_Lai Female, Thien Son! Groups called Da La Ni Hai India Gate ?
Thien Son! As the country's largest marine show all publications. It is all the appearances of four Thien Ha, or appearances of beings , or appearances of Africa Beings , mountains, copper, power, hills, trees, woods, forests, drugs, grass, rice beans, sun , moon, stars, Romania, clouds, lightning power, villages, barracks, converged communications, city, village, urban royal palaces of the gods with Korean men and women, all widgets, native forests, ponds, marshes, creeks and ditches, streams, rivers, streams ... magnificent flowery serious effort. Groups like that, the upper medium and low, all appearances are in the sea, is equally pressing, so said the great sea is the first Indian, Indian supreme miracle, a rare novelty, unique features ... no what is equal, nothing more was.
Ma Ha Tat Bodhisattvas so well again, head- eighty Hai Press the profound this, along with Indian Equality Body of all beings, along with Indian Language Equality of beings, along with Indian Equal Mind of beings, fisheries Marvelous moving wheel of the Buddhas in the ten directions World. Bodhisattvas are from where the Indian Navy has flowed, in Khau Mon expresses equality, depending on site said all along with French Indian Buddhas do not have to create no suspicion, or makes all beings are all understood (misinterpretations).
This is the upper level of accommodation in India. It is:
Publication of the letter A (狣: A) [A Self India] is: by all French Count (Dharmata) no birth
Publication of the letters La (先: RA) is: by all the French without adhesive contamination
India's letters cake (扔: PA) is: Mon Thang Sense can not attain
India's letters Suppose (: CA) is: Happy are the eyes with pure
India's letters Na (巧: NA) is: Lust List, As a prime minister can not.
Publication of the letters La (匡: LA) is: Dependent's favorite branch (compassionate payment) repeatedly not broken, is not present
Publications of the word Noa (叨: DA) is: show enlightened into force ten Mon purity.
Publications of the word Ma (向: BA) is: Force with Bodhi Part are pure.
Publications of the word Noa (毛: DA) are: Lia the enemy to worry resentment frustrating.
Publication of the letters Sai (好: SA) is: six views without hindrance fullness.
India's letters Formalin (向: VA) is: no two roads, cut off the speech.
India's letters majority (凹: TA) is: Be enlightened true meaning of all the French.
India's letters Suppose (伏: YA) is: Worthy with Li Like It said that performance.
India's letters Iron-Tra (沰: STA) is: Finished Apparel, taking prime responsibility can not attain.
India's letters Ca (一: KA) is: The Argument It leaves no creators do.
India's letters Sa (屹: SA) is: show enlightened four Brackets are equal.
India's letters Mang (亙: MA) is: pure show enlightened way of all the French.
Publication of letters Russia (丫: GA) is: Enter deep into France, no application flows generated (Executive), pick (manual).
Publications of the word Sa-Tha (卉: THA) is: Show saying: can not attain potency.
India's letters Nha (介: JA) is: Overcoming mortal , municipal power delivery.
India's letters low-Formalin (辱: SVA) is: Equal away from where Fetters was outstanding.
Publication of the letters Da (叻: DHA) is: Can Count of complex disorders such Dharma.
India's letters Discharge (在: SA) is: Enter into the depths only shop are full.
India's letters Kha (几: KHA) is: Be enlightened France as nowhere without end.
India's letters beg-Rub (朽: KSA) is: Enter Take Tri, Tri Infertility .
Publications of the word Sa-Da-Da-A (糽: STA) is: It leaves Chướng dullness, laziness
Publication of the text -only expel (及: NA) is: Body Wisdom of all beings.
Publication of the letters Ha (飲: RTHA) is: Equal Weight shuns evil dam, carried Compassion
Publication of the letters she (矛: BHA) is: Episode familiar observation Body Enlightenment .
India's letters Assume-Xa (云: CHA) is: It leaves Count obscured by greed
Publications of the word Sa-Mang (絆: SMA) is: Reciting such spreads, no forgetting.
Publications of the word Ha-Ba (郡: HVA) is: Treat Weight coral invoking clause
India's letters Stone-Sa (慛: TSA) is: Body brave chase Or.
India's letters Aging (千: GHA) is: Extinction tan heavy clouds, display ignorance.
