Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Chapter Two - Dharma
Tiet I

Origination and selflessness

legal Protection
hips often, France is mentioned as Business, Law and commentaries. Here, France is only limited mention in the teachings of Bhagavan was compiled through the scriptures North and South visceral organs. Such is the path of liberation of Morality, Concentration, Wisdom. Say enough is Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom, Salvation and Deliverance knowledge.
Gender is understood simply as a first step into samadhi practice. Concentration step is the second leading practice knowledge. Property is the final step in liberation. Actually, in terms of liberating, difficult to set bounds between Morality, Concentration and Wisdom, and difficult to dissociate morality, concentration and wisdom. In morality and concentration inherent wisdom, and wisdom inherent in About Concentration, Concentration and Wisdom and the liberation inherent fullness of Gender. It is difficult to determine the high and low level of liberation between Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom as a prime location About the A-na-levels results, while a monk Concentration and Wisdom attained only Tu-momentum-complete results . But only when Sila, Samadhi, Wisdom is operating to Balaam secret is that time is referred to a fruition is Supreme Enlightenment (in Bat-elegant Diamond Sutra).
However, in the present form, we can classify the doctrine means in groups, leaning heavily on the knowledge, or striking shades Concentration, or emphasis on gender. In that spirit, the doctrine of dependent origination, Nirvana is heading Tue; Thirty-seven of the Noble Truth of the assistant director in heading Concentration, About duties Patimokkha (Balaam problem-rustic-massage) and the teachings of the holders of units of the World.
Dharma program will be presented in the order of knowledge, morality and concentration as of Tue order aggregates, aggregates and concentration About aggregates is Exalted Eightfold presentation.
Tue doctrinal development, causal doctrine from which enlightenment Exalted Supreme Enlightenment under the Bodhi roots; Emperor Quartet is the doctrine that preaches first Exalted (Admin turning Falun at Deer Park) for the venerable Kieu brotherhood year-ceiling-like;Selflessness is the second time France was at Deer Park for years preached the brotherhood of venerable overseas-cap-like after hearing from easy without rid of all defilements. The teachings will be presented first, respectively, as the most basic tenets. /.

Origination and selflessness
(paticcasamuppàda and Anattna)
scholarship starting doctrine from which enlightenment Exalted Supreme Bodhi. From there, Exalted be God, who honored with ten brand Tathagata. There is not a historical document, nor has a different scripture speaks about content that realization of Bhagavan.
Samyutta of Dependent (Samyutta Nikaya II, Volume 12, 16, Royal 2, 85A), Buddhist scriptures Self Theory (Udana - Elementary Nikaya I, translations of HT. Pearl 1982), Beijing General Duty (School Nikaya III) and Beijing University Duyen (Digha III) is the clear doctrinal desk Business Origination.
According Samyutta Dependent (Samyutta Nikaya II), Exalted Pi-she-examination (Vipassi), the next six Exalted Exalted Pi-she-examination in the past, Bhagavan Sakyamuni-contradiction-ni and Exalted beings are realized in future Supreme Bodhi from the doctrine of dependent origination.
Why enlightenment causal supreme enlightenment? - If you do not want to say "France atrium as market" (the French capital so), the simplest answer is the Origination say the essence of the law.Essence was born calculated or Anatta Coast properties. Central Business I, No. 28; Samyutta III, p. 144 and Sub-Department I, p. 48 copy Exalted said: "Anyone who has seen that France is causal. Who saw that France is the Buddha (I)". Seeing Buddhahood is supreme enlightenment.
If going to analyze the doctrine, the doctrine of Dependent Origination selflessness we highlight features of the law. Selflessness is the most unique teachings of Buddhism, the most unique in the history of religion and ideals of humanity, as the basis for the doctrine primarily North and South visceral organs.
Between the sixty-two Indian doctrine of self and ego basis, between the human ego and ego-attachment base, were sunk in samsara is suffering, the student voice SELFLESSNESS Coast is the voice of enlightenment , relieving suffering.
Causal happening? Exalted definition: "Due to ignorance, have committed birth; by operating, have knowledge of birth; by knowledge, have birth mentality; because matter, can enter the birth record; by continental integration, has exposed students; by touch, there student life; by life, with a preference born; by kindness, with players born; so obvious, there is biotic, so organic, there are students born; by birth, old age and death there, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and brain birth, or Suffering aggregates all students. This is called Dependent Origination (or Duyen birth). "(Samyutta Nikaya II, pp. 1-2).
