Saturday, 12 November 2016

ENTRY INTO THE CAUSE SUCH inconceivable profound

_Bay Hours, Buddha told Manjushri Bodhisattva Dong Tu Ma Ha Tat saying, "Good Son! Tri  Italy Industry  of the Tathagata do first path, according to Wisdom move.
How is the  Italian Industry  according Wisdom moved? Hey good son! Tathagata no  Conscious Mind  mistakes. Why? Because Mind, Italy, Soul of Tathagata are not able to know, just from Tri Buddha which manifests, so Wisdom of Tathagata went as Chairman  so.
Thien Son! Wisdom of the Tathagata depending upon all of  Mind  (Citta) of beings moved, depending upon the direction in  Italy  (Manas) of beings, depending upon understanding of  Consciousness  (Vijnana) of beings, born of French with Eighty.So, the group  Conscious Mind  of the Tathagata, no one can know, crossing Human Geography, Human shuns Coast, is not  the way of the three worlds  (religion triangle property), liberation of  Man  (Mana), the career of the  Ma  (Māra), flattery deception, romance,  ego  (Atma-Graha),  Cross Compliance Department  (Mama-Kara-Graha),  ignorance  (Moha),  ignorance  (Avidya), dark ... smart cover cultivate  Dao Pham  without wandering, no room to distinguish, enter  equality (Samata) like Void. There are countless career such groups, each each are used Tri  (Jnana) as the way first. This is  the cause of the twenty-nine Enlightenment of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say  Shelves  that:
 "_Tam  Tuc Luong Ton  can not measure
Tri Tinh, of Dependent  than life
Tri Dharma Realm Buddhist contract with horizontal
Depending upon at around Tam beings
_Thien Dinh, freeing all come round
The distinction does not mind fluctuates
Now exceeds scene with Ma Ma
Not dirty, not like Void "

_Lai Again, Thien Son! The Giac Tathagata see past lives without attachment, without obstruction ... Wisdom depending moved.  Tri  moved like? It is all in the past buddhaland type, visible  success, septic  countless ... Tathagata knows.
In that realm, grass, trees, forests, bushes curly wrapped together, vines, herbs ... Tathagata knows.
All kinds of beings in that realm:  species in eggs  (Andaja-yoni: oviparous), species in the womb  (Jarayura: pregnant students),  where humid species (Samsvedaja-yoni: low birth),  species transformed the way students (Upapaduka-yoni: biochemistry), formless, formless, without Thought, Thought not have, not without Tuong.Nhu so all ... Tathagata knows.
In his realm: Huu Tinh, Tinh Africa, every kind of sound ... Tathagata knows.
His realm: all Tathagata out all kinds of French speaking, all kinds We Society, Bhikshu, nuns, Upasaka, upasikas, all beings in the  three Thua  are subdued. All kinds  Tho amount , all types  France Head ... Tathagata knows
The beings that: breathe out, breathe in, all kinds of food, all kinds of things, all kinds of general appearance, all kinds  Based Gas , all kinds  Action League  (scene minister that  Tam Department  chose), all kinds of Mind Up, died in this place, born in there, pouring flowing moment, birth and death moment after another ... Tathagata knows
Thus, all of which  currently amount  (Pratyaksa-pramana: direct reflection of the gas for the Feeling when things) was not a place known as the  Rate Amount (anumana-pramana: consideration by comparison compare that to know). How is the amount of time ? It is not the concept, known as truth, and not mind pouring flowing into the past.  Thus ,  like Time , Wisdom complete beings according to Tam, said all kinds of French
This is called  the Enlightenment career thirtieth  of Tathagata
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say  Shelves  that:
"_Tri Immeasurable Buddha, not sticky spot
Knowing past worlds: Buddha, sentient
Congress said the French, the other generals
Tam Hanh  (Citta-Carya: action, activity, situation, transformed inside center), Apartment  (Mula),  Education (Chanda, or Rajas) much difference
Y are  three TT  is subdued
Ultimately converge resources freed
With birth and death flowing Tam said pouring
All people see,  understand the true  (true sense) "

_Lai Again, Thien Son! Wisdom of the Tathagata seen life in the future, no attachment, no obstruction as seen now.  Seeing  (is) like? It is all the life in the future: all kinds of beings, every kind of France, all kinds of realms, is born, is destroyed, every office, is cylindrical. Thus all ... Tathagata knows
Kiep  (Kalpa) of all  realms  (Ksetra: police) are burned, is a, is cylindrical. In the realm of all the countries of  the land , trees, forests, hundreds of grass, herbs, coarse visible forms, form delicate, sun, moon, stars to small dust particles are known as ... real,
In each country a realm: the Buddhas are present, are Thanh Van, is a Pratyekabuddha, is a Bodhisattva, are widgets, exhale, inhale, back and forth, progress stops, removed, majestic ... Germany Tathagata knows.
In all kinds of realms: Such beings are being freed in  three Thua , freed difference ... Tathagata knows.
Again, all beings in realms that: all the Aggregates and Enter, the World, Mind, Heart Department, France ... are born, is destroyed. Tathagata knows
But for all, all know as truth, but the center of the Tathagata would not flow pouring into the future, for making enlightened beings  Calculate  future, so should speak French. This is  the cause of the thirty-first Enlightenment  of Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say  Shelves  that:
"_Phat, Future life, eye  Infinite Structure  (move the eye into eye meat France)
Seeing over all: have, is a
All the Buddhas, in the  realm of water  (Ksetra: police)
No silk trench, knows no end
In each of them, not aberration
Find exquisite restaurant  staff  (Hetu) Futurism
Depending Tam beings, said France Mon
This  Dual Wins Additional Sun Ultra Enterprise  (Enterprise super win of the Buddha) "