India's letters Xa (斗: Tha) is: Consolidation contains Physical and take advantage of the Happy together
Publication of the letter Ba-La (仕: NA) is: Depending upon Body President Screening supreme .
India's letters Pha (民: PHA) is: Body round fullness throughout retribution
India's letters Ca Sa- (弨: SKA) is: Can lenses of all groups showed Aggregates.
India's letters Nature-Sa (慥: YSA) is: Hay except old age, death, all patients.
India's letters That_gia (鉠: SCA) is: pre-Enlightenment time ever.
India's letters Investigation (巴: TA) is: Cutting off the path of life and death, Nirvana.
India's letters Sat_Xa (丙: DHA) is: Understand there is no edge Lens Body, no advantage.
Hey good son! Bodhisattvas take all kinds of groups such French General, distinguished Forum says the Tu India Gate
Thien Son! This is called Penetration Hai Da La Ni eighty India Gate .
_Lai Again, Thien Son! How known as Lien Hoa Da La Ni Mon Dignified ?
Hey good son! Da La Ni Bodhisattva office this subject, depending on the wealth of the Congress said that while the mainland has a court Marvelous shower sprayed onto large miracle in front of a wall with all kinds of unique magic color pages are visible nghiem.Nguoi unknown bored. This court is just an instant, the body sits, rain poured in vain every precious flowers, in all kinds of flowers emit any sound, in any kind of sound to say all kinds of French. It is: immeasurable deep or French, or French speaking coincidence call list, or say all kinds of subjects for example (Avadana). So or say Tu Da La (Sutra: Khe Kinh), Caucasian (Geya: Application Procedure), Hoa Gia La Na (Vyakarana: Name Premium), Old Tha (Gatha: Phung Tung), On Da Na (Udana: Self theory), Ni Da Na (Nidana: Causes and Conditions), The The (Ittivrtaka), The Birth (Jàtaka book), Phuong Quang (Vaipulya), Hy France (Adbhuta-dharma), Advantages Three Recommended Xa (Upadesa: Luan Decree). 12 The Church says such groups for all types of Mon ... all because of the negativity rid of all beings. Then the Bodhisattva mind dwells the Great Drain , quiet meditation, instant or Pasting (Samahita: a name of Dinh).Sounds so says France does not fail, end suffering of sentient beings, as the Buddhas Resources.
Back across the pores of the body of Bodhisattva throw up all kinds of light, in each of the light generated all kinds of magical golden lotus, on each flower has a Bodhisattva, came around in the immeasurable editor of the World to Buddha.
This is starting to enter the Lotus Da La Ni Mon Dignified . If the width can not say the same.
_Lai Again, Thien Son! How called Energy Enter Da La Ni Mon Asanga ?
Hey good son! Da La Ni office Bodhisattva This course, for a French license, no seat attachment center. So, or two, or three, or ten, or hundreds, or thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or fuse, or by tha na, until a period of boundless increase equity wealth, can not count, can not think , not measurable, can not say ... France Mon, are equally mind without attachment site
So much like the French subjects of the realm of small dust particles Jambudvipa (Jambu-dvipa), France Mon many as the number of dust mites in four Thien Ha, France Mon many as the number of dust mites in three thousand Dai Thien World. Or realms, or ten realms, or hundreds, or thousands, or more like the French subjects of small dust particles in constant sa realms, so much as the number of French Mon tiny dust particles in all realms, as well Heart are equal has no place attachment.
If say a regent of France Mon Mon as the dust in all realms of Buddha above, are entered into a license, a forum said. As in a license, or two, or three to French boundless such subjects are also, in a photographer Mon Mon all, a forum said. So when it comes time clinging mind there is no room, no room office, happily benefit to all sentient beings. That deep meaning, value for Ly Like It , order without disorder, the full meaning of the text.
Thien Son! This is called Energy Enter Da La Ni Mon Asanga .
_Lai Again, Thien Son! How called gradually into deep Quartet Tri Vo Da La Ni Mon Afraid ?
