Chapter II.
I. Rate Debate: "Pollution of taste Arhat ( parupahara )"
[54] Do not know an Arhat has dismissed the unclean thing or not? Sakavadin raised the issue related to some comments, currently prevalent in some people, such as those Pubbaseliyas and Aparaseliyas. They found those who identify themselves as rank Arhat also exported semen, believed that we had taken something not prevail, or that there are some people who self-identify as grade A-La- drought, but by gullible or duped. And because of mistakes they've assigned to the Devas of heading Ma-king (Mara), has created about ejaculation and also confirmed explicitly on this specific point. [1] Gender opposite confirm this is real. The problem now is: "Is a Place Arhat have committed lewd acts not? Because ejaculation is due to lewd behavior that out, and this is obvious. Because of the Gods Ma-king group (Mara) can not be exported semen. since they are heading Ma-king (Mara) no ejaculation, and because they consider those that defile the flesh of others, transmitted to you Arhat, and the Arhat are not susceptible to that kind of impurity. therefore, related question is: "the gods themselves have suffered no unclean things ? "etc .. (the opposite sex) dismissed:" this can not take place where the heavenly beings are ". But the issue resurfaced is:" then the devas do not suffer from the things which defile or what? "etc .. (opposite sex) again confirms that there is, because (the opposite sex) is of the opinion that the gods also created and circulated it to others. the question in this is: "Does the devas (have circulated that) through the pores (pore) in body or not?" (opposite sex) rejected, because the opposite sex found that the transmission the unclean thing can harm your pores (pore) where the body is like ghee and oil so. "Then why," only a very small amount as the only solution. The meaning here is: They thought, "We might be suspicious of your achievements Arhat hold and so would facilitate the spread (it).
When asked: "Do you doubt what you Arhat is reasonable? (Opposite sex) rejected, concerning the doubts had been published eight points above. When asked again , (opposite sex) to approve, because (in relation to a number of other issues) we can not give a final conclusion, namely, about identity and family situation of women etc .. or specific man at all, and things like that. Through question: "is there any special hiding place where you there?" the question comes: "is there any place structures special auction for unclean things that reasonable, like feces and urine receptacle or not?
Sentences to express "For players who have been attained in the field Marvelous your privacy [2] concerning jurisdiction where an Arhat once elected prime Marvelous realm where the grade A their -la-drought. Question expression: "for a person into a particular France where among other things," as related to the rights of both sides, where the player who won the French are both territorial Dieu areas and eight other achievements they have reached it.
What remains here should be understood as the text is written in the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate debate about "pollution of Arhat status" ends here.
II. Three points for discussion: (1) Is ignorance a possibility where an Arhat or not, (2) Does your A-ha-drought have trouble or not, and (3) He potentially superior to others or not.
As an Arhat does not know the details, such as names, family circumstances etc .. for a woman or a man like that that, that's why he is really ignorant (ie lack of knowledge) (2) It is also possible he will be stymied by the daily facts of life. (3) It has the ability in terms of his knowledge will surpass others. These views are some people, like those of the sect Pubbaselyas are advocated. To reject the status quo on the third. Sakavadin research policy research working on this and the next two sermon following. Affirmation and negation of the opposite sex for all questions and answers. The meaning should be understood as in the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate debate on ignorance, confusion, and weakness where the Arhat ends here.
III . Rate Debate: "Pronounced when entering meditation" (vaci) (from Zen Jhana ).
There are some people, like Pubbaseliyas rate and others, are undertakings that anyone entered the Zen Jhana , when reached or become Zen Admin Login Please enter Sacred Way, were likely uttered Brackets: "Suffering brain" [3] related to this issue, Sakavadin asked: "to the people who have entered the Zen jhana, whether they pronounce it?" Based on his own opinion, (opposite sex) agrees on. When asked again: "Everywhere reasonable?" Concerning the Three Realms, (opposite sex) just reject formless realms only.Asked added: "Invariably reasonable?" About time, (the opposite sex) rejected temporality where the entire achievement he achieved, except when entered Admin Zen, as well as the time to reach some islands. For the question, "With all those who entered the Zen Jhana or what?" (Opposite sex) dismissed for those achievements mundane places. When asked: "With all the accomplishments listed above, or what?" (Opposite sex) dismissed for Noble, II or higher meditation and meditation all the mundane.
[56] "The wording physical" suggestions can mean the reason brings progress [4] . The idea comes from the suggestion that is also known as suggested by the physical that out. It's true. Sakavadin ask again to be able to convince (the opposite sex) as follows: "Why exists both confirms and negative (where the same person) like that? (Opposite sex) and then re-affirmed rejected own perspective (opposite sex). by the way, if anyone, at the time of reaching the Holy Way, which uttered the word "Sorrow" (soka), surely he or she is speaking " origin afflictions "(kilesa) [5] etc .. If any party does not say this, it does not tell the other words. to emphasize this, the questions begin with" litigants speak from "sorrow" people know the facts that hurt or not? "has been coined. but (the opposite sex) denied and affirmed that this is only the applicant's personal views only.
Through the perspective of the person concerned (the opposite sex), we understand that those who reach the Admin World TM, also reached the Insight Meditation "Negativity" (soka), known to be the base "Suffering" ( Duka) and that, "by hearing about this, knowledgeable about the Four noble Truths superpower meant by" ear ", they hear noises, there are two effects, namely, the impact of the disaster, and the impact of Wisdom. "there must be something wrong when I say" etc .. which means if so then any verbal fluency yet where people have reached (Beginning Meditation), then do not say it at the same time no distinction at all, it is "verbal fluency" usually occurs in people (import Profile Meditation). what was left was too obvious.
In Buddhist scriptures, such as: " Oh, Ananda, Abhibhu, Sikkin disciples, who Exalted, " [6] which was attached to the words at the end of Buddhist scriptures other proof, which is consciously reaching Qingdao therefore emerged that the words fluently and also create statements moral saint. And this is conscious Profile TM World, so (this clause) does not need to prove.
Rate debate on "verbal fluency (while ecstasy) ends here.
IV. Rate Debate: "Enter by Meditation (uttered) from" Sorrow "
Enter Meditation by (uttered) from "Sorrow" that is, by repeating the word "Sorrow" we can enter Meditation "negativity". So this is a factor and also is part of Qingdao. This is the opinion of some people today, as Pubbaseliyas sect. Concerning sect Sakavadin asks: "Enter by the word Vipassana (uttered)," Sorrow "has to be a factor or not?" etc .. Gender opposite is the case confirmed.
