Chapter Two - Dharma
Weather IX
Weather IX
Noble Eightfold Path
B ace Noble Eightfold path is also known as Holy include eight factors: right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, and right concentration. This path brought Holy meditator and springs, flowing about Nirvana should be called Noble.
Noble Eightfold Path is the basic teachings of the Noble Truth (the Emperor Quartet) includes thirty-seven the assistant. This is the only way to go to liberate all the cankers. Meditators can go into liberation by Lane Seven Enlightenment chi, four foundations of mindfulness ... but all lane road that are contained in the Noble Eightfold Path. Practitioners can also go to the liberation announced by the Land method, Password, ... but consider carefully the practitioner must still apply the factors of the Noble Eightfold Path. If the practitioner's heart out pagan practice, in addition to the use of eight Noble Bat, then decided practitioner can not attain the fruition of recluses, go on to subdue, as the taught by Bhagavan in Hong Xiao Beijing Leo (Central Business I).
Noble Eightfold Path Content
Chief Knowledge:
There are many definitions of right knowledge scattered throughout the trading of A-levels and Nikaya.The Four Noble Truths are understood knowledge district. Secretarial clear causal knowledge. Seeing the falls is the main solution is Infinite knowledge. Here introduce some more typical definition:
- "When a disciple Saints know evil and know the basics of evil, knowing good and good basic, reverences this, then you Holy disciples have the right view, which upright knowledge, with absolute confidence and legal this outstanding achievement ". (Chief Knowledge Economics, Central I, p. 47).
Dhamma is mentioned as ten karma; the legal basis of his charity is very involved, adosa, si.
Ten causes of evil karma; the legal basis of this evil is greed, hatred and delusion.
- "Know the launch episode of food, said food cessation and the path leading to cessation of feeds, this reverences, then Saints disciples have the right view, which upright knowledge, has the legal trust absolute and outstanding achievements of this law. " (Ibid., P. 47A).
- "When Saints disciples knew the old die, the old collective start dying, death and annihilation of the old path to cessation of the old die, the reverences, then Saints disciples there is right ..." (Ibid., p. 49).
Similar to the old speech about death, it is the definition of right relation to eleven spend the rest of Origination.
Chanh is also defined that:
- Knowing the right view is the right view, wrong is wrong.There are two types of right: right view is birth care organic contraband, and right view outflows, superpower, no birth care.
- Know the wrong speech and right speech.
- Know the business district and wrong.
- Know the primary network and the network.
- Knowing the right effort and wrong effort.
- Knowing the righteous and evil thoughts.
- Knowing the right concentration and wrong.
Bell saw, with offerings, with sacrifice, with the retribution of good and evil have now, there is life, there is another life, mother, father, have the kind of biochemistry, in life there are steps Sa keeper, Brahmin, such as illegal possession of right. The opposite is wrong. (According to the Four Cross University, Central III, ibid., P. 207; the Chinese equivalent organ; Kinh Tri Italy, University 1, 919).
What Qualities base of knowledge, intellectual capacity, legal enlightenment scouts, right view, the director of a mature spending Noble Arhat, with outflows of mind, right view is the right view this outflow, lokuttara . (Ibid., P. 207).
Right Thinking:
Similar to the definition of right, have the right thought defined as follows:
- Thinking about the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Origination, No-self is right thinking. Thinking on the basis of Origination, Anatta, word to the right thought.
Thought also has two kinds: organic Thought illegal outflow and right thinking. Property Right Thought gonorrhea fell into good fortune, gave birth to the medical results (there's to be reborn), thought to include renunciation (renunciation of thinking), thinking to adosa (adosa thinking) and thinking to innocuous (harmless thinking). Thinking to fall into greed, hatred and harm-called deviant thinking.
What Qualities of thinking, thinking to seek, a language entirely applicable due attention, diligence of a maturing in Noble, with interest outflows, with St. Center, right thought is so right livelihood The only outflow, supramundane (Ibid., p. 208).
Right Speech:
- Right speech is forced blessings organic contraband is birth care, including expectations renunciation speech language, harsh renunciation, renunciation bisexual damage (say two blades), renunciation rely language (... the word frivolous). In contrast is the wrong speech.
- What belongs to abandon, renounce evil acts on four languages, of sages, maturing in Noble (Arhat), there are ways of mind, such as right speech outflows (Ibid., P. 208).
- Chief of illegal possession of blessings now have birth care, including abandoned killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in. Now the opposite is wrong.
- What belongs to abandon, from the passage, refusing three evil body of a mature saint in Noble (Arhat), outflows have now called right heart outflow (Ibid., 209).
Right Livelihood:
- Chief of fortune illegally wired network with health delivery, including network abandon evil, to give feed to the wrong network, network live it.
In contrast, life fraud, benefit fraud took advantage needs is wrong livelihood.
- What belongs to abandon, from the passage, refusing evil saint of mature network in Qingdao, with interest outflows (Arhat) called right livelihood outflows (Ibid., P. 210).
Right Effort:
- Diligent efforts to rid wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong network, evil thoughts, evil to achieve the right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood , mindfulness, and right concentration, called right effort; Effort has two parts: property illegally and outflows (Ibid., p. 210).
The exorcism is conceptual piece, wrong speech, wrong network, wrong now attained by the permanent right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action called mindfulness. In contrast is the evil thoughts. Mindfulness has two organic contraband and outflows. (Ibid., P. 210).
Right Concentration:
Exalted definition: "What is the Holy concentration with private access and support grace? It is right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness. This, monks, ordinary there are private Nhut support center with seven branch this section, so called Holy concentration with private access and support grace ". (Ibid., P. 205).
