Though details have much different but Lai-Tra-La-Hoa and Siddharta have similarities as both are born in families aristocrats of society India contemporaries.
If Hermann Hesse had let his protagonist Siddharta walk through the streets with the royal crown that made the noble Brahmins see his heart flutter in love , Lai-Tra-Hoa -La also , when you know that Re-Tra-Hoa-La intend to abandon family to follow the Buddha , you have advised Re-Tra-Hoa-La like this:
"Back-Tra-La-Hoa son lay , who you soft, body beautiful , sitting on the bed usually is good, so now you do not know suffering? Re-Tra-La-Hoa, you quickly stand up living with life pleasures that generosity , joy tu blessing now. Why ? Re-Tra-Hoa-La, the world of the Buddha is very difficult, very difficult! Renunciation learn religion even harder. "And like Siddhartha Hermann Hesse had to beg his father several times to leave the family under the Samana but also was the father refused, Siddharta to pressure his father by kneeling all night until when his father accepted the new stand up . Finally the father of Siddharta had reluctantly accepted to Siddharta leave. Similarly, Re-Investigation-Hoa-La also must earnestly beg their parents to the three times the little word pathetic like this:
"Dear parents , as I know for the teachings that the Buddha taught, if you live at home home, being confined in a nuisance , not a lifetime pure spiritual virtues are. Ask parents to let me live in the law that is leaving my family , living without a family to study. "And all three times again was rejected Re-Trace-Reason" Re-Trace -HEPING-La, parents only alone the very love indulgent, Heart of the unspeakable attachment. Suppose you die, parents do not want to leave, what do you live away from the remote , can not see the stars?
And finally like Hermann Hesse's Siddharta, Fr. Hoa has put pressure on his parents to "get down to earth and say," I do not get up , do not drink, do not eat until I get up. any parent to child in Dharma bill credit even forsake family , living without family learning religion ". Just so-Hoa Lai-Tra-La " spent a day without food, until two days, three days, four days, many days without food." Despite all the words begged , but the Back-Tra-La-Hoa to silence did not answer. Then, parents Back-Tra-La-Hoa had to ask relatives and local officials to admonish but Lai-Tra-La-Hoa remained silent estate . Finally , thanks to the good knowledge and friends but still not shaken the iron will of La Trach-La-La. After all of you good knowledge offered to parents Re-Investigation-Hoa-La: "The physician should Back-Tra-Hoa-La in Dharma this law even believers forsake family , living homeless Home study religion . If you like living like this, then in this life can also meet . If he bored her life situation where they naturally will return back to the parents . Now if you do not let him go, certain he was going to die, no doubt anymore , so what is the point?"And parents Back-Tra-Hoa-La no choice than to agree with this proposal and the" Back-Tra-Hoa-La heard it, joy unspeakable, joyful , born loving, born optimistic, he stood up , slowly retraining the body . When the body was recovered , immediately leave the village Thau-Lo-Look,
" The Blessed Mother , the parents have given me in this law , out of abandoned family, living without family education . May the Blessed One child under Exalted ordained learn religion , ordained ordination , made Bhikshu . "
And finally , there are differences between Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse and Back-Tra-Hoa-La's China Agama is, Siddharta after met the Buddha , the Siddharta knew that this was the man the first great and also the finally he met. Siddharta but still must leave the Buddha to go searching in the lonely , left-Tra-La-Hoa is accepted in the great shadow him.
The venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa after monastic school director , ordained ordination , living alone in remote location, heart no distractions , practice diligently . He reached the goal that a good man shaved off his beard, dressed in a robes , abandoned his family , lived without his family studied , was the only completion of the noble virtue , in this present life . Self-awareness, self-realization , self- realization, achievements ,
About ten years after the attainment of liberation , a day Re-Investigation-Hoa-La remembered the parents and promise years old should Back-Tra-Hoa-La please Buddha returns to hometown to perform a full That promise . Is the Buddha allowed , Back-Tra-La-Hoa immediately hit the road back home. When Hoa-Tra-Hoa returned to the village, it was dark so Tra-Hoa-La decided to spend the night in Thi Nhan Hoa garden located north of Thau-Lo-Tra.
The next morning, as usual, Back-Tra-La-Hoa robes carrying the bowl into the village to beg for food . La-Tra-Hoa-La recalled the Buddha 's instructions that when begging are not distinguished rich and poor, but must order from house to house. When Supposedly Re-Investigation-Hoa-La to the front of the house where Venerable was born and grew up to be "at that time the father of venerable standing in the door, combing hair shaving, I suddenly saw a recluses bring y bowl step in, he immediately rebuked a badly: "recluses bald black devils were tied, extinction, not children, Sabotage our family . We have a child with great love , generosity, attachment can not be intimate, but it leads away - do not let it eat.
