Shakyamuni Buddha Recitation
3 - Buddha entered nirvana in Kusinàgar [1] (-544)
The Buddha reportedly would have died in three months. [2]
One day, after the end of the day, Buddha and Ananda from Beluva to Vesalia, begging for food in a cluster of forests, then Buddha said:
- Ānanda, let's go to the Temple of Càààla for lunch break.
On the way, Buddha stopped several times to see the scenery. Buddha said:
- Ànanda, Vesalia is beautiful. Udena Temple is also beautiful. Other temples in the area like Gotamaka, Bahuputtaka, Sattamba, and Sarandada are also beautiful temples. The Caápa Temple we are about to visit is also beautiful.
But Venerable Ānanda is saddened by the mercy of the Venerable Sariputta, oblivious to the surroundings. Taking a moment, Lord Buddha said:
- Ananda, do you know? Those who have cultivated and developed all the virtues, practiced full of great vows, fully experienced the reality of pure peace, have all kinds of good means, if they wish, can live up to Centennial or maybe a little more. Ānanda, Tathagata has cultivated and developed all the virtues, practiced full of great vows, full experience the real peace and pure, there are enough good means. If you want, Tathagata can live to a hundred years, or maybe a little more .
- Buddha, yes.
Venerable Ānanda is dreamily remembering good memories with Venerable Sariputta. I do not know what the Buddha said and how he answered. Later, he regretted the opportunity to ask the Buddha for a few more decades.
Arriving at Càpala Temple, after arranging a resting place for the Buddha, Venerable Ānanda went out to meditate. While walking meditation, the Venerable suddenly noticed that the land vibration and thundering explosion echoed the psychic teacher also shocked. The monk hurried back to the Caápà Temple and found the Buddha sitting quietly in the temple. Venerable Ānanda presented the phenomenon of earthquakes just happened and asked the reason. Give newspaper :
- Ānanda, there are eight reasons for the great earthquake: Firstly, because the upland land on the water, the upland rice on the wind, the wind swept into space, so when the wind blows to make water moving, the water makes the earth moving. The second is when a monk is possessed or when a god has the power to practice local knowledge or meditation. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are when a Bodhisattva is born, born, or enlightened. Friday is when the Buddha turned dharma. Saturday is when the Buddha decides to die. The eighth is when the Buddha entered the Mahaparinirvana.
" Ananda, the Tathagata has decided. Three months from today I will destroy the Tathagata ."
Venerable Ānanda suddenly saw his limbs, eyes, flowers and head stunned. The monk hastily knelt before the Buddha and begged:
- Please do not die out so early. May the Blessed Mother have mercy on us.
The Buddha sat quietly. Ānanda repeated the request for the third time. Buddha said:
- Enough, Ānanda, should not implore Tathagata. The time of prayer is over. Ānanda, if you have faith in Tathagata, then you should know that the Tathagata's decisions are timely and conditioned decisions. Tathagata has told Mara that Tathagata will kill in three months from today. Please invite all the mendicants in the area to the Mahavana (MahaVana) Choir Hall. Seven days later Tathagata will announce this decision to the masses.
On the seventh day, over one thousand five hundred saints and nuns gathered in the Cho Dao hall. The Buddha was invited to sit on the court. Buddha looked at the mass and then spoke:
- What are the Tathagata, what Tathagata has realized and handed over to you, carefully guarded, diligently learned, practiced to experience, and skillfully communicated to Future generations. The virtuous lifestyle should be continued for peace and happiness of all species.
" Mendicants, the Tathagatas that Tathagatas have imparted to you many times, can be summed up in thirty-one dharma ordinances. Practices such as the four foundations of mindfulness, the four main Chanh Can, the four as well as the Five, the Five Powers, the Enlightenment, the Noble Eightfold Path, must learn diligently, practicing to realize, then skillfully communicate Back to others.
" You, Tathagata has often said that the compounded is impermanent, there is birth is kill, there is a dissolved. Please be diligent to achieve liberation . Three more months Tathagata will kill. So what is doubtful or not clear, please raise yourself or ask others to raise the means to explain, do not let too late. "
More than one thousand five hundred mendicants sat quietly listening to the Buddha. Listening to the Buddha's passing away, everyone is heartbreaking. There are many whimsical crying. There are many wipes with tears. No one is up to the question now.
Cunta blacksmith's bowl porridge [3]
The next morning, the Buddha enters Vesala, begging for alms. Alone finished the Buddha to a clump of forest to eat boys. Then the Buddha and his followers left the capital Veslas, going northwest along the banks of the river Hiranyavati (now the river Gandak). Looking back at Vesalia, the Buddha said:
- Ananda, Vesalia is beautiful. This is the last time I see this city in Tathagata; I will never return here again.
