Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Chapter XII
[135] As there are Buddhist texts as follows:  When he saw the object. Heard a noise etc .. I tried to grab addresses, etc., the most common characteristics of the object, [2] Some people, particularly those belonging to sect Mahasanghikas undertakings according to the latest self-restraint and lack restraint is a positive action. Concerning these people Sakavadin raised the question, and opposing sects agree approval. 
Then to try to convince the opposite sect that: In our theory the intentional [3]  ( cetana ) (volition) have formed a positive action. and also stems from the will's actions, words and intellect to get called "physical actions, words and wisdom, so, if self-control is also an action, then (self-restraint) is also derived from a sensory organ, can be named sensory behavior, etc .. for this reason: "is curbing eye is moral behavior eyes not? "etc .. are set to question. this point does not see the Buddhist Sutra assures both, opposing sects rejected the four" subjects "(door) to control the senses." As well as related to tactile sensations. Ongoing as "subjects" Thursday is "body subjects" was once again mentioned. (Delegation of the opposition) agree agree involving intimate feelings groups. [4]  (opposite sex) accept both tactile sensations and "pleasant group" are included in the physical restraint. As for "the goal", opposite sects reject unacceptable because it is an organ that senses and accept the roadmap acts only. This method is also applicable in case of lack of restraint.
Buddhist has written: " When Chu monk took the eyes upon an object," etc ..  this is related to the presence or absence of restraint where the sensory organs, not in that karmic . That is why this issue has not been concluded.
Rate debate about self-restraint (understood as a positive act) ends here.
Because there are Buddhist texts say that -  you, O monks, I proclaim that there is no cancellation of conscious behavior ... without experiencing results from that place now. [5 ]  - some people, particularly those who belong to that sect advocated Mahasanghikas entire human behaviors are accompanied by the results (go out or retribution = vipāka). Here in Buddhist texts - " Chu O monk, I proclaim volition (cetana) is now [6]  (Kamma) - The Buddha spoke about intentionally (cetana) as an act of karma or karma (Kamma) is not accompanied by any other characteristic. on this issue to show only good volition and unwholesome volition new navigation and taken to the independent horror, results only, while trying reviews (cetana) in terms of ethics not only for loomed clear, simple without maturity, fruits (vipāka) Sakavadin raised the question "Was the whole are now mature fruit allergic or what?" [ 135] Delegation of the opposition agreed to approve.
Also, in the question: "Was the whole industry will lead the way, leading to allergic mature, fruit?" We should understand this as follows: "Gender opposition rejected involving intentional (volition) was vague in terms of moral perspective, and (opposite sex), review denied knowingly perspective (volition) charity and intentionally immoral only.
"Was it intentional neutral navigation and taken to the independent horror, now or what?" etc. Questions are raised to show the intention to have the same pattern has led the way, leading to the industry that is not now.
It was too obvious remaining.
And the Buddhist scriptures -  O Chu monk, I proclaim will not be able etc .. "(happening now)  involves industrial experience in this life or the life giving false things required; therefore this has not come to the conclusion finalized.
Score operational debate ends here.
Stems from the interpretation of Buddhist texts is not thorough, " Whoever, by act, accumulate, add, are abundant types of business that they are endowed with a voice of the gods Brahma. [7 ]  some people, namely those who follow Mahasanghikas sect advocated that also led to industrial sounds (vipāka), to demonstrate "mature fruit horror" is a word only to be applied in the current situation is transmitted spirituality through only now, but does not apply in the case of material behavior. [8]  Sakavadin questioning and opposing sects agree approval.
"Was it just karma refreshing feeling all?" etc .. also be extracted to prove. Speech sounds can also be a special attribute. A weak person just by doing a professional, could not have been self-restraint, as well as self-restraint not to produce a particular industry to where behavior. Therefore this can not come to the conclusion finalized.
Rate debate about noise and sound is simple maturity, karma ends here.
Some people, particularly those belonging to sect Mahasanghikas held that, because the six sensory organs emerged through past behavior, so they become independent horror effect. Concerning these people Sakavadin questioned. "Did the agency also provides simple visual maturity, or star fruit?" Rival sects agree approval.
The remaining section is similar to the method explained above.
"Is it six sensory organs are mature heterosexual or star fruit, and now both? - On this point we see that only the agencies of the spiritual aspects  [10]  (sometimes) become karma and independent horror, but only things left now perform the transmission, rather than the independent horror effect.
Rating agencies debate on six senses ends here.
Because He declared: " Any man would have to undergo up to seven times reborn." [11]  -  This is why some people, namely those of Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) said, who believes he is capable of undergoing regeneration and seven times shall be Arhat [12]  (which is the salvation) in late pregnancy reinvestment period Saturday.
To prove that did not exist a fixed order (niyama) so except with Sacred Path by which man has undergone limited reborn seven times, the guarantee has been fully liberated - raised Sakavadin opposite problem and denominations agree approval.
This is also true in the case "a mother who committed murder." etc .. There are two fixed levels: Career and Job unwholesome holiness. Career Paths holiness is Holy (commonly known as the Noble Eightfold Path) provides a sure guarantee for no penalty in hell. and it must reach the fruits. Industrial grade includes'm evil opposite sex will face the punishment right on the next realm of existence. (after life). Here a person beyond rebirth to seven times, it was predestined by the Holy religion of one Remember not to undergo the punishment of hell and attaining enlightenment. But only if steps are not followed unwholesome (Monday), that person can not afford to do things right leads to punishment in existence next (next rebirth after that) But since you advocate the people in this category have been fixed level. Therefore I ask you: "Is it by following steps that evil person to be liberated completely back?"
