Friday, 18 November 2016

Meaning the "Great Wall" in Buddhism.

Swastika is one of thirty-two general good of the Buddha and it is located just in front of his chest. However, some other classics, the minister said this is a good 80 minutes of Buddha Shakyamuni It indicates the great merit of Buddha.


Buddha statue on the chest, on the cover or in the pages of the Buddhist scriptures, we often see the swastika. Spellings like two letters S crossed perpendicular to each other, looked like a toy pinwheel of children. But if you pay attention, we will see two different styles, each in the direction from the outside looking in: 

- Form (A):  (卐)  direction opposite clockwise. It is also the natural rotation of the earth around the sun and also its direction of rotation. 

- Form (B):  (卍)  rotation and clockwise. Ie vertically relative born in Marble.
Swastika is one of thirty-two general good of the Buddha and it is located just in front of his chest. However, some other classics, the minister said this is a good 80 minutes of Buddha Shakyamuni It indicates the great merit of Buddha. The reason it's chest to show where the Buddha is to articulate the meaning of Buddha's enlightenment integrity. 

In the center of the chest that symbolizes the Middle Way, not stuck either side, beyond treatment. But many saw the swastika on the hair, in the feet or palms of the image of Buddha. 

According to research by Dr. Quang Dao National Executive Officers at universities in Japan, the capital letters are not VAN is writing, writing  (word),  which is just the symbol  (symbol).  It appeared very early, probably from the 8th century BC to the third century and BC used in new Buddhist scriptures. 

But symbols were not uniform. There is room to write in the form  (A) , there is room to write in the form (B). There are times when we see the swastika turned to the side and also when turned to the left. Since then there are arguments that the Buddhist swastika to rotate this direction right and the other wrong direction. 

The Buddhists do not agree on the direction of rotation of the swastika, each person makes a way. Please enumerated the following:

1. According to the "Han Vietnamese dictionary" of Thieu Chửu:
This word in business without stories, only in the Buddha alone. Buddhism says, when Buddha Christmas, breasts out卐swastika pattern  (A),  who follows her new literacy. But Van sample letters  (A) originally form and not the word, so that service is so auspicious marine minister, according to the image on the right hand rotation  (A)  is to be better. 

As Buddha considered interference (go Within  around Buddha admired homage),  the noise on the right hand, the aura of the Buddha at about eyebrow release also rotate on the right hand, then write a new twist on the right hand wall of sand minister, there is room to do wend left, as the sample  (B)  is wrong. 

2. According to the "Dictionary of Buddhism" of Doan Trung Also: 

VAN ORDER:  Svastika,卍swastika pattern ( B)  also favors Auspicious. It is a spirit inside Indian word, that word has power put back, raised good points, cheerful, merit. Therefore so called: Auspicious, Van Order and Germany itself. Healing power of the swastika卍sample  (B ) deep as the sea, tall as the clouds. 

Bhagavan Buddhas are well shaped chest VAN. It is a quarter of his generals, and his hair has shaped the VAN again. Since the swastika represents the luck, good fortune, good, so in front of the Buddhist temple, people often find that shaped drawings. 

 It should be noted that the swastika should not write down, because the school 4 heads directed to the fire, turned positive, the eradication of suffering, brought peace; the reverse rotation, the incineration of merit, the good grounds, it is very dangerous! 

So, according to Doan Trung Also, sample ( B)  is correct. Swastika pattern  (A)  is wrong. This contrasts with the dictionary in the section above Chửu Thieu. But both authors have not explained why the agonist turned this auspicious direction, rotating in the opposite direction is hazardous. Both authors have not yet been the justifiable reasons and persuasive. 

Svastika or Srivatsalaksara  (terminology).  Swastika shape is: VAN sample (A). This is indicative of the good minister handed in India, Buddhism, Brahmanism, Jainism, are used ... swastika pattern (A) is the minister and not the self  (not a word) , so it can be translated as: sea walls so sand minister, ie thousands minister. 

but this figure is within the template VAN  (A)  similar to the feast of the Buddha, or right within three rounds, respectively like white hairs between the eyebrows of Buddha moved round to the right. In summary the ring on the right considered as auspicious, auspicious. Back then, there was Van卍writing sample  (B)  is wrong. 

4. According to "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia":

swastika is one of thirty-two general good of the Buddha, the position on the chest. It indicates the great merit of Buddha. Swastika insignia, not the script. Write swivel left or right are.
"VAN: A beautiful 32 Minister of Buddha, Buddha's position on the chest. It indicates the great merit of the Buddha, compassion and boundless wisdom of Buddha. As badges, not the script.Write swivel left or right, are, although there is some debate Buddhists rotate together toward badges of this. " 

Thus, according to Venerable Thich Minh Chau and lay Minh Chi, the swastika patterns  (A)  or sample  (B)  are both, because the two groups debate about the direction of rotation of the Buddhist swastika neither side achieved convincing arguments. The controversial rotation of the swastika, no right way, no wrong way, are based on the perception of each individual or each group of people, but there is no basis whatsoever enough to convince an absolute way, so we can not conclude an objective party absolutely true, absolutely wrong party. 

swastika symbolizes truth, and this truth is one. But depending on the location watched that show the truth in this way, bring this form; If another came in truth, the truths found in a different manner to other forms. When we are together all aware, the latest styles of all the descriptions of the truth, maybe we can understand the truth in an integral way all the surface. 