Then the Buddha looked back and said,
- Now let's go to Bhandagama village .
Upon hearing that the Buddha was about to enter nirvana and was about to leave Vesalia, the Prince Licchavi and the pride of the Buddhist followers were very popular. Many times the Buddha advised them to return, but everyone was ruled, not heart. The Buddha immediately caused the hallucination of a large river between them and the water, which was rising and flowing, causing the sailors to return to Vesalia. In the third century BC, King Asoka had a memorial stone pillar at the site of Deora , in present-day Kesariya.
That afternoon to Bhandagama, the Buddha sermon on the three hundred masters of gender, concentration, wisdom and liberation. After a few days' rest, Bhandagama left for Hatthigama , then to Ambagama and Jambugama . Wherever the Buddha visits and encourages the novices to diligently diligently practice.
Then the Buddha and the mendicants came to Bhoganagara . Here the Buddha taught the four Great Teachings (Mahàpadesa), the general idea as follows:
When one hears what is the Buddha's Dhamma, no matter how noble and competent, you should not accept or reject it immediately. You should listen carefully and compare each word, every word with the Sutra and the Law. If it is both suitable with the Sutta and in accordance with the Law, then surely that is the teaching of the chennai, so accept and practice accordingly .
On the sixth day, the Buddha and the congregation came to the capital Pa (now the village of Pawanàgar) Malla. After hearing the Buddha's sermon, the blacksmith named Cunda (Chunda) invited the Buddha and the congregation about three hundred people to his mango garden to offer him an increase. At that time the Venerable Anuruddha, Ananda, Upàvàna. While family and friends offered food into the bowl of the mendicants, he Cunda reverently offered to Buddha bowl by hand he cooked with mushrooms sukara-maddava [4] very valuable, dedicated to Buddha right.
After the boy finished, the Buddha called Mr. Cunda to say:
- Mr. Cunda, this mushroom soup left how much he should dig the land that buried, should not let other people eat.
Mr. Cunda obeyed the instructions of the Buddha without knowing why.
After the meal, as usual, the Buddha preached to everyone, then returned to the forest to rest. That night Buddha suffered severe abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, dizziness, diarrhea, dysentery. But the patient patient, calm, without a word of gratitude.
Although not sleeping overnight , early the next morning Buddha told the mendicants to leave Kusinàgar . Village Kushinagar (Pali: Kusinara) from the capital, 16 km Pava way northwestward [5] . On this last passage, according to Buddhist records, the Buddha had to sit down 25 times because of illness and weakness.
In the middle of the road, abdominal pain is raging again. Buddha stopped, resting under a tree, on a private robes. Give newspaper :
- Ananda, look for some water for the Tathagata to drink thirst.
- Buddha, the water very muddy ravine recently as a few hundred cows convoy had just passed. Well, please wait a moment to the Kakuttha River. The water is fresh and sweet, I will give it to the Buddha, wash his face and hands cool.
- As Lai very thirsty, he just go to get water here.
Venerable Ānanda obeyed, to the stream nearby to get water, so strange, the water has become clear.
Drinking water, Buddha sitting rest. The Venerable Anuruddha and Ananda sat next to him. Three hundred mendicants also sit scattered rest here, many to sit around the Buddha. At that time there was a pedestrian named Pukkusa , from the Malla tribe, from Kusināgar. In the past he had also studied with Venerable Ālàra Kālàma, who was near the capital Vesālì and had known the Gotama dharma. Pukkusa came to pay homage to the Buddha, inquired about the Buddha's health and said with great admiration:
- Honoror, after the master left the master Ālàra Kàlàma, once he meditated on the side of the road, there was a 500 carts of oxen passing by making his shirt dusty and dusty. Know anything even though he is still awake.
- When the Tathagata was meditating in a threshing village in ttumà, he walked out to the meditation yard, while thunder and thunder killed two peasants and four children. Nearby cow, then although the Tathagata still awake and still not hear thunder storm did not see anything at all [6] . Then ask the crowd to tell the story again.
Mr. Pukkusa heard the birth pleasing, offering two new sheets of medicine. The Buddha took a plate and asked Pukkusa to offer the other to Venerable Ānanda. Pukkusa seek refuge in the Jewels. After listening to the Buddha's teachings, he happily left us on the road.
When Venerable Ānanda replaced him with the Buddha, the monks were surprised to see the skin of the Buddha shining strangely. The monk asked:
- Lord, why today the color of the Buddha became golden, so brilliant light?
