ENTRY INTO THE CAUSE SUCH inconceivable profound
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata dwells four legions of (Catvari-vaisaradyani include: Chu Fa Show Enlightenment Fearless, Tri Necessarily Make Gonorrhea Fearless, Chướng France Real Damage Decisions Fearless Ky Tho, Vi Necessarily Ordination Certificate Export as Count Fearless director ) or do any kind of career of the Buddhas, namely his relatives know that is the Enlightened . All the World: either God, or the ... no one can like Li said: "Bhagavan Tathagata level is not the Enlightenment".
Because of conditions that say the Tathagata is the Enlightenment? This is the Tathagata for all France, equal understanding correct key (the feeling) no high low
Groups are all French ? It is France's Qualities Phu (Prthag-jana), France's Career Friends School (Saiksa), France's rank Infinite Learning (Asaiksa), France's Pratyekabuddha (Pratyeka-buddha), France's Bodhisattva (Bodhisatva), France's Buddhas (Buddhanam). The French were so understanding the true equality (Enlightened)
France has the World (Loka), France Export EARTH (Lokottara), France Thien (kusala), France Immoral (akusala), France Huu Lau (Sasrava), France Forever Gonorrhea (Anasvara), France Huu Vi (Samskrta) France Vo Vi (Asamskrta). The French thus Tathagata knows the right (the feeling) Fitness equality
How is equality (Sama)? It is not (Śūnyatā: empty properties) are equal, see The Count of all France are empty (zero).
No minister (Animitta: formless) is equal, because this version of General Count
No Prayer (Apranihita: countless prayers) are equal, such as Count of three worlds
No birth (Anutpada: infertility) is equal, because The Count of Birth (Utpada) so
No Action (Asamskara: countless acts) are equal, because The Count of Action (Samskara) so
Wuxi Export (No place obtained) is equal, as The Count of Export (obtained) so
No A Gia Lai (Alaya: the name of the Soul is the eighth consciousness or subconscious mind) is equal, as The Count of Mind (Citta) so
Brackets (Paramartha-satya) such as equality, such as Count of three generations
Deliverance (Vimoksa, or Vimukti) is equal, for friendship Body of Ignorance (Avidya), Huu Ai (Trsna) so
Nibbana (Nirvana) is equal because of mortal Body Count The rotation so.
All such equality French, Tathagata have the correct understanding (the feeling).Predestined by this, so said: "Tathagata true that ranks the Supreme Enlightenment "
Into which the Enlightenment so complete, user generated Dai Bi Tam mystery words, for all kinds of beings speak French, presents the path of liberation (Vimukti-Marga: Emancipation Act) made from hard edge pain (suffering health).
In addition, the real living beings is not the Grand Master , himself said: "I am the Career Enlightenment". Tathagata because these beings, on their own initiative so to German performance , saying thus: "Only I, the Tathagata is the Enlightenment makes Africa Air France to Air France ." This is the cause of the eleventh Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
, "He naturally enlightenment
Understanding the Legal Equality
So performance is Tathagata (Tathagata)
Primary Sensory see equality
_Tat Both France Every Lady
Falun Buddha equality
Organic Learning to Learn Forever
France Pratyekabuddha too
_Phap World (Loka) with Export World (Lokottara)
Both are equal
France Thien (kusala) with Immoral (akusala)
Along Nibbana (Nirvana) equality
_Phap No (Śūnyatā), France Signless (Animitta)
France Forever Vow (Apranihita) , Infertility (Anutpada)
The French group Action Forever (Asamskrta)
Revealing equality
Great Compassion says _Phat wide
Enlightened beings
Listen to France to be liberated
As Min Thang Industrial Buddha (Buddha's supreme Professional) "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata himself knows the Fetters Gonorrhea was the ultimate end to end. All the World: either God, or ... no one can say something like this: "Tathagata has not stopped all Fetters Gonorrhea "
Why Tathagata himself knows the Fetters Gonorrhea was the ultimate end to end?It is for Education Fetters , the mind is freed all desires Hanh (virtue), Tap Air Fetters evidence Empire Kill (nirodha-satya). For Friends Fetters , the mind is freed all angry Hanh (Golf Hanh), Tap Air Fetters evidence Empire Kill . For ignorance negativity of the mind is freed Ngu Hanh Si (Ngu Hanh Si), Tap Air Fetters evidence Empire Kill . For Ants Fetters , the mind is freed of Hanh Fetters (negativity Hanh) with Class Gas , Stock Removal Empire .... so this means so depending upon Resume (Samvrti-satya) says where Tathagata would ultimately end the Fetters Gonorrhea is Holy Wisdom Labels Suppose called Brackets (Paramartha)
Observe Show Certificate no little French that can obtain. It is: Either kill Tri (Tri or kill), or the Department Kill Or (Or did kill), or thought, or religious to Show Evidence will not be obtained. Why? When Self Up the other end, it does not take, no words of Dependent treats that say take, Take This is True Leverage . True Take such other French along with Coast Labor created, so Take it ie Vo Vi (Asamskrta) no news in this French born, no killing and no office. No Birth kill this, or Buddha out born or not born then permanent Dharma. Tri Dharma Realm often this achievement so well again. As achievements of this news is not accomplished (non-achievements)
If or so, such as office space for teaching (district office) is no afflictions, are not cut off negativity is no afflictions. Tathagata Dai Bi depending upon Keep The French speakers because they destroy negativity . This is the cause of the twelfth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Phat No ( no ) Education Gas Group
Should not ( no ) Education Fetters
Gas collective resentment take
Friends Fetters not born
_ Auspicious (Sugata) departed Ignorance (Avidya)
Because the root kill Si (Moha)
The Gas Volume Or take
Or is (Darsana-Marga-prahatavyanusaya) ie not born
Y Mon _Phat Resume
Should say afflictions take
In Truth (truth) can not attain
No increase nor decrease.