In the first question: "Are all of those who utter these words, it is possible to place the Holy Path tonnes [57] were not?" (Opposite sex) rejected, concerning those who never meditation (mindfulness). For the second question, (opposite sex) agreed as relevant to those who are meditating. These are merely the opinion of the (opposite sex). Therefore the word "whole" normal stupid "etc .. Meaning want to express this was too obvious.
Rate debate on "Enter Meditation by (uttered) from" Sorrow "ends here.
V. Rate Debate: 'Tam Dinh Tru "( Cittatthiti ).
Now there are some people, like Andhakas group, to secede from their primitive Buddhism, we have mentioned above, this sect advocated, in terms of continuity evident, both the public consciousness when Zen jhana unconscious and [7] , each of the current state of consciousness are only exist in a certain time[8] . In order to properly treat him for this position, Sakavadin questioned: "A mind can last throughout the day?" Opposite sect recognized as correct. Was asked, "Based on the data emerging moments continuity has lasted for half a day?" because not based on a certain time period, but the decline from the wording of "the cause of birth and kill" at the end of the sermon is, "All things are impermanent and conditioned depending on the arising and passing away fish."
When asked: "whether things have experienced compounded" arise and disappear "faster than consciousness reasonable?" (opposite sex) rejected because, do not recognize any of any organic material "arising and passing away" faster than the mind. When asked again, (opposite sex) consent agreement, because (the opposite sex) to be the current state of mind that has lasted for a certain time period. Related to the question: "Is there any interest lasted throughout life humans?" (Delegation of the opposition) rejected this, because no where to find events such continuous stretching at all, except in the realms arūpa ( Arupa Bhumi ) only, because the expression "the heavenly beings live in the constant space of 80,000 eons. " But (the opposite sex) only accepted in the case of those who are present in the Formless realms only.
Opposite sect asked again "What is not wisdom of the Gods came to the Formless realms also arise and disappear every minute or so?" (Sakavadin) agree to accept, for fear that it will be in contrast to Buddhist scriptures teach that: " Depending on conditions arising and passing away " etc .. But (Sakavadin) maintained his views about the timing dirty.
What remains is significant too in all times.
Rate debate moment awareness to this is the end.
FOR. Rate Debate: "Realm life this world (like) a pile of ashes." (Kukkula)
Because by not fully understand biblical teachings Buddhism as in the following paragraph: " Hey you monks, [9] v snacks were burning!, All compounded things (involved) to Suffering" [10] There are some people, [58] as Gokulikas sect, currently advocated "all compounded things not worth more than a chaotic pile of embers, the fire was extinguished, but ever since, like a furnace of fire ash and nothing more. to treat him, this view while outlines a series of happy types, Sakavadin raises many questions, [11] Delegation of the opposition also agreed to accept this issue.
In this respect, the word "whole" (entirely) means, do not create limitations, boundaries or separation at all, absolutely no difference at all.
All that remains to be understood as stated in scripture, have clearly demonstrated Beijing.
Rate debate "(this world is like a) the ashes" ends here.
VII. Rate Debate: "Achievement gradually be expressed"
Through a thorough consideration of the Buddhist scriptures as the following:
Gradually, each one passes.
Each moment will gradually burn imprints.
Blacksmith gradually type impurities.
The stigma of white crystals melting hearts Removal [12]
Each moment will gradually burn imprints.
Blacksmith gradually type impurities.
The stigma of white crystals melting hearts Removal [12]
It has formed a lot of different perspectives on the stand showed how, for example, present particular sect followers Andhakas, Sabbatthivadins, Sammitiyas and guidelines are at Bhadryanikas Remember express St. fruit, some meditation positioning enter "suffering" that take away the decaying rot, others through meditation (Four Noble Truths) Birth, Extinction or Sacred Path [13] and likewise also the Sacred Paths to rest. In order to fix their views Sakavadin questioned: "The show Brackets must only take place slowly or not?" Rival sects agree approval. But when asked again: "Are Remember Sacred Path also develop slowly or what? (Opposite sex) rejected, for fear must accept every Sacred Path where there exists too many other states together. When asked again, (opposite sex) to agree to endorse because (the opposite sex) recognized Insight "Suffering" etc .. (the opposite sex) agree approval for withdrawal of the Four Noble Truths the Noble Eightfold only Remember is shown only. But because (the opposite sex) just realized there is a unique achievement, therefore (the opposite sex) immediately rejected.
This is also the method for Best Sacred Path Hybrid Tier place (Only once again), and the other thing.
For the issue is raised: "If a Tier Project Save" etc .. (sect opposed) agree agree with for our meditation where there is perfect thanks to enter meditation "Suffering" is meditation etc .. finishing only when entering the Holy Path meditation alone and when (the opposite sex) realized he had reached St. fruit.
Phai opposite question: "Are the Four Noble Truths are clear only once (first Brackets Sacred Way once (ie first base status and nature)" Format "be realized?" Sakavadin agreed to endorse because grasp the "a" (first base). [59] again, the question "is it truth" difficult "ultimately is also the Four Noble Truths or what?" (sent to invert) dismissed, as there are many different states where the Four noble Truths.
Sakavadin ask: "Is it reasonable Aggregates can be seen as impermanent," etc .. Delegation opposed dismissed because (the opposite sex) advocated the view that. Therefore one can feel the presence of the immense sea only tasted a drop of sea water (saline), likewise if a compounded material is considered as impermanent, etc .. are all that the rest are regarded as such.
"Thanks to the Four Wisdom" means suffering through meditation enter the brain etc .. (Four Noble Truths) "" Thanks Bat insight "meditation means that by the normal of which penetrated his disciples Truth Truth, and penetrating insight analysis knowledge. "thanks to gather sensitive insight" means thanks penetrate duodenum origin origination. "thanks to the Four cross Four insight" means enter meditation is arising and passing , causes of rebirth, birth and death. etc .. and they have been similarly explained (every thing in the Second Decimal causal arising and passing will be clarified. "Through Wisdom furniture Furniture cross" [ 14] means enter meditation " Hey you monks, arising and disappearing just as impermanent, there are conditions, and casually emerged, doomed to destruction, passes, losing always passionate, and perish "[15] and likewise, (every thing remaining of the ten systems) karmic birth are also explained.
It also should be understood here in the sense of the texts attached to what proved Buddhist scriptures.
Rate debate on the gradual development of meditative expression ends here.
