Saturday, 17 June 2017

 A  disciple  of me to mention that there is a business woman  successful  very  interested  to the  precepts morality  according to  Buddhism . Once  you find a new business, there are some liquor stores for sale. She knew that if she took the opportunity to buy these stores, she could get a lot of  benefits . But  something was  preventing  her back. When she considered the wine business, she  noticed  that some of the shop's customers could be  hurt . They can drink alcohol and do bad things! They can  become the guys drinking  debauchery , Or worse yet, the addicts. To protect  her  spiritual development  , she refused to buy, ignoring that business. 

The story  is said to be a  truth  very  transparent :  means of  livelihood should not  affect  the development of  the spiritual . We can  not  list  a complete list of occupations or jobs that are considered  Right Livelihoods , but  the Buddha  has given  us  a basic guide  : Any job / occupation can be considered mainstream  if it is not  harmful  to  the  person doing the job or to anyone else. Of course , nothing is  perfect . Way  to make a living  perfectly  unique  is the work done by a  perfect  taker was  completely  annihilated  all greed, hatred, and delusion. But people like  us , on the way to that  perfection  , still be  able to do much to  blend  the  work  to life  spiritually . 

As with most questions about  Buddhist ethics  ,  the reason  why one has  to careabout  righteousness  is  twofold . Work  that  hurts  others is itself wrong because it  violates the moral basis . But it is also wrong because it causes  harm  to  ourselves who do that job. The reason  is because not yet  enlightened , We can  not  completely  avoid being provoked into  anger  or  suffering . While  work must  do, we must  fight  with greed and greed. But we  have the right to  choose  to avoid jobs that may  hinder  the  progress of spiritual  ours. If our occupation causes too much  hatred , the  mind  can  not calm down  to meditate. Take a   very  obvious exampleFor example  , a person's job requires him to kill an  animal . He may be the  researcher  to experiment with a new drug in mice in the laboratory. Or he could be a fish seller or a pork seller. When he meditates, his mind may be  disturbed . Every day  he had  witnessed  the  animal suffering  under his arm. He saw that  fear  in their eyes and  trouble  to struggle to  escape the  danger of them; He  heard the groan and felt their pain. These images  always  haunt him when  returning  home. To do this job, he had to deceive himself that  animals had  no sensation , they were not really  painful creatures  like him. In mind, he knew that   this thought was not true, but he  continued to  kill because it was his job. The tormented  inner  makes you panic and heart  images grisly  re-  appeared  while he was meditating. He could not  practice kindness  compassion; He can not relax either. Obviously,  this person's job can not be  Right Livelihood . For some jobs, like killing  animals , one can easily know it is bad. Remain, sometimes, the  evaluation of  what a job / career is  considered to  be a much  more legitimate. Some jobs may be  acceptable  in some places but not  accepted  elsewhere depending on the  circumstances ,  eg  as employers require workers  practicing  up an  immoral  or not.     


We  can  decide  whether a job is  considered Right Livelihood  by asking ourselves three interrelated questions.
First of all, is my job itself bad? 

That is, by definition, is that work bad? Is it  related to  the production,  sale ,  advertising , or  use of  firearms or  other  weapons? Is it  related to  toxins or narcotic substances? Does it  harm  or kill animals? It was  the Buddha  who taught that the occupations  related to  weapons, toxins, or killing were  clearly  not  Righteous . 

There are many occupations  that clearly  fall into this category. For example , the research and development of chemical weapons, nuclear, manufacturing or trafficking of pesticides,  set  the  system  network to guide the missile, or exploited cheap labor is  obviously wrong. I can also add that writing for newspapers inexpensive harm the  honor  of the  famous  or work for the  program  online to proclaim these  words  full of  hatred  should be regarded as a kind of "drug Toxic "that  the Buddha  has mentioned as a way of making a living  wrong . 

