Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Emperor Asoka, Man of Peace 
and Human Rights Situation.

Any historian, either Easterners or Westerners, whether or not sympathetic to Buddhism, Buddhism must recognize humans created in Asoka a miraculous transformation: Asoka, man cruelty (candasoka), after Buddhism became Asoka, human goodness (Dharmasoka), or people close to the divine (Devanampiya), people who are glad to see (pyadasi) ...
Q Mr. Emperor Asoka (Chinese translation audio Ashoka) reigned over a wider Indian country now (except for the southernmost part of the peninsula), around the years 274-237 BC (TL). Asoka was the grandson of Chandragupta, founder of the Maurya dynasty (Han translated Peacock). Asoka is Bindusara father, has 16 wives and 101 children. Asoka only a mother's brother, Tissa, later also ordained and arahatship evidence.
It is said, believed his father was severely ill in the capital Pataliputra, Asoka was doing at that time viceroy in Northwest India, hastily pulling troops, kill all of you, unless you co-parent who is Tissa, and the throne, in the year 329 before TL. But the coronation was held only 4 years later, in 325 before TL. This delay voice grievances atmosphere in the court and outside of the public, before atrocities, loss of Asoka's mind at the time.
In the early years of his reign, to reinforce the kingdom, Ashoka has launched a campaign to conquer the land of Kalinga (now known as Orissa). During the war, 10 thousand people were killed, 15 thousand arrested. Mourn the war made Asoka extremely remorseful, and from then on became rnot devout Buddhist, an emperor of peace, a feeling of cloning, including the deep and animals.
Asoka the great career of being recorded by his own office charges, carved on the gravestone is the pillar, which he erected scattered across many parts of his vast kingdom, which the archaeologists West and India have gradually detected from the second half of the nineteenth century up to present.
History says Asoka had abolished the death penalty in his kingdom. Du stone In Kalinga, Asoka says:
"Just as I wish for my children to enjoy all the happiness and peace in this life and the next life, I also pray for all of them is to be happy and at peace as such.
There situation occurs is that some of those detained without good reason, and what so many others were suffering immensely.
So that the people have to follow a middle path, with size ink. But it would be impossible to follow a middle path that, if the person was a slave to vices like envy, impatience, cruelty, impatience, lack of depth, lazy and passive.
These people do not have wished for committing the aforementioned vices.
This example is carving out here, so that the city's legal office to avoid arrest people without good reason.
And also for this purpose that every five years, we sent envoys seasoned traveler, the envoy of the attitude we must have love, cute, interested in the spiritual life of all species. "
The above example tells us that the way people treat Asoka: The law shall have fair and not arrest people without good reason. Happy king's attention to the entire population, as interest in the welfare of his children, so. Asoka condemned all manifestations of hostility, persecution, laziness, passivity, lack of diligence etc ..
14 In the second Du Du rock, Asoka says:
"In all parts of our kingdom, and also in the neighboring countries, as countries Cholas, Pandyas, Satyaputra, Keralaputra.
On the island Tambapanni (Lanka), in the kingdom of King Antiochus Greece, and even in the neighboring kingdom of the Kingdom of Antiochus.
In everywhere, we had to set up two kinds of hospitals, hospitals for people and hospitals for animals. "
Copleston, in his book "Buddhism and modern primitive" (Buddhism Primitive and Present) admitted that "the workers building the first hospital is definitely belong to Buddhism". But it added that in addition to the first injured person, Asoka also to build a hospital for animals too! We know the earliest hospitals built by Westerners as Diu hospital in Paris (France) in the seventh century TL, that is about 1,000 years after the bedlam of Asoka.
Asoka's love for animals is truly unique. The first example of the 14 rock Du wrote: " There are not a kill animals and sacrifices ."
Previously, in the kitchen the king, every day, hundreds of animals were killed to make curry. But from now on, after the edict faithful are carved in stone, they are slaughtered only two peacocks and one deer per day, but for the occasional deer. But from now on, the three sucvat which will not be slaughtered.
In the 5th Du on pillar, Asoka says:
Even straw, if any creatures in it, nor burnt.
Nor is burned forests, or for wrong, either because violence and cruelty to creatures.
