Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Chapter Two - Dharma
Weather VIII

About school

G IOI is one of three school learning: Morality, Concentration, Wisdom. Three school is also known as the three ways of learning. Ways of learning is called for this study included three to get rid of cankers, to liberation without being taken to the heavenly blessings. 
Meaning of Gender
Typically, Gender is understood as preventing something wrong, evil end electrical car ( "Non-only rooms evil"), or stop the evil and do good ( "only evil, good works"). 
In the Eightfold Path, About is world aggregates include right speech, right action and right livelihood.Here only the prevention of acts of physical and verbal mistake. When these actions are not making mistakes, then avoid a lot of harm to others. This was said to mean "good work" of the world. 
About letters About the responsibility Balaam problem-rustic-rub (Sk: Pratimoksa-sutra, Pali: Patimokkha) means Land of Origin Special liberation or liberation, depending upon liberation. Pratimoksha was freed in part; morality is much more liberated, liberating precepts little less. Depending upon liberation is liberation depends on the outcome of conditioned or unconditioned doer. 
Dictionary of Rhys Davids explains Morality (Sila) derives from the root word sil. Thematic SIL has two meanings: Upadharana (morality, ethics of Buddhism, manners, ethics) and Samadhi (Concentration). 
From Patimokkha it means, according to the analysis of words, actions bind, preserve, end dues of physical and verbal actions not let fall into the evil way, mistakes, and who harmed her. For example, forcing his mouth to prevent him eat rice buffalo plated. 
About the significance of the date younger men (Pali: uposatha, Sk. Upavasatha, Han Bo-sa-service is forgiven), mean residence net, cultivate, growth and improved net sufficiency. 
Increased Expenses (III - A) defines gender younger days as days of your life practicing Arhat (only eight precepts). 
In the thirty-seven assistant directors, the Exalted says: About the foundation of the four foundations of mindfulness, the four chief needs, four-sufficiency As standard, Nam Can, Force Five, Seven and Eight Bodhi Noble component parts. For example, land is fundamental, without it, the animals can not be moved, too, no thirty-seven About the assistant can not be the practice of fullness. 
Through the above definitions, Gender help you to achieve two goals: not to do bad ( Do no evil ), doing good works ( they serve the good ). The third goal of Buddhism is to keep the mind calm, remove all the cankers ( net periodic self-reviews ) and also the ultimate goal, it is necessary to resort to the practice of mental aggregates and aggregates. 
Time And Reason Setup About
According to Edward J. Thomas uses in his "Life of Buddha" (The Life of Buddha), Ni Church was founded in the fifth after a Path Exalted. Therefore, through the sixth year some rules have begun to take shape, and form a relatively clear day in the tenth year after the Enlightenment. Vinaya, write until the thirteenth year after the new rules certainly Way was formed, by Venerable Pros-three-cup (Upali) in charge. Then Balaam About duties subject-rustic-rub (Patimokkha) was born. 
Why Gender obligation not set right from the early years of the Church? - Traditionally, the word Bhagavan just set the world that, when necessary, when sufficient conditions. When there is a violation phenomenon caused a negative impact for the activities of the Sangha, the new fetters Exalted world, establish a world of things to prevent negative phenomena that occur in the future. About duties too, in the early years, monks, monks living chastity in the framework of Venerable Dharma should not mention About obligations, but only under the present About simplest form is the most general and upholding the base form, or in the form of right speech, right action and right livelihood of the Noble Eightfold Path. Until the thirteenth year after the Truth, then there are many phenomena of living go out holy life, Bhagavan newly established duty Balaam world problem-wood-rubbed. 
One day, the Venerable Upali lord: "Buddha, due to the legal purpose of the study is set for the disciple of the Tathagata and Gender obligation Patimokkha be proclaimed?". 
Bhagavan taught, by ten legal purpose for which the school is set up and Gender obligation Patimokkha be proclaimed:
- To Increase they are flourishing,
- To Increase they are secure,
- To stop the stubborn,
- To the good monks live in peace,
- To tame the contraband or even in the present,
- to stop the contraband or in the future,
- to provide a net credit to those who do not believe,
- to make a net loan growth for those who believe,
- to Dhamma exist,
- in order to be accepted law . (Increase Business Branch 3B, p. 73).
Through ten purposes, limited duty About two-part "only evil" and "good work" in three parts - just evil, charity and self-purification effect periodic reviews - which Buddhism aim. 