_ Take Tri (Ksaya-Jnana) not to Coast
Holy know take equity
Do not have three generals
Take this news Vo Vi
_Phap About usually not displaced (no bias: not moved)
Knowing this, to the other shore
Knowing done, say so
This now, Buddha same functionality (or prosecuted to the end) "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata equality for France obstacles, no obstacle known as the truth. All the World: either God, or ... no one can say as reason that "Tathagata has said France hindrance , not an obstacle"
In here, how is France create obstacles ? It is with a French or create obstacles, ie Heart Disorder degenerations
France has two or causing hindrances are: no devotion to the German people with the German Industry (heartless), no abhorrence of sin Center (Vo Quy)
France has three or create obstacles are: the evil actions of the body, mouth evil actions, evil actions of the Italian
Then there are four French or create obstacles are: user greed (Lobha: Join) that practice illegal , or anger (Dvesa: Golf) that practice illegal, have used the foolish (Moha: Si ) that practice illegal, have used the fear (Vibhisana: father Captain) French Africa that practice
France has five or create obstacles are: the killing of (Panatipata- pativirati), theft (Adattadana-dvirati), Ta Hanh (kama-mithyacara-dvirati), lying (Mrsavadavirati), to drink wine
France has six or create obstacles are: such venerated Buddha (Buddha), such reverence France (Dharma), such reverence Increase (Samgha), such reverence About (Sila), such reverence Dinh (samādhi), such reverence and compassion of Knowledge (Kalyana-Mitra)
France has seven or create obstacles were: Maggie (Mana), hypersensitivity (Ati-māna) with Maggie Plums (Manati-māna), conceit (Atma-māna), Shanghai Sustainable Increase (Adhi-māna), Ti Maggie (UNA-māna), Ta Sheh (Mithya-māna)
France has eight or create obstacles were: Ta Kien (Mithya-drsti) , Ta Thinking (Mithya -samkalpa), Ta Ngu (Mithya -vac), Ta Industry (Mithya -karmanta), Ta Par (Mithya -ajiva) , Ta Tien Tinh (Mithya -vyayama), Ta Niem (Mithya -smrti), Ta Dinh (Mithya -samadhi)
France has nine or create obstacles are: Having my brain damage, brain damage currently Me, I will cause brain damage, the past used to hate my good friends, good friends now hated both Me and hate your future good My, Oan Gia past my love, Oan Gia present my love, love Oan Gia Lai Area of Me. For the nine categories, think of the scene increases Mind Immoral so-called obstacles
France has ten or create obstacles. What are the ten? It is: kill (Panatipata- pativirati), theft (Adattadana-dvirati: direct recording), Ta Hanh (kama-mithyacara-dvirati), lying (Mrsavadavirati: outlook language), said two blades (Paisunyatvirati: bisexual damage) , saying evil (Parusyatprativirati), said woven frivolous (Sambhinnapralapat-prativirati: Y language), lust (Abhidhyayah-prativirati), anger (Vyapadat-prativirati), Ta Kien (Mithya-drsti-prativirati). This is called ten.
