Saturday, 12 November 2016


Then the Buddha as  King Statue  (Gaya-Raja: King of elephants) back to observe throughout the Mass, told French Necessarily Self At Buddha of Ma Ha Tat saying, "Hey Good Son! In this Conference there are two kinds of people, one is accomplished, the two are not achievements. Now I am back because people have not accomplished using smart media, depending upon eg, words of  The Truth (satya-Samvrti) said France  Redundant  (Ekayana). As life with France called  La Ca Lau  (Garuda), the French want to initiate this first object painted  La Ca Lau (Garuda: Kim Si Dieu), scrutinize, observe  Quan Hanh  mature. Song, leaving drawing object, the prime Indian hands, his great body into  La Ca Lau , the  Five Dynasties Quan  (observed in the Great):
One is customary  land  (Prthivi) white work shop.
Secondly  Countries  (Ab) work shop green.
Three is consistent  Fire  (Tejo) work red yellow shop.
Four is consistent  wind  (Vayu) black bar effect.
Fifthly shop  No  (Akasa: nowhere) blue bar work
This consistency of finished, all the toxins are  not as toxic  (non-poisonous), which means poison or charming, or poison of  Africa Love  (Is not charming). Or make back support, or taking on or discharging, accepted as self in
_Thien Son! Ma Ha Tat Bodhisattvas so well again. If you want to enter the shop, should first enter the  Pi Lo Na Tathagata eighty price , meaning their body shop a hard durable Diamond can not corrupt. Body should do  the full lotus Vajra  means bringing the right foot on the left thigh crushed, sitting neatly straight body, slightly moving tongue, lips teeth fit together, work  Diamond Language . Diamond Language is no voice, only whispered mind concept, used strong Theme careful observation, his heart immediately used in the first moon not to run instant nostrils, pure wholeness, color as snow standing, cow milk, glass ... .Song, this moon is  the Mind  (Bodhi-citta), the Mind is no form of capital. Because no achievement beings, so-moon said. Use your hands to work  the Diamond Right  to cross the heart of the left hand holding his thumb.

This is called  Power Data Supreme Bodhi Dark Sun Win India , which is India's version Pi Lo Su Na Tathagata price.

_Bay Hours Buddha Da La Ni is then said:
"Judge, pink, home, they, sa"
輆 猲 堲 旭 屹
Da La Ni observe this like? Should bring letters  Court  (輆: OM) Police in moon was customary before, to stay on top of the head. Quan digit  Court  has color as  Kha Snow  (snow white). This idea of complete, immediately see their loved sitting in the moon, instant achievement  Lot Price Pi Na  (Vairocana), infinite number of uses small dust  Tri  (Jnana) of groups such achievements this body. This news called  Tri enough all  (Specifically Necessarily) is also known as  Tri Diamond enough (Instrument Diamond Tri).
This shop's Tri Tu  Du Gia  (Yoga), also is  Prajnaparamita  (Prajna-paramitā), also known as fruit News of the Bodhisattvas. This results or are three types of truth.Groups of three? One is  True inconceivable Buddhas Tri Necessarily Scene About eighty  earlier, two secret Shingon is true at first, as is India Khe three true secrets before.
Shop before the finish. Located on top of the head immediately flush white light, using hundreds of thousands of thousands of memories to light to relatives, below to Hell  A monk  (Avici), above, to heaven  A Ca Ni Investigation (Akanistha-deva: Sac rescue Wing God). All of which we all live to die from non hydro, dark ignorance, blindness is no  longer insane  (Jnana-caksu: Tri Labels) by lamp Prajnaparamita this open  eyes Buddha  ( Buddha Buddha-caksu Label) was. As space in the paint cup murky depths where the light of the moon sun screening can not come, if a lamp is lit darkness long been rid all. Why? Do  the French  like that, so  Pi Lo Price Na Tathagata eighty  reporters white light so well again.

Thien Nam Tu _Lai anymore! Let's say this act from start-finish eighty. Next to enter the  Property eighty , facing the West also works  Diamond lotus position  as before, straight body sits neatly, use the left hand grabbed two corners of the clothing was worn wrapped around the left wrist, user Rights held above emerge two corners, hands pressed to the ground. This news called  Indian Energy Recovery Worse , all of them with the Secretary Ma Dao, the group  Industrial Or  are even to stir. Press the A Rinse ie Tathagata.

