Chapter Three - Sangha
Tiet I
Tiet I
The lives of monks
T antenna or negative Sangha is translated from the word Sangha (of Pali, Sanskrit), meaning that a group of people, a congregation living in the same purpose, a general rule. Later, when the disciples unions Exalted birth, usually nouns Sangha refers to the monastic congregation of Bhagavan, including monks, nuns, monks-Consciousness-rub-ma-na, novice, and Sa-di-ni - sometimes just called the four ordained: monks, nuns, monks-Sa-cell and cell-ni Sarah. Therefore, Increase or Sangha also known as the Sangha, the third gem in the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Only monks and nuns, monks-ordination is, full of monastic world, correct name is Sangha, and the three of us made it in to the rest of the period to prepare, practice the basics to really become a member of the Sangha.
They are called Sangha when a congregation of Buddhist monks have at least four. Below four is not a means Increasing. Depending on the form of group meetings and activities of the monks, the monks have gathered group number and different names. For example, the assembly of monks, it holds two hundred and fifty ordination, the congregation of monks and nuns kept the three hundred-year-ordination world. Group promoting morality in a far away called "The selling point increases", the group stayed somewhere (Increase amnesty, temples) to learn the practice known as "dwelling Increase". There are activities available just four or five monks, have limited activities in the presence of ten monks, also has limited activities in the presence of twenty or more monks. We will go into each of the specific activities of this group Sangha in the next presentation.
The process of establishing the Sangha under the leadership of the Exalted
Even after a long-Path in priority-frequency-speakers (Uruvela), Bhagavan went to Deer Park (Migadaya), place "Gods of deprivation" (Isipatana), at Balaam complaints (Baranasi), theory last year compounded the legal practitioners, the venerable group Kieu-ceiling-like (Kondanna). After preaching his first sermon on the Four Noble Truths, Bhagavan accepted for years was ordained Venerable. Now only the venerable Kieu-ceiling-like Tu-momentum-attained completion, the remaining four felt joy in France but not legal labels very pure glass ceiling structure.
In Deer Park, right after the turning of the wheel, the church first Sangha was born include Exalted and five disciples. Three Jewels are also formed from this: Bhagavan and Buddha Jewel; The Four Noble Truths and the Dhamma and the first five disciples was the Sangha.
Bhagavan continued to preach selflessness through the analysis of five aggregates, four days following the date of the Turning of the rotation, the half brother of the venerable convent Kieu-ceiling-as are attained Arhat fruit. So, the first Buddhist Sangha includes six Arhat first, that Bhagavan is the one leadership.
In Balaam complaint, Bhagavan continued to preach the venerable Da-amnesty (Yasa) and four of this venerable Vimala (Pi-ma-la - Countless structures), Subahu (Tu-her-most) , Punnaji (Phu-lan-na-ca) and Gavampati (Old-she-hit-soles); all attained Arhat fruit. At this point, at Balaam complaints, unions Sangha includes all ten an Arhat (including Exalted).
Before you continue on the road back to long-Pros-frequency-speakers to the king Bimbisara (Bimbissara), according to the king's promises are on the road at Exalted aspirant, Bhagavan taught ten position A -la-drought going on ten other different directions, not two people go in one direction, to promoting morality.Here, meaning the group "The selling point Increase" first appeared.
In the long-Pros-frequency-speakers (Uravela), the venerable Exalted Ca-lettuce (Kassapa), and nearly a thousand students of Venerable; all attained Arhat fruit. Here, King Bimbisara (Bimbissara) heard French and refuge with Bhagavan. Exalted king monastery offerings Truc Lam (Veluvana) to Bhagavan and a thousand students residing monks during the rainy season. The king upholding four offerings (meals, clothing, and medicine is ready). This is the first Vihara Sangha Church is established, and the assembly of monks appear permanent.
Then the Indian Vesakha months (between April and to May calendar), the rainy season began, Bhagavan decided first rainy season retreat in the Truc Lam monastery, the traditional opening retreat later (now known as the summer retreat).
Two months after the first Lent, Bhagavan to Rajgir (Rajagaha) the venerable Sariputta (Sariputta), Section-devout-venture (Mahamoggallana) and nearly two hundred and fifty followers of Sanjaya foreign masters ; all attained Arhat fruit. At this Rajgir, since here, always have a thousand two hundred and fifty disciples Arhat followed on the road promoting morality Bhagavan.