_Lai Again, Thien Son! Tathagata realize that there is currently no attachment, no moving obstacles
This  Move  like? It is in the ten directions, all the money is all realms, using three types of  workers (Hetu) perceive subtle little is known for his Minister or birth, or death.
French group know what? This is all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas all, all Thanh Van, all Pratyekabuddha, all subtle form, all visible forms coarse ... Tathagata knows.
All  boundaries  (Prthivi-dhatu) small task analysis, are used  many different kinds of small dust particles  (cons involved mote) made. All  Marine World  (Ab-dhatu) using droplets as hairs for her number. All  About Mars  (Tejo-dhatu), starting a fire that destroyed all know numbers. All  About Feng  (Vayu-dhatu) blows hit appearances variety of different small dust particles (cons involved mote).  Void (Akasa)  in the first ten hairs using a number of rings around, he knows edge
Groups such scenes, he knows all General, also said the scene was born, know that killing scene, also used  three types know  Beings About . Knowing  Hell About (planes Hell):  Human  (hetu) was born in Hell,  Human  (hetu) out of Hell. Know About Animal Biology  (animal realm):  Human  (hetu) was born as an animal, Human  (hetu) abandon animals. Knowing  Diem Ma About  (planes Diem Ma): Human  (hetu) Birth Diem Ma,  Human  (hetu) kill Diem Ma. Knowing the  Human World  (the human realm):  Human  (hetu) toward student body, the  Human  (hetu) towards losing body. Know of  Heaven  (heaven):  Human  (hetu) was born in heaven,  Human  (hetu) back lost heaven.
Thus all ... Tathagata Currencies are all aware, to know the flow of the Mind pour beings, negativity Tam, Tam is no afflictions. Many different kinds of beings: the Align to subdue. Many different kinds of beings: the Apartment not tame ... Tathagata knows.
Tathagata so for this present situation, no two Tri transfer  duality Current  (revealing Public Germany wins one direction without hindrance of Buddha ), as well as living beings statement said. This is  the cause of the thirty-second Enlightenment  of Tathagata
Then, the Buddha said again that he wants again, should say  Shelves  that:
"_Canh World Tathagata no edge
Can not think, can not confess
Nothing, as Void
All beings, opens unimaginable
_Muoi Way, all kinds of beings
Currencies realm, other business
Tathagata: they all know
Industrial position  of supreme natural "
Thien Son! Thirty-two of profound career this Tathagata Buddhas were all full consummation. Wanting to subdue all beings, making them realize entry, should say little comb section. But in fact, all the career of the Tathagata more boundless, can not say say.

_Thien Son! Tathagata have the truth now, no part of, not inconceivable, is where all the world can not measure, is where all the words can not convey, all such Mentality understanding, all Wisdom can not focus on, round over all, an established realms (near earth), depending upon the equality of all Buddhas, pass all the career of the World, all types of boards to make do, but no place artifacts, like equality Body Void, France About Currencies without discrimination.
Why? Hey good son! Bhagavan Buddhas Dharma revealing no two As, all types of France, all kinds of living beings, any kind of realm countries, all kinds of Soul, all kinds of liberation, every kind of Nirvana ... The French like that, or  Body  or General  ultimately are  empty  (Sunya: No)
Thien Son! Tathagata thus understood  an Area  of Dharma Realm, no minister, causal leave France, want to make sentient beings equally  enlightened enter France like no obstruction of the Void, because these beings so moved cake French car did not move backward supreme.
Thien Son! For as skilled workers, skilled or polished gems, jade Ma Ni, magical treasure ... well-known selection with Count precious rocks, taking medication  La beg Rub , rub grinding water, fur  black goat  (ancient ocean ) wiping the sheen. Lau iridescent and unfinished, the separate drugs called  Loi Thố The  wet wood mixed with water to clean limp. Due to the unfinished, the medication  Ma Ha Stand Xa grab small objects for which wipes for iridescent. No light above, immediately put into brightly burning fire seven days, the dirty rock minerals, all destroyed. Knowing treasure is not fake, named  Great Price Ma Ma Ni Dieu Ly Ha Luu Bao .
Thien Son! Tathagata Buddhas as well as such, know the favorite mortal beings, dirty unclean because they speak French so:  Impermanence  (Anitya),  dukkha (Duhka),  No  (Sunya),  Egolessness  (Anatman),  Impurities (Asubha) making students sick leave, enter the  holy Dharma , to subdue Body Mind. Thus, such diligent Tathagata intermission.
Next, because they say  no  (Śūnyatā),  Signless  (Animitta),  Forever Vow (Apranihita), who makes him realize that, enlightened  the eyes of Buddha  (Buddha label). Tathagata diligent so well again.
Next to the wheel because they turn not receding. Tathagata diligent nor intermission.The last instant because they say  three Falun purity , the realm of the Tathagata makes beings understand karmic see The Count of France, until at around  France Fitness  equality  of all Tathagata.
Thien Son! So he should so understand the cause of the Tathagata not inconceivable.
If the Bodhisattva dwells in the career of the Tathagata is not inconceivable, but in the French, but the center is equally depending upon knowing all the French leave the mistakes. But depending upon three generations or equal but not rupture We Count of Jewels. But know  of Body Count  like Void, but which are not included in the ten directions fluctuate all over the body that is buddhaland. But France said Body of language can not say but the language used depending on the type emitted sound, said all of France. However, depending on their contract such Tam Hanh was born, said the predestined but departed beings with French General.
Thien Son! Tathagata Buddhas because they want pure Mind Bodhisattva, so out of life but actually Tathagata no metamorphosis, usually cylindrical in this career thinking hard, not give up diligently, handed  Bodhisattva signed , said France does not fail ".