Next, implicitly also recite  Pi Lo Na Tathagata Shingon price  as mentioned above.Letters should bring  Hong (猲: HUM) in the moon placed on top of the head, consistent word  Hong  (猲: HUM) is blue. Visualize a finished, the next body were consistent across the blue, this body immediately into  a Rinse Tathagata (Aksobhya-Tathagata).
This consistent success, went from the top of the head light blue correspondent, also used countless hundreds of thousands of light as relatives. In each of the light are infinite blue Diamond Bodhisattva appears, are working this India, the light in countless World in the East, the beings he met this light is all Mind : cheating, robbing, killing all come let depart, calm no action.

_Hey good son! Assuming this operator from eighty to finish it. Back in the south, sat facing the north, as well as on the Diamond lotus, sitting straight, body straight, left hand corner as before holding two shirts, backstroke right palm, called  contented India . This means India's  Bao Sinh Tathagata  (Ratna-sambhava-Tathagata)

Next, also recite  Pi Lo Price Na Tathagata Shingon  earlier, the word consistent Nha  (堲: Ja), should bring this word in the moon placed on top of the head as bright yellow. Perception of finish, gradually throughout the body were consistent bright yellow color, this body immediately into  Bao Sinh Tathagata .
This consistent success, went from the top of the head light yellow correspondent net, also used countless hundreds of thousands of light as relatives. In each of the light are countless yellow diamond net Bodhisattva appears, are doing this India, in the hands of each of a Bodhisattva are flush rain treasures as Italy, the constant light in southern desert World . He met beings in this light, the prayers are all full.

_Lai In the West, sitting facing the East, as well as on the Diamond lotus, sitting straight, body upright, tilt your left palm to above the navel, turn the palms to be imposed on the hand left, ensuring that the same head-thumb fingers. India called India's most supreme eighty, or kill hysteria, all wandering thoughts, making the center a scene, which is India's  Amitabha Tathagata  (Amitabha-Tathagata)

Also recite  Pi Lo Price Na Tathagata Shingon  as above, the word consistent households  (旭: Ho), should bring this word in the moon placed on top of the head like the color pink lotus. Perception of finish, gradually throughout the body were consistent color pink lotus, instant success  Amitabha Tathagata  (Amitabha-Tathagata)
This consistent success, went from the top of the head reporter light pink lotus, also used countless hundreds of thousands of light as relatives. In each of the light are countless Bodhisattva lotus pink color appears, are doing this India, entered eighty (samādhi), sa constant light in the West World. He met beings in this light into eighty.

_Lai In the north, sat facing the south, as well as on the Diamond lotus, sitting straight, body straight, left hand corner as before holding two shirts, palms bent right arm straight up five fingers shoulder height, outward, called  For the Fearless . This publication or give all beings happily without fear, all such evil people can cause brain damage, which is India's  No No Achievement Tathagata (Amogha-siddhi-Tathagata)

Next, also recite  Pi Lo Na Tathagata Shingon price  as above, the word shop  Sa (屹: Sa), should bring this word in the moon placed on top of the head, and for all five colors. Perception of finish, gradually throughout the body were consistent in color and went into  No No Achievement Tathagata  (Amogha-siddhi-Tathagata)

This consistent success, went from the top of the first reporters in colored light, also used countless hundreds of thousands of light as relatives. In each of the light are innumerable Quang Minh Bodhisattva appeared in color, are doing this India, were given to the fearless, constant light sa World in the north. He met beings in this light are the fearless ".

_Duc Buddha told  French Necessarily Buddha of Independence  that "As mentioned above France's  Self Certification , known only for themselves, not as words can say, leave the  generals  see  (is minister). Because beings have not accomplished so in  Signless  used  Gen.  revealing, in the  Vo Ngon Notes  user statement said. For such a Gandhabba of nowhere, is not true that it's out. "
Then the Buddha told Necessarily Buddha of France Self At the Mass, saying, "Hey Buddhists! In all World in ten directions, countless hundreds of thousands of thousands of other beings memories species, or not enough of Apartment beings, or the full year unintermittent now, the slaughter (children's toys), executioner government (recovery monster),  Lamb Da La  (Candala: nefarious) ... for all, are in the eighty not inconceivable, practice  -oriented  (income) are all, except for the five types of people.
Groups of five? One is  unbelief , two is  The Ants  (Uccheda-drsti: that our attachment to worldly and ultimately are consumed, no more anything, no causal succession ), three are  Thuong Kien  (Nitya- drsti or Sasvata-drsti:  World advocate such change is permanent, the ego of humanity not destroy man after death, the ego not destroyed, the students return, ie say  the Self  is permanent ), four are  ditthi (Mithya-drsti:  Acceptance Aspect wrong info. Mostly all chains of  four Imperial or morals of Cause and Effect) , the year is  skeptical . Five kinds of people so no Mercy

