Eightfold Path
(Eightfold Path)
T almonds (Noble path) or path (path Right) are indicated path rightly, taken to the holy , holy , liberation . The path (Pàli: magga) is the path of transformation , which is the method, the practice that leads to happiness and peace . In Buddhism , the word "holy" does not have metaphysical or supramundane meanings . It describes all the teachings of Buddhism are by the Buddha uttered and for purposes ofescape all constraints of ignorance , craving , the cause of suffering. Therefore, as well as methods of cultivation other of 37 the assistant director , as 4 titlescontemplation ( Satipatthana ), 4 categories of ardent and as standard (iddhi; Four primary needs - Four as the sufficiency ) , 7 paths to enlightenment ( Eight Bodhi section ) ..., eight parts of the path ( eightfold path ) is the path of practice of a person determined to find truth and happiness in life. Those who practice the Eightfold Path are happy people . Family is built according to the Noble Eightfold Path is a happy family and a similar , A national society living according to the Noble Eightfold Path will certainly be a peaceful society . It is possible to affirm the eight parts of the path are eight conditions necessary and sufficient to be happyand peaceful in this world include: Right view , Right thinking , Right Speech , Right Action , Right Livelihood , Right Effort , Right Mindfulness and right concentration .
1) - Chief of knowledge (Samma ditthi): In the Pali language, is made from the dittha ditthi. Dittha, if the verb would mean «seeing, seeing»; When a noun means: "the person who is enlightened to the ultimate goal ". While Samma means"righteousness, righteousness". Natural ditthi sammà thus means: seeing, understanding righteousness, justice or perception correct, clear lifelike . The economic Noble ( Middle Agama 189) of Maha Cattarisanka ( Central III - 114),
- Understanding the 4 truth ( Four ), origination - selflessness , longitudinal contact causality in the operation , from the source being created to cessation and methods of practice to cessation of food nourish charity education is the chief knowledge .- Knowing good and evil , the nature of the fundamental of them is chief knowledge .- The knowledgeable about 5 aggregates of self and the world is the chief knowledge .
2) - Right Thought (Samma samkappa): Thought is spending part Monday in the Eightfold Path after chief knowledge . By knowledge , the true view that right meditation or thought arises. The process of meditating constantly will form thoughts (thoughts). Thought so as a result of the thoughtful long , shaped the ideology or system of thought justice . Similarly as chief knowledge , the thinking is called true when they are generated from a focused survey of quad soles , origination - selflessness , 5 aggregates ... These thoughts do not reflect the contents of the 4 truth , grace start - selflessness is thought wrong aka deviant thought as the Buddha has declared : «Who saw origination is found legal. Who saw Justice is seen Tathagata "( Samyutta III , tr.144). origination - selflessness , 5 aggregates ... These thoughts do not reflect the contents of the 4 truth , origination -selflessness is thought wrong aka deviant thought as the Buddha has declared : «Anyone who sees dependent origination sees dharmas. Who saw Justice is seen Tathagata "( Samyutta III , tr.144). origination - selflessness , 5 aggregates ... These thoughts do not reflect the contents of the 4 truth , origination - selflessness isthought wrong aka deviant thought as the Buddha has declared : «Anyone who seesdependent origination sees dharmas. Who saw Justice is seen Tathagata "( SamyuttaIII , tr.144). origination - selflessness is thought wrong aka deviant thought as the Buddha has declared : «Who saw origination is found legal. Who saw Justice is seen Tathagata "( Samyutta III , tr.144). origination - selflessness is thought wrong aka deviant thought as the Buddha has declared : «Who saw origination is found legal. Who saw Justice is seen Tathagata "( Samyutta III , tr.144).
3) - Right Speech (Samma Vaca): Due to the understanding and ideological correctness , speech and language well of practitioners also need peace, justice . Comment Visuddhimagga (Visudhi Magga) wrote: "When the practitioner sees and thinking as such (ie on the basis of 4 truth and origination - selflessness ), the abandon wrong speech of he, a waiver relative satisfied with the right view , renounce evil language now called right speech "(page 40 - episode III).
