At 29 years of age (-595) Prince Siddhattha left the royal palace, arriving at the bank of the Anomiya River in Anupiya village, Malla, consulting Bhargava ascetic; Next to a village near the capital of Vesalia, Vajji (Batu Ky), studied with the first teacher, Ālàra Kàlàma, reached the rank of Zen Meditation. Then he returned to Rajagaha, the capital of Magadha, to study with the second master, Uddaka Rapaputta, on the meditation of the Phi Phi Dream. Only a few days have learned his school. But not satisfied with that level of realization, he arrived in Uruvela village on the banks of the Neranjana river ascetic in six years. He then left the ascetic practice to establish the middle school, and 49 days later he became enlightened under the Bodhi Tree.
1- Select the middle path [1]
In 589 BC, GOTAMA was 35 years old. During the severe depression, he realized that the asceticism only helped the Tu to eradicate the lusts, to master the demands of the body; But with the weakened body, the mind can not attain full enlightenment. From the seat, he staggered up, moving and squeezing his limbs, his beard, his hair and his crumpled clothes fell on the ground. He went to a nearby grave near a collection of clothes, went to the river to wash, wash, and put on, go to the alms round.
From now on he applied the middle way, not too much body, not too lung, eating just enough for health to keep the spirit is clear. He began to delineate the time of meditation, alms rounding, sustenance, walking, resting, but still holding the "samatha samatha" meaning that the three things to eat, sleep and rest were not sufficient. The five Kondanna brothers saw that he was discouraged from practicing and went back to the well-deserved life, leaving him alone at the Deer Park (Deer Park, Migadaya) in the village of Isipatana, now Sarnath. , About 204 km north-northwest of Uruvela, Gaya district, continues to practice asceticism. Sarnath city is 10 km north of Varanasi (formerly Benares).
Gotama, in the six years of ascetic life, is very much thanks to the generous help of the five Kondanna brothers in spirit and material. Now alone, in loneliness, he had to deal with complicated problems, from big to small, but he was not discouraged. He often reached the banks of the Neranjana River (Ni Liên Med, now the Phalgu River) meditating on the sand. One day, two young shepherds named Nandà and Bala [2] were walking down the river. Two of you see the Gotama dastardly dressage, body weak but gentle dignified face, gentle, elegant, sitting meditation, loving to choose a good cow, bathing She cleaned herself and then squeezed her milk, cooked to the ground, kneeling on her knees. Gotama received milk and said:
- I was born to use this dish, be healthy vigor; The eternal offering of good food, the body of the majestic, the heart of compassion, compassion, joy, equanimity, free of disease, long life, rich and durable, full of wisdom.
He finished his vows, eating, he felt his body healthy, good energy. He thought that "Six years of ascetic, rag, so we should change the sleeve portion algae [3] This". Gotama went to the Neranjana River washing clothes, bathing just finished, the heaven of the moon cake offering offerings. Gotama left his algae jacket, wore a cigarette shirt and walked slowly to the jungle, looking for a cool tree to meditate. He usually rested from three to five years under a tree. When the morning star was up, he woke up, washed the river and found a place to meditate. Soon he was begging for alms in the nearby village. After the finish, he went to the river, went to the river bath, then find a cool place to meditate.
2- year enlightenment [5] (-589 years)
On the 49th day since the year Mr. Kondanna left, while he was meditating under the old Ajapala tree ( 5 meters east of the Bodhi Tree), a plaque was erected today. There are two sisters of Sujàtà, the headman of Seniyì, carrying the bowl of porridge (kheer) to worship the god of the tree to give thanks to God help her sister. Satisfaction with the previous vows. Seeing the statue of Gotama, the statue of a bright statue was sitting still, the two of them thought the god appeared to receive the gift, so they put a bowl of porridge of gold milk in front of Gotama, reverently bowed and then leave.