- Ānanda, there are two cases of Tathagata skin became iridescent, incredible light. That is when the Tathagata is coming to the Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Tathagata is about to enter. Hey Ānanda, tonight Tathagata will kill in the clusters of sàla (but long life) in Kusinàgar village [7] at midnight . Now let's set out in time.
At the river bank of Kakutthà, Buddha went down the river bathing and drinking water. Bathe the Buddha to the other side, go to a mango garden nearby. The Venerable Cunda Vedic [8] folds the cassette as it spreads to the ground. Lying aside for a moment, the Buddha called Venerable Ñnanda to say:
- Ānanda, the meal at noon yesterday in the home of the layman Cunda is my last meal . But the following can happen. Someone will make Mr. Cunda repented because they said, "Hey Cunda, you're a sinner. He will be sunk in despair because the Blessed One has left the world after his life. "Every time Mr. Cunda regretted it, he would have to explain." Cunda, he is very fortunate. good. He would enjoy many benefits as the Buddha had his last meal with his offerings. Hey, Cunda, the proletariat has heard that the Buddha taught that there are two treasures that give equal blessings, produce equal and more precious fruits than all. What are these two things? It is the last Bodhisattva's life offering before the realization of the Immaculate Dharma Master and the furnishing that the Buddha used for the last time before he passed away. Hey Mr. Cunda, the last thing that the Buddha used to be served by his own hands. This good kamma results in good rebirth, longevity, good fortune, fame, blessings in the heavens and in kings, noble rights. " Should advise Cunda like that.
After a short rest, Buddha said:
" Ananda, let's set out for the sawa forest, in Malla's Upavattana park. This park is very beautiful, it is located at the other side of the river Hiranyavati [9] .
When the Buddha and the mendicants came to the forest of sàla, it was late afternoon. Give newspaper :
- Ananda, Tathagata is tired. You arrange the place for the Tathagata between the two sàla, head toward the north.
Venerable Ananda find some flat land, clean, between two sala trees, and then he took many a coffee-sa folded in half, spread on the ground [10] . The Buddha lay down, his head turned to the north, his right side to his right, his right hand to his back, his left hand to his left hip, his left leg lying on his right leg, his breathing gentle .
Venerable Ñnanda knelt beside the Buddha, whimpering crying. The Buddha lay tired for a moment and opened his eyes and said:
- Ananda, you should not cry, do not think that the Supreme Teaching no longer teaches you, you do not have a teacher. Should not, Ānanda, you should not think like that. Dhamma and Vinaya have been taught fully and widely by Tathagata. When the Tathagata is eliminated then the Dhamma and the Law will be the teacher of the teacher .
Speaking of which, the Buddha looked at the mendicants, continued:
- Besides, this teacher, Dhamma that Tathagata taught 45 years ago is only the means, the grace, the base of the hearing instrument that speaks. For the absolute truth of the Buddhas, the Tathagata never uttered a word. Why so ? Because that truth can not think, there is no word to describe. Teachers should know:
"Legal lawlessness,
"Lawlessness, Goddesses.
"Imaginative Kim Kim,
"Legal French law." [11]
Venerable Anuruddha said:
- Buddha, we have to understand. As if using the fingers of the moon, fingers are not the moon. When using the Dhamma to refer to the Truth, the Dhamma is not the Truth.
What is making glory Tathagata [12]
When they saw the sarcophagus full of cotton 13 , though not the season, the angels mandara, manjusaka and the aroma of offerings, Devotees around him, the Buddha said:
- Teachers, not flowers, worship is respect, respect, worship, glorious Tathagata where. You follow the example of the virtue of Attadattha [14] determination to enlighten the way before the Tathagata passed away. Regardless of monks, bhikkhunis or laymen, believers who reside in the Dharma, practice dharma, dignified dignity, the righteous life is respected, respected and cultivated. Glorious Tathagata in the highest way. Thus, Ānanda, you should not bother to do flesh of the Tathagata. Teach yourself diligently to achieve your ultimate happiness.
"Ananda, countless gods, spirits, gods, heavenly dragons are gathering mass here to visit and farewell Tathagata. Someone cried at the hair, and some cried with hands in the air, kneeling with their hands on the ground, crying, lying on the ground crying, and they said, "The Tathagata is dead. Soon! The Tathagata died too early. The eye of the world is gone! " But there are also people who are self-conscious, calm and wise, thinking that "all things in the world are conditioned, so no one can escape the law of impermanence."
Then the Buddha said shelf:
"Do not worry about other people
"Forget about your job.
"Farewell to rescue,
"Do glory as Lai. (Dhammapada, Unit 166)
Venerable Upàvàna stood devoting devas [15]
At that time it was still hot, Upàvàna upright standing in front of the Buddha to fan for people. Give newspaper :
- Upàvàna, you avoid to the side, do not stand in front of Tathagata.