"Due to the cessation of craving, ignorance completely, killing act, by acts should kill kill mode, etc ... old age and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, destroy the brain. So the entire width aggregates segment Removal. this, monks, such is annihilated "(Ibid. p. 1-2).
Twelve predestined when it arises mean starting the entire width aggregates. Twelve killed when the causal or karmic Twelve called the cessation of suffering means aggregates entire annihilation. All that is called Dependent Origination, is the truth about the presence of the French, was Bhagavan confirmed: "France does Dependent Origination, although there Tathagata appears or not appearing, was residing as gender identity, decision was legal nature, that nature dependence. Tathagata fully realized, attained his theorem. Once fully realized, attained, I proclaim, declare theory, developed, open market, differentiate , intelligent displays, smart marketing ". He says: "Dependent ignorance, the monks, with the operator, etc ... Thus, the monks, here are the character, no falsehoods nature, no horror like emptiness, emptiness dependence him. this, monks, is called Dependent Origination. " (Ibid., Tr.31).
About four nouns talking about above is causal, some explanations are set as follows: this student residence Dependent as such, does not have a birth, aging, death, etc ... do not have dependent arising (Paccaya). Should have the legal conditioned arise, survive, so it was called the French Resident nature (Dhammatthitata). The coast dwell ordered or legal entities, so-called decisive nature. The charm of the old birth etc .... is the special charm dependence called nature.How is the legal conditionality (or causally birth)?
- "Called interdependent legal measures are being manipulated into, compounded, variable necrosis, disintegration, annihilation, impermanent". (Ibid, p. 31).
In Buddhist Self Theory (Elementary Department I, p. 291), the principle of Dependent Origination is Exalted summary:
Due to this the presence of the other should be present.
Due to this absence of the other should not be present.
Do this so that arises birth.
Therefore this should kill the other one away.
In the Great Coast (Digha III), the Venerable Ananda praised abstruse doctrine of dependent origination, the Exalted has more emphasis: "Hey Ananda, because no enlightenment, no intense teachings Origination this current being disturbed as a cocoon, like a spool confusion, like grass and reeds babaja munja, can not yet out of the land of suffering, evil beasts, deprivation, in life and death ". (P. 56).
To understand more Origination, we need to go into the detailed meaning of each part of the Twelve of conditions, and go into some of the problems posed for Origination.
- Lao-tzu (Jaramarana): "What are beings of the old, weak, weakness, tooth loss, gray hair, wrinkles, big life, the base is called ripe old. Something of the species beings are abandoned, ruined, annihilate, the aggregates ruins, body disposal, death is called death. " (Ibid, p. 3).
- Birth (Jati): "What of the beings were born, emerged, birth, birth, appearance of aggregates, achievements of origin, called the birth" (Samyutta II, p. 3).
- Becoming (Bhava): "Education Organic, Organic and formless identity property, called property".(Samyutta II, p. 3).
- Prime (upadana): "There are four obvious: sexual competition, is prime, prime precepts and self defense argument. (Ibid, p. 3).
- Craving (Craving): "Lust loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional love, charity law - or: sexual love, compassion and formless identity love". (Ibid, p. 3).
- Feeling (Vedanta): "There are six life: student life touched by labels, because ... life, and life touched by the students". (Ibid, p. 3).
- Promotion (Phassa): "There are six contact: manual exposure, ear contact, reducing exposure, loss of contact, body contact and the contact". (Ibid, p. 3).
- Six Origin (Chabbithana): "Consists of six internal origin (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind based) and six foreign origin (color, sound, smell, taste, touch and legal)." (Ibid, p. 4).
- Mentality (nama-rupa): "The list includes contact, volition, feeling, perception and private (where present list includes feeling, perception, volition and consciousness). Lust is the four elements and the four elements of legal due Hall". (Ibid, p. 4).
- Viññāṇa (): "Brand consciousness, ear consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness and consciousness". (Ibid, p. 4).
- Administrative (sankhāra): "Including mental, oral and mind."
- Ignorance (Ignorance): "Do not understand the Emperor Quartet called ignorance (Samyutta II, p. 4). It can be stated another way that does not understand Origination, No-self is ignorance".