Thus, through Nikàya Gender, including the world's only home and entered. This is the text of the law Photography Special guests called gender or gender liberation. 
About Content Types
There are many forms of classification About. The first classification, world wide meaning of "Mahayana".Here the world there are three types:
- Kind of a suspected international law known as the Regent, including the world of the laity and the ordained: Five Precepts, the Eight Precepts, cross gender and Bhikshus friendly. 
- Type two international friendly France called Photography, take the practice of all good works done internationally. 
- Many useful type called third world charming, obtain employment benefits for all beings as presented.
The second classification is very wide meaning of the Mahayana, including:
- Special liberated world, that is the context of the World Photography suspected law. 
- Concentration communist world, is freed by the students, for the new world. Due to the deep meditation calm, specific instructions can be excluded. 
- World religion, is liberated by wisdom born, get insight as gender. Because that is now outflow cultivation outflow position, gender may be fulfilled.
Through the classification presented above, good photography and many useful legal world is the world of the Mahayana world; gender and special drainage author of the international community are called illegal possession gender; plus direct outflow world called world. 
Call conclusion Kosa law pratimoksha suspected (or pratimoksha world) is presented hindrances World Education; Comfort law called the birth (or the international community) is the world Lust slopes; Comfort law and called direct delivery (plus gender or religion) is the world Unknown illegally. 
In the limits of the owner is presented here, we do not go into the details of the world, nor come into the monastic rules, which only presents the basic features of the Gender Study. 
Nature Foundation For Gender And
every precept upon each one, as well as worldwide responsibility, especially ten basic instructions for both in-home and related monastic body, speech and mind, we can find the nature of the world and the foundation on which the world is set. 
Here, police cite estate (not kill). The basis of this world is not to kill people, not things to be killing other beings. As for the precept, while preserving this world be prevented except center field, nurturing kindness, makes the mind calm, peace and happiness in the present; from here, the precept does not create bad karma for life to bear fruit in the future suffering. As for the other people and other beings, the estate is seen keeping their life is added to ensuring safe, secure, suffer from the consequences of hatred, evil caused by others cause in the present. 
For the world "no sex", "no religion", holder of the world to stop the greed and not create more karma caused suffering in the present and the future; the other and the other beings avoid damage and live in peace. 
The result of such precepts centered nature of it is to bring joy to ourselves and to others, conditioned by the collective activity, create trust for others. Benefit peace and freedom for themselves who hold the world, that is wisdom; peacefulness benefit to others and other species, there is compassion. Wisdom and compassion are the foundation on which the World is set. 
The direction of the world is beneficial, peace for ourselves and for others, should help the world see the gentle practice of body and mind, peace in every step. About its true sense, no sense bound or cramped at all. Also some action, if done, certainly should tear down the absolute pure almond prohibited, the remaining activities of the practice of liberation are as grace but tolerated, opened. Even in cases prohibited, if for "adversity" that crashed into (as the "accidents" happen gender related), in addition to the intention of the practitioner, it is not committed, victims do not take interest arises or center field, depending upon by events happening (eg rape, if not lost interest arises shall not commit). 
Regarding the importance the world opened their nature are somewhat limited, but with the light, the nature of the world we are as open-minded, flexible, open-minded. 
Vinaya stated that once the Buddhists and pagans blamed the monks standing position that urination, said that the way it is gross, rude elegant. When this incident is submitted to Bhagavan, Bhagavan he says: "So from now the monks, sat down to pee." But in a country other level, when the nuns, monks are left sitting urination criticism that followers of Bhagavan is full of women. When it submitted the Exalted, the Exalted says: "If so, then standing so that cottage." That means, depending on the national level, depending on cultural adaptation. That is a typical case speaks flexible nature and openness of the World. 
Thus gender in Buddhist teachings, non-persistent, as rigid precepts (Dogma), which signifies the voluntary, practical benefit for oneself and others, in order to nourish and develop the faith his and people. 
World of Buddhism on the one hand to prevent illegal or in the present and the future, on the one hand represents a civilized lifestyle, elegant history, appropriate to the culture and civilization of mankind. 
Positions Of Gender In Buddhist Doctrine System
Nikaya Schools and school A-levels more mention is the World Economic rest. Typically Brahma Net Sutra (the Nikaya) and Dong Kinh Pham (of school A-levels) clearly define the position of Gender in Buddhist teachings system. In two of these, Bhagavan confirmed only new ordinary man praised, praised the Tathagata on Gender virtue. Praise, praise the Tathagata as righteous truth is praise, praise the Lord Tue: Tathagata has seen reason, enlightenment and states the legal theory of deep, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, fine photo, beyond mere logic, very subtle, only new intellectual levels get out. 
