Wednesday, 21 June 2017

8. Ca Mau Lettuce  Lions 
(Kassapa-Sìhanada sutta)

 (Doing this is also called Beijing "Great  lion  amalgams" - Mahasihanada Sutta) 

 1.  Thus have  I heard. One time the  Buddha was  in Ujunna, in  Kannakatthala deer garden . At that moment, leaving Kassapa (Ca-lettuce) to the  Buddha , said greetings  ask for social visits  with the  Buddha  and stand aside. After standing to one side, naked Kassapa said to  Bhagavan  2. -  The venerable  Gotama, I hear something like this : "recluse Gotama  criticized  every  ascetic ,  absolute 

Pure ,  supernatural , We see some  ascetics,  but live less austere ... After the general body collapse  , must be born in the evil, the  beast , the land,  hell This Kassapa, in this life, with the  heavenly eye purified ,  superhuman , I see some ascetic  but less austere than life ... After the body damage  public network , was born in  good fun ,  paradise , realm This life. Kassapa, having known the true  truth of  the future, the past, the birth, the extermination of such  ascetics  ,    

     Ashes  all  ascetic , all   austere lifestyles 

 4. This Kassapa, there are some Sa-subjects, brahmins are the  scientists ,  delicate, the  elite  in  the debate , (marksmanship) splitting two hairs, going here and here like Destroy all  wrong views  with your  wisdom . Between us and these people, there are similarities and differences. There are points that these people  recognize  as right,  we  also  recognize it  must. There are points that these people  recognize  is not,  we also  recognize  is not. There are points that these people do not recognize is a must,  we recognize it  right. There is a point  we recognize  is true, they also recognized  as right. There are points  we do  not  recognize  is true, they also do not recognize the  right. There is a point  we have recognized  as right, they do not recognize  it. There is a point  we do  not  recognize  is true, they are  recognized  as right.  5. I came to them and said: "Hey, the  Sage , the points  of disagreement , leave them alone.    


Together . These specialists said: "These measures  immoral  or is considered immoral , those  mistakes  or be seen as  mistakes , these  measures do not  so comply  or be considered not to  comply , the  law does not  value saint or It is considered unworthy of the saint, the dhamma  of pollution  or is considered  pollution, among these  sages  , Gotama Satan has  completely  dissolved the law, while the religious , the  chief  of  the sects.  The only part of it. " Thus, this Kassapa, Those who have the mind when asking each other, inquire  and  talk to each other , a large part of  us praised  on  this issue  7. Kassapa, once again, have the right to ask each other,  to inquire  and to  talk with each other , between professors and professors, between the  disciples  and their  disciples : "The  good  or good is considered good, the  Justice no mistakes  or are considered  mistakes , these measures should comply  or be deemed to  comply , the  legal value  saint or saints are considered good, the legal purity  or is considered  pure , between you  sage  this one has completely achievements  of this approach, recluse Gotama or even the  false religions ,  chief  of the sect  that?  8. Hey Kassapa, and the situation  happening.When you ask each other, inquire  and talk Chief of the other sects 8. Hey Kassapa, and the situation happening. When you ask each other, inquire and talk Chief of  theother sects 8. Hey Kassapa, and  the situation happening. When you ask each other,  inquire and  talk  


Together , they said: "The  good  or good is considered good, the  dharmaa majority praised us  about  the problem  this.  9. Hey Kassapa, again, the location have asked each other,  learn  and  conversations with each other , between professors and professors, among them  disciples  with them  disciples : "These measures  immoral or considered  any Things that are  wrong  or supposed to be  wrong , the  things thatshould not be  obeyed  or considered to be  unacceptable , those  that do not deserve the saints or are considered unworthy of the saint,    


Together . These specialists said: "These measures  immoral  or is considered immoral , those  mistakes  or be seen as  mistakes , these  measures do not  so comply  or be considered not to  comply , the  law does not  value saint or It is considered unworthy of the saint, the  polluted  or  defiled , among these  sages  , the disciples  of Gomata  completely  dissolve the law, but they are  disciples of the religious   