The author of Re-Tra-Hoa-La heard his father scolded so quickly rushed away but "at that time the housemaid carrying a basket of rotten food, thrown into the rubbish dump" Lai-Tra-Hoa -La immediately voiced "Hey sister, if this should become rotten food away, you should put it in the bowl of me, I will eat." While pouring the food into the bowl people slave suddenly realize that this is not a recluses yet unfamiliar , but the Back-Tra-Hoa-La son of the boss because she realized the hands and feet Especially the voice.
Immediately people slave to the journalist for his boss said, the boss happy too but when he got to the then "see venerable Back-Tra-Hoa-La was sitting facing the wall eating Rancid" that slave Just poured into the bowl for the author .
When I saw this scene, the father laments immediately voiced : "Back-Tra-La-Hoa son who is very soft, body beautiful , often eat delicious. Why do you eat rotten stuff like this? And for what reason did you come to this village of Laotian and not go to your parents' home? "
Venerable replied by recalling the words cursing his father when he came to stand in front of his door: "Dear lay people , children in father's house, but not alms but also be cursed that" recluses bare this head demon black tie, extinction without children, destroying families do, we have a child very loving pampered lap of attachment unspeakable so that it leads away, do not let it eat " I heard that so hurry to leave.
When listening to your child repeat the words of pain this father immediately apologize and invite Re-Investigation-Hoa-La into the house and told his wife prepared meals to treat Back-Tra-La-Hoa. But when the rice was done, Hoa's mother did not invite her son to eat, "she immediately brought money to the middle of the house a large pile. The money is so big that one person standing on the other side does not see each other. Put a big pile of finished she went to the front venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa said:
"This is the money of the mother, while the amount of father and son , the many countless hundreds of thousands, not to calculate it. Now all entrusted to Lai-Tra-Hoa-La, children should leave the world , live the pleasure that generosity , happiness blessed .Why so? Because the world of the Buddha is very difficult, very difficult! It is harder tolearn a religion . "
Looking pile of gold venerable Back-Tra-Hoa-La to say to his mother a word but do not know her mother has enough calm to embrace a truth that for those who are craving as parents themselves may be recognized The truth or not? But in the end, Trace-Hoa still decides to tell the truth no matter how much it hurts his parents . Re-Tra-Hoa-La carefully told his mother:
"I have something to say, will you hear me?"
The mother replied:
"Baby, there's something you keep saying, I'm ready to listen."
Venerable politely said to his mother:
"Mother should sew new sack, full of money, take the car to the Ganges , down to the depths. Why? Because of this money makes human suffering, sorrow, tears, unhappiness.
That money does not seduce then he used her female identity by inciting the former wife of the venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa to seduce venerable . She devised plans for her ex-brides: "The children, you should use peanut peanut . Before the physical makeup , the ivory that Lai-Tra-Hao-La at home very fond of , using his peanut makeup and then the children come together again, saying: "do not know Hien sweet goddess more beautiful that makes me leave my sweet Hien to practice the virtues for her?"
The old bride after the instructions of her mother-in-law meant makeup prepared then simultaneously came before the reverend Lai-Tra-Hao-La hugged the feet of the author that repeated the mother-in-law.
Reverend Lai-Tra-Hoa-La strictly responded to his ex-wives:
"You girls, you should know, I am not for the goddess who practice religious . The reason I practice the virtues is to reach fruition liberation . Now I have achieved that purpose .What the Buddha taught, I am done now. "
Though his ex-wife blamed, Re-Hoa-La turned to his parents and said,
" Layman , if you have rice on time, should try, why bother with each other?"
Father Hoa-La-Tra-La-La suddenly stood up personally invited back to Hoa-La-life. After that meal finished, Back-Tra-La-Hoa he used Boundless Media to lecture for parents .Then from the seat to stand up , Re-Tra-Hoa-La said the verse like this:
Look silhouette This jewelry
storms pearls and these
hair-side winding organic surrender
Moles blue eyes of a man, long eyelashes
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
With so many silk Leopard build the
Mong beauty body inert valve
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
And how many flavors for applying
Proverbs scoring the golden red chalk
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
Austria pure magic decorate the body
Principles illusory image or pointers
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
When the deer trampled the trawl net
And broke the gate trapped a lifetime
I left the bait, go away
Who love to tie the body of the deer.
storms pearls and these
hair-side winding organic surrender
Moles blue eyes of a man, long eyelashes
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
With so many silk Leopard build the
Mong beauty body inert valve
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
And how many flavors for applying
Proverbs scoring the golden red chalk
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
Austria pure magic decorate the body
Principles illusory image or pointers
Games lies dupe si wild
But how are men to shore trick!
When the deer trampled the trawl net
And broke the gate trapped a lifetime
I left the bait, go away
Who love to tie the body of the deer.
So only in a prose short venerable Back-Tra-Hoa-La has said it all so ridiculous that parents of venerable flew back from the venerable entered the house until the venerable leave.