__While That the Buddha said France Mon deep, hard career to think of the Tathagata is complete, the immeasurable ten factories rose a counting part crossed the realms of the Buddhas, the Great Place concussion in six ways, reporters big light, the rain poured all kinds of flowers of heaven.
During this Conference, the German captain, countless bodhisattvas, gods realms Education,  South Jambudvipa  (Jambu-dvipa): sixteen major countries with the United Elementary, Long Shen, deleted, Gandhabba, A Tu La, Ca Lou La, Khan Na La, Ma Almost La Aging, person, Africa's ... with Bhikshu, nuns, Upasaka, upasikas heard this dharma, the pure mind, joy and gladness wealth amount, bringing the Buddha offerings offerings. That is: all kinds of magical flowers, all kinds of famous perfume, incense applying, incense, clothing, the British chain Lac Ward, phan, wreaths, parasols ... used to make offerings.
Or use any kind of magic sound, psalms, praise, reverence offerings.
Or Eu member of bun on top of his head, Eu member mounted on the forehead, ear pearls, pearls at the neck that used to wear offerings.
Or bring  Romania  (Mani), the British chain Lac magical treasure, lost treasure British chain, chain He Lac moon, all kinds of serious health Lac British chain of body parts, round golden sausage, Indian treasure, treasure bracelets, golden rings, mirrors treasure, treasure chest, crown jewel, every magical clothes and all sorts of things very seriously, the magical ring my bell ... are scattered in Dao School, reverently offerings.
Or take any kind of magical treasures offerings. It is the treasure  Phệ Vidudabha (Vaidurya), precious  Diem Chau , treasure  A severe low Ma Ma  (Asma-garbha: agate), precious  Interior extreme Ma Loi  (Sri-garbha), Treasure  's La Ni Da La (Indra- Nila: Imperial Qing), golden  Pha Chi Ca  (Sphatika: crystal) pink, golden color of fire, fire golden light, golden color ... boundless treasures such groups Buddha liturgical constitution, which makes donations
Beings have brought all the treasures of the group powder gold and silver to make offerings. Or incense  Frankincense , incense  Da Gia Long , depending on time flavor, aroma  Chien Dan  (Candana) magical, flavorings  Longhua Tu , incense  red jewels  (Lohita-Mukta). Bringing all kinds of incense powder such groups do serve to spread
Or has spread all kinds of flowers to make offerings to God. It is the flower  Three Loi La Ca land prices , Flower  Mandala (Mandara), flowers  Ma Ha Mandala  (Mahā-Mandara), flowers  Sheh Hostile Sa  (Manjusaka), flowers  Sheh Foe Ma Ha Sa (Mahā-manjusaka), flower  Lot prices , flowers  Ma Ha Lo price , flowers  Slapping Tha La , flowers  Tha Ma Ha Tat La , flowers  La ransom Yet , flowers  Infinite Structure La ransom Yet , flowers hundred wings, flowers thousand petals, flowers hundred thousand petals, flowers  Pho Quang , flowers  Pho Huong , flowers Quang Diem , flower  Min Thang , flowers  Boundless Sac , flowers  Popular University , flower  Ai Kien Lac ... to make offerings.
Or beings born scattered flowers on the ground. It is the flower  Formalin Sac only reason  (Varsikanisa), flowers  Sheh Su Na (Sumana), Flower  Arrangements Ma (Kusuma), flowers  A Title Da Ca  (Ati-muktaka), flowers  Uncle Zhan Ge (Campaka), flowers  A Thau Ca  (Asoka), flowers  erupted Sac Ca Li , flowers  Tra Ba La  (Patala), flowers  Section Chan Lan Da , flowers  Section Chan Lan Ma Ha Da
Or beings scattered flowers born in the country, serving canopy offerings. It is flowers Bat Pros La  (Utpala), flowers  began Ma  (Padma), flowers  Materials First Verse (Kumuda), flowers  cordon  (Pundarika) ... scattered all crops so the group's mission, offering the Buddha.
All gods in Heaven Void recital of music: sound wonderful, sonorous tone limpid, graceful exit offerings continue to do. It is: Text, flute,  male  Not Much  (Vina),  pipa (Tunava), shells, all kinds of drum beat brandishing God ... speaks fine English magic, all kinds of dance reverence, praise, offerings Buddha.
Back flush rain for the crops of all kinds of heaven, every kind of incense, all kinds of magical treasures, all types of UK Peanuts, all types of clothes ... Thus, the offerings of the gods of magic, offerings to Buddha
Now, ten in all World: all we Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat are to the assembly, with the Bodhisattva of  We  (Samgha) because donations are soaring Buddha Void, each of whom each variable Body image as gods. New transformations done, using the strength of the Bodhisattva for all nets should provide valuable cover pervading the Congress. He armor mesh circumambulate round the Bodhi Tree, in the four sides are four  Due Week  (Yojana), are dense charm hanging eight ministries ... all kinds of string pearl jewels He Lac, every bell hanging mesh bangles, golden bell Air Fortified ... golden shower solvents strictly alternating power. In each a jewel of the British chain pearly Lac countless bodhisattvas are simultaneously displayed. Out finished Buddha reverently circumambulating seven rounds. Circumambulate the Buddha finished, because the Bodhisattva per each are turned everything  Court  Lion Lotus  (Padma-simhasana) treasure
Then each one of countless Tathagata Buddha realms of the ten directions, are forcibly Norwegian Spirit each are making themselves at each tree treasures as Italy, treasure net with unique features rare offerings, equal to around underneath trees Bodhi in  World Saha  (Saha-loka-dhatu) ratings precious armor displayed within surrounding trees, split dignified presentation Religion School offerings. Wanting German offerings  Shakyamuni Tathagata  with  Beijing  should do this for serious fashion this offering. In this Council: many beings play Tam  Tam Miao A brown leather La Tam Bodhi (anuttara-samyaksambuddhi: The Enlightened Supreme), countless bodhisattvas are  French Infertility Rings  (Anutpattika-dharma-ksanti)

