Chapter Two - Dharma
Weather XI
Weather XI
The five senses and the five forces
- Five apartments are: Tin Apartments, Tan base, base Mindfulness, Concentration and Wisdom apartment units.
"Saints disciples have faith, trust in the enlightenment of the Tathagata:" This is Bhagavan, Tathagata, ng Cung, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Officers , Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, the Buddha ". (Samyutta V, Ibid. tr.211). this is based Tin .
-" Based on the Four primary needs, what diligent acquisition, the monks, here called Tan base . "
-" Based on Satipatthana, inclusion concept, this, monks, is called mindfulness based ". (Ibid. p. 211)
-" the Holy disciples after quitting predestined legal basis, are intended, are single-mindedly. This is called samadhi basis ". (Ibid. P. 211) Concentration based equivalent of the Four excellent.
-" Saints disciples brainer, intellectual achievement of being destroyed by the French, the intellectual, the Career can enter the holy law, brought to an end to suffering. "(Ibid. p. 211) This is called knowledge base, equivalent to knowledge of the Four Great.
Tu Episode Five Based
Buddha taught:
- "Need to shop Credit Project based in four fractions (followers of the saint Tu-momentum-done)".Thus, the practice base year is practiced mindfulness Quartet, Quartet primary needs, has deep meditation practice, has insight, can realization of suffering and death. In other words, practice mindfulness Quartet, Quartet primary needs, and deep meditation is the practice of the five senses.
- "Need to shop based in Tu Tan primary needs."
- "Need to shop based in Satipatthana Mindfulness".
- "Need to shop based in four colors Concentration Meditation".
- "Need to shop based in the Four Noble Truths Wisdom". (Ibid. P. 207)
Here, again speaking up points consistently in practice the teachings of Bhagavan: All are built on Gender aggregates, Concentration and Wisdom aggregates aggregates; all of which aim to make an end to greed, an end to suffering.
With the practice of five factors, such as just presented, one will go to the following results:
- "With the comprehensive, this, monks, with the fullness In this basis, the level Arhat . Weakness is the One Real hybrid lighter. Weakness is most hybrid lighter. Weakness is the One Seven lighter hybrid (Enter up). Weak Career Options lighter is the practice. Weak more lightweight operating levels Depending credits ". (Ibid. P. 212)
- "taking care Sanh's charity work, taken as file loving start, taking loving revitalizing, taking existing charity do. Because compassion is not present, y being non-existent. He knows birth y, y being set start, y being annihilated. Due to such practice, he called the practice Career Options ".
Depending on your credit is operator new to learn and then practice the path of practice Options.
- "For one, the monks, in this apartment and comprehensive whole is not, I say that he was standing on the outside, as belonging to the ordinary". (Ibid. P. 215)
- "Until such time, the monks, as I do not really know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the base year, for until then, I do not have to know the meaning of the realization of Supreme enlightenment to the world as heaven, Makai, Brahma world, along with them recluses, Brahmin, Vassal The natural and species. " (Ibid. P. 216)
- "When the disciple knows the set start, the destruction, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the five senses, then, this, monks, saints disciple was known as a Stream saint ". (Ibid. P. 148)
- "When the disciple knows the collective departure (-nt-), liberation without clinging, then his disciples Saints called Arhat". (Ibid. P. 218)
Through the confirmation on the Exalted, Exalted be interpreted as an order of Arhat practice fulfilled the five senses.
Special Rate of five mental disciplines that this method can be practiced with text message and the Four Satipatthana primary needs, can go straight to the goal of cessation of suffering, attained Nirvana right now.
Here, as in the Eight Noble and Interior enlightenment, speak clearly Noble Truth (or The 37 Qualities) is the practice resulted in the ultimate realization fruition. The Four Noble Truths is the supreme law which is not legal bar text, Theravada as some researchers concept.
The power of the five apartments called Ngu force. They are: Tin force, Tan forces, Niem force, Concentration and Wisdom force force.
Understand the five factors above are the five human understanding.
Refers to the five forces, the Exalted says:
"Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, toward the east and down to the East, too, the monks, the monks Five human practice, making its fullness Ngu, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana (Ibid. p. 195)
"the monks from the file related to the renunciation of force , dispassion, cessation, navigate to abandon (similar to, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom force).
"To win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, in this capacity needs to practice." (Ibid. P. 196)
Thus, the five senses and the five disciplines that force is a saint No need to practice hybrid consummation Nhut set or annihilation, or take advantage of ignorance. Wisdom and knowledge base to force always needs the support of its samadhi and samadhi. This is significant support for the aggregates Concentration achievements Tue fullness of aggregates. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/11/2016.
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