- Lord Buddha, the monk Ānanda surprised asked, Upàvàna Venerable is the seed of the Exalted and formerly a attendant attendant, attendant for a long time, today the Venerable standing next to fans to The Blessed One, do not know what is not, please teach the Blessed One.
- Ānanda, there are countless gods in the ten thousand worlds are gathering here to worship Tathagata. All around Upavattana Park, up to 12 miles away, there is no space without the gods standing. Ānanda, some gods complained, "We have come here to see the Tathagata. Very rarely, there is a omniscient omnipotent being in this world. Moreover, at the moment of watching three nights tonight, the Tathagata will enter the realms of nirvana. Yet this powerful bhikkhu is standing before us, making us not see his face in the last moments. " Ānanda, the gods they whispered to each other [16] .
The Benefit of Praising the Four Saints [17]
Venerable Ānanda White Buddha:
- The Lord, as usual, after the season, the monks and nuns often visit the Buddha, hear the law. When the Exalted Exterminate then how should?
- Ānanda, after the Tathagata has been eliminated, there are Buddhist monks or lay people who have spiritual paths, to worship with devotion and fetish four heartbreaking [18] : Tathagata birthplace, Where the Tathagata, the place where the Tathagata first sermon, where Tathagata entered nirvana. At the place where meditation, homage, chanting, prayer, a focus on the Dharma, they will enjoy many blessings, after the network will be born in the sky (heaven).
Buddha teaches monks how to treat women [19]
Venerable Ānanda asked:
- Lord, how should we treat women like?
- Do not look at them.
- Well, if you have to look at them?
- Do not talk to them.
- Well, what if they talk to us?
- Must practice mindfulness [20] . Ānanda, mindfulness is the force of repulsion of all wrong thoughts.
Venerable Ānanda asked:
- Blessed one, the burial ceremony of the Buddha should organize like?
- Ānanda, funeral Tathagata should do the ritual of a Holy King, so cremation and built the tower at the bow.
Hearing this, Venerable Ñnanda could not help anymore, hurrying to go out, to a tree standing crying empty.
Buddha praised his talent as an attendant of Ananda. [21]
After a while, the Venerable Ñnanda was not seen beside him. The Buddha asked:
- Anuruddha, Ananda, why did not Tathagata not see?
One mendicant said:
- Buddha, I saw crying brother Ananda was standing behind a tree. He said to himself, "I have not accomplished the profession that my teacher passed away. The eyes of the world have closed. I have no one to rely on. Does anyone treat me like a teacher? "
Buddha ordered the mendicant to call the monk Ānanda arrived, then he comforted the Venerable:
- Ananda, do not be sad anymore. Tathagata once reminded me that all the dharmas are impermanent, there are births are gone. How can there be without being killed? Ānanda, for decades, he has as Tathagata, care for Tathagata with all the love of his teacher. You are clever and delicate help Tathagata in all the big and small work. Tathagata thank you very much. His merits are great. But this Aanda, you can go further. If you follow the Proper Dharma, try to be more diligent, then you will be free from birth, to achieve liberation, to overcome the grief of suffering. Tathagata is sure that he will do that, and that is what makes Tathagata happy most. [22]
Looking at the mendicant sitting around, the Buddha said:
- Teacher, do as the Tathagata, no one with Ananda. In the past, there were attendants dropping the bowl and medicine of the Tathagata to the ground. But with Ananda, things never happened. Ananda care for the Tathagata is very thoughtful from small to big. In particular, you are very skillful in arranging the right place and time for the Tathagata to meet a mendicant, a mendicant, a layman, a monarch, a deity, a pagan, and so on.
"Teacher, Ananda has four special advantages as follows : Often when someone wants to meet Tathagata meet with Ananda first, meeting with Ananda, they were born affection; When Ananda opened the conversation with them, they became more affectionate; When Ānanda preached a short dharma, they were happy to hear more; When Ānanda silent, they enjoyed watching Ānanda silent.
"Teacher, Ananda is a well- qualified attendant, like the attendants of the past 6 Buddhas, Vipassi, Sikhi, Vassabhù, Kakusandha. Sun, Konabgana, Kassapa [23] , thanks to the following 8 virtues :
1. Credit sustainable basis : When listening teaching Tathagata, Ananda associated with unwavering faith and fully remember, no wrong, no shortage.
2- Mind on the nature : calm temperament, quality, straight, easy to impress with everyone.
3- body does not suffer : rarely get sick.