In the question "Are there people can not afford (to enter the base) where the next life after that?" Opposite sect denies is related to the current state of the next after that, and (opposite sex) agree agree concerning those who are not undergoing regeneration to seven times.
In the question: "Is there a fixed level for reasonable things?" Opposite sect rejected because (opposing sects) do not realize that fixed level by seven times the limit of human regeneration is forced to undergo a new reborn seven times to escape punishment.
"Are you with the application guidelines Right Concentration in it?" etc .. That is the question being raised to show the characteristics of the Noble Eightfold Path are included within the Bible. But because these are not found in those who have not yet reached the Profile Path, pastor because opponents can refute.
It was too obvious remaining here.
"Maybe the opposite sex so that a person has undergone regeneration limit seven times" is not the final result, because the Buddha said: " This man, after having spent some time rebirth, will disappear completely, "  he has explained the word" some "in his ability to meditate alone, and he did not assign any rank rebirth for such person [138]. A person experiencing reborn seven times the limit, or will reach a higher rank in  Profile religion (kolankola) or under the plane "the seeding".
Rate limit debate reborn seven times end here.
Some people, particularly those who follow Bubbaseliyas sect, said that when someone reaches the right view that can not eliminate hatred, and murder when he is due to carry grudges in my heart, because that those who achieve right thinking can still guilty of murder [14]  inside it. Concerning those who rank Sakavadin question: "Does the person have reached the right view." etc .. Gender opposite agree approval.
But the question starts with "intentional murder her there?" opposite sect rejected for fear of going against the Buddhist texts:  "That just is not appropriate to inability to happen. [15] "
" Is he disrespectful Blessed One?" etc .. referred the question to show that, a homage to the Blessed One, and others, can not be the rule violations. The main rival sect think that because of these evil acts, a person can not be called a lack of respect and so opposed sects reject it. (Delegation of the opposition) to accept such people can still show respect. Also, when asked: "Is it a lack of respect that person?" (Delegation of the opposition) approved consent concerning those who, while pursuing unwholesome things, because in a state of trouble, unconscious or unintentional can not tribute passing Buddhist pagodas. Also, when asked again: "Are not people just said?" and do things like that, (opposite sex) rejected, because such a person shall not intentionally perform immoral acts there.
The other thing was that obvious.
Rate murderer debate ends here.
Some people, particularly those who follow Mahayana (Uttarapathakas), were unable to distinguish the realm of pain and lust nature concerning the sense objects [139] who are working on the way back to the policy lust, promiscuity that, for those who achieve the right understanding will remove the suffering realms. Related to this category was Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
Does such a man fascinated by the sense objects where train formation? "Etc .. (questions) are mentioned to try to convince opinion seconded by opposition maintains that those who have been chief is still unable to remove the realm of misery.
The other thing was clear.
In the question: "Does he have to be born again where the hell reasonable?" removing miserable realm is removed from the desire to hell, and not the desire to hell lust.
This finding is therefore not definitively concluded.
Rate debate miserable realm ends here.
By the end of chapter XII also.
Chapter XIII
[140]  Some people, particularly those who belong to the sect Rajagirikas holding concept is the passage, "who cause disunity within the Sangha, must suffer in hell throughout life [18] , which means that people schismatic suffer so throughout life. [19]  In relation to these people Sakavadin ask: "is it a schism ...? etc .. and rival sects agree approval.
Interpretation question, "When one's Buddha descended," was said to have to prove that there is no schism people reappear a Buddha's absence.
"This process can start as Sangha disintegrated" and so on. spoken to prove shows if the person who lived a full life, who would have to be reborn and imprisoned in it, right from the beginning, after the foul behavior caused the penalty.
In the interpretation, "a cycle has passed" etc .. meaning similar to what was the explanation above.
As for the interpretation, "Are those who have lived a life full of people, desires to enjoy pleasure throughout what?" etc .. rival sects rejected involving human life has to be completed in the practice of virtue. But the opposite sect agree endorsed because according to their theory, such a person deemed to be a prime player kabbalah from birth.
"A person [suffer eternal punishment] has obtained the obvious desire kabbalah what?" vv.nguoi I mention this because the opposite sect that such a person must receive the applicant's birth there.
And the Buddhist scriptures. " The people that were tortured in hell. " was told to try to convince that if a person has been kabbalah so, surely he does not need to exercise the necessary steps for that magic back?But such training period lasts only about one-eighty-time only process, and on the spoken passages to refer to a human life [Normal] where [hell] only. That is why this issue has yet to conclude final.
Rate debate about eternal punishment ends here.
[141] Some people, namely those of Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) can not distinguish between low levels of good worldly realms full of desires, a person can gain, compared with the sublime goodness more, or more supernatural, if there is, people have the ability to repel threats punished [20]  for ever, they also indiscriminately advocated that such people can not have moral consciousness. In order to refute this notion by showing their discrimination policy is wrong, Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree.
What remained was too obvious.
Rate debate achievement of good ends here.
In the case of a man, when death is punished immediately by the (consequences of his immoral behavior), or inciting any felony doing is wrong (such as matricide, etc .. ) through one of two ways - who were incited to practice things such crimes, or otherwise assume wrong. Instigator first category was sure to receive punishment on the wrong path, because of wrong views [21]  by intentionally [22]  in the process want to complete this evil thing. He does not have the ability to enter into the Fold. [23]  But the second class did not instigate this, because of the intentional (volition) completed such a process has yet to emerge.This category was capable of enlightenment. That is why we have come to the conclusion of such teachings. But some people, namely those of Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) was an advocate for that second-class people can not afford to get guarantees for the right path to bring. To remove this view Sakavadin has denied claims made earlier and rival sects posed the question: "A man had instigated culpable must receive immediate images broadcast it?" So the first question related to this problem is given by the opposite sex.Sakavadin agreed to endorse because of lack of attention to factors such good finish. Then dispatched the opposite thinking: such a person must be convicted by false views that out, because the command was forced to commit matricide etc .. and so (the opposite sex) again raised the question: "to be affordable by certain wrong?" However, Sakavadin denied that: "Maybe not so" because the same person can not enjoy both secured bond.
