Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Compendium content of school A-levels.

Dharmaraja economic opening practice by teaching: "Be self-lit for themselves." In other words: be yourself is a safe island for yourself. On the basis of this teaching, the Buddha said about the evolution and degeneration of human society, including both physical and mental.
1. The University of

[Equivalent Pali:  Mahanpadanasutta , D 14]
Also known as the  University of grace . Wuhan University of service, equivalent to Pali is Mahapadana . Pali said  Apadana or Sanskrit saying  Avadana  is a literary genre the original scriptures, told in nine sections called permanent teachers, later developed into twelve parts teachings. Han is a translated audio-na-ba-da, and common translation is "example". That is the biblical parable paragraph is told to interpretation a subject or a doctrinal sense. Broadly speaking, this is the kind of fable in primitive Buddhist literature.
This trading after the integration of the Buddha's past that put into categories or allegorical example first shows Beijing is telling the public about the life of the Buddha's teachings instead of explaining sometimes confusing for them . Perhaps because to tell the masses heard along with other types of stories, such as stories precursor, predestined practitioners, and other Buddhist fable, should Beijing be told first by category, for example. But because this is a story about the life of the Buddha, should add the word "great" to call "the Great" ( Mahapadana ).
In Beijing  University of the Buddha passed up the appearance turn six Buddhas, until Shakyamuni was the Saturday. Business can be divided into three main parts.
Part I : Brief History of arts of life, identity, race, national, sub-sample, the disciples, the attendant, the Assembly sermon.
Part II : This report details the integration Ti-she-examination Buddha (P.  Vipassi ), from Top-rate Christmas spirit, birth, life is sensual, made a four-door travel, renunciation, enlightenment, sermon , gender theory, and finally enter Nirvana. The content is fully integrated with the built homogeneous Lord Buddha. This homogeneity may interpret the general basis of all Buddhas, so, every time you start an event report, Beijing introduced by the phrase "law of the Buddhas is often the case." This phrase is equivalent in Pali is  dhammata ESA : calculated as marketing or market measures such atrium, calculated as such.
PART III : Lord Buddha appeared on the Pure natural migration ( Suddhavasa ). This is the Sanctuary of the Holy author Any refund ( Anagami ). The taste Real finished in natural increase residents turn to meet Thich Ton. The disciples of these are the six Tathagata in the past, until now still exist. After his death in Education gender, renewable up here and they will enter Nirvana here, not back down there again.
On the literary form, after each paragraph narrative prose (text field line), Beijing may repeat with shelves. This can be interpreted as a form of communication is the oldest of Economics said in a shelf. Later, part prose is added as often seen in the history of Buddhist scriptures. If this is confirmed, transmission offered here can translate Chinese ancient than Pali.
2. Business Travel

[Equivalent Pali: a.  Mahaparinibbanasutta , D 16; b.  Mahasudassanasutta , D 17]
In the original Chinese translation, Beijing is divided into three volumes under the average number of pages of the Han. Based on that, Beijing is usually divided into three major sections.This division of course only in the Han Dynasty, because based on the book Kanji. Referring to the content of Scripture, Vietnamese translation in the following passage.
Business is divided into three main sections:
Part I : Starting from the Rajagrha ( Rajagaha ) until neighbors Truc means ( Beluva ) near the Ti-amnesty-li ( Vesali ); Here Buddhist Lent stop for the final.
Buddha's teachings in this period include measures for harmony and prosperity of the Tang, along with the nation's prosperity and personal life lay in his family. Here Buddha prophesied about the prosperity of the United particle (Pataliputta), which according to historical fact later the capital of Emperor Ashoka, the center from which Buddhism was spreading to other countries and throughout world.
Part II : In the Bamboo Village, Bhagavan experienced a severe illness ( Atha warehouse abadho kharo bhagavato vassupagatassa uppajji, balha vedanā vattanti maranantika ), which according to reports is of Ananda Ananda caused terror, panic startled, because Buddhism can enter Nirvana. But Bhagavan has used the capacity of the network to save operating (jivitasankharam adhitthaya vihasi ), which extended the life for a while, because no teacher said cell for monks. Despite these signs predicted about to enter Nirvana Buddha, Ananda is not noticed, there is no appeal. A moment later, Ma three-week to ask the Buddha entering Nirvana.Exalted promising possibilities. Later, Buddhist life after discharge when stored network operator ( jivitasankharam adhitthaya ... ayusankharam ossajji ), ie cutting off the flow exists, but based networks or maintain life. Buddha to save the network operating during the three months. From here until after life's last meal offerings or Thuan Chau-na-da ( Cunda ) and Buddha went to bathe in the river-religious verse ( Kakuttha  or  Kakuttha ), may be recognized as a ramp and around time stamp impermanence, born-old-sick-mail manifested most clearly in the life of Thich Ton.
Part III : From The River-respect, Buddha to cross the river Hi-venture ( Hirannavati ) and Sa-la song to forest life ( Yamakasala ), located in the sentence-enforcement ( Kusinara ) of family Mat-la ( Malla ). This is the narrative of the last days and hours of Thich Ton: ceremonial evidences, tea ceremony-maintenance, distribution offerings and relics. Important part of this paragraph is the ultimate teaching Buddhist monks advised him what to do, what measures a refuge after the Buddha entered Nirvana. Also important in this part of the narrative is the Ma-ha events Ca-lettuce and disciples of the sentence-enforcement to attend the funeral. Narrative for the location of the venerable Sangha Buddhist disciples at that time, and also heralded what may occur in the monks after the Buddha's passing.
Beijing is the last date to remember in the life of the Lord Buddha. This section is probably not the original aggregation by Ananda, which may be due to the added position Beijing handed down later. This part is not in the Pali.
3. Texts respect

[Equivalent Pali:  Mahagovindasutta , D. 19]
Beijing has three parts.
Part I : Board-price-Germany ( Pancasikha ), the god of music ( gandhabba ), reporting a training session of the Assembly ethics sun gods ( Tavatimsa Heaven ). During this conference fairies, Thich Thien soles tell about eight legal gods Wudang where a Buddha. Wudang Eight are eight measures as real ( yathabhucca ) can be found only where a Buddha and not be somewhere else ( na ... annatra tena Bhagavata ). Subsequently, Brahma appears, confirm eight Wudang measures, and also introduced a class of legal Infinite Buddha.
Part II : The entire contents are the details of the representative Ton, a forerunner of the Buddha, is the Brahma tells Dao-li devas hear. This content is board-price-Duc recounted to the Buddha.
In the past, Bodhisattva Thich immediate predecessor of the Sun, born as a Brahmin, was crowned king of the seven countries Accessories Minister Dai spirit, and as a teacher of the seven kings. It is divided into seven whole national territory for seven branch police water-li (Khattiya ) the proposed rule as well as by representatives of Ton. This is historical fact relating to the appearance of the ancient nations in the history of India. Some time later, representatives of the State Religion aside, residents living in four distinct rainy season to cultivate four immeasurable, and he was met with Brahma. After the meeting, representatives Ton recognize the bondage and the inferiority of secular life, so resigned to direct the monastic school. In turn, the King, the landlord Brahmin, with their women, and ordained under representative Ton. After death, all natural birth. Ton own representatives to Brahma world reborn.
Part III : Board-price-Duc request confirmation Buddha story told by Brahma. Religion Buddhist representatives also confirmed is a precursor of Buddha. Although living doing secular representatives Ton benefits for many people, and after the renunciation also benefit many people; but the practice and teachings of religion was not the end, there must be regenerated, suffering of samsara although regeneration could lead to Brahma. Thich Ton far only reached to her religion and also declared an end to the world market that the ultimate direction, leading to the ultimate tranquility and Nirvana.
4. Soap-ni-sa Beijing

[Equivalent Pali:  Janavasabhassutta , D 18]
Economic problems in the Pali of the  Janavasabha , which  jana : human,  vasabha : ox kingdom, which translates as "Ox King's medium" level only noble leader among men (Pali commentaries:  dasasahassadhikassa janassatasasassassa jettho hutva sotapanno Jato, Tasma javanasabhotissa namam ahosi : he who was once master's level, head on millions of people, and a Stream Holy fruits, so called Janavasabha).
In Chinese translations, transcriptions from the soap-ni-sa, together with glosses as "Win the use". The Chinese translation of the Trading menu this is titled  Human experience first ; This can be accessed under the original Sanskrit is  Nararshabha : Career Pathways Tien Niu kingdom or mankind. This word appears in the  school of Mahayana Bodhisattva conclusion  as the first philtrum, which materials can be found in the form of existing Sanskrit  Siksasamuccaya of Santideva. But transliteration in current texts is soap-ni-sa allow access Sanskrit root Janarsabha  whose meaning has not changed, because in Sanskrit  nara  and  jana  can be used as synonyms. However, this hypothesis Sanskrit is not fully consistent with the transcriptions have. So looking back to its origins mixed race, compared to the Pali. From Janarsabha  above the elegant form of the Sanskrit language, which mix in its original can remain in Pali is  Janesabha , from dual  Jana  (humans with  Isabha  (Ox King). In the Congress  (Pali,  Mahasamayasutta  20 ) appearing from  Janesabha  this and the uniform numbers it with  Janavasabha . We see from  Janesabha  close to Chinese phonetic translations, it can be temporarily confirmed that this is their original format from being explored.
Soap-ni-sa, or  Janesabha , is the new name of the king of Binh-sa (Bimbisara,  Bimbisara ) reborn after death into heaven Dao-li as the son of Ti-recluses Uranus ( Vessavana ).
The first part of Beijing, Ananda arises doubts about the disciple has died at Ma-out-momentum, including King Binh-sa ( Bimbisara ).
Next, soap-ni-sa of former king Binh Dao-li-sa is down from almost Buddha, and the narrative content of the French public Dao-li devas. When the assembly of gods, Brahma appeared in the shape of a pupil. This section is similar to board-price-Duc told of Buddha in  Sweden religion .During this conference, Brahma presented to the gods of the legal Dao-li was Buddhist theory of magic: the four foundations of mindfulness, specifically seven, four-sufficient spirit, and three aisles that opens Buddhist gods and humans toward the corner.
5. The State of grace

