Saturday, 24 June 2017

The consciousness of life and death of sentient beings is weak.
It is true that the first step to learn Buddhism, from the ancient to the Buddhist after being promoted by monks and nuns to vegetarianism, reciting Buddha, do not work killing. From the Five Precepts, Bat Quan boys, the world's best ... all the world are advised not to be killed, proving the first Buddhist teachings still advised not killing. Not killing is not killing people, people are isolated, people on hands, people under hand, even to small animals such as insects, life-threatening, living in fear of death, toxic in Water ... all are not killed, because killing means sowing resentment, before the dead beings are always aware of escape, do not want to leave the family, do not want to leave the system, want to maintain lineage, But due to loss, so weak to die in suffering, the enemy regrets. And that death is always accompanied by the law of cause and effect, instant or future borrowing, or at an appropriate time: "self is to harm living beings, rob the life of beings, For beings suffering before death, death in suffering ... "
The slaughterhouses in the world, slaughterhouses of large scale, small scale in each area, especially slaughterhouses in Vietnam always have many actions to harm the life of animals in a painful way. Descriptive. The pain is always accompanied by hatred to the blue sky, never ceases and there will be no forgiveness.

Settle beings are not killing karma
Melancholy world warlocks
All beings do not kill
Then the world will not have war
Caution in the religious life
In Bhikkhin essential use of Buddha Oanh: "two monks vowed to study with the Buddha, on the road thirsty, meet a pond of clean water, want to drink and both see there is identical A thirsty but definitely do not drink because of fear of drinking water that is both harmful and harmful to beings and dangerous to themselves, and because of not drinking water between the birth of natural birth. Know the water is identical, but still drink and finally fortunate body healthy to see the Buddha, Buddhist monks from now on when drinking water to take the water rounds, if not follow the precepts. Buy water, drink water when dry Ng to play the voice and meditate shelf:
The most consistent Buddhist bowl bowl
Ba quinquivalent quail
Unlucky Uncle try Uncle
As real they are humiliated
The Buddha looked at a bowl of water
Eighty-four thousand germs
If you do not chant this
As eating meat beings
It seems that the Buddha in three generations are advocating not killing animals. The guardian of the family, happy parents, parents, children by the right of life longevity. The monks and nuns to keep strict surveillance, the gods welcome welcome, the protection Sae is a mage who is conducting the Dharma in life.
On each step, on every kilometer of the Buddha disciples always look at the feet of beings, or small insects? The Buddha often teaches his disciples not to trample the beings born of birth, lower birth, birth, births, new herbs that grew during the rainy season, He also did not allow disciples to travel in The rainy season, the rainy season must be the most convenient place to practice, for fear of accidental or deliberate trampling them to death, damage the compassion of the Buddha disciple, so the book has :
Vow of beings
Monk birth
They are good.
If you take a walk
Pray for beings
To the sea of ​​birth and death
Enough of the healing.
These verses as directed to guide the Buddhist children in the course of practice must be careful when eating when drinking, walking must pay attention to the beings who are also the smallest should not hurt, What beings are born with a large network, have the ability to hear the human voice, such as: buffalo, cow, horse, goat, pig, lamb, chicken, dog ...
The Buddha did not teach vegetarianism, but the Buddha advised not to eat meat.
In the Nirvana Sutra, the Buddha says: "If there is a Bikkhu who says that in the Bhikkhunī Sangha, the Buddha feeds on fish, gives silk, it is a miracle, is defamation!"
Spreading in the sutras to the Bodhisattvas, the Buddha taught: "The monks and nuns are not allowed to work in the five types of business. If you do not do business like that, you can not escape the flow of birth and death.
The Buddha Sutra, the Buddha also taught the Bodhisattva not to eat meat beings (third, major), no equipment to kill beings (major, 10th). Dare to dispute the law of the Buddha, also declared "Buddha eat salty and eat salty disciples"?
We can more accurately point out that in all the Buddha's teachings the saints read and copy the ancient sutras, due to the cultural language of the Buddha's time during the dry language period, The local people say this, others in other localities say otherwise, the Buddha's teachings are recorded differently, the teacher also misunderstood not to mention the preliminary Buddhist. As the Buddha "does not recommend vegetarian Buddhists vegetarian", but the Buddha often talk about peace and encourage the disciple not eat meat, do not kill beings, do not hold the device kill the living. Ordinary people say that the Buddha did not teach vegetarianism, so the Buddha advocated eating salty.