Thus the idea to raise Immoral (akusala), preferred adhesive Dependent, dwells all Fetters (Klesa), fetters (Fetters), usually corresponding with crazy obstacles, holding such durable release bunch Ai Kien Fetters . French Industrial all body mouth reviews are corresponding with fame, the Physical Education. Thus all are called obstacles
Tathagata knows, because beings, as they really say where France is no obstacle, making her severed obstacles must not born again. This is the cause of the thirteenth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Phat Understand France obstacles
Such liberation may witness
Mind is not pure
No Tam (HRI: devotion of German Industry and the German earners) do not You (Apatrapya: frightful sin)
Industrial _Trong body mouth reviews
Forever (no), Friends (get), Infinite Schedule About
Join Education (Lobha), Golf (Dvesa), Si (Moha), Dad (Vibhisana: fear)
Run Evil Hanh boundless
Murder, theft, with HARLOTS
Lying, drinking alcohol
Any Glasses six , seven Sheh
Eight Ta Religion often acts
Brain nine, ten people evil
Buddha said all obstacles
Immoral thoughts practice
_Phat Know crazy source
In no (Abhava: Detached) approved stick
Compassion for speaking French
Making depart Human (Hetu) obstacles "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata realistic statement saying or terminate the path of suffering (Duhkha-Marga: suffering religion), all beings are practicing medicine following liberation.
Stay in this sense, all the World: either God or people who can not speak as Li said, 'What the Tathagata says is not the path to liberation (Vimukti-Marga: liberating religion) "
How called Truth Deliverance Religion ? That is: a path is the path of liberation , for they arise pure mind
Then there are two paths is the path of liberation , namely: Far Ma Tha (Samantha: Samatha), Ty Bat Xa Na (Vipasyana: Meditation)
Then there are three paths is the path of liberation , namely: France Mon No (Śūnyatā), Signless (Animitta), Forever Vow (Apranihita)
Then there are four path is the path of liberation, namely, the four foundations of mindfulness (Catvari-smrty-upasthanani) is the Body, Life, Mind, France
How the Body Mindfulness (Kaya-smrty-upasthanani)? It is customary Inner Body Shop Body Week ( observe his body, from head to toe in order undergo the review is 36 characters: Hair, hair, teeth ... ), the center is an office. shop Foreign Body Week Body Shop ( Excellent observe its origin outside the body, in order to undergo review every form, sound, smell the smell, the taste, the next hit ), the center is an office. shop Body Week Affairs Foreign Body Shop ( observe his body with body color external origin, in order to undergo review in the trunk with 36 characters visible forms, sounds, smells, smell, tastes, touches outside the next ), is an office center.This is called the Body Mindfulness
How is Life Mindfulness (Vedanta-smrty-upasthanani)? He is observing the feeling was born inside the body (interior life), the feeling of being born outside the body (external-life), the feeling was born inside and outside the body (exterior life), review order self sensations experienced (weekly shop expectancy), being an office center
What is Mindfulness Center (Citta-smrty-upasthanani)? It is observed inside the center itself (inner) body outside the center (eccentric), the center on the inside and outside of the body (exterior mind), in order to consider the Centre has undergone (week Centre shop), is an office center
How is France mindfulness (Dharma-smrty-upasthanani)? It is observed inside France itself (internal France), France outside the body (external France), France on the inside and outside of the body (exterior France), considered in the order of France went through (the week French restaurant), the center is an office
Again there are five paths is the path to liberation. What is the year? Was: Faith Based (Sraddha-indriya), PhD Apartment (Virya-indriya), Mindfulness Based (smrti-indriya), The Apartment (samādhi-indriya), Knowledge Based (Prajna-indriya)
Again there are six road is the path to liberation. What is six? It is: Recitation (Buddhanu-smrti), Mindfulness France (Dharmanu-smrti), Mindfulness Increase (Samghanu-smrti), Mindfulness About (Silanu-smrti), Mindfulness Discharge (Tyaganu-smrti: experimental concept), Niem Thien (Devanu -smrti)
Again there are seven road is the path to liberation. What is seven? Are: Mindfulness Enlightenment Part (smrti-sambodhyanga), Trach French Enlightenment Part (Dharma-pravicaya-sambodhyanga), Tinh Tien Giac Part (Virya-sambodhyanga), Hy Enlightenment Part (Priti-sambodhyanga), Contempt An Enlightenment Part (Prasabahi- sambodhyanga), The Enlightenment Part (samādhi-sambodhyanga), Drain Sense Part (Upeksa-sambodhyanga)
Again there are eight path is the path to liberation. What are the eight? It is: The Ants (Samyag-drsti), The Thinking (Samyak-samkalpa), the language (Samyag-VAC), The Enterprise (Samyak-karmanta), the Par (Samyag-ajiva), The Essential PhD (Samyag- vyayama), righteous (Samyag-smrti), Chinh Dinh(Samyak-samādhi)
Again there are nine path is the path to liberation. It is: Private Meditation (Dhyana-Prathama), Second Meditation (Dhyana-Dvitiya), Tam Meditation (Dhyana-Trtiya), Four Meditation (Dhyana-Catvari), No Parish (Akasanantyayatana), Wake Parish (Vijnanantyayatana), Unknown Owner origin (Akimcanyayatana), Tuong Phi Phi Xu Jiang (Naivasamjna-nasamjnayatana), Tuong Dinh Tho Cessation (nirodha-samapatti)
Again there are ten path is the path to liberation. That is: no killing (Panatipata- pativirati), such theft (Adattadana-dvirati), such Ta Hanh (kama-mithyacara-dvirati), no lie (Mrsavadavirati), not to say the two blades (Paisunyatvirati), did not say what evil (Parusyatprativirati), not speaking embellishing frivolous (Sambhinnapralapat-prativirati), such greed (Abhidhyayah-prativirati), not angry(Vyapadat-prativirati), such ditthi (Mithya-drsti-prativirati). This is called ten.