[Equivalent Pali:  Agannasutta , D 27]
Beijing says about the origin of mankind and human society, formed of caste.
There are two young men race Brahmin is Ms-all-tra ( Vāseṭṭha ) and Ba-la-fall ( Bharadhbaka ) wants ordained Buddhist and is in a period of four months plus resident to be ordained , then their relatives, the same bloodline, criticized this decision. Because, the Brahmin caste nobility, the "Son of Brahma, was born biochemist by Brahma from Brahma's mouth," can not live with the other lowly caste. Whereupon, to highlight the equality of all people in society, the Buddha say about the origin of man and human society.
The first, when the Earth was formed, no creature exists. After a very long time, there is a kind of blissful living beings, traveling in the other world light from flying across the earth, attracted by its nutrients should lose the ability to fly in light. Due to the absorption of nutrients in the ground, his body gradually became louder, more rugged. Humans began to appear. The change in the evolution of nutrients according to the change of the human body, or vice versa; both interact.Until a time, starting with the distinguished men and women, and started with the attachment and lust, the same time, natural rice appearance; without planting rice, cooking. Humans every morning gathering, dimensional user; gatherer way, light use.
A long time later, the idea of accumulation started arising, and people scrambling to harvest to accumulate, resources become scarce, thereby competing arise, leading to conflict. Humans came time to agree division of land for each person share their harvest, not competing each other to cause conflicts. Forms of privatization started arising. But then, there are beings classes lazy or lack the ability, the harvest is not sufficient according to desire, he stole someone else's.When caught, people fight back. Original community becomes disorder. Then everyone gathered, select a person with grave physiognomy, with clairvoyance, and upright, fair; elected leader who was to do to resolve the dispute, the community maintain order. He called the "Great Equality Home". This translation from Chinese, in Pali called  Mahasammato , which,  Mahā  ie mahajana : public or community;  sammato : the elected, was endorsed. Thus,  Mahasammato mass had been elected or community. In Chinese translation,  sammato  be read is  sama (to) : equality; Such missed connotation of the concept of democratic government primitives.
Now everyone covenant agreement will contribute a portion of their harvest for leaders Mahasammato , so he did not bother to harvest minded resolve disputes and maintain order for the community. Authorities originally appeared, and people responsible for paying taxes to maintain the existence of the government. Because people do not produce or harvest should not own land there; however, in practice, all the community land distribution under him, so he is the true owner, and from there appeared social classes called  close-li . Pali its equivalent is Khattiya , this word is derived from  khetta : land, territory. So,  Khattiya  originally meant landlords .
The concept of government, along with its role appears simultaneously with the appearance of the word  raja  in Sanskrit. Etymology of the word, according to the study Sanskrit, denominated by verbs  Raj : rule. But in the words of this definition is different, according to Pali guide: dhammena pare ranjetiti warehouse, Vāseṭṭha, Raja, Raja , "Hey Vāseṭṭha, who makes others please correct according to law, he is  Raja ." Due to differences in vocabulary composition rule should not be portrayed Han translated the meaning is implicit in Pali. Han equivalent translation of this passage can only say: "You instead, the Great King! You instead, the Great King! The earth he appeared from the king , by the law that people value." School, from  Raja  is understood as "king" that the ruler; and it is a religious interpretation to the king has the right theocratic supremacy born closely. But, as defined by the Pāli as seen,  Raja  is the head of the original rights and duties of the person is "to please everyone"; ie original government selected by the community and elected with the task of arbitration, settle disputes and maintain social order.
However, society is increasingly complex, more and more forms of crime, until now director for all ten evil: from slaughter to superstition. Then there are people who hate this situation, fled to the jungle, living on alms, contemplative thinking. Caste Brahmin appeared since. Han has no definition services from Brahmin in etymology. Pali equivalent of saying:  papake akusale ti ... Brahmana Brahmana vahenti dhamme.  "They removed the evil evil law, should be called Brahmin." According to this, Sanskrit  Brahmana  (Brahmin) is derived from the verb root is  Vah of Pali, which in Sanskrit language it is elegant  VRH  or  brh : stripped, removed. According Sanskrit verb root elegant expression also means "make strong, growth." This second meaning is more commonly used for easy contact to the divine religion more.
Next, rested appearance caste-amnesty (Pali:  Vessa ): Class lay, of those people who like the business, financial protection contained. "Finally, appeared class who do manual labor occupations is considered despicable: class-da-la defense ( sudda ).
Shows social economic class or caste is not due to regulations, the designation of the divine, God, but to the process of human development and human society. Beijing concluded: The world health class distinctions are themselves closely-li is above all. But above all God most and those who are full Minh Hanh, full wisdom and virtue.
6. Provision of Dharmaraja practice

[Pali equivalent:  Cakkavattisutta , D 26]
Beijing opens with teachings: "Be self-lit for themselves." In other words: be yourself is a safe island for yourself. On the basis of this teaching, the Buddha said about the evolution and degeneration of human society, including both physical and mental.
Starting from the first Dharmaraja, the king solidly Niem ( Dalhameni ), era of prosperity and happiness of human society. Saturday TV to life, moral values are no longer respected as before; society began the process of degradation, poverty started to appear. Poverty which arise due to thieves. Which arise from robbers wars, bloodshed. Turn the crimes arise. Each period is characterized by a kind of crime, and the same by which to minimize its longevity. From eighty years, declining to an average age of only ten. Then began the period of fratricidal humanity and self-destruction. Grass in hand became the murder weapon. See who is killed, as deer hunters encounter, regardless of application itself.
In the situation that terrible massacre, a handful of people fled into the woods, hiding in a cave, hollow tree. It's one of the few without malice fratricidal relatively close. Until people have been killed and the killer ran out, this refugee group turns back to Delta. They met, thinking and reflection, and encouragement of good practice together. Ethics begin the recovery process, and therefore human life also increased. Each era of development characterized by an ethical value, from the goodness, compassion does not kill, to politics, not superstition wrong.
When social development with full moral ten karma, so revered chief, hospitality and support their parents, human life span up to eighty years old. Then there is the Buddha was born a name Maitreya ( Metteyya ). At the same time there's value is the Holy King Dharmaraja Same-aging effect (Sankha). Evolutionary line back to the beginning, as it did with King Kien Try Mindfulness.
Earth rotated under the incremental circulation or degradation of ten or ten unwholesome karma now. Peak then decline. Pole failure began flourishing. The world does not have something solid to lean on. So, to find refuge, monks practice good behavior to flourish. The four measures are sufficient spirit charity, the monastic life over, the doors of households, developed four meditation, realized the Four Noble Truths. It is the process of developing the most solid prosperity.
7. Economic Excellence

[Pali:  Payasisutta , D 23]
Brahmin Bad-stars ( Payasi ) is of the opinion called nihilistic doctrine ( natthivada ). He said that "There is no other world. No biochemical species. None of the sins blessed retribution." There is no other world, that is outside the world we live in, the world no gods, or hell. The pupil he found Ca-lettuce ( Kumar-Kassapa ) to prove his point, and provides a series of evidence is considered in detail. He did many experiments and observations, there was no sign of what proved to be the soul of the dead. Ca-lettuce for example again by a series of experiments demonstrated and Bad-stellar observations are incorrect, and his views completely unfounded.Then, Ca-lettuce should give wrong advice he goes to the benefit; but still clinging Bad-elite opinion, for several reasons. An important reason is a matter of honor. Ca-lettuce again made numerous other examples show that bigotry has just stupid and dangerous. Finally, Bad-stars subjection, and confessed to subdue even the first examples of Ca-lettuce, but he wanted to hear the wonderful eloquence of Ca-lettuce should deliberately conservative views. Next, he applied for refuge in Ca-lettuce, and organization of contemporary experimental, diagnostic alms to everyone health, on the advice of Ca-lettuce. But he gives alms to the same kind of clothes, food poor, so the young Brahmin is he in charge of giving criticism. He obeyed, widely alms.After his death, by the miserly alms, he was born to heaven four heavenly king, in a very low position.
This prayer was said by Ca-lettuce pupils after Buddha was passing. Pali equivalent is not discussed in detail the time Buddha was passing, but more that Bad-stars have met Arhat Gavampati  (Qiao-range-three-subject) four heavenly king heavenly.
8. Kinh Tan-da-na

