Chapter Three - Sangha
Weather II
Weather II
Contact between monks and laymen
G IAO Buddhist Sangha is understood they include in-home (monks, monks-ni, novice, Wake-rub-manna and Sa-di-ni) and the two of us laymen (access to the south and near the female).
They are net ordained Buddhist knowledge, practice meditation and guided practice, say legal for them at home. We at home daily, the closer they come home to learn the teachings of liberation and their supporters worry ordained four daily necessities of life: clothing, tools ngọa, food and medicine.
Both of them are ordained and lay disciples of Bhagavan. Both rely upon the Exalted and are on the road to liberation. There is only one difference between them is that they disciple ordained are qualified, then go into liberation, even at home, the next they practice rescue fraught family and social burden. Therefore, Bhagavan has established its own rules appropriate for the two disciples. Liberating teachings as Origination, the Four Truths etc. Exalted be common to both our teaching. Their own home, own teaching methods Exalted alms before going to learn and practice the assistant director Thirty-seven and some other practical teachings, such as how to live happily in the present and future hybrid with family life.
Principles of Bhagavan's education depending on living conditions, conditions and causal perception of individual liberation that teaches proper disciplines. According folds her education, legal monks said, explaining the faith to every home.
One day, the village head lay white Asibandhakaputta asked Bhagavan: "Buddha, why for some people, Bhagavan sermon completely full, for some people, Bhagavan incomplete sermon entirety?" (Samyutta IV, p. 35).
Bhagavan answered the questions of the village head by an example of three fields: a good plot, a plot medium, and a land plot with poison bad, hard and with salt, alum. With three fields that the farmers will cultivate good first plot; then turn secondary plots planted; after all, bad plot. Likewise, Bhagavan good for fields with processing products, secondary plots to lay, and plots with a pagan bad. All three fields will be sown in turn in order of priority with full care and cultivation techniques. Also, all three categories of people mentioned above are instructive Exalted order to fully complete the dhamma teachings of liberation, since all three need to rely Bhagavan as light, as havens, shelter.
A field on Tuesday, though it Bhagavan teaches bad but at least it used to provide food for the cattle.
Bhagavan then again for three categories of people on a trio of pitchers: a perfectly good; the second one was flawed but not impervious to outside; Tuesday the rift're just waterproof. If you must water, people must first filled jar first, then turn to the second and third, the country that used to have.
Likewise, Bhagavan had taught the previous monastic disciples.
Thus, in addition About duties Balaam problem-rustic-massage is applied in mass monks, lay people can listen, understand and practice the teachings that Bhagavan has taught the monks, in addition to doctrine alms and live a happy family life was dedicated to the layman.
The layman might hear discourses from Bhagavan or from monks, nuns. According Nikaya, layperson can attain St. from Tu-momentum-complete (preliminary results) until Arhat (quarter-results). Then there are places, such as Central Economic sure if staying at home is only attained laymen highest A-na-function, laywomen highest attained multi-function-Bosnian. But also in Nikaya, Elementary arts ministry queen Khema case, the wife of King Bimbisara attained to result Arhat before ordained. Again, in the words of the General Duty (Digha), the King attained Arhat upon discharge sambhogakaya.
Often after a lay attained A-na-ordained function to continue immediately attained Arhat. Fruition Arhat, traditionally, always be in the ranks of monks and nuns from the monastic ordination.
Lay people are allowed to make offerings to the Sangha clams, nuns; or limited to a few monks and nuns out; special appeal was also allowed monks and nuns in residence passive man.
Each Bodhisattva, the layperson is allowed to hear the Eight Precepts. After listening to the world, can hear the preaching of his home before returning to itself the "Eight Precepts" within a day and a night. That is living a monastic day.
There are two instances where monks monks boundary fetters to the layman. Where a lay very generous donations, but too poor, so the monks blessed reunion did not come home Bill Rom lay there. The only reason is because of injuries to lay that idea. But, if possible, admit the offerings, the monks can bring donations to this poor layman, layperson facilitate learning and practice.
The second case, a lay wicked world, causing more notoriety for the monks, the monks do not Legal Yet Rom accept him as a Buddhist layman, not more and not to lay his house.
At home, a lay Buddhist (whether male or female, big or small, regardless of class and level) would be able to practice the words Bhagavan taught, depending on the aspirations and their capabilities. Laypeople can practice the precepts, cross gender, Eight Precepts, alms and meditation practice. Also, to live family life to be happy, a layman also perform some other teachings of Bhagavan.
Now, we come to learn the practice of law lay people through history teaching, guidance of monks, nuns.