Thus all the Compassion (kusala), France Bodhi Part (Bodhyanga), or About Aggregates (Sila-skandha: Body Language Industry outflow) respectively, or The Aggregates (samādhi-skandha: eighty three rows of Infinite Courses is not, Wuxi General Vo Nguyen) respectively, the Aggregate Knowledge (Prajñā-skandha: the ants, the Prophet of goods Forever Learning)respectively, Deliverance Aggregates (Vimukti-skandha: Wins Award along with the corresponding Knowledge) respectively, the Aggregate Knowledge Deliverance (Vimukti-Jnana-darsana-skandha: Take Tri, Tri Infertility of goods Forever Learning) relative application, or Noble Truths (Arya-satya) respectively are the path to liberation
Then there are the path to liberation. This is the Middle Way Legs a little can not obtain, such increases do not fall, do not take such leave, no such instant photography, is the true path, two Reciting such as all French students who do not have two.
Tathagata in the path of liberation this show know the truth, as well as statement saying such beings, if any person is, or an end to the practice is the source of all suffering. This is the cause of the fourteenth Enlightenment of Tathagata
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"Religion pure collective _Tu
Gain, boundless fun
Or guide walks Cam Lo
Buddha said natural location
_Het All everyone 's (Hetu) Compassion
Buddha Bodhi Part
Cultivators are freed
Can not say the wrong (non)
Ceiling Removal _Chinh labor Niem
Or the Compassion harmony
Far wrong (non), not approved adhesive
Nirvana happily
Dependent led _Kheo shop
As empty (Sunya: no) no place there
As Illusory and Joinery
Or escape samsara line
_y Dinh (samādhi) starting compassion
Exit rotation realms (organic beings)
This is now the Great Fairy
EARTH is not nothing "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! The body of the Tathagata has no faults. All Qualities wife or Tri Thang find little fault section of the Tathagata does not have this.
Why? Because of the Professional Body Tathagata has Nghi Pham (look dignified Moulds, legal holidays, rituals) seriously radical, without glancing away, coats Sangha Le (Sanghati: one of three types of Bhikshu shirt), dressed, holding a bowl: walking, standing, sitting, lying down, forward, stop, turn around, out in rural wards, go back into the village ... Thus all thoroughly peaceful cautiously, feet touch the ground, but did not make Minister ground out clearly prohibit wheel, again with fragrant lotus feet individualized support was outstanding. Flesh of animals (stupid work) to touch the remains of the Tathagata is seven days and seven nights peaceful calm (natural state), birth after birth in the human realm, God received joy winning magic.
Ca Sa (Kasaya: no color shirt color main necrosis) of the Tathagata leave themselves four Thốn (4/3 dm) without falling down, cyclonic winds can not blow for shaken, often radiating light body, every place is projected to touch, to edge below, hell Avici (Avici) is in cool-suffering. Due to such groups so say Enterprise Body of the Tathagata has no faults.
.) Again, Thien Son! Industry's Tathagata language without mistakes. All Qualities wife, or stupid, or find faults where they do not have this. Why?
Hey good son! Tathagata know when to say, so Time Language, Truth Speech, Language It, That language .... Notes that practice as there is no mistake. Saying no need to repeat, all beings hear, are fun, profound meaning of the word used stately language term, said a French sound, the other groups are understood species. Do this so that speak languages of the Tathagata now no mistake.
.) Again, Thien Son! Italy Industry of the Tathagata has no faults. All Qualities wife or stupid or find faults where they do not have this. Why? Because permanent Tathagata Tam Ma Hu (Samahita: College Guide) practice of Buddhas Hanh often no stampede. Use Tri no attachment (no prior Tri) said all French, so Italy's Industry Tathagata has no faults.
Thien Son! Tathagata himself no mistake French office, as well as the French say such beings, makes no mistakes is France's Tathagata. This is the cause of the fifteenth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_The Sun: the (internal: inside) not disturbing, wrong (non)
Industry body the mouth reviews: clean and undefiled
Bhagavan: in (internal: inside) not disturbing, wrong (non)
Or benefits throughout the Ham Soul (governing numeric: sentient, living beings)
_Muon Tight beings faults
Mon silence should speak up wins
Make no mistake, as Bhagavan
This fifteenth Industrial Tathagata "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata no other minister, audio sound (Sabda: audio) format fun group, so all people, God, pagan, or Ma (Māra) or discounts (Brahma) said no one can pronounce the German language Buddha faults.