In the question: "Is not act so?" from "action" in this act or what killed her mother like that. Related to this issue agree Sakavadin agreed: "Well yes," is related to a particular command. When it comes to involvement in a specific order, that person feel anxious and difficult in, think: "I have committed a mistake!" Opposition voiced sect "If that person ..." etc .. to highlight the views of the main (opposite sex) after having considered the event that is worrying.
By this time, after having considered special orders that had instigated the people that have been involved in making the punishment immediately. But because the path led them ensure safety. Sakavadin concluded asking: "Does such a person can not be involved in immediate punishment does not?" rival sects agree approval, because the main (opposite sex) has advocated that view.
Then to try to convince the opposite sex that anyone has actually committing matricide, etc .. have proven it is not capable of it, but the person has actually committed such acts or not? - Sakavadin asked: "That person actually committing matricide or not?" etc .. Delegation opposed refuted: "Maybe the opposite sex is not," because (the opposite sex) not witnessed any such action, then these crimes have not been committed.
"When he pulled out of abetting it," the interpretation is said to mean to imply that crime is caused by special orders out. When someone refused to obey this order, thinking, "Do not agree with this order", that person is deemed to have withdrawn from this order. When he withdrew from his instigation, they shall be deemed to repel anxiety and remorse. And it is so, should the opposite sex think this is a way of self-restraint as was mentioned above, and opposing sects agreed agreed: "Yes is the same." When opposing sects accept abetting of such a person has been withdrawn in the process of setting up his own views, Sakavadin asked: "Is he?" etc ..
Again, the question refers to conclusions. as if the first question, the opposite sex was questioned: "If a person has been involved in other immediate sanctions which [is not guaranteed (salvation)], why?"Sakavadin agreed to approve. But no consensus related to the period extending from time to time to withdraw the promise that people involved earlier.
Because only people considered to events that had previously been involved, opposite sect that: [143] "If such" etc .. so the views of (sect opposed) on special orders have been set before. But because of the views of (sect opposed) is deemed to have given a careless way. so as not yet been set.
Rate debate concerning (who instigated criminal) be punished immediately here is the end.
Niyama (ie the guarantee) of two types, depending on the direction of wrong and right direction. Ie in the wrong direction leads to punish acts of money immediately label, and the right direction is found Fold. And no other direction (except for the two directions above). The entire spiritual phenomena taking place where the three realms of existence do not see any mention of a fixed order, and those who are enjoying (secure) yourself this key also "no guarantee" (with was Noble). The Buddha's, so often predicted future position that: "A person like that in the future will reach" enlightenment. "This person is a Bodhisattva, that is, who can be regarded as a certain guarantee salvation, (niyata), thanks to the attack to accumulate merit [24]  in this world "now some people, namely those belonging to sects and Aparaseliyas Pubbaseliyas, just understand the word" definitely "( which does not distinguish the two directions as mentioned above). They said that a Bodhisattva has the ability to penetrate the Four Noble Truths in a previous life, that's why they think that such a person can be certain to be liberated. Related to this category was questioned and sent Sakavadin opposition agree approval.
"Is it the so-called" guaranteed obtain salvation "to start talking about the salvation ensure affordable wrong direction?" etc .. is raised to prove that there are other things more secured.
Initially after the turn Fold into reality. etc. in question to prove discrimination guaranteed pathways that.
"The application of Right Concentration" and the rest were mentioned to prove there is a difference even in the same article guarantees.
Verse interpretation: "The Bodhisattva has the ability" to illustrate only capable of Bodhisattva (distinguishes these two directions only). This has yet to come to definitive conclusions, because no mention of what related to those who have begun to obtain assurance that salvation.
(The Bodhisattva) surely can not get enlightenment even before a single phenomenon that fixed, but only began to be awakened after having shown the Brackets under the Bodhi tree.
Rate debate concerning those who have been enlightened to make it, end here.
Some people, namely the Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) said that, precisely because no longer does the Pure for those who have been Purity. therefore still have people prevent, hinder, carefully concealed these obstacles, he eliminated. [25]  related to this person Sakavadin Rating question: "Does the person was caught he?" Rival sects agree approval.
"Does this person have passionate sex remove what?" This is the question posed to demonstrate the shortcomings  [26]  when he was still struggling to cope.
Be Pure, and shine"  and the rest is mentioned to demonstrate the ability (meditation) to tear down the barriers that person only if there is wisdom in the morning.
He knows, and recognize that."  And the rest is explained as follows: anyone get new insights clearly and demolished the pollution it causes. This has yet to come to definitive conclusions, not to mention getting rid of obstacles in case the applicant is still on the way to strive hard.
Rate debate concerning who labored hard to finish here.
In this regard, "must confront the" means, depending on the shackles, which falls on the current state of equipment (shackles) control. " [28]
Article rest here is similar point arguing about who is to work hard. [29]
Rate-related debates concerning who labored hard to finish here.