_Thien Son! If the person or eighty temporary practice this gentle body was secure, instant or eighty students in five categories.
Groups of five? One is  Chad Na eighty , two is  Vi Tran eighty , three are  currently eighty shop , four are  restored eighty , in the  office An eighty .
How known as  Na Sat eighty  (Ksana-samādhi)? It is customary moon every moment  (Ksana), respectively temporarily hold, consider looking to quickly lose. So-called eighty Na Sat.
How called  Vi Tran Tam Black  (ANU-raja-samādhi)? He is eighty (samādhi) with little corresponding parts, such as someone does not know the taste of Honey, just being around small dust particles in the tongue (base damage) was the favorite happily, are forgetting the anniversary hunger disease, respectively dedicated only hope for many. Eighty heart of this so well again, been little corresponding parts are forgetting all negativity hungry, happily Center, specializing in rotating expectation.
How called  Shop Now eighty ? He is due to be little, love happily gradually increase the lead, feathers on the body are steep, sad cry tears, as the black material seen a white rope. This is so, because consistency is a little moon part, cylindrical in dark Ignorance implies negativity, shows little responsibility fraction of  Tam Dinh  evident.
How called  Restore eighty ? Quan Hanh was not alone, either raised or kill, like scales fell posting, consistent  success  or  kill , Mini  loss  or  birth
How called  An eighty Head ? Tam Dinh due four times before being dwells, are or upholds all good French (French charity), increase the good new growth (new good), the body and mind happy. As in the extremely hot summer, traveled through distant sands, heat and thirst long day, suddenly in the cool water of the snow mountain and all hot drinks, lo suffering are deducted. Here, too, this was eighty  Enterprise, OR, suffering  all travel distribution. This is the Supreme Bodhi sprout born.
Thien Son! As mentioned above, the evil beings not enough units, with year unintermittent now remain in this convent have received, how much more are all Bhikshu, nuns, Upasaka, upasikas without direction on it?! ...

_Thien Son! This Mass today, many beings are listening Frenchman finished with a brown leather La Tam Tam Bodhi Mieu (The Enlightened Supreme) are not moving backward, Unseen, ten Luc, four legions of mindfulness progressive concept, countless eighty all come out ahead. Was:  France bib Ly Necessarily eighty, French Super Too Necessarily  eighty,  French Necessarily Equal  eighty,  Chu Ly Kien Lam Tru  eighty,  Far Ly Ignorance Tones  eighty,  ideal Necessarily  eighty , Deliverance Necessarily Before  eighty,  Ly Necessarily Good Specials  eighty, TFrance Phat Quang ranks of  eighty,  Like Son Meru  eighty,  Vinh Vo Infestation Interior  eighty,  to hoai Ma Quan  eighty,  Real Before Tam About eighty,  Quang Minh Sinh Export  eighty ... Use groups such as Shanghai Prime, countless are currently eighty front.