The band does not have any? This is the Tathagata has no known negative anxiety, fun. Why? Because departed love, anger so. ( For ) All living beings: all kinds of offerings, reverence, praise ... is not fun nor Birth Center arrogant. ( For) All beings not practicing nursing glasses, disparaging, insulted ... then such students would not mind inferior resentment
Tathagata has no known negative remorse . Why? For the cause did not have any hardship, was ultimately so.
Tathagata has no known negative debate . Why? Because permanent formerly Lan Nha A (Aranya: quiet place suitable for export from and reside), leave the Self (Atman: Falls), one of the I (Mama-kara: Falls facility), no pick, no seek, exited negativity, so the bondage.
Hey good son! Tathagata self cylinder sound known no other generals, as well as the French say such beings, that leaves the other generals sound known as such.This is the cause of the sixteenth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Cung Glass, praise, Mind not high
Contempt, insulted, not low-Center
France shuns love, angry with Africa France
Life before operating not rare (reproach, suspicion, hatred)
_Phat, Ancient monastic quiet place (Aranya: A Lan Nha)
Department falls (Mama-Kara: My female), prime contractors (Paramarsa-samjojana: one of 9 types of afflictions bind beings) are no
French Head so, say so
Evening Win now this, only (only) Tathagata "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata without forgetting mindfulness (smrti: think memory), no bit of France which did not remember clearly. Do not forget where? It is the contemplative (Dhyana: Meditation), Deliverance (Vimukti), eighty (samādhi: Dinh), Tam Ma Bat To (samapatti: Dang Chi) ... in France so are no forgotten. Tam Hanh back of beings known boot, look looking, fro ... discretionary said France did not have forgotten. In the sense of the French (French meaning), analyzing the text (of measures), no place of fear (no Captain basis) does not forget.
Tathagata self Intelligence office there is no attachment, in France's three generations without forgetting remember thinking, as well as the French say such beings, leaving no place to think to remember forgotten. This is the cause of the seventeenth Enlightenment of Tathagata
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_ Min Thang Holiness not forgotten
Group Meditation, France Tri no errors
Tam Hanh beings all know
Discretionary statement saying no place fear
_Cac Thua (Yana), all three generations France
Wisdom does not stick nor forgotten
Prison is not forgotten, said too
Career of supreme macho "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! All Tathagata has no such center set (uncertainty Mind).Are: walking, standing, lying, sitting, eating, speaking, silence. During such time permanent Tam Ma Hu (Samahita: College Guide) deep, in the eighty, to the other side, in the meditation without obstacles, all kinds of people God no one can Head shops are places Tam Ma Hu (Samahita) of the Tathagata, except virtue Exalted Beings could arrive
Self office Tathagata does not Dinh Tam (no uncertainty Center), as well as the French say such beings, causing scattered abandon. This is the cause of the Enlightenment in the eighteenth of the Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Nhu Permanent Lai Tam Ma Place (samādhi)
Walking, standing, lying, sitting, all the time
Eating, talking, holding ... benefit beings
Always at eighty, without wavering
Beings in the ten directions World
Unimaginable Tam Dinh (eighty-eight) of Buddha
Mon also say this because sentient beings
This career is difficult goals (private nan) of Buddha "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! All Tathagata without any type of Remembrance (Samjna).Do leave all sorts of other things, so no high-low-Center.
Why is that Tathagata without any type of Remembrance? It is in the realm of the Buddha (Buddha-Ksetra: Buddha police) do not have any type of Remembrance for Body Count Void buddhaland no contract with that same advantage. Where the living beings without any kind of Remembrance for The Count of fellow beings with Egolessness (Anatman) so. In the Buddhas has no contract with each type of Remembrance for equality Tri evidence Dharma Truth , a magazine Chess no no so destructive. In the Dharma without any kind of great because of all the French Count no such contamination. Seeing such Morality favorite birth anniversary, saw the mad destruction is forbidden About such resentment born. I The (self-tha) is beneficial, not higher Mind, My People (self-forgiveness), the Centre did not take profit fell less. Career For The ants did not respect, for those who ditthi nor contempt. Why? Since the Tathagata Equality in this office.