[Pali:  Udumbarikasutta , D 25]
Canopy-da-na ( Sandhana ) was the prominent laypeople living in Rajgir. In addition to a garden called O-temporarily-she-li ( Udumbarika ), in which a committed group headed by Ni-media question-momentum ( Nigodha ). Pham from Idle sound here is equivalent to Pali is  paribbajaka, universal service practitioner, ordained pagan group, devotion to austerity.
On the way to the WW-bar-excavated to almost Buddha-da-na had upheld the O-temporary garden-she-li visits. Pham-momentum Ni-demand expressed his fierce opposition to the Buddha, and the Buddha polemical challenge. At this moment, the Buddha appeared. Ni-the-momentum Buddha wanted to know what his disciples to lead to peace. Buddha refused to explain, said that the basis of knowledge and Ni-base question-momentum and his disciples could not understand the teachings of the Buddha, but if they want, Buddha will interpret them clearly suffering practice acts which they advocated.
Next, Buddha recounted the various forms of suffering was the direct act Graduate practice.That is the form of mortification and self-torment yourself all the way up. Many very peculiar form. A few more disagreements between the Han and Pali. This may be affected by local economic practices handed down to this. It can be caused by many forms of suffering which Han culture act and strike hard to find words to translate equivalent to be exact. Anyway, the experience also very detailed list of the forms of suffering acts of mortification Graduate group of Buddhist religion.
Ni-the-momentum confirm details including Buddha, and he said that the practice is so pure, that is perfectly ethical practice. But Buddha just point the defilements point exists in the way that many ascetics this respect. Buddha in turn cites his defilements points. Because these practices are not effective enough to kill the mind polluted by greed, jealousy, wrong, arrogant, cunning disguise, give yourself belittle people, obstinate, ... Buddha points out the advantages in the way of suffering he acts: ascetic without being dominated by greed, hatred, cunning etc ... However, the austerity that is not surely, with the core. Suffering is surely act to eradicate the bad karma, practice the immeasurable. The Buddha taught legal practitioners more higher.
Ni-demand instant-momentum then expressed his regret, that was folly to challenge the Buddha-da-na upheld.
Next, the Buddha said to the scope, goals he was not there to lecture on these paintings the influence and avaricious. What they believe, what they are, all still belong to them, the Tathagata does not interfere. Buddha came, stating only good and evil for those who want to practice to be at peace.
Three weeks Buddha Lama knows that dominate media attention the violations. Not wanting to disturb, so Buddha fist-da-na Approves shifting that goes nowhere.
9. Trading We set

[Pali:  Sangitisutta , D 33]
Sariputta obey Buddha, monks sermon.
Then, Ni-event from just died, the immediate disciples divided between sects, each vehemently disputed. Sariputta note bhikkhus, such a thing can not happen between the Lord Buddha's disciples after the Guru's passing. Thus, the bhikkhus to jointly compiled the Buddha, reciting together, without controversy. This prayer was Sariputta theory, is the Dharma listed under the legal category. The measures are classified into groups according to Decimal progress, from a legal team to ten legal group. Aggregation of Business forms became established Abhidharmic basis. Later, Beijing dispatched Being developed with the detail explanation to become one of the six arguments platform called Luc sufficiency. The conclusion was Xuanzang's translation titled  soccer walker Comments  (T 1536), the author was listed as the Venerable Tu Xa-profit.Buddhist teachings majority aggregation theory is quite adequate in this Business.
10 Upper Cross Business

[Pali:  Dasuttarasutta , D 34]
Beijing also made by Buddhist Sariputta's theory bhikkhus days Increase gender theory. Beijing is also the content of the legal aggregation organs such as classified decade economic progress  we set ; but here there is a legal distinction of the faculty is divided into ten items as follows:
1. A method, dhammo bahukaro (multi-facility approach works), brings many benefits law;
2. Practitioners, bhavitabbo (illusions), need to practice;
3. Legal sense, parinneyyo (Falcon tri variable), should be comprehensive awareness;
4. Removal methods, pahatabbo (Falcon paragraph), must be eliminated;
5. Rotten law, hanabhagiyo (upon rotten parts), resulting in degradation;
6. Increased legal, visesabhagiyo (winner advances portion), resulting in the promotion;
7. Nan solution, duppativijjho (unsolvable), difficult to explain, difficult to enter;
8. Born legal, uppadetabbo (born legal Falcon), should make arise;
9. Tri law, abhinneyyo (Falcon win voters), voters need to be determined;
10. Legal evidence, sacchikatabbo (JAM controls), it should be experienced.
In the law there is a legal one to a securities law; the two measures into law, there are two, until two certified legal, etc., where the legal until there are ten of the ten measures, for legal and ten certificates.
11. Best Business Increase

[Pali: no equivalent]
The content of this modern Beijing with Beijing can also  cross the upper ; Another point is only due to the Buddhist doctrine.
12. Kinh Tam convergence

[Pali: no equivalent]
Economic theory by Buddha. Content aggregation is also legal under the category of organs such as the number of economic measures on. The difference here is that, in each of three scientific methods section. As in the legal one: an interesting approach leads to evil; a good lead to interesting approach; an approach leads to Nirvana. Until the legal ten: ten measures led to the Beast, ten lead to improved methods of mammals, ten measures leading to Nirvana.
13. Beijing University conditioned vehicles

[Pali:  Mahanidanasutta , D. 15]
Ananda commented: Buddhist doctrine of dependent origination profound truth, but how he came to found it easy to understand. Comment was not accepted Buddhism. Whereupon, the Buddha explains the relationship of the limbs. Business can be divided into three parts.
Part I : Relationship origination expenses. The relationship is, depending on the viewing angle, which leads to three consequences:
1. Relationship disputes and lead to social unrest, leading to results in the current format.Interdependent relations expenses focused on charity here. Starting affinity to old age and death, with all five factors, so this case is called "dependent origination in spending." Get original charity work, (charity publication, P.  tanhamula ), expenditure incurred 9: love, bridge, benefit, advantage, education, first, disabilities, defense, household. The genus was named after Pali .: tanha (craving), pariyesana (to seek), labho (acquired), vinicchayo (decision, use), chandarago (lust, lust or greed), ajjhosanam (attachment), pariggaho (photography households, hold), macchariyam (brighter, stingy), arakkho (guardian, guard).
2. Relationship result is approved, focused on contact. From promotion to senior-mail has seven branch, should the relationship here is called "seven branch origination." Promotion has two: organic for physical contact and touching ie increased language contact center news contact or touching the psychological. Contact property for five desires lead to attachment. Increased exposure language as clinics for the generation of ideas, or concepts, which in turn leads to the formation of perceptions, is the basis of is approved.
3. The relationship led to regeneration, focusing on informal relations and mentality. This relationship has ten chi. Two ignorance and operating expenditure but has mentioned but not explained in this Business.
Part II : Relations origination expenses form a body called life. This is the concept of life is self.There are two y rise every idea or acceptance of self is: life and identity.
Part III : Local Self exists by gender. Within the scope of communication is dominated by suffering, there's seven official residence. Apart from this abode seven, there are two immediate origin existence of two states in which the religious view is eternity: mindless origin and non-ideal non-perception. All of them belong to the world, in the cycle of the local transgender world.Above all is the way the Earth, there are eight levels of liberation in which finally the cessation of the thought life.
14. Economic Human Interest Cartesian complete consultation

[Pali:  Sakkapanhasutta , D 21]
The sole question Thich Thien. Beijing has three parts.
Part I : Thich Thien soles and Dao-li devas down almost Buddhist preparation. Board-visual idol-Germany ( Pancaskhi : Five Plan) is made to go ahead. He picked up the guitar to the front glass of the cave where Buddha is static coordinates. In barely audible level, he offered to sing love songs Buddha. Songs about his passionate love for the daughter of maestro god, but unrequited. After hearing the song, the melody of praise Buddha as well as content. Next, the board-price-Virgin empire Buddhist Thich Thien reviews of Dao-li and gods want to virtually Buddha.
Part II : Thich Thien Emperor Dao-li and gods in a cave with Buddha. Sakka questioned hatred causes disputes between the gods and mankind. Buddhist causal chain guide relations, greed jealousy to comment delusions Coliseum. Ie the main cause of disagreement is the trend.
Then Sakka asked about the path argument eradicate Coliseum. Buddha sequentially from the operating practice in body, speech and mind; y where the good life is not so close and close the achievement by the rule of protection facilities; y base where the suspected law and practice base.
Part III: The skeptical questions to be answered, Thich Thien Empire recounts his mind before it appears. When all the gods to witness that blessed life all common network, he feared, going around discovering the truth, but not answered. Then he compares the joy that he had heard legal after the joy that he had before the fight with Asura that victory. It was blissful victory in the struggle by hatred, than joy can not be heard by the law. Finally he outlined the benefits brought by this joy, and finally the liberation Nirvana.
At that moment, Brahma appears, read verses of praise, and then disappeared.
Last Kinh Thien sole narrator reward Interest-rates-molded board by daughter of the chief god of music that captivated him for a wife.
15. Doing A-recruiter-di

[Pali:  Pathikasutta , D 24]
Tu Shan monks ( Sunakkhatta ) abandon Buddhism, not the Buddhist spiritual practice, because Buddhism does not prove him two things: no miracles manifested, not talking about the origin of the world. Thien Tu Buddhist answer: whether or not the Tathagata psychic manifestations, origins or not the world is theory, legal theory that Buddha is the true purpose leads to suffering.
On the first: Thien Tu praised the way religion has religious and bizarre behavior, for it is the sages as Ni-event from Price-la-long ( Acela Kalarama ) and Save-la-ti ( Korakkhattiya ). When Buddha refuted bizarre forms Thien Tu said that the Buddha is envied by everyone Saints worship. Buddha said it is not the Bible just because suffering operating expressed mortification;because then price-la-long to abandon what he swore lifelong hold and die in the graveyard lose prestige; Rescue-la-empire also will hit really die. These things happened after that is the case.
When committed Ballet Releases Tu statement will be ready ahead of the crowd and match wits with recluses psychic Cu-talk, Thien Tu very excited about this. But Buddha said, Ballet Death will not dare to see him, let alone play or mystical place. Thien Tu Buddhist vigilance: "Exalted keep their mouths." Since then Ballet Death will come, and so, the Buddha will lose honor.Results, Ballet Death really did not dare to go to see him, although many people find having to take sides, but he urged.
The second problem, the origin of the world: Buddhism citing the source led to the theory. There are four theories mentioned: origin by Brahma creation, by the fall of the gods Hý touch goofy and outrageous Italian gods, and senseless arguments. The presentation, more detailed and more fully, is said in the trading  discounts hammock ( Brahmajâla ). Buddha knew the theory, as well as their origin, and also to know more; Knowing the uninfected ago.
Finally, the Buddha mentioned perversion of recluses Brahmin said: Sa-Cu-talk teaching his disciples, when they attain purity law, they see all impurities. But Buddha said, when Buddhists enter liberated pure witness, he saw all purity.
16. Kinh Thien was born