The venerable Sariputta attained Tu-momentum-completion theory results when listening venerable Town (where service is Ma Win - Assaji) said a summary of Origination, before visited the Exalted. Venerable side Exalted France and practice listening to four weeks after the new prime Arhat fruit maturity, attained great wisdom, can enter the legal world seamlessly nature. In terms of mental liberation, the venerable Exalted be praised and confirmed par with Bhagavan; Venerable could answer, a clear analysis of all the questions about the legal world. Bhagavan has stated before the attainment Holy them and declared select venerable Sariputta as Sons, Army General rank of Dharma.
Venerable Section-devout-venture-completed acquisition Tu-momentum effect when listening venerable Sariputta summary descriptions of Origination before arriving almost Bhagavan. Bhagavan after the fact, to sit venerable convent in the village of Ma-out-Kallavalla in momentum (Magadha). First week of sitting meditation, Venerable falling into dullness; Venerable continue efforts Meditation, eight days later, the prime Great Arhat, paw through smoothly, with sufficient information as supreme god. So just fifteen days of practice, venerable attained the ultimate fruition. Date venerable Sariputta attained the venerable supreme Section-devout-linked return Exalted audience before the congregation of monks and Exalted be praised for the attainment of the venerable with sufficient spirit horizontal communication by Bhagavan.Bhagavan has declared venerable select Section-devout-venture is the second disciple of St. Bhagavan before them.
Then, some in Sangha discussed the decision of the Exalted and venerable Sariputta and Section-devout-venture, wondering: Why is not the head of a death in venerable Kieu ceiling-like? Why not the skin-amnesty (Yasa)? Or are four friends of venerable Da-amnesty? Or not Ton Ca-lettuce author? Why venerable Section-devout-associated attained Arhat previous results Venerable Sariputta second to make disciples? etc .. Then Bhagavan Sangha meeting and explain the reasons. Bhagavan teaches that, two venerable Sariputta and Section-devout-venture has attained the highest and have aspirations to be the head Exalted mail from former lives. Bhagavan has chosen to follow the attainment and aspirations of his two venerable. And venerable Kieu-ceiling-as previously only the aspiration to become the first disciple of Bhagavan and attain Arhat first result; That's now venerable aspirations accomplished (According to the glossary in Etavagga, the legend of Anguttara Beijing - Anguttara Nikaya).
In the case between the two venerable Sariputta and Section-devout-venture is not yet clear explanation directly in the business, but we also understand this is causal (or aspirations of the past life two venerable) - in the words of General Bon, Truong Nikaya III, and in particular given the liberation of Sun certifications Sariputta author is most fluent in St. disciples Countless rows of Bhagavan school without base based on age, religion or the attained age before, after (as mentioned in chapter Phat Bao). As we saw in the definition of Presbyterians, recluses, Brahmin in the economic and in the Dhammapada, the so-called elders, recluses and Brahmin is that attained , liberation, not in age. It is on this basis that the value of the Exalted choose two disciples.
By winter next year, Bhagavan same concern fifty thousand two disciples Arhat went to Ma-out-momentum. The King has three times invited to visit the palace Bhagavan (the first two times, each time a delegation of a thousand people, the second time by the venerable Ka-da-di-up to the petition). All are ordained and attained Arhat then results. Then he came to Ka-save-da-di (Kaludayi) has submitted to the Exalted Lord invitation of the King. Bhagavan accepted. During this visit, the Exalted Highness the level (as was presented in the first chapter). Venerable Pros-three-cup (Upali), barbers of Highness, was the occasion of Bhagavan and Bhagavan save side. Bhagavan personally taught the venerable Vinaya.
Five years after the Truth, Exalted allow nuns established at the request of samples Di Ma-ha-ba-ba-recommended confinement, Exalted and legal institutions ie eight irreverent reverence to gods increase that nuns must observe. From here, nuns founded.
Due to the development of the Church Sangha, fast and powerful, Bhagavan started setting up a meter since Friday. Until the thirteenth year, Vinaya began to form, by Venerable Pros-ba-ni in charge.
The new position, monks or international Bhagavan or disciples of Arhat of the international Bhagavan. All activities into several groups in many monasteries and forests, different villages, but they all share a Gender keeping duties.