None were raised by biological organisms . "
Second instance on the rocks, said the Buddhists have built the first hospital in Africa and Europe.
For the animal hospital's own creation of Buddhism. The animal hospital is also in Ahmedabad, Surat and in many other cities in India are the remaining institutions, or are being built in the model of the injured animals during the reign of Asoka. Dr. Cumsron, author of  History of Medicine , the animal hospital in Surat is also the first by Asoka built. Regarding the hospital, in the book  The sight of India , Hamilton wrote:
"Organization of the most noteworthy is the hospital in Surat David Tree (Banyan Hospital). It was a large yard, surrounded by high-walled, and is divided into the small courtyard for livestock facilities. Rinse sick animals are very attentive care here, and if the disabled elderly, this is also a good place for their convalescence. If an animal is crippled, or is injured, then take it to its owner hospital and it will be taken care of very thoughtful, irrespective of the nationality or its owners hierarchy. 1772, that the hospital treatment for horses, donkeys, cows, sheep, goat, monkey, chicken, duck , doves and many types of birds. even an old turtle, was nursing heard here since 75 years now. "
Nerhu former Indian Prime Minister, said: "The example of Asoka and the propagation of Buddhism has made fasting practices become popular among the people of India."
Dear humans, plants and animals that is love and respect for life, any life form that expressed nothing, which is the specific characteristics of Buddhism that Asoka was shown vividly and effectively not only in the kingdom, but also in the other kingdoms, near and far, both in Europe and Africa. This suggests the great prestige of King Asoka, convincing policy of peace and the king's faithfulness to the other kingdoms, the kings.
Implementation of such a policy, Asoka made in accordance with the advice of the Buddha, when he in that, in Cakkavatti Sihananda Suttta (Beijing Dharmaraja).
Yes so, that Asoka pursue ideals throughout his life is "happiness Ensure the physical and spiritual world, including the people and power plants and other organisms, not only in the kingdom of the king , but in the whole world that the king is known or is related. " (Professor Bhanhrkar). Dr. Bhanhrakar said that "Asoka has used his country's embassy in the Greek dynasty of kings to common contemporary of the Buddha Dharma, common humanitarian policies of his rule, just as the king used his officials to do it at home ... ".So we are not surprised that Buddhism has influenced not only the Catholic religion on the level of external rituals, but also on the level of theory and morality.
13th instance in stone, said Asoka renounced war policy in time of peace and circumstances like.
When the king Piyadasi, is the divine love, crowned six years ago, the king had conquered Kalinga kingdom, with up to 150 thousand people in prison, 100 thousand people were killed, and a greater number of dies then. Now Kalinga kingdom was conquered and then, in the heart of the king born concern for religious, religious beloved hearts, want to solve the problem of religion. And the king regretted conquest kingdom Kalinga. in contrast, the conquest by religion that currently ongoing king, the king gave a great satisfaction. But the satisfaction is still negligible. for the king said that only the payoff in later life is more important . "
This religious edict be recorded in writing, aim later to give my grandchildren will never conduct a military conquest as well. And if a military conquest is necessary , the grandchildren have proved to have compassion, generosity, only lightly punished, and must see religious conquest is the true conquest. the religious conquest brought good results in this lifetime and in the next life. We have had the pleasure to support religion. because religion gives good results in the present life and in later life "...
This example also said Asoka believe in rebirth, is one of the philosophical doctrines of Buddhism. From now on, Asoka became a devout Buddhist. In Du famous rock Virata (now being kept in the Museum of Calcutta), Asoka says:
O venerable Buddhist monk player, have known the heart esteem, my confidence for the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha seem to do great!
Gentlemen Upper endearing player, every thing by the Buddha, all beings, or even say nice religion at all ... "
King personally want the example of King virtuous life for everyone to follow. In Du on the seventh pillar, Asoka says:
I can do anything a good work, then people do well to follow my example and will do all the work so wholesome.
And the people would grow up with the virtues obey their parents, obey the teacher, respect elders, respect and have the right attitude for the sages, treated cordially with the poor and sick disabilities ".