The Buddha 's  teachings  may also be   more widely used  to  include  non-  traditional occupations . Earning a living from the sport violent games make people  wounded  damage, such as ring type, is a way to make a living  wrong . Owning or working in casinos or gambling places  is the same . Like alcohol, gambling also causes people to become addicted. It  comes  from greed, often leading to  crime  or  harm to  the innocent. Needless  to  say, the activities of crime  in any  form  yet is also a way to make a living  wrong , including  speculation , the kind of transaction  legal ,  fraud ,  deception , and  all kinds of crimes  in the company. Occupational hazard for  the health  of  themselves  as a way to earn a living  wrong . Trafficking in  drugs  , the trafficking fall into the category of "poison". A drug dealer who  is famous for the  acts of  violence and bribery to  protect the  territory, Buy and sell  without  being arrested . Certainly  the  work  they bring  disaster  to those who  are weak fallin the purchase and  use of  narcotics. People who  use  drugs also cause  crimes  to get money to buy drugs. Innocent members of the  family  must also  suffering : from violence in the  family , from  deprivation , poverty, and from the loss when imprisoned relatives, harmed. However , because of the economic system we  have become so  complex , so sometimes the  judges  see what career livelihood is considered  wrong is not  clear , definitive at all. For example , is working for the army always bad? It depends. If the job put the person in  a position  to  use a  weapon, including using a computer to launch a rocket, it could be a wrongful way of making a living  . But as a doctor  or a chef,  the nature  of work is not wrong. I hardly believe that any chef, even in the military, thinks, "I cook the food for the soldiers so they can go kill the enemy!" Many  circumstances  other work must also be reviewed. For example , making nuclear warheads  is clearly  one of the banned jobs  listed by  the Buddha , but what about uranium mining for nuclear weapons? Or work in grocery stores,  the nature  of the job is wrong, If the sales of those stores largely thanks to the sale of guns?  Or work with meager salaries in fast food stores ? We can think of many  circumstances  work that  disastrous  way  indirectly  to others. A professor  university can  feel  not  relieved  when the results of the  works studied  his science can be  used  for  the purpose of  the military. A steelworker's work can also be  used  to make a hunting rifle. In such  cases  , we need to  ask, "My work has  related directly to the weapon, poison, or kill it? I have  deliberately  bring disaster  to others or to themselves? " In short , we can use the law of  General the following: If the separation between the work we do and the risk that it could happen For the larger one, the more difficult it is to be a job that is not suitable  for Right Livelihood . Or kill? I have deliberately bring disaster to others or to themselves? " In short , we can use the law of General the following: If the separation between the work we do and the risk that it could happen For the larger one, the more difficult it is to be a job that is not suitablefor Right Livelihood . Or kill? I have deliberately bring  disaster to others or to themselves? "  In short , we can  use the law of General the following: If the separation between the work we do and the risk that it could happen For the larger one, the more difficult it is to be a job that is not  suitable for  Right Livelihood .  


Second, does my job lead me to commit the five precepts? 

If a profession has passed the first step, the survey consider whether the  work  which makes it easier to commit any gender in  the five precepts  of  right action does not. The  ethical principle  where we work can also turn a normal job   into a  wrong-doing business . For example , in a law firm,  attorneys  can be encouraged  to maintain the   highest ethical standards in the profession. In contrast , at another law firm, colleague  of them may be  pressure  to fabricate evidence,  cheating  inquest, or charge a premium price for our customers. Commit acts  unscrupulous  like to work making our mind becomes  disturbed ,  hampered  road  progress  spiritually  ours. I remember a  lawyer who  often came to the Bhavana Society. During meditation, he kept crying. I wondered if he was  suffering  like that because he did something  wrong in  order to  win the case  in court. 