"Kinh said that after saying all proceedings Back-Tra-La-Hoa was" used as the residence slash nowhere that go ". He returned to the forests of Thau-Lo Tra, went to the forest, laying nuns sitting in the lotus under the tree Hercules.
Re-Hoa-La, a wealthy young follower of Buddha, not only touched the people of Tho-Lo-Tra but also the ruler of this land named. The sentence-Lao-Ba again. Upon hearing that Re-Tra-Hoa-La has returned to the island, Lao-Ba is very happy to order the hunters to find the rest of Hoa-La-La, where the sentence-Lao - He visited . The hunters after the probe said Venerable is in the forest Thau-Lo-Look,
When King Lao-Ba came to the place, Pham Tra Lai Hoa said:
"King, now come here, want to sit where you sit naturally sit, get it?
King Lao-She answered,
"Today, although I come to my territory, but I want to be good, come back to me."
Venerable King invited King-Lao-Ba:
"It has its own seat, please Royal sit".
After sitting down, the king immediately to express your concerns about the monastic school director of the venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa.
The king asked:
"Is He as family breakdown which ordained their religious education affordable? If there is no material to live the religious life , then this Tragedy-La-La-La in the house of this King-Lao-Princess has a lot of material, I will export material for Lai-Tra-Hoa, recommend Lai-Tra-La-Hoa vows apostate , life pleasures that published it, arbitrary tu blessing now.Why so? Re-Tra-Hoa-La, the teachings of the Buddha is very difficult, leaving school to learn more difficult.
After the reconstruction of Hoa-Hoa-La, said:
"King, now by impurity invite me, not by the bar that invited."
King Lao-Ba asked:
"How can I invoke Reclamation with purity not by impurity?"
The author replied:
"Great king, should say something like this:" People in my country in peace , joy , without the dread, no struggle, no harsh, no enslavement, rice full, alms Easy, Re-Tra-Hoa live in my country, I will support like France . The king , said so called by the bar that invited me, not by the invitations invited. "
Thus, through the remarks of Lai-Tra-Hoa-La, we find that Arhat ( Hinayana ) or Bodhisattva ( Mahayana ) is nothing different means that both Hinayana and Mahayana are placed. peacefulness of being on the welfare of the individual alone. In other words, every day there is another being distressed , abused or treated with harsh, the date that the level Arhat or Bodhisattva can not equanimity enjoy any kind of peace and privacy for the self alone.
The fact that a young man abandoned riches honor to follow the Buddha made king Question-Lao-She had to go to decide the king saw an obligation to speak denied all allegations misrepresent which commune The contemporary Indian Society has addressed such young people as Lai-Tra-Hoa-La:
"Again, Lai-Tra-Hoa-La has four cases of microfocus , due to micro- beard shaved hair, in a robes , living without family education . What is four? It is failure, senile, asset impairment, and kinship failure. "
Then the king of Sentence-Lao-She did explain clearly each case and come to the conclusion people young again-Tra-United-La did not have any cases of failure of any of the four cases above:
"Back-Hoa-La, how is it? Or someone often sick, very severe illness, too painful , he thought: "I long term illness, very severe illness, too painful . I have desire but not livesex life . Now we shave our beard (...). That's called distressing illness.
"Back-Hoa-La, how old are you? We have old people , the base is weak , life expectancy is almost, we have desire , but can not live a pleasant life , now we should shave off the beard (...). That's called senility. "
"Back-Trace-La, how property failure? Or someone who is impatient with her, he thinks: "I'm so poor with you, so I have to shave my beard (...). That's called distressed property . "
"Back-Hoa-La, what is called kinship failure? Or have a great cousin , died great, no one else, he thought: "I am now her children are great , die great, no one else. I should now shave my beard (...). That's called distant relatives. "
And the king of Sentence-Lao-she confirmed one more that Back-Tra-La-Hoa does not have any other form of undoing any of the four cases undoing on:
"Back-Tra-Hoa-La, the old no sickness , peace full , sugar digestion conditioned, not cold not hot, average chief peace , harmony does not dispute . Therefore, these soft or hard food though are easily digested , peace . So back to Hoa-La is not because of thinking that shaving off the beard ... "
"Back-Tra-Hoa-La, the old into adolescence, silky black hair, body healthy, then cantor soloist, even sexual delight . Re -body , often like walking. At that time people nobody wants to Him monastic school directors , parents crying, nor sorrow to His worry forsake family . But he shaved his beard ... "
"Back-Tra-La-Hoa village in Lot-Tra Thau-this, on the part of material resources, the family he was First, is maximal, is supreme , is paramount , so Lai-Tra-Hoa La not because of the property failure but the school education . "
"Back-Tra-La-Hoa village in Lot-Tra Thau-this, the relative wealth are alive. Re-Investigation so-Hoa-La not because kinship failure that comes their religious education . "
Thus, because the cause that makes Back-Tra-La-Hoa decided to abandon all for monastic study religion? This is the explanation of Lai-Tra-Hoa La La King of Lao-Ba:
"This great king , Bhagavan who know, have seen, is the Tathagata , Wuxi First Department , College Enlightenment , has preached four. I accept that, I see, hear, know that, so I willingly live without a family to study . "
What is four?