The Lure of Asoka's rock in general, do not contain anything sublime teachings, which are mainly economic advice ethical nature: Love people and animals, and tolerance for all faiths, not Buddhist beliefs just ... However, in Du Bhabra, could be announced on the 13th year of the reign of Asoka, the king has recommended Sangha should study some sections of the Buddhist scriptures, but we can get known as part of the Pali Canon:
King of Magadha send greetings Sangha, Sangha wished peace and health.
The German University Dear, the Venerable did know and respect my confidence for the Three Jewels, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as to how much depth.
Ladies of the Great Spirit, the Blessed One said all the words are good.
But, sir, the Great Spirit, according to my own notions, they can point out some special instruments:
1. High Thread precepts.
2. The behavior of the great saint.
3. The fear conditioning can occur.
4. Song of the hermit.
5. Talk about the life of the hermit.
6. Upatishya question.
7. Rahula sermon wrong topic.
I hope that the majority of monks and nuns would often hear and reflect on such texts. Both lay people also, male and female.
Therefore, I recorded my words, so people know I intend how . "
Example above is written in English Magadhi. Document 1 "high precepts Thread" is the monastic rule Patimokka, document 3 "Termites fear things can happen" in the withdrawal of  Pancaka Nipata  of Anguttara Nikaya  ( Anguttara economic, Book III ). The document "talk about the life of the hermit," no longer refers to the desire to live life in which all three industry body, speech and mind are calm. Upatisya or Upatissa is Shariputra or Sariputta, one of the largest known disciples of the Buddha. Buddha replied venerable Shariputra of the risks threatening the austerities.
Sermons to Rahula (Rahula) in  Central Business I, tr.414-420 , English version.
In other Du, Du Sarnath, he had the voice of a Buddhist is not normal, which is a leader of the church. In the example, he writes:
Well, it does, even for servants and farmers, must also behave like that.
The progress of the people of the Dharma is done by two roads, by listening to the Dhamma preached, and by inner reflection.
In two such measures, the measures of inner reflection much more advanced. Vietnam's super effective measures inner thoughts expressed in the growth of the faith of the people, and in the complete termination of currency to kill an animal.
I will use the monks (Dharmamahamatras) to express concern for your king ascetic monk as well as at home, for all religious believers. I also use them to ensure peace and happy life of the Sangha. I also use them for such purposes for the Brahmins, the ascetic sect Ajivikas position, seconded Nighantas, ie in practice for all religious denominations.
They and other key officials tasked to distribute items donated by kings and queens, and even at the court, here, in the capital and in the provinces, officials said on will practice various measures, these measures religious devotion and generosity bring bliss.
I also arranged for officials to distribute it makes an offering of my children, of the other princes and princesses. Well, they will be used to promote all of the good work according to the Dhamma, to promote the practice of Dhamma.
They have spiritual authority anxious to let the people get growth kindness, honesty, generosity, purity, from air, holy virtues ...
The main aim of this was that edict engraved on stone, lasting as the sun and moon to the children, my grandchildren, my people tell lies will in accordance with the Dhamma.
Because the people in accordance with the Dhamma will be happy in this life and in the next life . "
4th example, writes:
Now, because I practice Dharma, the drums of war game no longer rang again, but instead is a drum of the Dharma ."
After winning the battle of Kalinga, Asoka was extremely remorseful and solemnly declared from now will remove the war in his kingdom's policy, and instead, use the Dharma, Dharma used to conquer hearts. The Dharma, as Asoka understand, ie an interest material life and spirituality of all people, an interest in the life of every species.
In all the time, everywhere, I have interest in the situation and the work of the entire population.
Whether you are eating, whether they are in the room of the queen, in my bedroom, where the fields, in the car or in the park, everywhere, officials must report to tell me all the work of the people, and I am always ready to deal with the work of people everywhere.
I ordered all the work of the people must be reported to me, everywhere, at any hour.
Because of that I will never be satisfied with the efforts of myself. Yes so, my highest duty is to ensure that the whole country is happy and at peace. There is no nobler public authorities is to ensure the well-being of the whole population.
And if I have tried my best: it also aims to pay my debt to all beings moi, ensure that every species of happiness in this life and the happiness of heaven in life future life.
The main aim for me was that this Du etched in stone, to save dharma exists forever, so that our children and grandchildren I can practice Dharma, for the happiness and peace to the whole country .