Similarly , There are also cases  where the job is good but the person doing the job turns it into a bad one. For example , an officer in  charge of  assessing  a driver's license may work conscientiously , sternly , dutifully, refusing to accept a bribe. But another person who does the same job, in the same office , can become corrupt. A corrupt officer can not have Righteousness , but the righteous  can. Any job or career, good oil can also be transformed  into bad. I know a doctor  at An officer performing the task of assessing a driver's license can work conscientiously , earnestly , dutifully, refuse to accept a bribe. But another person who does the same job, in the same office , can become corrupt, bribed. A corrupt officer can not have Righteousness , but the righteous can. Any job or profession, good oil can also be transformed into bad. I know a doctor at An officer performing the task of assessing a driver's license can work  conscientiously ,  earnestly , dutifully, refuse to accept a bribe. But another person who does the same job, in the same  office , can become corrupt. A corrupt officer can not have Righteousness , but the righteous can. Any job or profession, good oil can also be transformed into bad. I know a doctor at But another person who does the same job, in the same office , can become corrupt. A corrupt officer can not have Righteousness , but the righteous can. Any job or profession, good oil can also be transformed into bad. I know a doctor at But another person who does the same job, in the same office , can become corrupt. A corrupt officer can not have  Righteousness , but the  righteous can. Any job or profession, good oil can also be transformed into bad. I know a  doctor at Malaysia specializes in making sheets  certified  sick workers to their authors give all; He calculated about five dollars a day to be laid off. Jobs  has a  habit  that when a patient entered the clinic, the first question he asked would be, "How many days?"  

A  story  formerly  very  famous  about  the Buddha  and his  relatives  with  heart local bad,  Devadatta  (Devadatta), said the two people in the same profession, but only one person is  follow  Livelihood :
According to Ken story, will the  Devadatta  first have something  edgy  with  Buddha in an eon  past , when business is  true  of  Bodhisattva  -the Buddha future- made  Devadatta  lost A business trip 

In lifetimes  past  that, the  Devadatta  future and  Bodhisattvas  are two scrap dealers weeds  compete  together, go trade pots. In each city, they will divide the route, then  decide  who will go first. After that, the two separated, go, "Who sell pot! Sell ​​you! "One time, In a city with a widow living with a daughter, they were wealthy  but very poor. They have a large bowl of gold, the outside is grayish-gray. The two  women did not know  the  true value of the bowl. When  Devadatta  appeared  at their door, the girl told her to change the bowl for another item. Devadatta Devadatta immediately  recognized  the bowl is  worth  a  fortune , but  decided to  deceive the  mother mother and  the miserable woman. He threw the bowl to the ground, telling him it was not  worth  anything, And left with the intention of  going  back  to buy for nothing worth the price. 

Not long after, the  Bodhisattva  also came to that house, two  women  eagerly  falling down the bowl for another. Bodhisattva  truth  told them about  the value  carried by the bowl and said he was not  enough  to pay them money if only  a small portion of the value  of his bowl. Two  women  are very  excited  and  wholeheartedly respected  Bodhisattva  because  sincerity  of his. They told him to give them anything he could. The Bodhisatta  gave them all the money and all the pots. Changing the bowl of gold, the  Bodhisatta  rushed across the river as he guessed  Devadatta's intentions . 

After the  Bodhisattva  left,  Devadatta  returned to  the other house. The widow ran to  blame  him for  wanting to  cheat on them. She informed him that another scrap dealer, very honest, bought the bowl and paid for them very well. Knowing he  had failed,  Devadatta complained  and  became  like a  madman . He tore his clothes, threw his belongings aside and ran after the  Bodhisattva , Scolded  that the  Bodhisattva  robbed his gold bowl. When he came to the river bank, he saw the  Bodhisattva  was sailed half a river by a man. He loudly  called  the boatman stopped, but the  Bodhisattva quietly  told the boatman to go to. As the  Bodhisattva silhouette disappears,  hatred  in the heart of  Devadatta  prostrate. Hot blood poured out the mouth. His heart doubled and he  fell  dead. 