Together . They said: "The  good  or good is considered good, the  dharmaLearn and  talk to each other , a large part of  us praised  on  this issue  .  13. Hey Kassapa, there are  roads , there are  methods  that makes one  follow  will see and self-knowledge: "recluse Gotama  right  time, say  true , said  the benefits , say  legal,  strictly speaking law". This Kassapa,  the path  that is,  methods  that is what makes one  follow  will see and know: "recluse Gotama  right  time, say  true - Do not accept food brought  (for himself, before going  begging ) - Do not get food  specially cooked for themselves. - Not invited to eat. - Do not accept food from the pots and pans (fear of pots and pans being scraped, been stripped to  make offerings  of food) - Do not get food at the doorstep (fear for her) - Do not get food placed between the trees - Do not pick up food placed between rice mortars (fear for yourself), - Do not pick up food from two people eating (fear of food only by one). Do not take food from pregnant women (afraid of the baby in the womb of the  underprivileged ), - Do not receive food from the lactating woman (afraid of milk to women less). - Do not accept food from the woman's sexual intercourse (fear impede intercourse) - Do not get food to go raise (by followers  when famine) - Do not get food on the spot with the dog standing ( - Do not pick up food at the place of flies (fear of loss of food), - Do not eat fish,  eat meat , do not drink alcohol, wine. - He only ate at home, only to eat a piece or he only eat at two houses, only eat two pieces, or he only eat at seven houses, he only eat seven pieces. He only feeds on one bowl, feeds on only two bowls, feeds on only seven bowls. He only ate one meal a day, two days a day, seven days a meal.As such, he lived in the  tradition of eating until  half a month to eat  once  This  Gotama Sage , these  ascetics  are recognized by the Sa-subject, Brahman recognized  as leading to  Sa-fruit  and Brahman fruit. This person only eat grass to live, rice clutter, brown rice, eat nivara, eat skins, eat rice husks, eat rice flour, eat sesame powder, eat grass, eat cow dung, eat fruit, eat roots In the forest, eat fruit fall to live.  This   Gotama Sage , these  ascetic practices  are  recognized  by the Brahman, Brahman is to lead to Sa-ard and Brahmin fruit. He was dressed in coarse cloth, clothed in linen and other cloths, clothed in shroud and then thrown away, clothed with  algae , wearing bark of tititaka, wearing braided pieces child's skin chamois black, clothed with grass sand wall  (Kusa), wearing bark, clothed with clapboard, clothed with hair braided into quilts, dressed in a ponytail braid Again, wearing a coat of owl. He is the living spit hair and beard, was the customary live pluck the hair, who according to the well often stand, do not take the seat, who sat for them, live happy sitting them in a  diligent , who Using spines for bed, sleeping on bed , living on wooden floor for bed, living on bare floor,  sleeping on  one side of bed, living to dust and sticking sticky, living and sleeping  outdoors , Live where you eat, how to eat the animals (cow dung, cattle urine, ash and soil), Live without cold water, follow the habit of not drinking cold water, live a bath three times a night, go to the bath (to clear the sin ).  15. - Hey Kassapa if a person lived naked, live  bohemian  not follow  rituals , licking hands ... so live the virtues  of abstinence eating until  half months of eating only  once , but if you are not religious and no evidence was presented ordination , attention  ordination , skill  ordination , when he felt remote location recluse, far away from your Brahmin. Kassapa, if the monks live  practicingcompassionate  mind, not  hatred Evil does not harm and with the cessation of defilements ,  self  certification and  dwell  right  now ,  mind liberated ,  liberating insight outflows , the monks Kassapa was called recluses, called three- please.  Hey Kassapa, if a person only eat grass to live, this Kassapa if he only eat broken rice, brown rice, eat nivarra ... eat fruit, roots in the forest, eat fruit fall to live, but if you are not religious, and no evidence was  presented ordination , attention  ordination , skill ordination  of how far he recluses position, far away from your Brahmin. Kassapa, if he  practices compassion  , no hatred , no evil harm, and with the cessation of defilements ,  self  certification and  dwell  right  now ,  mind liberated ,  liberating insight outflows , this Kassapa, Monks was called recluses Called Brahman.  Kassapa, if a man in a coarse ramie cloth, in coarse cloth mixed with other fabrics, lived a bath three times a night, went into the bath water (to clear  his sin ), but if he did not cultivate and no evidence was  presented ordination , attention ordination , skill  ordination , when he felt remote location recluse, far away from your Brahmin. Kassapa, if monks live practice compassionate care, not  hatred , not evil harm and with the cessation of  defilements ,  self  certification and  dwell  right  now,  mind liberated ,  liberating insight outflows , this Kassapa, That bhikkhu is called Sa-subject, called Brahman.  16. When it comes to this listening, transparency naked Kassapa  Bhagavan  -  Venerable  Gotama, difficult operating rather unfortunate recluse! Difficult to act on Ba-la-behavior!  - Kassapa, that is  the  ordinary saying in life: "Difficult to change the behavior of Sa-behavioral problems difficult to work brahmin Kassapa, as someone who lived naked, live bohemian  not follow  rituals , licking hands ... so live the virtues  of abstinence eating ,  until half a month eating only  once Kassapa, if the hardship, the very impatience of Satan, the brahmin behavior only  depends on ascetics  and only  depends on  the  practice.   