That is why the word Buddha said: " Whoever residence certificate Jhana Jhana most places will receive joy in it" [30]  Some people, particularly those under sect Andhakas that the crash, and practicing meditation plying  jhana , considered meditation  jhana  as an object of meditation. Concerning those who rank Sakavadin ask: "Is it an expert?" Rival sects agree approval.
In the question: "Is meditation only  Jhana  which is subject to the spiritual meditation practice work Jhana  it?" Opposite sect did not see the spiritual nature of the object in the same jhānas  Jhana  it, and reject fear not match the Buddhist scriptures.
For questions: "Does the person is entitled to the meditation  jhana  them up?" (opposite sex) [145] agreed to endorse the meaning of the word.
In the Buddhist scriptures, " He enjoys Center (meditation jhana) which"  does not go Ken definitive conclusions, because a person reaches meditation  jhana  excited and wants enter meditation  Jhana  then, not in while exercising.
Rate-related debate about immigrants and meditation levels reach  Jhana  ends here.
"The Buddhist one reads that:" Any sensation that people feel, whether it is a refreshing, non-irritating and non praises of suffering, he also felt excited and feeling fancy that, " [ 31] which refers to here is to enjoy [32] in view of (false). But some people, namely those who follow Mahayana (Uttarapathakas), the emphasis on the "interest in that ". They think we can also enjoy all the sensations of pain anymore, like so excited enthusiasm. [33]  hence the so-called desires for things difficult subject. as regards the Sakavadin class people ask questions: "Does there exist (a) is called affinity attachment nasty things)?" a desire for nasty things are what defile . it is because of the nasty things we feel the pain. When he thought: "Ah! this is my fate. "Phai opposition agree agreed:" Yes, "because that is the view of the main (opposite sex) opposite sect. 
Meaning the rest seems to have too clear.
But in the Buddhist texts, " he also felt excited and feeling fancy it " - backwards (it will be demonstrated to show) no spiritual phenomenon characteristics has been the experience so the whole series. Or, to understand the meaning that - when we advocated that, he or she may feel as if enjoying that view. But the painful feeling, that person feels the opposite. That person can also enjoy the in feeling upset that, even if it is the kind of feeling senses sensual pleasures anymore. Key in this way we can enjoy feeling uncomfortable. As this point is significant debate about the desire for something unpleasant yet been concluded.
Rate debate craving for nasty things ended here.
[146] Because there are six kinds of loving so - ie, five types of desire (lust) senses ... and a loving attachment to spiritual subjects [35]  this is the kind of charity is mentioned, the main therefore, some people, particularly those who rank as practicing advocate for compassionate Pubbaseliyas were a form of middleware. Concerning these people Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree to endorse.
Meaning the remaining questions in the sense understood in the scriptures Buddhist scriptures.
All six types of craving more, also demonstrated briefly in three categories of the "coveted senses" and the rest. Coveted six categories of visual objects and the rest, resulting in lust for lust, will become coveted Convention senses. Linked coveted often, upon which "has the ego and all worldly realms," is "reborn desire." craving associated with a comment section ( ucchedavada ), under which people would not be present, because "not even want to live anymore."
"Maybe this is not (three types covet) something coveted by some of the ideal or spiritual object that or what?" - This is not to see Ken go definitive conclusions, because the quote what does not prove relevant to both amorphous, those related to a process consisting of natural desires related to the same spirituality [36] only.
Rate very qualitative debate coveted place before the end of the spiritual object here.
On this point, too, because (there are six kinds of desire - it is in kind due to the legal senses laiva charity.[37]  Ai finally to mention that before the audience loving spirit, because that some people, namely those who follow Pubbaseliyas sect holds that charity is not responsible for the generation of suffering. In relation to these people Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agreed to approve.
Things are similar remaining moot point mentioned above.
Rate debated coveted objects is not spiritual causes of suffering ends here.
By the end of chapter XIII also.
Chapter XIV
[147] It can not directly friendly and immediately follow it immoral, and vice versa. Continuity fro like not follow any certain principles at all. However, some people, namely seconded Mahasanghikas undertakings: because we can not like and then hate something at once, therefore in such cases, we see the appearance of continuity mutual . [38]  In relation to them Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agreed to approve.
Both things, "the note" (Adverting) and "adjusted" (chỉnh) are the only state from the intellectual movement [39]  (brainstorming) "The Note" (Adverting) is responsible for the generation intellectual developments during flowed subconscious [40]  also "adjusted" (chỉnh) again is the goal for that reason, the move from subconscious objects into objects of different spirituality.
By posing the question: "Is it moral consciousness (God consciousness) emerge without" volition (manusikara ) "(adverting) reasonable?" If the mind can improve followed with evil thoughts. That can take place without the "volition" (adverting). But the opposite sect rejected because (opposite sex) does not recognize the moral consciousness can emerge without volition (adverting).
"Is there any good emerge due attention in the wrong direction is not?" This is the question raised this issue has been raised to try to convince that if good things emerged following the unwholesome. is due to focus attention in the wrong way. by intellectual direction to a certain evil thing.
What remains should be construed as stated in scripture (Buddhist scriptures).
Interpretation question, "Was not ... ..voi same object all?" do not go to the final conclusion, because it depends on the passion and the opposite emerged before the same object regardless of the coordination between good and evil. [41]
Rate continuity debate between good and evil to this is the end.