When Bhagavan teaching on Dependent Origination, Moliya Phagguna Venerable asked, "Buddha, who emotion? Who is Life? Who craving? Who clinging?" (Samyutta II, pp. 15-16).Exalted says: 'Tathagata teaches only contact, feeling, craving, the ...., not teach someone contact, feeling, ...., so the question is not consistent with the causal. Sentence appropriate questions is causal is: what conditioned by contact students, student life? etc ... "(Samyutta II, p. 16).
Kassapa naked pagan (Samyutta II, p. 22) and pagan wanderer Timbakura (Samyutta II, p. 26) questions the Exalted said: "There must be suffering made by them, or by others make out? Or do they and others made? Or suffering from birth naturally? " Bhagavan has taught the Middle Way means: "Suffering from birth Coast (suffering due to contact students)."
Similarly, for the eleven remaining expenditures are predestined conditioned born. Every birth is conditioned by what is compounded, impermanent, cessation, transformer damage, not really.
One day, Bhagavan explains the venerable Kaccayana (Samyutta II, p. 20) that, who does not cling, he does not think this is my self, and when students are considered students of suffering, when suffering Removal is considered destroyed, but I do not see there is suffering, or I end suffering.
From twelve elements of Origination predestined as just shown, we can come to some conclusions:
1. All conditioned things are so interdependent. The presence of a legal fact the presence of the multiplication coast spawned it; cessation of a legal entity is only cessation multiplication coast spawned it. The bogus legal birth or destroy truth.
Continue to argue like that with all the grace, do not stop somewhere, because I'll not have a shadow self that appear in both the legal world this Origination. To put it briefly, all students should conditioned self.
Origination selflessness to tell the truth and to deny self, to deny all questions and all the answers about the nature of law, the first cause of the universe.
2. Each spent part of twelve elements predestined is the presence of the other eleven expenditure. The destruction of an entire spending part also means the destruction of the 12 factors of conditions. Ignorance, practice, knowledge, etc .. can not be there yourself, so when the craving or manually kill kill kill or form .... it must completely destroy ignorance.
3. When charity, craft, or ignorance exists or collective departure, the entire mass of ill practice start. This launch is the path of life and death episode, called heresy.
When craving, attachment, or ignorance eradicated, the entire mass of ill cessation. This path is the path cessation.
4. Origination, in reality, is the same identical phenomena. One thing that is present all the same identical multiplication coast that are present, all available legal world. In other words, there can be no general public down there except Origination legal world.
A collective approach is starting initiate collective legal world. This is the meaning of "One is all, all is one." One here, is all, was the legal world.
All is one and it is the legal world. One is all meant was born and Anatta Coast.
Because of dependent arising, selflessness, which is not born, not destroyed, it should not mean permanent or impermanent, yes or no, past or future, etc .... it escapism every minister status.
5. The so-called Idealism, materialism, Duy knowledge, spiritualism, etc .. no different meaning at all, if they are seen as conditioned by birth, is selfless.
With Origination, therefore, all doctrines are not appropriate if they are built on the basis of selfhood; all will fit if they are built on the basis of selflessness calculated.
Metaphysical issues (metaphysic) discusses the origin, of the existing order are considered Coliseum teachings comment for Origination.
6. Subjects heard the teacher who is causal. This object caught in ignorance, love, defense, so for the sake of liberation, Exalted Origination presented under twelve elements form an affinity.
Sub-continental part in (6 apartments and 6 ceilings) speaks explicitly object to the human hearing (the continental species enter animalzxy not enough; some species of heaven, too, has lost form and where billions inactive form should no action in relation to the ceiling and a ceiling flavor).
With the presence of craving or clinging, the causal factors of the Origination be seen is compounded (impermanence, cessation); with those on the world that one kill, kill, the legal defense is non-suffering, is the middle way, is unconditioned, as the Exalted determine the views of the Exalted: "When I'm calm, I feel that pure sex ". The opening verse of Nagarjuna Madhyamika says also this sense:
"Any sentient immortal herons,
egrets Extraordinary estate segment,
the most Real estate horror herons,
egrets Real estate past hybrids,
Energy Marketing causal theory,
arguments Compassion Coliseum kill gods". - (Chapter I, the thesis).