VIII. Rate Debate: "The language of the Buddha" ( Vehara ).
On this point there are some people, like those of the sect Andhakas, is said to be full of the language of the Buddha are both supernatural kind. Sakavadin raised questions relating to this issue and (opposite sex) proved to agree endorsement. It is said to be "God's ear" etc .. proves to be the opposite sex's argument is wrong. Of course this is just a theoretical method only. Is it only the hearing organs of the Buddha which are supernatural, or even his ears again etc .. also fall into this category? In the statement, "If the words of the Blessed One entered the human ear usually do," I will not be interpreted to mean, if words touched the sublime listening subject, of course, that's the word becomes sublime. That there should only be interpreted as: When words fall to mortal ears, the words that have become superhuman. The thought here is: When touching objects worldly ears, the words can not be called sublime. In the phrase "through human understanding" as well [60] here should be understood as human calculation or profane in nature (words of Buddha). There are so many diverse meanings can be related to other subjects. Of human knowledge we can also know the supernatural object. So the whole issue should be understood in the right way as above.
For questions: "Are we all Sacred Path cultivate reasonable?" etc .. (the opposite sex) dismissed involving people who can not reach the Sacred Way, and (opposite sex) consent, approval related to those reached by sword. In the phrase "with a golden wand" here meant magic wand is made of gold. This is a parable of the opposite sex are often used. "Everyday Speech (Blessed) are just normal human speech, when he told the audience of humanity" - this is a concept, some people are advocates Andhakas.
Article rest here was obvious.
Rate debate on "routine of the Buddha" ends here.
Now there are some people like Mahimsasakas and Andhara, hold the view that anti-imperial or terminated (Suffering), is set to do even one, again involving two or terminate the cessation of dukkha (suffering), as suffering are destroyed through a critique of the material [17] a rationalist or irrationality. Related to this issue Sakavadin question as follows: "There are two types of anti-imperial reasonable?" Rival sects agree approval.
In the question: "There are two types of anti-empire (of pain) Suffering reasonable?" etc .. (the opposite sex) rejected because (the opposite sex) does not accept Brackets about (the pain) suffering; because the opposite sex is acceptable to kill (soles) Suffering occurs in two ways.
In the question: "There are two legs to the kill (hurt) suffering or what?" etc .. (the opposite sex) also rejected, because (the opposite sex) does not accept killing soles for two kinds of suffering; which (opposite sex) only agreed to approve, for the cessation of suffering occurs in two ways. This method is related to the question, "There are two kinds of desires or what?" etc ..
In the question: "So there are two Níp or what?" etc .. (the opposite sex) rejected, because the opposite sex do not realize the difference between high and low, etc .. in it. In the question "what is lacking good judgment Removal" means the entire depth considerations of supernatural meditation. (Enlightenment) through pure character and there is no consideration with the problems. - Is mentioned here just to kill the secular only. The phrase "These incidents can also be made to kill with profound reflections, to reach the state are not born again."
(Delegation of the opposition) asked: [61] "There are things perish not through insight, and there are objects to be destroyed by a new insight. Both were destroyed completely reasonable?" Sakavadin agreed to endorse the destruction there. This is partly because not necessarily destroy what has been destroyed and partly because of what has been destroyed insight continues to exist in relapse "invisible" when Noble, saints were practicing.
Article rest here was obvious.
Rate debate on "Killing God" ends here.
By this we also end the second chapter here always.
Chapter III
I. Rate Debate: "Force or Strength" (Bala).
[62] Consider seriously about ten Samyutta Buddhist scriptures in Beijing (Samyutta) Anruddha. Start with the question: " O you monks, through practice and cultivation Four Foundations of Mindfulness. He understood, even if only as an opportunity to create something predestined and it does not create conditions. [ 18] etc .. now there are some people, like people Andhakas, also hold the view that cling to the power of Him who Tathagata (Tathagata) similar to Buddhists. In relation to these strengths Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects hold the above opinion and agreed.
Thus, the strength of one who Tathagata (Tathagata) has some quite common for the disciples, some are not and some are just common and not so common to his disciples that only part blow. For example, everyone can share knowledge Killing the effects of pollution (asava). Just who Tathagata (Tathagata) are aware of the level of development where the rights (indriyani). Article remaining common part where both. The opportunity to create the cause of any appearance including certain disciple was known only within some extent. But the wisdom of the Tathagata (Tathagata), no restrictions. The disciples can only assert this power, and who Tathagata (Tathagata) can explain that power. But sectarian Andhakas for the whole power of the Tathagata (Tathagata) is identical to the power of the foremost position of the Buddha Sravaka. To correct the perspective of Andhara, Sakavadin immediately ask the question: "Is the power of Him who Tathagata (Tathagata) are common to the disciples or what?"
In the first question, (opposite sex) rejected because it involves all the subjects that he alone who Tathagata (Tathagata) can be explained only. In the second question. (opposite sex) agreed as a disciple knows the origin of the causes of things and can identify this power. In the question starts with "if this or that thing" (opposite sex) dismissed for lack of synchronization where all ways. The words "the earlier application" and way before virtues are synonymous with each other. Likewise, the words "religious instruction" and "teaching catechism". In the question about the level of knowledge for development of the power to control. [19] Delegation of the opposition to agree to the level of a disciple purpose concerned, only a portion is considered as common blow.
Here for once the disciple can distinguish what is the opportunity to create an affinity with an opportunity created by the pretext, and can confirm this, therefore [63] after the love to be in the knowledge of a disciple, seconded opposite question that starts with "a disciple can distinguish an affinity with the opportunity to create opportunities not cause us is not?" - after discover that strength comes here is normal that any disciple always done within the limits of what they learned. This does not acceptable. because the opposite sex think that knowledge has many different levels, developing the power control is one of six kinds of supernatural knowledge.
In the question: "Or, whether any differences occur between the cessation of all-cause pollution to both reasonable?" ie comparing eradicate the causes of pollution for one who Tathagata (Tathagata) and to eradicate the causes of pollution where a disciple, you should say is: there is no difference in which both . In the question: "What difference is there between liberation for one who Tathagata (Tathagata) and a disciple of reasonable? This is just a way back. It left here was obvious.
Sakavadin accept this point, for whom the Tathagata (Tathagata) power sharing wisdom in destroying the causes of pollution, akin to any other ordinary disciples. Related to this issue, (opposite sex) to ask the question: "If the cessation of the cause of pollution is regarded as the same, because there is no distinction in knowledge. As well there is a distinction where among other things, should not the same be recognized as such.