Tathagata himself equal pillars of France, without any type of Remembrance, as well as the French say such beings that left the Idea. This is the cause of the nineteenth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
, "He Auspicious (Sugata) without the other Idea
Because beings in Dharma interests
The Thought so, a full no
Where Christ University Title has offices
_ Morality, breaking About to be, take
Easy things, difficult things : Equal Mind
Additional bi-Ton (Dvipadottama: Religion Buddha's performance) because the beings
French said that exit the Approval Ta "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! The Giac Tathagata does not choose to let go of (scouts discharge). Why? Tathagata practice letting go (discharge) of Thien Dao (kusala-Marga: good roads) is not that there is no place to practice letting go. Monkey World was practiced, so Mind Tue, then let go. Letting go of the Tathagata with Tri (Jnana), respectively, are not unknown path World Export (Lokottara-Marga: How direct export) this. Letting go of the Holy Deliverance Is not Is not Holy EARTH Deliverance that there is room to let go. Such detachment did not abandon the Great Compassion (Mahā-Karuna) or transfer Pham Hanh (Brahma-Carya), the benefits of natural living beings achievements, are not waiting for Dependent harmony that is achieved. Letting go of the Tathagata has no high-low, equality is such an oscillating universe. Can not have two away from the two generals, would overcome all come with volume, no volume . Wait Times that letting go, not pass where time, are not dynamic conception Scene About Conscious Mind , is not an established loan, is not differentiated, is not collecting container (accumulation), not discrepancies are found. The letting go is so winning that leg such constant change. This is the Great Drain fullness of Tathagata, as well as French speaking beings as it makes the General Discharge such fullness.
This is the cause of the twentieth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Nhu Lai no such opt out
Taoists supreme, predestined Compassion
About Body, Mind Tue religious order
Supreme in people, not love angry
_Chang Lend distinction, irrespective
Such gathering contained, leaving (discharging) the corresponding
Variables such honesty, the General Discharge
Because sentient wide, say so "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata Buddhas desires without falling, he is wanted good French (kusala-dharma: compassion France). How is called the good will of the French? It is Tathagata want Dai Tu (Mahā-Maitra) no reduction, wants Dai Bi (Mahā-Karuna) no reduction, want to say France without falling, wanted to subdue beings without falling, want mature beings no reduction, want to stay quiet spot not to fall, wants to play the Mind of sentient beings without falling, wanted beings make seed Jewels serial no reduction. Tathagata does not want evil, depending on the center.
Qualities may want goodness Tri (Tri Thien Duc) made light path (optical guidance), want to push good enough, also speaking French because such beings, making'd be Necessarily supreme fullness of Tathagata. This is the cause of the twenty-first Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Phat Want Compassion France has extreme members (fullness to ultimate)
Compassion often moving, sentient beings
Mature recommend discovered Mind
Jewels such germ connection rupture
_Chang Upon Join Education (Lobha) , golf (dvesa), delusion (Moha) , fear (Vibhisana)
In every place wants Tri (Tri Fitness organic basis) to be first
Level Up Win Tri know so
Mercy on us many lazy students
Not wanting Compassion France , many sexual evil
Teach that want Compassion , Religious The Need (Samyag-virya: the diligent)
Industry Wudang Tri beings benefit
Friends here are tame Mistress "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata does not reduce all diligent . Tathagata to be diligent that does not fall? It is to subdue beings : to observe carefully reviewed, no reduction diligent.
If there are living beings hear French specialist Tam said the position they held, not afraid of hard, diligent no reduction.
If there is a lifetime listening to French beings, Monkey Mind, the Buddha did not tired also a Kiep Kiep or more than one leave the building sitting there, not eating, not drinking, said France has no discontinuity.
If the external pass water every sa plane, took a subdued afford beings, came to make religious edification The Happy Buddha's Mind Body that no lazy tired, happily quiet self diligent practice is Holy Deliverance , also because we praise diligent student. This is the cause of the twenty-second Enlightenment of Tathagata
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Tinh Born forward 's Leo (Nrsimha: a performance of the Buddha Sun)
So often compliment where diligent
Rough reciting mantras, not at reducing
There afford hear French, generally speaking states
_ Auspicious diligent without respite
Industry standard intensive mouth not tired
Hard natural strengths, departed wrong (Africa)
Also recommend they arise diligent "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! The Giac Tathagata at all time , throughout all the Land , righteous (Samyak-smrti) no reduction
How is The Origin righteous no reduction? Hey good son! Tathagata starting path without interruption, the latter being a brown leather La Tam Tam Mieu Bodhi (anuttara-samyaksambuddhi: The Enlightened Supreme). Contemplate all beings in three generations: Tam Hanh successive pouring flows arising and disappearing.Such info is complete, reciting mantras not forget, no such bridge back so often without reduction
Tathagata or observed throughout the three capacitors (the main capacitor, wrong to order and uncertainty capacitors) righteous no reduction. It is deep in the Apartment, Tam Hanh of beings, but there is no action that review Niem look distinguished, because they speak French and no aberration. So Tathagata concept can not minimize, as well as speaking French beings caused no reduction Mindfulness. This is the cause of the twenty-third Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Phat Think such thoughts, usually not reduced
Knowing all world beings do not survive
Since enlightenment Mahabodhi (Mahā-bodhi)
Knowing across three generations, does not think the (re-conception)
Smart that beings: Other Tam Hanh
The Apartment, desires are not co
Head Professional radio Use permanent
As well as living beings, said Thang France "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! All eighty of the Tathagata is no reduction. Why eighty of Tathagata no reduction? Since the Tathagata eighty for all French equality, no two, no high-low as True Sense of all French
Why? Since eighty (samādhi) ie the French Physical Count of equality, this equality Calculated ie eighty equality, ie equality eighty Tathagata . Because this definition should say eighty of Buddha in Equality of France.
