09. First place in Deer Park (year - 589)
Buddha Shakyamuni
This is the period of the establishment of the Sangha and the Bhikkhuni Sangha. During this period, the Buddha trained his disciples, persuading them to get the support of political and religious figures, establishing four large dispensaries as a basis for study for monks. That is: Venuvana [1] (Bamboo Forest) in the capital Rajagaha of Magadha (Magadha), Jetavana (Jeta) at capital Savatthi of Kosala (Kosala), Mahavana (Great Forest) in the capital Vajajana of Vajji, Nigrodha in the Kapilavastu capital of Sàkiya. At that time, Magadha and Kosala were the two largest in the Gangra River Basin. King Bimbisàra of Magadha and Pasenadi of Kosala became two devout lay followers of the Buddha.
1st in the first Deer [2] (-589)
On the full moon day of the seventh solar calendar, the Buddha entered the first [3] with ten Arahant disciples at Deer Park, in the present Isipatana village of Sarnath. At present, the Mulagandhakuti temple was constructed by Anagarika Dharmapala (Dharma) in 1922 to commemorate the Buddha's first entry. This is a sacred place of Buddhism, one of the Four Hearts (where the Buddha was born, the first time, the first sermon, and where the Buddha entered nirvana), and the place where the Buddha Dharma The first time), as well as the place where the Sangha Sangha comes up with full Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. In the year 252 BC, Emperor Asoka came to the pilgrimage of the shrine, for the construction of a number of temples and memorial stone pillars, on the head of the four-lion lion statue of the "French Wheel" (Dharmacakra) gorgeous, Today it is still on display at the Sarnath Museum. Four-sided lion is used as the official symbol of India. Jawaharlal Nehru wrote: "At Sarnath, near Benares, it seems that I still see the Buddha preaching his first sermon, and his teachings echo from afar, still whispering in my ear, Over two thousand five hundred years. Asoka's head with the inscriptions on it seemed to speak to me in beautiful words about a human being, even emperor, but greater than any king or emperor. " Discovery of India, p. 44; Calcutta, Signet Press, 1946). And his teachings echoed from afar, still whispering in my ear, through two thousand and five hundred years. Asoka's head with the inscriptions on it seemed to speak to me in beautiful words about a human being, even emperor, but greater than any king or emperor. " Discovery of India, p. 44; Calcutta, Signet Press, 1946). And his teachings echoed from afar, still whispering in my ear, through two thousand and five hundred years. Asoka's head with the inscriptions on it seemed to speak to me in beautiful words about a human being, even emperor, but greater than any king or emperor. " Discovery of India, p. 44; Calcutta, Signet Press, 1946).
Fifty other friends of Mr. Yasa asked to leave home. [4]
In this summer, 50 other Yasa friends, all of the well-known families in the area, came to hear the sermon, attained the Arahant and asked Bhikkhu to ordain, increasing the number of disciples Buddha up to 60, all are A-la-drought.
The Buddha gave the mission of Dharma to the monks [5]
At the end of the day, the Buddha called the disciples to say:
- Bhikkhus, the Tathagata has escaped all ties, whether in the scene or the sky. You too, monks, monks, have escaped from all constraints, whether in human or celestial. You go out to bring good to many people, bring happiness to many people. For compassion, the teachers bring goodness, benefit and happiness to the gods and humanity. Teach them to go one by one, spread the Dhamma, perfect in the beginning, perfect in the middle, perfect in the ending, perfect in both the sense and the script. Declare the noble, pure and pure spiritual life.
"There are beings with little or no dust in their eyes, if they do not hear the Dharma fall down. There will also be people who understand the Dhamma.
As the Tathagata also goes, Tathagata will go to Senorian village of Uruvelà to propagate the Dhamma.
"Raise the flag of the good. Teach the sublime Dharma. Bring goodness to others. Well, the teachers have completed the task.
- Blessed, Venerable Kondanna said, ask him to teach us how to ordained for the Development Center to study.
- You have seen the Tathagata made many ordination for many people already; So you do that.
- Blessed, Venerable Assaji said, dread lord should greatly without the cumbersome ritual. But for us, a minimum ritual to use during ordination is very necessary. Please Kondanna request a simple rite, then ask the Buddha to teach more.