The monks and nuns or Bhagavan-level health, or the health of the Presbyterian Increase, or the health of elders Ni, are subject to the guidance of the elders lead the other nuns. All practicing nuns share a responsibility for Gender Ni and in the private residence.
About duties Balaam problem-rustic-rub (Sk: Praktimoksa; Pali: Patimokkha).
The meaning, the purpose of establishing About duties, the general content of the Gender obligation, and the nature of the foundation of the World obligation was discussed in details VIII (Gender Studies). Here detailed nor what gender each highlighted through some key strokes.
About the responsibility of the monks, so far, consists of two hundred and fifty men and divided into seven focus: Ba-la-di, Sangha-sa-she-examination; Uncertainty; Ni-slap-period-three-riches-topic; Balaam subject-subject-amnesty-ni; Kill them and avoid learning.
About Balaam mobile , there are four methods; prostitution, theft, killing and lying. Committing this world one of four monks lost the essence of the monks, no longer be accepted in the ranks of monks.
About Sangha-sa-she-examination , legal thirteen (not listed here). Committing one of thirteen this world, the monks could do penance legal, but must reside in a particular time, is not living with us Increase (special residence time extended by time from the scope for until discovered giant). After the residence time is particularly common with our residents Increase in six days and nights, repentant, he has committed to us the joy Increase. Then have to pay homage to the petition for twenty great enough Increase (pure) to export a ceremony of repentance of sins.
Legislative Real to two. When committed two legal uncertainty we are to wait for trial Increased accuracy is the monks was really criminal, according to the medical certification of a female crime lay faithful. If the offense Sangha-sa-she-examination, the treatment of the above, if the three-riches-threads will handle as below.
About Ni-slap-period-three-riches-topic , there are thirty-law. It also called for discharge fall, which means that if he does not exhaust the bowls and utensils for their surplus Increase the range. Once committed, the new complete exhaust must repent. Without such practice may be hell.
About three-riches-topic , ninety law. If violations are just repent before they Sangha.
We learned about the law , there are a hundred measures. This is serious about engaging things, your majesty monks. Only the contempt law.
About Killing avoided , had seven measures. Here are seven ways to quell the dispute in our Sangha.
About the monastic rule, monks-ni, there's another point for Gender obligation monks. For example, mobile Balaam's only four monks, but monks-ni more, up to eight instructions; Sangha-sa-she-examination has to seventeen world; Three-riches kind of two-subject of monks only one hundred and twenty world, the monks and nuns had to two-hundred and eight men; about Balaam subject-subject-amnesty-monks and nuns of the world only four, the monks there to eight world-ni; Suddenly own-la-fetters of monks have all one hundred and nine world, the monks-ni only one hundred and seven men (less uncertainty sexes).Therefore About duties of monks-ni up to three hundred and fifty.
About the monastic rule, monks, Anguttara Economics I, p. 267 (translated by Venerable Minh Chau, 1980) indicate the gender of the monks reciting obligation fortnightly once only contains one hundred and fifty gender school without learning a list of her gender. Maybe they do not have a hundred legal practitioners are to be added later. For example, we learned from the case law of sixty to eighty-five is mentioned in relation to Buddhist stupas. At Buddha in the world, it has no tower, so we know that the world was to be set later.
Gender-duty monks and nuns, we learned the case of similar measures. Based on the Tibetan plateau, may determine that even at that time the Exalted, has set up two monks and nuns About different duties. In the Catholic world title Ni (Anguttara III-A, pp. 252-253; translation of the Venerable Thich Minh Chau, 1981), stating: "... For the world to your teacher, two World obligation is smart Patimokkha transmissions to widely ... ".
Besides About this duty, monks and nuns are territory-more " approach irreverent " reverence for life, respect, not be overcome. The content of eight things to revere him as:
1. Whether ordained a hundred years, a monks-ni for ordained monks in one day, should also bowed, stood up, hands, lawful behavior.2. monks-ni can not settle in place no monks.3. Half a month, monks and nuns need to invite them-monks came to gender theory.4. After finishing the rainy season retreat, monks-ni need to celebrate, "suicide" before the two Sangha.5. monks and nuns felony-law to do the wedding for half a month.6. After the time out measures Sa-di-ni two years, must obtain prior two ordained Sangha.7. Not because of any reason, monks-ni can criticize a monks.8. Only the Catholic critics among the monks, monks-ni, without criticism among teachers, monks-monks and nuns on (Anguttara III-A, p . 250).