After eating a bowl of porridge of milk [6] , ascetic Gotama see incredible healthy body should not go begging but just walking down to the river for a moment and bath Neranjana. He found himself today very bright, full of 32 good generals and 80 beautiful, bright yellow skin. He was very excited, after washing the bowl, he put the bowl of gold on the water and vowed: " If today I was the fruit of Buddha, vow that this bowl floating on the water and drifting back. River ". Indeed, the yellow bowl floated on the water and drifted back to the river's 80 armbar, until it encountered a strong whirlpool and sank to the bottom of the river. Ascetic Gotama eager to go back to shore, the tree pippala [7] (ficus religiosa, the Bodhi tree) enormous sum Moses foliage. This place is suitable for meditation, both shady and bright, with forest trees behind the river, flowing in front of large golden sand, beautiful scenery. Coming to the tree, he thought, " Under this tree, how can a court sit solemnly solemnly? " Suddenly saw a baby carrying grass past passing near, recluse Gotama asked a bunch of grass to sit the court. The baby was cheerful and revered offering eight kusha of soft, peacock feathered feathers, scented with scent. He thanked and asked: How have a court sit for solemn calm? " Suddenly saw a baby carrying grass past passing near, recluse Gotama asked a bunch of grass to sit the court. The baby was cheerful and revered offering eight kusha of soft, peacock feathered feathers, scented with scent. He thanked and asked: How have a court sit for solemn calm? " Suddenly saw a baby carrying grass past passing near, recluse Gotama asked a bunch of grass to sit the court. The baby was cheerful and revered offering eight kusha of soft, peacock feathered feathers, scented with scent. He thanked and asked:
- What's your name? How old are you?
- Sir, my name is Sotthiya Svastika (Cat Tuong). This year I was 9 years old. Which he begs the grass to do? Do you have a cow?
- No, I went to the monastery, not raising cattle. I just beg for grass to sit smoothly and straight back to sit for a long time. I just wish to enlighten the Buddha to save sentient beings from all suffering in life.
- Sir, long sitting on the heap of grass will be enlightened into Buddha?
- That's not me. Sitting cross-legged, vertical back is only a means to help practice only fast approach to the Tue. But want to enlighten the Buddha must also practice the full range of compassionate Hypocrisy again. If you want to learn, when you grow up and I'm already enlightened, I will teach. Today, I am suffering because of sentient beings, vows to sit under this tree until the Supreme Master Chief, if not satisfied, even if the blood dry dry meat does not stand up . [8]
Speaking of which, he folded the grass into the coordinates and the cradle [9] , sitting cross-legged, his back upright facing the tree, his face slightly bent to the east, on the banks of the Neranjana River. Instantly the world shook six times, shaking the heavens and earth. In the air, flocks of happy birds fly, in the branches full of swaying voices, eight sets of dragons [10] bring flowers to the singing and orchestral offerings.
Bodhisattva Gotama sitting on the grass court, full of mighty power like lions; Wisdom wise like the temples. He began to practice meditation (Jhana, Dhyàna, Tathagata meditation) according to the class from low to high as follows [11] :
1. Mindfulness of Breathing (anapana sati) to purify the body, mind and stability, except the five hindrances [12] .
2 - Run away from love and delusion, use 5 meditation [13] is Range, Four, Hy, Lac, Consciousness to enter the District of Happiness , meditation first .
3- Initiate meditation, abandoned and quadrupled. Run the center of harmony, internal static one, enter the birth of Pleasure , meditation retreat .
4-second meditation, Harmony residue. Mindfulness of mindfulness, discharge the concept of shelter, enter Ly Hy Dieu Lac , address meditation meditation .
5-Export meditation, discharge Lac, discharge suffering, Cup Hyu. Initiate peace of calm, equality before the scene, enter the Pure Land , meditation residence .
6-fourth meditation. Beyond excellent ideas, useful for cessation of thought, no volition with great horror, the body shop dissolve into nothingness without borders to enter the Infinity of the (Akasanantya yatana). Staying Body Not .
7-Export Not Boundary Land. Out of Infinite Land, the body is no longer there, only the mind is boundless to enter the Borderless Consciousness.Vijnanantya yatana. Stay Conscious .
8-Recognized Boundary Island. Beyond Infinity of Consciousness, shop all things are not, no property, acquired wealth, a wealth of Use, to enter Wuxi Land Ownership to (Akincanna yatana). Dwelling France No .
9- Out of Ownership. Beyond Forever Land Ownership, contemplating the body, your mind and all things are not, just the perception know, there is nothing to think of, to enter Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu specified (N'eva Sanna nasanna Yatana). Peace of Mind .