Through his testimony of Bhagavan, we see just the step About basics of Buddhism. Really say more, About's just the first step in steps: Morality, Concentration, Wisdom, Salvation and Deliverance knowledge (knowledge knows that freed). 
Gender is the first step, but a step platform. If one falls into the forbidden world players (keep your false pagan world), down from this first step, it is impossible to carry out the next step four. 
That is the meaning of the words About the Nikaya and A-levels. 
Through to North organ (Mahayana) are from widely About meant vastly more: About including Concentration and Wisdom. Pratimoksha gender (or gender Regent Comfort law) and Huu Dinh community of illicit sex is sex, religion gender belongs Infinite Wisdom liberation or gender contraband. 
Great Tang Bat-elegant is classified into one of six detailed About part of the Bodhisattva practice called "Luc Balaam confidential". About Balaam secret, it was synonymous with the exception of all accept the prime minister, or synonymous with the exception of all cankers, this is the knowledge of liberation. 
But there is a different view of the classification and presentation of the Men in Gender School and North visceral organs, but if we look closely at the content is clearly no real contradiction at all. Male organ is restricted About presentation extent as has been shown, through which the South organs limit tables to the Concentration and Wisdom. The demarcation of this term personality and conventional form rather than content of consciousness who practices. In North organ, Concentration and Wisdom, the same may be amended with Gender; About human practice, reaches the density Balaam necessarily requires the practice must be fully About Concentration and Wisdom. Lack of Concentration and Wisdom, the practitioner can not achieve gender which all the generals cup attachment. 
Really, both South and North visceral organs are inseparable confirmed separately Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom.Looking at the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path is evident that. About (or right speech, right action, right livelihood) can not be called the chief world, the absence of wisdom (right understanding and right thought). About implementation is also done Tue, Tue implementation is also done fullness About. 
Understand the right sense of gender and discounts on Gender
Issues transgression resulted in heavy, slightly different between people who practice with various psychological liberation, whether they commit the same error. Consequently they receive also vary in the present and the future. 
Salt Grain Products (Anguttara Beijing I) recorded a clear-cut definition of Bhagavan on this case. One black people stole a goat's hit a rich, powerful can be beaten and bloody spot jailed. But imperial courtier stealing a goat of the rich, the powerful was not beaten, not jailed. For example, drop a handful of salt into a large lake or large rivers, the salinity is not negligible, but if to hold him on a flaked salt water, salinity significantly. Likewise, the same commit a crime, with stingy mind, not practice Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom, the result can go to hell; but the person with practice Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom, widely available from the Centre as a result no (eliminated). 
Beijing Industrial University Discrimination (Central Business III) present, a person with faith and right before his death could signal the birth Heaven whether life has created ten evil deeds; whereas a wrong person and suspiciously before dying heart can go to hell, hungry ghosts, animals, despite being often create ten karma money. The presence of right understanding of the ordinary had such a great influence in the mining birth alone that the presence of Insight. 
Usually in terms of the generals, the offender is convicted if three conditions:
- Prepare to commit.
- Specific act of violation.
- Deliberate.
In the three conditions to convict him, the two conditions are attached to part of the heart volition. That's why the issue of gender poses a clear way to help people keep in mind is clean, pure, honest. Transgression means determines consciousness tarnished. Thus, the issue of morality is in fact a matter of keeping the pure consciousness, basically tracking reviews and tame reviews. With whom hold conscious religious purity, visual static, then certainly he can be presented to the full. 
About whether the world has set up many things, basically the origin of consciousness. Keep concept was pure, pure world. Can be said that only a radical gender is the world: the evil away from the law, legal unwholesome, leave craving, anger and attachment. 
Whose functions are clearly presented, through the presentation above, is bringing peace and lasting happiness for themselves and for the present and the future. Precept is to preserve peace and happiness that source; transgression is damaging to the source of peace and happiness it. 
Gender, like not exclusively for household goods or goods only for laypeople, nor just for the older ones that are common to all people of all ages, for those who want to live to bring peace and happiness for ourselves and for others in the present and in the future.

If happiness is the object which mankind forever seeking, it would correct gender is what humanity needs to hold on his way to happiness. It's time people need to remove all the misconceptions about the world of Buddhist teachings closer to the world with men and held cordial as they maintained their own happiness.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/11/2016.

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