How is the equality of the French Count? It is edge fitness infected ie equality depart edge Sexual equality, edge resentment departed ie equality angry edge equal, dense edge equality depart ie dense edge equality, edge Huu Vi ie equality Vo Vi edge equal, the edge of life and death ie equality Nirvana edge equality. Enter into this equality, so say called all Tam Ma Hu (Samahita), eighty (samādhi) of the Tathagata is no reduction. Why no reduction? Because along with no increase or decrease equity so
Buddha's eighty back with eyes not right, not right along with the ears, not with the nose, tongue, body, Italy harmony ... Tathagata no distinction Apartment (Indriya) so.
Eighty of the Tathagata nor with Location World harmony, neither with Gender : Mercury (Water) , Fire (fire) , Feng (wind), nor with the three realms of three generations. As this may not equal harmony, as well as French speaking beings, are making this eighty been no reduction. This is the cause of the twenty-fourth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Tam Black Tathagata unchanged
Often in Class Lead (Samahita) benefit beings
Equality can not high-low
Such harmony with the Dharma
_Quan Close About: earth, water, fire, wind
Realms Education (Kama-dhatu), Lust (Rupa-dhatu), Formless (Arupa-dhatu), too
Mon always say do not reduce inappropriate
Should The Tathagata does not reduce "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Wisdom of the Tathagata is no reduction. How Wisdom called no reduction? He is currently certified Tri posture of all the French , because all beings throughout the difference, opening Tri presentation of all electricity in France, Wisdom cleverly no obstruction, no small task and take deep , Tri analyze a sentence into countless sentences, hundreds of thousands of memories Kiep said life over performance without the same advantage , Tri per each answered questions separately, per each severed all doubt, in all the land were no attachment , Tri or said discrepancies order of three successive TT , Tri know Tam Hanh eighty-four thousand variations of beings, used eighty-four thousand French Aggregates (Dharma-skandha) depending on the base said , Tri subdue them Forecast errors such birth
Because this means therefore speak wisdom of the Tathagata has no shore, no edge, no advantage, there are a wealth of subjects, namely wisdom of Tathagata without reduction, as well as statement saying such beings, making Wisdom is not the same advantage of the Tathagata. This is the cause of the twentieth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_Trong All Church (Sastra) Tri Currencies
Do not hesitate, order in to the other side
Said French natural, beneficial function Soul
Depending Apartments, a question on the infinite
_Hieu Hanh beings, hardly momentum
As the French say eighty-four ivory
Infinite Wisdom can not be reduced
Ten wins now very dark (dark forces win decade now) unpredictable "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! The Deliverance (Vimukti) of Tathagata Buddha does not decrease.
Why is the liberation of the Tathagata no reduction? It is the liberation of Thanh Van depending upon the sound known to be. Pratyekabuddha deliverance by enlightened students of Dependent shuns all have wires sticking up where mortgage, such grace into the currency (the past), do not enter into Te Hau (future), no current attachment. For the eyes, for every form not attach two generals. Ears with sound, the smell smelling nose, tongue and tastes, the body next to the touch, the Italian with French ... too, no two generals cling so called Deliverance.
Then there are the smaller tasks, or acceptance, or attachment, or Italian ... shuns distinguish three things immediately be freed, saw the light of Self Comes Wisdom Mind, so this Deliverance ie Wisdom. So says a survey along with Tri Tam respectively, consecutive Miao A brown leather La Tam Tam Bodhi (the Enlightened Supreme)
Tathagata Enlightened done so well because they speak French students, resulting liberation. This is the cause of the twenty-sixth Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_ Thanh Van depending upon sound (Sabda) liberation
Pratyekabuddhas realization of Dependent students
Auspicious freed as Void
Not dirty, not very religious sticky wins
Mind flowing well past _Biet pouring
The Count of liberation, is no column
Where not bound to know such truth
Should say Deliverance can not reduce "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Hotel Industry Body of the Tathagata is the first path, depending on Intelligence practice, namely the Industrial Body Tathagata complete fullness. Or have we just seen Than Birth of Buddha that is subdued. Or listen to speech (expression language) that is subdued, or see the silence that is subdued, or dining aware that life is subdued. Thus, majestic or four, or see the good minister, or not see Peak (Usnisa: top design, protuberance), or the look looking, or release of light, picking up the foot and lower the foot, when the in the village borough beings are seen subdued, so majestic Buddha had no part can not subdue all beings. So said: "Tri Industrial Body of the Tathagata do first path, according to Wisdom move".