   This ascetic , the real time  does not  deserve to say: "Difficult to change the behavior Sa-bad behavior difficult to work brahmin!" A man  lay , or the one who  layuntil  a maid flaked country teams may follow the well: "I live naked, live  bohemian not follow  rituals , licking hands .... so live the virtues  of abstinence eating ,  untilhalf a month eating only once ".  This Kassapa, because of   this ascetic , in addition to this ascetical practice  , Sa-happy or brahmin behavior is difficult to  practice , still difficult to  practice So it is worth to say: "Difficult to change the behavior Sa-life! This Kassapa, if monks live practice compassionate  care, not  hatred , not evil harm, and the cessation of  illegal or self  certification and  dwell  right  now ,  mind liberated liberating insight outflows , Kassapa, bhikkhu is called Sa-subject, called Ba-la-subjects.  Hey Kassapa, if a person only eat grass to live, eat broken rice, brown rice ... eat fruit, roots in the forest, eat fruit fall to live, if the trouble, Alhamdulas, the brahmins are just  as dependent on  this ascetic and only subject  the  practice ofasceticism  is the  real  value that said: "Hard to act rather unfortunate recluse! ascetic rather unfortunate Brahmin". A  layman , or a  layman ,  to  a servant girl in the water can do the following: "I only eat grass to live, eating rice, brown rice ... eat fruit. , Roots in the forest, eat the forest fruit to live. This is Kassapa, for besides   thisascetic , in addition  to this ascetical practice  , Sa-dhamma or Brahmin is still difficult to  practice , still difficult to  practice , so worthy to say: Instead of Sa-behavior!   