_Lai Have all kinds of beings immeasurable where Da La Ni Mon countless. That is: the French monarchy Up  Da La Ni Mon,  bodhichitta  Da La Ni Mon,  Nha Sanh Bodhi  Da La Ni Mon,  Willow Diamond Up  Da La Ni Mon  Dak Equal Buddha  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily France Map Up Purity  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily France Map Up Photography Tho  Da La Ni Mon,  French Necessarily The impossibility Dac Count  Da La Ni Mon,  France Export Necessarily Wisdom Born  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily France period All Accomplishments  Da La Ni Mon,  French Necessarily transition from In  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily France Dai Quang Pho Chieu  Da La Ni Mon,  Vien Ly Si Necessarily France Tones  Da La Ni Mon,  French Necessarily Mind Purity  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily France Stage Impossibility Dac  Da La Ni Mon,  spectrum Necessarily Dieu Hoa Bao  Da La Ni Mon,  Japan Up Show Show Production Students Chu Fa  Da La Ni Mon, Vien Ly Necessarily Chu French illusory Da La Ni Mon,  Vien Minh Export Dear Student As Icon  Da La Ni Mon,  Export Born Born Sound Necessarily  Da La Ni Mon,  Commander Chu beings to Hoan Hy Pole  Da La Ni Mon  Nhat Thuan Xảo set Beings Sound  Da La Ni Mon,  Export Born generic Sound Self Cu  Da La Ni Mon,  Forever Friends Obstacles  Da La Ni Mon,  Japan exquisitely Room  Da La Ni Mon,  freed negativity  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily Ly Tran  Da La Ni Mon,  Tu Nghia Discrimination  Da La Ni Mon,  Lieu Giai Chu Fa  Da La Ni Mon,  France Forever Bumper Necessarily Te  Da La Ni Mon,  Do As Void  Da La Ni Mon,  Do As Kim Gang Da La Ni Mon,  Quang Vuong Near Sac  Da La Ni Mon,  Dark Sun Dac Thang  Da La Ni Mon,  No Quitting Transfer Labels  Da La Ni Mon,  France About Export Born  Da La Ni Mon,  Standing Committee For An  Da La Ni Mon , As Leo Hong  Da La Ni Mon,  Super Beings Phuoc Duc  Da La Ni Mon,  Ly Chu Advantages brain  Da La Ni Mon,  Ly Chu Too Evil  Da La Ni Mon  Dieu Hoa Trang Nghiem  Da La Ni Mon,  Bankruptcy Chu Nghi hammocks  Da La Ni Mon,  Chu Fa Thuan Nhu  Da La Ni Mon,  Appear Chu Fa  Da La Ni Mon,  Dai Thanh Thanh Tinh Tu In the Kingdom  Da La Ni Mon  Khiếp Endless Bao  Da La Ni Xiamen,  Fujian Quanzhou Boundless  Da La Ni Mon,  Hai India  Da La Ni Mon,  Lien Hoa Trang Nghiem  Da La Ni Mon,  Energy Enter Asanga  Da La Ni Mon,  Tu Vo Salon Salon Bumper Penetration Tri  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily Buddhas of Directors Dignified  Da La Ni Mon ... Shanghai Group France such as Prime, countless Da La Ni Mon all come out in front. "

_Luc Which Necessarily France Self At Buddha of Ma Ha Tat white Buddha that: 'The Sun! Da La Ni Mon countless such period Da La Ni Mon certain groups or causes total maintenance Marvelous Bodhisattva Buddhas have said that due to necrotic not lost? Da La Ni Mon certain groups or make this French Bodhisattva speaking time without any interventions eloquence? Da La Ni Mon group does or makes Bodhisattva when speaking French all beings this time favorite fun? "
Necessarily Buddha Buddha of France Self in saying "Hey Good Son! Da La Ni Mon eight, if life over will or make general maintenance Bodhisattva Dharma, eloquence is not the end, we prefer students to hear. Groups of eight? It is:  Dai Thanh Thanh Tinh Tu In the Kingdom  Da La Ni Mon,  Endless Bao Khiếp  Da La Ni Mon, Boundless Quanzhou Fujian  Da La Ni Mon,  Hai India  Da La Ni Mon,  Lien Hoa Trang Nghiem  Da La Ni Mon,  Energy enter Asanga  Da La Ni Mon,  Tu Vo Salon Salon Bumper Penetration Tri  Da La Ni Mon,  Necessarily Buddhas of Directors Dignified  Da La Ni Mon ... If Bodhisattva or for Da La Ni Mon eight categories this life over, general practice or maintain Marvelous news that all Tathagata has said, eloquence is not the end, students also love making them happy ".