- Blessed, Venerable Kondanna said, according to I think, first of all men with death shaved hair and beard, wearing a coffee-sa, then ritual kneel before monks ordained, hands in sincere Repeat three times like this: " Disciple seek refuge in Buddha,
Disciples seek refuge in the Fa,
Disciples seek refuge.
The second time the disciples ask for refuge in the Buddha,
The second time the disciples ask for refuge in the Fa,
The second time the disciple asked for refuge Sang.
The third time the student asked for refuge in the Buddha,
The third time the disciples asked for refuge in the Fa,
The third time the disciple asked for refuge Sang. " [6]
Praise the Buddha, do you recommend such, do not know what mistake you made?
- Rite teacher suggested very well, Tathagata confirmed that: kneeling three times three times under the feet of a monk can become a monk.
The people rejoiced in following the Buddha's teachings.
Punna Mantàniputta and 29 monks [7]
After the end of the day, Lord Buddha departed from Isipatana to Uruvela. On the road from Isipatana about to Benares, stop at the Buddha, sitting under the tree, in a small forest clusters Kappasika [8] , with thirty youth youthful fun to play also took his wife in his forest cluster. One in thirty people without a wife should follow a girlfriend. While everyone was bathing, playing with each other, the girlfriend walked away, sneaking around with the precious jewelry of the other men. When it comes time to go out, everyone running together to search in the forest. When they met the Buddha, they approached him and asked if he saw a woman passing by. The Buddha asked again:
- In your opinion, should find a woman or should find your own self is more?
- Sir, find your true self is more than.
- So you sit here, Tathagata will teach the Dharma to you.
- We would like to hear.
Thirty young men pay homage and sit down hard listening. After hearing the Buddha's teachings on almsgiving, about the precepts of the heavens, about the harmful disasters of the lusts, about the benefits of the mind of emptiness, the Self, the Self, and the Four Noble Truths. Thirty young people are happy, knowing that "all that has been born will be destroyed," immediately requested to leave the Buddha. After the ordination ceremony, the Buddha told all to Deer Park to meet Kondanna, ask him to shave his beard, put on his mourning clothes and receive the instructions to study; In July next year will see the Buddha again in Rajagaha to enter Lower. In this group of 30 young men, there is a name Punna Mantàniputta [9] (Purana Maitrayaniputra, Phu Lau Na Di Da Ni Tu), later confirmed by the Buddha as the best sermon Dhamma among the disciples of the Buddha.
Number of Buddhist disciples from now to 90.
Uruvelà Kassapa, two sisters, and one thousand disciples of monasticism [10]
Ten days later, the Buddha arrived in Uruvela (Bodhgaya region). There are three brothers ascetic, worshiping the Fire God. The elder brother, Uruvela Kassapa, had 500 disciples, his stepmother Nadì Kassapa (300), and his youngest brother, Gaya Kassapa, had 300 daughters. 200 disciples. The Uruvelà, Nadì, Gayà refer to each person's residence. These three are Jatila cult of Ba-la-subjects, worship the Fire.They live in huts built of branches and leaves. Their dress is made of bark. Hair lengthened into pendant or scabbard on the top of the head. They do not go begging but receive offerings from people from villages in the area. They cook for themselves. They also raise animals to eat and to sacrifice. Uruvela Kassapa is over 100 years old but still very healthy. He was the master of the three Vedas, Live a good example of virtue, and believe that he has attained Arahantship. He is revered by two sisters. His lectures were attended by local people.
The Buddha first visited this person. Venerable Uruvelà Kassapa sees the grottos Gotama is still young but the majestic style also fell in love with. After a moment of conversation, he was alarmed to find that there were ideas in the Vedas that he had not yet mastered. This monk showed him the very (very puzzled) gowns of the Atharvaveda and Rigveda kings. Strangely enough, when it comes to linguistics, literature, storytelling and the eighteen Brahmanical dharmas, there is nothing that the guru does not know.
That afternoon, the Buddha accepted his exuberance with Uruvela Kassapa. Dressed in a four-piece shirt to spread the grass on the edge of the grass, the Buddha sat comfortably in the silence. Uruvelà Kassapa also kept silent calmly for the boy next door to the monk.
That afternoon, while conversing with Uruvela Kassapa, the Buddha asked:
- Sage, let me tell you why the Fire can bring us liberation?