Do not think, if VAN digit dial Vertical destruction that it merits. What my merits, only the wrongdoing of destruction we are new, like the fire of my anger, for example. Also there is nothing else outside that incineration is our merit. We just leave the word VAN rotate freely under its direction without debate. We just try to worry about their duties and obligations, establishment of merit pay as much as possible. 

In short, right in the words a senior monk said:  In Buddhism, no organic or comment is rotated to rotate to describe, swastika always symbolizes compassion and wisdom of Buddha clarity. Rotate Buddha symbolizes infinity work force transport, non-stop, non-stop, saving countless beings in the ten directions. So there is no need to agree to pick up, wondering swastika should rotate to the right or left . "

It is said that under French colonial rule, in 1941, had a very funny story about a member of the French ambassador, went from Nam Giao Doan covered up, while across the Hue Tu Dam pagoda, saw the swastika decoration around the fence is decorated in space might look from both sides, he became angry and began Abbot font temple built in the rear right to only be looking toward the Buddhist swastika. Such issues must be debated swastika rotating or turning left have happened long ago.
Who also said that Dr. Tam Minh Le Dinh Tham, a prominent layman time ago, when construction Tu Dam Pagoda with卐shaped vacuum station on the doors. When the French authorities that this is the shape of the Nazis should have converted at the left卍. Who cautious when you lay in the temple looked out to see the swastika turned to property as before卐.Layman laughed as suddenly realized a Zen koan goal. 

At Linh Son Pagoda in Da Lat, Vietnam, if the Buddhists away from the streets to visit the temple, climb the stairs once, look up objects Guanyin, you will see sample images卐agonist (A) on both sides as in the photo below:
But after entering the Buddha hall completed in time or go on and you will find that looking up image is rotated backwards swastika卍like form  (B). 

Thus the swastika rotate counterclockwise lake  (sample a)  or the clockwise rotation (sample B)  , it is only when the two look at two positions stand in front of or behind the same agonist alone. Depending on the  "heart" , the  "attention"  of the user, just as the Buddha's teachings in Phẩm Song Song of the Dhammapada: 

Dhammapada 1
Employment of ourselves
Because the mind, by the creation, leading
Speaking, before the next action
The pollution that: suffering in adjacent
Like the wheel
According to animal foot dragging on the road.
Employment of ourselves
Because the mind, by the creation, leading
Speaking, before the next action
But pure Italian: effusive joy
And how happiness in life
Follow me like a shadow everywhere in form.
A notation merely a symbol. The very intent, the mind of man, making it different. Similar to a knife in the hands of the physician's time dissecting instruments to save lives. If in the hands of a wicked time can become a murder weapon of criminals. 

 However it is noteworthy that, in the Buddhist world, the need to study whether the correct spellings, to give a decision, a general consensus, for everyone to adhere to in order to create homogeneity of specific symbols of Buddhism. Unacceptable emotional writing style; This pagoda other writing, other writing other temples, and especially the last Buddha in a temple, there are two  "agonist"  different. 

Before World War II with Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Austria near the German border . Nazi dictator Hitler also used the swastika insignia for his brown shirt Party, but angled. Because ambition to dominate the world through the guise of Nazi Germany, Italy, Japan should chose the swastika as a symbol of the Nazi Party. This was the main agonist Fridrich Krohn doctor sketch. 

The symbol of Hitler's Nazi  "swastika"  black, drawn at an angle of 45 degrees in a white circle, and people called  "crosshairs parenthesis " (croix brisee).  It stands for the word S (State: Country)  and S  (Social Society.)  black swastika, symbolizing the darkness and death. 
VAN lie letters, black Hitler could never be compared with the Buddhist swastika bright colors to be. One side is green sky, high bar holy merit and represents infinite compassion. 

As a party, the blind chasms black symbolizes darkness and death, sin, suffering, bloodthirsty and inhumane. Also because of the darkness that should dream of Hitler Furniture kingdom turned into clouds of smoke and the death of millions of innocent people and of course also to end the life of  the tyrant.
Actually in the Tang Dynasty, Empress Wu Zetian was also created a swastika, read the Japanese audio. But this is only the symbol of the sun only. The word was turning to the left. 

There are swastika symbol for good luck in the West before World War II ( Swastikas Symbolized Good Fortune in the West is before WWII.)  Today, most people have forgotten pictures the good that the swastika has been in North America since ancient times.  

the postcards and road sign as below recall the days before Hitler and massacre the Jews of fascism making the swastika symbol endless good luck has a completely different meaning for most people in the Western world. 

here, on the left is a picture postcard in 1907, designed by E. Phillips, a postcard publisher United States  (1907 postcard by E. Phillips, a US card publisher.)

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