This is the cause of the twenty-seventh Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_If See majestic supreme body
Or to, or on, or general good
Or see Minister O Iron Ni Sa (Usnisa: top design, protuberance)
Beings are placed in tame
_ Dark Thang Ton or release light
Countless beings are happily
People are subdued light touch
Now Tuc Luong Ton very unpredictable "
_Lai Again, Thien Son! All the latest Tri fishery of the Tathagata do first path, depending upon Tri practice.
How called depending upon Tri practice ? Tathagata said France has no obstacles, or say full text means no shortage, audio sound (Sabda: bar) of the words coming in to the center of beings arising Wisdom. He is known not high, not low voice, the sound of integrity, sound no such fear, known not awkward, not vulgar uncouth language, language can not Tru Lam (Gahana: wrong example for the afflictions of beings) , language is the need puree, English has received afford, known not break, known always considered decision, known not too fast, not too slow voice, sound no mistake, smart voice analysis, voice of magical words , magical sound profound, magical sound large, the spring flow, no broken English, English crystal polished wall (net), sound profound or clever (aesthetic), in harmony, voice solemnity , known benefits, clear language, English is no trace of pollution (Rajas: bare, dusty), the sound is no negativity, no known contamination dirty (contaminated), no stupid voice, sound very pungent strong picking (sí vogue), language has no place attachment, known cleverly extricate, very pure sound, the sound is no winding, no inferior language, language can not stiff, no voice slowly (chronic postponed), language or birth happily, makes the body pure sound, the sound makes the mind happy, joyous path English first Italian first answered questions, language or cleaning greed, resentment aroused such language angry, voice or destroy ignorance, language or swallow them Ma, now known or break the evil, language or incineration Foreign Luan , hours depending upon awakening, known as drummers God, hear happy voices Tri, English Interest Recommended complete Human (Sakra-Devanam-indra: Sakka), known Dai Pham Thien Vuong, rising waves of the great sea, the sound of thunder clouds around, the sound great earthquake, known Ca Lang dumping (Kalavinka), English bird fuse is (), birds Par Par (Jivam-Jivaka), known deer (Mrga-Raja), known Niu Wang (Vrsbha-Raja), known Nhan Vuong (Hamsa-Raja), Crane calling birds, known bird Co. (Mayura), known above not Much (Vina), trumpet, guitar sound Pipa (Tunava), Painting guitar sound, the flute, the sound of shells (trumpet), easy understanding language, explicit language, English lovely, fancy sound heard, the sound of deep, no boring voice, the sound makes your ears happy, language or birth fresh root, the fullness of sound words, the words sound wonderful prose, known beneficial harmony ons, known in harmony with French, smart know the weather, language of all time , in no Timeless, ancient voice of Apartment successive roll, giving dignified language, English or maintenance gender, An hour or forbearance student, diligent strong language, known afford receive Tinh Lu (Dhyana: Meditation), known great Wisdom, Dai Tu harmony sound, the sound of great Compassion not tired, French Hy clear, English sweeping amnesty, money remain three Thua , severed Jewels such language, English distinguishes three capacitors , known three Logout Mon , known practice of Empire , the Tri-known practice, known respectively Tri Career, Career English St. praise, hours depending upon Void, language is no division into consideration (ramification), full English Generals.
Hey good son! Industrial Tathagata language full of countless sounds so, so say Tri all fisheries of the Tathagata do first path, according to Wisdom move. This is the cause of the twentieth eight Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say Shelves that:
"_ Buddhist language (words of the Buddha) very fair (not equal what is), clean and undefiled
All Public Germany all fullness
A Music (Ghosa: language, accent) filled the boundless realms of (police)
Per each depending on type Yin heard
_Hoac Get heard Thanh Van
Or hear France Pratyekabuddha
Or listen to great virtue ( of ) Tathagata
Mind instant play Supreme Bodhi
_Nghia Sentences, words, text are rounded
Arranges the order are not afraid
Which no other distinguishing Center
Or say Mon Dieu France unpredictable
_Tieng Who wins in such dark
Sounds like echo flush
No work, no mind that applicants over
Voice of not known (voiceless): Mind, Physics likes "
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