Hey good son! If the Bodhisattva dwells in Da La Ni This course is the subtle difference Endless Mon Tri France, is the profound meaning Te Vi Mon Tri Endless , be subtle From (prose) Mon Endless Tri , is Vi Infinite health measures (debates, distinguish) Mon Tri Endless . This knowledge should be for all beings in the East contract a School Act, all depending on the type of audio sound, skillful means that asked the French did. All beings in the South copper a School Act, all depending on the type of audio sound, skillful means that questions means it. All beings in the West, a director at the same school, depending on the type of sound are sound, skillful means that questions from (wording) does. All beings in the North copper a School Act, all depending on the type of audio sound, skillful means that asked Attorney (arguments, distinguish) him.
Thus, all beings in the four directions, a time to ask all kinds of French Mon Reciting the Bodhisattva an irregular or reception (territory), the center has no disorder, no wise lose recognition. Where a fishery emit any sound known type, each said all French sound, depending on where your favorite category of beings that are different, are Consul League (explain what others have teaching), Tam joy and gladness, wish fulfillment.
Thien Son! This is the Bodhisattva gradually deep into his wife Tu Da La Ni Mon Tri.
_Lai Again, Thien Son! How is called the Buddhas of Directors Da La Ni Mon Dignified ?
Hey good son! Da La nuns Bodhisattva is this so in the General Assembly, sitting on the Great French court, in the middle of the highest places of Humiliation, seat crossover crown bone, suddenly embodiment Tathagata yellow pages net good minister seriously, then use the right hand rubbing the top of the Bodhisattva.Bodhisattva instant immediate relatives are excellent with good minister dignified, full fullness, complete fullness of all kinds of groups such Dharma. This was done, according to all beings in this Conference: Mind About such contracts, affinity difference, different places that said suspect any type of French. Or a day, or two, or three, half a month, a month, a year, a hundred years, depending on the preference of the center, near term, much less ... often say Marvelous no end. As said so time and neither ate nor drank, not weakness, not emaciated, body and mind are not tired.
Due to such virtue inconceivable holder of the Tathagata should Bodhisattvas are four types of Dai Tri. Which four? It is subtle Lieu Tri Beings The difference Tri Tam Hanh, Vi Chu Te Discrimination Necessarily France infinitum Tri, Thua Thien Tam distinctive Chu something for Spiritual Practice, Consummation Depending Ordination Nham Dien Thuan Kham Theme Lecture.
Thien Son! It said comb called Buddhas of Directors Da La Ni Mon Dignified . If say, the wide boundless vanity gender equality does not have the same advantage, along with the group Tathagata benefit beings
Thien Son! Here are eight types of Da La Ni Mon. If there are eight Bodhisattva dwells in Da La Ni this subject, or general maintenance Marvelous news that all Tathagata said the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva makes no obstruction eloquence. All living beings, if there are people who hear the love, joy, without hatred "
__While Him, Necessarily Buddha of France Self in France heard this done, Tam used breezily Shelf compliment that:
"_ Auspicious (Sugata) said eight French General Maintenance
Decision making is Abhidhamma Thua
Sub hundred thousand memories Tu Da La (Sutra: Khe Kinh)
Where thinking with documents, not sticky spot
Great voice pure without edge
Hundred thousand boundless worlds are listening
Thanh Tam's calm beings
This name Purity Nghia Dai Qing
_Mot Letters said all French forum
Many lives without at the same end
Each subject word (itself subject) back too
This cylindrical Bao Khiếp Shingon Location
It leaves the range (one side, one side) are purified
Equality does not stick, and Tathagata
Righteous moment defilements
This name means Quanzhou Fujian Origin France
_Cac Appearances in four Thien Ha
Indian Grand Line out, not overlooked
Speaking Mon hard not to take this thought
This name Shingon German Customs Press
_Du Minister Dai Nhan at Mass
Sitting lotus flower, flush rain Sun
United took the chi Mon Dieu France
Lotus Ornament of General Maintenance Tools
French _Vao a sentence (best shot) and without adhesive
Police Vi Tran Cu blockers (some question as much as the small dust of a plane memory), too
Mon verse praises difficult question takes thought
Asanga General Tri are liberated.
