Buddhism and Ashoka.
GENERAL VIEW contemporary Ashoka
Not long ago I read a book by an eminent Buddhist scholar and I pay attention to the following statement:
"The concept formed Sasana or Buddhism in a particular country or in a certain place, for the first time by the Ashoka pregnancy should. He was the first king to accept Buddhism as a state religion, and the beginning of a great spiritual conquest called Dhamma-Vinaya ... as a conquered and ruled that governments often set up in countries conquered by him in politics, as well so Ashoka probably was thinking of establishing so-called sàsana in the countries he conquered ".
In a few other works have also encountered the same argument as such: "Ashoka is the first Buddhist king", "Ashoka is associated with Buddhist mass, and with the conduct zealously religious activities such as worship of pilgrims and Xa-interests over issues he interested in building the stupa and temple ", then" Ashoka is a political figure and greatest spiritual ancient India ".
Such comments are styled like Ashoka which has been described in the writings of Theravada Buddhism.I've also spent a very long period of his life to the study of inscriptions of Ashoka, but from the inscriptions that when I can not find a human portrait completely identical match what we wrote about him at all.Therefore, today I want to study the role that evidence Ashoka has played in the history of Buddhism, and I would like to share what we know about him through Buddhist texts with resources believe that we can derive from his inscriptions.
Pali chronicles FOOD SERVICES
Surely everyone knows everyone about Ashoka through kings source of information about this in the Pali Chronicles, is especially in the Mahavamsa, although a lot of the same stories are told with detail clearer in the Sanskrit sources and China.
In the Mahavamsa records that after his father, Bindusara, glaciers, the Ashoka has killed 99 of the 100 his brother, only to himself Tissa left alone and he obviously became man unique realm ruled Yan-line-threads (Jambudvipa). Then after listening to monks and nuns-the-art cell (Nigrodha) preach, he imbued the Three and Five Precepts rules ... and become a Pros-she-rules (Upasaka). We also know that Ashoka was firmly upholding Buddhist, prevent any expansionist religion at all. He has stopped giving daily food for 60,000 Brahmin status previously his father had to give, and instead donated food for 60,000 monks. He also ordered the construction of 84,000 Vihara (vihara) in the town of 84,000, of which the most famous Vihara Vihara is because he himself established at Pataliputra - Asokarama monasteries; and he also built the pagoda (stupa) where the Buddha visited. Thought wants to become the successor to France was enough to convince? C he allowed his son Mahinda and daughter joined the sangha Sanghamitta 6th year in office when he, and the later was sent to Sri Lanka Mahinda ( Sri Lanka) as a missionary. At the time of division of Buddhism in the main sangha he personally listen to the monks opine their views and can decide who is orthodox sect and who is pagan. After the schism was resolved, the aggregation (Sangiti) third edition was held under his auspices.
The Mahavamsa says that because of his evil deeds so at first people called him Candasoka (Ashoka violent), but this star thanks to his honest work, which he called Dhammasoka (A- Great religious education). Of course, the change in name would also like to emphasize the difference between an Ashoka did not know anything about Buddhism and Ashoka as a Buddhist so.
We have added some information about Ashoka when reading his pillar.
Rate example, his story back to Buddhism is recorded in the Chronicles seems to have something a little different from his message inscribed on stone pillars. The first historic Ashoka to Buddhism mind is told in pictures carved in stone Directed example (Minor Rock Edict) first. But on the contrary, I like just emphasized above, according to Pali sources, the Ashoka had in mind in Buddhism, has built 84,000 monasteries, then allow the sons and sons his daughter joined the Sangha during his six years in office;however, we can consider the words of Ashoka that his recollection of the only true Buddhism happened just right after the war in Kalinga. Moreover in the 13th painting Directed example, he also stressed that he only happened when he was enthroned 8 years. The recollection can he thinks is right because he regretted, and not because he killed our brothers and sisters; This looks like the proposition was rejected evidence that he wrote to his brother in the 5th example Actually Directed reason he is because of his recollection has sent 150,000 into exile, that he killed 100,000 people and the death of so many people in the Kalinga.Ministry Chronicles result is not know anything about this bloody massacre. At a time when he enacted the example he is a lay Buddhist for more than two and a half years, including one year when he has not really into the great agreement - This means that after he had recovered heart of the former, he is still not a fervent Buddhists - and then more than a year after he was upon the city, support the Sangha with nhungh good results. He said: "I have had good progress". When he enacted the first instance, it is also true at the time of his 11th year in office he enacted the 3rd position in the 12th, then the first instance and Act 2, though not record date, must surely be enacted in the same year was in 11th or so.