Wrong speech is the speech - language well misleading 4 expression: lie ( expect Language ), saying evil ( harsh ), said two blades ( dual losses ) and rely language . In business for example saws ( Majjhima I - 21), the Buddha taught about 5 types of language practice that a person practicing right speech should practice :
- Timely , not timeless ; - Speak truthful words , do not say spoiled spoof ; - Say peacefully, do not say harsh words ; - Say what benefits, did not say useless ; - Speech comes from compassion , do not say the word comes from the yard.
4) - Right Action (Samma kammanta): Industrial (Kamma) that acts with intention . An action or action that arises from righteous thought and thought is called right action . In contrast with the right action is wrong now . The renunciation of acts immoral of evil now - such as murder, misappropriating assets of SAAN others ( including bribery, accepting bribes, embezzling public funds , ...), misconduct in sexual (as Men and women relations nefarious, self-education ...
The source of all acts of evil now leads start from three factors : heart greed , the hatred and the loving attachment to delusion . With awareness and thinking purity not defiled, the practice attempts to exclude all ideological attachment , hatred. The mind becomes pure . Pure heart , then life also clean . Right Livelihood so is life in clean , exemplary ,
5) - Livelihood (Samma ajiva): factor or factors of fifth in the Noble Eightfold Path is Right Livelihood . In dictionary Pali, Ajiva means of survival, subsistence, this means the operation manual labor or brain to sustain life. All active professional livelihood is understood as true when they were not done by the cunning, deception, harming self , family , society and country (whether of people or her) as wholesale selling poison , heroin, weapons, ... Comment Visuddhimagga explains: «Right Livelihood properties are cleaned. The task of bringing it incurred a profession livelihood appropriate . It is represented by the abandoned wrong livelihood "(ibid, tr.41).
6) - Right Effort (Samma vayama): Effort (Vayama) is the effort , painstaking diligence , trying hard with all the energy itself . Right Effort is the ability to promote a practitioner 's practice when he is determined to cut off any unwholesome activities in his or her own life. It is expressed through four ranges :
- Efforts made to eradicate the evil law has arisen as the vices, defects themselves . - Efforts to prevent , extinguish the evil or not. - Efforts generator of the dhamma as the thought , behavior , language has material compassion , selflessness , sacrifice , serve... - Efforts to cultivate and grow the dhamma found terracotta.
The categories of good and evil of ethics , morality is expressed through acts of body, speech of the mouth and the thoughts of the mind. Therefore, right effortalso is capacity controlled focused the activities of body, speech and mind.
7) - Mindfulness (Samma sati): Sati according to Pali word meaning: the memory, attention , usually translated as mindfulness. Mindfulness is the focus visualize four headings : body , feelings , mind and the law. The attention and memory, thinking standing about 4 titles on leads to exclusion 4 evil thoughts:
- The body is a celestial unity that is considered beautiful , pure , desirable . - The sensations ( including all state , attitudepsychology of faculties 6 base when exposed 6 ceiling), whether painful , joyful or very character (1) are due to causes and conditions of birth , likely The direction to dukkha dukkha that is attached to happiness , peace . - Psychology , consciousness man is always changing, Impermanent, but conservative is permanent . - All things, phenomena in the world always change according to not falling, but accept that there is a fall, not due to coast .
The Pure Land Commentary reads : "When the practitioner's efforts (ie, always focus on four headings ) are not neglected in the center of right understanding , shaking off the wrong mind, then called mindfulness . It has characteristics as an establishment . Its task is not to forget "(see, p. 41).
8) - Right Concentration (Samma samadhi): concentration (samadhi) is the state of mind to focus pure , calm , do not fluctuate . The Four Sutras ( Central III , no. 117) defines the concentration : "What is righteousness with the suburbs and support? It is Right View , Right Thought , Right Speech , Right Action , Right Livelihood , Right Effort , Right Mindfulness . This the brethren ,
In the teachings on, Right Concentration is the best center in the presence of 7 spent part before that special is Right . Thus, concentration or concentration , which is not present in right understanding is called evil .