[Pali:  Singalasutta , D 31]
Born friendly park every morning worship Hexagonal. He did as his father commanded without clear meaning. Buddha said he only meaning by sacred law Hexagonal. It's the family relationships of a social and laypeople. If you know well maintained her relationships, who live peacefully at home, the property is not lost, not fear calamity will come.
First of all, for ourselves, the person (a) away from the four evil acts: murder, theft, adultery, and lying; (B) avoid tarnishing incited four cases: by greed, by hatred, by ignorance, by fear; (C) six reasons to avoid property damage: 1. passion alcohol, gambling 2., 3. dissolute, 4. Technical passionate music, 5. and 6. befriended evil people lazy.
In communication, you need to distinguish him false with true friendship.
The meaning Hexagonal: Orient as parents, as chief of the South, the West's concubines, the North's closest friends like, the above are the elders, recluses, Brahmin, Here's the servant. For the method itself is supposed relationship. Son fulfilled the obligation to do; parents treat their parents the whole duty. Until Vietnam Forum for recluses, recluses for Vietnam forum. Each party to fulfill its obligations, so themselves, their families and society peace and prosperity.
Finally, in the proceedings shelves, Beijing outlined four basic legal means to hold this relationship. It's the four photographers: generosity, loving, operating profit, colleagues, that Han translated here is uncertain. Shelves says: Life without four things, there will be no nursing hospitality.
The verse also teaches laypeople need skilled apprentices, diligent, subgenus military said receiver; Such will not be the loss of life and deprivation.
17. Pure Trading

[Pali:  Pasadikasutta , D 29]
After Lent, Chau Sa-di-na ( Cunda-samanuddesa ) to virtually visit Ananda, and reports of internal disputes event occurs between Ni-devout disciple of death ( Nigantha Nataputta ) when I just weightlifting that, as is told in economic  We set (Sangitisutta , D 33 ) . Ananda Asia-na leads to almost Buddha, narrated the event. Buddha said that workers on the basis of factors on which the congregation is built will lead to harmony or internal divisions.
Content from this or less of Economics consists of three main parts: (i) France and laws, (II) An executive communications, (III) Eliminating wrong.
I. France and the law:

- Legislation perfect or imperfect and students practice or not practice. This relationship made up of four cases, in which the fourth case: the law is clever theory, smart disciples practice, the congregation would stand.
- Master the passing sensation but soon, the congregation untenable. True Awakening guru only after passing himself disciples fully realize the law can publish widely: the congregation would stand.
With the congregation is set and stand on the same basis, the lives of each member of the congregation is called holy ( brahmacariya ). Depending several conditions that the holy life that is considered perfect ( brahmacariyam paripuram ). Elements to be perfectly holy: (a) the reputation masters; (b) His disciples were from elders can realize even extensive legal publication; in turn, the monks, nuns, lay men and women to have such realization; (c) material life is not lacking.
Increase Buddhists with full media such violations are said to be the most pure of dignity, "see without seeing," that is not to be missed more for full or more.
The upper part is talking about the principles or pretext on which the congregation was established and exists. In order to maintain the existence of the congregation, the Buddha said to two practical aspects: knowledge and practice.
II. Peace issue:

For the legal theory Buddha, the monk reciting harmony together, discuss and reconcile differences in line with the law, does not lead to debate and dispute. For precepts, monks live this motto with food, clothing, shelter, and medicine; do not be tempted by sensual pleasures.Peaceful life that Buddhists seek peace are not governed by the five desires, five hindrances;Stay out of its peace is attained by four meditation, is optimistic outflows due to stock the four stages, is located by the kindness to take liberation of Arhat with any operating nine.
III. Removal wrong:

Lastly is distinguished and wrong political opinions. All the facility is divided into two: do not sign up for lectures and presentations. What I am afraid of the past, the future filings life, Buddha saw all know, but if not practical benefits, not leading to the first President Academic, Nirvana, the Buddhist theory is not signed, or not talking about the legal Hey. Buddha just say what practical benefits, since lead to enlightenment; meaning that the listener can experience this truth by his enlightenment.
There are 14 problems neutral theory, not Buddhist teaching says world permanent or not permanent ...; world finite or infinite ..., as listed in the business.
18. Economic Self joy

[Pali:  Samapasadaniyasutta , D 28]
I.  Sariputta hống lion.
Sariputta statement: In the past, present, future, no recluses, Brahmin yet brainer, sufficient spirit that can be likened to Buddha. Such claims are called amalgams lion. Why?
II.  Total general law.
Sariputta can not know the mind of the Buddha, the Buddha did not know so limited, such measures, so intellectual, so liberating, but based on the total general legal conviction that such statements butter. French general minister ( dhammanvaya ) is what is deduced from their direct experience. These he listed measures include, in order from low to high: the legal distinguish black, white law, the two parts of the same value. Secondly, the legal regime, as the law was established that Buddhist practice that results, it was: the four foundations of mindfulness, the four main needs, four-sufficient spirit, four meditation, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment, eight Sword. Second, distinguish between internal and external origin. France is increasingly subtle theory: four imported pregnant, seven enlightenment, four passports, supreme act pure language, class is even, permanent speech, tha shop, teacher gender, gender purity, sufficient network location , where natural label, information sufficient spirit. Due to such a wonderful approach, practiced with such results, should be well-known method by Buddhist doctrine, is the class level sight.
III. Buddha sealed .
Buddha asked Sariputta replied: In the past and in the future life, have had and will have many equally Buddha. Because there are many Buddha appeared in the past and there will be many Buddhas appear in future life. But in the present, no one can match. Because for a while, never have two Tathagata appeared.
Buddha confirms what Sariputta spoke, and that person told the steward was now the priority-da-di about sexual ethics motto least where Buddha. Academic Qualification motto here is meant to be happy, not cocky. That is, the enlightened Buddha and theory, as such naturalistic approach, to say nothing to deserve to be praised more or less praise.
19. Economic Congress

[Pali:  Mahasamayasutta , D 20]
This prayer can be seen as marked by esoteric, or contained a germ of thought tantric developed later.
Here is a list of almost full spirit of Buddha is believed threshold or later. Buddha residing in Ca-leaning-la-defense, along with 500 monks. First of all, the gods Tinh out to residents. Then in turn, types of spirits also appear. The gods here including angel modern magic, that the gods have great power, had four Great Uranus, the god resides on the mountains, caves reputation everywhere, the spirit of place. Each angel leader in myriad spirits guide: raid-that-she, stomach-rubbing, la-watching, etc ...
Tantric mark in the Pali equivalent quite faint; but in the Chinese translation is very evident. This is all due to the influence of different localities where texts circulated recitation.
In Beijing, except the title of the angels, the demons, the remaining words can be translated literally, but Han did not do so, which transcribed all, so many verses became the mantra section . That's what's causing this Business in the Chinese tend to esoteric.
20. Doing A-ma-residence

[Pali:  Ambatthasutta , D 3]
Waving Brahmin-old-sa-la (Pokkharasati) or Buddha is believed to live in their locality, and since he also heard rumors that the Cu-talk recluses have enough thirty-two of the higher education minister ring; he is very well versed in the legal department of this minister. According to the said department, who have enough university's thirty-two general, if the house will become Emperor Zhuan rotating four continents dominate the galaxy; if ordained to the rank of enlightenment. He wants to see true this rumor, so he sent the favorite disciple youth Amasa resident, he has been carefully taught about legal science minister, came to see the Buddha to witness such rumors are not true.
When you go to Buddha, A-ma-stay self-blood high class, boasts a school facility, should express contempt for the Buddha. Buddha then said straight with A-ma-resident is not educated guy. Angry that the Buddha was called the uneducated, the young man let go of insults and stream their favorite Buddha. Whereupon, Buddha asked him what clan he belongs. He said, Qing royal family. The Buddha then said identity escort, so the ancestors of the former residence Amasa was the son of a maidservant of their favorite prince of old. Then, Buddha resident A-ma-confirm this, but he hesitated. God Buddha said Luc Graduate holding vajra iron pestle standing right on top, if not endorse the question of the Buddha, will be broken first. Panicked, he confirmed what the Buddha has told the history of his family. This makes the A-ma-resident lost at first arrogant air.
Then Buddha questioned the A-ma-resident of Vietnam in the class superiority. Contact this problem, A-ma-residence course admitted caste Brahmin is the highest in society. Natural Buddha is their favorite prince, caste-li police, this would not have said.
Buddha assumes a close-li woman marrying Brahmin, son of the Brahmin is not entitled to the benefits side-li police. On the other hand, Brahmin woman man male close-li, the son of the party still enjoys the right to parent is Brahmin. Thus, in terms of privileges, close-li class superiority over Vietnam. But, the Buddha said he kept the world up close-li race is the most;The only only one full Minh Hanh's new supreme on both heaven and man.
A-ma-resident Buddha asked about the meaning of this Administrative Ming. Buddhist practice lead to the process of the Ming and administrative achievements, since a discharge men e credit even further ordained, gender achievements, accomplishments apartment Comfort law, life contentment, righteous political practice, except five hindrances, respectively evidence Zen meditation until the quarterfinals, followed by the winning location: sufficient spirit communication, informed the ear, eager mind, sufficient network location, place of birth and death, illegally take place: "students have an end , has firmly dignity, things to do are done, no longer regenerate life to come. "
Ming Administrative achievements as fins, nothing more paramount.
The hermit living in the woods, eating roots and wild fruit to eat; or distilled am triptych fire, lives near the village, or at the crossroads take the alms; Such behavior is the degradation caused to Ming Administration, can not lead to achievement Ming Action. Even four such teachers and students Amasa resident still can not practice; but they are extravagant and arrogant intellectual property of their establishments, despised Salmone Interest-class mail to the lowly.
Subsequently, the Buddha's examples of ancient Korea, the economic position of poetry editor collection, the contemporary praise that the school Brahmin according to Tien's become like them, to be reborn in Brahma . Not just recounted, according to the Korean respondents collar workers are able to become Korea's. The Brahmin wanted to learn this, but live according to God's ancient lavish mansion in which Korea's wish to become such. This is like a lowly recounted the king of Persia-was overheard somewhere anonymously, so that can not become lords of the king of Persia-anonymously.
At this point, all the arrogance of youth initial A-ma-stay, arrogance of caste blood, arrogance of learning qualifications; all completely collapsed. Buddha, stop, skip this, but remember he came here intent. That purpose is to learn general law. After observing the perfect place full of Buddhist minister, A-ma-resident departed.
Boom-sa-la-old standing at the door waiting game. He said A-ma-resident accounts reviewed the meeting. After listening, he raged, permanent bike Amasa fall backs. Smart pupil he went stigmatize him, made him master role hell. Then he went to see him personally. Themselves fully observe Buddha's excellent minister, he incurred faith, visiting Buddhist and Increase real-life home.
The next day, Buddhist monks with them to the house of Phat-old-sa-la-looking Increased donations received. After eating, the Buddha preached to him. After the legal, Phat-sa-la-old prime Admin instant results. He vows lifetime Three Refuges, sex life over the years as a strong-she-rules.
Seven days later, Waving old-sa-la-release sick and died. Buddha prophesies, he attained Any refund, natural regeneration and migration to the Pure Land will enter Nirvana in there, do not come back here anymore.
21. Brahma hammock