However, as the story related in the first instance, the Act does not have any direct evidence to prove that the Buddhist Congregation which he participated. Despite the passage of the Act in an example (example in Maski Act) which he described as a Budhasake. Hultzsch translated word is "(I'm) Buddha-Sakya" (Buddha Shakyamuni). It looks like maybe the word Budh transplant was performed by a local writer to "reset" from upasake (Pros-she-rules) that Ashoka was drafted. It is worth noting that from its Budhasake or similar language does not appear in any other passage of the Act first instance. All of the other paragraphs have words Upasaka.
Religion must be the moment that such instance is known to have a sign mentioning the sect that Ashoka join to become an advantage-she-rules, but he also wants to get the situation clear to readers later on, should have grafted the word "Buddha" before word Upasaka, then carved up the pillar.
However, the affirmation of Ashoka became a Buddhist, he is recognized by to visit the Bodhi tree, which is described in 8th Act promulgated example when he was canonized 10 years. This must be one of the first results after he returned with interest in Buddhism, and this may also coincide with the visit Sangha whereby improved his religious life.
Indeed, we can be sure that for Ashoka, the Sangha means the Buddhist Sangha, because even in the 11th Directed example, when he summed up all his achievements, he claimed that he had set up even the "Great view" (Mahamatra) have virtue to look on the case of the Sangha, the Brahmin status, the status Ajivika (Ta pagan network), the United -na religious and other sects map then write the name, but Boost-giaday is Buddhist Sangha.
That there is no doubt that Ashoka was a Buddhist layman, but also no reason to believe that his mind associated with other religions, and we can see in the second example Act 6 that he respected all the sects in many different forms; and according to him, the best form is to visit them personally. As we can see, his practice is contrary to the spiritual moral, so if it comes to justice, he would be a Jain devotees so.
The Act provides plenty example information about how the Ashoka spread (dhamma) around. That is dhammathambhas "legal pillars", dhammalipi "calligraphy writing", dhammamgala "legal sacrifice", dhammadana "legal alms", dhammanuggaha "photographic initiation", dhammayatras "the legal journey", dhammasavana "heard legal ", dhammamahamatras" the legal courtiers ", dhammavijaya" conquer approach. "
The problem is to know whether the legal test of Ashoka the same as Buddha's legal or not. He demonstrated the difference between the practice and establish common, and interpretation about their legal status. One pillar is a thamdha. It became a pillar of the legal measures if Ashoka was engraved on it. Also had the great previous Ashoka time, but he was the first founder of the great law enforcement to spread around. Before his time, the king also had practical travel trips. Then established his own journey so that he could practice her during her visits to travel. It has been conducting all kinds of sacrifices in case of illness, at the wedding, to beg or pray safe before leaving etc ... However, the sacrifice was legal appropriate medication for people slaves and servants, masters revered guru, is the self-control to the application for live animals, generosity to those monks and Brahmin etc ...