Five world which so far remains the basic instructions of each laypeople, monks often ordination ceremony Refuge in the Three Jewels are:
1. Not to slaughter (the layman is just keep the main part is not murder; do not kill animals if kept longer, the better).In two Kinh Thien Sinh Singala and the world only four first mention, but the others have mentioned Kinh added the fifth, the fifth in the world's fifth well is the "Eight Precepts".
2. Do not take what others did not. A nutshell is not theft.
3. No sexual misconduct in. In short is not adultery. Made it clear that sexual relations between spouses is limited under the provisions of social morality.
4. Do not lie, do not say a piercing, do not be cruel to say, not to say frivolous to fascinate people.
5. Do not drink alcohol or intoxicating substances with glaze.
Bhagavan has explained to Singala (yogis) that has four motivated people committed five precepts part;Buddhists hold the five precepts, the violation was not so though for some reason:
- The first motive cause is greed transgression; second engine is anger; third engine is ignorance; The fourth engine of fear.Buddhists hold the five precepts on pure, avoid much sorrow and suffering caused in the present and from falling into hell; maintain the human status.
In addition to the benefits for themselves who hold the world, keeping five precepts are bringing peace and more benefits to others. Others by keeping their world that life inevitably harmed, avoid theft, theft, avoid the emotional breakdown of family caused by third parties, evade and avoid scams the unintended consequences are caused by drunk people.
Keep the first world are Buddhists who nourish and nurture the compassion. Love and compassion are nourished means gradually dispel hatred, jealousy. This world has brought peace to the practice and to society, just as pure soul, human emotions.
Hold the second world, who keep the world from falling into the jail, away from people despise, while others are not melancholy because of loss of wealth, more peaceful society.
Hold the Third World, who hold no fear gender breakdown of family affection in itself, not fear of the enemy and not to harm others despised; while other families that also live in peace, undisturbed by the service disruption caused emotional. Society is more part in social stability.
Wednesday precept, precept people trust others, unsuspected sincerity, not despised, and kept upright character, straightforward. Meanwhile, others avoid unintended consequences by lying, saying fraud caused.
Retain the fifth, the nurturing morality quiet temperament, stability, development thinking and avoid disastrous consequences due to the aberration, smashed by drunken rampage caused to ourselves, Sale family and others. Keep this world, as the world becomes holder decent, serious, shame about the wrong doing his thing.
If the lay Buddhist precepts in practice, they were able to contribute a lot to a life of peace and happiness for themselves, for their families and society.
The future, according to the results of the industry, as people can be born again.
Compassion Cross Gender:
Exalted Being taught a lot through the Scripture, in the form of three industrial holder body, speech and mind. Ten whole world is open and lay exports. However, with home goods, the level of practice is limited to lighter to suit inborn and their living conditions. But, if the layman does have the means to practice good deep cross this world, the result gives life for both present and future lives better and more liberated.
1. There are three physical world is no police, no religion and no sex. This corresponds to three world top three of the five precepts.Often the world focused on physical and verbal, to the Minister. There are three more of the world. Greed, hatred and delusion are mentioned in last three world does not require the holder to completely rid the world, but just to get rid of the rough.
2. There are four oral sex is not to lie, not to say the two blades, not harsh speech, and not to say frivolous, dreamless. This is similar to the four world's fourth world precepts.
3. There are three types of reviews are not greedy, do not be angry, and not be wrong.
With good home people, the world gather there now means keeping third body, speech and mind to purity and go to completely get rid of greed, hatred and delusion.
Special Economic Discrimination General Industrial (China A-levels, 174; University 1, 176-b) and the General Industrial Economics Discrimination (Central Economics, No. 86) raised a very particular point that Bhagavan used third eye clearly there are some beings, however, this life ten most evil act now, but thanks for charity's previous life, the end of life sensations arise and arise optimistic faith in the Triple Gem, with right understanding of the law, and before the general clause retains his faith and right understanding of the natural world are born; Meanwhile, a large part of being in this world but ten wholesome acts, but because of past immoral now feeling pain arises at the end of life, and before you die without faith and right signals to the throne Tam Bao, should the data fall into three lines (hell, hungry ghosts, animals).
Besides operating ten good karma, Buddhists should have the right view of karma and good access (there is right faith and right). Right view, mindfulness at common destiny is determinant of birth falls heavenly realms. Wrong, wrong conception shared destiny as the main factor deciding to go down three data lines.
Date younger men (uposatha) is the day that a lay Buddhist monastic practice almond almond pure according to an Arhat level. There are eight world to preserve and practice of gender younger days known as the Eight Precepts. "Because considered eight factors (or eight precepts) as of Arhat level, equally, other not so-called brother". (China A-levels, Kinh Tri Trai).