10. Then the people at mental clarity, concentration solid, assured the press, he was cleared of perception, to enter University, visible five aggregates [14] are not, eighteen [15] there, ego dissipate, being Nga No , come on Cessation of Life Thought to (Nirodha samapatti) [16] , evidence Phuong Quang Divine Du Hý Prime Surangama to fully merit Minister solemn, bowed exaggerated luminous projector Across the ten directions of Buddhism, causing heaven, happy people, hell shining, Marvelous fear.
From the middle of the two eyebrows, the Bodhisattva launched a great aura, to the palace of Mara, [17] to annihilate the light of the heavens. Ma King knows the Bodhisattva is about to become Bodhi, summon all relatives, celestial beings, heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals, taught that:
- Currently there is an upcoming Sakya supreme enlightenment in Gaya in the realm of Hell-line-threads (Jambudipa, India). We must bring our troops to the place, destroy them, otherwise our palaces will collapse, our prestige and rights will be recaptured.
- Honor King, the son of Mara, Merchants, please do not bring grudge against the Bodhisattva Gotama, do the evil against him, I can not repent father, please think again.
- Wow! You are small, do not know your father's godmother, do not interfere with your father's decision.
- Father, not the psychic does not know the power of the father, the father left the psychic unknown, mercy, imposing vast power of the Bodhisattva Gotama. If you do not believe, you will know when you arrive.
- Come on! Stop talking ! I am the supreme heaven in this world. All must die under the power of the father. Sex, greed, anger, delusion are my father's sharp weapon, unavoidable. Look here.
Said the Ma Vuong Ba Weekly maneuvering four heavenly soldiers, the general, determined to destroy the dastardly religious. Thousands of generals, buffalo heads, cavalry faces, screeching horns, thunderstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms, floods, shooting arrows, fire, ash, coal, rocks, sand as rain. But Bodhisattva Gotama still sat motionless, no object touched the Bodhisattva himself. He said:
- Ma Ma Three weeks, in past life you have owned a temple, received eight orders, each day offering a bowl of rice for a Buddha. The virtue should be born in the heavens. And I have offered countless Buddhas in countless lives, can not think the virtue, how can you hurt me. Well, you go, if still obstinate, lost all blessings, will fall into the three evil paths [18] .
" Taoist Gotama, do not boast, it is because of the great merit that I am the Lord of this realm. Everyone in the world knows. And you are just a small Taoist, sitting alone under the tree, what merit? Who witnesses you?
" Ma Ma, Holy Land is the carefree mother of all beings who will bear witness to me."
As soon as Gotama Bodhisattva had raised his finger to the ground, he said . The Great Land suddenly shook in six ways, the great pink in the surrounding shrines rumbled, a large land in front of the bodhisattva cracked, the great Sthavara Dagger out of the ground full of dishes. His precious strength, reverently bowed to the Bodhisattva and said:
- Dear Great Bodhisattva, I would like to witness the immeasurable merit of the Bodhisattva in the past.
When she finished speaking, she looked at Mara, then pulled herself to the ground; The ground is the same. Mage General of the Marauders fled. Ma Wang was both scared and ashamed of withdrawing troops. At that time, Mara's son, the Merciful Master, came before the Gotama Bodhisattva, bowed to the ground and repented,
- prostrate the Bodhisattva! May he be compassionate, accept the respect of my penance, forgive your father is a fool who has been responsible for the disorder of the Bodhisattva. We pray the Bodhisattva into the superhuman sati.
But Ma Wang did not give up, decided to use the last poison. Upon returning to heaven, immediately called three daughters to say:
- Dress up and dress up so beautifully, down to the realm of Hell-lineage, meet the satyam lineage sect settled under the pippala tree near the city of Gaya, singing talent, teasing, Love, causing him to lose all his powers, can not attain enlightenment harmful to us [19] .
The three girls named Tanha, Arati and Raga followed their father, turned out three gorgeous fairies, fondly, beautiful beauty, together went to the place Bodhisattva Gotama is sitting, pretending to bring flowers incense offerings, then dance songs, times trying to evoke talk, tease, confession, charm. But the bodhisattva still sit still calm, mind stable like Sumeru. Her father saw this, surprised, in front of the Bodhisattva whether he was alive or dead. Bodhisattva said:
- You have planted a good fortune for many generations, now being celestial beings, blessed in heaven, why not remember this body is impermanent, there is a day of decay, there is a disrespectful attitude towards us? The body is beautiful, but the unrighteous mind is different than the bag of dirty skin, here to do, go, I do not use .