- recluses Gotama, after a moment of silent thought Venerable Kassapa said, fire is the original nature of the universe learned. Fire originates from Brahma. Therefore, in the shrines, the Brahma image is always placed at the central position. The Atharvaveda Sutra speaks of the worship of fire. Fire is life. Without fire, there is no life. Fire is light, warm, a source of energy that produces plants, animals, and people. Fire breaks the darkness, shatters the coldness, brings joy and the growth of things. Food by fire that becomes pure. Humans come back to fusion with Brahma. Because fire is life, fire is Brahma. The Agni god of fire is just one of the many manifestations of Brahma. In the firehouse, the Agni fire god is often described as having two heads: One symbolizes the fire used daily and one symbolizes the fire of the sacrifice and returns to the whole. There were forty-four firefighters. The sergeant must keep the precepts, practice ascetics and practice diligently to maintain the Fire God and clarify the path to liberation.
- Kassapa, the Buddha asked, what do you think of people who think that water is the first nature of life, water originates from Brahma, and water has the power to make people become pure to become About merging with Brahma?
Uruvelà Kassapa was silent. He thought of millions of people, right at this hour, bathing in the Ganges and other sacred rivers and lakes, hoping to cleanse all sins and karmic retribution so that they could return to Brahma later. . A moment later, he said:
- Gotama, the water does not really help us escape. The water goes down, while the fire rises. When we die, our body by fire comes up into smoke ...
" Kassapa, you said that you are not right. The white sky that is flying in the sky is also water. Water can also fly. Smoke is also water vapor. Both clouds and smoke will have to return to the ground. Everything, as you know, is always circulating.
- But all things have a source, and can return to that origin.
- Phra Kassapa, mutable objects that are present. See the leaf in my hand. The seeds are the earth, the water, the heat, the cloud, the sun, the time, the space ... all help the leaf to appear. Missing one of these conditions leaves the leaf different or unsuccessful. All kinds of rocks, herbs and animals are subject to the law of causation. The origin of an object is universal . Please watch closely. There is only one single cause that can lead to a fruit. There must be enough new harmony grace born fruit. The idea of a single, original cause is an illusion caused by disappointment . Hey folk, the leaf in my hand is all due to all the things in the universe come together to form, including the awareness of religion.
The Brahmin silent.
Oh my God. Uruvela Kassapa invited Buddha to sleep in his hut. But the Buddha wanted to spend the night alone in the hospital. Brahman said:
- Some days there is a big snake in the hiding in the hospital, chase how it does not go. Gotama should not stay overnight in there, it can be dangerous. It was because of that snake that we had to set up an outdoor concert for the ceremony. Please stay here overnight for safety.
- Peace of mind. I would like to spend the night in the hospital. Surely not.
- If you want to spend the night at the fire station, please leave yourself free. He wants to stay there as long as possible.
That night the Buddha stayed in the firehouse. On the central altar, the fire is fed by many lamps, each with many wicks. The corner on the left has a large pile of wood, perhaps a piece of rammed wood for burning at every ceremony. The Buddha thought that if there was a snake in the fire, it would be hidden in a pile of wood. He picked up the opposite corner, folded a four-piece turban, went down as a coordinator, and started sitting in meditation. Late at night, the Buddha saw a huge snake circled between the hospital, he said softly:
- Snake, go out to the forest to be safe, do not stay here will be dangerous to life.
The voice of the Buddha is filled with love and understanding. The snake slowly slides toward the door. The Buddha also laid his back down. When the Buddha woke up, the moonlit night shifted through the window into where he lies. He sat up, grabbed his coat and dusted his clothes, went out of the firehouse, went to the forest to meditate.When the weather was bright, the fire was on fire, for unknown reasons. Kassapa's disciples saw the fire, screamed out loudly, then ran for the jar into the Neranjana River to get water. But all efforts are in vain. Their fire station is on fire, there is no way to cure.
Uruvela Kassapa is mourning the virtuous and talented monk he has just known since yesterday morning. Between that time the Buddha appeared. Walking meditation on the high hill, fire on fire, he returned. Seeing the Buddha, Kassapa gladly ran and grabbed his hand.
" Good luck, fortunately Gotama is safe, okay. I'm so happy.
- Thank you, I'm safe.