__While Him, Necessarily France Self in white Buddha Buddha of that: "Exalted! May the Tathagata mercy, saying such wide distinction Da La Ni eight categories this subject, Bodhisattva or heard news here diligently toward Bridge "
Then the Buddha told Necessarily Buddha of Independence that "instead! You instead Thien Son! Listen carefully! Listen carefully! Get smart and think to remember! Wide this distinction will because he said, making the Bodhisattva is on this subject.
Thien Son! How called  Dai Thanh Da La Ni Mon Purity ? If there is Bodhisattva practice Da La Ni Mon where this should be used for pure color concept without attachments, to remain true, end to end of the oscillation center, quiet Majesty, the center decided to speak French using magic , makes all beings in realms, depending on the tone of the species that was heard around the language, understand his meaning. Thus or two realms, or a thousand realms, or two thousand to ten realms Buddha boundless sentences chi na tha by hundreds of thousands of realms, beings in there are also depending on the species, known throughout hear him, he understands that.
Hey good son! If this Bodhisattva in We Society, Leo sat on the court. High Court that a  lot amnesty question (Krosa: 500 Delivery, or 5 miles), using the strength of  the Lion King  (Simha-Raja) serious effort to preserve every precious. Thus, higher or about half  Due Week  (Yojana), a Week Due, a thousand Due Week, or higher by Meru Son Vuong, or higher to Brahma realms. Depending on where the center of the favorite beings, making them see the  body, the court  to which preached a little big.Just as the French say the Buddhas in the ten directions out front, because it expresses Bodhisattva  Wonderful Law  (Saddharma). Bodhisattvas hearing, or use instant Da La Ni strength of this, a total prime time listening closely, not to forget, deep in meaning, is the corresponding certificates, happy body and mind, in every French city  of a scene Up , every  word, sentence, text no place to hear news at the same time listen to France often expresses no obstacle
If the Bodhisattva on Mon deep  voice of a word  (Nhat Tu Thanh Mon) so then all the French are into this subject, which was born from this subject all the French speaking forum.
Said first back  Mon letter A  (唒) First born boundless wealth of France Mon.
It is:   (唒) are all French no to, because  Fitness  (svabhava: Legs Body or Body Count) of all the French  no to  (no hybrids)
The word   (唒) is all France no go, so  Body  of all the French  do not have to go (no history)
The word   (唒) are all created France no flow applications (Samskara: Action) for Fitness  flows generated no response.
The word   (唒) is all France has no standing to (Head  for  Weight  without stand back.
The word   (唒) is all France without Japan Up  for  Fitness  pure capital.
The word   (唒) are all French rootless  because  Fitness  beginning unborn
The word   (唒) is all France has no end  because  Body  has no beginning
The word   (唒) is all France no take off  because  Fitness  is no place to go.
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have birth  Fitness  flows generated no response.
The word   (唒) are all exported to France without due  Fitness  creators do not have.
The word   (唒) are all without expectation French because  Fitness  is no minister.
The word   (唒) is all France no obstruction because General's  Fitness  forced into another relationship.
The word   (唒) is all because France does not kill  Fitness  without the Master.
The word   (唒) is all France has no place to (very act of origin) for  Weight  without prayer.
The word   (唒) is all France has no life died  Fitness  depart  discrimination, irrespective
The word   (唒) are all French without words (no discourse) for the ultimate sound known of  Physical  force together
The word   (唒) is all because France could not say  Body  no known negative
The word   (唒) is all France no difference because the  Body  has no place.
The word   (唒) are all without distinction as France  Body  purification.
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have the Italian Mind  Body  could not expecting.
The word   (唒) are all low because France does not have a high  Body  equity capital
The word   (唒) are all French can not understand that because  Body  as Void.
The word   (唒) is all France could not say for  Fitness  crosses speech.
The word   (唒) is all of France is no limit because  Fitness  is no place
The word   (唒) are all born because France no  Fitness  no birthplace.
The word   (唒) are all French no  sexual partner  (traditionally clean) for  Body  no minister.
The word   (唒) are all French  do not have the  (non-self) for  Fitness  ie  Count of the I  (selfhood)
The word   (唒) are all sentient beings because France has no  Hidden  pure capital.
The word   (唒) is all France has no  longevity  (life expectancy fake) because Fitness  is no  origin of life  (destined units)
The word   (唒) is all France no  Aging Additional Features La  (pudgala: human beings, of what I own name) for  Fitness  leave  the place grabbed  (Zoo)
The word   (唒) is all France without  Japan No  (traditionally empty) as Count of Fitness  quiet.
The word   (唒) is all France has no minister for Count of  Hidden  truth no edge.
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have harmony Count of  Hidden no born.
The word   (唒) are all French  produce no flow applications  (no onions) for Physical  capital  can not create work (Asamskara: unconditioned)
The word   (唒) are all French  do not have to create  (Asamskara: unconditioned) for  Fitness  overcome create application flow (operating), no flow generated response (no onions).
The word   (唒) are all common along the French no (real plus) for  Fitness  or no understanding.
The word   (唒) are all gathered because France no  Body  without collecting container
The word   (唒) is all France has no output because  Weight  no where output.
The word   (唒) is all France has no partners for  Physical  no relatives.
The word   (唒) is all France has no minister for minister of  Physical  traditionally purity (the net)
The word   (唒) is all France no  Kamma  (Karma) for  Fitness  creators do not have
The word   (唒) is all France no  fruit  (Phala) for  Body  no  path of karma (Karma-Marga)
The word   (唒) are all cultivated because France no  Body  has no seed (seed)
The word   (唒) is all France no realm for  Body  can not grasp
The word   (唒) is all France has no boundaries because  Weight  no links
The word   (唒) are all forced France no column for  Physical  capital melt away
The word   (唒) is all France has no  capacitor, tan  for  Physical  capital can not create employment.
The word   (唒) is all France without leaking since  Body  not born enchanting
The word   (唒) are all no self-born French for  Physical  start no born.
The word   (唒) is all muddy because France no  Body  has no reference.
The word   (唒) are all no reference France as  Physical  capital can not create work
The word   (唒) are all formless France because  Weight  without  Seminary (Mahā-Bhuta: the four elements of earth, water, wind, fire texture into Sac France)
The word   (唒) is all because France does not have received the  Body  received no.
