,  the Buddha  said to the five brothers  Chen Qin  , "The path to these  good things  is the  Noble Eightfold  Path"; According to Nagarjuna ( Nagarjuna ),  Middle Way  also means  interdependence [70] . So, Renounce  evil must know  patience  new  waiver  and  practice  goodness must also  patience new  practice is. Persistence  is to make  patience   reality  in the  life of a  cultivator . Thus, the bad things  in life  to live of a  practice  was pushed back and the good has been increasingly promoted. Progression  to  place all types of medical delivery,  pass upsurge save  so called De  Nhat Tao ,  Nirvana ,  
The Buddhist religion  is the destination, but   it is  actually the original life ,  as  the original purity of each  sentient beings , so the  Buddhist  religion without anything, because only  return to the capital is not stained. Of each  being ; and  the Noble Eightfold Path  is the  path ,  perseverance ,  patience ,  diligence , austerity is the interstitial inventory of  traveler  looking for the  essence  leg press . It is the  essence of  the practice  of  Lord Buddha  -she-thi exam.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/5/2017.

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