Saying then he raised his hand to the face, naturally three fairy deformed into three old women wrinkled skin, gray hair, back handcuffs, unsteadily staggered. Her father panicked and ran away to the celestial arch with the Three Kings.
Brahmà, Sakka Indra, and countless celestial gods, and see the Bodhisatta Gotama receiving Mara, who are all happy. Congratulations, co-complained:
- That's great! Very good ! Never happend ! Never happend ! Gotama Bodhisattva now enlightened the superhuman level!
The gods rejoice, flower, sprinkle, donate music.
After finishing the Ma Vajra, the Bodhisattva Gotama continued to enter the Sacrifice of Consciousness and began the glorious victory in the most delicate and difficult final battle of three stages:
1. Take away the subtle negativity (Kammavasa) was hiding in the mind as karma for rebirth (Samsara). To soup one night that he was victorious battle the enemy and they Additional Network Ming (pubbe nivasanussati nana): He knows all the past lives he, in any era, what name, was born in the family, class How to live, how to enjoy and how to suffer, how to die, then reborn in the scene, and so on.
To destroy the subtlety of ignorance (Avidyàsava). To the three guard he won this battle and the Eye of Vision (Cutupapata nana): He knows all the transformation of things through the stages of cities, pillars, not, And know what beings are in what age, what name, birthplace in which family, what class, how to live, how happy and suffering, how to create a career, how to die, and then reborn into the scene And so on ... He knows all the karmic conditions of beings, thus deduce the law of cause and effect.
3- Find a way to help sentient beings to end defilements and ignorance, to achieve complete enlightenment, to get out of the cycle of birth and death . To crop year, Daystar has dawned, on the eight day of lunar December [20] years Nham Body (Year -589) , his stock Gonorrhea Take Ming (Asavakkhaya nana): Due to already know all the past lives Of themselves and of each sentient being, he clearly recognizes what is suffering, what is the cause of suffering, what is true eternal happiness, and how to achieve true eternal happiness dirty. He found the Four Noble Truths (Suffering, Practice, Destruction, Directing) .
The Buddha read the first verse after the enlightenment as follows:
Wandering samsara,
Find not to meet the builder home [21] .
Birth defile that real!
Hey master, I see you [22] .
Do not build, do not expect,
The collapsed houses, thunderstorms [23] no longer.
Tathagata as the result was round,
Love is clean, there is no ego.
(Dhammapada, Verses 153 and 154)
Bodhisattva level Gotama became perfect omniscience (accariya manussa), is the one supreme Enlightenment (anuttara sammà sambodhi), is Lord Buddha Shakyamuni (Sakyamuni Buddha). He is the only one in the heavenly realms and the ten realms of the world are full of the following tenets :
1- Tathagata = mindlessness, not change.
2- Applicant = Worthy of receiving the offerings of heaven and people.
3- Chief Transformer = Wisdom. Understand all the truth.
4- happy behavior = full of noble conduct.
5- Sermon = Have done noble vows.
6- world solution = Knowing to explain all things in the world.
7- prized sergeant = Nobody is nobler .
8- The wife of the wife = Full of ability to subdue, control and teach beings to escape enlightenment.
9- Heavenly teacher = Master of the heavens and the human realm.
10- Buddha is a level of clarity, complete enlightenment.
3 - First week after enlightenment [24]
The Buddha was sitting motionless under the Bodhi Tree to experience the Bliss of Happiness (Vimutti sukha). Weekend night he appeared in meditation and contemplation of the Twelve Causes and Conditions [25] (Paticca samuppāda). Human and Dependent are the main causes and the causes that give rise to life. For example: The reason mango trees grow is because of the root cause is mango, and the causes are soil, water, light, air, climate ... suitable for the development of mango. Mango tree. The twelve causal factors are the 12 factors that cause each other and cause each other to arise the phenomenon of birth and death of beings . To end the cycle of birth and death, one must exclude one of the twelve elements, and must know what is most easily available to them. The easiest elements are Ai, Player and Ignorance. Exclusion of Ai education is to stop the 6 conditions under the ceiling. Discontinued Thu is the practice of generosity. Discard ignorance is to learn catechism and meditation to know the body and mind are impermanent, not self; To know Chon Tam, his new Tanh is often, lost, fall, net.