The word   (唒) is all France has no  idea   (Samjna: perceptual) for  Fitness overcome minister
The word   (唒) are all French  no behavioral movements  (Acarita: very well) for Fitness  departed love ones with (bhava)
The word   (唒) is all France has no  awareness  (Vijnana: informal) as  Weight  no distinction
The word   (唒) are all French no  Gender  (Dhatu) for  Weight  empty (Sunya: no), equality (sama)
The word   (唒) are all French no  Enter  (ayatana: Origin) for  Fitness  pass realm subjects
The word   (唒) is all France no  realm  (Visaya) for  Fitness  no place to go
The word   (唒) is all France has no desire for  Fitness  depart discrimination.
The word   (唒) is all France without  Sac  (Rupa: body color) for  Fitness  rootless
The word   (唒) is all France no  Formless  (Arupa: no body color) for  Fitness hardly think shows
The word   (唒) is all France no disturbances because  Fitness  is not possible disturbances
The word   (唒) is all because France did not inconceivable  Body  can not obtain
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have Italian  Body  which no two
The word   (唒) is all because France could not grasp receiving  Fitness  crossed the path of the realm.
The word   (唒) is all France no  A Rejoined  (Alaya: Hidden Soul) for  Weight Dependent no.
The word   (唒) is all because France does not usually  Fitness  which has no staff  (Hetu)
The word   (唒) are all cut off because France no  Fitness  no obstruction  Human (Hetu).
The word   (唒) is all because France did not have the name  Body  without physiognomy.
The word   (唒) is all France without leave for  Body  not to enter each other
The word   (唒) are all based French because  Fitness  is no room office
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have the brain temperature Weight  without negativity.
The word   (唒) are all no worry France are frustrated by  Weight  no bad karma
The word   (唒) are all no Tap Air France for  Physical  capital can not dirty.
The word   (唒) is all dirty because France no  Body  of purity.
The word   (唒) are all French no  pure capital  (the pure) for  Weight  no picture quality  .
The word   (唒) is all France without  Weight   (svabhava: Legs Body or Body Count) for  Body  no  Y Only (Asraya: relying stop office where there is power there is Germany without leave)
The word   (唒) are all only because France does not have Y  Fitness  created do not have shaken
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have shaken  Body  approved leave sticky.
The word   (唒) are all no obstacle for French  Physical  contracts with Void
The word   (唒) is all in French with Void for  Weight  without discrimination.
The word   (唒) is all France without  Sac, Chess, Fitness  for  Body  of the realm's no
The word   (唒) is all France without revealing because  Fitness  alike.
The word   (唒) are all no similar French because  Fitness  is no realm
The word   (唒) is all France no realm for  Fitness  as often packaging Void
The word   (唒) is all dark because France possessed no  Body  no light
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have breakfast  Fitness  reference no.
The word   (唒) is all France no mistake as  Hidden  goodness miracle (good magic)
The word   (唒) is all right because the French do not have the correct  Body  no light flew
The word   (唒) are all out because France does not open  Can  not have shaken
The word   (唒) is all because France has no visible  Fitness  formless
The word   (唒) are all French no hearing because  Weight  no known negative
The word   (唒) is all France has no smell because  Weight  without scent
The word   (唒) is all because France does not usually  Fitness  no taste
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not have to touch the  Body  has no place to touch
The word   (唒) is all because the French do not know  Can  not France
The word   (唒) is all France has no concept for  Body  Mind departed, Italy, Food
The word   (唒) is all because France did not inconceivable Count of  Weight  is Bodhi equality, equality without high-low
The word   (唒) are all quiet because France  Body  had no students not destroy
Hey good son! Such Bodhisattvas are  Dai Thanh Da La Ni Mon Purity  when entering the first letter A forum said the French time, or for a year, or back ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, or hundreds of thousands of years, or a Sub-Kiep, or a General Kiep to countless eons .... France when it comes to this time can not leave the letter A. As said by the letter A means no take, saying the other letters as well as such, can not end. Thus formulated, opening presents  eye France (Dharma-saksu: France Label), meaning that deep, magic tricks, full  of white  (white bars: Pure Virtue no dirty spot)
Again, Thien Son! Da La Ni Bodhisattva This office should be  pure Body , majestic calm. Being  pure language  so there is no concern eloquence. Is  pure Italian  so Compassionate observation. Being  pure Candidates  should have no pity for the French Treasury, depending fun give others. Is  About purity  so there is no break, no wriggle, no  contraband Disability  (seriously that's not your Precept foul). Being pure forbearance  so no resentment, no opposition, no obstacles. Was  needed purification  (purification diligent) for career so magical without moving backward. Is pure Zen  , so no attachment, no arrogance, no taste. Is  pure wisdom  , so opening the eyes Intellectual delusion membrane removed. Being  pure karma  so tu win over all good karma. Is  pure eye  for eye should have Heaven (third eye) remotely see all visible forms. Is pure ear  to God's ears should have (the ear) hearing distance of the Buddha Fa. Being  pure nose  for scent should smell throughout  the Pure World  of Tathagata. Is  pure tongue  so obtained pure flavors depending on the center. Is itself pure  , so although each one is in a fetus, but not infected. Is  pure Italian  so clever or distinguish small French mission. Being  pure color image  so cleverly adorned all General Excellence. Being  pure tone sound  heard so seats are located under the French. Being  pure scent  should be rushed to the scent of marinated Candidates  (alms) , Sila  (precept) , Van  (listen). Being  pure taste  should be general for  Upper Area  of macho. Is  to touch pure  so where body, hands are soft to touch of color. Is  pure French  are said to be  France Ming Mon . Being  pure mindfulness  so where did hear the memo, keeping no doubt forgotten. Is  pure mind  so pass all realms of Ma. Being  pure Hanh  so deep pass understood French.
Hey good son! Bodhisattvas are  Min Cong Dai Thanh Thang Real Da La Ni Purity This should sound a loud voice filled the ten World, the light around, because the beings in all the World was, distinguished Forum said that all French Dieu the Tathagata has said, leaving them open eyes shining all French
Thien Son! Now I said Dai Qing comb Da La Ni Purity this subject, began to enter the German Order of bit parts in a subject. If said width, has a wealth of infinite meaning can not say. As said in a letter A are Mon boundless can not end. Each remaining letters are used to such a subject without attachments Wisdom, gradually enter the convent.