Here shows reality as Origination, Anatta. This is bogus, as law, is the true nature, no falsehoods nature, as advocated through the teachings of the Flower Adornment "France Origination same identical world." There is no high-low between Origination Bhagavan realization is presented under twelve elements predestined (Samyutta Nikaya II) and the Hoa Nghiem Origination both.
Talk about reality as true, the Exalted says: 'Monks, with this land, where no land, no water, no fire, no wind, no infinitude of Nowhere, no origin boundless, no Supreme owns the land, no African ideal non-perception; without this life, no afterlife, there is both the moon, the sun. Therefore, this, monks, I said there was no coming, no going, no accommodation, no killing, no birth, no dwell, no transport, no basis coast, this is the cessation of suffering. " And: "Hey, monks, there is not born, does not exist, not be made, not compounded. This, monks, without the non-delivery, non-existent, not to do, not compounded , the presentation herein may not excluded from the occurrence of birth, from existence, from being made, from compounded. for that, the monks, with the non-delivery, non-existent, as not being compounded should be the renunciation from birth to present, from existence, from being made, from compounded. " (State of the Ministry of Economics I, Economics Buddhist Self Theory, p. 382).
Events Bhagavan says that enlightenment is also invisible because this life. A pure morning, Venerable Tu-Bodhi (Subhuti) has cleverly realized the opening presentation of Bhagavan Vajra center through robes, maintenance bowl, on the alms Xa-defense, etc .... (Diamond Sutra, the preamble) and gave praises Exalted: "Compassion households anniversary, wished good deal lettered Bodhisattva".
Dhammapada verse 279 says: "All the measures are non-self '(Sabbe dhammā anattà). That means both conditioned and unconditioned self, or was also compounded on the unconditioned self, or at the foot of Dependent Origination means. It is significant that the Diamond Sutra says, "Circuit set up the legal period Buddhism"; Hoa Nghiem said: "Circuit set non-Buddhism Dharma wealth" and the North organ of thought often mentioned: "Negativity & Bodhi", or "instant Nirvana Samsara", or "Set Tinh folk dirty".
Here, we can stabilize the causal conclusion that the most fundamental teachings of Buddhism.Although Origination is seen as sectarian views, whether presented under the general formula "When this is, that comes to be ...." or under twelve elements of conditions, it is still carrying full reviews The most profound meaning. Given that causal teachings of Theravada Pratyekabuddha admit or accept only a disaster or an unfortunate misunderstanding.
7. Unable to see Origination, Anatta as Exalted doctrines media confront ego theory, the human suffering. Indeed, suffering is caused by ignorance, not understanding the interdependence, the selflessness of law. And the meaning of suffering birth enlightenment Coast, No-self was.
8. Tables to Dependent students, Japanese scholars Kimura taiken in "Mahayana Buddhism Thought Luan" (translation of TT. Thich Quang Do, a Van Hanh Tu, 1969) said:
"The problem of birth but can Duyen expressed in many ways, but its location has not originated outside the center, if he leaves out the Dependent Birth Center will unfounded. Therefore, to say the mind is ultimately the source Duyen's original outlook. Therefore, the so-called legal, is Duyen born not out of what eventually turned out my Mind minister. that is the sole basis of Buddhism, Theravada and Mahayana. it s Tam took the motto has become a decisive cultivate in Buddhism. Therefore, when it comes to Origination, of course we have to mention the center, because between the two points that have a very close relationship and if we want to understand the basic intent of Buddhism, we can not forget that critical juncture. " (P. 28).
The study of Buddhist thought through sectarian taiken Kimura is a valuable work, but through it the speech of the author's birth Coast, we feel now there is something unstable in there, heard little Dependent students seem to lack.
Mind is the original author of Dependent view birth, when in fact the student center due Coast, the Coast born. Even from the source, in itself it was not consistent with Dependent students.Interest in Buddhism (or that's life, perception, and consciousness) are impermanent, turn away, it was really more non-material (the aggregate of form), the center is also Dependent students, Anatta.
Tu, subdued mind, is going to liberation and knowledge of liberation: here, the intangible non-interest, it is the Ultimate, No-self.
9. The biggest questions about the doctrine of Dependent Students, Anatta from Buddhist school remains: is difficult to conceive an entirely SELFLESSNESS legal world. How that may exist, if the No-self? Who is life and death, reincarnation? Who initiates? Who witness? ..... As main questions Moliya Phagguna, Kassapa and Timbura (as mentioned), as anxieties of Kimura taiken (must be original, Origination Center's new stand) and as the venerable Ananda, the Mausoleum, was shocked to hear about is Exalted Anatta teaches feet.