Catechism teaches us that moment of rebirth, we are not born again through the rebirth [148] coincides with the education realm of other realms (apapatikanam). [42]  At the moment of conception, even in cells the people, only the origin (manayatana) and tactile realm of continental origin are reborn. The four remaining senses (sight, hearing, taste and smell) need to seventy-seven days (ie not appear immediately) newly formed and this partly depends on deeds (karma) lead to conception. and partly because of other business. [43]  But some people, namely schools and Aparaseliyas Pubbaseliyas believe: Lu Xu (sixfold sense-spheres) or six planes reappeared immediately senses the moment of conception, as if a full-grown plant sprouts were included in. [44]  in relation to them Sakavadin ask questions: "Is it because of continental origin ...?" Rival sects agree approval.
"With all of the major components and complete or what?" and what remains is a question yet to try to persuade that if existence must have continental origin (womb) that had been conceived in the womb again.
"Maybe now we have to suffer in the womb once again?" Opposing sect to ask questions, "Hair, fetal lanugo etc .. then appear in the next stage or not? And Sakavadin again raised the remaining questions.
Rate debate on the formation of Parish Clerk ends here.
"Considering that there are swift switch between visual to auditory performances in dance and music, some people, namely the Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) said that the sensory perception consecutive appearance unbroken " [45]  In relation to them Sakavadin ask questions:" is it because of consciousness? " Rival sects agree approval.
"Was it only appears where a hearing person can see visible object?" This was mentioned to try to persuade that, if the mind consciousness (Auditory consciousness) appeared immediately after the mind consciousness, then make the opposite sex object consciousness is the subject of this hearing.
As for the question: "Is it because the eyes and scenery that consciousness appear or what?" (Opposite sex) rejected because it does not find mention in the Buddhist scriptures; and when (the opposite sex) for the visual and auditory continuous appearance without interruption, then (the opposite sex) agreed to endorse because it is your own opinion (the opposite sex).
"Is it because of heart and mind auditory consciousness reasonable?" Questions are raised. Because through consciousness (mind-congition) but overall this sense appears next to another in a general sense continuous process without interruption, too: So this mind both identical to each other? "
We should understand the full implications of perception as just mentioned above.
[149] The interpretation begins with, "When a dance or music," has not come to a final conclusion as this implies a confused state of the object changes quickly thinking were pooled back and not the continuity where a unified unit. [46]
Rate debate relate directly place finish in this sense.
In the interpretation of Buddhist scriptures we read. " All the material properties are in the four basic elements or come from that place." [47] Some people, namely the Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) for that right speech and right action are just special physical properties derived from the four basic elements that out.Concerning them Sakavadin ask questions: "Are these forms of holiness (the speech and right action) are derived from the four basic elements of material (earth, water, fire, wind) that out?" Here the holy morphology can understand the nuances or the (language and operational) or features that holiness.Opposite sect based on his own opinion agreed agreed: "Yes yes" when asked: the (nuanced) there must be ethical? "(Opposite sex) consent agreement, because that is the view of the opposite sex to win. this is also the method of application of the questions did not mention the causes of pollution and what remains.
And the Buddhist scriptures: " Whether there is any substance whatsoever" [48]  etc .. does not go to the final conclusion because other than physical elements, this is referring to the starting characteristics outstanding physical properties, none of right speech and right action supremely. The nuances of the existence remains unproven, not to mention what arises from that direction.
Rate nuanced debate about the appearance of moral saint ends here.
Because a normal ordinary person, when there are good thoughts or ambiguous in terms of ethics, there are latent tendencies [or seven bad habits], but not shown publicly, a some people, particularly Andhakas sect that this latent tendencies, shades of any yet, completely different from the outward expression of the bad habits that. Concerning them Sakavadin ask: "Is it senses sensual habits differ from what we express to the outside or not?" Rival sects agree.
What remains to be understood as explained in point arguing about underlying trends above [50]
But "to have latent tendencies" and what was mentioned because a person can not yet eliminate the tendencies that at that time.
[150] The interpretation "is not expressed openly," because it still has not appeared. should not go to the final conclusion, because it refers to something that is not mentioned and there was no difference between the expression and any shades at all.
Rate debate latent tendencies aside separate ends here.
Because the current state of charity and mistakes can arise even where the emphasis on impermanence etc .. and more, as the Buddha said: " This O Bharavaja, sometimes people are thinking: "I will be attentive to something ugly," but as it is beautiful . [51] Thus some people, namely seconded Andhakas said that the outbreak of corruption takes place unconsciously. Contact Sakavadin questions relating to them, and rival sects agree to endorse. 
The other thing here was that obvious because the explanations stated above. [52]
Rate debate on the outbreak unconscious unconscious where the corrupt ends here.
Because the senses have sexual inherent affinity [54]  where sensory realms of experience, and is said to be included in such general, therefore some people, namely schools and Sammitiyas Andhakas said that because of sexual affinity life in heaven Lust, Caution and Formless heaven where the entrenched there, and they are believed to include the whole of it. Concerning them Sakavadin ask questions: "Is there sex life loving heavenly places Lust, Caution ....?" rival sects agree approval.
In this case the word "organic" is said to ask the question; because education charity has entrenched radical realm where perceptual experience, and is regarded as a thought related to desire pleasure, affordable they also have inherent of heaven likewise rūpa realm Sac world reasonable? Since no consideration to the meaning of it, so the opposite sex had agreed endorsed "Well this is the case" because it is the view of the "opposite sex" only. Therefore "If we go together with" and what was left was supposedly to make the opposite sex more carefully considered meaningful results and active sense: Are all three are happening at once ? "
What remains here should be construed as written in the Buddhist scriptures. [151]
In the interpretive question "Was not it because of sexual affinity or what?" and the rest have yet to go to the final result, as related to sexual craving as underlying trends and includes common causes of back where the senses experience; not just for the coveted different from other causes.
Rate debate about sexual love "includes common back" ends here.