But it is a difficult achievement purpose unless every effort is there, your whole heart . "
Asoka's example shows that the concept of the responsibilities and duties of a king to how Buddhists, shows a Buddhist king, first and foremost, to wholeheartedly serve the happiness and wellbeing of the entire population how.
Maski example (places where finding enough ice) writes:
Indeed so, from now on, I have to worry, to ensure the physical well-being and spirituality for the entire country. To follow the path of peace, I will rule over the whole world abandoned to lust peace.
From the day I met the Sangha, my self, I have a lot of exertion.
Possible consequences of the effort is not only dedicated to the great man. If he wants, then ordinary people can also stress that reaches the heaven of happiness and peace.
Because of this purpose, but these words are published. Everyone, big and small, try my best. "
Maski example above shows Asoka appreciate and practice the virtue of diligence, how diligently. A Buddhist king is a king extremely positive and proactive solve everything beneficial to people on both materially and spiritually, mentally. Asoka how the concept is the way of happiness and peace. Example above continues:
"Be obedient parents. Likewise, teachers and everyone deserves to be respected. Must love all animals. I must say the truth.
These are noble virtues that need to be practiced and reinforced.
Likewise, the pupil must serve teachers, people relate to each other must be courteous and polite.
That is the true creed and ancient creeds would help longevity.
So people act in accordance with this doctrine. "
Western scholars appreciated the stone Du Asoka
The Lure of Asoka stone all Western scholars appreciated. Robert Blatchford in his book "God and my neighbor" (God and My Neighbor) wrote that:
"... Jesus and the Father of the church has never prohibited slavery, never banned currency religious discrimination, prohibited cruel attitude towards animals.
Buddhism also on the practical preparations have abolished slavery and religious persecution currency, temperance teaches virtue, purity of life and goodness, and build more advanced ethics, ideology promoting full mankind are brothers.
Buddhists have been practicing and propagating a religion of humanity, an overarching brotherhood of men before the era of Jesus. Which not only preaching but also practical, that is what the Catholic religion who never achieved, former and current.
And furthermore, the Buddhists do not spread kindness and their brotherhood with swords, shackles torture, nails hands, wood burning people. The Buddhists have freed the slaves and expanded their compassion, covering both animals.
Buddhist Ethics is not recorded in the books. It is written in stone. There is no argument that can eliminate Du Asoka's rock ... "
About the measurement dispatched missionaries alk under King Asoka
Under Asoka, the missionaries were sent to Greece, Central Asia, Sri Lanka and the origin of the name referred to as Suvannabumi (now the Indochinese Peninsula).
Archaeologists have found stone inscription: Supurisasa Moggaliputtatissa. Sapurisasa is people friendly, healthy man. Moggaliputtabssa is Arahats under King Asoka led the Congress to a third set of scriptures.And after this Congress, many missionaries of Asoka was sent to the foreign countries.
Gone  Mahavamsa , collective chronicle of Sri Lanka, said after the Congress compiled the third time, four Arhats with Maijhima Thera was sent to the Himalayan mountains to the missionary. But time is about to enter Nirvana, both four, along with the leader back to their hometown. In two containers of relics found at Sanchi Stupa, engraved name two: Kassapagotta, masters of the Himalayas and Majjhimagotta. Majjhima Thera is the leader or missionary Himalayan region.
Sri Lanka Mission missionaries also left many important traces. The delegation consists of four monks Itthiya, Utthiya, Baddhiya, Shambala and the leader or Arhat Mahinda. Inscriptions were found in the area Rohana, the southern region of Sri Lanka, where named Rajagala, with inscriptions on stone by Brahmi letters, up to 18 feet long stone column. There are up to 1 foot long letters (*):  "Ye ima agatana idiya patamaya ulika DIPA (terana) tube teraha hide."  This means: "This is the stupa containing the relics of the Venerable Mahinda Itthiya and came to this island by permission Kabbalah".
(*) Is a unit of length foot in England, by three and a half inches
Two books chronicle  Mahavamsa  and Dipavamsa Mahinda write about: "He came out not by magic." Of course for the Arhat level, in the air is easy.