II Contacts between the Noble Eightfold Path and Virtue, concentration, Tue
The path leading to enlightenment under the 8 factors of the path but not described fully in 3 groups Precepts , Meditation and Wisdom , but the characteristic experiment, we always include the three subjects outflows : Gender, Dinh, Tue. The Buddha clarified: "The sage Visakha, the eight paths are not included in the three aggregates, but the three aggregates comprise the eight sages . Any right speech yet, chief executive now do, right livelihood does, Are in the aggregate. Any proper diligence , mindfulness , concentration , do belong to the aggregates. Whatever right understanding , right thinking all belong to Wisdom.
The contact between the expenditure part of the Eightfold Path with three precepts , meditation and wisdom is not the focal contact objectivity, machinery, we denote properties consistency in learning the doctrine and practice. Can explain in two directions: The contact between the expenditure part of the group and the contact between the three groups, concentration and wisdom.
1) - Contact of nature experimentally between spending part of the group:
- The parts of righteousness , right action , justice are ranked because of the general nature . Words , acts of life and career both in physical and verbal expression. Therefore, they are classified as gender.
- Mindfulness, one-pointedness and diligence are the three reciprocal factors that lead to dharma. Comment Visuddhimagga explained : «The non-self nature give rise to absorption, but with diligent completed mission efforts , thoughts do tasksprevent oscillation , the Dinh reach to an only« ( Sdd, p.42).
- Wisdom consists of right understanding and right thinking . In addition to perception , understanding is the specific manifestation of wisdom , thought, or thought that is also classified in the Aggregate of Wisdom. Why ? He Ghosa Thera Buddha ( Buddhist Music ) explains : «Wisdom (ie right view ) itself can not define an object is impermanence , suffering, selflessness . But with games - thinking aided by constantly hitting the object, it can be ... Therefore, in Tue aggregates only right view is the same type ,
2) - The contact between groups, concentration, Tue: Typically, the path of liberation to be introduced in order gradual , concentration, wisdom as Vinaya says: «Do About born Dinh, by Dinh born Tue «. However , due to related systems charming start and practice cultivation according to the base nature , the three ways of learning is presented depart from Tue group. The Sutta Sutras , the Great Four Sutras identify right view as the main part of the Noble Eightfold Path .
As stated, virtue is the path of conversion to the holy fruit . In the Great Fourth , the Buddha taught two paths of the rational and uneducated (2): "Because right understanding , right thinking arise; Because of right thinking , right speech ; Due to the right speech , right action arises; ..., due to right concentration , right mind arises; because right knowledge , Secretarial deliverance arise. Thus, the monks,
Therefore, the Noble Eightfold Path also has two types: organic contraband and outflows . Whether presented in the form of 8 parts or 10 parts , the focus of the practice of the Eightfold Path is to remove the smuggled or , craving , clinging . The classification above is intended solely for the purpose of emphasizing the role of the intellectual ( political ) in the liberation (Chief liberation ) any illegal or out of consciousness . This affirms the importance of wisdom . Buddhism is the path of wisdom as the Great Enlightenment has written: « Business Intelligence.
As well as all the teachings other, the Noble Eightfold Path is a doctrine directed to and serve for life. Therefore , study the Eightfold Path can not stop at the level of survey, learn . They need to be tested in life.
Humans are a set of two components body physics and life spirit . Noble Eightfold Path practice so placed on the foundation of two ways : cultivate yourself and cultivate the mind.