King, this world is not protected , not worthy to take refuge. The world is necessary to go to the old . This world is not often, need to leave. This world has no satisfaction , noknowledge , no servant of love. "
King Lao-Ba asked:
"Again, as you have said," This world is not protected , not worthy of refuge. " But Re-Hoa-La I have children, grandchildren, brother, brother, party, statue, military, army, army, all good shot, good at resistance, serious , brave as king , athletes , have people see generals , others plotted, someone calculated that those who understood classic books, have good conversation with military spirit, have relatives who mantras , who know you, regardless every means that a terrorist is someone overpower , stop .
Re-Tra-Hoa-La replied:
"King, now I ask Him please according to the knowledge that answered , the king himself is sick?"
King Lao-She answered,
"Re-Tra-Hoa-La, now my body is usually disease."
Referee Re-Tra-Hoa-La asked:
"Great king, when feng disease outbreak is very serious , very painful , then this great king , that time can make us sons, brothers, cousins kin , correlation, remote military code, military, troops , all were good shot, good resistance, serious , brave as prince, athletes , Bat La Shields De, Ma Ha overcharge , who see the minister , who plotted, who calculates, who understand display books, good person commentary talks , military spirit, relatives , those mantras , the uncle said that: "The people who come, Temporarily replace me suffering pain to recover from disease, peace , is reasonable? ".
King Lao-She answered,
"It can not be. Why? I am self-employed, cause by karma, due to karma, I suffer alone alone . "
Ton That Tra-Hoa-La again said:
"Great King, that so the Buddha taught:" The world can not be protected , not worth refuge. I want to get rid of that, I see, I hear, know that, so decided to go to school .
King Lao-She-Ba said again:
"Lord. the world can not be protected , not worth refuge "-This Back-Tra-Hoa-La, I also want to touch it rings. Why? The world is too real not to be protected , not worth the refuge. "
King Lao-She asked again:
"As the Dalai Lama said," Sultan, this world is all old. " What does that mean? "
The author replied:
Sultan, now I ask Him according to the knowledge that answered . When the great king is twenty-four years old or twenty-five years old like? Then how agile today? At that time, the strength, shape, beauty like today? "
King Lao-She answered,
"When I was twenty-four or twenty-five, I remembered that day, my fastness, my strength, my form, my beauty, no one else than me. Re-Tra-Hoa-La now I am old , the rottenness, life is about to end , the age of eighty, where is healthy as before.
Tonight, Tra-Hoa-La said:
"King, so the Buddha said that" this world all goes to old age "I want to receive it, I see, hear, know that should decide to go to school .
King La-Ba said:
"As Dai -Tra-Hoa said," Sultan , this world all goes to old age "I also accept that. Why?Because the world is indeed all come to the old . "
The king asked again:
"As Dai -Tra-Hoa-La has said:" Sultan , this world is impermanent , need to leave. "What does that mean? "
The venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa said:
Sultan, now I ask him, as per the knowledge that answer . Great king , there must be water-sentence-Lau Sau abundant , harem abundant , warehouses and abundant ? "Section.
King Lao-She answered,
"Great king, water Question-Lau-Sau abundant , harem abundant , treasure abundant , if the time has come, can not rely on, to endure the breakup, all life , all come to kill death, at which time the sentence-long water-Sau abundant , harem abundant , treasure abundant , can from life to life after it? "
The king replied:
"Do not. Why? I have to be alone , my dear, not my friends, from generation to generation. "
Ton That Tra-Hoa-La again said:
"That is why the Buddha taught:" The world is impermanent , should be discarded ". I want to get rid of that, I see, hear, know that should shave off the beard, leave the family , living without family education.
King Lao-She said again:
"As Dai -Tra-Hoa-La said:" Sultan , this world is impermanent , need to leave. " I also want to get away with that. Why? So this part really impermanent , should be discarded ".
King Lao-She asked again:
"As Siddiha said," The great king , the world has no satisfaction , no knowledge , no servant of craving. " Again, what does that mean? "
The author replied:
" Great King , now I ask you, please , depending on the understanding that answer .Question-long water-Sau abundant , harem abundant , treasure abundant right? "
The king replied:
The venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa asked:
"Water Fishing-Lau Sau- abundant , harem abundant , treasure abundant . If someone from the Orient to, worthy of trust , not deception, saying to him, "I'm from the East arrived, he found the water extremely rich , happily, the people crowded. The king , can capture appropriation of wealth , people , the water. Can the king go and capture the kingdom? "
The king replied:
"Back-Tra-La-Hoa, if I know no country rich wealth , the people crowded force such services, certain I will conquer it."
