Friday, 4 November 2016

House fire three worlds.

Buddha took the picture home to train Third World is the example for those who we have lost in the list that obtained, status, money, houses, cars, cars, beautiful girls, the floor etc ... 

(1).  Lives are ancient Tibetan : It is the author wanted to say his comments had spiritual life past life in Tibetan Tantric and the years have lived the Xuan Truong and practice there. 

(2).  Now my body-organ of Vietnam : It is the will comes to our four great body is present, living in Vietnam. 

(3).  It can increase the arduous life : It is talking about the situation as well as the spiritual life of the moment itself. 

(4).  Later in life leave Tibet in the West Village : It was confirmed earlier this refuge will practice Mahayana Pure maintenance list Amitabha Buddhist concept, reborn Western pray Bliss, practice a lifetime to the Bodhisattva Real rot, become a Buddha.

In this poem you Xuan Truong wanted to say: Time Mat-radical approach of inferior beings, Lord poor shot, financial records, the situation is extremely miserable life, the good-grade tri-mode when less so Buddha Enter stage about to kill, have mercy on him, because we have said that the General theory theory-Hue Buddhist scriptures Amitayus page Look Purity Equal Enlightenment and when we are about to break up, he again said Beijing Buddhist mindfulness theory Ba La Cool. So through the end of this life Classics Bhagavan who want to talk about something? Practitioners must know come this reciting the sutras which enlightenment the Buddha enter the knowledge, have known the teachings of the Tathagata. That is: 

1. With the declaration theory  Theory Dai-Thua Buddhist scriptures Radio-amount-Tho-Tinh Binh Thanh Trang Look-Enlightenment , he'd recommend all-electronic Buddhist monk wants achieved attainment of Mat-law to become Portugal -All real-rot, a Zen Buddhist practice if they are to come back to the Pure-the Three-black Buddhist mindfulness, Zen-Net must practice religious song.

2. With the World-Ton who uttered Buddhist chanting Ba-La-Mat with 3 Business: Business Notes Radio-amount-Tho Chan-Language and the Pure-India, the Infinite-Life Tong-Weak Legs language, Beijing Public Germany Baoshan Da-Ra-Ni  -Ton is the World-mean Tantric practitioners want to achieve fruition Real-rot Bodhisattva, a Buddha must incorporate density-Xu song tu. If one understands the tri-As-Lai is when reciting the Economic above must know this that serve the medical teachers. But alas! Not everyone understands this because they can penetrate where Buddha's sutras. World-Ton When Listen Who says French Quarter-Dieu-Empire, they were in a hurry to seize and cultivate fruit Thanh-Van excess demand is fruition Arhat, Arhat of sub-redundant operating; 

Or when talking about the Ten-Second Buddha-Dependent Human seize that many have attained spiritual Coast-sense to admit that the highest position is Bich-Chi-Buddha II-surplus stores. This certificate is the result fruition Radio-Biology, the allege sufficient fatigue, sees the earth filled with negativity degenerations, we taught students cang hard intensity, thin moral, conservative financial profile, Ta-tri, wrong-is, superstition, superstition etc ... as haze excessively so discouraged that sit awarded this status without knowing the research forward, penetration in the tri-Buddhist scriptures is like mentioned above. So, do not get ahead.

As in the next life, especially the last time of the Mat-legal practice today, the situation is increasingly worse, the monks and nuns saw the monks practice on what method is to quickly seize bow religious teachings without knowing that his inborn quality level can not attain, the social context, humanity was no longer appropriate. But since fall into evil-tri, evil-is it when tri-Compassion-taught knowledge, they say: "What's the old religious teacher now I do from now" so many generations how life could not progress any more, kidney decline even more, this life is the Venerable, the next life is the novice, quit later life such as we are seeing convent today, they do not have to study the Buddhist scriptures, which refused to continue to go up, but increasing decline of piety is understandable.

Other persons that situation in real life often say: "I am old father how I do it now", his father offered them when their parents and grandparents had to kill animals chickens, pigs, cattle etc ... love credit, superstition they also follow up on the karma to have to fall into place-hell. 