Such as  Devadatta  was  destroyed  by the main business is not  true  of her. The Bodhisattva  became  wealthy  from the sale of the gold bowl he bought  honestly . He lived  the life  remaining to do  good deeds  and always  giving  help. Once lost, the  honesty  of the  Bodhisattva  helped him obtain the future life  good ,  gradually he  reached  fruition  Buddha. In contrast , the actions  immoral  of  Devadatta  also bring him to the future life  corresponds . Devadatta continued  to  be the opponent,  the dispute  with  the Buddha . Lives in  the last  of  Buddha after he was  enlightened,  Devadatta  still tried to  plot  to kill the Buddha . It is said that then the ground opened and he fell to hell . (J3) Devadatta still trying to plot to kill the Buddha . It is said that then the ground opened and he fell to hell . (J3) Devadatta still  trying to plotto kill the Buddha . It is said that then the ground opened and he fell to  hell . (J3)
The question  ultimately  is that aspect of the job that I do not  feel  comfortable , and my heart was not calm? 

If a profession has not committed the first two mentioned above, then we need to consider other aspects can  affect  to the  progressive  spirit  of us. This is not  simple. Since no job is  perfect ,  we  must  decide  ourselves  which factors  are irreversible. Colleagues  wrong? Rude customers? Chemical lung harm? What product  pollutes the environment  ? Have  contact  indirectly  with companies  exploiting  workers? 

In my opinion, the best way to look at whether a career is  considered net life  is to measure  its effect  on the mind. For example,  a company pours hazardous substances  into the river,  affecting  fish, shrimp and other  wildlife  . Then the workers in the new company to be known about poured  indiscriminately  this. Two of the workers are very interested  to  practice  right livelihood . So do they have to quit  their jobs  ? 

A worker filled with disgust with what happened. His mind remembered recalling  pictures  from television news on  the event  . I think of  personality evil  of those who have  decided to  do so and his heart was filled with words  charged  according to his views. Who the  mailing label  the two could  continue  working with his heart filled with  compassion  for those who were  affected , Include those responsible for  that  decision  . She still  hopes  that those who have power in the company will be  aware of the act  wrong  of them and  measures  to  modify  and prevent the  problemsimilar  like that could happen in the future. This thought  made her mind  calm . Some people think that both workers should quit because they make a company without a  conscience . Others say only workers with  discontent  should retire, because this work brings  bad effects  on his mind. 

We  need to  use  wisdom  and the  understanding of  Buddhism  to infer what is right. The  fundamental  ethics  also helped me  to know  right from wrong . I do not want to  join or  support  the actions lack of  ethics . Moreover, ignoring the voice of  conscience  is also  unethical . If  we  tell myself, "I can not change anything, moreover, what happened really did not  affect  the  individual  i. " Thinking  like that,  we're  separating ourselves from  the  international community . Teachings  of  the Buddha  of  compassion love recommend  we  must  concern  not only to  itself , the  relatives , but also to  relatives  neighbors,  community  -all people! Each  of us  is just a tiny individual cells, but  gathered  with other billions of cells,  we  become  a part of the  world . So we  have a duty to  protect  the  justice . But - and this is very important - in doing so,  we  must  be careful  not to  grudge or condemn them in full  hatred . Any action that  we deliberate, even acting  deliberately  to  modify  one thing  wrong , is also rooted in  love , compassion towards people as well as for all  beings . With  mind  and heart filled with compassion, Then let's  take action. 

Back to  the question that two workers of the companies causing  pollution  which should leave no,  we  can not make a  conclusion  hastily . Depending  on  the level of spirituality  of  us , but quitting can do right or wrong. But one  thing is certain : the need to do is to always  protect and  nourish one's  good karma  . The  indifferent attitude  toward evil is not good. But  the  exasperation , Anger  or  hatred  is not good either. Even if we  decide to  quit our job to  maintain  righteousness , leaving our job in  anger  is not  beneficial  for  our path  . We must keep  our mind  calm, not  angry and full of  mindfulness . You must always remember that  the purpose of  the supreme mine is to  liberate  the mind from all involved, every pitch and every delusion. Affected  most deeply that we can create in the  world  is facing every  situation  with care  in light , compassion, and  love . With  state of  mind calm and  detachment ,  we  may act or refuse to act, or do anything to  cultivate  and express a  love  love and  compassion  of  us  a better way Best. 