_Bay Hours, Blessed consistent across all Bodhisattvas, Mass and then say something like this: "Hey rows Buddhists! Who or arising Great Vow, using large retention Uy Duc Anh Lac net at School Act adorned with every kind of jewel colors such inconceivable for this, cover the abode of the Bodhisattva covered with ten lead to the the fruit trees interspersed as shown, emits bright fire, usually no change, wait for the Buddha  Maitreya  (Maitreya) birth, was about six years old, sitting in the School Act, the French began full circle , said Kinh  Thu Ho Quoc About assume this open forum presentation told  Da La Ni  (Dharani) this. Just then the body brought offerings to thousands of Buddha life  Hien Kiep  (Bhadra-kalpa) appears, as well as such, used as offerings "
Says this is done, the time in this Assembly have a Bodhisattva named  Divine Self in United  (Abhijnesvara-Raja) in  court lotus  (lotus position), adjust the majesty of the body, kneeling on the radio to shower, reverently hands, and white Buddha said, "Exalted! Or so children, as Church of the Buddha kept Sac This field director, offered Germany  Tu Thi  (Maitreya) until all of  the Enlightenment as Lai Application (Tathagataya-arhate-samyaksambuddhaya) Hien life Kiep "
At that time, the Association is located  Divine Ma  (Abhijna-Māra) named conditions for setting up  four Dai Chau office, listening to this speech finished, immediately said to the Divine Self in Great Bodhisattva, saying, "Let's use the material or gas St. public safety in mind  We Bao Anh Dao Truong Lac Dignified this, to go through that time that caused such havoc suffer? "
At the time Shen Si sure your Buddha of  Ma  (Māra) the other, saying "Let's Gas Supplies should know all quickly sabotage, many obstacles. Void as such objects could damage septic gas, no obstacles. In all gas plants is supreme. His eyes do not blink, carefully observe my body, the object itself will see vast gas mine "
You  Ma  as his teachings, careful observation of coronary Bodhisattva saw the body of Bodhisattva navel with a World named  Thuy Quang Vuong  (Jala-Prabha-Raja) is World filled  large water  (shui era ), large sea-like setting called her so. At the World has a Tathagata named  Cat Tuong Bao Lien Hoa  (Sri-ratna-padma)  Tathagata, Arhat, the Variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Truong Phu, Thien Sphinx, Bhagavan Buddha(Tathagataya_arhate_samyaksambuddha-Vidya-carana-sampanna_sugata_loka-vid_anuttara_purusa-damya-sarathi_sasta-deva-manusyanam_buddha_lokanatha) our only pure Bodhisattva. In the  water  (Jala: water) was born filled with all precious lotus, Germany  Cat Tuong Nhu Lai  sitting on Baohua Wang, the Bodhisattvas are sitting on precious flowers, reverently surrounded. Time Tathagata was in the Mass, said the profound mysteries France, expressed interest teaches fun. When  Divine Ma  saw it finished, stood up, hands reverently, worship Bodhisattva  Divine Self in the Kingdom .
At that time, Bodhisattva says, "Let's see large animals such gases Bodhisattva yet?"
You  Ma  replied: "It's been seen. Oddly! Dai Si or do this! Large animals such gases to spend hundreds of thousands question Kiep na tha nor due to decay, so  Dai Bao Dao Trang Nghiem School  receives maintained, no defects, no dirty, always clean, no change , where that can not be "
Time  Divine Ma  said this is done, prostrated Buddha's feet, and white Buddha said, "Exalted! Children to think for themselves, in a previous life had never seen the miracles of Bodhisattva  Divine Self in the Kingdom is, never heard of this Dharma Time. For  Thanh Van Thua  diligent diligent practice, want out of the three worlds, Nirvana bridge itself. Children at this hearing today, went to  Miao A brown leather La Tam Tam Bodhi  (the Enlightened Supreme) arise very deep Tam decision.
Exalted! Suppose that for untold human lives where in the Great Hell received all kinds of suffering, then this is the Miao A brown leather La Tam Tam Bo is the commitment received this suffering, finally did let go of the Mind "
Then praise your Lord Buddha  Lama  that "instead! Instead! He, macho man or for a brown leather La Tam Tam Mieu Bodhi (supreme The Enlightened), large armor, no longer as Bodhisattva  Divine Self In the Kingdom , the complete fullness of all Merit"