"Because right view, right thought arises; because right thought, right speech arises; because right speech, right action arises; because right action, right livelihood arises; because there is right there, Chief crystal tons arise; because right effort, mindfulness arises, because mindfulness, right concentration arises; because right concentration, right knowledge arises; because right knowledge, liberation arises district. so this the monks, the path of your school property consists of eight, and the path of the Arhat status includes ten elements ". (Ibid., P. 211).
Thus, the presence of right yet called concentration, the chief is not present, then called deviant regulations.With school property, the concentration level is called the organic school district, the grade uneducated uneducated called right concentration.
Kinh Dai Tu Thap (Central III) and Chief Knowledge Economics (Central I) determine the right view is spending a substantial part of the Noble Eightfold Path of the Noble Truth, the path to liberation or suffering. Yes, the new chief has the knowledge of right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. No right view, only the wrong application, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong and wrong concepts.
Right effort and mindfulness always be adapted to the achievements of spending the rest, so the three factors of right view, right effort and mindfulness always be present together in practice to achieve the expenditure part other. Details of the other achievements accomplished is to go to school property and right view of uneducated.
Noble Eightfold Path Path And The Food Assistance
Noble Truth is Bhagavan sometimes mentioned as the assistant director of thirty seven, sometimes Bhagavan mentioned as the Noble Eightfold Path. This shows us the Noble Eight-thirty-seven was also the assistant director. Mindfulness of the Noble Eightfold Path is the content of the four foundations of mindfulness; Right effort is the content of the four chief needs; Mindfulness is also the base concept, notion of the five power units, five forces, is the seventh anniversary of the Enlightenment enlightenment expenditures; Trach district is legal thinking enlightenment; Property right view is based, intellectual capacity; concentration is joy, calm, concentration and social enlightenment. Quartet as the sufficiency (of education, the effort, the concentration and thinking) is the effort, mindfulness, right concentration and right thinking.
Here, we can boldly come to the conclusion that:
- The path of Buddhist liberation does not go beyond the thirty-seven assistant.Here Buddhism is evident religion of wisdom, of enlightenment. This is the destination of an economic level as the Great's "Bat Dai Nhan Giac" refers to "Wei Industrial Property market".
- The path of thirty seven directors to make an end to the aid charity, collection, ignorance, do not go outside the Eight Noble.
- The path to refer to the Noble Eight factors of primary knowledge.
The presence of wisdom, repelling everything the world of delusion, ignorance, repel samsara and nirvana as evident.
Noble Bat Bat pagan appear then disappear. Noble bowl, therefore, is predestined by the destruction of the world's delusions wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong network, wrong effort, wrong and wrong concepts.
If collapse path of liberation of the thirty-seven assistant, we can present the Noble Eight-form more compact aggregates Gender, Concentration and Wisdom aggregates aggregates. Right view and right thought of aggregates Tue: right speech, right action, right livelihood under About aggregates; and the right effort, mindfulness, right concentration Concentration of aggregates. So, we can speak path is the path of liberation wisdom (right view), the path of Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom or Noble Path is the path.
Practice the Noble Eightfold Path
Practicing right speech, right action, right livelihood as ten karma practice of body, speech and mind (do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, harsh, not to say in line Crap, no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, living right feet, tame greed, hatred and delusion, is practiced About duties). This is the practice of the World.
Practice right effort, mindfulness, and right concentration is practiced Satipatthana and the Four primary needs, is an act of meditation (Zen and meditation only).
Always mindfulness meditation on the fitness of wealth, adosa, si, harmless as practice right thought.
Cultivate the right view is how to trigger the right view. To trigger the right view, he should take five coastal support: gender, documents, discussions, Samatha meditation (Samatha) and Meditation (Vipassana) (according to Huu Minh University of Economics, Central I, Ibid., P. 294).
Maybe more concise statements that appear to the right view, he should take two supporting grace is like the voice of volition and of others (Ibid., P. 294).
As the concept of volition is lawful launch signifies on three French publications (suffering, impermanence and non-self). The voice of another person is viewing texts, listening to lectures and discussions.
Here, we were able to draw a clear conclusion on what to make of a liberating practice. Meditators are only two things to do, as Bhagavan taught, studying Buddhism and practicing meditation . This is our road lane to Buddhism, go into Buddhism.
Otherwise do two things to do that, then we will fall into one of two places: either wrong, or is walking around (crooked).
Buddhist teachings always are "consistent", that lead to the final purpose of life is to make an end celibate love, competition, ignorance, freeing all the cankers. So the job's key practice the Noble Eightfold Path, or the most classic North South organs and organ, has always been placed on the exception craving or clinging rid.
A detailed practice means practicing parts of eight. When practicing mindfulness (or its anniversary), the practitioner must be observed, correctly thinking (this is the right thought), to know the right path to liberation (this is the right view), struggling to remove , shuns evil is (this is the right effort) and must reside in mind like (this is mindfulness).
Similarly to the practice of spending the other part of the Noble Eightfold Path.
Meditators start by walking right understanding, right understanding go step by step until the liberation, then the practitioner to focus completely stable outflow of right. This is knowledge of liberation.
So every step of the practitioner has the first meaning, the final medium. Differences of ordinary walking, school property and uneducated are differences in the presence of or absence of contraband or taints. We can say the significance of each step in liberation (dispassion, glass craft) is coming in every step. Sees in every step, the means do not go. Do not go, then do not come. Sees is to like, and go back and so-called Tathagata or as Round. This is the positive meaning of "hybrid spare naught herons countless historical basis". Future still very present, no past in the past, future.
Noble Eight-learning like a process starting from levels close to practice with the right view (or close to Buddhism), to hear Dieu Dieu law and legal practice. This process is referred to as the Van, Tu and Tu .END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/11/2016.
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