_Day Enough French, meaning to From (prose), Attorney
Beings four are revealed Comfort (little doubt ask)
Nghi mesh rid us of them
This is Attorney General Tri Luc Quartet
Slapping jumping insensitively Dafa court
On top of the mountain is like gold Buddha
, Extend the right hand, Minister dignified
An important tip rubs Bodhisattva
Is Vi modulated contract with Buddha
This name Recitation Household Adornment
_Duoc On Mon General Tri supreme
Germany immediately be difficult to think not take
Infections such as shower, in the three worlds
Five Chen ( Lust, sound, smell, taste, touch ) no action, horizontal Meru
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Wudang Tri ( Tri nothing equal ) over the three worlds, transforming
Or Leo pink ( the roar of the Lion ) and without fear
Destroying the Foreign Act, Ta dam.
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
It leaves admissions of Karma
As the growth of Compassion French soil
As dirty wash water, clean errors
Such as the burning of fire wood select
Like the wind fan, not office space
As Y (doctors) knew how to put the drug in France
Fungicides beings, is security.
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
France took the position not tilt up
As moonlit round point not dirty
Shine, impartial screening throughout.
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
We see no loathed Association
As the morning sun, equality projection
Insolvency implies samsara, enlightenment (awakening) pants charm
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Or unless the charming craving
Dharmaraja wild as ten Compassion
As Pi Samana rich French Finance
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
From Niem (love and help concept) beings, rain poured France
As Dragon clouding, is virtue
Thunder, Magic Power are impartial (no privacy)
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Silence does not mind, do not accept adhesive
Wonderful stately as Sakka
Dai Tri Custom Mechanical took France Mon
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Like Taurus United at Mass
As Dai Pham Vuong Head From The
World shop around, pass out
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Often in Communication (5 kinds Divine) is not transferred back
Walking around the Dharma Realm, the realm of hard thinking
As Brahma United, throughout Pham Palace (palace of Brahma)
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Offerings to the Buddhas of the ten directions Sea
Brass Buddhas as adults
Also commended Germany, hard think
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
There's long been Cong Duc Buddhist
Resources are not the same broad measures take
Forum says the Tu Da La (Khe Kinh) deep
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Modulated (theory ingenious measures) such as hair does not break
Wisdom, intelligence is not wandering
Boundless means co nowhere
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Arrogance, false flattery are deducted off
Tue attached flush to not break
Compassion will start, can not leave each other
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
An end to the ways of the world Item
Smart that French Language beings
Heart, Hanh, Apartment, PE are no longer
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Speaking French, bristles faultless
Mindfulness, the segment with the Spirit Additional
Apartments, Luc, Giac Dao Dinh are rounded
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Consecutive Hostile French Dieu Tri Tinh
Depending upon the level (Paramita: Paramita) to the other side
Communicate four Photographers no errors
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Or know the realm of Auspicious (Sugata: one in ten of the Buddha)
Near Buddha nature, deep tranquility
Operating formulated it (air kites, acquisitions) beings
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
At all times no aberration
Obtained Aggregates, Gender, Enter not dirty
In Thai (fetus) no infection, are known
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
Lotus Buddha Mind Seeing such as stick
Three custom Wisdom Industrial always switch
Dynamic, not afraid benefit beings president
Da La Ni _Duoc at this point
French Speaking generally rely Buddhas help
Dai Tri-employed or beings
Many lives can not praise all "
Then the Buddha praised Necessarily Buddha of Independence that "instead! Thien Nam Protestant replace or compliment tu1 He told Da La Ni, as the Buddha said no other equal. I am glad this option.
Hey good son! Society now has sixty memories tha na Bodhisattva by ordained along with countless hundreds of thousands of thousands of memories at home Bodhisattva ... Da La Ni Mon heard this popular French Infertility Rings (Anutpattika-dharma-ksanti). Infinite God, Dragon, deleted, Gandhabba, a Tu La, Ca Lou La, Khan Na La, Ma Almost La Aging, people, Africa's, Bhikshu, nuns, Upasaka, Advantages Ms. Di ... Most are for A La Nau Tam Tam Mieu Bodhi (the Enlightened Supreme) are not moving backward. "
Then Bodhisattva Manjushri Ma Ha Tat immediately from the seat up, dislocated right shoulder open shirt, knelt to the ground, the Buddha and Buddhist transparency palms provide stimulus that: "The Cost As Buddha said Tam (Citta) with Void (Akasa) , Da La Ni (Dharani) , Bodhi (Bodhi) no two, no other ... all use the Great Compassion (Mahā-Karuna) as root (Mula: units) . But this Great Compassion French used to make root? "
Buddha told Bodhisattva Manjushri, saying "instead! Instead! Thien Nam Tu frankly this question because they want to benefit many students. Listen carefully! Listen carefully! Get smart and think to remember! I will say because he distinguished award.