Then, the bodhisattva of any kind buddhaland in ten rows away to Heaven, Dragon, deleted, Gandhabba, asura, Ca Lou La, Khan Na La, Ma Almost La Aging, Person, Africa's and Bhikshu, nuns, Upasaka, upasikas in this Conference, Tam was born thirst threshold, wants to hear  the French Dieu  (Sad-dharma)
Then, the Buddha said he thought the memory of this syndrome, deep love to hear French, can preserve  Tibetan France  (Dharma-garbha), happy happy, because they wanted to open the display appears again said Beijing  Prime Apartment Da La Ni Nations World Chairman , reporter light at  the next summit is not visible (Anonymous Comments peak) of the General Staff General, this light name is  not letting go diligent . Light circumambulating around Congress this Bodhisattva finished seventh round, the noise around  Manjushri Dong Tu  hundred thousand thousand rounds, this work is done, enter the top of Manjushri. Done that light enter, causing the aura of virtue itself Manjushri with  Lion Building  (Simhasana) in that place than a hundred thousand thousands Mass times, like the full moon light deprived of every house lie.
At that time, Manjushri Dong Tu shifting under Norwegian Spirit of Buddha, immediately stood up from his seat, dislocated right shoulder, shirt open, knees, hands of the Buddhist Merit Germany, and said  shelf  is:
"_Phat Reporter's Tri Light Body
See eye to take over, no other means
Nature, the skillful
Germany could not think, are round enough
Truong Phu Niu Wang  (Purusa-rsabha) launched  modern optical  (light large)
Projectors around, cleaning around  three Industry
Circumambulating me a hundred thousand rounds
Noise is complete, from the  Peak  (Murdha: top) on Body Mind
_Tri Tue, my former Attorney Resources
Lighting  General Tri  poor small projection
Quang Thien Nhan owners  (owners who light of God) just hit the
Exceed a thousand times, than before
Cool the body, purify the mind
Joy and gladness are equal
Tri Buddha  (Buddha-Jnana: Buddhist Tri) cleverly do not edge
They are all flowing into the human body
_Uy Tathagata, is difficult to know how much
Small effort can not keep this concept
Turns power Tri Buddha, this is talking
Because they want to benefit all sentient beings
Because on Mon  Bodhisattva
Forcing up the Buddhas of life
Tri  Quang Quan Peak Divine reporter
Germany vows into this, ask the Tathagata
_Chung Magazine this opportunity, broad boundless
In  Thua Supreme  amended import
And who has not been, steep Tam Niem
Their sake, ask the Tathagata
_Nguyen  Wudang Tri  (Tri nothing equal) opportunities upon
Open Tibetan  Marvelous  benefit  sentient  (beings)
Broke out  Mara  (Māra-Raja) with relatives
Where  Tathagata Church  cleverly practice
Tue _Tri  Ursa  no shore
Skillfully not take, unlimited
But I could not clearly Intelligence
So, sir asked Tathagata
Exalted Wisdom _Tri know as truth
In countless Kiep,  continuous  (the time) moved
Many diligent practitioners Kiep, in this order
Prayer opens Tri Buddha  taught  (示: marketing, notification, security said) beings "

At that time, Bodhisattva Manjushri said this shelf is finished, that white Buddha: "Bhagavan! Realm of Tathagata not inconceivable, is not justified measurement realm of Bodhisattva of Wisdom Buddha said that France no fatigue, Compassionate and merciful, not let them birth, so I relied on the strength of Buddha wants answered questions alongside seasoned
Exalted! How called  British Lac  (Muktahara) of the Bodhisattva? How is the  stately British Lac  (Muktahara-vyuha, or Muktahara-alamkara) of the Bodhisattva? How is Bodhisattva is Hanh wins? How is Bodhisattva of Marvelous light is not inconceivable, far from referring to the suspected or stupid? How is Bodhisattva been in  Dafa Ming Mon  of Tathagata are or pure?
You instead Exalted! Pray for me, the decision statement said  France Mon (Dharma-paryaya)  Born Export  of Bodhisattvas. If the hearing this Bodhisattva finished, or break them Ma, negativity, resentment enemy ... on all permanent French no doubt, out of the realm of money known as Lai, said the sentient mind, purity Hanh's beings, stroll the realms, bad for military Ma, quickly or photographic accept all teachings of the Buddha, in all France itself at the switch "
Then the Buddha told Bodhisattva Manjushri, saying "instead! You instead Thien Son!He or arising mighty Heart University, emit  roar Leo  (Simha-Nada: lion amalgams) answered questions Tathagata  means miracle  so. He or in countless realms of all Tathagata, communicating know, or ask that this
Hey good son! Listen carefully! Listen carefully! Get smart and think to remember! I will because he distinguishes the realm say so with countless other Falun Gong Germany, are making him lick the fullness, in all France itself at that move. "
Manjushri obey the instruction received.