Because from  avyakata  (neutral) is applied to four categories: vipakacitta, neutral mind, matter and Nip-table, the word means "can not disclose (both ethical and unethical "for lack of ethical determinants (avipakatta ). Apply to speculative views on these issues can not be proven. (literally: TA) - ie" the earth is the eternal realms, "there means "not determined" ( akathitatta ). But some people, namely Andhakas sect and Mahayana (Upttarapathakas), since no such distinction, again advocated that the main achievements of the (physical) that wrong is unethical. [56]
To indicate to them what this difference, Sakavadin ask: "Is it not wrong views" identified "? Phai opposition agree approval.
The remaining things here should be understood as the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate debate about what unexplored ends here.
"Because when one person in the world has reached the meditation  jhana , that person is deemed not to the sexual longing love, but it does not get rid of the wrong view," that's why some people, particularly Pubbaseliyas sect that wrong can (penetrate), "things are not all together". [58]  in relation to these people asking questions and sex Sakavadin opposition agree approval.
What remains to be understood as stated in the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate debate about "things not all together" end here.
By the end of Chapter XIV here also.
Chapter XV
[152] Some people, such as Mahasanghikas sect advocated that, if something is correlated causal (or cause ( hetu ) created) to something else, then it has no correlation with other things that thanks to (correlation) subject object, or thanks to the evocative, thanks to the next or close to it. Or longer, if anything is correlated with one another to be a guest. Correlation is not due to a wall or up the next venture [60]  close that out. Concerning them Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
What remains here should be construed as recorded in Buddhist scriptures. [61]
Rate debate on the relationship (especially fixed causality) ends here.
Because the teaching that "now [62]  created by ignorance." I can not say that ignorance is not now the dominant (predestined). But some people, namely seconded Mahansanghikas said that ignorance is the dominant causal now, but not so now than ignorance. To prove we have an affinity interaction between ignorance and now, Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree to endorse.
"Was it ignorance coexist with now?" Here I just want to mention the non-being of action. Causal interaction between ignorance and can now analyze the "relationship coexist, reciprocity. Exist, persist and combine again.!" [63]  Prime or hold on cause by craving (or desire) that the "here we eliminate the greedy lust and desire comes to shades greed three remaining [64]  ignorance, just as now also have an affinity arising from charity that out.
What remains here should be construed according to the scriptures.
"What about killing and death are predestined, why?" opposite sect asked.
"Does a list of physical and also have an affinity comes from the heart or a star reborn that? This is the question posed by Sakavadin.
Rate debate on mutual predestined end here.
[153] Let us study from the moment ( addha ) time in the sense of a period of time, those [65]  for the continuity (of time) is the foundation has been set based on quotations in Buddhist scriptures: " there are three themes sermon " [66]  In order to demonstrate the difference that "there is any period (time) fixed at all, only the concept of time alone; but the object that vision. etc .. When we want to refer to the five aggregates (ie, body and spirit) to have been predestined. Sakavadin raised the question: "is it time continuum tidal flow was predestined?" rival sects agree approval.
Then to the evidence for the opposite sex, a question comes to ask that, if continuity (moments) time has been fixed, and it's so different from the visible object etc .. Delegation opposed physician butter.
What remains to be understood as texts written in the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate continuum debate in this end time.
It [67]  is also the case method in the debate on the moment, the moment, the brief moment. Complete the above time period, etc .. just like movement (moment) of time is how.
Rate debate on the moment, the moment, the moment the short end here.
Because there were so back four gonorrhea or alternatively none other than co cankers (co-cankers). That is why some people, namely the Ministry of Human sect theory holds that four cankers that (should be) non cankers. Concerning them Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
To cite the (opposite sex) found that, if so, what type of store or style must reach the "Sacred Path," etc .. they immediately raised the question, "So affordable (cankers) spelling Sacred Path is "etc ..
The other thing was clearly meaningful.
Gonorrhea Rate or debating here is finished.
Old age and death are not fixed, and therefore to classify them into categories "secular", "sublime" [154] they are not considered as mixed category. But some people, namely Mahasarihikas sect, did not understand the most important aspects of this, and the old mixed with elements of the supernatural character (or supernatural). Concerning them Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
The remaining articles should be understood according to what is written in the scriptures.
Removal Rate and electronic debate ends here.
Therefore be deemed to have reached the ideal state and thus no longer was not a spiritual state (positive) but is only suspended again [69]  sets (aggregates) spiritual, is not this one is "profane" nor is anything "supernatural". But some people, namely the Ministry for Human sect theory that because of the opposite sex this sure is not what they make it under the profane is that "Sublime" [70]  only.
Concerning the Sakavadin they questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
Things remaining points are similar to those discussed above argument. [71]
Score great debate and awareness (of the supernatural realm) until this is finished.
VIII . The second paragraph of Remembrance debate and awareness (of worldly things)
Some people, namely the Ministry advocates sect's theory that, because it was not sure of the area of ​​"supernatural" is definitely belong to the field of "profane" only. Concerning them Sakavadins questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
Things remaining points are similar to those discussed above debate.
The second paragraph of Remembrance debate and awareness (of worldly things) ends here.
IX . Score Tuesday debate concerning Remembrance and Awareness
Because not found any properties in unison when death (death), so we said, "some people are dying of this type, the other type of other people,"
That is why some people, namely seconded Rajagirikas undertakings and even awareness can be destroyed (just like anyone) [155] To demonstrate each have at death and not dead, Sakavavin questioned, and opposing sects agree approval.