Also, related to the creation of conditions and opportunities opportunities do not create causes and conditions, and what similar, related to the cessation of the causes of pollution, opposing sect to ask questions: " the two do not share with each other what it? Sakavadin rejected involving the killing of insight in the causes of pollution, and the assertion concerning the remaining issues. and related to the issues involved the difference in the development of the right, opposite sect asked, "If the two do not share it. This has been shown briefly. In which Sakavadin identified related to the different levels where the development rights, and reject what remains concerning.
Then contact this with all the opportunities there are conditions and not have an affinity, sect opposed to questioning whether the different levels of development rights, there are both shared or not. This also was dismissed briefly. Here Sakavadin rejected involving the different levels of development rights, and agree to agree with the rest.
Rate power debate ends here.
Property related to its ten ( Pannadriya ), not only the wisdom of the eradication of the causes of pollution, but also the remaining nine power of a kind of holiness, this is the view of the Andhakas remains to this day . The relationship with this power Sakavadin ask: "Is Tathagata force (Tathagata), which means that only the wisdom eradicates pollution causes holiness is nothing?" Rival sects agree agree is true.
As to that, if that kind of holiness, should be cultivated as a Sacred Path of the Eightfold Path etc .. Delegation opposed denies this.
[64] Sakavadin the further question, relating to the "empty" etc .. There are two types of "empty": one of the ego (or spirit) and one of compounded things. Empty ego means the five aggregates emptiness in place a viable ego, through heresy. Empty place where the five aggregates means Nip-table, namely, to give all five aggregates. Opposite sect denies the first and second acceptance. When asked: "Is it something that applies to intellectual reasonable?" etc .. (the opposite sex) dismissed related Nip-table, (the opposite sex) agreed to endorse related to the five aggregates. The application of mindfulness where the predestined opportunities and creating opportunities not predestined as the object where the five aggregates; and the object is empty there anymore Nip-table etc ..
According to this method, Sakavadin asked: "Is there any place the fusion between two intellectual exposure, the two are not conscious?" Since there is no chance at all to (opposite sex) immediately rejected.This method can also be used in cases of "no trace" (Signless) and then dispassion (Not-hankered-after)[21] "(Dhammasangani)"
Aggregates are empty objects (signless) because there is no trace of a being. The Nip-table aggregates as well as by the lack of material traces of compounded interests. The yun are things "not covet then" because of them, can be placed on a property, is listed as number has been established and because of the revolve for being there, listed the such a being. Nip-table is "not covet then" by consideration of all the materials compounded by pollution caused by taking as an object coveted coveted through it. Therefore, with respect to this matter, and confirmed the rejection should be understood as the above.
Because the Applied Mindfulness, superhuman efforts and what remains are the work of holiness and objects derived from the concept of "emptiness" and tainted wealth and not covet then. "so," understanding a chance to create the type of conditions that have existed reasonable? "this is the question in both methods and negative assertion. all of these positive and negative are seconded by the invert given. Thus all questions and answers should be interpreted as presented above clearly.
However, in the texts, it was confirmed rest briefly, and finally we also distinguish between being born and disappear. Then, contact the thinking standpoint Shakyamuni, "Holy Lord" is associated with the cessation of insight in all the karmic pollution are, the question was raised, by both methods: positive and negative, to find out if there was wisdom is "holiness" or not. Complete these things done by the opposite sex both;also confirmed and refuted by [65] Sakavadin. The whole meaning here is clear. However, there is clearly only the first nine wisdom, and the wisdom of being, well proven briefly.
Rate debate (Quality called) Holy Spirit ends here.
III. Rate Debate: "Deliverance" ( vimuccati )
Wisdom deems empty rate calculated as from the craving, it does not need to be liberated, is real. It was sectarian comments Andhakas pursuit, like a dirty shirt only clean the stains by carrying it, so liberating means our minds are overwhelmed that this affair was the get rid of love calculation [22] .
Related to this issue Sakavadin questioned: "There must be freed" from the affinity properties, related to ontological insight (into right now) are calculated loving touches reasonable? "Etc .. dispatched to asserted against rightfully so. again, when asked: "liberation" has nothing to do with the wisdom enclosed loving them up? " etc .., (opposite sex) rejects, thinking, wisdom is liberating in a certain moment. [23] But such wisdom does not exist. When asked: "If the wisdom of loving contact with what?" etc .. (the opposite sex) also rejected, because not get out, because both contact (phassa) and wisdom are freed from craving calculation, so calculated craving relief. [24] ( ?) Thus, the meaning here should understand that in the case of golf wisdom was besieged, and things like that. [25]
Rate debate concerning liberation ends here.
IV. Rate Debate: "The process of liberation" ( vimuccamana ). [26]
This is the view of the different sects, said that wisdom is freed from the obstacles just part only, according to this view, liberation is a gradual process of liberation, because the current state of complete disruption the whole subject should be experienced in a "moment (khana)." Related to this issue Sakavadin ask: "Freeing part have only partial freedom alone or what?" rival sects agree approval.
Again, Sakavadin ask questions, "Just part of all?" The word "only part" implies "do appear." Thus, the wisdom liberated part, while the other is not, or what? "Just as a person is only partially freed, while the other is not. Why is that? Because in clusters from "supernatural liberation" is a being freed with a part, while the other is not "was confirmed false. Like the mop foot cushion, while not completed, the work is still in progress and not yet complete so only partially done, the rest is still in progress. Also my wisdom also liberated a part, while the other part is still in progress. Then the opposite sex [66] rejected the first question, said that the nature of insight is not like the mop foot buffer is still unfinished. In the second question, (opposite sex) agreed to approve. Since the liberation only been partially implemented alone, and the work was not completed, wipe padded feet like unfinished. Or, the opposite sex-related rejected Zen moment Jhana. "Phai opposition agree approval for then being less than fully liberated from the disruptions were experienced in meditation stage ( jhāna ) super philistine ( lokuttara jhana ). the view of the (opposite sex) is: are the property could be freed with delay, should only liberated part only.
Then to convince (the opposite sex), Sakavadin then said: "If you accept that wisdom can be freed only in part, and the rest do not, so what happens next is that when a person has (have insight) [27] has become one Remember, they're just people in saves with part only, while the other is not. " and Sakavadin posed the question: "(Gender opposite) are involved in this part? The Project Save him who or what?" etc .. So do not recognize the rules above, (opposite sex) immediately dismissed; The remaining question is the only method only.
In the question of when to appear, that is: "If we consider the wisdom liberated, just being liberated part, so the next is wisdom only be freed in a given time it only becomes useful and can only be freed in a certain moment, and that's being freed only partially in a certain time only. You mean to a kind of "wisdom "like that?