Watching that one night, the Buddha began to think in the way of birth (anuloma) as follows: When this one has, then the other has, when this one arises, the other arises. (Viniculture, Great Product, volume 1: 1)
Due to Ignorance [26] (Ignorance) arises, should Administration (Samskhara) arises.
Because of arising [27] , consciousness (Vinnàna) arises.
Because consciousness [28] arises, Nāma and Rūpa arise.
By name and form [29] arises, Six Sarn (Salayaatana) arises.
By the Six Senses [30] arises, Phassa arises.
By emptiness [31] arises, feeling (Vedanà, feeling) arises.
By feeling [32] arise, so (Tanhà) arise.
Because of emptiness [33] arises, So the Upàdàna arises.
As the [34] arises, bhava arises.
For Being [35] arises, so births (Jàti) arise.
Due to the birth, [36] arise, so Diseases, Aging and Death (Jarà, Màrana),
Afflictions, Suffering arise.
The whole mass of suffering in the present life has arisen like that.
Then the Buddha said the following verse [37] :
When the realities show,
Zen master meditation, clear right to the top.
Well, well,
The conditions to support rebirth.
Around that three nights, the Buddha inferred the path of patriarchal (patiloma) as follows: When this is no longer the other is no longer, when this kill, the other also kill. (The Law, Great Product, volume 1: 2)
At the end of ignorance, the action ceases.
At the end of Onions, Consciousness ends.
At the end of Consciousness, Name and Sacrament are terminated.
At the end of the Name and Sacrifice, the Six Sems are over.
At the end of the Sixth, the Ending.
Feeling is over.
At the end of feeling, Ai ends.
At the end of Ai, the Player ceases.
At the end of the Player ends.
At the end of the Sanh ends.
At the end of Birth, Disease, Aging, Death, Affliction, Suffering terminate.
The whole mass of suffering in the present life can be terminated like that.
Then the Buddha said the following verse:
When the realities show,
Zen master meditation, clear right to the top.
Human death, fruit must be broken,
The coast is not favorable, what fruit?
In the following year, the next morning, the Buddha inferred two ways of arising and passing away: When this one has, then the other has, when this one arises, the other arises. When this did not have the other one does not, when it ceased, the other one also kills [38] . (The Law, Great Product, volume 1: 3)
When ignorance arises, action arises, and so forth. And so the whole block of samsara suffering arises.
When ignorance is eliminated, the Onions also kill, and so on. And so the whole mass of samsara suffering must end.
Then the Buddha said the following verse:
When the realities show,
Zen master meditation, clear right to the top.
Martial arts master mastermind tan,
Truth shining, beings peace.
4- The second week after the enlightenment. [39]
The Buddha spent the second week calmly, standing about 100 meters east of the Bodhi Tree, watching the Bodhi Tree a whole week without blinking , recollecting the orange battlefield. Go, arduous, self-centered, self-centered, for countless lives, to this day enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, to draw experience to find a shorter and easier path for beings after present. There is now a monument built by King Asoka, named Animesalocana Cetiya .
In keeping with this noble example, and in commemoration of the Buddha, the believers to this day still respect the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Lumbini, Jetavana, Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka), Chau Doc (Vietnam).
The Ānanda Bodhi tree at Jetavana (Garden of Desolation) was planted at the opinion of Ānanda, approved by the Buddha, and he attained Grace by taking the seeds of a ripe fruit of the Mahabodhi tree for planting. Near the entrance to the monastery, at the Buddha's residence here, so that worshipers from far away to visit the Buddha, the risk encountered at the Buddha's absence, can worship this Bodhi tree as well as Buddhist worship.
The Bodhi Tree now in Lumbini has existed since Buddha was still in the world.
In the third century BC, nun Sanghamitta, the son of Asoka, extracted a southern branch of the Mahabodhi tree, brought to Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka) planted in the capital Anuradhapura, will.
The Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya and Sarnath, India, are now also the offspring of the Bodhi Tree at Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka.
The seed of the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya today was presented to the Vietnamese in 1952 by Venerable Jina Rājadasa, president of the International Theosophical Society of India, in the center of Chau Doc town in the southwest. Write. The Bodh Gaya members often recite here every evening. In addition, large pagodas in Vietnam, such as Tran Quoc Pagoda in Hanoi, Tu Dam Pagoda in Hue, Xa Loi pagoda in Saigon, have a magnificent Bodhi Tree.