4 - Consistent effort : Faithful to the Dharma, one straight line, never decadent.
5 - Fully memorized mind : Always remember the Dharma, never forget.
6. Mind not pride : Always patience, gentle with everyone.
7- Deliberate intention : The mind never left the Dharma.
8- From hear the mind : Listen and then think, then understand, wisdom glow.
"Tathagata thinks that if the future enlightened beings have a good attendant, then the attendant is only good with the Ānanda Venerable is the same."
Venerable Ananda wiped her tears and said:
- The Blessed One, please do not enter the nirvana here. Kusinagar is just a secluded place. There are more worthy places for the Exalted Order such as Campà, Ragagaha, Sàvatthi, Sàketa, Kosambi or Benares (Varanasi). May the Blessed One choose one of these places to exterminate the masses of people who have a chance to see the last Buddha, and reverently offer the relics.
- Ānanda, Kusināgar is a very important place. Although it is now a remote village, it was once a prosperous capital called Kusavati, a magnificent castle, beautiful park, crowded population. Occupation. At that time Tathagata was the transfer of Mahà Sudassana (Mahat Sudavana) [24] here. Now Ānanda, now in this forest of sawa, is not deserted. Very large gods are gathering music, singing, mandara and manjusaka offerings to the Tathagata. Now go to the officials of the Malla tribe, telling them that tonight, at the Three Watch (midnight) Tathagata will enter nirvana in their forest of sàla.
After listening to Venerable ànnanda, people dragged their families to worship the Buddha. The overwhelming crowd, the Ñnanda monk must invite each family in one turn, starting from a soup (7 pm).
Subhadda, the last Buddhist disciple of the Buddha [25]
People in the Malla tribe and people heard the Buddha's coming to an end in the forest of sàla in Upavattana park rushed to the place, taking turns to launch, question and pay homage Buddha. Meanwhile, Pham Chi Subhadda, a hundred years old, had pleaded with the monk Ānanda to ask for advice from the Buddha, which caused him a very important suspicion. Venerable refused, said Buddha is weak, can not talk.
Listen to the story between two people, Buddha said:
- Ānanda, he sent the Subhadda here. Tathagata can receive him.
Mr. Subhadda was glad to come to worship, question the Buddha, and said:
- Lord, have any way through space? Can an outsider be called a "Sangha"? Are the five aggregates permanent?
- There is no path through space; Tathagata does not move. There is no "Sangha" outside of the Vinaya Law Discipline and Dharma. Five aggregates do not last; The Buddhas do not change. [26]
- Lord Buddha, I often hear about the leaders of the sects such as the masters Puwana Kassapa, Makkhali Gosaleiputta, Ajita Kesakambala, Pakudha Kaccana, Sanjaya Belatthiputta and Nigantha Ntaputta. I want to ask the Blessed One in those who have who truly reached the director?
" Well, Subhadda, those who have attained faith are not theirs. Please listen, Tathagata will show him the way to learn to he himself can achieve.
Then the Buddha told him about the Noble Eightfold Path: What is Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Effort, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Right Concentration. The Buddha concludes:
- Hey, Subhadda, where, in a society where the practice of the Eightfold Path is, there are people who attain enlightenment from the Vedanta to the Arahants . This is Subhadda, thanks to the proper practice of the Noble Eightfold Path that Tathagata has become Supreme Master Ching Hai Sanh Giap 45 years ago. It is through the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path that in the Congregation of the almighty, there are many people who attain sainthood from Tathagata to Arahant. Hey Subhadda, try to practice this method and you will become a religious leader, no need to question whether this person or the other is the person who really reached or not.
Then the Buddha said the verse as follows:
"This Subhadda!
"At the age of twenty-nine,
"I leave my family, leave the world,
"To find the ultimate benefit.
"Since then, fifty-one years,
"I constantly try to keep myself from being righteous.
In addition to the Path, there is no where to go.
- Awesome! Awesome! Lord Buddha, as if someone had straightened up a falling object, or discovered a hidden object, or showed the way to the lost, or burned the lamp in the dark for anyone with eyes. Can see The teachings that the Buddha taught are the same. Please praise the Blessed One for the children to be ordained novice and monk in front of him.
- Subhadda, who lives in another catechism system, wants to become a novice monk and has to go through a period of four months studying, and living out of that four months. Then, when approved, the son may receive ordained ordination and be raised to monks. However, today, Tathagata specifically allows for an exception .
The Buddha asked Ven. Ananda to give novitiate and monk ordination to Subhadda. After the great premonition, Subhadda Venerable living alone in the desert, far from the city, enthusiasm and diligent practice, later attained Arahantship before death.