Bhagavan has explained why he issued the "irreverent France" is that:
"Hey Ananda, for such a person, thinking about the future, to build embankments for a large lake to the water can not flow through; this Ananda too, because thinking about the future, I recently issued " legal disrespect " for the monks and nuns to life-not to be overcome" (Anguttara III-A, p. 252).
Bhagavan also told the Venerable Ananda Sangha said that if not present, the discounts unfortunate nuns will survive long, Dhamma will survive to a thousand years. But, if there are discounts unfortunate nuns would not survive long, this Dhamma will survive five hundred years (According Anguttara III-A, p. 251).
Explaining why the true Dhamma shortened survival time, Bhagavan was for a family with many women and men are less vulnerable to theft thieves hit. Where the Church Sangha also appear like nuns.
Because of that reason Bhagavan issued "disrespectful approach", rather than for reasons of distinguished men and women, gender discrimination.
But intellectually and liberation, the Exalted confirmed in the Dharma taught by Bhagavan, women have attained the four ordained monk fruit (from Tu-momentum-completed until Arhat fruit) as monks (Anguttara III-A, p. 249).
Here, we understand the meaning Bhagavan established Gender obligation not out the reasons were presented at the VIII savings. The most basic to say, it was a great trade of compassion life, want to Dhamma is lasting.
The condition of an ideal location and Education Act ideal world.
A monks or nuns, monks-law is an ideal location if he meets the following conditions:
- "Knowing violations, knowing no violations; said minor violations, severe; there are precepts, lived with tame tame the About duties; full majesty right action, said fear of the slightest error, accept and learning in the law school, and they were easily increase the current upper and optimistic approach boarding due rid of cankers, present themselves immediately to mind attained victory, proving outflow enter the mind liberated, liberating insight ". (Anguttara III-A, p. 138).
- "... (Same as above ...; adds both smart About duties are widely retransmission ...)" (Ibid., P. 138).
A true teacher is your world, monks have the following conditions:
"... The moral, monks have lived with tame tame the World obligation, enough majesty right action ... Listen more, understand more ..., ie, physics, literature ordination ... , cleverly able to enter the right view; clearly informed two World obligation; easy listening voice; elegant words, explaining that, for verification, capable of ... preached, the majority of monks-ni fan ... get settled twenty or more than twenty years old retreat. " (According Anguttara III-A, p. 253).
One We monks flourishing And One We monks threatened rot.
A flourishing them monks, monks when they are seven things that show:
1. We, monks often gathered, and large gatherings.2. Gathering in solidarity concept, disbanded in solidarity and work concept Increase in solidarity concept.3. Do not enacted laws are not enacted, the law does not cancel the already issued, staying true gender practitioners.4. We monks respect, worship, offerings to the monks Ven.5. We monks are not driven by greed.6. We love living site monks humanity.7. An mindfulness led fellow affection. (Ibid., P. 28).
There may be other things to a seven monks they flourished:
1. Do not do it the preferred, not happy how the.2. No fancy chatter.3. Do not fancy sleeping.4. Not preferred gathering.5. There were no desires, not dominated by sex.6. Do not make friends with the desire, not relative to sex.7. Do not stop halfway between the low and the fruition wins fruition. (Ibid., Pp. 29-30)
There may be other things to a seven monks they flourished:
1. To be religious.2. There are eight.3. There is quarter.4. Having heard much.5. There diligent.6. mindfulness.7. wisdom. (Ibid., P. 30).
There may be other things causing them seven monks flourishing:
1. Cultivate thoughts impermanence.2. The practice of selfless thought.3. The practice of impure thoughts.4. Cultivate great harm.5. Cultivation thought eradicated.6. Cultivate thoughts disintegrate.7. Cultivate a great kill. (Ibid., P. 31).
A practice they Seven monks will go to enlightenment flourished (Ibid., P. 31).
On the contrary, they monks went to decay.