Bhagavan taught if one day one night Eight Precepts practice this will have great results, great benefits.How to have great results, great benefits?
Bhagavan explains:
"... Here, there is a Buddhist man or woman, after practice, the achievements of eight, after relatives were born plus common network havoc with the gods reside in heaven alienation at the moment, extremely happy "(Anguttara III-A, p. 236).
At Hoa Tu Tha heavenly life is sixteen thousand years. Each year this celestial twelve months; each month has 30 days. Each day of this heavenly day calculated in a six hundred years of human realm. Devas life span calculated Tha Hoa Self in human time are: (1.600x30x12x16.000) = 3,216 million years or 9.2 billion years
What is the Eight Precepts?
- The first precept: "Until lifetime, the Arhat position to make an end of killing, renounce killing, ministers, aside the knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all all beings and beings. Today, this night and day, I also make an end to killing, renounce killing, ministers, aside the knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all beings and beings. "
- About Monday: "... Today, this night and day, I did not make an end of the take, abandoning taking what is not given, just wish things were for self chastity no theft" .
- About a third: "... Today, this night and day, I also make an end to the non-virtues, acts of dignity, life lewd abandon despicable".
- About four: "... Today, this night and day, I would make an end to lie, just say the word of truth he only where the truth, certainly credible, not deceive the world. '
- About Thursday: "... Today, this night and day, I would make an end to passionate wine yeast, cooking wine, wine yeast passionate abandon, cooking wine".
- About Friday: ".... Today this night and day, I also used one meal a day, do not eat at night, giving up not eating at night, not eating at the same time."
- About Saturday: "... Today, this night and day, I did not go to give up dancing, singing, music, acting, no wreath jewelry, perfume, lotions and fashion" .
- About the eighth: "... Today, this night and day, I did not make an end high bedding, large beds, abandoned not use high beds, big beds".
This is the eight precepts which are preserved in the world younger days. The happiness of a person having the right leadership of the sixteen states (a large area in central India) with full treasure, authority was considered small compared to the happiness of the first celestial realms ( the Kings of disasters) is much less than the sixth realms celestial sphere (Tha Hoa Self in heaven).
Eight Precepts such as a traditional practice of laypeople, clearly was compiled in A-levels and in Nikaya, two Tibetan trading is considered close to the most primitive.
Eight Precepts convent just cause is human liberation the world production, has shown the spirit of religion in his life, both as a day to balance the psychological life, a life full of feeling fine day open upward for the soul, should be made into traditional religious days. Eight days the boys, as recorded in Anguttara Economics I, Bhagavan was set for six days in each month: 1, 8, 23, 14, 15 and 30th of the lunar calendar.Especially the six days is: on 8 and 23 usually have the lords of the earth Kings of the ceiling; 14 and 30, the natural death of the Four Heavenly Kings of bare earth; Day 1 and 15, the Kings of the earth to observe the ceiling and evil manifestations of life. The renaissance of the Kings of natural deaths related to intimate realms him: If the religious life, the heaven was much improved flourishing; if planes went out into heaven, the other evil deeds go into decline. Due to this reason that the Kings of disasters particularly interested in looking down earthly life.
Blessed, besides teaching people from suffering, life and death. He was very interested in the happiness of life, who live in the family, there are many family responsibilities and social.
The Toân, biblical and Kinh Thien Sinh Singala, visual interrelationships of human system is interconnected with the sacred, venerable. His view is similar correlation generation system Brahma. There are six system interrelationships venerable, worthy of the people pay homage to life.
While the youth Singala Hexagonal bowed the heavens, then he should teach Bhagavan returned Hexagonal prostrate in the teachings of the sages, the Exalted. This is six relationships in life.
1. Mutual relations between parents and children:
the East is the parent. Parents are sacred, noble, honorable bowed their children. The meaning of the prostrate is emphasizing the duty of the children to their parents. Bhagavan very practical, given the fact Singala return to the duties to parents that are not forms of worship. When parents are alive, the child must be obedient, to please parents; servant said to help parents some work when parents need to; take care of the aging parents, have to maintain our room, reputation and honor of the family, protection of property must know parental leave; to know enlightenment introduced to the parents; if possible, to worry funeral righteous parents.
In response, parents have an obligation to nurture and educate their children well; concern for the literacy and vocational training; help your child healthy and away from your near bad; put the remote into good and evil; care of the guy married into good families; property division for children at the right time.
2. Mutual relations between teacher and pupil:
teacher's Southern. Mutual relations between teachers and students is a relatively high system, beautiful, honorable.