The last words of the Buddha
After Subhadda's ordination, the mendicants asked the Buddha about some minor points in the precepts, such as the manner of dealing with new mendicants and the elderly mendicants. The Buddha said:
- Ānanda, so far, the monks call each other is a sage. After I extinction, do not have such vocation. Ānanda, the elder monk, call the monks, either by name, by them, or by the sage (Avuso). Teenage monks call the senior monks are Ven (Bhante) or Venerable (Bhadanta).
" And this Ananda, if they Increasing want, after the Tathagata's passing can cancel the small study presented in detail ." [28]
- The Blessed One, Brother Channa (Sanna) is self-conceived and evil, was blamed repeatedly bereaved the Buddha, often provoke them, so after the Exalted, we have to face How to deal with brother Channa?
- Ānanda, after the death of the Tathagata, you should punish Brahmanda for Channa if recidivism.
- Buddha, how is Pham Dan?
- Ānanda, monks Channa want to say anything, we monks will not talk, no teaching, no channa religion for a while. [29]
Finally the Buddha looked at the mendicants and said:
- If you have any questions about Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Dhamma or how to practice, then ask the questioner to come back from repentance thinking that " At that time in front of the Buddha that we do not ask.
At that time there were about 500 masters gathered around the Buddha. All kept silent. Buddha asked for a third time. The mendicants remained silent. Venerable Ānanda spoke up:
- The Lord, really marvelous! Really great! We are very confident in the Blessed One in the Dhamma and the Bhikkhu Sangha, because the Blessed One has taught the dharma very clearly and instructed how to practice it fully, so there are no disciples today. Wondering or skeptical at all. Really great!
" Ananda," he said, "because of your faith." But Tathagata knows that in the 500 mts who are present today no one doubts or questions the Dhamma, the Church, the path of cultivation or the practice, for all this, Ānanda, who The latest has also entered the stream, no longer have to fall down again, will certainly be enlightened.
" Ananda, there is Nirvana, there is a road leading to Nirvana, the Tathagata is the direction. But in the disciples heard the Tathagata lectures only a few salvation, some not! Tathagata does not do anything! Tathagata is the only wayer. " (Trung Bộ 107)
The Buddha gazed out at the public, then said,
- Mendicants, please listen to the Tathagata said: "Everything is impermanent, there is death. Teach them to progress towards liberation . "
After saying that, Buddha closed his eyes. That is the last word of the Buddha.
Buddha passed away [30]
The Buddha entered the meditation. Out of meditation, he entered the second jhana. Second-rate meditation, he entered meditation three. Out of meditation, he entered the fourth jhana. Quartet meditation, he entered not boundless. Export is not boundless, he entered the boundless country. Out of infinite origin, he entered the landless. Out of non-possession of the land, he entered non-non-non-ideal origin. Non-perception non-perception, he entered the life of death.
At that time, Monk Ānanda has no celestial vision, asked the Venerable Anuruddha:
- Vien Chien, is the Buddha died then?
- Not yet, this brother Ñnanda, the Buddha did not pass away, he just passed away life expectancy.
Blessed-he departed, he entered the non-ideal non-ideal. Non-non-thought origin, he entered the landless. Out of the non-possession of the land, he entered the boundless country. Out of infinite origin, he entered not boundless. Export is not boundless, he entered the four meditation. Quartet meditation, he entered meditation. Exporting meditation, he entered the second jhana. Secondary meditation, he entered early meditation.
Then the Buddha continued to meditate, enter the second jhana. Secondary meditation, meditation. Produce meditation, meditation. Lastly Exalted from meditation and nirvana instant later, on Mahaparinirvana [31] (Mahaparinibbana Sutta).
Suddenly the terrain shook, the thunder echoing. Flowers sala fall like rain. People naturally feel shocked. Everyone knows that the Buddha has entered the nirvana. At that time is the midnight full moon Vesakha in 544 BC , to the full moon day of the second lunar year of the year Dinh Tu .
Buddha died. Some of the bodhisattvas knelt on their knees with their hands up to the sky, pounding on the ground with their hands tumbling to the ground, their hands tucked into their hands. They moan:
- Buddha has entered nirvana! The Blessed One has passed away! The eyes of the world are gone! I know where to rely on!
While these mendicants were wailing in mourning, some of the other masters sat quietly, watching the breath, contemplating what the Buddha taught. The monk Anuruddha sat silent for a long time and spoke:
- Brothers and brothers, do not cry like that! The Buddha taught that there is birth, there is a kill, the city is broken, there is a dissolved tan. If the brothers understand and obey the Buddha, please keep silent, return to your seat, watch the breath, keep your mind, respect this sacred moment to fare Our side of the scene of pure nirvana.