"Also, the South, the West and the North are the same. Coast from large, if a person worthy of trust told the king, saying, "I come from a large coastline, see that country extremely rich , the people crowded, peaceful . The king , can appropriating wealth , the people , the water. Would you like to go and capture that country? "
King Lao-She answered,
"Back-Tra-La-Hoa, if I know no country rich wealth , the people , the forces as such, certain I will conquer it"
The venerable Back-Tra-La-Hoa asked:
"King, so the Buddha said:" This world has no satisfaction , no knowledge enough, servant of craving. "I want to get away with that, I see, hear, know. That's why I decided to go to school "
King Lao-Ba repeat:
"Sultan, this world has no satisfaction , no knowledge , no servant of craving." I want to get away with that. Why? Because of this world there is no satisfaction , no knowledge, servant of craving "
Rev. Re-Tra-Hoa-La recalled:
"Germany Bhagavan who know, have seen, is the Tathagata , Wuxi First Department , College Enlightenment , tell me four things. I want to get rid of it so decided to go to school "
It turns out, the lamentation of King Lao-Ba with Phra Phraya-Tra-Hoa-La disciples of the Buddha in a forest Log-in India 25 centuries ago: "When I am twenty-four years old or twenty-five years old, recalling that time, agility, strength, form, beauty , no one than me.Re-Tra-Hoa-La, I am now old , the base has failed, life is about to end , age eighty, where is as healthy as the old. "Still nothing to change, to fate tragic of humans , although humans have to be the moon , And is preparing to land on Mars and other planets. But surely people will still continue to lament as sentence-Lao-She used to lament if each of us did not do a revolution in the self itself around. The revolution itself had to start from?
In the Suffering (II) the Buddha told a layman named Ma-Han-Nam:
"Ma-Ha-Nam, there are five merits of sex, lovely, desirable, worth having fun , related to sex, make people happy. What is the year? It is the color known by the eye, the sound known by the ear, the incense known by the nose, the taste known by the tongue, the exposure known by the body. So that the king and the retinue of the king pleasure rejoice. Malayan, the sweetness of sex is the only extreme that can not be further, but its calamity is very much. "
Thus, the reason why we chasing profit, status , money, or lust only purpose only is served for years what the Buddha called "five merits of sex" thing. But the Buddha did not forget to warn us : "But the scourge is so much."
And the Buddha showed it to himself , his family , and finally to the nation and society .
First of all, the Buddha has only one painting for myself specifically clear that: "He met cold to cold tolerance, having hot to tolerate heat, are hungry fatigue, mosquito swarms of stinging , it must be very Such a career to earn money. " But when the money and then suffer again, suffering is still follow the Buddha : " love birth , preserve , buried. Why?Because it thinks, "This is mine, do not let anyone steal, or the fire is burned down, lost, or disappeared without profit or work but not accomplished."
After painting for myself , the painting for the family and the family too:
"Again, Ma-Ha Nam, because beings in education, conditions for sex, sex education as the mother argued with me, arguing with mother, father , brothers, sisters, relatives Their line controversy. Because of the argument with each other so I say bad mother, I say bad mother. Father , brothers, sisters, relatives family defame each other. "
And finally , the Buddha did not forget to point out that the culprit was sex, and no one else was burning and burning the world :
"Again, Ma-Ha-Nam, as being the nucleus where fitness, charming place education, taking education as the foundation to King vying with kings, Brahmins scrambled with the Brahmin , lay scramble to lay , People scramble with the people, this country scramble with the other. By scramble against each other, then use weapons to kill each other, or hold hands, stoned, or use sticks, knife stabbing. While fighting or dying, or fear , extreme suffering ... "
Apparently, all the wars in the history of mankind from the past until now whether advocates explain with reasonable like way, reality is just to cover up the sexual meaning of greed bottom of them alone, as king Fishing-Lao-She was admitted to the venerable Back-Tra-Hoa-La, disciple of Buddha in forests Thau-Lo-Look at India booked 25 century " re-Tra-La-Hoa, if I know which country rich wealth , manpower , resources such services, certain I will conquer it! "
What sex brings disaster to not only for yourself , family , but also society mankind dangerously so, so the Buddha has only expressed very clearly the specific method of killing sex is what he practiced , then finally he had to eradicate it, meaning that he did the revolution that great in his own self.
In the name of the Sutra, the Buddha recounts:
"We practice like this : living renunciation , solitude , mind no distractions , practice diligently , if born in mind sex, we immediately knew that was born in mind education, harm themselves, harm people, harm both, Eradicate wisdom, many troubles, not attain Nirvana . Know that, harming yourself, harming people, harming both, eliminating wisdom, more troubles not attained Nirvana it immediately destroyed .