The Buddha knew today is the day Uruvela Kassapa gave the sermon. It is said that among the listeners of the dharma, in addition to the five hundred monastic disciples, there are nearly a thousand people from the neighboring villages. The sermon is set in the afternoon, after the meal. Knowing that his presence in the sermon would make the leader uncomfortable, Lord Buddha took the bowl to go to the village to beg for alms. At lunch time, he sat on the lotus pond. Walk around the lake, then sit under the shade of ancient trees. Late afternoon, Kassapa seek to.
- Gotama, today we were waiting for him today without seeing him. Why do not you come?
- Thank you, I want to go sightseeing around here, and let you be natural during the sermon.
- Yesterday ascetic Gotama say about the presence of leaves as the aggregation of many factors predestined. He said that man is also due to the aggregation of causes and conditions. Then when the causal disintegration, where do people go?
- We have been stuck in the idea of self (atma, attà) for a long time as a constant in constant self. We are accustomed to think that when the body is disintegrated, that ego remains and can return to its origin as Brahma (Brahma) to dwell with him. Kassapa, that is a fundamental mistake that has been lost for so many generations.
Phra Kassapa should know: all things from the cause of charm and also by the coast that kill. This birth because of the other birth, this one killed because the other kill . That is the principle of dependent origination that I have discovered through meditation. In reality, there is nothing consistent and unchanging. There is no self, self or self. Venerable Kassapa this, he had been contemplating the body, feelings, mind, heart and the mind acts not [11] ? Man is present because of the aggregation and operation of the five aggregates. It is the continuous flow, in which there is no element at all.
The Uruvelà Kassapa was silent for a long time, then asked,
- So is the Gotama satan advocated nihilism?
- No. The notion of everything is nothingness as well as a wrong view as the concept of an immortal self. Kassapa, you look at this lake. I did not say that water, lotus leaf and lotus in the lake are nothing. I just say that water, lotus leaf, and lotus are all phenomena that are co-ordinated by being present, and that in their bodies there is no constant and permanent entity.
- Then, if there is no self, there is no "atma", then what to cultivate to achieve liberation? Who is free? Who is liberated?
The Buddha looked into the eyes of the Brahman. The look is as dazzling as the sun but as mellow as the moon. He smiled and said,
- Kassapa let's try to find answers yourself. The other day, we will continue the story.
Two returned home. Uruvelà Kassapa gave way to the Buddha for the night. He spent the night at the hut of a large disciple. Uruvela Kassapa is very beloved by disciples and revered.
In the following days, the Buddha did not go out for alms round because morning Kassapa also offered food in place. However, noon after the meal, he also went to work on the edge of the forest or lake, then to the shady sit quietly. Late afternoon, Kassapa again to find the Buddha to talk. Increasingly, he became aware of the great stature of the Buddha's insight and virtue.
One day it was raining all night long. In the morning, the water of the Neranjana River collapses, flooding village houses in the area. The forest where Kassapa and five hundred disciples were practicing were also flooded. However, everyone rushed to the high places, no one was swept up. Only the genie Gotama no one see. The Taoist Kassapa directed many boats to find. Finally, the Buddha was standing on a hilltop.
Water rises very quickly and draws down quickly. The monks of Kassapa's congregation began rebuilding the burning firehouse and the tents swept away or rotted by the water.
One afternoon, Lord Buddha and Kassapa stood on the banks of the Neranjana River. The Taoist Kassapa asked the Buddha:
- Yesterday ascetic Gotama have to say about the five aggregates reflect the form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness. I have tried to observe and observe that all five phenomena are the body, the feeling, the mind, the mind, and the mind. But I still do not understand that if there is no self, then we need something to work hard? Who is free? Who is liberated?
" Kassapa, do you acknowledge that suffering is a fact?
- I acknowledge suffering is a fact.
- He has acknowledged that suffering does have its causes, as well as all things in the universe, all things by virtue of which they combine.
- I acknowledge that suffering has its causes.
- When the causes of suffering are present, suffering is present; So when the causes of suffering are absent, is suffering not present?
- Of course, when the causes of suffering no longer exist, no longer suffering.
" Kassapa, suffering is not liberation, there is no need for self to be liberated . This religion, the root cause of suffering is ignorance, the cause of suffering is craving . Everything is impermanent that we think is often, it is ignorance. Everything is without self, which is thought to have self, that is ignorance. From ignorance produces craving, expecting to be the other, giving birth to love, hate, greed, anger, fear ... and so many sorrows and sorrows. The path of liberation is the way of reflecting reality in order to realize the impermanent nature, not-self, and dependent origination of all things, all things. The way to liberation is the way to eradicate ignorance. Ignorance ignites craving kill; Craving disappears, afflictive destruction and suffering kill.