1- Tree Bodhi (when the Buddha) birth:
2- Bodhi Tree andaand at Jetevana where the Buddha resides here,
Bodhi Tree at Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka). This plant was born:
3- Bodhi Tree at Sarnath,
3- Bodhi Tree Ānanda in Jetavana today,
3- Bodhi Tree at Bodh Gaya now. This plant was born:
4- Bodhi Tree in Chau Doc (Vietnam).
5- The third week after the enlightenment.
Because the Buddha was still around the Bodhi tree, the gods at that time doubted whether he had attained Buddhahood. Buddha read such thoughts, he used dread magic powers to create a " way of operating precious " (Ratana Cankamana, sugar meditation jade), and walked back and forth on the road of this operating during the third week. Under the footsteps of the Buddha, there is a lotus flower that hatches to the ground. This road is now built of brick up the ground one meter high, lying parallel to the north edge of the Great Tower. On the pavement there are 18 castings of cement, symbolizing the 18 steps of the Buddha.
According to Mahayana Buddhism, the three first weeks (21 days) after the Buddha, he embodies virtues Pi Lo Price Na (Vairocana Buddha) theory Flower Adornment Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra) [41] for countless Bodhisattvas, Heavenly kings and gods who have been educated with the Buddha Bhikkhu Na Na Na for countless lives. Originally the business name is "Dai Phuong Quang Hoa Hoa Kinh Nghiem". This content of the Sutra stands on the realm of the free enlightenment of the Buddhas to describe the whole legal world, also known as legal immorality. The Buddha intended to say these Mahayana sutras to those who had many good qualities first, so that they would recite to the lower ones, all over the world of sentient beings.
6- The fourth week after the enlightenment. [42]
Buddha seated in " protected supply " [43] (Ratana ghara, the jade room) to reflect on the complexities of Abhidhamma (Abhidhamma sublime doctrine, legal magic, won the legal). The book notes that when he contemplated the causal relationship (Patthàna), the seventh commentary of the Vinaya, his mind and body became completely pure and thus emitted a six- Currently the six colors of the Buddhist flag of the World. The top five colors are green, yellow, red, white, orange. The sixth color is the first five color combinations. Bao Cung is now at the north side of the Great Tower.
7th Fifth Week After Enlightenment [44]
The Buddha returned to sit under the tree of Ajapàla, where he received the bowl of milk porridge from the two Sujàs sisters, to continue the experience of liberation (Vimutti sukha). While the Buddha sat in meditation, the following thought arises:
- How can gender, concentration, wisdom and liberty be fully grown? Perhaps we should live near a Taoist or Brahmin to worship and worship?
"Perhaps we should live near another bhikkhu or a Brahmin to pay homage and worship him to raise his precepts (Sìlakkhanda) to perfection? But we do not find any more virtuous than ourselves to cooperate, honor, worship, including the gods, Mara or Brahma in the heavens, as well as the Brahman or Brahman in the human realm. .
"Perhaps we should live close to one another sadhu or a Brahmin to reverence and worship in promoting a concentration (Samadhikkhanda) towards perfection? But we do not see in the heavens or in the world that there is any more powerful than us to cooperate, respect and worship.
"Perhaps we should live near another orthodox monk or a brahmin to honor and cultivate the wisdom (Pannakkhanda) to perfection? But we do not see in the heavens or in the world any more intelligent than we have to cooperate, respect and worship.
"Perhaps we should live close to one another sadhu or a Brahmin to reverence and worship in promoting a degree of liberation (Vimuttikkhanda) towards perfection? But we do not see in the heavens or in the world that there is any degree of liberation than we have to cooperate, respect and worship.
"Or should we live in reverence and cultivate the very Dharma that we have realized ?"
At that time, the Brahmana Sahambati, who understood the Buddha's mind, immediately from the Brahma realm, appeared in front of the Buddha as fast as a stretching arm or arm. And, embracing him on the left shoulder, kneeling right to the ground, hand Buddhist ceremony and said:
- Blessed, indeed so, the Arhat level, Awakened, past all the reverence and worship this Teaching. Enlightenment, the Chief Justice, in the future will also respect and worship this Dhamma itself. Therefore, the Blessed One, he is the degree of worship , Chief Justice, in the present life, should also worship and worship this very Dhamma .