Hey good son! This Great Compassion root user received beings suffering as the root "
_Van White Buddha Manjushri again that: "Exalted! Living beings suffering he received the French used to make root? "
Buddha said: "From the negativity (Klesa) born"
_Lai Asked: "What do Defilement root user?"
Buddha said: "From all kind of ditthi (Mithya-drsti) crazy that spawned"
_Lai Asked: "All kinds of crazy ditthi root user to do something?"
Buddha said: "From falsehoods distinction (Vitatha-vikalpa) born"
_Lai Asked: "Hu hopes to distinguish the root user to do something?"
Buddha said: "Hope this distinction no roots, no form, it is difficult to know, hard cut off.
Hey good son! Because this means so Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat as they arise compassion, hard, humble, forgotten tired ... such as sugar cane, along with sesame, crushing the material used oil, soy metamorphoses. Bodhisattvas as well, Dai Bi Tam deep again starting 16 Great Compassion, the notion that: "Trade instead! Beings often Than Ants (Satkaya-drsti) column force, using all kinds of ditthi (Mithya-drsti) as caves, home ... I will because this person was, say Marvelous performance are made except off. Usual! Beings to paragraph (Uccheda), Normal (Nitya) approved adhesive formulated "
_Van Manjushri Buddhist transparency that: "Exalted! How known as The Ants (Uccheda-drsti), Thuong Kien (Nitya-drsti or Sasvata-drsti)?
Buddha said: "Hey Good Son! Said The Ants are: charity, donations are no retribution. Doing Good, to do evil, the life after this life are no results. Parents are all transformed severed, no. Why? For example, wood burning is complete, said the player, there is no reason finally born. This is called The Ants
Speaking Often Knowledge is: The king usually bring the wealth of the king appears often esteem. Group categories: Men and women of poor, wealthy, virtuous, ugly, elephants, horses often do not have change. Why? For example, depending on the type of seeds of it were born of different pathogens, eventually no complicated disorder.
Hey good son! This group created beings do see info site (Drsti: Ants) so have no retribution. Bodhisattva because this person was starting Dai Bi Tam (Mahā-Karuna-Citta) open Mon statement expresses Origination (Pratitya-Samutpada) makes this person was believed to Dependent (Hetu-pratyaya), retribution (vipāka).
Bodhisattva the concept: "Trade instead! They raised four secondary students crazy: No Standing to be counted Often , there is no fun to count as fun, without the I (ego) to count as the Self , not in the computer clean is clean. I will because anyone who speaks French except that crazy deep.
Usual! Beings in Egolessness (without the Ta), Egolessness Department (no children of Ta) to count as Self (Atman: the Self) , Russia (Mama-Kara: My female).I will because anyone who speaks French microcontrollers raise him realize that the spot rid Self, Self Service
Usual! Beings are the bell (Avarana: a name of defilement) cover. Take heart in the arrows, fire burning anger will burn the body and mind strong. Enamored drowsiness, sleep ... agitation (Auddhatya: the effect of casual work such spirit still) do not let go of evil binding, for the French often hold on the profound skepticism. I will because anyone who speaks French microcontrollers raise him destroy the bosses gratings.
Usual! Beings entangled stick six Parish . The eye has seen every form, depending on the identity of the famous general acceptance that students stick. Ears hear sounds, smell the aroma nostrils, foul. The tongue tasted many flavors. The body to touch the small soft slippery task. The distinguished French ... all depending on which students accept generals stick. I will speak French because this person was deeply magical stick makes not like empty group of six Origin
Usual! Beings much start of Maggie 's: Maggie (Mana), hypersensitivity (Ati-māna) with Maggie Plums (Manati-māna), conceit (Atma-māna), Shanghai Sustainable Increase (Adhi-māna), Company Man (UNA-māna), Ta Sheh (Mithya-māna)
How is Maggie (mana)? It is for the inferior beings, the more I counted the other guys
Speaking hypersensitivity (Ati-māna) is on par with his people say the other guys are better than us
Chronic hypersensitivity (Manati-māna) is for other people than us, the more we raise him count is.