But Paranavitana, one of the greatest archaeologists of Sri Lanka, to interpret the passage: "Idiya Agatana" is "come here, because the welfare of the people of Sri Lanka". Perhaps because he felt the time, few people believed in miracles, but in a later passage, he added, "But there are similarities between what I said somewhat here with the question of collective  Mahavamsa :" Venerable Mahinda flew overhead from Vidisa to origin ". It is known after President Mahinda, his relics were divided to many places for the people of Sri Lanka to build stupas offerings. Chedi containing the relics of Mahinda found at a place hundreds of miles from where he was cremated in Anuradhapura.
Mahintale is where Mahinda permanent residence. Professor Paranavitana said box relics discovered here certainly is a relic of Mahinda box. King Asoka and Tissa in Sri Lanka, a contemporary of Asoka is a close friend. King Tissa courtesy Asoka sent many gifts, full of treasures and jewels. At the request of Asoka, King Tissa practice a second coronation name  Devanampiya , ie  close to the Spirit . Need to mention that the Indian kings Maurya dynasty and it has the same name. From King Devanampiya onwards, in centuries, the kings of Sri Lanka are under the same name. This title is a proof of the arrival of Buddhism in early country Sri Lanka. A further proof Maha Bodhi tree (Tree Bodhi) in Anuradhapura is a branch of the Bodhi tree in Gaya Maha Bodhi in India (Bodh Gaya).
Professor Paranavitana, when the stone at Rajagala analysis confirmed the stele also called Thera Itthiya monks, accompanied Mahinda to Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka is now the center of Theravada Buddhism, popular in Southeast Asia. Mahinda - who started in this country, which is a high-rise Moggaliputtatissa disciples, Asoka school teacher who is also a Congress leader Buddhist Council for the third time. He is the author of the famous treatise Kathavatthu, is the core of Abhidharmic (Abhidharma Pitaka), are compiled in this Congress period.
The stone tablet engraved with the letter Brahmi said Buddhism in this period by all walks of Sri Lanka warmly welcoming and receptive. The largest in the court officials called Upasikas and Upasakas, Chinese translation is negative Pros and Pros-she-di-she-rules, meaning that the lay women and men. Queen Anuda ordained and became the leader of the Sri Lanka Buddhist nuns.
So far have found there are about 1,200 steles Brahmi inscriptions, recounts the events that happened in Sri Lanka during the period from the fourth century to the first century before TL TL. The content of this beer was the enemy out and published. Brahmi inscriptions similar things on the beer and the pillar of Asoka.The stone tablet that tells the history of the introduction and spread of Buddhism in Sri Lanka.
At that time, Sri Lanka had two ethnic Sinhalese ethnic groups and ethnic Tamil. Continental ethnic Tamils ​​from India migrated over long ago. They are receptive to Buddhism and live peacefully with the indigenous ethnic Sinhalese. Tamil Buddhists also offered gifts to the Church. Their memorabilia is often accompanied by the inscription: "Damida Upasaka", "Damada Gahapathi", meaning "of the Tamils ​​Upasaka ...". Where Buddhism was introduced to also become a powerful factor in that unity.
About 5 Greek king named on beer  Asoka's rock
5 The name of the Greek king inscribed on stone Yuhua 13th are:
1. Antiochus Theos in Syria (Syria).
2. Ptolemy in Egyptian Philadelphos
3. Gonatas in Ma Atigonos Delegation (Macedonia).
4. Magas of Cyrene.
5. Alexandre in Epire.
Antiochus Theos Seleuceus nephew, Nikator nickname, meaning the winner, because winningest Seleuceus reviews and founded the kingdom of Syria (Syria). As the Minister of Alexandre the Great, Seleuceus has emerged in the Indian invasion campaign. After Alexander the Great died, Seleuceus again reached the Indus River, the military reviews of Chandragupta, the grandfather of Asoka. But Seleuceus defeat, to sign a peace treaty with Chandragupta, daughter to Chandragupta and his ceded to the provinces Aria, Arachosia, Paropanisadai and Credosia.