There are many teaching methods Bhagavan, if practiced, we monks will prosperous. Almost all of Thirty-seven practices the religion and gender support obligation if they keep practicing every monks will leave the evil mind, to be completed was the kindness and make Sangha flourished. France is one of the places he was merely taking a traditional firm. Here are the basics of shelter you, monks, nuns, monks-the Exalted says:
"You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! Hey Sariputta, monks reverence, respect, life refuge Teacher, can renounce evil, good practice. This Sariputta, monks reverence, respect , living refuge ... France ... We Increase law school ... Concentration ... No distractions ... Hey Sariputta, monks reverence, respect, life refuge, to be welcomed in that can renounce evil, good practice ". (Ibid., P. 120).
Ingredients monks and hierarchy.
Bhagavan Dharma for those who want to cultivate. This was repeated several times in the business and says that people in every class, educational level, age, can all practice ordained; without a distinction, discrimination occurs in the Church Sangha under the leadership of the Blessed One.
The Prince, kings are accepted into the ranks Sangha as her case Ma-ha-ba-ba-problem-bar, king non Yasodharā, princes Ananda, A -nau-term-momentum, Bat-topic, Devadatta ... all the women, the agencies ...; as is the case queen Khema (wife of King Bimbisara). All are attained Arhat status.
The people there are a lot of things, especially venerable Pros-three-cup, which is the barbers of Highness, have attained Arhat fruit and chaired the Vinaya of the Church; Patacara nuns (who do not archive) mad with grief, after coming to Bhagavan and Sangha, have attained Arhat fruit and become a better preacher major effect, the more than five hundred other religious Ni prime Arhat.
The geisha as Vimala and Ambapali (see Theri) are Bhagavan for both home and attained supremacy.
Who had a case such as the robber Angulimala (Angulimala) - or who wore garland of fingers - Exalted also international level and has become an Arhat soon.
As Subbadha old, a pagan priest, was also the last international Exalted He passed before July. Many other foreign masters Bhagavan was accepted for publication after his home right from the Path.
As for pagan row, before the official practices ordained to undergo a period of four months to live them apart. However, Bhagavan flexible settlement as the case may be in place for instant converts. All results are attained Supreme contraband.
The family have and still be acceptable for ordained, as he Visakha case, she and many other cases Dhammadinna speak at Presbyterian Increase Shelf and Theri. Venerable he will attain Arhat.
The children also entered the ranks of Sangha, as in the case of the Venerable Anuradha attendant, the attendant of Venerable Sariputta, etc .. usually at age, they are novice apprentice ; but not necessarily, if the novice attained Arhat, age Exalted exemptions for instant ordination, as in the case of the attendant Venerable Sariputta.
Collective Sangha is a scalable, established and activities on the basis of the spirit of equality, democracy and non-discrimination of color, caste or gender. This is the most radical group and the oldest in human history.
At the ranks Sangha, all are treated equally in all aspects; morality, law school, practiced liberation and material benefits (food, clothing, and medicine).
Order on discrimination, with personality expression and respect understanding, there are two points:
- First paragraph, based on the age retreat to discern before the next seat, when hearing About duties.- The second point, based on the attained fruition. Rate this distinction was the deciding factor seat difference between the Sangha. Honorable are those who have attained the fruition profound liberation, though he is young.
Only two names to distinguish between the monks and nuns, monks-in Sangha: the title " venerable " (Bhante) for Elders has attained liberation; when a little old monks religion speak to a senior monks (often have attained) is always white "Venerable Sir." In contrast, the elder monks called young monks with "Dear Sage ". The monks at the same youngsters then call each other by " sage "; the Elder call each other only by the " venerable ". In addition to discrimination based on, monks and nuns, often called the greatest venerable elders in the church by " the Great Elder " or " Great Venerable " (Thera: Elder, Mahāthera: Great Elder) .
From vocative "Sage" can be considered the equivalent of "Venerable" today; from "venerable" is equivalent to "Venerable"; from the "Great Elder" is equivalent to "Venerable".
Organizational forms and vocative like the Sangha, voiced a view exceptional value, highlights its very human and very intellectual.
Lifestyle of the monks.