The root of the questions that are habitual craving, clinging so many lives of beings of self propelled into samsara.
According to Buddhism, the root of samsara is ignorance. Ignorance is mistaken for reality which has no "self" into the "self". Samsara is the mistaken with the "ego" thing. Really, there is no "self" in life and death, reincarnation.
Tu is the route out of life and death, reincarnation; means going out of the bondage of the approved foggy with self, the ego is rid of him. And unless the ego is cut through all delusion.
Certificate, or enlightenment, is completely rid of ego clinging Minister, accept no self, to attain the reality without the self.
So, the question: Who initiates? Who witness? etc ... is full of wandering questions, as opposed to causal as Bhagavan taught.
10. Reality No-self is not empty. Only down general world is empty. Not because the world fell generals exist, but actually because of Anatta, new worlds arise and exist. We try to observe some of the following symptoms:
- Because carbon (C) and iron (Fe) is very self-hence the iron and steel compounds. Since hydrogen and oxygen, etc .. are very self-hence the sum of the country, the new chemical reactions.
- Because nowhere is Anatta newly calculated so dark, just light, sunshine, rain, four seasons of operation. If no damage, only selfhood or dark, or light, etc ....
- If people have calculated it will fall or stupid, or information, or health, or illness, which can not be converted into common from ignorance, from disease to countless diseases, from sad to happy, from despair over hope, from hate to love ....
- Since the social phenomenon that should count Anatta can renovate and revive.
- Because things and awareness is so new SELFLESSNESS creative properties, origin of culture and civilization.
- Because No-self, you have these phenomena through sufficient spirit: Friendly thousand giant gods reside at the top of each needle without problems.
- So should the legal SELFLESSNESS several photographic content, the new and the reason is very afraid, etc ....
In short, because SELFLESSNESS calculated that the properties be established.
11. As evident SELFLESSNESS the legal nature of the craving and clinging to fading in destruction, suffering will consume away, and freed to. Then reality returned Duyen birth itself. It is like, forever like that. Lotus Sutra called it "The time resident minister". It is not causal or interdependent. Causation and conditionality itself. This is the character "No" Bat-elegant, nature "As marketing" of the Lotus, and the character "Dieu ownership" of the Hua-yen, Nirvana.
12. Although Origination be understood by any sect of any opinion, Nirvana (liberation or full sterilization) is synonymous with charity kill, knowledge or ignorance kill kill. This is the final result liberated, called A-dealers and multi-la-Tam-tam-Miao-Bodhi (Anuttnara Sammasambodhi).Perhaps this is why Bhagavan Origination presented under twelve elements form an affinity. And it is significant that this book editors chose twelve of conditions are stable forms of Origination for surveying, to avoid possible confusion, when the policy went into some other Origination together through the development of Buddhist era.
Now we try to learn Origination expression through some classic North typical organ.

I. Duy Thuc and Origination
In "The Old Bat Soul" by French composer Xuanzang, the interpretation of the word "consciousness-only" Sorcerer wrote: "Duy Thuc means only mode, no other than consciousness that things have to be. Because all things are by the grace of consciousness to new things so called Duy origination mode, so all things are by the grace of the Soul to the new minister, has called Duy informal title should turn out. Back consciousness is the legal nature of sex, gender approach origination all things is also the interdependence consciousness all things.
Such review shall know by taking a mind-centered dominant in the legal world of things so-called III. Conversely, if you take a speck of dust or a mountain dominates the center of things in gender, the law may also be referred to as particles or Duy Duy mountains .... "(1)
Consciousness here clearly is one of twelve elements of Origination predestined. It is legal Origination, Duyen birth or Anatta legal measures.
All seventeen of thirty litigation proceedings Duy official post shaman Vasubandhu wrote:
"Thi Thuc movement lettered
Discrimination distinguish facility,
Do try, very tough period
Duy's most Freeze mode".
The formula was changed
The distinguished and differentiated basis (subject and object)
Because the two things that are not (non-self)
Should all of them be III.
Duy said all that is said all is informal Duyen was born Anatta.