"The Blessed One, the past, future and present past devotees, will, will, and will, help the suffering beings, honor the Noble Dhamma. That is the common characteristics of the Buddhas.
"Whoever wants to be of benefit and diligence, of course, should honor this noble Dharma, and always remember the golden words of the Buddhas."
Brahma Sahamati finished, reverently paid homage to the Buddha, circumambulate a circle around him and disappear.
Because monks are also qualities and noble aspiration should also be revered Buddha [45] .
At the end of the fifth week, when he was leaving, a Huhunka Brahmin approached, greeted him with friendliness and asked:
- Evangelist Gotama, in what way I become a Branhana, and what conditions make me become a saint?
The Buddha responds with the following verse:
Saints are no longer evil,
There is no conceit, no more dirty.
Six flat net as sheets,
Department of education, living high life.
Wherever you go,
Sure, free, no fear. (The Law, Great Product, volume 1: 4)
8- The sixth week after enlightenment. [46]
The Buddha leaves the Ajapàla tree to the Mucalinda tree [47] ( scientific name is Barringtonia acutangula), and meditates there for another week to experience the bliss of liberation. Suddenly a heavy rain fell. Cloudy to black and cold wind blows for days. At that time, the Mucalinda Snake came out of the cave, wrapped himself in seven circles around the Buddha, and spread the cover over his head . As a result, heavy rains did not affect his body. By the end of the day, the sky cleared, Mucalinda took himself back, then turned into a young man standing in front of the Buddha. The Buddha reads praise and admonishes Mucalinda as follows:
Happiness to live in seclusion,
How many are also warm enough.
Happily living in meditation,
Seeing, hearing the mysterious nature.
Happily people with good heart,
Simple life, benefit beings.
Happiness to live without bondage,
Beyond the six senses.
But happiness is higher than all,
It is far from falling, accepting. [48]
9- The seventh week after enlightenment [49]
The Buddha from the tree Mucalinda stepped to the tree of Ràjáyatana (scientific name Buchanania latifolia) and there experience the happiness of liberation.
At the end of the seventh week, he went from the rajayatana tree back to the Ajapàla tree. While meditating, the following thoughts arise:
- Dhamma that Tathagata has realized really profound, difficult to perceive, difficult to comprehend, quiet, high, not within the theoretical, very delicate, only savior to understand. Beings also in the labyrinth of material pleasures are incomprehensible "The Twelvefold Causality" (or Causality of Separation). And Nirvana is a state of termination of the conditions of arising, desires, no craving, no longer bound, nor a subject easy to understand. If the Tathagata teaches the Dhamma, then others will not understand. It's nostalgic! Useless cost!
"Tathagata is very difficult to realize the Dhamma. No need to pop right now. He also has heavy craving and anger not easy to grasp. The covetous sunk in the dark, can not see the Dhamma, because the craving is covered like a black cloud. Dhamma goes against the flow of life, deep, profound, difficult to perceive, and delicate [50] .
Thought so, the Buddha decided not to spread the Dharma. On that occasion, Mara (Màra) arrived, circumambulating the Buddha three rounds, then came before the Buddha knelt down bowed and said:
- Buddha, all beings in this world is very foolish and brazen, how many Buddha was born here are not the be before them. Please do not waste your time in vain. Please enter the Buddha countless Mahaparinirvana being immortal now to enjoy the happiness of liberation [51] .
- Ma Ma three weeks, Tathagata because of the Great Resurrection of suffering beings should appear in this world. The Tathagata only entered the Mahaparinirvana after the establishment of the Bhikshuni with all three of the Three Jewels and conveyed the Sutra to the Bhikkhus in order to follow the teachings of the bhikkhus . Well! Go away, do not bother me in vain [52] .
The angry Mad King retired, holding a stick with a long line on the ground as the symbolic line between himself and the Buddha, then retreated.
Brahma Sahamati rushed before the Buddha, circumambulating three rounds around the Buddha, and kneel down the Buddha as follows [53] :
- Praise the Buddha, please teach the Buddha Dharma! There are beings with less sand dust trapped in the eyes, if not hear the Buddha's Dharma will be depressed sad. But they can also learn the truth.