When talking about gender, Uu Ba Ly asked the Buddha about the ordination of them Buddhist practice. The Buddha taught not to ordained the silk weaver, who made dye. Why? Because when pulling silk is to kill silkworm species, dyed fabrics have to boil the range to get silk dye silk. It shows that the recruiting of the ancient Buddha was very thorough, and if people do not cultivate, then liberation, no longer back to the reincarnation of samsara in the world.
II. The problem of the three gentle life
As a progressive Buddhist, Buddhist studies must use the right words. Standing on the root of the monks in the south of the monastery keep the precepts very carefully, such as: do not eat the afternoon, the three pure life in accordance with the time of the Buddha's enlightenment. The three are humble:
Animal feed, meat processing, the monk did not see the animal hurt until death, called not seen
Animal feed, meat processing, the monk did not hear the cry before the animal "died"
Animal feed, meat processing, not by the monk instigated to kill, killed himself, or told him to kill himself, do not know.
The Buddha told the monks: "You can not intentionally use the meat was slaughtered only for your teacher, Tathagata only allowed the use of meat and fish not be blamed in the following three cases: Not seen, not heard, and no doubt "(Law I, 233). Buddhism and Vegetarianism, The Buddha's View of Meat Use - The Threefold Law of the Buddha. These are the three conditions that require you not to see slaughter, not to hear that meat slaughtered (to supply to the monks), and even if no such information is available. There is nothing suspicious about the two cases (ie, eyes, ears and mind must satisfy the "innocence" of that meat).
In the Buddha's time of birth, there are many teachings about the eating of animal flesh, meat that is pure, meat that does not eat pure and only discuss the pure (pure), or not eating meat To eat meat or not to eat meat, as in the Sutra II, No. 55, the Buddha taught Jivaka, as follows: "Maybe because of the rumors, distorting the malice on the opening of the Jivaka, before saying Of the three kinds of pure meat that bhikkhus are allowed to use, the Blessed One states: "This is Jivaka, who says the following: For Gotama, they kill the living creatures. Gotama knows, though, that the flesh that was killed for him, made for himself, they do not speak my own words, they misrepresented me, unlike my legs. Jivaka, I say in three cases, Meat is not used: see, hear and suspend (because you kill). Jivaka, I say in these three cases, meat is not consumed. Jivaka, I say in three cases, meat is served: not seen, not heard and not suspected (because of you that kill). Hey Jivaka, I say in these three cases, meat is served. " In addition, there is the theory of humiliation, the three meditations mentioned above along with the meat of the dead animals and meat that other animals eat excess.
Can the primitive sects of South Vietnamese origin, the Khmer Nam Khen, be preserved today? Or are you a vegetarian monk in the North? Some pagodas in Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai monks vegetarian school, some temples donated by worshipers, keeping the tradition of the Buddha who give food, use that food, no choice, stool Vegetarian vegetarian. This shows that the monks still retain the tradition of the Buddha and the Sangha according to the ancient Chinese system.
III. Made vegetarian?
In the tenth year of the tenth reign of the Tenth Emperor (in the year of Tan Mu 511), after the defection of the Qi Dynasty, the Liang Dynasty, the emperor Luong Vo De, was the righteous king of kings. Wages in the Buddhist religion, built many temples scale offerings to the Buddha. The King edited the Buddha's book, 4 volumes entitled "The Passage of the Unforgettable", the policy of abandoning alcohol consumption and lowering the identity of monks and nuns in the temple must be vegetarian new school in the temple.
The King said: "All monks are rightly believed in the Law of Cause and Effect, Theory, Buddhist Theory, the Buddhist scriptures have clearly stated that evil will be evil, good will be good. To take good deeds as the root, not to eat meat or fish.And now the disciple who still fond of meat, then it is a sin, this sin will definitely be retribution.Therefore the monks need to break with Eating fish and drinking alcohol. "(Quoting the life and career of Emperor Luong Vo De in 502-550).