Now because death means dying [72]  (nirodho) and those who are in that state must be exposed because spiritual etc .. cite for opposing sect that argument, a question out, "affordable exists that?" etc ..
When the opposite sex to be asked: "Is the death took place where anyone no longer symptomatic exposed?"(opposite sex) denied being related to the common way. When asked again: "Is there no effect?" etc .. (the opposite sex) also rejected, because they must have extraordinary ability to achieve this performance. [73] When asked again, (opposite sex) to agree to endorse, precisely because the risks see where the body naturally. But if you really like it, they can not have extraordinary ability in those achievements. Then we asked the (opposite sex): "Is it reaching trance where you did not bring authenticity or what?"
Rival sects [74]  asked retorted: "Are we not already secured not die while samadhi or what?"
When the opposing sect posed the question: "Is the principle of ensuring such exists reasonable?"Sakavadin rejected, because there is no guarantee the principle that way.
To prove everyone must die in a certain time, even if in fact we do not see a uniformity "on time" to die, Sakavadin raised the question: "Are we there can recognize it? " etc .. here we have to understand is this: If anyone is guaranteed something to death, surely a prerequisite we have is that we have seen that moment? "If so, do not match what wrote in Buddhist scriptures:  I do not die or be reborn because there are five types of knowledge. " On the other hand, because while there are visual consciousness, we can not die, so just like the case of someone reach a state of rest, (coma for instance)
Score Tuesday debate concerning Remembrance and Awareness ends here.
Complete cycle ends perception is divided into two main types: one is the realm of "profane" pure, cultivate only flesh only. and the other is sublime, again performed by the saint. The first section will lead to rebirth where mindless realm. The latter is not, [75]  [156] but some people, namely the Ministry of Human sect theory, did not distinguish between these two things, the policy indiscriminately as follows: to reach the status no (no) idea and awareness (samadhi) leads to rebirth where mindless realm.
Concerning them Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
Now because no one wishes to reach the state of rest, that  [76]  Those who have reached the realm of mindless, but those who achieve the deficit is not. Therefore, to cite the opposite sex in this way - a question was raised, "Are there stars that exist?" etc ..
Here too, the question: "Are we falling into mindless?" - "Formless" here must reach the status quo and so mindless that realm where that person fall into mindless ( fainting). Therefore, when accepting this, the opposite sect trying to impose their views by means of tricks. [77]  Because here we must reach is "mindless" because the current state of samadhi (kiss anesthesia), and in that state, who never returned (not reborn = never-Returner) after departure from this world, reached the meditation, therefore by this recognition, it is establish.
Rate reaching debate about mindless realm ends here.
Some people, particularly Andhakas and Sammitiyas sect that is a problem, and now, there is now accumulating other problems. and now the indefinite accumulation, and not the spiritual objects. Concerning them Sakavadin ask: "Is it now the other thing?" rival sects agree approval.
Then to the evidence for the opposite sex that, if completely different now with the accumulation, exposure etc .. spirituality must also differ from the accumulation. - The question is posed - "Is it spiritual contact is something else entirely?" opposite sect rejected because there was no point of view.
As for the question: what does that coexist with now or not? "The opposite sex-related rejected where independence of thought. And then (opposite sex) to agree approval for related things are linked. on the other hand the good karma problems, and so on. this is also the method to be applied.
But when the opposite sex is to ask: "Is there no spiritual objects?" (Opposite sex) doctor said, because (entrenched) emphasize that absolutely no spiritual subjects.
"When consciousness vanishes away" means, when consciousness vanishes, so will also dissolve under.Means consciousness also vanish too. Rival sects agree agree, because there is now linked to consciousness, and now also vanish along with awareness. (Delegation of the opposition) rejected this, because now accrue automatically takes place therefore, are now unable to vanish.
For questions: "Is it true that there now exists the accumulation place not now?" Rival sects agree assent, because (the opposite sex) that's where the policy exists or that is now the place is set up now., [157] "the accumulation of" start, but until now existed mature fruit. Like seeds retain full vigor of the plant until it is unbent capacity. [78]
"Maybe now, the cumulative results now and now all three are identical to each other?" rival sects agree agree - because (opposite sex) held that where there is industrial or industrial settings where, [157] "ie industrial accumulation" started, but the latter only exists results when adult only.
Was it a result of spiritual objects? "- (Sect opposed) to ask this to try to convince even the" cumulative "results generated no object as the result of spiritual or what? However, rival sects agree endorsed in a case, but because of personal opinion (opposite sex) should have left it there.
Was tired all the indirect presentation, this is an effective method.
The other thing about the cumulative operational and now ends here.
By the end of this chapter XV.
The third chapter of fifty chapter also ends here.
[158] Some people, namely Mahansanghikas sect advocated that the achievement of strength and power in this world is real, if the driver can not be aware of others. But that only real power, if combined strength such restraint. Concerning them Sakavadin asked .: "We can be impaired well aware of others, or not?"Rival sects agree approval.
In this case, control is prevented others not to cause offense and depravity.
What remains to be understood in the texts written in the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate debate on intellectual control others end here.
II.  A Score is debating emotional support others.
The same [80]  similar to the above method is also applicable in the moot point of emotional support to others.  [81]
Since there are Buddhist texts written as follows: " Indeed there is much happiness Buddha has bestowed (inflicted) upon us." [82] Some people, namely the sect's theory holds that our Ministry can create happiness in others. 
Concerning them Sakavadins questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
But when asked: "Can we create suffering in others or not?" and opposing sects reject what remains.Because (opposite sex) to think we can not deliver himself or happiness of others for one's neighbor is.Does the production of happiness in others means that the transfer of his happiness or what? But to the question, "Is not the happiness of me?" and what remains opposed sects agree assent, because (the opposite sex) advocated that, it is said to be a way of generating happiness for all beings do not like. [83]
"Of course, not that!" is mentioned here because there is no such happiness at all.