Buddhist scriptures also verify this, the first of the opposite sect criticism, meaning as follows: the "liberated" Buddhist scriptures affirm "liberated" an imperfect way. Thus the phrase "For the opposite sex, who knew that, then realized how true, wisdom is liberation from all karmic pollution. [28] Even in the Buddhist scriptures there is no question "liberated" "free," should be understood as not being "liberated," which means wisdom is liberation.
In Beijing Monday [29] Sakavadin criticism, Beijing meant as follows: If the phrase "the freedom" to mean "wisdom" be liberated is "ontological" release, it is here, if not with the phrase "free," that is "liberated" one should understand is not a "property can be liberated." [30]
In order to emphasize (the opposite sex) like so: Now, because you believe that for reasons not yet fully liberated wisdom should be freed only in part, so does wisdom was still greedy ? etc .. ie craving, and similar things, wisdom is not fully escape. "- yet, there is the question:" Is wisdom reasonable? etc .. to start. (Delegation of the opposition) and thus reject this whole thing, because (the opposite sex) does not recognize such an insight. Then Sakavadin trying to convince (the opposite sex) can not have only two choices, no room for a third way, which means: Oh who the Good, not only two choices, or why that is, a sense of wisdom associated with craving, they are full of desire, and a wisdom completely get rid of worldly involvement, there is a third option at all, namely a wisdom "tied with greedy bunch. " This method is also associated with the word "damaged depravity" and that sort of thing; when rival sects accept this assertion, saying, "Yes" [67] In order to prove to the (opposite sex) saw it, in case they are freed are only two choices, Sakavadin then said: "If it is craving" and etc .. that means: If you agree to accept these two choices, make the opposite sex you will accept the following, namely that "was freed and not freed ".When the wisdom involved in craving, wisdom is not being freed. Meanwhile insight not stick with (the things mentioned above) are liberated, there is no room for a third option where.
Rate debate concerning the "transcendence" ends here.
This view was seconded Andhakas and Sammitiyas the undertakings were, upon entering the Holy Way, after practice. Two of the ten ties ( Fetters ) (ie the body is and skepticism) outbreak can no longer be attained where a player is "The Save Path" - means that man became Remember. [ 32] Sakavadin raised the issue about one of such people. Rival sects agree agree, because right moment ( Khana ) entered the Holy Way, no more wrong that may outburst where he is anymore.
Because Remember wrong place has been removed, there is the Path where the prime player in Save is not necessarily so. Therefore Sakavadin questioned: "A gain in Save Path Is Beings entered saved or not?" This is also the method used to ask questions related to the question only. In questions concerning potential biases (ditthanusaya ). (opposite sex) denied: "No, not like that" because (the opposite sex) believe that there are other categories of people with latent tendencies such pollution.
In questions related to the belief in ritual and pure precepts, (opposite sex) rejected, for not realizing the impact (spread) of the rules and etiquette pure. The view of (sect opposite) is the outbreak of pollution that was crushed.
In the question: "Such a person has developed the Holy Path or not?" (Opposite sex) also rejected the reason is because such a person can not develop Qingdao, while the (opposite sex) are every moment to cultivate Holy Way.
In the question starts with "By no St. Path policy" etc .. (sect opposed) rejected, because they had removed the first Sacred Path. "If they do not give up because Sacred Paths exist, a person reaches the next stage, which will also remove the entire (Eightfold Path) before." because such undertakings (opposite sex) asks: "Is this (wrong views and doubt) have rebelled place (opposite sex) or not?" Sakavadin given answer "no".
It remains to become clear everywhere.
Rate debate concerning the "eighth" ends here.
FOR. Rate Debate: "Right ( Indriya ) of the eighth period".
This view advocates of sectarian Andharas is: on stage in (Admin religion) who reached Bat Deliverance find yourself in particular processes, [68] but have not reached (five) Rights. [33] In relation to the aforementioned rights, Sakavadin asked: "A man like that (ie" prime players are Bat Deliverance ") has been Trustee rights ( sadhiudriya ) or not?" Rival sects agree approval. But when asked: "Does he have faith?" Opposite sect rejected, found that the right to a completely different attack with faith. This is also the method for what remains.
Then the other question: "Gender opposite have noticed, who have the right knowledge ( pannindriya ) or not? And similar things started again with a view given to explain that, so anyone with Tri (wisdom), it also has the right knowledge and anyone with faith, etc .. it also has tons of power, etc .. All of these things came with the comparison of Buddhist scriptures have made it clear that meaning .
Rate debate concerning the "rights" of a person who has reached the "Path to Deliverance" ends here.
VII. Rate Debate: "God labels" ( dibbacakkhu ).
Andharas perspective of sectarian and Sammitiyas supposedly "secular eyes" humiliating label (mamsacakkhu ), the means (basic) support [34] when entering Charity, becoming Eye. Concerning these issues raise questions Sakavadin instant: "Does the naked eye," etc .. Gender opposite agree approval.Again, when asked: "Ceiling Eyes (become) is the third eye, and vice versa?" Opposite sect rejected because (sect opposed) think that's all just the same, not the same.
Among the questions: the same thing done? "Etc .. (Phai opposite) rejected, for lack of homogenous nature where both (the eye). The questions start with" So in terms of ability, both two (the eyes) are identical reasonable? "in terms of areas of" visual agencies "also is capable of both. However, the naked eye can see tangible objects, and field capabilities to include third eye all objects invisible, very delicate and also see-through all the mountains etc .. in which case, the naked eye can not see that. that is why in the area of operations with both heterogeneous together.
When asked: "Could it means creating (ideological sense), also become a means to create superhuman thoughts or what?" (Delegation of the opposition) dismissed, because do not want to accept human gaze bias consistent with the label, only play a supporting role to the naked eye, and supports the naked eye nor even what the divine eye. When asked again, (opposite sex) to agree to endorse because (the opposite sex) to accept the naked eye has created "third eye," hence the sentence: 'The naked eye is the way natural label represents. " [69] and the "third eye" that sees four major elements ( mahabhuta : earth, water, wind, fire) of the universe gender identity.
When asked: "Everything can be summarized cages where the existence of the senses or not?" etc .. (the opposite sex) rejected, because (the opposite sex) does not accept the naked eye and the same third eye (or heterogeneous). Asked again, the opposite sect consent agreement, because the opposite sex think the third eye meditation arise through import ( Jhana ) Lust, Caution, therefore natural labels can be considered as products in the realm of Lust, Caution . "
When asked: "Everything is embraced realms where Lust, Caution, so everything has to be embraced in the world Formless realm or not?" (opposite sex) rejected, because the latter is the development, at reaching Formless Realm, aware of rūpa realm does not exist. When asked again, opposing sects agree instant approval, because the vision is to appear, (opposite sex) to see where objects compounded four aggregates of Formless Realm. Opposite sect rejected, because not accept things are pooled in these realms become things "not lumped together." [35]
Thien label means means (or base or support) to compounded things. Third eye is also a means for all things supernatural, sense, celestial object label support for the senses, and also become a means of supernatural appearance.