Verse 25 says: "Circuit set legal indefinite nature". Verse 28 says leaving the prime minister's approval (approval subject and object) new residence truth III.
Disadvantages of countless charming establishment
of permanent Virgin III.
Capital position acquired wealth
Ly II prime minister tried.
Without the grace to
stay at Duy Then wake.
Hotel not possess
such Leaving approved two generals.
(Observe the subject and object)
Here, we have a clear conclusion: Stay awake Duyen true nature is nature or Impersonality birth.

II. Lankavatara and Origination
Essential teachings of the Lankavatara was contained in six of the opening verse of this.
Lesson 1:
Birth and death of the world cup
as nowhere Due flowers.
Intellectual Property sudden wealth
manic great compassionate Pediatrics.
Birth and death of the world left
flowers spotted Like the middle of nowhere.
No prime property location, no
compassion Which manic start.
Lesson 2:
Circuit set as illusory measures
ly U Far consciousness.
Intellectual Property sudden wealth
manic great compassionate Pediatrics.
All the measures as illusory virtual
Away from the mind.
No prime property location, no
compassion Which manic start.
Lesson 3:
U sections renunciation often
dreamlike world is constant.
Intellectual Property sudden wealth
manic great compassionate Pediatrics.
Leave passage and often
dreamlike world is often
not attained organic Tri, countless
compassion Which manic start.
Lesson 4:
Tri kindness, selfless approach
Defilement atrial access points (base located northeast)
Often formless pure
manic great compassionate Children
Knowing people, measures are self
Defilement tri obstacles along the base
generally pure Still, formless
Which inspired compassion.
Lesson 5:
Circuit set no Nirvana,
Nirvana Organic Supreme Buddha,
Buddhist Nirvana Unknown property.
Far elongation, sensory basis
downside useful, very useful disadvantages.
II all the glass market.
All all no Nirvana
Buddha Nirvana No
No Nirvana of Buddha
Away from the visual, sensory basis (subject, object)
Although useful, very useful although
not even remotely does two things.
Lesson 6:
"Conflict-bar ni the first President
born renunciation Thi Cam
Thi list of any player
Kim's, net posterity".
Conflict-ni shop first President
Makes renunciation arise.
He called any player bar (not holding approved)
This Life, after all pure life.
Such method is actually very nature, the unborn, impermanence, no segment, non-organic, non-wealth, decentralization, non-official, to leave everything falls minister. This is the nature of Evolution, No-self.
In Chapter Ants Making Nirvana (Lang-old), the Exalted says, "I say kill delusion is Nirvana formula". Delusions formula was discriminatory thoughts by serving as prime minister, promising students and craving. The path is the path of liberation clearly informal cessation or cessation of craving, the capital of twelve elements conditions.

III. Bat Nha and Origination
Researchers generally believe that Buddhism is the main reason Bat-elegant of Mahayana, is the foundation of the North organ trading. It is "organic Vacuum Magic" which is not only a "vacuum" as some reviews distinction.
Bat-elegant Heart Sutra says, "Seeing the five aggregates are not (Anatta), the yoke of instant escape from misery" (Projector five aggregates is not suffering most of the yoke). Five Aggregates are human and legal world. Selfless find the legal world may depart from any grasping an end to suffering. This is the content of the Bat-elegant Heart Sutra, as well as the content of the Diamond Sutra and Bat-elegant organ.
Diamond Bat-tastefully decorated just left the generals would all fall. Clinging to self is the root of delusion Minister discrimination, of ignorance; the minister must leave the ego should be eradicated ignorance. This meaning is identical to what is presented in Origination.
The way to enter the emptiness (Kim Cang Bat-elegant character or nature, or not generals, too) is to observe the fragility is compounded, impermanent, so that heart dispassion, freeing students. In this liberation, a liberation arises wisdom, knowing he liberation, called "liberating knowledge". This is the Bat-elegant intellectual content which is just loving kill, kill or ignorance prime Removal of Dependent Origination.

IV. Hoa Nghiem and Origination
As mentioned at the beginning of this Origination, France's interdependent world the same identical strictly States is just Origination presented through twelve conditions.