And here we will see how the Buddha fought fiercely against the terrible calamity of sex:
"When sentient mind fitness, I have not received, but to eliminate, eliminate, rid , being mind -trained and mind harm nor received, but to eliminate, eliminate, get rid of . Why?For I see that, that's where being immeasurable Justice evil unwholesome . Because as in late spring, because the rice was planted so the land should not be large. The cow shepherds flock in the field, into the land, and she holds the whip to stop them. Why?Because the shepherd knows that the place where there is a mistake is to be cursed, beaten, tied. Therefore, the shepherd holds a whip to stop it. I also like, thinking , not receiving, that excluded, excluded, get rid of . Born in mind Nhue, mind harm nor received, but to eliminate, eliminate, get rid of . Why? Because we see the place where the birth of immeasurable evil evil "
But when a person has to destroy completely indulgence , not greed dominates , when walking down the life that is to face the man full of greed , selfishness , they must deal with those people how? The venerable Xa-Loi-play, for false religions but in doing Discrimination Noble Truths was Buddha praised as "Tier wise , speed wise, intelligent gain wisdom, eloquence intellectual, creative assets Property , penetrating insight,
Then the story is brought between the Buddha and the bhikkhu . Before Buddha and they Bhikshu , with even the Bhikkhu has slandered me, venerable Xa-Loi-Waving presentation that only Bhikkhu should "not contemplate the body in the body, he is the new contempt of dignity". The venerable Xa-Loi-Waving confirmed to Buddha and they Bhikkhu : "I have to contemplate the body in the body, why did you go to scorn a contract of dignity and go stay in the human world?".
Then Venerable Xa-Loi-Waving by all "intellectual eloquence" of his gave many examples why false religions can " such as estate" between the society of men is full of hatred this. And this is one of the ten examples that the author presented to the Buddha and the Bhikkhuni in the Su dynasty :
"Bach Exalted , as well as ground -tolerated all clean clothes, dirty, defecation, urination , nasal discharge, saliva. Land does not have to start with hate, not being humiliated , evil , not tiger, not shy. Lord Buddha , you are so. Center ground as the other children, no hate, no resentment, nor courts Nhue , no brain damage , vast, boundless , skilful practice , turned complacency all worldly achievements and remain ".
Maybe that's why we did not get anything done surprised when DTSuzuki the Zen school was called the greatest of the 20th century, often quoted story about the stone bridge of the teacher Zhao Zhou in China , as a message of love and tolerance that he'd sent to mankind in the 20th century, a world century full of conscious generation fanatics always fire the hearts of hatred :
"One day a monk came to visit Zhaozhou , saying," Teacher, your stone bridge is talked about everywhere, but when I see it, it's just a rickety wooden bridge. "
Zhao Zhou responded :
"He just saw his crooked bridge so hard to see the real stone bridge."
The monk asked:
"What is a rock bridge?"
Zhao Zhou said,
"The passerby on it, the donkey is passing on it."
And here is DTSuzuki comments:
" Zhao Zhou 's bridge as well as the sand of the Ganges , all kinds of animals stamped and stained. But the sand still does not complain . A footprint of all sorts of creatures wasdestroyed in a moment , and as well as their garbage, all of them were washed away, returning to the original purity . Zhao Zhou 's stone bridge , too, not only crosses horses, but even trucks or trains go through it, and it 's all adapts . Even when they make use of it, it does not bother at all. "
There was another young man named Phat-ka-Sa-Loi, this young man is probably morespecial than Trai-Hoa-La. The reason I say especially because Re-Tra-Hoa-La after meeting the Buddha and hear the Buddha sermon and then left to leave the school, but Phat-Ca-Sa-Loi never met the Buddha just heard. teachings indirectly of the Buddha , the most decided to abandon the family that ordained their religious education .
The story about the young man Waving-Ca-Sa-profit recorded in Discrimination Clerk Beijing like this:
"One time the Buddha Land in Ma-K-Da, in the city of Rajagaha . Now the Blessed One went to the potter's house and said,
"Potter, I want to stay at the pottery room for one night, do you have a deal?"
The potter replied :
"I have no problem. But because there was a bhikkhu who had already been there. If he upon, please arbitrary . "
Then the Buddha out of the potter's house, go into the office, ceramic, told venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-profit that:
" Bhikshu , I want to stay overnight in the pottery room, do you agree?"
The venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-response:
" Sage , I do not hinder. Besides, in the pottery room there is a grass-covered seat if the sage wants to stay at will. "
Hearing this, the Buddha from the ceramics room to go out and come to wash your feet, grab nuns herd gone up by grass which seat to sit cross-legged during quiet night still is the standard.
The venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-Loi quiet all night, still is , the standard.
Then the Buddha thought like this: "This Bhikkhu go to stand calm , weird, so rare. Let us ask this bhikkhu : "Who is your teacher? Who according to whom you go home , study and get legal?
The venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-response:
"Hey Sage , there are recluses Cu-Talkie, family Like, has abandoned fathers, shaved, brocade robes , even believers forsake family , living without family , school director , has enlightened Righteous Enlightenment . He is my teacher. I follow him that go to study , life initiation .
The Buddha asked:
"Bhikkhu, have you seen him yet?"
The venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-response:
"Not seen!"
The Buddha asked:
"If you see him, do you realize ?"
The venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-response:
"Do not know. But the sage , I heard that Bhagavan is Tathagata , Infinite Department First , College Enlightenment , Minh Hanh Tuc , Auspicious , the World League , Supreme Master , Article fisheries Phu , Thien Sphinx , Buddha, Bhagavan . He is my teacher. I follow him according to him , leaving school to study , initiation .
Then, Bhagavan to think like this : "Good men particles, according Ta which ordained , studying religion , initiation . Should I now lecture ? "
Thinking like that Bhagavan said to venerable Waving-Ca-Sa-Loi:
"O Bhikkhu , now I will preach to you, the first part of good , the middle is also perfect and the end is also perfect , meaning, full text, pure , gentle virtue . This is called "distinguish the world preceptor", listen carefully, reflect and remember.
Buddha preached to Phat-Ca-Sa-profit world converged on six, six contact treatment, eighteen standard operating approach , four wins origin . After hearing the discourse, Phat-Ca-Sa-Sa- legal benefits , and realized that this is the Buddha asked for repentance because he did not know called "Sage."
Last sermon Buddha taught Waving-Ca-Sa-Loi words extremely important matter like this:
" O Bhikkhus , who thinks that" I am being "is self-centered. That "I will be" is self-centered.That "I will not exist" is self-centered. "I will have identity" is self-importance. "I will not have identity" is self-importance. "I would have thought" was self-important. "I would not have thought" was self-important. "I would not have thought, not without thought" is self-improvement. It is high sewer , arrogant , ample . "
Sentence made me think of the famous quote by philosopher France Descartes: "I think therefore I am".
Perhaps the Buddha did not bother to "exist" or "does not exist" as Descartes that Buddha only counsel Phat-Ca-Sa-Loi let pass such the Self (Atman) alone also Egolessness (anatman ) again to go straight to the absolute truth (satya-Paramartha) means Emptiness (sunyata) which completely outside the "N" or "does not exist".
Only then did the Buddha preach to Ca-Sa-Loi:
"Hey Bhikshu , if not all of the pushy, drain high , arrogant , heedless that the reviews of tranquility .
This Bhikshu , the tranquility is not hate , no sorrow , no toil, no fear , why? Since Bhikshu did achievements France should no longer hate , no hate are not anxious , not anxious not depressed , not depressed do not toil, no toil shall not fear . The place wherefear is not so Nirvana , know the truth that: "The birth has ended, the virtue has stabilized, the need to do is done,
But the Buddha not only to young people as Back-Tra-Hoa-La or Buddha-Ca-Sa-profit means that the young intelligentsia is always bother to issue large human life , which he also to all young people are normal as the young man named Shan-Born (Singalovada) that economic yogis were recorded as follows:
"When the night was over, in the early morning, the Buddha embalmed him , holding the bowl, into the city of Ramses for alms . When the Blessed One went to Rajagaha for alms , he saw from far away the compassionate, layman son , early in the morning, bathed, dressed in new Soma, holding fresh leaves Sentence Sentence Go to the river bank, join hands in six directions:
"In the Orient, where beings do I wholeheartedly respect ,, offerings , worship , worship beings there. When I have devoted my wholeheartedly , offering , worshiping , worshiping the sentient beings , then the beings also wholeheartedly revered , worshiped , worshiped , worshiped me.
Likewise Southern, Western, Northern, above, below, if beings do I also wholeheartedly respect , offerings , prayers , worship being there. "
Buddha saw it, they approached asked Compassion-Born, son lay :
" Layman son , he received the teachings of Saim , Brahman do? Who taught him reverently , offerings , prayers , worship Hexagonal? Every morning, bathing, wearing a new Soma, holding fresh leaves Sentence-line to the river and put hands in six directions?
Shan-sinh, layman son said:
"White Buddha , tasteless recluses or Brahmins to teach kids. Bach Bhagavan , when father and son about to death , but the sky's Hexagonal children, well taught, well rebuked me and said "Hey Good Birth , after his father died, I must folded hands worshiped Hexagonal"
Exalted after heard this, He said to them:
" Layman son , I say there are six directions, not say no. This son lay , if any distinction Hexagonal, shuns the evil karma unwholesome in the Hexagonal. That person in thislife deserves respect , respect . Body damage after public network , surely will give birth to places friendly origin . Layman son , beings have four kinds of karma, four types of unclean. What is four? This son lay , killing is a kind of business, a kind of unclean beings.
Then the Buddha preached to Thien Sinh heard six runways , ie six causes , brought a family to finance consumption and ultimately the bankruptcy :
" Layman son , who expects wealth, should know the six paths . What are these six? One is to play gambling which is looking for material that is illegal . Secondly rove not always that desire for financial kind is illegal . Three is the passion for tea that desires the material is not French . Four are close to the evil knowledge that the desire for material is illegal .