Blessed Word said, " It is I who gave happiness to all beings." Explained how happy emergence of conditions where others have of it. Create happiness where others do not like the food given to them;therefore (all recite) have not come to a conclusion in the end. [84]
Rate debate about creating happiness where others end here.
"Taking Care" has two aspects, as we study methods or objects of care. To infer from the nature of one or more fleeting phenomenon that "all things are impermanent only" as the method of care, but pay attention to the past, we can not pay attention to the what are the future, we take care of some things in relation to time. for example, the past and the rest. This is care awareness through objects. Moreover, when we care about these things now. we can not at the present moment to take care of consciousness by which it appears.  [85]  Now, for it is the Blessed One said: "V snacking just as impermanent." some people, namely Pubbaseliyas and Aparaseliyas sect that, in general, we can take care of everything at once to. Concerning them, Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree to endorse.
Now as this we must also take care to sense that we care, because possible to cite for opposing sect by using conscious. - "In the sense that how?" to be questioned, opposite sect rejected, because it can not be both at the same time is subject to both the customer may be.
As for the question: "[Are we may ask to know consciously aware that ....?" Rival sects agree approval.because we were aware of the nature of our ideas in general, and then (the opposite sex) can not be dismissed as both a client system to be a subject at once. Rival sects agree agree with for the views of the opposite sex based on, " When the wisdom that thanks to that perception and realize: Everything is impermanent only" [86] and what remains.
This is also the approach of the two remaining questions.
As for the question: "[We have felt the sensation] because of the feeling it?" however, the opposite sect rejected because (opposing sects) do not realize that there might be feeling the same.
What remains to be understood as stated in the Buddhist scriptures.
"Everything," and what is relevant to mention that the research using this method, and not through the object immediately. Therefore this has not come to a conclusion in the end.
Rate debate on care for all beings the same end here.
Human (Hetu) [88]  can be understood especially the good cause (literally, the base (Rots) or is the goal and the same, or in general, any human or causal relationship. A person tries, namely the Mahayana (Uttarapathakas) does not perform such a distinction. But the word based on where each word Buddha said, "the four properties  [89] is essentially the creation of conditions secondary characteristics] indiscriminately given that the physical characteristics and the material can be attached to the cause [moral] [90] Concerning them Sakavadin questioned, and rival sects agree approval.
The question was posed: "Is it nature neutral [91] as well as a moral cause?" Characteristic physical, moral causes are called carefree nature or what? Rival sects agree approval.
This is also the method to analyze the remains.
"Is not the basic characteristics are the reason for the secondary physical characteristics which arise out or not?" - Here the "cause" is spoken of in the sense of any causal or human relationships any jobs, but is not understood to mean causal root, or morality; that's why the problem has not come to definitive conclusions.
Rate debate as predestined matter ends here ethics.
VI . Rate material debating the causes and conditions that came with the moral
Here the meaning should be understood the same way [92]  as in the moot point to discuss the matter comes with the moral cause.
Rate material debating the causes and conditions that came with the moral ends here.
For it is the Blessed One said,  "The acts of body, speech .... Actually can be good or evil things  , and because of the physical behaviors and words, we have may take into account the suggestions of our thoughts clearance gestures and language. some people, namely sex and Sammitiyas Mahimsakas said that the physical movements involved [reviewed in view of ethics] can be good or evil. [93] In relation to them Sakavadin raises questions: "is it good material characteristics are considered ethical perspective?" rival sects agree approval.
Then to the evidence for the opposite sex that, if those attributes that further consideration in view of ethics, we most definitely not just like that. - "Are there objects to affordable psychic?" etc .. the question is posed. [161]
On the other hand, this is also the method of questions about the characteristics considered bad ethics in terms of angles.
What remained was too obvious.
Rate debate materially interpreted as good and evil in terms of moral ends here.
Some people, namely seconded Sammitiyas Andhakas and that, precisely because of the conscious and the property happened at the same time is by creating operational, physical characteristics, too (ie tangible material) float up to the outcome (karma) [94]  Concerning them Sakavadin questioning and opposing sects agreed to approve.
Then to the evidence for the opposite sex that, if the physical characteristics you are results [karma], you should not treat this, - "So affordable physical nature of pleasure sensations felt reasonable ? " v, v ,,,
The remaining issues should be interpreted according to what stated in the Buddhist scriptures.
Rate matter is debated fruits (karma) ends here.
"Some people, namely Andhakas sect that, because of the material and industrial product is due to greed that out. [96]  Therefore they should belong to that realm. Thus, if the business is carried Lust, Caution is where planes or where the Formless realms, instantly will also belong to that realm. " [97]  in relation to Sakavadin ask:" is it the material of worlds or realms rūpa arūpa? " rival sects agree approval.
What's left here is similar to what has been explained above.
Rate matter of debate rūpa realm [98]  [Brahma (Brahma)] and arūpa ends here.
Some people, namely seconded Andhakas craving for that because all my life grouped realms where carnal desires, lust therefore life rūpa realm or realms where arūpa also be collected even in that realm [162] in relation to these people asking questions and sex Sakavadin opposition agree approval.
The rest should be understood that as explained above, [99]  Only thing only difference in this explanation is that the material has been published under the realm of Gender and Formless Form. And that is the opinion of both sexes and Sammityas Andhakas, but this only Andhakas sect only.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/12/2016.

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