Based on  the above, The best is the company's workers pollution  should  practice to center  to be  peaceful . Then the  state  interested  in bright , calm, they consider the  condition  of the  individual  and  society , and then  decide  whether to  continue contact with the company or not. It was an act full of  love  and compassion is the most workers can do. They can see  how important the event  is, whether it is  a particular personality  or a corporate policy, individuals  they are  related  directly to work or not, they can  continue  to work in companies that do not  feel  too  guilty  or not. A worker  sensitive  oil not  contact  anything to the  management  company, can also  feel the  urgent than an  official  function  heartless . If  behavior  lacks  moral company's offensive to workers, cause  psychological  them  insecure ,  

There is only one  option , there are many  other ways  . Example workers may  petition the company to stop  workwrong that or tell the  agencies  have the competence  to  operate this company, or help the victims, writing suggestions to companies on what to do to avoid committing more  mistakes  or moved to a Another part of the company. If the worker  decides to  quit his job, there is no need to hurry. That person can start by  probing  discreet about the ability to find  employment  other. At each stage, he must ask himself, "What can I do to  express the  mind of  letting go ,  love Compassion  and  attention  to all beings?What actions can support the good of the heart? "  

In addition   to  the ethical concern  of the company, if one has to  worry about  other issues  , it can not be  the cause of the network. For example , a profession normally  can be very  ideal  , but we can not  accept  the boss in that  habit  blooper, or always angry, or  colleagues  at work have  the habit of  drinking At lunch, there are "parties behind the closed door ,"  using drugs  in the workplace. Although you can maintain  your  independence  in such environments. You have to  decide to  see colleagues  like that  affect  the heart or  hinder  the development of  spirituality  of you do not. Assess  a job with the  Right Livelihood  or not  depends  on each individual The same  circumstances  that may cause people fall into these  immoral methods,  

At this point, some may  feel  depressed when they  realize that  the work they are doing is not the  lifeblood . Maybe they wonder, "What do I do now?" The  answer is that there are many options, including  ways  to change the  situation  without leaving  work . As I said above, may first of all, we must  try to  remind companies  modify wrong . 

If you  feel  not  comfortable  with the  work  due to  the behavior  of your  colleaguesdo not forget to apply  Buddhist teachings  on  compassion  (metta). Love ,  kindness and  compassion can  conquer  even the most hardened hearts. It is often said that nothing can harm a person  full of  compassion- with guns or fire, let alone  trouble  at work! If each day before starting work, I take a moment to  contemplate the  love  love, then maybe there will be many changes? Even the guys usually do  evil , sometimes change if someone, somewhere, every day towards  kindness ,  love clean , Strong to them. Before surrender  before a tough job, maybe we should try to  apply the  methods of this. Even if  my colleagues  do not change, my mind will probably be  purified  . Maybe we will start to  feel  kind and compassionate towards those people who have previously made us  uncomfortable . 

However,  there are some work or  circumstances  that can not be  modified  and  wehave to quit. Sometimes we have to  accept  sacrifices  to  follow  the path  of  the Buddha .  
When, not because of the  benefits  for me or for people,  
not for children,  property , person,  
or for  profit  by  means of  false ,   
Only then will he also has  moral ,  intellectual  and Righteous  
(Dh 84)
For someone with  special abilities  or  acquaintance  , vacation or career change can be an   easy decision , not a   lot of sacrifice. But for people who do not have many choices, they may  feel  very  scared  at the thought of the loss of fixed salary, especially when they have to care for their children. However , when there is a  problem  related to  the way  people ,  we are  compelled to act. Here I am not referring to  instinctive ,  immature , First of all,  be careful with all your abilities. Next , after  planning  everything, act with  confidence . Had  words  that "Those who  protect  Dharma , is  Dharma  protected ." (Thag 303) That means that when we  rely on  what we know of myself in the mind is  true , then  all things  are Have good results,  bring  more  happiness  for us. I have tested this in  my life  and always find that it is true. This is the story  of  myself  I on  follow Chief networks  with full  confidence . 

