Sunday, 18 June 2017

The Tripitaka.

 45 years preaching the path of liberation, Buddha's disciples obtained a lot, someone ordained his followers and formed the Sangha (Sangha), have also left home, called the laity. His mission area is north-eastern India, bordering Nepal, along the tributaries of the Gange River (Ganges) [1, 2, 3]. 
He is often called Buddha Gotama. The word "Buddha" is the shortened word for "Buddha," the transcription of the Sanskrit word "Buddha" - the commoner of Vietnam has a place called Mr. Buddha - meaning the person who was enlightened (Enlightenment). In the recorded books, he often called himself Tagatatha (Tathagata). He has many disciples from the countries of the region, including all members of society, ages, men and women, and from various backgrounds of faith. 
The Buddha left a valuable treasure of many discourses (Sutta), commonly referred to as the "eighty four thousand" disciplines, on many occasions taught to the disciples, , Layman, ... With the development and expansion of the Sangha, He set out many rules to facilitate the practice (Vinaya, About). There are also other special sermons that are later incorporated into the Abhidhamma.
First Collection
Three months after the Buddha's death, a congregation of monks (Bhikkhu) was held, now called the Sangha I, in the hilly area of ​​Rajagaha. The purpose is to combine the suttas and the rules into a tighter system [4]. To preside over the Law is the Bhikkhu Upali, and preside over the Ananda Bhikkhu, who is close to the Buddha and thus has the most opportunity to hear and memorize the texts. His preaching. The congress consists of about 500 monks reviewing the precepts and sermons, arranged into two main groups: the Vinaya and the Pitaka. Through the collection at that time, the Sutras are divided into four main departments: the Middle, the Middle, the Synagogue, and the Sangha.
Second Coalition
During the 45 years of Dharma propagation, the Buddha traveled widely, preached to many, and enrolled many disciples. His disciples were scattered everywhere, unable to attend the first Congress. Therefore, there may be some sermons and secondary disciplines set up by the Buddha that were not convened during that Congress.
So about 100 years later, in 383 BC, an assembly of canonical classics was organized, at the request of the Sangha of Vesali and Vajji. After this gathering, the Vinaya was expanded with the precepts that the delegates said were not convened during the First Congress, and a number of other suttas not assembled, forming a set of sutras 5 of the Pitaka (the Ministry).
After this gathering, the Vinaya and Visigothic Sutras appear to have taken shape, and the teachings are probably similar to the sermons we have in the present Tripitaka.
Third Assassination
One hundred and thirty years later, in 253 BC, King Asoka of India convened the Third Congress. The ministry of the suttas is expanded and more suttas are composed. Most importantly, the Congress summarized the teachings on the psychology, the nature and generality of all phenomena, creating the Abhidhamma, the Abhidhamma, the Abhidhamma, the Abhidhamma.
The Fourth Session
Around the year 20 BC, 500 years after the day of the Buddha's advent, Vattagamani of Sri Lanka convened the Fourth Sangha at Aluhivihara near the city of Kandy today. The Sutra, the Law, and the Dhammapada. In order to preserve the Buddha's teachings, even though they have been assembled, only the oral tradition of the past 500 years, the Tripitaka was re-written on a dry-leaf paper [4, 10]. Since then the Pali Tripitaka was formed, and no other change.
In recent times, Burma has organized two other gatherings: the fifth, 1870, and the sixth, in 1954. However, these summaries only clarify key points in Business, but no change in the Tripitaka [5].
The Tripitaka
"Tang" or "Hidden" is a basket containing, Pali language called Pitaka. In the past, large temples used to have a library called "Kinh Kinh The" to store the precious scriptures.Tipitaka Tipitaka, Three Baskets, including Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, and Abhidhamma Pitaka, also known as Abhidhamma Pitaka, or Commentary). The following is a summary of these organs:
1. Vinaya Pitaka
This includes rules and rituals for monks (Bhikkhu, monks) and nuns (Bhikkhuni, monks), how to join the Sangha, Deal in cases of breaking rules, etc. This organ is usually divided into five sets [1, 7]:
1. Parajika,
2. Pacittiya,
3. Mahavagga,
4. Cullavagga, and
5. Parivara.
2. Sutta Pitaka
It consists of five main sets (Nikaya): the Digha Nikaya, the Majjhima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, and the Khuddaka Nikaya. In the Sanskrit (Sanskrit) system, these sets are called Agamas. However, the original Acts were lost and only discernible Sanskrit records were found, but only Chinese translations from various sectarian sources and through different generations. [6] .
Truong Bo  is a collection of long sutras, including 34 sutras, translated into Vietnamese, including the two most popular books: the Maha Parinibanna Sutta and the Maha Satipattana Sutta. ). In addition to the sermons of the Buddha, this ministry also contains the teachings of Venerable Sariputta, the leading disciple of preaching eloquence, and other famous disciples.
The Central  consists of 152 sutras arranged in 15 articles, according to the topic. This is very popular among Buddhists who use English and have also been translated into Vietnamese. The English translation has been revised many times, and the latest version has been published by the Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka, in 1995. Important suttas are often associated with Satipattana Sutta, The mind (Sammaditthi), the meditation (Kakacupama), the life of the Buddha (Ariyaparyesana), the four noble (Mahahatthipadopama), not counted (Culasunnata), mindfulness breathing (Anapanasati), etc. Is the most important sutra, including essential sermons on the path of practice, the practice of the Buddha's teachings.
The Contemplation  consists of 2,889 short texts, divided into 5 chapters and 56 articles.This is a collection of sutras with the same theme of a discussion point, or of a certain character in the Buddha's time. There are important lectures on the twelve factors and about 37 parts of the Bodhi.
Tang Chi  is a set of rules based on arithmetic sorting, from topics related to 1 element, 1 element, gradually to topics with 11 elements or elements. Thus, the canon is divided into 11 chapters, including 2,308 suttas.
The sub  is not really a small book, but a set of 15 small books:
  1. Subtext, Khuddaka Patha
  2. Dhammapada, Dhammapada
  3. Buddha Autonomy, Udana
  4. Like the Buddha, Itivuttaka
  5. The Sutta, Nipata Sutta
  6. Heavenly Palace, Vimana Vatthu
  7. The Devil, Peta Vatthu
  8. Presbyterian Sangha, Theragatha
  9. Presbyterian Nurse, Therigatha
  10. Birth, Jataka
  11. Nike, Niddesa
  12. Involuntary Involvement, Patisambhidamagga
  13. Supernatural, Apadana
  14. Buddhist history, Buddhavamsa
  15. Department of Happiness, Cariya Pitaka
3. Abhidhamma Pitaka
Also known as Abhidhamma or Abhidharma, this is a collection of the Buddha's lectures on the nature and generality of all things, the resolution of philosophy and psychology.Dhamma Abbot consists of seven books:
1. Dhammasangani
2. Vatthanga
3. Dhatukatha
4. Puggala Pannatti
5. Kathavathu
6. Yamaka 6. Causal
theory Patthana).
Other Important Sacred Texts :
In addition to the Tipitaka, there are also commentaries and commentaries, and a number of other important Pali texts have also been studied and handed down to this day:
history (maulavamsa)
militia Milindapanha
Visuddhi Magga
(Abhidhammattha Sanghaha)
Tibetan Vietnamese language.
Although Buddhism is a great religion in Vietnam and has been present in our country for over 18 centuries, so far we have not had a complete Tripitaka in Vietnamese. This has been documented since the early 1950s, which for the past 40 years, translation work has not been completed. In fact, translations into Chinese scripts from the Han scriptures began in the 1930s with many celebrities and scholars in the Buddhist revival movements and the revival of Buddhism. 
A program of interpretation and publication of the Vietnamese Tripitaka was resumed in 1989, based on the Pali and Chinese scripts. So far (1998), the Institute of Buddhist Studies of Vietnam has published Truong Bo (and A Ham Hamlet), Central (and Central Acts), Samsara (and A Ham), Tang Chow (and Sangha) Nhat A Ham) in Vietnamese, Along with the books in the Subcommittee: Business, Dhamma, As A Vision, Buddhist Autonomy, Preschooler Raising Shelves, Elderly Nurse, Birthplace , etc. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/6/2017.

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