 Kassapa, if a man in a coarse ramie cloth, in coarse cloth mixed with other cloths ... live a bath three times a night, go to the bath water (to cleanse  sin ), if there is trouble, The very difficult behavior of the Brahmins, the Brahmin behavior only depends on  this ascetics and only depends on  the  practice ofasceticism  , the  truth is notworth   saying: Difficult to act on Brahmins! " A  layman  or a  layman to  a maid maid can do the following: "I only wear a rough hemp cloth, mixed with other fabrics ... live a Night shower three times, Go to bath water (to clear sin ) ", this Kassapa, because in addition  to  this ascetic , in addition  to this ascetic practice  , Sa-happy or brahmins still difficult to  practice , still difficult  Practice it , so it's worth saying: "Hard to change Sa-behavior! Difficult, rather Brahmin happy! "Hey Kassapa, if monks live  practice compassionate  care, not hatred , not evil harm, and with the cessation of  defilements ,  self  certification and dwell  right  now Now liberated mind ,  liberated wisdom ,  no , this Kassapa, That bhikkhu is called Sa-subject, called Brahman.  17. When they heard that, he can Kassapa  Exalted  -  Venerable  Gotama, it is hard to know rather a monk! Hard to know a Brahmin!  - Kassapa, that is  the  ordinary words in life: "Hard to know a Sa-subject is difficult to know a Brahman!" Kassapa, if a person lives naked, lives unconcerned with  rituals , lick his hands ... so follow  the eating habits ,  until  half a month eat only  once Kassapa, if you  become  a monk, if become  a Brahmin only depending austerity  this, and only  depends  the  implementation of austerity  this time  it was not  good value, but said: "It is difficult to know rather a recluse! Hard to know rather a Ba-la -nose!" A man  lay , or the one who  lay until  a maid flaked country teams may follow the well: "I live naked, live  bohemian  not follow  rituals , licking hands ... so live Follow  the eating habits ,  until  half a month eat only once.Kassapa, if you  become  a monk, if become  a Brahmin only  depending ascetic  , only  depending on  the  implementation of austerity  this time  it was not  good value, but said: "It is difficult to know rather a recluse! Hard to know rather a Ba-La- nose!" A man  lay , or the one who  lay until  a maid flaked country team can follow this well: "I live naked, live  bohemian  not follow  rituals , licking hands ... so live the virtues  of abstinence eating until  half months of eating only once ". Kassapa, for the sake of  this ascetic In addition to this ascetic practice  , it is still difficult to know whether it is difficult to know a Sa-or a Brahman, so it is worthwhile to say: "Hard to know, a Satan! A Brahmin! " This Kassapa, if monks live  practice compassionate  care, not  hatred , not evil harm, and with the cessation of  defilements ,  self  certification and  dwell right  now ,  mind liberated ,  liberating insight outflows Kassapa, that bhikkhu is called Satan, is called Ba-la-subjects.  Hey Kassapa, if a person only eat grass to live, eat broken rice, brown rice ... eat fruit, roots in the forest, Eat fruit fall to live. This Kassapa, if becoming  a recluse,  become  a Brahmin only  depending austerity  and only  subject  the  practice of austerity  this time  it is not  worthy, but said: "It is difficult to know rather a Sa It is difficult to know a Brahmin! " lay person  , or alayman's son  ,  to  a servant girl in a water jug ​​can do the following: "I only eat rice to live, eat broken rice, brown rice ... eat fruit, Roots in the forest, eat fruit fall to live ".Kassapa, for the sake of   this ascetic In addition to this ascetical practice  , it is difficult to know a Sa-a or Brahmin. So it is worth to say: "Hard to know, a Sa-subject! Hard to know, a Brahmin."  This Kassapa, if monks live  practice compassionate care, not  hatred , not evil harm, and with the cessation of  defilements ,  self certification and  dwell  right  now ,  mind liberated ,  liberating insight outflows This, Kassapa, is called Satan, called Ba-la-subjects.  Hey, Kassapa, if a man in coarse cloth, in coarse cloth mixed with other fabrics ... live a bath three times a night, Follow the water into the bath (to clear the sin ). This Kassapa, if  becoming  a recluse, become  a Brahmin only  depending austerity this, and  depending  the  practice ofasceticism  is the  real  value that says: "It is difficult to know rather a Sa Hard to know a Brahmin! "  A  layman  or a  layman ,  to  a servant girl in the water can do the following: "I wear coarse cloth, clothed in fine linen mixed with other fabrics ... live a Night shower three times. " Kassapa,  For this ascetic it is very difficult to know a Sa-or a Brahmin. So it is worth to say: "Hard to know a Sa-subject is difficult to know a Brahman!" This Kassapa, if monks live  practice compassionate  care, not  hatred , not evil harm, and with the cessation of  defilements ,  self certification and  dwell right  now ,  mind liberated ,  liberating insight outflows This, Kassapa, is called Satan, called Ba-la-subjects.  18. When they heard that, naked Kassapa  Exalted  - Venerable  Gotama, What is the world? So is the mind sufficient? What is intellectual property?  - Kassapa, now in life,  Tathagata appears , the Arahant, the  Chief of the Transfiguration ... (see  Sa-Results , paragraphs 40-42) ... see the danger in the error small,  life consulate  and  practice  in the  legal world ,  professional bodies ,  fisherypure , living  in clean ,  morality ordination ,  guardian  of the apartment, full  of mindfulness ,  right knowledge  and know  contentment  Kassapa, How the monks morality  ordination? Here, Kassapa, monks  abandon killing , away from the  killing , Minister, Ministry for, said  the knife , with  kindness , live  mercy  to the  happiness  of all  beings  and species of  beings So his  virtue in  the precepts  ... (like the  Sa-Results , paragraphs 43-61), ... While some Sa-ard, Brahman oil has used dish by credit experimental offerings  still nourishing himself on the  wrong network Like using the magic  to be  safe , to avoid the promised ... (like  Sa-fruit , paragraph 62) ....  prevent the effectiveness  of drugs. And he is away from the  evil network mentioned above. So is his  wealth  . And so, this Kassapa, who, thanks  to detaileddiscipline  should not be  frightened  from any place  of guarding the precepts This Kassapa, as a Sat-imperial-town did  empowerment , has  conquered the enemy  the enemy, no longer  fear  any place on the  hostile Also, this Kassapa, his monks by Vinaya ordination , should not show  fear  from a place of  upholding the precepts .He thanks  to  this noble precepts, should enjoy  pleasure ,  inner purity Thus, this Kassapa, monks  precepts ordination  19. Kassapa, what is the rate of bhikkhus protection  grounds? Kassapa, when the eyes see the colors, the monks do not hold the general general ... (like  Sa-Results , paragraph 64) ... what  causes  because the mind is  not  controlled       