[Pali:  Brahmajalasutta , D 1]
There are two master role Pham, pagan religious groups ( paribbajaka : universal practitioner, du Graduate pagan) is Thien Niem (Suppiya) and Pham-ma-reach (Brahmadatta) followed the Buddha and the monks on the road to Truc village. A Buddhist who decry all the way up; a praise Buddha in every way.
The monks gathered at the hall, discussing the event. Buddha monks, is not happy to be praised, nor sorrow being disparaging. The merit criticism of the other two only by teachers and students affected by different interpretations, thinking, close. Things that ordinary Tathagata praise based solely on the minutiae of the rule. Only those who know where the Buddha praised for more profound measures.
Next, Beijing has two main parts.
Part I : In Praise of gender. The gender thing here is the same as in doing A-ma-resident (Ambatthasutta , D 3), but the document translation is not uniform. This section consists of three small paragraphs: (a) contacting the terms of the fundamental ethical renunciation; (b) evil operating activities, which are not good pastime cause direct obstacles; (c) network deviant activity, is by means of voodoo and the living. 
Part II : This is the focus of the business. Buddha sets out all theories about the universe and human contemporaries, including in 62 categories, called "Luc duodenum is". All these medical treatises on two part-time basis: every evening primary care, called the existence of prejudice, in relation to the origin of the world. The second part is he lives on future chips, called dust mites life is. From this every two medical treatises appeared 62 as follows:
i) The existence of is  ( pubbantakappika ), overall there are 18 theories:
-  Permanent 4 comment  ( sassatavada ), advocated self and the world is permanent, unchanging. The first three cases, medicine on revelation; Wednesday case, y on speculative.
-  Semi-permanent 4 comment  ( ekaccasassatavada ), the ego and the world a permanent component and a non-resident portion, bear epidemic. Ie only the Brahman (God) is the eternal immutable, are subject to variables outside the service.
-   4 Comments boundless finite  ( antanantavada ), the self and the world is finite (finite), infinite (unlimited) and has boundless organic medium (the above limit, the four directions, the infinite). Three medical case on revelation; Medical cases on Wednesday speculative.
-  4 Comments sophistry  (anaravikkhepavada).
-  2 Comments inhuman  or  random comment  ( adhicca-samuppannavada ), this world by accident, not by any cause, appearing from nothing.
ii) Mat degenerate life is  ( aparantakappika ), including 44 treatises:
-  16 Comments great property  ( sannivada ): progeny have excellent ideas simultaneously (tangible), or no color (invisible), with marginal (finite), or without Border (infinite), net communications, or net suffering, a great idea or countless local, etc ...
-  Mindless 8 Comments  ( asannivada ), outstanding progeny have no idea, etc ...
-  Non ideal non ideal 8 Comments  ( nevasanninasannivada ), then do not have the ideal life is not without ideas, etc ...
-  7 Comments cessation  (ucchedavada),
-  Nirvana current 5 Comments  ( ditthadhammanibbanavada ), years of education are current Nirvana, or Private meditation, to Charity, the Nirvana in the present.
Buddha terminally arise only reason he is accepted: The views are subject to the level of sensations. Do grounds, landscape, mode, three student life harmony. Life is predestined for charity; Ai is predestined for prime, prime property ... until fate, suffering great collective net start capacitor. "If the monks known as the originator of the six episode really touched, the cessation, the sweetness, the scourge and the renunciation of contact, monks had been a supreme, beyond all that is."
Due acquirer everyone is accepted, as all fish fishing grab a net, Beijing called  Pham hammock, "Brahma grid". This translation was called  Pham activities , suspected by the transmission of sound similar: Brahmajâla (Pham hammock) read Brahmacala (discounts up). Translation Quartet Law section  is also called Kinh  Pham action .  School A-levels  and  the Four Law section  translated simultaneously, separated by several years, dating to the Qin dynasty Hoang Thuy. So if you do not mistakenly copied, or misread the original sound, this can Kinh Dam-wheel delegates virtue ( Dharmaguptaka ) readers. In the Chinese version translated, such as T-21, or a law of Mahayana, are known as  discounts hammock .
Beijing also was named Nghia action, France dynamic, animated ants, Ma action. Of course, the word  action all can understand the  hammock  (net).
22. United Business ethics

[Pali:  Sonadandasutta , D 4]
23. Economic Rescue-la-herd-head

[Pali:  Kutadantosutta , D 5]
Brahmin Rescue-la-above-head (Kutadanto) are above international organization, that great festival spirit of sacrifice ritual. This huge altar and costly. When word of the Buddha is to live to travel in their localities, he came to refer to contemporary ritual where Buddhist altar.
Buddha did not explain directly, which recounts an international university was held in the ancient past.
Basic conditions for the organization of the national herd to international peace industry.Whereupon Buddha recounted the economic measures that the monarch then applies: people go to trade finance, grant beef, veal, rice seeds to the farmer; enabling people crash their careers. After strong infantry rich countries, international organizations acting king above.
General health was held with full sixteen elements, called sixteen investment instruments:
1. Four Investment Support: the king issued an edict announcement for four participants, including internal supply, Prince, courtiers, generals Graduate. Strictly speaking, including princes, courtiers, clergy, and people.
2. Eight achievements of the monarch, are the qualities that the king must have, from blood, to knowledge, martial arts ...
3. Four achievements of lords, that the king's vizier must also meet all the necessary qualities, including blood, knowledge, language skills and shrewdness.
Before the election in fact, the sub-lords minister to review all necessary conditions, the declaration called sixteen. While economic progress above, there are several categories of people to ask for alms, the king should give alms equality, not cynical person karma acts ten or ten unwholesome. This practice is known as ten or eleven personalities who attended the celebration at the altar. Next, courtiers also explained to the king not regret mentality about this organization, known as the three foreign interest. International Forum is supported with four private-called four assistant whom he had issued an edict announcement said. Each investment support women in celebration of the feast of the four ports.
Meaningful international forum, bringing practical results, is not to kill cows, goats and other living beings; just butter, milk, sesame oil, honey, black sugar and cane sugar.
After hearing the detailed narrative Buddha, Savior-la-above-head deep in thought. With such details matter, as if the Buddha is the one who directly attend the elastic that fact. He said this with Buddhist thought. Buddha confirmed, indeed, the king of which is the precursor of Buddha.
Then he asked, had heard that the result sacrifices blessings than that? Buddhist answer is yes.And turn from low to high, from giving alms to monks and for myself to practice, gender achievements, attained four meditation, the winning position, to attain three intelligent, gonorrhea take liberation, as herd health at the most expensive highest achievement results.Details like this piece spoke of doing  A-ma-resident  ( Ambatthasutta , D 3).
Rescue-la-above-head very happy, faith arises, and visiting Buddhist monks to make offerings Increase home.
The next day, the Buddha to his home with us Increase to receive alms offerings. After eating, the Buddha preached. Brahmin after hearing preliminary results attained instant method, found refuge center, international life over the years.
Seven days later, Rescue-la-above-head loss. Buddha prophesies, he attained Any refund, natural regeneration and migration to the Pure Land will enter Nirvana in there, do not come back here anymore.
24. Business consolidation

[Pali:  Kevattasutta , D 11]
Buddhist sutra states of psychic value. All religions are required Kabbalah rabbi present, work miracles. Some Buddhists also ask Buddha manifested miracles, miracles, to believe the easy life. Graduate solidly Residential Area (Kevatta / Kevaddha) in Beijing such request. Buddha refused, and raised three types of Kabbalah, called the three marketing directors ( Tini patiharriyani ), that the market is attractive three others, causing awe, admiration for the miracle: (a) Up and Spirit religion ( iddhipatihariya ), is currently the kabbalah as a body transformed into the body, such as birds go in vain, to go through the cliffs ... (b) to sign up directing mind (adesanapatihariya ), clearly read the mind of others , know what people are thinking. (c) Education marketing world religion ( anusasanipatihariya ), education, teach bad people become good, the wicked turn into devotees. In three categories, Buddha taught only the direct marketing miracles manifested most wonderful miracle.
Whereupon, Buddhist monks storytelling attained a divine power, but did not know the four elements when they return to where cessation. His campaign to ask the gods Kabbalah. You do not know to answer. He turns up offering higher sun. Finally up to Brahma. When asked, Brahma did not answer directly, but declared: "I am the Dai Pham, who is the Infinite Power Win, a thousand world ruler, wealth, precious, precious proud, totally self in , capable of all things nature, are the parents of our students. " That is God Almighty, omniscient. Required monks answered questions not need to declare how he is. Brahma admitted that do not know, and suggested returning WW asked Buddha.
This return monks asked the Buddha States. Buddha told fable, like a bird of seafarers were released to find the shore. If found shore, it straightened. If you do not see the shore, it's back to the boat. Monks also, come all these worlds, not find new answers back to the Buddha.
That is the meaning of Dharma spiritual powers.
25. Speaker violation Business Journal