Speaking conceit (Atma-māna) is to be re-shaped my identity, so for Consciousness (Vijnana: perception) as well as in my calculation, making Mind pear head high n (highly recommended)
Said Tang Shanghai Maggie (Adhi-māna) is: Unprecedented obtained French St. increase toward the upper but others say that I was the holy Dharma.
Said Ty Sheh (UNA-māna) is: For more than his share, saying that we are weak.
Said Ta Sheh (Mithya-māna) is in Ta Kien does not have its German, said that he is the right, or vice versa sure someone else is Ta.
Group alongside so, I will because anyone who speaks French who makes his profound rid, head of equality.
_Usual! Ta beings are separated direction along St. I will raise him speak French because of the main road away from the entrance right makes Ta.
Usual! Beings as slaves for sex, getting under the control of it. Concubines, men and women used as shackles, fetters bind, adhesive contamination, immerse ham can taste ... not far from the mouth makes such body to be liberated. I will because anyone who speaks French departed Join now makes three of his guys , stopping, no strings hold.
Usual! They are born rotating struggle together, to hate one another angry as hatred.Because they speak French and I will make rid
Usual! Beings far Compassion Knowledge (Kalyana-Mitra) depending chasing you away from each other such evil, such as finger nails with harmony and rely on each other, making the evil now suspended without break. Because they speak French and I will make you give up evil, good knowledge closeness.
Usual! Bridge beings involved fame no aversion as the sea swallow overflowing rivers, such as the wood fire is more substance, shuns the General Intelligence It is not dirty. I will because anyone who speaks French severed pure honest fame, is Tri purity.
Usual! Dark ignorance beings, in France Egolessness defiant aroused Falls Ants, beings, Life Destiny, Additional Features Old La (pudgala). Because they speak French and I will get rid of all types of ditthi so clouded that removes eye membrane, eye opening Tri clean.
Usual! Sentient beings are mortal prison, banning forced reincarnation, was killed five aggregates resentment. Because they say the French are going to make out of the three worlds.
Usual! Three beings were ropes tied up, bound in Education is no escape apart.Because they speak French and I will pass the rope Ma Ma would make a stop, cut off the constraints of Education year.
Usual! Closed Nirvana beings, mortal way. Because they say the French are going to make plays three evil entrance Nirvana.
Thien Son! This is the Bodhisattva Ma Ha Tat launch 16 types of compassion ".
__While Him, Buddha told Manjushri Dong Tu, saying, "Good Son! This course ie Great Compassion mother of all Bodhisattvas. Compassionate Bodhisattvas in this office immediately or set up 32 kinds of careers not the same general (non-business community), day and night practicing diligently, quickly being fulfilled.
How called 32 categories such career at Same ?
It is: Bodhisattva if all beings are stupid and asleep during the long dark night heavy, there is no competition then used Tri Wisdom, first on their own clear understanding, to use all enlightened wisdom foolish beings. This is called the first and now no general of the Bodhisattva.
If found beings favorite Thua Second , poor narrow mind. Mind Bodhisattva broad-based startups that raise him to remain in France Mahayana. This is called a career without the second overall Bodhisattva.
If found beings love Africa France (Adharma), loose three now, no compassion France (kusala-dharma), desires. Bodhisattva self office in the French garden, making them the office of the French students. This is called the same now third overall not Bodhisattva.
If found beings Par Ta (Mitya-Jīva), self-deception false life, take the bridge. First brought his body cylinder in the Par (samyag-ajiva). Forcing them to remain in France born the Par clean. This is called the general not the same now fourth Bodhisattva.
If you see beings without Causation rotated all France, launch it on their own ditthi University cylinder The Ants (Samyag-drsti) beings to make the ants remain in France without dirty. This is called the general not the same now fifth Bodhisattva.
If you see beings without knowledge (ignorance), think evil, gathered themselves contain user unhappiness is an eye Tri Tam righteous (Samyak-smrti). It also leaves office in righteous living beings, out of darkness Inanimate, open light of Wisdom. This is called the general not the same now sixth bodhisattva.