  consciousness . He, thanks to the   noble blessing of these grounds, should enjoy life ,  inner purity ... Thus, this Kassapa Bhagavad-  retention of the bases ... (  Sa-Results , No. 64-75) ... the restaurant itself has equanimity five  hindrances  that, joyful  living; Due to  ecstatic  joy; Due to the  joy of joy , the body of  contempt Due to body  contempt , the   birth of life Due to  pleasure , the mind is determined.Monks  sexual ly , ly  committed evil , the first meditation residence certificate, A state of bliss  due to  divorce  , with the reach of four. Monks  instilled , macerated makes abundantly  filled myself with  joy  due to  sexual ly  being, not somewhere on the body not so  blissful  from  sexual ly  being that  permeates This is Kassapa, as a skilled batherman or bathing  disciple  . After sprinkling the powder in a bronze bowl, it is then stuffed with water, the dough is   drenched with wet water, kneaded with wet water, soaked in and out with water but not dripping. Also, this Kassapa  Bhikkhumacerated, make fullness , his body filled with  joy  because of  sexual ly  being, not somewhere on the  body  is not  bliss  by  sexual ly  being that  permeates That is his  gifted  mind.  Again, Kassapa, monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, residence certificate Monday meditation, a  state of blissful  due to birth, no games, no quad, provincial  single-minded ... (like Beijing  recluse results  The three  meditations  (such as the  Sa-Results , the number 79-81) ... test and stay in the fourth meditation ... (like  Sa-Results  , Some verses 81-82) ... that is interested ordination  of him. This Kassapa, it is mind  ordination  20. With  concentration,  static, pure, not contaminated , not  negativity ,  highly skilful , easy to  use ,  steady  calm so, monks led heart, afferent to the  right knowledge ,  the right view He said: "My body is the material , due to  four great  success, due to  parents being, thanks to rice porridge nourishing ,  impermanence ,  turn septic , chalk dark,  rupture perishes , the body was awake we again lean on and be  bound . "   Hey Kassapa,  such as  a stone lapis gem ,  beautiful ,  transparent , have octahedral cleverly filings, cleverly grinding, brilliance, no defilements And a thread strung over the pearl, blue, yellow, red, white or light blue, and a man with a pearl eye on his hand will see: "pearl  lapis gem , the beautiful ,  transparent , has eight sides, cleverly filing, grinding clever, bright, no defilements, complete all fine minister. And the string is pierced through the pearl, the rope is blue, yellow, red, Likewise, this Kassapa, with a  calm mind, pure,  unconfident, not  afflictive ,  incurable , easy  to use ,  firm , so calm, bhikkhu led care, afferent to the  right knowledge ,  the right view . he said: "this body of us is  material , because four great  success, due to  parents  being, thanks to rice porridge  nourishing impermanence ,  turn septic , chalk dark,  rupture ,  annihilation In that body, These men use multiple media praise precepts Kassapa, speaking of  the  highest laws ofveneration , I  realize that  there is no one in My  precepts  , how can anyone be? So I am above all of  the precepts , that is, to  increase the world  Kassapa, there are some Sa-subjects, brahmins advocated  ascetics , satirical. These people use ascetic means of praise , comfort. This Kassapa, talk about  austerity cover glass reverence  most noble, I realize there  is no one who can  ascetic my cock, how can anyone be? So I am above all about the  austerity ascetic  , ie the  risen supper.  