Friday, 11 November 2016

From its inner contradictions.

Let's look back at your man. Everyone thought that the contradiction is due to the other person, or other person with that person and not think that the conflict in available in myself.
I say in Buddhism, but in medicine you can research to application. In Buddhism, the Buddha's body harmony by four elements are: earth, water, wind and fire. Thus land with unfavorable wind, water not fire upon. So what is the same fight as they say the water with fire. So in his body, upon the wind to land it? You see where there is a large storm, the dust flying up. Thus, in the human body when hot to cold to warm drink. When hot to drink cool softened. Because less water heater is more fire, more water is still cold at the fire, so to reconcile it.Something fundamental has to lift up, something strong to pull down, this is something done by a doctor.
So in life we ​​have to how to neutralize elements contradictory nature. If the party were also all born diseases. As the wind to land, namely, the wind hit man to do? Wind is the wind hit enter more, it is painful symptoms REM all people, should strong winds, the land tremble, so we have to beat the wind. Mark one in less wind, the light, strong back.If the nose, throat, it grows much land branching out; must go removed, otherwise there will be congestion. Apparently the land with the wind always competing with each other, this is the other dominant unimpeded. So we have to find ways how to make it harmonic balance. Thus, bringing this body we find it is contradictory.
In Buddhism teaches that we are like regulating body boss conditioned four live snake in a basket so. It always hate each other, it wants to find a way conditioned quiet, do not let it bite another surgery. But conditioned to what extent? What were the results? Trying conditioning, Air max, but there comes a time when punctured tank basket, the little snake in him running strong public figure. Conditioning as good as doctors, but also the day the basket will puncture, some snakes also running. Water running under the water, the wind in the wind, the fire under fire, land for land. No one can be conditioned by the other month throughout this year until year seven hundred years. Only a certain extent only. Thus the body by the earth, water, wind, fire should be in conflict with each other, but not inner conflict? END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/11/2016.

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