The king continued: "To increase them today, everyone has to save, if they are wearing Tathagata's clothes, without doing Tathagatas, they are just pretenders of monks, they are no different. If there are monks who continue to crave flesh and crave for wine, then follow the king's punishment. "(Doan Nhu Van - citing the life and career of Emperor Luong Vo De in 502-550).
The vegetarianism, also called the "boy", comes from the "vegetarian" camp, which is a common word in the Vietnamese language from the time of the Chinese Liang
Vegetarianism education
Vegan school keep the whole world, but as a Buddhist, when taught by the precepts, there is a lecture on vegetarianism, vegetarianism like a brother (vegetarian a month 2 days), fathers (vegetarian one 4 days a month, 6 days of vegetarian food, 6 days of vegetarian food, 6 days of vegetarian food. The vegetarian days of Buddhists are good days of good deeds, the days of Buddhist men and women doing good to avoid evil, to avoid acts that hurt the birth of beings, enabling them to have life groups. Together with their flocks, their families, their parents, their blood.
Vegetarianism is not a big problem, vegetarianism is not a monk, not a decision for the liberation of samsara or the Buddha. But Buddhists who do not discuss vegetarianism, do not know vegetarian is the worst thing in the Buddhist world. We try to analyze carefully what the benefits of vegetarianism before it comes to enlightened Buddhists:
Bring purity to mind and body. Cups, cups clean. The environment is clean, there are no impurities in the life around us
- Fasting digestive, making the body do not sick abnormal because the digestive work relentlessly.
- Stop the evil actions, do not meet the mutation of the beast turned into human beings, transform into animals, kill animals, kill animals in the money label, no longer painful hatred endless.
- Vegans bring to the world a true peace, because vegetarianism is not killing, so there are no slaughtered invasions, of this nation to a people of other nations, do not harm. Human life.
Vegetarianism, eating salty affect the liberation?
A monk, three years of life, eating animals, life of animals, in Sri Lanka only eat fish, do not eat meat, now the precious You do not eat meat again, but vegetarian. The number of vegetarian monks is increasing (Quang Duc Homepage - The Buddha's Emotional Law - Vegetarianism in Buddhism)
From the point of view of the teachings of the South, the monks' nuns (no nuns) attain saintship, including the four blades, Bodhisattva, Buddha.
According to the North system, the vegetarian school, absolutely not kill, do not eat life beings, keep strict discipline. Evolution under the teachings of the Bac dynasty to the position of Pratyekabuddha, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva and Buddha. Monks and nuns use only vegetable, vegetable and fruit crops. However, monks and nuns in some Vietnamese schools are not vegetarians, or vegetarians, but eat only boys, boys, boys, boys, or vegetarians for three months. blow.
Vegetarianism, eating salty food has a great impact on the religious life of Buddhist monks. In the meditation community, the monk must have the determination, make the growth of compassion, pure body of mind and body. To remember that eating meat is a sinful nature, it must live to see it die. Having such a mind becomes a "guardian armor", helping the monk decide to move towards the path of enlightenment.
IV. Can eating salty life Bodhisattva?
The Bodhisattva Sutra of the Bodhisattva, the precepts for the monks and nuns, men and women Disciples of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva world of the "system of communication" gender can pass to the monk, after life Bhikkhu bhikkhu, was the teacher to allow Bodhisattva life. For the young religious life expectancies are not restricted to the Bodhisattva ordained, because the Bodhisattva precepts are higher, if they are not satisfied with the Bodhisattva precepts, Anyway, except for the diaspora, the bronze statue of over 60 years old to ordained bodhisattva.
The law of the Southern system of the text, the Buddha did not issue the Bodhisattva preaching to the monks in the Southern tradition.
For Buddhists, the Buddhist doctrine of rebirth in the third and the third world is the precept of the "major" group. The first of the six sexes of the world, the Buddha taught not to kill the world, the 10th in 28 sectarian descent of the Buddhist teachings: "water is not drinking, drinking harms compassion, Others are more or less advised not to kill. At the moment of ordination, the lay devotees are still being trained in vegetarianism to be ordained by the bodhisattva. In Dong Nai, how did the monks teach the lay people how many years they were vegetarian? If less than 5 years will not be accepted Bodhisattva ordained.
Buddhism has two lineages
The north and south of the ancient archipelago are still present
Nam transmits the original
In the north, the old patriarchs kept their faith
The three lamas call the Theravada

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