Prior  to founding  the Bhavana Society, I  stayed at  a small but quite famous temple   in Washington DC for twenty years. I have  a place  in the  community , with a  solidstatus , an active board of directors, friends and  family  around. However,  in my heart I still dream of  setting up  a  meditation center  , Where people  can come to  study Buddhism  and meditate. The Buddha is  always reminded of studying the Fa and meditating as the most important things,  but  I see many people have nowhere to go when they want to meditate for a  while . My intentions  are good and  my beliefs  are intense. Friends and  family discouraged  me, "Teacher holding a  position high in the temple  Theravada first in America, right in  the center of  the capital. Teacher should not leave this place. "At a certain level  , of course  they're right. Leaving Washington D. C to establish  a  center of meditation in the countryside is to jump from one  location  many admirers into a place full of uncertainties. The land my friend, Matthew Flickstein and I found, was to build a meditation  center  deep in the forests of the west.  


Virginia. The forest is isolated, quiet and  deserted , which seems to be an  ideal environment  for teaching  Buddhism  and meditation. The land is very beautiful, far away from the excitement WashingtonBut located in a region of Christian  conservatives  but far from the  benefactors  of  us . The land was  totally  unfamiliar to me and  we  started building  the center  there without  knowing  anyone. Our new  association  does not have members yet. We do  not know how to  survive . Family and friends  are worried  about my  eating  . Others are worried about my  safety  , but I think that with my  goodness  , the people in the area of oil for conservatives  to where they know that  we  do not harm them, nor  against  religion  to them, they can not harm  us . Soon after we  bought the land,  we  vigorously  erected a sign near the line "Dhamma." Soon after, somebody deleted some words to read, "The Village Cursed (Dare)". After that the sign was knocked down. 

Without curses and  obstacles  ,  we  embarked on  our project . Nearly all my friends advised me not to work anymore, but less than five people were encouraged. If something happens in an  emergency,  we  will have no one to help. My relatives and friends Washington, Hundred kilometers away. 

I can not tell you all the difficulties in the  beginning . During  that time  , even the friend who helped me start  the center  seemed bewildered. But it was  the belief  in  Buddhism  was  protecting  me. My desire is  to propagate  Buddhism  through  teaching  and writing,  totally  free  for  everyone . Even as a sadi, I did not receive  donations  to  hear the teachings  of the  lay people . When grow up, I learned that the Buddha  forbade the trading of France. He advised: "Do not be a French trader." (Ud VI.2) Over time ,  things  slowly stabilize and  we  have created a  meditation  center  in the forest. Lots of  strange  happened multiple-support coming from sources not  anticipate it, when  we  need help the most, and the  contact  incidentally also  brought  results. Somehow  we  have grown, grown up. 

Experience  itself  has taught me that when I  take the  call of  peace  and  happinessof the heart,  accept  sacrifices  to keep dignity, and  wholeheartedly  for  the truth , the rewards of  livelihood  will be  followed  according to the following . 

However , I also know that the  conditions of  economy may make us more choice difficult, especially for those whose education and the ability to  restrict  or too specialized. What if there was only one kind  of industry  in the area? If you have many children,   sick parents , or a child is always sick  need care that work  convenience  only  working in liquor store close to home, they must do? Or do you live in an area where only hunting and fishing  exist  ? Right Livelihood  means nothing for those who live in  conditions of  economic too difficult or who has  power forced  to  participate  in  activities regardless of  legality , as is planting  all kinds crops to produce  drugs  Illegally? If you're in the  situation  like that, yourself comforting  the  sense  that when you are not reinforced attention to harm anyone, then you do not have to bear  responsibility  for the  consequences of  the disastrous that you are not the  cause  directly. A  story  from the Buddha's time   will clarify this point.
The daughter of a  wealthy businessman  has  heard the dharma  and has  reached the first stage of  enlightenment . One day, a handsome hunter selling elephant ivory, passing the village, and girl fell in love with that person. Without a farewell  family , she  followed  the hunter home and they  became  spouses. As the hunter's wife, she had to clean and prepare the arrow, the trawl he used to hunt. She makes it a duty of the  doomed . They have  together  seven children and children are also time to  get married . 