[Pali:  Kassapasihanadasutta , D 8]
An ordained pagans, practicing naked happy, to see him and asked that people say Buddha criticized the austerity measures, thus distorting it?
Buddha said, the Buddha criticized or praised, often understood and explained one way, so usually distorted. For Austerity measures, too, are not completely criticize Buddhism.
Therefore, to understand what the Buddha said without distorting and should know the difference between what the legal comparative contract and the dispute between Buddhism and other sects. In it, the good and evil that Buddhism does not deal with the pagan theory; It needs to know the distinction between comparative Tong Tong associate with monks, between disciples and disciples. Pursuant to the correct comparative analysis, the area director, that he kept on the practice, lead to practical results in the present. Pursuant to the enlightenment that is seven, from scouts to exhaust legal. In Pali equivalent, area director is saying here is the Noble eight.
But admit it's directed to the legal area theories predict what is right or wrong, but Ca-lettuce still believe that the only legal issue is the legal format of recluses, Brahmin, that measures true. The austerity measures have been recounted in Kinh  Tan-da-na  ( Udumbarikasutta , D 25).
Buddha said, the way he acts immediately to the suffering of women if you want to still be able to act according to it. They have nothing worthy to be called out to work hard to recluses qualities, Brahmin, if people practice without gender and wisdom.
Ca-lettuce was asked what instructions and knowledge, explained the business as stated in  A-ma-resident  ( Ambatthasutta , D 3). But here only mention the quarterfinals meditation, peace and happiness in the present. Pali says more strategy: monks practicing compassion, not trained and are not harmful, illegal take, mind liberated, liberating insight.
However, Ca-lettuce still believe that suffering is a legal practice the most difficult issue, hardly knew of recluses. Buddha said, that's just how popular perception speaking part of the world, if only naked, lying on the ground, on stools, etc., which are difficult to practice ascetic, a woman can know. Knowing this is only superficial, but the mind can not know that ascetic practitioner Co Nhue or not trained and do not damage or harm. Supreme, supreme, only to have gender achievement, intellectual achievement, attained three intelligent, evidence illegally take place.
Saying so is not completely negate the Buddhist values of austerity measures. One time, when the Buddha lived in caves high chlorophyll Interior paint, the United amnesty, also has said austerity measures for violations Ni-sentence-even as the economic momentum  -momentum-na Scattering  ( Udumbarikasutta , D 25).
The sermon of the Buddha so called amalgams lion, because without hesitation they fear any public assembly. Those who have heard the Buddhist theory of birth faith, practicing, until finality of dignity, no residual evidence Nirvana.
After legal argument, Ca-lettuce Speaker arising faith, who ordained and ordained. Some time later, so ardent practice, he attained the Arhat.
26. Beijing Sanming

[Pali:  Tevijjasutta , D 13]
Until Thich Ton, Vedic scriptures were handed down in only three of the Chinese translation is often called Sanming ( tevijja ). Jute is not bathed in the attainment of an Arhat. Beijing called Sanming , only three Vedas, because the content mentioned basic beliefs Brahmin, was born to Brahma world, plus stay with Brahma ( Brahman ). Communist ideology residence Brahma later developed into topics of philosophy and theology in schools Phệ-herd-momentum ( Vedānta ) and Di-man-slap ( Mimamsa ).
Buddhist scriptures do not totally reject belief Brahma. The position of Brahma within samsara flows as well as religious origins of Brahma, are detailed in the trading  discounts hammock (Brahmajalasutta , D 1).
There were two young Brahmin-all-tra Mrs. (Vāseṭṭha) and Pha-la-fall (Bharadvaja) argue about the true path that leads to the Brahma, according to Ms-the busi- Fly-old goal-sa-la (Pokkharavati) or Multi-amnesty Chile (Tarukkha). Each person his conservative views. They suggested the reference to the Buddha.
Buddha turn the mythological times to the supreme Dao Graduate neck, from which comes the resident community legend Brahma; confirmed that all workers have money that no one actually saw Brahma, although they are the most knowledgeable of Sanming, chant hymns composed of marketing, set the Vedic scriptures. Buddhist scriptures also true in many cases it comes to the area is Brahma, but that most of the precursor or bodhisattva, or Buddhist disciples.
Buddha makes three significant examples indicate legend himself from those who are not directly witness is not credible. Firstly, as a man who loved telling stories of a woman, but asked about the appearance, clan, family, land of a woman, he does not know anything. The report was frivolous.
Second, a person wants to climb the ladder of nowhere that said housing is climbing out; Such is the delusion. Those who do not know where that Brahma wanted to Brahma, the reception too.
Third, as a person who wants to cross the river A-di-la; stand on shore to call this, the other side can not get jumped back on this side to walk through, unless he means friends. Also, who is tied to the five desires that desire was born Brahma.
Next, Buddha asked two young men on the property where Brahma, and those who want to give birth to Brahma. Brahma is the san no heart, hatred heart, heart damage, not holding wealth, completely liberated. So, those who are interested courts, hatred heart, heart damage, while holding the wealth, not completely liberated, he can not stay with Brahma community. Because the nature of the disagreement. This is what later developed into Pham Nga gay theory in Indian philosophy.
He asked his two Buddhist youth on the right path leading to Brahma. Before you answer, give examples Buddha. A person who lives in his place of birth from small to large; if one asked the way to the place, of course he will instruct fluently, can not be wrong. Buddha for Brahma, too.
Renewable up to Brahma, first of all need to homosexuality with Brahma. How to become gay with Brahma? Buddhist teaching on the practice of the four categories (Brahmavihara): loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, discharge. If anyone achievements this four immeasurable, after death rebirth sure to Brahma.
27. Economic result Salmone

[Pali:  Samnnaphalasutta , D 2]
Ajatasatru (Ajatasattu) previously instigated hear of Devadatta (Devadatta) who killed his father to steal the throne.
On a full moon night, the moon beautiful, kings and courtiers seated upstairs, be female.Inspiration, the king asked his officials described property should do at this beautiful moonlit night. Depending on the preferences of each person proposed his own way. Including many who propose to visit and comment associate religion with pagan Tong is currently residing in the United amnesty, famous then called the Clerk. King was silent. Finally, her doctors recommended Jainism came to the Buddha, the time was staying at his mango garden. The king accepted the invitation.
With price protection entourage, elephants and horses, Mangos frantic flock to the garden. To a garden not far, Ajatasatru felt terrified, erect hair. Y Sy Ki-she reassured the king, urged forward, there will be many benefits. Ajatasatru awe and amazement why a winter exercise such monks in this garden, but the garden completely silent without a sound?
King entered the auditorium. Buddha sitting in the middle, surrounded them monks. Overlooking the tranquil setting, the king suddenly exclaimed: "May the Prince Pros-da-di was so quiet."
Greeting, the Ajatasatru asked Buddha: Everyone follow my career, all these current results.Current practical results of recluses is what?
King said, previously had put this question to the clerk, but not be satisfied. Then turn recounts the time he met with complete details about their policy stance. Master Lu Group include:
1. Ca Phat-lan lettuce (Purana Kassapa-), socks non-industrial undertakings or uncreated theory ( akiriyavada ), good or bad behavior does not bring what retributive results.
2. Mat-old Chile sentence-amnesty-li (Makkhali-Gosala), advocated cessation Comments (ucchedavada ), there is no afterlife, no soul of things. But according to Pali, Chinese arts in the service segments is part of Ajita cessation Kesakambali comment. The policy of reincarnation Makkhali Gosala is purified ( samsarasuddhi ).
3. A multi-period-Sí-amnesty-admiration-she-la XE "A-kyo-na Sí-bad-khaam-sure-la" (Ajita-Kesakambala), advocated cessation Comments ( ucchedavada ).
4. She-line-da-na Old-fried (Pakudha- Kaccayana), which advocates the theory does not change according to Pali ( aviparrinama ), no creativity, no generator. But in Chinese translation, his policy is to purify reincarnation, and the first part of Art in the Pali Makkhali Gosala be.
5. Approves Ti-elegant-di-la-le-waving XE "Taun-kneading-di-la-pear-TYO DEVELOPMENT" (Sanjaya Balatthiputta), following the trend cynical, pseudo-arguments ( amaravikkhepika ), answer question as eel slithering winding threads.
6. Than Death Ni-devout (Nigantha-Nata-putta), according to Pali, advocated four types of protection ( catuyamasamvarasamvuto ), but the translation was not stated what the policy but insisted, "I am the mind Necessary steps" see all, know all.
Finally, Ajatasatru into question the Buddha: current practical results of recluses is what?
First of all, the Buddha mentioned two cases: a slave of the king, and the other a free people;when two people abandon school ordained secular religion, the king still treat them as former slave and his subordinates or not? King responded: No; on the contrary they must be respected.
Buddha said, it is the current practical results of recluses. But the result was vulgar. There results further, more subtle. What was the result? Pali narrative detail, since the Buddha's manufacturing, improve electronic transmitter part male monastic center, respectively gender achievements, basing guests laws, to stock gonorrhea take place. Details translated in Chinese equivalent of A-ma-resident. So here, the Chinese do not repeat any more details, but summarized in a few lines.
After the legal, Ajatasatru awakening, showing remorse about acts of violence against his father killed before, and found refuge in the Three Jewels mind, life over the years presented, the people who strong-she-rules, and sometimes Buddha and to make offerings to the basilica.
When Ajatasatru gone, the Buddha said to the monks, if the former king did not kill his father so now it can attain results Admin.
28. Beijing Bo-investigation-she-long