Therefore, in  Beijing Noble-French Union-United , the third Example, the Buddha took photos  Tam-world fire house  for example for the children that we were immersed in the list that obtained, geo-location, money, houses, cars, cars, beautiful girls, the floor etc ... as fun without knowing that it was the source of greed, hatred and delusion leads us to notice that rotten karma crime to hell difficult day off, or even entered into operating Tien St., when all the good fortune to be reincarnated as a ceiling, continued birth and death escalates so that they do not know themselves drunk, nipper play as sons in the fire without fear.

Or when attained Thanh-Van, Coast-sense to not take practice is enough to sit mean little taste of this fruit did not know entered Mahāyānists, work benefits living beings, opening vast compassion, turn the wheel of dharma wheel, which cultivate a Real-rot Bodhisattva become a Buddha as the Buddha's teaching.

Duty counsel Namo Buddha Shakyamuni
Buddha had to take pictures that turned into advice not ordinary goods that even sub-redundant monk Thanh-Van fruit, Giac Duyen-if they want a Bodhisattva, the Buddha is to go forward, the throne the middle of the desert it turns out this is only the Buddha, it would have to melt damage, looking for treasures to stand up results that go forward. Finally the Buddha gave us Kinh Ba-La-Buddhist mindfulness Password which is three Business: Business Notes Radio-amount-Tho Chan-Language and the Pure-India, the Infinite-Life Tong-Weak Legs language , Beijing Cong Duc Bao Son Da-Ra-Ni to take this practice that the West Pole-Lac to a lifetime of Real-rot Bodhisattva, a Buddha. Hence the second product the Room, Ca Mau-Buddha-Ni said: "Sariputta! As-Lai or distinguished dishes, said the legal clever words mellow, pleasing them happy.

Buddha's relics! Summary weak to say it, boundless monk-property law, the Buddha were all full up.

Well, Sariputta! Needless to say anymore. Why? Since legal confusing first few that Buddha should complete it, only Buddha and Buddha can comprehend the true supreme minister of the law, ie the law: such a minister, as such, can thus force as Thus, such effects, such workers, such grace, such a result, it said, before later ultimately as:

My nine measures
Thuan said according beings
At the root Mahāyānists
This prayer should be said new.
Net interest-mail Buddha
Mellow also benefit grounds,
Where countless Buddha
The mystery of spiritual depth,
Because every Buddha-mail this
Business Mahāyānists said here.
You note that the
Life after the Buddha-directed
By heart to recite Buddha
So net-world religious
This class listening to Buddha
It filled her very happy,
Buddha knew the other's mind
So as said Mahāyānists.
Thanh-Van or Bodhisattva,
Listen I say that legal
Tolerance to a verse
The Buddha did not thoroughly comfortable.
In ten buddhaland
Only a legal successor
Not two nor three
Except Buddha said means
Only self fake identity
Led beings
Because intellectual Buddhist said.
The Buddha's birth place
Only this one made
Two things not feet.
Full sub-ministers had even
That fact sentient beings,
Buddha himself Mahāyānists office
As his methods are
Concentration, skill, force page-serious
Use sentient beings here.
Health facilities have
Open presented throughout the three-redundant
All World-Ton
Most direct-admit all say.
Now in this era-we
Comfort-bloomer should thoroughly unless
Buddha says no other
Only one, not two vehicles ...
Wheel of life has passed
Buddha's infinite-level
Buddha hundreds of thousands of memories
Some more unexpected,
The World-Ton like
Eg coastal cuisine
Radio-number memory means
Forum said the law minister, 
The World-it-Ton
First-redundancy measures thoroughly talk
Do countless beings
Making on where Buddha-directed.

The dear fellow! I've seen many beautiful lotus flowers blooming on pond seven treasures, eight merit water that you plant on West Pole-Lac Ao there. Take care little for the more large shower, splendid to me about it later on cable is the Buddha heard the sermon then, please do not let it fade away. Nine separate the gold waiting there we partake.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLIISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/11/2016.

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