One day when  the Buddha  observed  the world  with the  mind of the eye  , he saw that the whole  family  could be  enlightened , so he visited them. The  first Buddhacame to the snare drum set by the hunter. He left  his  footprints beside the trap and waited for the bushes. When the hunter came and saw the empty trap, with the  footprints on  the side, he thought someone had stolen his prey. Seeing  the Buddha in  the bushes, he aimed his bow and arrow on  the Buddha  and then became  immobile  in that posture. Seven children came to find his father, and see his father standing there, The arch has been stretched, but not moving. They also aimed at the Buddha  and also became  immobile . Eventually  the wife goes looking for the whole  family . She saw  everyone  pointing the arrow at  the Buddha . She shouted, spreading her arms out. "Do not kill my father!" When  her family  heard these words, they thought that her father was someone she  had never  met. The husband thought, "This is the father my wife!" The child thinks, "This is the grandfather of us!" In their hearts full of  love,  love for them and so they give up weapons down and greet . Then  the Buddha  gave  them a sermon , And all of them attain the  meditation . 

Later, when the Buddha  returned to the  monastery , his  disciples were surprised , they asked the Buddha , "How can that be? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did understand  Buddhism? " Buddha  explainsthat the women  there do not participate  in the killing of animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124) Later, when the Buddha returned to the monastery , his disciples were surprised , they asked the Buddha , "How can that be? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did understand Buddhism? " Buddha explainsthat the women there do not participate in the killing of animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124) Later, when  the Buddha returned to the monastery ,  his disciples were surprised , they asked the Buddha , "How can that be? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did understand Buddhism? " Buddha explainsthat the women there do not participate in the killing of animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124) predicates disciple His very surprised , they asked the Buddha , "How can it be like that? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did understand Buddhism? " Buddha explains that the women there do not participate in the killing of animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124) predicates disciple His very  surprised , they asked  the Buddha , "How can it be like that? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did  understand Buddhism? " Buddha explainsthat the women there do not participate in the killing of animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124) "How could that be? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did understand Buddhism? " Buddha explains that the women there do not participate in the killing of animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124) "How could that be? How this woman can prepare bows and traps to help kill the beast when she did understand Buddhism? "  Buddha explains that the  women there do not  participatein the killing of  animals . Moreover, she did not want to harm  animals . She just does her duty as the hunter's wife. (DhA124)
 Then  the Buddha  explained  the wider: 
Hands are not injured  
Can be  exposed  to poison and remain  safe ;  
No injuries, substance  toxic not  able to penetrate,  
Likewise , defiled can not seep into   
the center  clean .  
(Dh1 24)
When the hands are not  injured  , you can  come in contact  with the toxins without fear of danger. Likewise , wrong actions   can not  affect  us if we do not intentionally do  so. Although  the hunter's wife prepared tools for hunting, she did so because she had to  obey her  husband, because in that  culture  , at that time, the wife did not have much  choice  for anything. But not  deliberately want to  kill  the wife had  sheltered  interested her from the  consequences of  a negative . Since she did not want to harm animals , her actions were innocent. 

If you  feel your  way of making a living is not good, but there is no other way to help you and  your family  live, you can still keep the old job, but  gradually  try to  find  a better job . In  time  now , be  consistent compassion , send  love  to all who may be  affected  by your work, and keep  a pure mind  by  maintaining  my focus on the  dhamma . 

If  we  accept the  Right Livelihood  is  the purpose of  his, then we can  gradually move toward it as the  practice of  spirituality  of it was  progressive . Lastly  is our job to bring  the  finest  spirit  for all those  involved , because our actions  affect  others. I know a couple of business in the  family by making wooden toys is very beautiful,  especially  very  safe  for children. Then, their business development to those communities  difficult, creation of  employment  for many. Instead of requiring workers to work in the workshop, they  provide  materials , training and  allow  workers to make toys at home,  pay according  to the product. The way  this  allows  workers to focus life around  the family , and can work or relax  arbitrary . 