When asked: "So there are two kinds of observations have not you? (The two" eyes ") Phai opposition rejected because, although the policy does not approve an eye out in this sense, to appear in a person third eye see only a means to an object, the eye sense does not exist. When asked again opposite sect consent agreement, because (the opposite sex) for the observation of naked eye, is a means to an object appears and exists, has become the third eye.
What's left here were too obvious.
Rate debate concerning the "Divine Eye" ends here.
VIII. Rate Debate: "Heavenly Virgin" ( dibbasota ).
When asked: "There is only one kind of ears or what? Mission opposition rejected, because really have to have two types. When asked again, (opposite sex) consent agreement, because the ceiling became acute ear means for an object to appear, immediately became "God's ear."
What remains to be explained as the above. (In Section Eye)
Rate debate concerning the "Divine Ear" ends here.
IX. Rate Debate: "Tri see unfortunate beings now ( Yatha kamupagatanana )."
By seriously consider following Buddhist texts: With the "third eye" is Pure to beyond the eyes of the opposite sex ceiling realized beings and domestic ... Removal opposing sects understood the fate of organic Maybe it based on their previous lifetimes destiny " [36] some argue that it's all Eye thorough look karma (fate beings) based on the amount of his career. in relation to these issues , Sakavadin placed opposite problem and denominations agree agreed. When asked again: "so what do we have to pay attention to business cycles or not?" (opposite sex) dismissed, because that did not exist two object ( ārammana : scene) in a mind ever. When asked again, (opposite sex) to agree to endorse as many styles of thinking.
Also, when people asked (opposite sect ,. not let (the opposite sex) have a chance to evade, "Is it the combination of the two contacts (phassa) happened or not?" Etc .. sect opposition rejected, thus meaning in sentence structure begins with the sentence: "those being this good," etc .. should be understood as a question of people who are now looked thoroughly follow the career of his money .
Sakavadin to ask: "Presbyterians (Thera) Sariputta (Sariputta) have understood the fate of the industry based on the amount being or not?" [37] For the opposite sex to be the Elder this was denied, "Eye," because there are some people, related to the Elder Sariputta, because not practice meditation to penetrate deeper knowledge as too complacent, not only rejected these capabilities, but also for elders that he did not get that capability. On the other hand, they also questioned: "This is why Elder Sariputta not get the divine eye or what?" (Delegation of the opposition) dismissed. When asked again, the opposite sect consent agreement, because I thought this was the Elder to get all of what might have been as a leading practitioner.Up here to refute the opposite sect Sakavadin again ask the question: "Then Elder Sariputta not get that ability or what?" etc ..
Exclaimed the elder shelves language because he was determined, not because of lack of full understanding of the sublime knowledge. But the opposite sex Sakavadin understand the meaning of, and therefore, in view of the opposite sex, the Elder has only a thorough understanding of the industry at a past life, but do not have the divine eye. Therefore the opposite sex to speak: "So should not assume that it's all natural label thorough knowledge of past lives.
Rate debate concerning "Am comprehend past life fate under par." finish here.
X. Rate Debate: "The Collapse of morality ( sanvara )."
[71] Sakavadin ask questions "related to the views of people currently believed to be the place of the Gods, starting with Cross Tam Tam group, because they are not in violation of immoral behavior, so it proves that Tu Thuc Thu exists " [38] Delegation opposed endorse agree, because the opposite sex where they are not detected any violations yet.
And then, because by themselves including what end should apply to the collection of moral restraint.Sakavadin to ask questions relating to the situation of lack of self-collection ends. Opposite sect rejected, because the heavenly beings ... no agenda etc .. killing. "They're present in humans or not?" etc .. were mentioned to prove if self receiver end, it also may not be killing and vice versa.
In questions beginning with "Will they finish no killing or collecting it?" Rival sects agree agree, because not see them killing ever; opposite sect rejected because there was no killing occurred.
The question is applying negative approach has obvious significance.
Concluded, approved Sakavadin question: "Does the Devas do not enforce collection end ethical?" because after the killing, etc .. they are not by themselves end back since. Then the opposite sex, using a plot, asked, if there is no end by themselves, then "all the Gods are the killing or what?" vv.Sakavadin rejected, because the Gods does not commit such immoral habits. Opposite sect base just saying that, the conclusion is, "so, they (the Gods) does not commit it", which gives a conclusion. Clause is set as such. They grabbed the opinion has not been established.
Rate debate regarding "The Collapse of morality" ends here.
XỊ. Rate Debate: "Life Infinite Ideas ( asanna )."
On this point Sakavadin raised questions concerning the views of sects Andhakas, partly because they were cited in the following passage from the Buddha: " The insight [when born] arising out of the money now destined karmic [39] that a "one-word excerpt:" the heavenly beings perished from the group shortly after emerging consciousness " [40] They believe that there is someone born without consciousness comes. "Delegation of the opposition agreed to approve.
Then to correct this mistake Sakavadin say: "Is there a sense in that case or not?" [72] etc .. Sakavadin ask: "So such people have no sense of life? Whether that person continuing consecutive consciously reborn from time to time other reborn?" etc ..
The whole issue should be understood in the sense indicated in subsequent texts.
Rate debate concerning "Living Infinite Ideas" ends here.
XII. Rate Debate: "African ideal non-perception ( nevasannanasannayatana )".
At this point the question Sakavadin related to sectarian Andhakas, still advocate this, due care on the passage: " The realm of the song does not exist, that the unconscious is not. " [41] They think that says so not right, well aware that the place existed. [42] Delegation of the opposition agreed to endorse this. The whole problem should be construed in accordance with such texts.
Rate debate concerning "[realm] there unconscious that (unconsciously) did not exist."
By the end of this Chapter III.
Chapter IV
I. Rate Debate: "Is a layman can become Arhat is not?" ( Gahisa arahati )
On this point Sakavadin ask questions, related to the perspective of sectarian Uttarapathakas. When that Yasa, the son of a chief, and several others have reached the level Arhat, while still alive between circumstances where secular. They advocated: A layman can become Arhat. So Sakavadin questioned: "A layman can become Arhat is not?" means: a layperson must have problems with these shackles can become Arhat is not?