Monks called for the public taste-old ordained from twenty years old and was ordained (Ni, there must be twenty-two years old) are under twenty years old and they must practice their faith in a time until the age of twenty. During this time, the only life you novice men (to increase) and Sa-di-ni, Soul-rub-manna world (for Ni). Monks cell usually only care, rely on the Elders or the Venerable, or make your own attendant Elder, Ven, and under the direct guidance, your education is. In case attained Arhat fruit, though only less than ten years old, the novice is Bhagavan for ordination between Sangha and claimed to know where the monks treated respectfully.
The new monks ordained or neophytes, often subject to the guidance and education of the two venerable directly Sariputta and Section-devout-ventures, particularly Xa-Loi venerable Buddha. Bhagavan teaches venerable Sariputta guide monks to fruition Tu-momentum-refundable, and venerable Section-devout-associated guidance from the fruits of Tu-momentum-completed until Arhat.
All the monks in the Church community hold together a living About obligations, fortnightly recitation once on 15 and 30 Lunar (scheduled Tau). In the early years, Bhagavan personally recite About duties until the key offenders They presented. This is the tradition of monks Bhagavan. Since the world commit grave monks, Bhagavan handed responsibility for the reading About venerable Pros-three-ly. Advantages venerable three-cup-usually in charge of reciting About duties from then until forever after.
Every year, monks, nuns settled in the rainy season. All returned to live in the big monasteries and smaller abode. During this time, do not go begging monks, had good men, faithful women, arrived at the abode " to bowl " and lo quarterfinals offerings. Just come on Bodhisattva (uposatha), reciting About obligations, then all are centered on Bhagavan around. Nuns are represented in the world to apply leading monks and returned to their own abode to recite About Ni Ni duty.
On the day slowly, end date of each Lent, the Exalted and monks slowly ceremony. This feast is celebrated very dignified, but very simple, to be held in the middle of the sky, or in a forest.
In the three-month rainy season retreat, monks specialize in learning Buddhism and Meditation practiced under the guidance of Bhagavan and you Presbyterians.
In addition to the three-month retreat, monks go into a new life, to be extended. Monks were launched throughout the course, go to the different residence, in the national level, just begging to the Sun, just preaching fertility, and just fine to continue efforts to get rid of Meditation cankers.
Normally, monks at the residence around Bhagavan, there is a certain number of activities in a day. Light, go through all the streets begging, the order of each home, regardless; begging finished, return to your own abode or under a tree in the forest to the noon (lunch). After the meal, wash the dishes, fold up the medicine, rest for a while and went back to an empty house or a tree, sat-old fetters back straight, to recite and act before conception Satipatthana or slightly breathing in and breathing out.
In late afternoon (after only pure, totally monks nap), Exalted or venerable Sariputta sermon. Occasionally there is the time taken by other venerable charge. Time may be extended. After the legal, rested by the monks take a walk, always kept himself in the motto "Speaking as silent as Dharma and Dharma". This means that either Dhamma discussion (speaking), or sitting meditation (quiet).
During the years of the soup one night, sitting Zen monks and take a walk on a farm; two sleeping soup;sitting meditation and walking in the third watch; fourth watch sleeping; and sitting meditation and walking in the farming year. Chu, monks always kept himself in the regular routine. All the same system, other small activities, based on the World obligation to handle.
Part of clothes, accommodation (couch) and medicines they had layman Anathapindika, laywomen Loc Form (Visakha) with good men, the other female religious concern.
Everyday, there are often benefactors, to invite all boys and monks Bhagavan go meal. Chu, monks are allowed to separate life from time, meaning that you are invited to a private lunch at the home. After each lunch offerings, Exalted or a venerable age usually of a short board as a time of rejoicing and blessing.
Bhagavan also seeking alms and also special Manner meal sometimes, depending on the wishes of the benefactors, all boys.
The boy accepted irrespective life on man, have power or not of all boys: boys do sometimes before it was all Bhagavan accepted before, as was the case a prostitute, the girl mango, sometimes is Exalted and Sangha, while the prince should not be later than Bhagavan accepted a meal on the same day. After a life time to work leukemia younger son of all, Bhagavan often quietly accepted, if the applicant does not have before. This is the traditional attitude of yours Bhagavan: silence is expressed consent.
In the nine months after the rainy season, the monks were allowed to meditation in solitude in the forest.