Sometimes people ask me, "How can I find a career in virtue?" Since I was only twelve years old, I was not the person who could help you choose a career. Or how to find a job. However  I can say something like this:  The way  to find  Livelihood  is like when you start a  task of enormous, yet refreshing. Do not matter  too much . Only  perform  each step correctly.
Accept  that the work we do is an aspect of the  practice of  spirituality  is not easy. Many people separate from their work  life  spiritual  of them. However , when sitting down pillows meditation,  observe  the actions in  the past , we  must  admit  that the work we do is our actions, even if it is under the command master or due to work demands. To lie  is still a  lie , even if we are paid to do so. We  must be  responsible for  what we say or do in this life or in the future. So we  must keep  ethics  in our  work as  well as in other actions. As with  Right Speech  and  Right Action ,  Right Livelihood  requires  us  to constantly purify our actions, whether at home or at work. 

Even if the work  we  are considered as  Livelihood , every day, we should also always  interested  to the  problem  morality  as they arise. We must consciously clear  the  five precepts  and  carefully  preserved  to never  transgress . These  problems  morals  not included in  the five precepts , requires  us  to  consider  and see if I can  bear  to be  consequences  our actions are not. 

When the  practice of  meditation  mindful  of us have  advanced  much, we can become more  patient and  calm  over the  circumstances  that previously we could not  accept , and one can consent to any job genuine  public. The most important thing to remember is that the  job  must not  affect  the possibility of  progressive spirituality  of  us . When  we  do not cause  brain damage  for  himself  by  breaking the world  or  participate  in these  activities  affect  the  moral , then our mind will be  peaceful ,  carefree . With  peace of mind  ,  freedom , Of course  we can  progress on the path. Once you have cleared the  obstacles , you just need to  step forward . 

This can be  compared  to how  we  survive . When hungry, I eat. When thirsty, I drink. I wear warm clothes when it's cold. We  prevent  sickness . We avoid actions and  circumstances that  endangering the body. But  we have  no  claims : "I have to live, I must live!" If we had  provided  enough demand  basis , the body will automatically  maintain  life. Similarly , the  Right Livelihood ,  responsibility  only of  us  is to avoid doing harm to  themselves  and to others, so that we can keep the  mind average  safety,  purity . With our own mind  ,  we  can meditate and walk on  the path  to  happiness ,  following the  footsteps of the Buddha . 

If we want to move faster, we can find  jobs  or careers that can  cultivate , help our  cultivation  , And push for  more  effort . A job like that would create the  circumstances  to  challenge  the cons of us, through which we can repair without creating too much  pressure  and avoid posing the  problem  that  front  we  are not prepared To  cope . For example , a person who is  trying  to  cultivate  the  state of mind to  subtler  than, the work is  appropriate  especially to do things fixed, easy, not much brainstorming. On the contrary , who want to cultivate  patience  can be developed in a job that requires  confrontation  with difficult people or  situations difficult. 

During  meditation , take  time  to apply  the method  to question three steps as mentioned above to  assess  whether the work  current  of how we contribute to the  Right Livelihood . From there, we can  decide  if the work needs  to be modified  for the  better . 
Here are some key points to remember about  Legislation :
•  Means of  livelihood of  us  not  affected  adversely the development of  spirituality of us.
•  We  can  evaluate  whether a career is  considered network  failure by  the  three-tiered survey method .
• At the first level, we consider that the occupation itself is  harmful  to people or for  themselves  .
• At the second level, we consider whether the work has caused one to commit one of the  five precepts .
•  Finally , we consider whether the  elements  other  related  work can make the hard heart  peace  not.
•  Compassionate mind  can bring   good effects to a  difficult  work situation.
• If we do not intentionally hurt anyone, our mind will not be defiled by the  consequences of the negative  of the work.

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