[Pali:  Potthapadasutta , D 9]
An ordained pagan, Pham's father-investigation-she-long (Potthapada) Buddha narrated debate about just happened in a symposium between Pham release: Birth great cause and a great cause death. Thought ( Sanna ) thought this is the five aggregates aggregates, is clinic of language and thinking. From a great problem, related to ego problems. From ego problem, contact the existing problems and allergic itself time and in the world system. That's three key themes of Scripture.
About thought, Buddha showed great causes and conditions for students and great kill.Awareness on health issues to arise and disappear in the process of spreading ideas from the mind to the heart through meditation and the ranks, until finally completely destroyed in the great idea cessation of life. In the process, by means of which a great kill low-level practitioners to give rise to a higher ideal.
Beings are seen as living instant exists because notice there's a great activity regardless of any rank. Until entering destroy life idea, but still exist now but look outside, as if they were dead. So great in relation to the self. In other words, if you do not see signs of great activity, can not conceive of the ego exists. Because a great difference hierarchical, object works with large or small, local or infinite, but also notions of self disagreements under. There are four great bodies Education advocates presented as self; Education gender bias or relatives, or Lust, gender bias is Immaterial self. Buddha said, can only know this if you know a great idea and kill students.But due to differences practices, trends differences, preferences differences, such as father-Pham-she-long investigation could not understand the problem a great idea Removal birth.
Do inborn divinity or so difference, to be able to understand or do not understand the problem, so Buddhist teachings have been signed theory, have not signed the theory. This is the second key Scripture. The nature of the problem that self or selflessness practical reasons listed in fourteen neutral, are issues not to mention Buddhism. These issues include the world falls and often ephemeral, finite or infinite, exists or does not exist, at least relative differences. That is the most critical issue in the ideological debate the Buddhist doctrine, and even later. Buddhist pagans often attacked for not answering a straight question. The Buddhists also're disgruntled because Buddhism does not answer the problem. Here, the Buddha insisted, just sign what useful theory, lead to eradication contraband, gain liberation, nirvana.
While father-investigation-she-long narrated by Pham criticized, stating the nature of Buddha problem: something real and something frivolous? Ego and often impermanent world, life after suffering a net or net communications; who claims perspective that has never experienced what he claimed, is like a man who can boast with an adulterous woman that the fact that women do not exist. But, from the main body on the four elements where this is pure awareness, pollution, is something that everyone can experience. Except pollution, are purified, from low to high, as the idea was born through levels killing idea, until liberation, peace and finality.
Here, Statue Prime Sariputta, former monks were disrobed, asked Buddha relations and the existence of gender system itself. The problem is as follows: from the four-sphere itself gender, practice promoted to the senior, born with a great idea Removal process through meditation masters, the world itself has simultaneously Fitness exist with familiar the world other systems, Lust and Immaterial, or not? Aware of the problems will be able to confirm that said "In the past I have ever existed; not non-existent. In the future, I will be born, and not without; in the present, I'm there in. Rather no ".
After all this law, committed father-even she-long investigation of application-ordained, and then by ardent final practice he attained Arhat.
29. Lo-old Beijing

[Pali:  Lohiccasutta , D 12]
Brahmin Lo-old (Lohicca) Increase home visiting Buddhist and offerings, but there is this evil: "These recluses, Brahmin himself attained dhamma then, should not theory measures for other people. the evil was just taking measures. as the old prison building out a new prison. "
His barber was Brahmin Buddhist sent to a clock. He narrated that viewpoint with milling, and asked Buddha is stopped except evil.
After that meal is finished, the Buddha sermon, he asked the Brahmin was a technical point of view. Brahmin he confirmed it was true.
First, there are three classes Buddhist guru stated in life deserve to be criticized, in view of the Lo-old.
The first class, not a religion that now goes sermon. He do not revere practitioners. Teachers and students to live together only shifting only. This master class is absolutely no legal evidence yet also kill friendly negativity that went sermon, as if breaking the old prison that building a new prison. It is legal to participate evil.
Second term, but measures to attain some traders, but has yet to achieve their vocation that went sermon. It is like a back rub for people only. It is legal to participate evil.
Third class, but full upper legal workers, but now no achievements religion completely. His interests minors, went sermon. Put grass is like plowing his field that goes to someone else. It is legal to participate evil.
But most have the Master Class, he accomplished the senses, full Ming Action. Sun Master Class lecture was to lead people to attain the four stages. In other words, he has completed his own benefit, then the sermon interests. Who compartment he preached, he makes the listener legal theory, people are immoral, will be reborn in woeful planes. As well as the king of Persia-imperial anonymously production assets which provide for others; king who obstruct this work is immoral. Just as Brahmin wanted to export its own possessions to give people, who hinder, him immoral. Immoral persons every evil way will fall.
After the sermon, Lo-old hatred is.
30. The Contracting Business

[No Pali equivalent]
This economic longest in the entire  school A-levels , representing about one, five service powers, from 18 to 22. About the book content, commercials can be viewed in detail Economic Forum  Sub coast  which is the Pali equivalent  Aggannasutta , D 27 in Beijing with more details can be found in Pali culture, but there are many details yet to find. These details may be the mythical form was circulated in the ethnic minority areas where transmission of the status of the Pali Ven not related or known. Despite initial prima facie, many details of Beijing brought more myth mythical nature, but in the eyes of the mythology, they contained historical memories of each people, providing abundant resources data on ancient times, and up to the prehistoric human.
Contents of the entire business can be focused on two points:
- Buddhist worldview, through the cycle of creation and the end of the world, ie the time to go through life, middle life and damage lives. This worldview includes natural gas called earth, and creatures that exist in, called the sentient world. Such world undergoing a cycle, cylinders, tanks-not; then back into office, not corrupt; is endless; as continuous spinning wheel.
- World so depending on the level of feeling happiness and unhappiness which is divided into several levels, which can be called many different ecological floors. The lowest is the pure hell of suffering and extreme suffering, the highest of net lac gods, to extreme optimism. Space for ecological strata that span multiple dimensions, called ten world, which number in a range of three thousand contemporary buddhaland natural world: a world with thousands of sun, moon a minor disaster. One thousand primary form one central natural disasters. A thousand middle to form one great natural disasters. In the realm and the class existence, human life as a standard taken from the immeasurable length, extending to figure incredibly close. With infinite time and infinite space from the perspective of human beings that look like that, but all rules are subject to impermanence, variable service. Born highest heavens, or descend to hell suffering with extremely long life pleasant or unpleasant, but from the extreme high and then fall down, from ultra-low seat and will take up; Uncertainty downs. That is the meaning of existence. Seeing such that path awakening for renunciation, sought liberation for himself and for the people.That's what prompted Beijing regularly, after each time, about a world event.
Business is divided into 12 product:
1.  Hell-line-product :
Calibrated from the Ngu Ha, tentatively called the region starting with Indian culture, visits to the south is the Hell-line-continent. According to the matter, said the south is the only location in the south of Mount Tu-di. Called Yan-line, because this area is heavily forested grow salt-line said that Sanskrit is  jambu . If as described by Beijing, the trees only in mythology. But according to the fact, then this may be the pink apple tree, found in the tropics, mostly in India, Pakistan, and South Asia.
Contact Yan-line European-topic, Waving east-vu-treating, which is its original Sanskrit Purvavideha , equivalent to Pali is  Pubbavideha ; Friendly service Dongsheng mean, is the continent where people have a beautiful body.
Cu-west European multi-ni, which is Sanskrit  Godaniya . Pali also. European chemical translated Taurus. In this context means that chemical materials, ie materials used in transactions at arm's length. In other words, here, the property is calculated by cattle.
For each continent, Beijing detailing the shape, size, climate, produce, man. Location of this continent are taking mountain Tu-di-centered.
2.  Product Uat-knit-write :
In particular on the continent north of Tu-di. Common in Chinese literature, this continent is North sentence-long session, which is Sanskrit  Uttara-Kuru , only the northern lands  Kuru . Kuru  is one of the 16 largest in the Buddhist kingdom, often mentioned in the Beijing . However, according broadly,  Kuru  here exactly a mythical kingdom, and North  Kuru  is also mythical lands, can take the north beyond the Pamirs. Further, historical, may be land in the north of the city-states of ancient Sumeria.
This is a private matter because Continental social life here is different from the other three continents. In this continent, absolutely no form of production activities. Food, there is no need natural rice cultivation. Of dress, with natural plants produce clothes, who need it to get. Other instruments such as bowls, lyre, flavorings, are provided so natural. People here do not have the concept of family, spouses, parents and children. Boys and girls like each other, resulting in a certain spot of sight, then parted. Court newborn infants, leaving the middle of the street, people passing by, take care of it. No other crimes such as murder, theft, lying; meaning that there is no concept of morality. So there did not know the Dharma. Even the pagan theory, here do not know. Here also no sickness on these three continents as the other, so everyone lived most of his life, no premature death.
3.  Products cakkavatti :
Cakkavatti only appeared in Europe Yan-line, but always all three continents to conquer the other, and so on four continents dominate the galaxy. Details on the establishment of this great empire, with prosperity prosperous life, as told in Beijing  Dharmaraja  said about King Dai Thien Kien (Mahasudassana) above.
4.  Food Hell :
Outside four continents galaxy surrounded by a mountain range vajras University. In addition to this range which adds a further vajras Great Mountains. Approximately two mountains intermediate space is dark, no light can enter. Although modern era with powerful angels nor shed light on it is. In which there are eight large hells, where only pure suffering, without the slightest touch. Hell around each large 16 small hell. Business description unpleasant forms of living beings in this hell.
5.  Long bird Products :
Dragons and monsters in all kinds of birds. From which we popularly call the dragon, saying that Sanskrit  Naga , often only the big snakes like python or snake god. Sometimes just kind of big body elephant. We can also see the types of dragon or  naga  is the ancient dinosaurs. They are divided into four categories: from eggs, born from the womb, born of low gas, and born by metamorphosis. The dragon types are living below the seabed.
The hell it is  garuda , kim champion bird, yellow bird wings. They also include four categories: ovum, pregnancy, low, turned as dragons. We live in the north coast, on a giant. Food of the bird monster is yellow dragon wings. Monster bird birth pregnancy can catch that kind of carnivorous dragon born pregnant. The other kind, too.
6.  Products Asura :
The Asura live in the sea north of the Tu-di. Palaces, fortresses, also described as the sky near Dao-li. Education in gender row, the Asura are often behind the gods for strength equal to gods Dao-li. But as pleasant level, have been classified as subordinate to men, since they are more species of anger, often tormented by his anger. In the leaders Asura leaders have named La-most (Rahu); whenever rage, hand covering the moon solar eclipse phenomenon caused birth or lunar eclipse.
7.  Four Heavenly Kings :
Asura on one level is heaven Four Heavenly Kings (S.  Caturmaharajakayika-Deva ; P. Catummaharajika ), is dominated by the four heavenly king's protectors. Each town at an angle to protect Tu-di-li Sun Dao prevent Asura troops pull up attack.
8.  Dao-li Natural Products :
Dao-li is transcribed (S.  Trayastrimsa ; P.  Tavatimsa Heaven ), translated as the Three Cross celestial triangle, is Monday celestial sphere, is dominated by a 33 position Uranus led by Thich Thien soles. This heaven right here on top of Tu-di.
In this realm, there are many palaces, fortresses. Compassion is the legal center line (P. Sudhamma-Sala XE "Sudhammao-saolao", S.  Sudharma devasabha ), the Hall of the gods, where a meeting of the Conference of the gods Dao-li. Good location in the city is, the divine inner soles. Northern Shan separate line basis is divine imperial palace. Surrounded by gardens for different angels class to enjoy, enjoyment. Around the middle of the garden with great tree of life called la Resident trees, literally the day measuring ball. It is a moment of gods plan. Its original Sanskrit  Parijataka  (P.  Paricchattaka ). In verse-amnesty, Xuanzang translated birth Life Members.
Beijing also detailed narrative of gods living here, talk about the pleasures, the life expectancy of ETC ...
9.  Tam tai Products :
Talking about the three natural lives, three lives calamity, or three cycles leading to completely destroy the world.
First, the existence of fire disaster .

