Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Delighted, glad, joyful.

One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana. Then Anathapindika homeowners with about five hundred laymen go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika homeowners:

Householder, he has provided for us, brethren of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment.But he can not be content with the thought: "We have provided for them, brethren of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment." Therefore, the homeowner, he should be learning as follows: 
"With the means we sometimes dwell achieve joy and renunciation by birth". Thus, the landlord, he needs to learn. 
To be heard as such, venerable Sariputta venerable sir: 
It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Ingenious This speaks words of Bhagavan: "householder, he has to give us, brethren of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. But he can not be content with the thought: We have provided for them, brethren of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. Therefore, he needs to learn as follows: With the means we sometimes dwell achieve joy and renunciation by birth!Thus, the homeowner, he should be learning. " ANSWER DESK: Hoan wedding is fun, pleasing to the jubilant mood that calm, relaxed, gentle and serene. Joy in life, there are many, but not yet well known joy is joy. The delight by many collectors of material resources or the gloating triumph intoxicated or pleased to see the enemy defeat etc ... are not the rapture. A joy calm, gentle and deep once let go of problems and attachment is a true joy. Life is inherently obstacles. We often get caught in countless stories by greed negativity has had dominated, but good things, such as the merit of work, study, generosity, if not smart offerings also trapped, fall into clinging. Great benefactors Anathapindika (Anathapindika) has many years of practicing giving enormous, generous heart liberal but still strongly attacked Exalted  " Let no consent" because I was offered a lot, with the Three Jewels virtues with which to always " abides by the renunciation joy born" before every good thing has to do. do good work, but many do not think I've done a lot, do not let go of clinging, then the virtues new immeasurable. The joy of the collector to have it but despite the narrow, tiny and unstable. Joy of letting go, full renunciation truly sustainable and afflictions therapeutic effect, nourishing the body and mind calm, towards lasting peace.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/11/2016.

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