People silently returned to their seats following the advice of Venerable Anuruddha. The monk directed the masses to read the passages that most have memorized, the passages of impermanence, suffering, no, no self and liberation. The air is dignified as ever.
The torches were lit by the people of the Malla tribe, blazing with golden light shining under the moonlight through the branches, creating a sacred mystical scene. The deep reciting chanting in the quiet night brings people to the magical scene of the mind and the universe.
After the chanting, the Venerable Anuruddha began to speak the Dharma praising the deeds of the Buddha, a Tathagata, the worshiper, the chief priest, the virtuous deed, the sworn deity, the enlightenment, the sergeant, Man, Heavenly Master, Buddha Buddha. The Venerable Anuruddha concludes: The Blessed One is also a human being like us, but thanks to the great effort to save suffering beings, we are bravely cultivating the Noble Eightfold Path, practicing meditation to become Great Enlightenment, Have full of great wisdom, great hero, great power, great words, great compassion, great joy, great discharge, full of skillful means only teach and guide beings are enlightened, Know how to practice self-liberation from the birth of samsara, into the pure nirvana . Brothers, to pay tribute to Him,
After the Venerable Anuruddha ended his words, the monk Ananda raised his voice to recall the beautiful memories of the Buddha and the monk, and the important teachings of the Buddha. Throughout the night, the two monks took turns exchanging prayers and mass instructions until the morning. Five hundred masters and three hundred lay followers chanting, then sit quietly listen.
Kusinàgar cremation ceremony [32]
It was light, Venerable Anuruddha told the Patriarch Ānanda:
- Hey brother Ananda, go to City Brothers reported to proper authorities know our masters was passing, let them do the necessary procedures.
The dignitaries of the Malla tribe were convinced that the Buddha had passed away and met together to discuss with him the ceremony of holding a cremation ceremony for Lord Buddha. The people are believed, many chest punches mourn, sorry not to look and worship Buddha before he passed away. They pulled together to the forest of sàla, brought fragrances, flowers, musical instruments, cloth. To where they knelt and scented flowers on the Buddha's body to offer offerings. The authorities in the Malla tribe mobilized the people to erect five colorful cloth tents, organize dance performances and provide food, water for the mendicants and the people attending. The forest of sàla became as bustling as a festival. Occasionally, Venerable Anuruddha instructs the public to recite the Dhammapada, reminding the Buddha's teachings.
During the six days and nights, the people of Kusinàgar and people from the capital Pa and from the land of Malla, continually offering Buddha with incense, flowers, music. The fragrant fresh petals of all kinds covered the whole body and around where the Buddha lies. On the seventh day, the eight patriarchs of the Malla tribe took a bath with fragrant water, dressed in robes, and began picking the Buddha's body into the city. All the mendicants, followed by the people, followed the procession, bringing the Buddha's body to the north gate. The procession enters the city center, then leaves the city by the east door, and finally stops in front of Makuta Bandhana (now Rambhar Stupa), the main temple of the Malla tribe. The Buddha's body is placed here.
Dignitaries in the city officiate the Buddha's tea ceremony in the form of a Holy King. The Buddha's body was covered with a new white cloth, followed by a cotton-laundered layer of cotton (tula cotton), followed by a new layer of white cloth. ball. Finally placed in an iron coffin, filled with aromatic oil, covered tightly, and then wrapped in a larger iron coffin.
On the seventh day, the metal was put on a great firefighter full of fragrant wood. At the moment of cremation, four of the Malla clan leaders hold four torches to the fire to set fire, but the fire that the fire does not ignite. Suddenly, a horse rider rushed to report to the Mahayana Kassapa with five hundred mendicants coming. The delegation is currently in the middle of the journey from Pà and Kusinàgar. Hearing this, Venerable Anuruddha immediately requested to postpone the ceremony to wait for Maha Kassapa Venerable Mahatma Gandhi.
Venerable Mahà Kassapa departed from Rājagaha to spread the teachings to the north. To Veslas, the Venerable is believed to have entered the Buddha's nirvana for three months and is now walking to the capital and Malla. The monk immediately set out to find the Buddha. There are also mourners to follow. When the Venerable Bhandagama arrived, the number of mendicants was 500.
To Pàvà, the Venerable is told that the Buddha decided to enter nirvana in Kusināgar. Leaving Pàvà, the Venerable met a pedestrian in the opposite direction, a vest pocket with a flower although it was not seasonal. This person said that the Buddha had died in the forest of laughter in Kusinagar seven days ago.