France's Ashoka also clearly explained in many inscriptions, the rate in some form such as in the Act brief second instance as follows: "Be obedient to your parents; obey elders; there compassion for living things; tell the truth ". They say that all of this is consistent with the nature of the human neck (Porana pakati), an interpretation of the 3rd century AD was "back to the pristine". Elsewhere, in the 3rd Act example, may appear a slightly wider interpretation on this issue as follows "Obeying parents is good, generous with friends, acquaintances and relatives, with monks and Brahmin is good; be sober in the consumer, in the property as well. "
A series Directed example pillar on which we usually called Dao reserves (Pillar Edicts), to explain the legal Ashoka, with a narrative of himself that he has to follow how legal ; that is by planting many trees he had to create the shade on both sides to, then dig wells and creating places where water supply for people and animals. Directed example, a talk about the rule of law; 2 edict stressed that create offenses which include a little, do a lot of good, showing compassion, giving honest and pure spirituality. Ashoka has done many good deeds by not killing. 3 edict talk about good and evil and evil is proof that violence, cruelty, anger, pride and lust. 4 emphasizes edict demand equality and justice and the rehabilitation of prisoners. 5, the edict forbidding the killing of a number of organisms that can specify the name. Edict 6 stressed that the main purpose is to bring happiness to all. All denominations are respected, particularly those denominations he personally visited. 7 edict as a loss of the things that Ashoka did. He explains why the ancient kings sought enforcement. Ashoka own implementation of that decision by preaching and teaching, and he set up the legal pillars (dhammathambaha) and the legal age (dhammamahamatras) to put his decision into practice. The great view all measures associated with thyroid sect. France once again is defined as: obey their parents, obey teachers, respect for the elderly, to behave appropriately with the monks and Brahmin, the poor, slaves and full umbrella. France was increasingly growing thanks to the constitution of Ashoka, the rate does not like talking about the killing of animals, it is also because of the spiritual attitude ... because of personal conscience (nijhati).
Elsewhere in the Act as a large stone carvings for example, we know that one must obey and follow his method. Gift that he brought legal viewed as appropriate cure for the slaves, obey your parents, etc ..., generous with the monks and Brahmin, no killing. The main measures of merit that bring immeasurable.
Ashoka called the Religion His example is the legal texts (dhammalipi) and we can read it clearly shows in every legal writing what was contained. France then dedicated to ethical issues, which is also why we often translate dhammalipi is "ethical training example." Ashoka has given its popularity really broad approach, and then set up the great law enforcement to her supervisor, to build the pillars that legal processes to improve on, and dispatched the messenger (Duta ) to bring legal propaganda went all over India and even as far west Greece. In a certain extent, it can be said that the moral ideas is entirely consistent with the moral teachings of Buddhism, in addition there is something pure in thought Buddhism was both. For any emphasis on killing (ahimsa), the identical thought he Jain. Indeed, it has established a comparable equivalent in the list of names of killed organisms are not recorded on the 5th Directed example and a list of creatures in the Jain scriptures.
We see that, in the example in Bairat Act, under his own name is Priyadasi, Ashoka welcome Sangha and Sangha wished dragon mania. He said that his faith in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha is great to know how. It is clear that in this text, from the Dhamma (France) means frequently used as one of the three elements of the Three Jewels (Triratna), but the fact that Ashoka law refers to the Buddha's not the same.Therefore, the quote that I made at the beginning of this lecture about setting up the so-called Sanana in countries which he had conquered in spirit, apparently based on a misunderstanding of legal nature of Ashoka.
He also quotes a figure as misleading when referring to countries were Ashoka conquered in spirit, if his approach is to conquer approach (dhammavijaya). As far as I know, Ashoka expanded his empire by force, but then again think of the principle of equal moral victory, and then the same principle lineages descended from him.
In my opinion, the guiding principles of Ashoka is no killing (ahimsa), or properly speaking, it is the result of his remorse after the bloody carnage in Kalinga. His first edict issued almost entirely related to the prohibition of killing in real life, including the killing of animals for sacrifice and cannibalism.
In the 13th Executioner example he mentioned the story behind victory in Kalinga, the death and suffering to happen, how it was the guilty conscience him and he aspired ethical (dhamma-law) . But what makes Ashoka regret the people complied with his approach, which includes monks, Brahmin, it is they that suffer. At that time, what he wanted was a conquest by law, including the security of all species, the self-control, as calm and gentle. The envoys went around preaching this approach, including the western Greek kingdom. Conquest by morality (dhamma) published his hope that his descendants will not think it is military victory, by armed which often leads to massacres like in Kalinga. Such victory would bring patience (khantil) and mild punishment (lahudandata). Ashoka pray so that these people live in mountainous cylinder (like him) can repent (the ancient killing jobs?) And ended murdered (in the future).
And, I think certainly the messenger was sent to the Kingdom of Greece there is not assigned to the mission to spread Buddhism. Apparently they were sent out to to take to convince the rulers in neighboring countries that they should also give up any ambition to conquer by war, which should set up a kingdom of peace and security, on legal basis of Ashoka. In my opinion the Ashoka to strengthen the messengers delegation to Greece, this was a mistake. Of course we did not have any evidence of the Greek side said that there are many angel delegation to this country around 250 BC.