However, the opposite sex, does not understand his intention to agree, because the opposite sex only see whole life scenarios. Then a layperson is in such situation, and not only due to external circumstances, can not escape the shackles of a layman, even who Exalted also said:
Though there is joy, directly on the main road that forward. Peace and matured in my heart, thanks to the rule, life integrity, refraining from harm and harm to living creatures; That ends the rise brahman, hermits, monks and true.
To demonstrate this approach, "Does an Arhat reasonable?" etc .. get started. The whole issue was clear.
Rate-related debate "Does a layman can become Arhat is not?" until this is finished.
II. Rate Debate: "A person can become Arhat as he will bear".
By studying seriously excerpt follows: " A person is not by parents or relatives, which was born in heaven above, and in which was overshadowed unequivocally" [43] and is, significant conversion a completely eclipsed during this second half of the term. [44] to be completely overshadowed by rebirth. Some Uttarapathakas sect, advocated that at the time he or she will bear interest can become Arhat. Concerning these people Sakavadin questioned, [74] and opposing sects agree approval.
Now, because of heart regeneration is only mundane things and we can not become who expected Save (Sotàpanna) [45] his vv.mot become Arhat is. Therefore to be able to demonstrate this approach, "We can become the one who expected Save now at the heart of renewed or not? Etc ..
In the sentence "does Sariputta reasonable?" etc .. is said to be with a view to put the issue to be even a great elders have become Arhat right at the beginning of the period there was renewed interest. "A person seeking reborn" means a person by looking renewal center has found and strive to be reborn, so he or she wishes to be reborn.
The other thing was also clear.
Rate debate concerning the "rebirth" ends here.
III . Rate Debate: "No problems have causes pollution ( anasava )."
Sakavadin raise this point: "Where you Arhat lingering everything reasonable?" etc .. In relation to those, such as the policy Uttarapathakas sect Arhat [46] has to this kingdom. Rival sects agree approval. To persuade [47] (sect opposed) to empty that everything does not take the Bible as the cause of pollution etc .. Questions Paths "things that have emerged where the Arhat? What this is Qingdao, not kick? " began discussing.
When asked: "Eye has escaped pollution causes? (Opposite sex) rejected, because contrary to the nature (of the eye). When asked again, opposite sects agree canopy success, thinking that a person (by nature) does not have any cause pollution. In questions relating to the opposite sex robes asked: "(robe) may be the only signs for see them (empty) causes no pollution? "(mission opposite) rejected, for fear of the policy goes against the characteristics of an Arhat. When asked again (sect opposition) agreed to approve. Because opposite sex thinks, a person no longer causes pollution may become another person which causes pollution. this is the method to answer two questions this: "the cause of pollution does not exist or what?etc .. then Sakavadin asked (the opposite sex): "The Sacred Path no cause pollution stars?" etc .. (Phai opposition) agreed agreed: "Yes," so the meaning should be understood in each case.
Rate debate involves "not to cause pollution problems" ends here.
IV. Rate Debate: "Retain Sainthood" ( samanna Gata ).
There are two types of achievement (supernatural), namely, the achievement of current and maintain performance at a realm where other reborn as at: (realms) Lust, Caution, and the [realms] likewise . The latter continues to (be retained) N [75], until he was not trying to record anything. But now Uttarapathakas such sectarian, for that we can maintain a number of possibilities thanks to the past achievements as we have occupied permanently earn. To persuade them to accept there is a permanent achievement of its kind, Sakavadin asked them: "The Arhat has been endowed with the Four Noble whole work?" Rival sects agree approval related to the above-mentioned achievements.
At this point, to be able to persuade rival sects (accept) so: "If according to you an Arhat is equipped as the Four Noble Fruit Aggregates, and then ultimately to be with a Noble Fruit you Arhat is in contact with the four were all right? " etc .. are starting to list. Opposite sect rejects all that is not through the four exposure, etc .. in the same time. This is method is also used in the questions related to Tier Real Lai etc .. In the sentence: "An Arhat cultivation [48] Holy Fruit has entered preliminary past your faith?" When asked again: "there must be people who entered second meditation, no development is what has not earned or what?" etc .. In order to prove a particular person can not be from what we have developed. There the question is: "The Arhat has to exceed the achievements have been lost or not?" Sakavadin answered "Yes."Because just like the human achievement, meditation jhana can also be reached by a process takes the opposite, with the pollution, eliminated by the person from the supernatural Holy Path and bring it into fruition, unlike such as travel or removal action brings the rest. Therefore, this meaning is explained in the question "The Arhat has been equipped with the Four Noble fruit or not?" etc ..
The other thing was that obvious.
Rate debate concerning "[maintain] talent [special] ends here.
V . Rate Debate: "An Arhat Drain endowed Luc Unknown Name"
The meaning is understood as follows: An Arhat is endowed with six of the six official discharge through six subjects ( dvara ) [49] , but we could not accomplish that all six exhaust involving six subjects together at a time. [50]
Rate debate "Luc Discharge Unknown Name" where sensory perception ends here.
FOR. Rate Debate: "Thanks to the behavior of Enlightenment, I became 'the Enlightened One'."
Here the word "Bodhi" means (1) Insight or four direct insight; (2) all-knowing wisdom of the Buddha.And there are some people, like schools Uttarapathakas (as not distinguish but) for when an object is known as "white", so the surface can be white, and black when the surface of which is black. Therefore "ontological" Bodhi "The other point has these points are characteristic of" Bodhi "or the Enlightenment.[51] In relation to these points Sakavadin ask questions and objections. But the rejection and anti belongs to others.
For questions: "A person is only thanks to the Enlightenment in their enlightened action in the past or what?" (opposite sex) dismissed for lack saw the enlightenment it right now, in the past period it enlightenment. When asked again, a second time, the opposite sect consent agreement, because related to the enlightenment of the past. Again, when the opposite sex is to ask: "Is it just by the work done in the past or what? [52] Delegation of the opposition dismissed, because that person does not have a mission of that type at all. Again , when asked a second time, the opposite sect agree agreed, because enlightenment perform the duties incumbent to enlightenment and independent executive while he has no illusions in it. But, not creating chances, while the opposite sect was asked: "is he or she has learned it (the base)," Suffering "yet?" and the like, the opposite sect rejected, for lack of practice of the sect opposite.