"In ancient Magadha there was an incomprehensible Dharma, thought by the mundane. Now, please pray to the Blessed One to open the door to the Everlasting Deathlessness, for beings to hear the Universal Deliverance Dhamma. The All-Enlightened One, standing on the top of the French castle, as well as the tall rock face, saw clearly the people around. Please be completely happy to look down beings who are immersed in the sea of birth and death!
"Please be strong, the hero, the victor, the leader, the savior, please spread the Dhamma throughout the world. Certainly there will be many.
- Hey Sahampati, Tathagata think people still craving and hatred are not easily understood by the Tathagata Dharma. The covetous being sunk in the darkness, unable to see the Truth. Because the Truth contrary to craving should become profound, profound, difficult to perceive and very delicate . Therefore the Tathagata has not decided to spread the Dhamma.
Brahma Sahati invited the Buddha a second time, the Buddha also answered as before. When the Brahma also asked for a third time, the Buddha used the Buddha's mind to observe the world (Vinaya, compilation, volume 1: 9). He realizes that there are few people who are very dusty in the eyes, intelligent people, dark blind people, good person, bad person, difficult to teach beings, easy to teach beings, and There are a few others who are aware of the dangers of sin and life. Just as in lotus ponds, there are blue, red, white and yellow lotus blossoms. There is a tree under water, grows under water, and lives for life throughout the water; Having a tree under water, growing up in water, and living on water; There is a tree under the water, growing up in the water, and growing up from the water, without mud. After observing the three classes of beings, lower,
- Hey Sahampati, deathless door wide open to anyone with ears want to hear puts faith [54] . This Sahambati, because of the fact that beings are too low so before Tathagata has not decided to teach the supreme teachings.
Brahma Sahamati was very happy to have asked the Buddha to propagate the Dharma, immediately thanked him, circumvented him, and withdrew. [55]
10- Two first good faith [56]
After 49 days of meditation, not eating, since eating Sujàtà's milk porridge, today, while the Buddha sat under the tree of Rājáyatana, two Burmese businessmen named Tapussa and Bhallika from Ukkala (Now Orissa) came, passing by nearby. There is a god, who was a former woman with two businessmen, who told her,
- The two of you, the Blessed One has attained the Supreme Immaculate Conception, sitting under the tree Ràjàyatana over there. The two of you should go there to donate roasted powder and honey [57] , will be happy and happy long.
Two merchants delighted, prepared roasted flour and honey before the Buddha bow respectfully, praying Buddha received two modest offerings to the two of him to be happy long happy. The Buddha, no begging begging anymore [58] , thinks:
- Tathagatas never give life received material. How do I get two roasted meats and honey?
At that time the four Uranus 59 guessed the Buddha's thought, immediately from four directions to offer the Buddha four gold bowl; Buddha does not recognize. Four four bowls of silver; Buddha does not recognize. Four of them offered four jade bowls; The Buddha did not recognize. The four who remember the previous Buddhas often used stone bowls, and immediately raised four stone bowls and said,
- Praise the Buddha, please get the roasted powder and honey in this cup of ice.
In order for the four Uranus to be satisfied, the Buddha put the first cup on the left palm, the right hand holds the second cup to overlap the first cup and press the two into one again, then the Third and fourth cups are also entered. Finally four cups stone imported into one but are still traces of the four mouth cup [60] . The Buddha took the cup to receive the real thing. After he finished, he told the two traders Tapussa and Bhallika as follows:
- These two men, if you want to be long-term refinement, should take refuge in the Buddha, legal refuge and life expectancy of the five precepts.
Two businessmen kneeled down to pay homage to him and said:
- Lord Buddha, please allow us to take refuge in the Buddha and take refuge in the Dharma, to maintain the Five Precepts, and ask him to receive us in his favor (Upàsaka) from now until the end of his life. we.
That is the first two good faith has refrained Nhi Bao (Buddha and France, no increase). After receiving the Buddha's refuge and taking the five precepts (not killing, not stealing, not committing adultery, drinking, not lying), and before leaving him to return to his hometown in Burma, Two merchants asked him little souvenirs to always remember him. The Buddha gave them a couple of hair and nails and said ,
- Every day you see these things as well as see the Tathagata .
The two reverend received, bowed and brought back to Burma to build the tower. The remains are now well preserved in the stupa of Swedagon Pagoda in the Rangoon capital.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/5/2017.
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