About building the "Great long the organ Adornment" (Vairochana Vyuha Alankara-garbha) that Lord Maitreya manifested in the Flower Adornment Sutra, Venerable Thien Tai said: "- this is long the abode of those who have meaning not, the formless and pray (Unknown education), of those who understand that all these measures are non-discrimination, that the legal world is priceless capital difference, that being impossible favorable capital world, that all the measures which are sterile. This is home, where usually like to stay for those who know that all the measures are not nature, who irrespective of any legal under any minister ... "( 2).
And he speaks clearly on what Origination said. "Great long the" is this legal world so Origination.

V. Us and Origination
Truth Us, or Buddhist knowledge, the content is presented in 28 product seizures. Tiantai divide that into two parts content: Sri keeper, section 14, the first, is the way the Lord Buddha taught expressed on this life; The goal of 14 product and then, only the root of the expression. However, we can find of the French crystal States right from the title.
Opening, Sutra Bhagavan presented in "the land of boundless sense of" and output "Countless means origin of" new theory says Lotus. Immeasurable significance that it escapism, escapist notion. Escapist idea is to leave all the facts. In other words, the true form of the law is selfless minister. This is what has been said from Origination.
In theory the three conditions to promote the Lotus ( "enter Tathagata Furniture, before Tathagata care, and coordinates Tathagata court") of a Sorcerer, France United defined dwell on the spot, "Necessary measures are not" as "Sitting As a hybrid court. " Not that the Infinite nature, or Infinite selfhood; it is the viability of the legal Coast. This same sense, means the copy:
"Buddhas Tuc Luong religious
nature Countless Tri Dharma
Buddhist spare strains Origination
most Thi urged ministers ...."
Buddhas, you Tri, Almond (Bi)
Know Countless legal nature always remains
conditioned kick from starting due
So sure is Most admit.
Supreme enlightenment of enlightened beings is Exalted Supreme discriminative nature of the French, and true enlightenment that "kick" that arises also from the coast.

FOR. Park, Nirvana, etc .. and Origination
Real meaning of the French only a theory so doing can not have two. Actually means that students or Anatta Coast.
The only difference is in the experience describe the real meaning and expression that means in life. The so-called "Great Vehicle" is just an expression of Buddhism more widely without further what is known as "Theravada".
Let yourself go into real economic significance of the North organ we will see clearly.
* *
This level has another problem arises: Origination and Mahayana scriptures were all presented dharma is no self, what conditioned the concept of Self is present? Clinging presence?
The correct answer to is causal has obvious affinity conditioned, conditioned by feeling is craving, conditioned by contact with life ....
Temporarily we can see craving and attachment derives from thinking. Of course, if you continue to learn the thinking (or practice and knowledge) to take root is ignorance etc. .. Let's explore the thinking, is the dominant element of thought, emotions and our actions.
Three basic principles of thinking, speculation that Aristotle, the great Greek philosophers had set out, even if we have to accept or deny them, our thoughts can not escape them. The three principles are: (3).
- The principle of uniformity: A thing called A must always be A. The symbol of this principle is: A = A.
- The principle of non-contradiction: A character can only be called A, or B, but not when the A, while the B.
- The principle of radical triangle: An object called or A, or B, but not both A and B.
Three principles that sure, an always present A is A, while the reality is smooth (impermanence) other means A, A (or A denial A). This suggests another clear reflection, with reality as real, if not is nothing to do to reality as reality. The main reflection assigned a selfhood (nature) for reality Anatta capital. In other words, the world is the world of selfhood reflection, while world No-self is reality itself. Thus the "Noble Eightfold Path" (or Noble Truth) was led by the two factors of right understanding and right thought (see right mindset and the right to accrue Coast, No-self nature of the law). This is the way remove the wrong application, the wandering thoughts, or thoughts filled her selfhood.
* *
The different interpretations of twelve elements karmic
Buddhist researchers often have different ways to interpret the past 12 spent part of conditions.Why?
- Because the properties are calculated Dependent students of all existence, should the conditionality that may manifest through three lines of time (past, present, future), the current through a single line, or by only one moments, or through any existing one, such as through the five aggregates. This is the reason of the different way that the meaning of the twelve causes and conditions, depending on the angle of view of the survey.
- Yes researchers grafted the two factors of ignorance and practice of past life, eight sequels of modern life, the two spent the last part of the future life. For the present, and act as human ignorance, eight current section is effective, for the future, the current of eight people, two factors of the future results.
That is the view expressed Origination through three generations.