To believe in the Buddha, some of the mourners mourn the brain. Bhiksu Subhadda [33] , though he is older but has not been ordained for less than two years, sees this as saying:
" Come on, dear fellow, what is it that we have to suffer sadness like we are? From now on we will be free, no longer the great apostle told to do this or not should do this. We will be able to do our own liking, no longer having to repeat what has to do to us.
Venerable Mahà Kassapa advised the novices to practice the ananda (mindfulness of breathing, Anatanasati) in order to keep their mind pure, and then he hurried to the road, leading the heedless go to Kusināgar. I met a man riding in the same direction, Venerable Maha Kassapa asked this person not fast forward to inform the monk Ananda know that the Venerable and 500 mendicant will try to come before noon to the cremation ceremony of the Buddha.
The sun just stood, the Mahas Kassapa Venerable monk and the mendicant also arrived at Makuta Bandhana. In the place, Venerable Maha Kassapa tossed his shoulders to the waist (rose pear), hands folded glass, silent step by step, circumambulating the fire three rounds. Then he stopped in front of the temple, below the feet of the Buddha, hands together bowed to the three bow. Five hundred mendicants followed and bowed down. The venerable three-footed bow and standing up, the fire fires naturally [34] .
All the mendicants knelt down, clasped their hands toward the fire. Thousands of people are doing the same. Venerable Anuruddha instructs people to read the texts on impermanence, suffering, emptiness, selflessness and liberation. The voice of the great sutras resonates throughout the region.
After the fire is over, the fragrant water is sprinkled on the fire. The metal is brought down, opened. The relics of the Blessed One were collected by the Patriarchs Malla and placed in a golden pot placed on the central altar of the temple. The relics of the Buddha are glistening in color, including seven large forehead bones, shoulder blades, pointed teeth, and many small bones of pea, rice, or mustard seeds. Malla's mendicants and troops took turns guarding and protecting the relics for seven days, while representatives of the government, envoys, clergy, and people from all walks of life continued. Worship, donate corolla, perfume and dance music. Three times a day, the novices gather to worship and recite important passages. At present, there is Rambhar Tower celebrating the site of the Buddha's body.
Divide the relics into 8 sections [35]
The news of the Buddha's passing away at Kusinàgar was spread very fast. There are seven neighboring countries who have sent envoys to support generals, visit Kusinàgar to relics the Buddha and ask for some relics on his country to build stupa worship worship. The seven are Magadha (capital of Ragagaha, King Ajatasattu), Vajji (capital of Vesalia, President of Cedaga [36] Licchavi), Sàkya [37] (capitol of Kapilavatthu 2), Koliya (capital of Ragagama), Buliya Allakappa), a brahmin in Vethadìpa, Malla (capital Pàvà). But the Malla people and the Kusinagar government refused to divide the relics of the Buddha, claiming that the Buddha had passed away at Kusinàgar should build the entire relic Buddha here.
After an almost warlike dispute, the great Dona, the Brahmins, represented Malla. He diligently used the Buddha's teachings, advising the angels to negotiate peacefully. In the end, they all agreed to let the Brahmin Dona divide the Buddha's relics into eight equal parts. Magadha built enshrines relics of the Buddha at Rajagaha, the land of which served to build the tower in Vesali, Origin Sakya tower in Kapilavatthu 2, Made Koliya tower in Ramagama, Origin Buliya tower in Allakappa [38] , the Brahmin construction The church at Vethadìpa, Malla received two relics, built a tower in the capital Pa and another tower at Kusinàgar. Particularly Brahmin Dona ask for the gold bowl used to share relics, brought home garden built his tower. The Messenger of Moriya [39] arrived late,
When the envoys of the countries took their relics, a thousand mendicants disbanded and returned to their homes to practice their religion. The Venerable Maha Kassapa, Anuruddha and Ananda also received the Buddha's bowl on Venuvana (Truc Lam).
At the height of 46 in the year 544, Venerable Mahà Kassapa summoned 500 Arahants to the Sattapanna cave, also known as the Pippala cave, at Rājagaha to recite And remember all the Buddha's teachings into the three suttas, Laws and Prophets, are also carefully preserved monks to this day.
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The Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha has entered nirvana, but the Dharma Temple is still there, now the saints are still present in all five continents. Not finding, learning and practicing the Dharma of enlightenment and liberation is a waste of life.
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Human body is hard to be! Making people is easier than others. Being ignorant, heavy karma, difficult to meet the Buddha's dharma, see before the eyes also do not understand the birth of denigration, defamation. Alas! Ever wondered how the sea-bred tortoise rested his head on the water just in time for a drift of dry trees?
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The deep Buddhist mysterious color,
Hundreds of thousands of lifetimes hard to find.
I know now, please study,
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