1) - Cultivating the body: The physical body (internal mental aggregate ) is always related to the ecological world (external aggregates ). A breath of fresh air gives the body a cool sensation, but it can also lead to illnesses. Live in circumstances any such reviews , the conditions of residence humid or arid, no hygiene or lack of greenery environment ... will bring about complications of disease. Practice the right view , right thinking is found and self- awareness focal contact interdependence of the internal and external parts of the body or body part correlation of the body and the environment. Practice right action - right effort - right speech is automatically adjust the resistance of the body consistent with the learning environment, labor and employment; Suggesting and implementing the work of improving the ecological environment and strengthening the physical training through exercise, living in moderation . Mindfulness cultivation - mindfulness of the body is to know and master the activities of the body, maintaining a balanced state not to excite or inhibit sex . In Business Administration Body Mindfulness ( Majjhima - 119), the Buddha taught: "Hey, Teacher, when stepped forward , step back knows what you do; When looking back and forth he knew what he was doing; When eating, drinking, chewing, tasting ...; To walk, to stand, to sit, to sleep, to be awake, to speak, to be silent, to know what we do. While he lives no distractions , zealous, ardent , The secular thoughts andthought are excluded. Thanks to the law except that, the inner being abides , seated, most specialized , calm ".
Cultivation of the Noble Eightfold Path regardless of any part must have the presence of right understanding . Therefore, self- awareness and follow-up , self-control are two indispensable elements in the process of self- cultivation.
2) - Cultivation mind: The mind is always floating , fluctuating according to the conditions inside or outside the body. Cultivation can not be placed beyond the scope of mental training and vice versa. When the mind is oscillating or inhibited by negativity (kilesa), active body will be pulled even look on life becomes sad. Poetry still leaves a lot of lament, pity :
«Which scenes do not wear sorrow,
sad people have fun never?" -
Consciousness, therefore , is of special importance in stabilizing one's life. Complete classics , law, logic Buddhism do not go out that direction. Cognitive or right view , thoughts find clues contact predestined in contact internally of state mentality and attitude of psychological behavior is beginning to adjust , modify the behavior of body, speech ( of right speech , right action , right livelihood) and finally is washed off the center of the immoral law, sorrow , envy , resentment are rooted in greed, hatred and delusion. Effort to meditate on ( right concentration - mindfulness ) is the road especially important, solve all the disturbances sentiment of humanity . At the same time it determines the qualitative peculiarity of Buddhism , unlike the religious other. Resentment originated from greed, hatred and delusion. Effort to meditate on ( right concentration - mindfulness ) is the road especially important, solve all the disturbances sentiment of humanity . At the same time it determines the qualitative peculiarity of Buddhism , unlike the religious other. Resentment originated from greed, hatred and delusion. Effort tomeditate on ( right concentration - mindfulness ) is the road especially important, solve all the disturbances sentiment of humanity . At the same time it determines the qualitative peculiarity of Buddhism , unlike the religious other. solve all the disturbances sentiment of humanity . At the same time it determines the qualitativepeculiarity of Buddhism , unlike the religious other. solve all the disturbancessentiment of humanity . At the same time it determines the qualitative peculiarity of Buddhism , unlike the religious other.
«We can draw a conclusion clearly about what to do by a practice liberation . Meditators only two things to do, such as world religions teach, learn Buddhism and meditate on. This is the way we go to Buddhism , go to Buddhism.
The world today is gradually developing, go to multilateralised comprehensive . Many theories , theoretical philosophy , religion school being re- assessment to find out the value of the application for the background of civilization modern . Principles, rules of moral exhortation is also changed. However , if I had to find out the categories ethics common to build and contribute to stability of all disorders in life on life , the Noble Eightfold Path is oriented to the life of individuals , families and society in every country on The world . As long as people still suffering , the Noble Eightfold Path remains the lodestar guiding all acts , words and thoughts of the three now ; As long as the society still needs to develop well , the Eightfold Path is still the direction of policy amendment, the direction of organizing social activities ; and as long as all the countries in the world still desire to bring peace to humanity , about which the Eightfold Path is still the contribution of Buddhism to the common voice of humanity in the peace process in the world . It is possible to affirm the value of the eight chapters as a practice map for people of all time .END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/6/2017.
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