If found beings dispose main French right (rectification) office such major French right (Real rectification). First yourself to remain in the French (Sad-dharma) , to make them comprehend the French students. This is called the general not the same now seventh Bodhisattva.
If beings see stinginess being obscured. Mind Bodhisattva boot itself without stinginess, all let go. Back beings make diligent practice letting go. This is called the general not the same now eighth Bodhisattva.
If canceled transgression to see them clean (pure precepts), for the Table (Pattern, cartridge size, typical) Unknown Table (no pattern, no ink size, no typical) can not obey it About then used clean their loved stately, again making them durable About birth keep clean. This is called a career not with the ninth overall of the Bodhisattva.
If found beings intense anger, gathered contain the evil piled forcibly Compassion and Patience (From human) to self-dignified, causing them to remain French students. This is called the general not the same now tenth of Bodhisattvas.
If the body and mind to see them lazy, diligent shuns the use of his body armor strict diligent, causing them to drop the mind lazy student, diligent lazily such strong. This is called the general not the same now the eleventh of the Bodhisattva.
If students see them wandering, wandering. Self office Bodhisattva Tam Ma Hu (Samahita: College Guide) silence makes us contemplate the birth also let office Dinh disorder. This is called the general not the same now twelfth of Bodhisattvas.
If you see evil beings wisdom, no position. Wisdom then used to self-dignified, causing them to let students leave Evil Tue, full Prajnaparamita (Prajna-paramitā).This is called a career without the Thirteenth General of the Bodhisattva.
If students find they work properly no reason Italy (irrational volition), where Ta Executive Director. Bodhisattva instant use skillful means thinking as reason makes beings also let go where no proper reason (irrational), remains the director. This is called the general not the same now the fourteenth of the Bodhisattva.
If you see dark beings without understanding disorder, harm afflicted. Bodhisattva custom office concept to distinguish themselves all kinds of discrimination, for distinguishing small plane away from all defilement, making them born again except negativity in the French office. This is called the general not the same now fifteenth of the Bodhisattva.
If prisons are found beings Personality Belief (Satkaya-drsti), Huu Kien (Astiva-nisrita: Accept changes stick out of the can), then use bind Intelligence achieved through his body not be seeing (Ants ) bondage, makes them born again shuns Than ants , not calculated in females (Bhava: organic), Main Intelligence office. This is called the general not the same now sixteenth of Bodhisattvas.
If found beings loose bohemian (each type) and Apartment (Indriya), run under the wing i (Visaya) could not overpower the gentle Tam himself no distractions (Pramada: loose), it also leaves beings dwell Facilities Act (Samvarah), everything we had cleverly Mon, three are now located. This is called the general not the same now seventeenth of Bodhisattvas.
If you see beings without Tam (HRI: Heart devotion of German Public German people), without You (Apatrapya: Heart afraid sins), do not know Security, fresh root is cut off then used the three provisions for self dignified, said An, said in return, initiates the fresh root. Because they speak French students making adequate opening statement Tam You , or know En Germany, fullness fresh root. This is called the general not the same now eighteenth of Bodhisattvas.
If the flood was to see them big, big waves, small waves rolling sink, depending on the industry can not be floating submersible. Bodhisattva himself beyond the flood waters to the other coast. Makes them born again now rid of evil, beyond the stream of life and death, to the shore of Nirvana. This is called the general not the same now the nineteenth of the Bodhisattva.
If the intensity is difficult to see them turned cang, use of his body humility, tolerance, well upon Master Chief. Makes them born again remain humble glass (humble reverence). This is called the general not the same now in the twentieth of the Bodhisattva.
If interested to see them holding jealousy, for the majority of UK charity many obstacles. Then used strictly based self-healing his body, causing them to let students leave the center suspicion, jealousy create obstacles ... The French remain. This is called a career without the twenty-first General of the Bodhisattva.
If found no living beings destitute French Finance (eg only Dharma). Bodhisattva is presented with countless living things make enough seven sacred Resources (7 types of the Buddhist holy Dharma). It also leaves no room beings in need, in the Holy Resources office. This is called the general not the same now twenty-second of the Bodhisattva.