Uruvelà Kassapa was silent. A moment later, he asked:
" Gotama, I know what you say is what you do, not just reason. According to him, the result of liberation can only be meticulous reflection. So all rituals of worship and vows are completely useless?
The Buddha pointed his hand to the other side of the river and said,
" Kassapa, if someone is standing on this side of the river wanting to go to the other shore, what should he do?
- He must wade across the river or have to row paddle boat across.
- Yes. But if people want to cross the river without wading, also do not use the boat, just set up sacrifices and prayers, what do you think?
- I think that person is not practical, and do not know as long as he can cross the river.
- Likewise, the Buddha said, if not practice contemplation to eliminate ignorance, greed and negativity, we did not achieve liberation, even if we have sacrifices, prayers, all my life.
Uruvela Kassapa, a Buddhist, suddenly fell at the feet of the Buddha. He sobbed and said:
- Dear teacher, I have missed most of my life, now please accept him as his disciple to have the opportunity to learn and practice the path of liberation.
- Awesome! But what about your disciples?
- Please give me a chance to contact them. Tomorrow I will submit my decision to you.
Two days later, Uruvela Kassapa and all 500 disciples shaved off their beard, waving their luggage. They threw in the Neranjana River all the bunks, images and instruments of sacrifice, gathered before the Buddha, kneeled down, said loudly:
" Please take refuge in the Buddha .
" I would take refuge in the Fa .
" I take refuge Sang .
"The second time I seek refuge in the Buddha.
"The second time I seek refuge in the Fa.
"The second time I ask for refuge Sang.
"The third time I seek refuge in the Buddha.
"The third time I would take refuge in the Fa.
"The third time I ask for refuge Sang.
After the ordination, the Buddha preached to the 500 new monks, the Four Noble Truths, the Self, the breath, the body and mind, the alms and the alms.
The next day, Rabbi Nadi Kassapa and 300 disciples also arrived. Yesterday they were horrified to see hundreds of buns and worship equipment floating on the Neranjana River; They thought that an accident had happened to Uruvela Kassapa's retreat center. After explaining, they agreed to go home and let the person go to inform Gaya Kassapa. The three brothers Kassapa love each other, the same ideal so in just seven days, all three brothers and 1000 disciples are ordained Buddhist, bringing the number of disciples to 1093 Buddha.
Then the Buddha instructed all to the summit of Gayàsisa (Mount Tepo, now Brahmàyoni), the Uruvela not far away, and the third sutra [ Adittapariyaya]. Upon completion of this sutta, all 1003 new monks attained Arahantship. The Buddha resided at Gayàsisa for three consecutive months to teach the new monks.
The Buddha says the Fire (Aditta Pariyaya) [13]
- Monks, (in this world) are all burned. What are the monks, all burned up?
"The eyes are in the fire, the form is in the fire, the eye is in the fire. Feeling, whether happy or painful, or not happy without suffering, arising from the label, lies in the fire. Where did the fire come from? From lobha, dosa, ignorance, birth, old age, illness, death, sorrow, mourning, sorrow, sorrow and despair. As Lai declared so.
"Imagine this, monks, the wise disciple of the wise man who is bored with eyes, form, eye, eye contact, no matter how the feeling is received - happy Happiness, suffering, or unhappiness. Likewise, the mature disciple of the wise man is bored with his ears, sound, nose, scent, tongue, taste, body, body, mind, mind, mind, Is there any way - happy, painful, or unhappy? Due to boredom, the person is no longer attached; Because of no attachment, he is freed. That person will know that he is no longer reborn, life of dignity, [14] was completely satisfied, what to do are done, and will never again return to this state.
When the Buddha finished, all bhikkhus attained Arahantship, clearing all the defilements. You understand that: Every external reality is made up of six senses (six) that bring us into our private world. If a person is greedy, then all his insights will cause the fire of lust and anger in the mind, causing him to suffer more in a burning world. But if anyone knows that all is impermanent, the mind is not greedy ignorant, calm awareness of reality, no greed, no hate, no praise, 6 are pure net, will witness the scene Peace, the net, the liberation of Nirvana.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/5/2017.
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