Each ear life has two parts, the first part is the disappearance of the beings in the level that natural life happens. Tai first incarnation whole hell of destruction, up until the entire Private meditation including world Brahma. Hell beings of all crimes reported life gradually, or recycled to make people, or students higher. The rebirth of the industry leading low from the animal realm down to hell, if remaining, now called wreak sufficient, they then predestined community should now not current; of course not completely abolished. Then the world only from planes or more people. In it, all of them practice, and evidence from the Two meditation masters and above. All types of business from meditation or less Admin not applicable. Therefore, when these beings are all common network reborn from the realms of Zen II or higher. Until then, the whole world from the Admin charming meditation or less disappeared. Now begins the second part of the ear lifetimes.
The earth is warming by the sun turns seven appeared. First of all because a Hurricane deflect the sun's orbit, causing the sun to appear two, then three, until seven. Rivers dry, shallow sea water until it dried. Then the earth on fire. The fire burned up to the Brahma World, stop below Quang natural sound. A long time later, the world was recovering from the realms of Brahma or less is formed again. The beings from the heavens above, the blessing advantage, operating advantage, died there, and now by the brutal former residence remains now current to regenerate back to lead the realms below. Charming world began to recover, from the Private meditation, down to hell.
It was the first cycle of destruction, because of the fire.
Second, because of the water .

Divided into two parts as well as on. Tai lives up to this time destroying the entire Second meditation. The reborn beings turn to the Tam meditation or higher realms. From the Two meditation or less, the visible world was empty. Then a big black clouds gathered, rain poured down everywhere. Hot as boiling water, do all things rock diarrhea, steel, until the vajra. All celestial targets also down, until the whole earth from the Second Gas meditation or less clear for destruction. As before, some time later, the world began to be reconstructed, whole-word meditation Two floors down to hell. Due to wreak sufficient now, the beings reborn turn down, to hell. That's a destructive cycle round Monday because of the water.
Thirdly, because of the wind .

This cycle of destruction up to all three realms. The reborn beings turn to charity. Then, a cosmic whirlwind called wind rose-old college emerged, swirling everything, from heaven, to the mountains, collide, crushing each other, until all turns to dust. The wind blew the ashes scattered dust no longer trace anything, the world is empty. A long time later again, the world began to recover. Like the previous life time ear, heaven and hell respectively beings filled grades. Monday destructive cycle is complete.
10.  Food Fight :
Narrative of the battle between the gods Dao-li and Asura. Previously, Dao-li realm is the world of Asura. Then, 33 beings so great blessings from the human realm to regenerate. Due to a large fortune, power should level with the leaders Asura. The first phase, the two sides to live together peacefully. But Asura often drift in drunkenness, distraction. Thus, on one occasion, when the Asura drunk, 33 angels he tied them to join forces, and cast into the sea north. Then they dominate Dao-li, ordering the army announced the room.
The leader Asura after sober, he gathers force to retake Thien palace. Before landing on the mainland they clashed with the defense force's first salary Sakka is the dragons, so Long Bat-nan-da king commanded.
When the first line of defense is broken, Long King led the retreat on the second line with military forces Ca-long-la, ie metal bird champion, stop. When this defense line is broken, the spirits retreated back online Tuesday by the spirits Tri town flower, then back on line Wednesday Often town by optimistic spirits.
Protecting supply routes into the final of Sakka, Great defending by four heavenly king. If the Four Heavenly Kings of insufficient force also repulsed Asura back into the sea, Thich Thien empire at war personally. He needs assistance to the heavens above, until the sky turned himself in Tha.
Sakka direct troops fought with Asura, but not to fight, he withdrew flee. Quan Asura pursuit chase. When Sakka fleeing car approached a tree on which the birds nest. Because he kept close gender estate, can not harm the chicks. If pulling the troops would cross the nest and the chicks will fall dead. Thinking like fins, Sakka dose per household sure car prices turned back to the fight. Army Asura is chasing, saw Sakka car back, thought he had reached the drive ambush, they panicked, fleeing back. Like God's men the opportunity, back counter. Eventually captured by the leader Asura, tied lead to heaven.
Since only want peace, Sakka went held discussions with leaders of Asura, the justice of war and peace. Finally, the victory in the Sakka polemical, Au-tu-la no excuse to make war anymore.
Beijing concludes: The gods and Asura fighting, because education is so.
11.  The three central product life :
Between life and passing into life, the cycle of evolution of living beings and degradation, taking humanity as the center, known as the Mid-life. Mid-life Each event is marked by increasing or decreasing the lifespan. At first, the average life expectancy is long pole humanity 8 thousand years, declining to the average life expectancy is only 10 years old. Life expectancy is declining, the development of the reproductive and mental side as quickly. It is a mid life. Then 10 years old, ascending up to 8 thousand years old, so the end of a life. From birth until life into havoc, centered 20 such rallies reduction.
When life reduced to the average life expectancy is only 10 years old, well-len.Trong ear to war every human heart that time unique only kill a bad idea. So, having someone was killed, as deer hunters encounter on the forest. Grass leaves are turned into lethal weapons dangerous.
The majority of people killed by this disaster. One of the few survivors. Then happened disabilities ear. Perhaps due to several massacres, death too many to bury all, the environment becomes toxic scenario should arise disabilities infectious epidemic, mass killing people anymore.
The rest, perhaps because of the war and disability services, so food becomes scarce, famine, mass killing people anymore.
The few remaining starts awakening. Or malice clean kill each other has all gone, the few remaining good to escape the disaster. They encourage each charity. Because karma is accumulated, more and increased life expectancy, up to 8 thousand as before.
Out of a bear and then increase. Out of such a bull and then fall. When maximized, human joy too, let loose, gradually forgot tu should improve degraded, oppressed and lost. Until last limit, to revive the practice again. Such is the cycle of good and evil, made up of the world revolution, birth and destruction. Removal and re-birth, the endless flow.
However, the above three disasters cycles inconsistencies in the texts. Mainly there are two explanations. Or even three consecutive ears occurred in a middle-life, life is the reduction characteristics. Alternatively, each middle life characterized by disasters, as characterized by several courts, bears or ears to war; many are born disabled si ear; taking care facility bears many ears, famine. However, this disagreement does not matter. Classics only reinforced emphasis on the meaning of impermanence, epidemic, and the promotion or causes degeneration of the human era.
12.  The product of grace :
The content of this nearly identical to the Beijing  Sub coast , only more detailed. As the Tu-di mountain formation, galaxy four continents. But no more details on the product, but instead focus on the emergence and evolution of humans and human society, from the beginning until Thich Ton.
Beijing also set genealogical lineage of kings, since the first elected General equality called home, transfer until the King and Prince Bodhisattva All-reaching radar and finally La- almost-la;meaning of family pedigree of Thich Thich Ton.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/11/2016.

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