_Duc Buddha Manjushri, saying, "Good Son! All Bodhisattvas all these four kinds He Lac. Which four? It is  About  (Sila) as England Lac,  The  (samādhi) as England Bliss,  Wisdom  (Prajna) as England Lac,  Da La Ni Mon  (Dharani-Mukha) as England Lac. This is called four.
Thien Son! How called  as English About Us ?
Hey good son! He Lac Bodhisattva has a  Pure World  is against us arise Mind without resentment, no hindrances causing beings are fun to see, no  know enough (bibs excluded)
Again, Thien Son! Two British Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World , was closed walks evil, opening the way The Sun
Again, Thien Son! Three British Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World  is My body, mouth, are all pure Italian.
Again, Thien Son! Bodhisattva has four England Lac  Tinh About  the desired site will delight, it wishes them success, favorite places are, the ultimate end.
Again, Thien Son! He has five Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World  is: full  eighty (samādhi), full  of Wisdom (Prajna), full  liberation  (Vimukti), full  liberation of knowledge  (Jnana-Vimukti-darsana), full  Mahaparinirvana  (Mahā-parinirvana)
Again, Thien Son! He has six Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World  is: About the whole no such break remorse, no  puncture ruined About  (illegally cross gender) no other errors, such  confusion World  (magazine world) do not have harmony,  Purity About  raised  France White  (Sukla-dharma: good purity law),  self at About optionally fully go to Fitness,  self at transgender  at all time, Tri liberated.
Again, Thien Son! He has seven Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World . That  is:  For  (Dana: giving, alms) to be purified,  Rings  (Ksanti) are purified,  Need  (Virya: diligent) are purified,  The  (samādhi) is pure,  Wisdom  (Prajna) be paid net,  Media  (upaya) is pure,  no distractions  (Apramada) are purified
Again, Thien Son! He has eight Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World  will own fullness. That is:  ten Location  fullness,  not regret  fullness,  not lazy  fullness,  not rancor resentment  fullness,  Buddhist offerings  fullness,  eight victims leave  fullness, abandonment,  consummation,  are you healthy  ( Kalyana-Mitra: good is rewarded) fullness.
Again, Thien Son! He has nine Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World . What is nine? That is: be no place of fear, is no terror, is the center decided, is close to President Tinh, was subdued Center, Center of no participation, be brave resolute mind, be aware of mind all beings, be  calm Place . This is called ripening.
Again, Thien Son! He has ten Lac Bodhisattva  Pure World . What are the ten? He is:  He's Lac Friendly , nice fullness Minister made solemn.  He's Lac Language , such as dignified theory to practice.  He's Italian Lac , users do not have dignified sorrow.  He's realms Lac , May use as dignified fullness.  He Lac benefit others , or pure mind as dignified.  He's birthplace Lac , not cause evil doing to create dignified.  He's Lac Bodhisattva  (Bodhisatva-Carya ) depending Hanh's Buddhist practitioners do dignified.  He's Wisdom Lac , France are all clearly all illusory as dignified.  He's Lac school Bodhi  (Bodhi-manda) all fresh root are all made solemn dedication .  Resources Department Captain Forever  (10 kinds with 4 types Supreme Tri Luc Department Captain),  France Real Community of Buddha (buddha-dharma-Avenika) used as a British Lac, not letting go of the World Body Count fundamentally pure as dignified . This is called ten.

_Hey good son! How is Bodhisattva practicing the  eighty He Lac Dignified ?
Thien Son! Bodhisattva has a  Dignified eighty He Lac . How is one? He is in all beings in the world, arise  Tam loving help  (Maitra-citta: Metta)
Thien Son! Bodhisattvas are two kinds  eighty Lac Stately English  is the main center upright right with a soft center.
Bodhisattvas are three kinds  He Lac Stately eighty . It is:  not illusory  (non-magical),  not flattery  (non SIEM),  not false  (non-counterfeit).
Bodhisattvas are four kinds  eighty Lac Stately English  is: not depending upon lust  (Chanda: sex), not depending upon  anger  (Dvesa: field), not depending upon where  Si  (Moha), not upon the place  of fear  (Vibhisana: announced).
Bodhisattvas are five types of  eighty He Lac Dignified . It is: cut off where the five types of  Barrier (Avaranani). One is  Craving  (raga), two are  available in two (Pratigha), three are  more than hundred  (Satyana-middha), four are  things slightly  (Auddhatya-kaukrtya), five are  suspected Tam  (Vicikitsa). Cut off  in the hurdles  (Panca-avaranani: five female) are used as dignified.
Bodhisattvas are six kinds  eighty Lac Stately English  is:  Recitation  (Buddhanu-smrti),  Mindfulness France (Dharmanu-smrti),  Mindfulness Increase  (Samghanu-smrti),  Mindfulness About  (Silanu-smrti),  Cast Discharge  (Tyaganu -smrti: experimental concept),  Niem Thien  (Devanu-smrti)
Bodhisattvas are seven kinds  eighty Lac Dignified He  is not forgotten  Mind (Bodhi-citta) depending upon study  seven Bodhi Part  (Sapta-bodhyangani) is Mindfulness Enlightenment Part  (smrti-sambodhyanga),  Trach French Enlightenment part  (Dharma-pravicaya-sambodhyanga),  Tinh Tien Giac part (Virya-sambodhyanga),  Hy Enlightenment part  (Priti-sambodhyanga),  Contempt An Enlightenment part  (Prasabahi-sambodhyanga),  Drain Sense part (Upeksa-sambodhyanga),  The Enlightenment part  (samādhi-sambodhyanga).
Slapping insensitively has eight kinds of  eighty He Lac Dignified  is  eight Noble (Aryastangika-Marga):  The Ants  (Samyag-drsti),  The Thinking  (Samyak-samkalpa),  the language  (Samyag-VAC),  The Professional ( Samyak-karmanta), the Par  (Samyag-ajiva),  the Essential PhD  (Samyag-vyayama),  righteous(Samyag-smrti),  Chinh Dinh  (Samyak-samādhi)
Bodhisattvas are nine kinds  eighty Lac Stately English . What is nine?
Thien Son! Bodhisattva mind are not forgotten, the power of Great Compassion not rid beings, cultivate formulated  nine order Dinh  (Navanupurva-samapattayah) are: depart Education evil, no good thing. French  search  (Vitarka: Games), with scrutiny  (Vicara: Quartet)  would leave the students of the three worlds (fragmentation),  joy  (Priti: Hy),  interest  (Sukha: touch) into  Private Meditation  ( Prathama-Dhyana) is the fullness of the universe.
Eradication  search  range) , inquisitive  (quarterfinals), net inside a mind, no looking, no scrutiny, born  joy  (joy),  interest  (touch) to enter  the Second Meditation  (Dhyana-Dvitiya ) is the fullness of the universe.
Leave  excited  (Hy) office  letting go  (Upeksa: discharge),  achievements Dinh (useful concept) know the true body received  the  interest  (Sukha: touch), where the Gods have said or  give up  (discharging)  a the Innovations  (useful concept) received  the  interest  (touch) to enter  the Third Meditation  (Dhyana-Trtiya) Head fullness
Interest severed (peanuts) except worry suffering, joy away, not suffering no fun,  let go concept  (exhaust concept) purity, enter  the Fourth Meditation  (Dhyana-Catvari) Head fullness
Overcoming all  Ideas Matter  (rupa-samjna), Chiang had to shy away, not remember every type of Remembrance, into the infinite Void, in the  Sphere of Infinite Space (Akasanantyayatana) Head fullness
Overcoming all  Infinity of , entering  the  awareness  (Vijnana: consciousness) infinite, in the  Land of Boundless Consciousness (Vijnanantyayatana) Head fullness
Overcoming all  Infinity of Consciousness  (Vijnanantyayatana), enter the  place without any ownership , in  Wuxi Land Ownership  (Akimcanyayatana) Head fullness
Overcoming all of  the Land Ownership Wuxi , enter  where neither Chiang (Naivasamjna: non-ideal)  is not not Thought  (Anasamjnayatana: non-ideal non), in Phi Phi Chiang Jiang Xu  (Naivasamjna-nasamjnayatana) are fulfilled minus
Overcoming all Tuong Phi Phi General Xu, entered  Killing Tho Tuong Dinh , in Dinh Tuong Tho Cessation (nirodha-samapatti) Head fullness
Due to such skillful means, so  Chan Te  (the nature of the universe, the realm of the Buddha) is money. Due to kill before, here dwells, then benefit all sentient beings, depending on the subjects that are mature French. This is called  eighty nine British Lac Stately  Bodhisattva.
_Thien Son! Bodhisattvas are ten kinds  eighty Lac Stately English . Groups of ten?It is:  Measure  (Dharmata) no disturbances,  Dinh Dieu  fullness, not letting go of diligent, often prefer quiet, not broken fresh root, not wandering mind, body happily, observing the French, are self at the center, is given Comes saint.
Thien Son! Here are ten types of  eighty He Lac Adornment  Bodhisattva.