_Lai Again, Thien Son! How called  Endless Bao Da La Ni Mon Khiếp ?
Room Son! It is in a word to say all the French have no end. French groups are all not have the advantage? It is said  every form  (Rupa: Sac) no advantage. So says every form  not often  (very often), there is no advantage.
Said form is  Suffering  (Duhkha), no advantage
Said color image  no one I  (non-self), there is no advantage.
Said visible forms  passed away ,  no advantage
Said every form  deserted , no advantage
Said color image  as floating froth , no advantage
Said color image  as a virtual , there is no advantage
Said every form  of water as sunlight latex  (positive points), no advantage
Said color image  as the moon in the water , there is no advantage
Said color image  as a dream , no end
Said every form  like echo reverberates  (entitled), no advantage
Said color image  as the image in the mirror , there is no advantage
Said color image  no abacus , no advantage
Said visible forms  which are not included  (the wealth), no advantage
Said every form  unlovely gathered , no advantage
Said form is  empty door  (no subject), there is no advantage
Said color image  no minister , no advantage
Said color image  no vow , no advantage
Said color image  no Administrative , no advantage
Said every form  of birth France , there is no advantage
Said color image  no birth , no advantage
Said every form  of currency  (Purvanta: only the past), there is no advantage
Said every form  China International  (Madhyanta: only currently), there is no advantage
Said every form  Te Hau  (Aparanta: only the future), there is no advantage
Said visible forms  passed away , no advantage
Said every form  close calm , no advantage
Said every form  without Tam, Executive, Land , no advantage
Said visible forms  without speaking lines  (no direct language), there is no advantage
Said every form  not inconceivable , no advantage
Said color image  quantity can not , no advantage
Said color image  no one I  (non-self), there is no advantage
Said color image  no beings , no advantage
Said every form  without life  (life-author), there is no advantage
Said color image  no nurturing , no advantage
Said color image  no Additional Features Old La , no advantage
Said every form  not know , there is no advantage
Said visible forms  do not have to create , no advantage
Said visible forms  such as grass, trees, tiles, stones, rocks, walls ; unbeaten
Said every form  no bridge is no advantage
Said every form  no where mass was born , there is no advantage
Said color image  no known negative , there is no advantage
Said color image  no typical signs , there is no advantage
Said color image  can not say , without seeking
Said every form  pure flavors inherent , no advantage
Said every form  of karmic birth , there is no advantage
Said color image  without cut off , there is no advantage
Said color image  no known negative , there is no advantage
Said color image  creators do not have , there is no advantage
Said every form  has no received no advantage
Said every form  no karma , no advantage
Said form is  Dharma equal , there is no advantage
Said every form  cylindrical True , there is no advantage
Talking is formless  universe sucks , no advantage
Said color image  no so my  (selfless basis), there is no advantage
Said color image  without the Master , there is no advantage
Said visible forms  without taking hold , with no advantage
Said color image  can not think of , there is no advantage
Said color image  can not claim to be , there is no advantage
Said color image  can not measure , there is no advantage
Said color image  no edge  (very finite), there is no advantage
Said every form  ie Count of Bodhi , no advantage
Said every form  ie Count of Nirvana , there is no advantage
Thus says the French large group  Gender, Land of ... the name, the owl, text, body, all are all entered Dharma Wisdom's Mon  Tu Nhat Thanh  (English sounds of a word), as used  four University  Council a  casket body (body horror). It so  Nhat Tu Thanh  (English sounds of a word), hear how photography, born French Mon Tri profound inexhaustible treasure, so called  Endless Bao Khiếp . I said that the new strategy of the bit part of a license as a speck of dust in the ground. If say, the wide boundless life such a period can increase end.