Kassapa, there are some Sa-subjects, Brahmin  intellectual intellectual .These people use a variety  of intellectual praise Kassapa, speaking of the  highest wisdom of veneration  , I  realize that  no one can  attain  my wisdom , how can anyone be? So I am above all of  wisdom , that is, to  increase wisdom Kassapa, There are some Sa-subjects, Brahmins advocated liberation These men use multiple  media praise liberation Kassapa, speaking of  the  highest liberation ofveneration , I  realize that  there is no one with my  liberation  , how could anyone be?Thus, I am above all of  liberation , that is, to  increase freedom  22. Hey Kassapa, the situation  may occur. The wanderer  heathen  could say: "recluse Gotama bellowing roar the  lion  but only empty spot, not in the middle of them." Should say to them: " Do not say so. Recluse Gotama bellowing roar the lion  in place empty and the middle of them. "Hey Kassapa, should tell them so.   Hey Kassapa,  the situation may occur. The wanderer  outsider  might ask "recluse Gotama bellowing roar the lion  among  the public , but not roaring with  the spirit of fearless ... with  the spirit offearless ... and" no one asked recluse Gotama questions .. And "someone asked Gotama" ... "When someone asks, Gotama can not answer" ... and "When someone asks, Gotama  answers  them". And " Oil has expressed confidence  a great, people do not  reach the  spot as real "...." It  reached the  spot as real "...." oil to  reach thespot as real, it was not brought  real operating  it. "so tell them:" Do not say that.Recluse Gotama bellowing roar the  lions , bellowing in the middle of  mass , roaring with  the spirit of fearless , someone asked recluse Gotama, recluse Gotama answered  when asked, question  answered  centered people are  Satisfied , people see  the comments  Gotama Gotama worth listening to, He develops the joy of joy  as with the  ultimate joy  - Bach  Venerable , who may after hearing  Bhagavan sermon, was not  happy  as a  bliss  supreme? Really  wonderful  replacement, Venerable Sir! Really  wonderful  replacement, Venerable Sir! Bach  Dai , as the resurrection of what was thrown  down , exposed what is hidden,  directions  for the disorient, bring light in the dark so that those who have eyes can see the color. Also, Dharma  was Bhagavan  used multiple  means  to present  explanations And now I seek  refuge inthe Sun , taking  refuge in France , taking  refuge Monks. Bach  Venerable , I'm ordained  to  Bhagavan , I'm feeling  great sex  24. - Hey Kassapa, who formerly pagan , now wants  ordained , want life  contemporary world of law and must live four months in residence. After living four months off, We Increase  if  agreed  will ordained , for life  modern world  to become monks. But we  realize that human personality is  different  .  - Bach  Venerable , if those  ancient  as  pagan , now wants  ordained , want life  contemporary world  of law and must live four months in residence, after spending four months in residence  we Increase  if  agreed  will export home , for life  contemporary world , the child will apply for special residence life for four years, after living four years special residence,   











 Ordained  for the child, the highest  precepts  for children to become bhikkhu. 

 Kassapa naked and be  ordained  to  Bhagavan  and life  contemporary world . Tho University presented shortly,  Venerable  Kassapa in  his calm , no  distractions , live zeal,  diligence And soon, the evidence this  purpose the Supreme  that the descendants of household wage was  ordained abandon the family ,  living without family , towards. That is  supreme    finality of dignity,  even in the  current , himself with winning  position certified , enlightenment and  dwell "Sanh took advantage, dignity  has, what should have been done, then this world would not have  the life others". Venerable  Kassapa  tri willow  so.  And  Venerable  Kassapa  became  an Arahant. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/6/2017.

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