_Hey good son! How known as  British Intelligence Lac Adornment  Bodhisattva?
Thien Son! Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat has a  UK Lac Dignified Intelligence . How is one? It is in all of France, except suspiciously.
Again, Thien Son! Bodhisattvas are two types of  British Intelligence Lac Dignified work is far from evil, negativity is starting
Bodhisattvas are three kinds  He Lac Dignified Intelligence  is: get rid of ignorance, out treasure  ignorance , rid the dark
Bodhisattvas are four types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence  are: Wisdom knows Suffering  (Duhkha-satya: truth of all suffering), severed Intelligence  Group (samudayadhammam-satya: truth contained disturbing delusions groups brain), brain stock  Cessation  (nirodha-satya-Duhkha: the truth would all but end the suffering), Wisdom convent  Dao  (Marga-satya: the truth of the way to help people who practice deliverance from suffering)
Bodhisattvas are five types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence  is:  About Aggregates  (Sila-skandha) pure because  of the World Body  as  empty  (Sunya: not) can not obtain.  The aggregates  (samādhi-skandha) purity because play Intellectual Wins  startup concept.  Deliverance Aggregates  (Vimukti-skandha) pure because of all the French Physical no two.  Deliverance Aggregates Knowledge  (Jnana-darsana-Vimukti-skandha) because of three generations knew Fitness equality.  France Aggregates  (Dharma-skandha) so that the purity of the French no adhesive contamination.
Slapping insensitively has six types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence  are:  three-London  (I, sentient, mind) purity of  Giving pāramitā  (Dana-paramitā) is:  Falling Falun  pure, knowing  what I  ( ego) as illusory Body of equality.  We born Falun purity, because clearly know where biochemists like dreams.  bodhicitta Falun purity, because such needs results  Di Shu  of the World.
Three Wheel  (body, speech and mind) purification of  Pure World pāramitā  (Sila-paramitā) are:  Body Falun  purity, because like the image in the mirror, equality, language Falun  purity, because Fitness sound like echoes of echoes, equality.  the Falun  purity, as well as the Fitness Center of illusory know, equality
Three Wheel  (scene already know, or knows where, who knows) the purity of the Rings Paramita An Da  (Ksanti-paramitā) is:  leave angry  (ly pitch) pure as harsh endure the further processing humiliating verbal abuse,  leave love  (ly affinity) purified, severed since claiming the group dispersed, nursing glasses.  severed details  (section details) purity, because the body of France observed that no two.
Three Wheel  (scene already know, or knows where, who knows) purity of  Tinh Tien pāramitā  (Virya-paramitā) were:  no use  to observe chastity because samsara is like a dream.  Fortified  bars Diamond Mind as pure as can not degenerate.  take, left  (manual flush) purity, because overcome the Generals without  taking, give
Three Wheel  (scene already know, or knows where, who knows) purity of  Tinh Lu pāramitā  (dhyana-paramitā) is: The Count purity, position no switch.  Dieu Quan pure, since no approved adhesive.  of Dependent  purity, because Divine born.
Three Wheel  (scene already know, or knows where, who knows) purity of  Media pāramitā  (upaya-paramitā) are:  Finance Photography  purity, because all beings mature world.  General Tri  purity, because life over all France Mon miracle.  Great Vows  pure, because any kind of pure solemn Buddhas.