_Lai Again, Thien Son! How called  Boundless Quanzhou Fujian Xiamen Da La Ni?
Hey good son! said  Bien  (one-sided, one side) is the  section  with  Frequently , twelve of Dependent is  Ignorance  coast  Administrative , Executive coast consciousness , consciousness conditions  Lust List , List Sac charming  six-Enter, six Coast Enter  Promotion , Promotion coast  Tho , Tho charming  Ai , Ai coast Prime , Prime coast  Huu , becoming conditions  birth , birth old age, death, grief, anguish.
Said  Boundless  (no edge) ie no group secret realms  And Often  towards deep, called  Fujian Quanzhou  (Count twist, back), so called  Boundless Quanzhou Fujian Da La Ni Mon .
Again, the  range  (one side, one side) said called  take, skip  (manual flush). Said Tuyen  (twist, back) is said not removed
Again, the  record  is said there is birth and death.  Quanzhou  is saying no birth and death.
Again, the  record  is the mortal afflictions.  Quanzhou  is The Count purity
Minutes  to be minister, no minister.  Quanzhou  is no room flows are creating applications (very Enforcement Agency)
Minutes  rough economic thinking.  Quanzhou  is no looking, no scrutiny
Bien  is  Human  (hetu: root cause, the cause) with the  Ants  (Darsana: the understanding).  Quanzhou  is Tri fathom  Human, Ants
Bien  's  List  (NAMA) for  Excellence  (Rupa).  Quanzhou  is no denote
Minutes  are  Huu Vi  (Samskrta),  Vo Vi  (Asamskrta).  Quanzhou  is  three rotations  ( scene know, Tri or know, who knows ) purity
Minutes  are saying inside to the outside.  Quanzhou  is aware  Weight  without cylinder
Minutes  is said  Karma  (karma) with  fruit  (Phala).  Quanzhou  is no Body of Karma
Bien  is  Good  (kusala) with  Immoral  (akusala).  Quanzhou  is no  Body of flow creation application  (can act)
Minutes  are faults with no mistakes.  Quanzhou  is  Body  no two
Minutes  are talking Industry with  Fetters  (Klesa).  Quanzhou  is the Body Count  is light
Minutes  are  what I  (ego) with  no one I  (non-self).  Quanzhou  is the Body Count is pure
Minutes  are  mortal  (Jati-Marana, or Samsara),  Nirvana  (Nirvana).  Quanzhou  is The Count of Nirvana ie France
Hey good son! Thus said comb, said if the said broad  range  immeasurable have Môn, said  Tuyen  also immeasurable Mon
If the Bodhisattva office  Da La Ni Mon Quanzhou Fujian  this, depending upon the boundless all profoundly French, Tri does not have the same advantage, or meaning of the word does not have the same advantage, gradually in the order directed at  Da Phuc Tuyen Boundless La Ni Mon . Has or depending upon the light of wisdom, so depending upon  Giac As  pure capital, open light Intellectual delusion membrane removed, depending upon  the Liberator  (Vimukti) understanding of Body Count.


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