- Yes researchers explained that: Because of ignorance and act as professional artifacts created in the past that now go reincarnated form (in pregnant mothers). The next stage is the stage of conception and matter form (without form and matter, the decision can not be formed. Even when formed, if informal kill, then also destroy mentality). Fetal stage full of apartments called the continental stage in. NOM breastfeeding period is the period of exposure. Stage of children 3 to 5 years of age is the stage of life (children know the feeling, requires). Five stages over (from informal to life) is the expression of the past now, children have not volition good and evil, to make up the current industry. From age 6 onwards, children experience happiness, sadness, pain, happiness, good, hate, etc .. loving the formative stages, players, ownership. Young loving deeds stage, this property to lead to a new life in the future (birth and old age and death).
- There are also researchers looked at 12 right karmic expression in action and experience the present. Due to ignorance, mistaken for a legal SELFLESSNESS no self minister; the distinction has led to the fall general practice (actions of body, speech and mind); by, consciousness is nourished. Due to be available, and matter is formed; by the present mentality, enter the continental presence; due to enter the contact record of birth; because of contact, pain sensations, peanuts .... born. Because sensations, popular, hate, birth; craving by objects capable attention, object grasping birth; by grasping objects; present (organic) produce. The presence of objects called birth; change and disappearance of objects called old age and death.Do craving want to hold the objects available when we went to the middle of annihilation that sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and brain birth ....
- There are also researchers looked at 12 of conditions were present in every being, in every present moment.
The legal measures such as gender, large or as small as a speck of dust, there are twelve elements are conditions present in each moment. Not twelve elements that arise sequentially in the order any time or space. This perspective is very lively and very skillful.
After the different interpretations of twelve elements of conditions, we go to learn the various undertakings of Origination, as karma feel Origination, Four Origination, Lu Dai Origination, Truth as Origination , A-to-skin (Alaya) Origination Origination world and France.
I. Origination Industry Comments
Beings in samsara, shall be governed by the law of causality. The main factor deciding the process of cause and effect is felt karma.
Twelve elements should draw causal biochemical circle (Which is not a straight line biochemical), in the sense that, no biochemical starting point that the biochemical continuous, constant suffering of samsara. According to this, the act of charity, the existence of past lives and make up the so-called ignorance and practice leading to the present life and the life of the current dominant. The act of kindness, the capital, is useful in the present make up the so-called ignorance and operating result in future life.
When the body dies is dead, and the capacity of industrial psychology still exists, continue to spin stories. Capability feel called karma.
Particularly now includes industrial and business community: now make individual Ranger; plus they now make up the world, the universe. Plus the special and present (to be added in the Enterprise Survey, Causation and Reincarnation).
II. Luc Dai Dai Quartet and Origination
Big four are the four elements: earth, water, wind and fire; combining elements of human and physical universe. Combining elements say enough is six: earth, water, wind, fire, space and consciousness.
Regarding the formation of beings, especially humans, Buddhism (including most of the sectarian) said that predestined by birth, and always include two full physical and psychological components.
Sub-section title in twelve karmic identity is composed of two parts and physical factors that sentiment. Khandhas theory too. Thus, the term refers only Four Luc summary of modern, completely different from the policy of pagan materialist (one of sixty-two heresies of contemporary India).
About Lu Dai Origination, with the business refer to as economic "Six Gender Discrimination" (M.140), organ of the Chinese equivalent is "Distinguishing Luc About Business" (Middle A-levels 42). Luc modern theory of causal of Shingon, actually stem from an analysis of six people this world (such as comments taiken Kimura, in "Theravada Buddhist Thought Argument").
There are four elements Origination principal analyst from Beijing "Dai-the-hi-la" (China A-levels 7) and elsewhere in the Nikaya. This is the case presents a summary of the great Continent.
III. A-Re-Skin Origination
This is the doctrine of Dependent Origination Consciousness-Only school French minister established the early tone in this school.
A-to-skin also known as Hidden or do informal informal (or Best can attest). This is the area that contains treasures of the mind, attention, knowledge area contains the seed (seed) to expression (current) into the world, people and human activities; after expression, back into the seed orders.Each life is the result of a group of current seeds, with the combination of the new seed. The current seed and constantly draw a circle of life and death. This result is called the A-to-skin Origination.

A-to-skin theory Origination further this theory point Origination Industrial sense it explains the root causes of karma.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/11/2016.

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