It is clear from what I have just said about the law of Ashoka that those who said that he made Buddhism the state religion, indeed too broad to identify. In his Dao example, Ashoka mentions very little or even say nothing about Buddhism all. He did not mention the basic teachings of Buddhism as (samsara), liberation (Mokkha), Nirvana (Nibbana), No-self (anatta), Path, or the Four Noble Truths. One director other private instance stressed that he targets the goal is for the welfare of all; and many other inscriptions also record the statement that his main purpose was wanted for his people to live in a world of happiness on earth, in heaven and in the other world. He boasted that he had mixed human gods. I give this is to want to say that he succeeded in bringing people to Heaven, but of course there at some point they are reborn as devas. For me, this is completely different from the endless reincarnation rebirth of Buddhism.
His failure is common Buddhist explained it much differently. Perhaps because of ignorance or not, although he has exhibited as a Buddhist layman, but he did have a little knowledge of the Buddhist teachings. Perhaps he also knows about Buddhism, but he often thought Buddhist sect favored a certain excessive, and thus it will destroy the impartiality that he aimed to express somewhere . He may also claim that Buddhism is not suitable for him enactment example, or frankly, are not suitable for his so-called father wanted to save his personal practice, which is legal purposes bring peace to his empire and could make his subjects to live in the spirit of equal harmony.
One slightly bizarre explanation that I had mentioned in passing that the notion that what Ashoka imparted in his director's example period in which Buddhism was his era . Hultzsch said: "France's Ashoka is agreed everywhere in the form of Buddhist morality that morality was preserved in ... Dhammapada. Here, we see that Buddhism is still infancy dress…". He also added that: "In a major key opinion that the inscriptions of Ashoka different from the Dhammapada is not reflected in the startup phase forming material and metaphysical theology Buddhism took place gain in doing this. he did not know anything about the teachings Nirvana, which presupposes that the Hindu faith that the rewards of practicing your technique is going to be happy in this life and blessings for the next life. " He Hultzsch raised a very interesting question about the nature of Buddhist metaphysics. Maybe that Nirvana's teachings upon the later stages of development of the Buddhist reasonable? I do not believe the problem is that so, and for that reason I think the reason he Hultzsch given the failure of Ashoka the mention Nirvana is not right.
In another aspect, the problem seems identical to what was found in Sri Lanka and Richard Gombrich described it. Richard reported that: "But most people do not want to Ceylon Nirvana ... they just said they just want the birth to Heaven alone". Well at least some people also understand the passing-arm. Ashoka is also never heard of things at all. Despite the claims of the other villagers may sound strange, but in fact it completely coincides with the statement that we can find at the bottom of Economics far enough (Alagaddupamasutta) of Beijing Central ( Majjhima nikāya) where chiseling declared that the monks do with legal lawful practice with devotion, will be enlightenment (sambdhi); even those who only have faith in the Buddha and His precious glass he will be born to Heaven. Thus the people of this village is very aware of Nirvana, but they like being up Heaven because they quyDuc Exalted glass. Ashoka is also not yet shown you respect for the Buddha at all. For him, born to Heaven by doing things such lanes stated in his approach. As he was questioned in the 9th Directed example that: "There is nothing more attractive is born to Heaven?"
The most powerful expression of his relationship with Buddhism in the Tao in Bairat example I gave before, and we should also note that the only point where he mentioned the Buddhist teachings Religion is in the Sangha example of this writing. In this instance, he said Dao everything preached by the Buddha are true, and he has introduced 6 names for Sangha texts. He said that the teachings of the Buddha Dhamma (Saddhamma), but perhaps it is also a work intentionally distinction of the Buddha with his measures. We also hope that Ashoka has preach to people interested in improving teaching. There is a problem that we still can not know for sure about the identity of some of the text, but because sometimes we also see that the commentaries comment, rate on the Business Class example (Sutta-nipata), there are many documents under different names. So maybe we should not be surprised when we could not identify all of which Ashoka has selected. The question is whether Ashoka capable clearly told him the names of those copies or not? This question refers to say that there are some scriptures have really existed in his time, but he was so sacred complex that today we are not able to resolve well. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/12/2016.
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