Students need to respect and obey the teacher; need to study hard and make good the teachers teach; help and serve the teachers of the teachers need help.
In response, the teacher is obliged to teach well, providing good technical knowledge; help students clearly see the duty and direction of society itself; help students choose appropriate careers and enabling pupils with business interests leaving school.
It is practical when the teacher Bhagavan vocational training for students and for the (office) for students after they completed !.
3. Mutual relations between husband and wife:
The West is the only relationship between the couple. This system relationship is sacred and worthy of respect bowed. The real meaning of the prostrate is the construction work on good fellowship and happiness between two people.
Husbands need to love, respect and loyalty to his wife, thoughtful care and economic life of the wife with the full offer physical comfort; emotional nurturing, often donated clothes, jewelry.
Through this teaching, we see clearly the concern of how to Bhagavan happy couple. Love is not enough, happiness also requires the practical needs more. Normally, when already married, someone usually lack of vigilance in dealing with different attitudes; this is a shortcoming. An attitude of respect is needed in the couple's relationship; This speaks to the attitude full of respect for people, just make love more brilliant in embrace peace and happiness. Respectful attitude should be done from the heart and strong; due respect should not be damaging to the honor, the value of each other in any public employment; love others is causing a great damage to mate, thus requiring to be loyal to each other.
Happiness between the other two relate to the actual physical life, home economics; wife, the husband should be secured living facilities. When love and family economic stability, emotional bond, equivalent system should be continually nurtured; occasional gift shopping for his wife, it was a manifestation of love, affection and loyalty to her husband. Go no further on that the husband has a gift for the wife, the wife will be assured that the husband always put himself and not for love of others. So the relationship has become more dearly dearly.
Clothing and jewelry as gifts are consistent with expectations of women. Offers this kind of realism has to say in the use of it, just speak of instilling psychological and sympathetic joy where recipients.
In response, the wife must love, respect and loyalty to her husband. This is an essential requirement.
While the husband busy with social work, the duty manager wife is good at the job and wealth of the family made, smart and skillful treatment operator; warm welcome people from her husband's family with respect; Have fun with your neighbors. The wife must not rely on the loving care of her husband; do not commit adultery, do not dictate her husband as owner, the property is not squandered. If the wife of adultery, her husband and squandered inducement assets after death is hell (Anguttara III, the seven French). Wife treat her husband as a wife, lover, friend, and sometimes as the role of a mother, sister or sister's husband. With this behavior, after death, the wife would enjoy heavenly blessings birth.
Through the teachings of Bhagavan on (Digha IV, and Anguttara III), husband and wife treat each other is evident in three roles: husband (or wife), lover and friend. The role of the husband (or wife) as the role of duty; the role of the lover's role special affection of the couple; Your role is the role says persistence and the relative share of the conjugal system. Three roles that need to be regularly and timely use of space. When a person is sick, that his role of father care (or mother), his brother (or sister). In domestic affairs, society, the need to discuss, cooperation, sharing; Couples then appear as two friends. Now love, it is the role of lover.This role should be maintained for the rest of life, not in the first meeting.
Family happiness in the present life, Bhagavan taught both need to do four things:
1. Working good, diligent, good management, energetic.Or done four things:
2. Protect all possessions were made legally.
3. Consumer right job, the right level: not wasted, nor glue hiss.
4. Assign your friends stay with tolerance, openness, with credit, applicants, gender and skill.
1. Remove the shoulder, make a lot of improvements.Family happiness for the future (for the afterlife), the Exalted taught to perform four things:
2. Balance of income and expenses. Revenues have surpassed expenditure. Income should be used as a 1/4 for daily expenses, for unusually detailed 1/4, and 2/4 spent on capital investment.
3. Equalization and psychological health. Need to work, eat and rest be sober. Do not depressed, nor should its too funny, too busy.
4. Communications with your travel credits, applicants, gender and skill.
1. Credit: Having faith in the Three Jewels. Bhagavan believe is completely enlightened.France believes that Bhagavan was preached capable rid of greed, hatred and delusion, all suffering. Increase believe we are in harmony unions, noble lives in World obligation Balaam problem-wood-rubbed, worthy of respect, and learning offerings.The realization of the teachings on Buddhist'll find relative happiness in the present and in the next life.
2. Competitors: There should be tolerance and injured people, helping others with their possessions there; often help the poor and offerings to the monks.
3. About: Life should have morality; keeping five precepts seriously.
4. Wisdom: Understanding the suffering, the path out of suffering, and to want to practice in order to liberate the suffering.
Buddhists build such a lifestyle is very practical and has the level of human values, can find happiness so are small and may be directed to higher liberation.