But Seleuceus still reigned over a vast kingdom, the remnants of the empire of Alexander the Great.According to legend, he has built 75 cities in his kingdom. Seleuceus successor is his son, Antiochus Soter that kingdom stretching from the coast of the western bank of the Bosphorus and the Indus and from Anatolia to Syria to Jaxartes and Pamir mountain ranges. Antiochus Soter died in 261 before TL, leaving the throne to his son Antiochus II, was man's worship Theos Milesians because he was instrumental in liberating them from oppression Timarchus victims, a tyrant. Greek king named in the 13th Du Asoka stone is this Antiochus. Antiochus's reign are not alone, because the continuous war to the Greeks, and he also lost a lot of land. But Asoka, the most powerful emperor of the time, helped him, and to build a hospital for humans and animals in his kingdom.
Archaeological findings recently said the missionaries of Asoka had reached Egypt, Iran and Palestine (by Robert Blatchford in "God and my Neighbour"). This event made it clear "Buddhist origin" of the Catholic religion. As Blatchford wrote: "The path of Buddhism spread has been tracked every step from India to Jerusalem". The sutras are found on land belonging to the Parthian Empire (Persia old), a vast empire between India and Palestine. Eastern Bactria and the Parthian empire full of Buddhist temples and people find the coins, bearing the image Buddha with Greek inscriptions.
Ptolemy name of Asoka's enough ice on Philadelphos Ptolemy, son Ptolemy Soter and Queen Berenice.Ptolemy 285 years ago Philadelphos crowned TL. He fought constantly with Antiochus II. The war ended only at the end of his reign with a peace treaty. His daughter to Antiochus Thera. Euclid, renowned mathematician who lived under King Ptolem this. Ptolemy's kingdom consists outside Egypt, a part of Ethiopia, Libya and Arabia, there are a number of provinces in Syria, along with some of the island such as Cyrus, Lycia, Caria and Cyclades.
History says the missionaries of Asoka gave Egypt and Europe's ideal model ascetic life. V M.Flinders wrote in his book " Religion of Ancient Egypt ":
"History proves that, Egypt and Europe learned of the missionaries of Asoka's ideal ascetic life ....
Ascetic lifestyle of the hermit was established under King Ptolemy and the monks here have an ideal proving that lived at that time unknown to the West. "
EBHawell in his book " History of the Aryan domination " wrote: "There is excess arguments to prove that the missionaries of Asoka have prepared the environment which arise from the Christian to Islam and later on".
Professor TWRhys Dvids added: "It's not an exaggeration to say that all the moral teachings of the Gospel, if not counting the dogmatic nature piece, have existed in the Buddhist scriptures, ancient than Gospels sound for centuries. for example the moral doctrine summarized in " lecture on the mountain ", all that is not involved in theocratic dogmas, are already in the three organs of the Buddhist scriptures all fall".
Overcoming Egypt, the messenger of Asoka established hospitals for humans and animals as well as other works in the land Cyrenaique interests, ruled by King Magas, this king as "brothers rowed column" with Ptolemy Philadelphos. Ptolemy married the daughter of Antiochus Theos, and have a daughter also named Berenice.
Greek two remaining kings, named in the 13's rock Du Antigonus II Gonatas and Alexandre. Gonatas is the grandson of one of the generals of Alexander the Great. He reigned in the land of Ma Macedonia (Macedonia), former kingdom formerly of Philip, father of Alexander the Great. The envoys of Asoka also built the hospital out here for people and animals.
Alexandre II as king of Epire. Son of Pyrrhus and Lanassa, he ascended the throne 272 years ago TL, his war with Antigonus Gonatas and expel Gonatas out Ma Macedonia. Made old Epire is now southern Albania. Epire from Greek means "Continent", which then only for the entire west coast, north of the Gulf of Corinthe. According to Aristotle, is the country's first Epire of Hellenes citizens ie the Greeks. Epire Homere sites to only use the entire western coast of Greece. Epire north Ma Illyria and Macedonia, east by Thessalia, south Ambracian Bay, to the west the Ionian Sea. The tribal chiefs Molossians, eventually the whole land Epire domination, claiming to be descendants of Achille, had invaded the city of Troy and the throne passed to Molossus, was the eldest of three children of Achille, his wife Andromaque , a famous heroine virtue of the epic Iliad.

Ideal of promoting Asoka Asoka made the greatest career is "anxious for the happiness of the physical and spiritual world, including but not those cattle and other animals, not only in his kingdom, but also in the world, he is known or relationship. " END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/12/2016.

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