Slapping insensitively has seven types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence . That is: Wisdom has no idea , because the idea leaves office in  four-cylinder concept (Catvari smrty-upasthanani).  Tri has no birth and death , because cylindrical  Main Paragraph  (Samyak-prahanani: the need).  Body Mind  calm, because cylindrical Spirit Tuc  (Rddhi-visaya-Jnana).  Tri know enough Basing , because the apartment office.  evening out four Ma , as Head of  Power  (bala).  know the Count of France , for office  seven Giac  (Sapta-bodhyangani: seven Giac Chi).  Tri said commuter , because office  eight Main  (Aryastangika-Marga: eight Noble).
Slapping insensitively has eight kinds  Lac Dignified British Intelligence  are:  Tri know the right color for the  (adjusted) for entering into silence.  Tri deep Quan said , because there is no obscuration.  Tri Uan said the  show enlightened because France Aggregates,  Tri said the World , because empty (Sunya: no) equality.  Tri Parish said the  group understood as empty (no convergence).  Tri know of Dependent  because Egolessness office.  Tri know Brackets  for not Mind there is chaos.  Tri bored depart  for France as it's honest observation.
Insensitively Slapping back nine types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence . What is nine? He is  past Tri know  because  currency (past) purity.  Tri know the future for  Te Hau  (Futurism) purity.   Tri current known  as  Central Health  (current) purity.  The Dinh Tri said , because  human  (hetu) no kill,  Tri said not to , because Duyen  (Pratyaya) blend.  Tri Ta Dinh said , because the Ta Enterprise.  Tri equality of Buddhism  (Buddha), as Germany's  Dharmakaya  (Dharma-kāya) .  Tri equality French  (Dharma), because France did not have the infection.  Tri equality Increase (Samgha: match them), because Germany's  Vo Vi  (Asamskrta). This is called ripening.
Bodhisattvas are ten types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence . Nine groups? Was: Tri known as illusory , because the minister collecting container.  Tri known as dream , as distinguished generals.  Tri known as fire , because general rotation.  Tri said as icons , because nothing back.  Tri known as shadow photos , because of Dependent case.  Tri known as echo reverberates , as Minister origination.  Tri Dharma said , because the damage can not.  Tri said True , because the minister has no office.  Tri Te Chan said , because equanimity in clean.  Tri Huu Vi said , because Count of Vo Vi. This is called ten.
Thien Son! Here are ten types  Lac Dignified British Intelligence  Bodhisattva.

_Hey good son! How known as  La Ni Da Lac Stately English Mon  of every Bodhisattva?
Thien Son! Bodhisattva with a  Da La Ni Mon Lac Stately English . How is one? He is righteous not forget.
Again, Thien Son! Bodhisattvas have two  Da La Ni Mon Lac Stately English  is: Van Tri, Tri Nghia.
Bodhisattva has three  Da La Ni Mon Lac Stately English  is: At  that  cleverly, in Van  ingenious,  analytical  dexterity.
Bodhisattva has four  UK Lac Da La Ni Mon Dignified  is: words have no attachment, no lisp nghiu word gross, obviously mellow words, words without complex disorder.
Bodhisattva has five  British Lac Da La Ni Mon Dignified  is: Know the meaning of the place had heard depending upon practice. Knowing the body of the text and then either accept or practice. Beijing knows that it depends upon willow practice. Sound, France's Tri  Additional Features Old La  (pudgala: individuals, beings) and then either accept or practice. France said the World, the World Export and then depending upon the practice.
Bodhisattva has six  Lac Da La Ni Mon Dignified He  is: As Li said the monk.Certification  Chan  said launch, discretionary performance. Accommodation has said it clearly honest review, no deception. Words often have virtue, not letting go of the French Great Compassion says. Smart that air base, cleverly or expresses no additions. Being of the World Tri, said  time  that said  neither did the right time (any non-time).
Bodhisattva has seven  Da La Ni Mon Lac Stately English . It is: The argument quickly, argues Spry, argued as Italy, argues there is no attachment, argue with virtue, argues there is no mistake, argues all the ultimate mystery of the World .
Bodhisattva has eight  Da La Ni Mon Lac Stately English . That is: well-known language of the gods, the language of the Dragon, deleted language, Gandhabba language, the language of the asura, Lou La Ca language, the language of Khan Na La, Most Ma language La Gia, People, Africa's until all beings.
Bodhisattva has nine  Da La Ni Mon Lac Stately English . Nine groups? That is: in They have no fear. Breaking the  Di Hoc  (another theory), speaking French without fear. Cleverly answered the  questions . Great talking. Speak discretion. Practice the correct display Hanh upright Diamond Jewelry. Show presentation  Kiep Thieu  (Kiep necrosis of the ear fire) broke a great attachment to  Normal  (Nitya). French said of the  Thua (Yana) Achievements beings. This is called ripening.
Bodhisattva ten  Lac Da La Ni Mon Dignified British . Groups of ten? It is: Ingenious or all segments except  quizzing suspect  (doubt). France Mon Smart that all large.Ingenious Natural Wisdom is no teacher. France Mon wording Smart that has no end.Smart that all profound sense fullness. Ingenious or open presents boundless Dharma. Ingenious or say boundless sorrow,  guilt anxiety  (the fire). Smart that immeasurable Mon profound liberation. Ingenious or into the depths of beings Identity.Wisdom cleverly into eloquence without attachment, without any interventions by the Tathagata. This is called ten.
Thien Son! This is known as  La Ni Da Lac Stately English Mon  Bodhisattva.


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