It said France's venerable monks completely pure doctrine of liberation, and is presented in a very authentic way, specific, transparent and lawful. Monks are not allowed praised Shen sufficient information (the miracle), or Tha Thien atrial information clearinghouse. Catholic monks and export use religious bodies.The faith is part of the teaching and learning of the monks and the regular lay. Bhagavan always stressed to Catholic miracle. His boredom and disgust of magic, psychic powers.
The story goes, once foreign masters unseen performances go surfing floating on the Ganges, from the coast through the other side, and challenged Bhagavan do so. Bhagavan asked blandly foreign masters to practice as long as the result was psychic. Foreign masters thirty years he replied. Bhagavan smiled and said: "I just have three coins is through the other side of the Ganges" (ie take the ferry).
The story speaks clearly very real attitude, very natural and very human of Bhagavan, it has clearly disregarded the attitude of Bhagavan Kabbalah.
Exalted construction and practice speaking French on the basis of the monks About duties, Meditation and Wisdom, absolutely not go out the activities. About the liturgy, teaches ordination Exalted excellent sacrifice is offered fruit; more preferably alms; more preferably morality; more preferably meditation practice; and more preferably Intelligence practice to get rid of defilements. Exalted absolutely not encouraging monks to live on hope for, pray or external expectations which only focused awareness, mindfulness practice. Each time, Bhagavan asked some monks are under Bhagavan walked along banks of the Ganges that: "If there is a cloud of oil floating on the water, and had the ceremony worshiping monk proficient in prayer sits on the bank , the monks pray for the wedding ceremony of the oil to sink, there is not? " - "Buddha, no," the monks replied. "If there is a stone sink to the riverbed, the monk was praying ceremony for emerging stones are not?" - "Buddha, no," the monks replied. Exalted says: "Yes", and continue the journey.
This story speaks clearly not sacrifice the exception of industrial, taints; which is the practice in order to get rid of now, the cankers.
On all roads and expand alms, monks Exalted and always barefoot and walking with a bowl in hand. Frugal only that, you can not use vehicles and clairvoyants. The most striking image was until recently heard Bhagavan in Kusinara death, Maha Kassapa that time Venerable (Dai Ca-lettuce) was on his way from Pava to Kusinara, Venerable continued walking, absolute respect important to practice the teachings of Bhagavan, do not use psychic powers even at this critical moment.
Obviously, Bhagavan still very delicate and very discreet, mystically appear before the congregation for Catholic culture. Then Bhagavan mystically to act exactly one person in the congregation, but absolutely content remains instructive Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom teachings through body and speech teacher.
Recorded history, only the venerable Section-devout-venture is with spiritual powers, compete to surrender a number of foreign masters and slight arrogance. This case has rebuked Bhagavan. However, we also recognize the evangelical context, practice hard and complex process that requires the presence of the venerable Section-devout-associated with the use of the venerable age of miracles.
So far, we see the lifestyle of the monks it was casual, very close to nature; until the end of life is still quiet and casual.
Typically, the Exalted, is the One God Sphinx, supreme in his life, he still simplicity in yellow robes; there are times when only wear chalk algae, barefoot, sitting use pads (cushions) wicker dry grass; there are times when he stay overnight rain in the attic of the potter leaves alone. He was born under the tree, ordained practice under the tree, enlightenment under the tree and enter Nirvana also under the tree, simply lie on a hammock hung between two trees Tala wire. Life was simple but poetic capacity to know how!Nice to know how! So much emotion! It is these images, the focus seems that simplicity is the ultimate halo and magic to give life to admire. Oh! It was wonderful! That is the source of inspiration for the artist painting, the magic verses, for the great music and live life the effusive reviews.
That emotion of life of the monks, the next life has composed four verses describe:
"Phan Nhut natural bowl,
She thousands of travelers themselves.
States the status of birth and death,
Lecture spring collection."
Roughly translated:
"A thousand a bowl of rice,
a thousand miles away from the body,
just because of birth and death,
the people speaking French through".
"A bowl of rice a thousand houses,
all miles away from playing Monkey,
Blue Eyes worldly view,
asked the road White clouds over".
"She body" in this verse should not be understood as alone in the conventional sense, but the understanding is alone in the sense Bhagavan taught in Samyutta Nikaya III, p. 11-12, saying, "What is a man traveling alone?" - "That is absolutely separatists craving and attachment." If there craving, clinging, then called his travels two or traveling with family.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/11/2016.
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