As for the question about the (enlightened) future (opposite sex) dismissed as part of enlightenment is not present right from the first moment, in the moment of insight (understanding) recognize the path. When asked again, the opposite sect agree agree because, from the question: " who is going to enlightenment (region) Rajgir (Rajagaha) . Delegation of the opposition think that they are in the state of enlightenment through the enlightened future. When asked: "is the opposite sex can cultivate reasonable enlightenment?Opposite sect rejected, because there is not any moment such a thing happening. When asked further, (opposite sex) said: "If the opposite sex does not make practice, the opposite sex can not be deemed to have been enlightened. Therefore sect opposed to such action, precisely because How opposite sex did so. " and so opposing sects agree. Again, when there is any chance, when asked, the opposite sect rejected.
In the question, for the enlightened present, meaning it was too obvious, along with the context. When the opposite sex and asked to consider three kinds of enlightenment as a whole and in relation to intellectual property: "A person becomes enlightened through enlightenment or three stars?" opposite sect accepted, - this is the appropriate thing to mention. Also, when asked: "Does an enlightened person through three it or what?" opposite sect rejected, because in the absence of all three that the star. [77] When asked the next, opposite sect accept almighty regarding the future of the past and present because there is no chance to do so, when asked: "whether (this happened) constantly? Contact Hypnosis not sweet?" etc .. rival sects rejected.
"But not the people who have reached enlightenment, the enlightenment was the star?" Here is the question of opposing sects. Sakavadin accepted to be true, because it would be wrong if we call someone as enlightened as he is not enlightened. But to the question: "Is not enlightenment, which is like THINK reach reasonable sense?" continuity by entering the path of insight, so that enlightenment is realized, appearance, rivals accepted as true, as a purely rules only. (Answer.) "He is the enlightened one." Because do not understand the intent of Sakavadin, sect opposed to pursue that view: "If so," etc ..
At this point to clarify the appraisal review Sakavadin asked: If a person, called enlightenment, having attained enlightenment, they "have to ask for enlightenment, where people become enlightened affordable ? " This question is significant: For ensuring that a person is called enlightenment, because to be achieved enlightenment. Therefore, thanks to the enlightened thing that a person becomes so enlightened.
"The achievement of enlightenment" that is, the status quo between the emerging continuous fluctuation of enlightened behavior, emerge then disappear. Meanwhile, enlightenment means entering Sacred Path.Opposite sect does not recognize this distinction, should agree to endorse. Later, when questioned Sakavadin: enlightened behavior consistent with the achievement of enlightenment or the status quo? "So there is no chance to speak [53] , (opposite sex) has denied.
Rate debate "through acts of Enlightenment, we became" The Awakening "ends here.
VII. Rate Debate: Views of sect Uttarapathakas
Thread this item along with the next two sermon below, discusses the views of sects Uttarapathakas (Mahayana). Next, the following is a debate about the features (mentioned above). From a careless interpretation of Buddhist texts back: " For who are endowed with human qualities is a supernatural had two careers as follows, [54] Some people, such as sex ratio Uttarapathakas, undertakings the notion that a person endowed with a special expression of a Bodhisattva. Sakavadin spoke questioned, while agreeing that the opposite sect endorsed.
Because god cakkavatti [55] (the universal emperor) could also be a Bodhisattva, or is likely not a Bodhisattva. Therefore the question arises: "Is there necessarily cakkavatti you must be a Bodhisattva reasonable?" etc .. (the opposite sex) concerning rejection in fact already implementing this work which was not a Bodhisattva. But agreed to approve related to human were really a Bodhisattva. [78] Buddhist scriptures also clearly state "who are endowed with the thirty-two characteristic" and like things to be mentioned on the characteristics of a Bodhisattva. Indeed in recent times he has been reborn as a Buddha's, was born in the time before that, he was the Jump London. Therefore, even where it has been reached, and if it is not reached.
Rate debate on the special expression ends here.
Relating to biblical narrative tells of Jotipala Ghatikara was involved in Sangha [57] , there are some people, like those Andharas billion idea for the Bodhisattva (Buddha) had just realized Noble ( assurance) and was well suited to life during the executive [58] where the Buddha Sangha Ca-lettuce (Kassapa).Concerning Sakavadin asked: "Is The Bodhisattva has reasonable Holy fruits? Etc .. rival sect, advocated his standpoint, immediately agreed to approve.
"Here the law (niyama) and the equivalent to four Arhat religion. And no person other than the Bodhisattva can enter by Noble, back when they reached the landing place tier Real Lai to holiness; otherwise, the Bodhisattva can only be a disciple of St. levels reached Remember only [59] and it was not entirely bad at all.
There are many Buddha prophesied: "Youth is, will become a Buddha," simply because of the ability to dwell own meditation young boy. [60] Therefore Sakavadin the next question: " He did not have to be a Bodhisattva or what? " so on.Regarding the existence in the future, (opposite sex) was rejected, but the next question is (opposite sex) has agreed to approve. Referring to the life of Jotipala. In essence this is a method also involves "became disciples of the Buddha is like and things like that."
As for the question "Do you know the legend through reasonable?" (opposite sex) denied the information related to the legends related to past life [61] (the Bodhisattva) ie Jotipala. The speech "As for the other characters as his teacher" is also relevant to mention to Alara and Ramaputta.
To prove that, "Elder Ananda" etc .. who have entered the Sangha and become disciples. Meanwhile, others have not been entered into the Order has not been so. A question arises: "A disciple St. can not appear in a previous life?" Then another question arises again: Does a disciple has emerged from someone's past life, could not become a disciple where a certain lifetime later okay? Opposite sect rejected on the basis of supposedly Remember, etc .. are all disciples that out at all.
Meaning what remained was too obvious.
Rate debate about joining the Sangha ends here.
Some people, such as schools Andhakas, advocated a witness who was martyred, still relevant to the people of this class. Sakavadin immediately questioned, while rival sects agree approval.
It also should be understood here as has been shown above in related moot point who endowed Tu Chanh whole fruit.
Rate debating talent is ended here.
X. Rate Debate: The elimination of all fetters ( Fetters ).
There are some people like Andhkas sect, for the Tier Arhat means getting rid of continuous and countless fetters [63] . Concerning those who rank Sakavadin have questioned, is the opposite sex that they agree to endorse.
Also, when the opposite sex is asked: "All the shackles get rid off it?" (Opposite sex) has dismissed related to the elimination of the fetters of religion previous three saints. When asked a second time, (the opposite sex) agreed to endorse because it does not see the elimination takes place in the Four Noble. Opposite sect rejected because there is a continuous elimination (all the fetters) as in the case doctrine (privatization) individual undertakings and the rest by Admin Path. Rival sect also agreed agreed, because the elimination has not been reported before that takes place at the Four religion.
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