4. Mutual Buddies:
The North only friend. This system is also high correlation at all, should be respected. People need to treat each other's words, speaking of kindness, gentleness; must live in harmony without disharmony, quarrels;help each other in when needed, and not give each air difficult.
Such relationships are full of human fellowship. Friendship is also a demand of human life. Surely everyone should have your life, and you have to be good friends to bring joy to each other. Built good friendships as well as the happiness of a relationship.
5. Mutual relations between employers and colleagues:
The Under contacts between master and collaborator. This relationship is noble, sacred. The landlord (or owners) have many duties to colleagues: communication work both ability and health; adequate remuneration; providing treatment medicines; and occasional solace, encouragement and rewards or gifts.
In response, partners need to work hard, deft, honest, sincere and unsophisticated. This contact also shows full of people, full of solidarity, creating an atmosphere of fellowship of life is very gentle and peaceful.Anyone can receive a feeling that life is to be happy, which is not built to work, to suffer even have to work a full day.
6. Mutual communication between the monks and laymen:
The Above are just the monks and relationship between the clergy and laity. This is a spiritual contact, the contact Brahma, venerable.
The care Buddhists monks support the minimum physical needs (robes, medicine, bedding and food) and express sincere love, respect. The monks often bound by the laws should not say the Buddhists of demand.Buddhists need to clarify this, approached the priest to know what you need to nurture. Upholding religious means upholding Dharma, Dharma is the desired long-term survival between birth. Dharma is long-lived life is more peaceful parts. Thus upholding religious means to contribute to the building of peace for life, for themselves who the holder.
In response, the religious capital of the proletariat, a full day just study Buddhism, alms and meditation practice, only give a layman heart of introspection, rambling, the understanding of the law, and introduce the true path lay suffering segment, construction of happiness in life. This system is full of similar religion and humanity.
Monks only transmit knowledge and experience to the Buddhist practice, providing knowledge, handed down the five precepts, the ten precepts, the Eight Precepts, and encourages the Buddhist sense of impermanence that arises Province diligent practice.
Lack of compassion lightheadedness, lack of experience of learning and Buddhist practice, even with a full sense of responsibility to the laity, the clergy did not play his role, nor hold sacred vocation his greatness.Get the upholding of the monks is to take responsibility of their education, are accepted very reasonable relationship, full of people and the religion, as Bhagavan taught us about her relationship.
Interrelationships that system as the two-way exchange of each side needs a fair and voluntary, without binding together, not to the detriment of the public. Monk who not only taught Buddhism and the practice, but also to undertake further education in economics guide, manage family and individual psychological, social, what directly affects happiness to individuals, families and society.
In short, the needs of people waiting in a lay monk educational needs (in the broadest sense), and the need for religious people waiting in layman's economic needs. Two needs that complement each other mongoose in a harmony of the flourishing of Buddhism and peace, happiness, prosperity of life.
Six correlation over longer mean that life is interconnected, that man is a man of social interaction, social and economic development of the human individual. That is the relationship can not be cropping systems: can not live only with personal info, not personal lives but lost completely. About liberation, it is a personal matter; but the relative happiness in life is to be happy fellowship. Lo for happy relationship is a matter of concern for collective happiness, whole. When teaching about personal happiness, the Exalted said to the well-being of families and groups.
Establish good relationships between people, it is a living art. This art is built on the essential: respect for each other, accept each other, be honest with each other, and help each other love for the common welfare.
If formerly Bhagavan has thoroughly taught the youth Singala reverence towards building six other relationship, but now people also need support religious laypeople for similar work. In order to perform well as a guide, directing his, the monks also need to have knowledge of the psychological, economic and social. Life're monks, through this relationship, not just limited to the temple site, which need to go into an interest in the happiness of life with the attitude more positive engagement.
Experience the history, especially the history of Vietnam, showing the times in which there are genuine Buddhist monks practice with his extensive knowledge, commitment to social assistance, Buddhism flourished and the nation also flourishing, as the Ly, Tran; What period of monk crouched on the temple site, in that spirit flee, or take away from a practice Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom was the Buddhist era decline, or go into decline, and residents nor mighty nation, as the end of the Ly, Tran and his final over the Le and Nguyen. About duties Balaam problem-rustic-rub should be understood as clear as freeing up the vitality of each person, bringing peace for ourselves and for others, not to force the feet of messianic, liberating .
Religious and lay people who are at the same time there are two main duties: a duty to go to the liberation and building a happy duty for life. Building a relationship is good Friday is rounded two that duty. And vice versa.
Six correlation system that can be learned on the road today provides education on human, very human human education alongside professional knowledge. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/11/2016.
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