If students find they are often sick, the suffering, the four University, poisonous snakes ... support several overturned hurtful, harmful to the body and mind.Bodhisattvas merit then used without the disease to self-dignified, to book for beings in France happily without the disease. This is called a career without the twenty-third share of the Bodhisattva.
If found beings ignorance, no Tri, Tri shuns light. Then used light Bodhisattva of Wisdom strictly their loved themselves, forcing them to remain in France born without foolish wisdom. This call is not generally the same career for twenty-four of the Bodhisattva.
If you prefer to see them stick deep tunnel in the three worlds unclean evil, reincarnation in the road. Bodhisattva clever or herself out of the three worlds, the ingenious use path out of the three worlds, transporting people. This is called the general not the same now twenty-five of the Bodhisattva.
If found beings right opposite the main road (the director), go to the entrance of Ta (Ta glass), then the French police themselves, causing them to remain in the French birth. This is called the general not the same now twenty-sixth of the Bodhisattva.
If you find yourself living beings destined love sticky, infection eager to nurture its power is everlasting without knowing this body is not there often (very often), not clean, no Tam You, not knowing kindness. Bodhisattva metamorphoses itself disgusted her, the preferred disposal honor, making them born again contemplate Impermanence , bored students depart idea. This is called the general not the same now twenty-seven of the Bodhisattva.
If you see sentient beings away from Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Bodhisattva seed serial autologous three treasures, to make serial beings Dharma Increase makes no rupture. This call is not generally the same career twenty-eight of the Bodhisattva.
If back to see them lose compassion France. Compassion Bodhisattva then used strictly French themselves, causing them to remain in Thien French students. This call is not generally the same career twenty-nine of the Bodhisattva.
If you see Master Chief shuns beings, not operating six concepts (Buddha, the French conception, conception Increase For anniversary, anniversary Gender, recite God). Bodhisattva then used six concepts themselves dignified, often forcing them to cultivate students six concepts as truth administrator. This is called the general not the same now thirtieth of Bodhisattvas.
If living beings were seen disturbing Industrial grid covered wrap around cover.Bodhisattva is torn nets instant karma Or , also make Human beings would definitely mortal, remains rectification. This is called the general did the same now thirty-one of the Bodhisattva.
If you see all the sentient beings Immoral (akusala) away from the fresh root.Instant Bodhisattva himself except all items, the evil dignified. It also leaves sufficient grounds healthy beings, shuns Immoral. This is called the general not the same now thirty-two of the Bodhisattva.
Hey good son! This is 32 kinds of careers not share the same bodhisattva . If the Bodhisattva dwells this karma, all French Compassion always growing, full consummation.
_Lai Again, Thien Son! Bodhisattva have countless career. Why? As infinite beings, of beings also disturbing to such boundless. Bodhisattva according difference afflictions of all living beings that, also said Mon boundless liberation.
Hey good son! Assuming all of the beings Hanh myriads filled the world, or all of Thanh Van Hanh career, or Pratyekabuddha Hanh ... compared to all of the Bodhisattva's career has just begun Mind this is not to keep up with a hundred per share, thousands of parts not keep up in part. Thus hundreds of thousands of parts, the expenditure part, the factors of hundreds, thousands spent part question, part math, ca la part number, part example, offers three nuns are not part backsliding keep part. Why? Since the Second Thua self defilements for his relatives, and the Bodhisattva career such as his own nature, back around because rid of the negativity of all beings. So all of the Bodhisattva career compared with the II Thua more wins, the Germans were more boundless. Why? For the cause that ordinary beings have the same corresponding initiates all crazy, Thua workplace II was limited, the lower mind, and the career of the bodhisattva is far from crazy boundless. Public Germany so that the Bodhisattva was also back such boundless. Because this definition should pass all Qualities Phu, Hue II ".
Then Bodhisattva Manjushri Frenchman finished listening time may rejoice, happy throughout the body, the center is in the cooler ... then say this: "Hardly! White Buddha, it is rare! Blessed clever or distinguish any type of Da La Ni Mon Mon Mon of Great Compassion with the general not the same career (any business associates) of the Bodhisattva profound magic along with Mon. I heard the Buddha say, so I happily prostrated got hold (peak Life), served as French onion.
THIRD _volume. (End) _
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