The man picked it up to read and say, "That's it all?He could have written anything else? "Most writers Retirement added:" Mindfulness. Mindfulness. "The man seemed a bit annoyed:" Really I do not see what the new teachers write that is sublime and wise in that at all! "Picked up the pen again Best Retirement added:" Mindfulness. Mindfulness. Mindfulness". The man looked a bit now angry question: "He kept writing 'Mindfulness', meaning that he wants to talk about?" Best Retirement looking man and softly replied: "Mindfulness means mindfulness. "
Mindfulness means being conscious about your life, know what is happening within us and around us. The positive retreat for several days to help me realize what was happening in my body, my mind. Faced with the suffering of life, help me to understand what is really going on around me. Both aspects that are necessary for enlightenment, they help me realize my own life. Mindfulness is small, small enlightenment.Mindfulness greater the great enlightenment. It is elaborately practice of a lifetime.
Winter sun, quiet moonlit night. I looked out the window. Rain a few days ago that the wet leaves before the moonlit yard. I lit incense perfumed the table is turned off. I went to open the room warmed slightly.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/11/2016.
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