With youth , the friend plays a role very important in the success or failure for the life of them. The Buddha understood this, advising the student to avoid the following four types of friends:
"One is to gamble, two is to play non- gamble . The three of them bowed and four were close friends.
And Buddha also see the pitfalls extremely subtle but youth as agriculture that can credulous followers . For example, he advised nuns not to communicate with people like this:
He knows how to work
Sayings are so sweet
Fear for the sake of
Knowing no body, body To
be away from him
As dangerous road
Sayings are so sweet
Fear for the sake of
Knowing no body, body To
be away from him
As dangerous road
And the Buddha did not forget to mention the four criteria he called good friends:
" Layman , you know there are four classes of good friends. What is four? One is suffering the same, know it is good. Two is the idea, should know it is good. Three is advised to benefit, should know it is good. Four is help, so you know it's you. "
And at the end of the discourse , the Buddha said to the Beneficent :
" Layman's son , in the law of the Holy, also has six directions: East, South, West, North, Up, Down.
1) Orient means having a duty with parents .
2) Phuong Nam must have an obligation to transfer knowledge.
3) The West must have a duty with his wife and children .
4) The North must have a duty with relatives.
5) The Underworld must have a duty with the maids.
6) The above must have duties with the subject .
2) Phuong Nam must have an obligation to transfer knowledge.
3) The West must have a duty with his wife and children .
4) The North must have a duty with relatives.
5) The Underworld must have a duty with the maids.
6) The above must have duties with the subject .
Many people still misunderstand that Buddhism only bother solve the problems big human life such as birth, aging, sickness and death means out of the earth , but forget about the problem the fact of life. But chanting yogis have just realized that the Buddha was the reality on both the reality anymore. As he has been confirmed so in doing Samyutta Nikaya:
"In the main this one-fathom long body along with perceptions and thoughts Tathagata declared world , the origin of the earth , the termination of the earth and the path leading to the termination of the earth ."
So, for Buddhism, does not everything have to start with a long trunk stalking on thisdark ground ?
But how many young contemporary Indians dared to give up all to follow in the footsteps of a completely lonely person?
Prayers such as mollusks , of which the Buddha recounts the youth that he had gone through , we may know why:
Then the Blessed One said to the Bhikkhus :
"The very first day to go out of school is directed departure from the elite, from the leisurely , leisurely, from the very mild life when I was at home, the Duy Duy-Dan (King Tinh) Sanskrit ) gives us all kinds of palaces, palaces to stay in spring , palaces to stay in the summer , palaces to stay in winter .
"Because I like to travel , so far away from the royal palace , he creates many unknown lotus ponds: green lotus pond, pink lotus pond, red lotus pond, white lotus pond. In the ponds that grow all kinds of flowers underwater . Water is always full, flowers are always flowing, but the wrong people care is not smooth .
Because we like excursions up on the shores of the pond to plant all kinds of flowers: flowers Tu-ma-ca, Ba-Bar flowers, flower Zhan-silver, Tu-Kien-De, Ma-First Flower texture-Recommended, flower A- De-Mu-Da, Ba-La-head flowers.
"Because I like to travel so He sent four people to wash me. Bathe for me and then rub Red Lent-Red herd throughout our body, massage incense into our body and put on a new shirt. Up, down, in, out, are new. Throughout the day and night, always holding a mask for me, not to let the Prince get frost or hot.
As ordinary people are eaten raw carbohydrates, rice rice, porridge, ginger for it is the first food, the lowest translator of our father said it is very bad, only eat white sticky rice, and generous New to the food.
Again, if there are animals in the field, what kind of best things like De-De, La-raid, Kie-tan-la-la, Sage-clown, Le-na-na, -mother. The types of animals where the field, kind animals delicious least as so often is eaten.
"I remember when I was with my father for three months, when I went to the main hall , there was no man, only a girl to play with , not down.
"Then when I want to go to the park, immediately there are thirty top heavyweights are selected with the row escort guide escorted before, not to mention other details ..."
Of course, I have known that Prince Siddhartha refuses these ephemeral pleasures . But it is important, how to deny His very very unique. Unique in that from the suffering of the self Himself know to respect the suffering of others. Why? Because after all, the people have different positions , the class , the rich and the poor, but the suffering is absolutely nothing different:
"I remember the old days, when we visit the farm, the farmer resting on the field, and we go to under the tree Diem sit cross-legged , abstinence, isolation measures evil evil , is of that quartet, blowing lost by renunciation born, attained by meditation , achievements and dwells. I thought: "Qualities foolish not multicultural , self-existing illness, do not get rid of the disease, but found the sick, the disgust, contempt, not love, not love, but not self- observe oneself .
"Then we think: I am free of disease, not free from disease. If we see people with disgusting disgust, disdain, not love, do not like, we should not be so, because we also have this case . Watching that, the high tribute arises because no disease is immediately destroyed .
"I even thought mortal foolish not multicultural , self available on the elderly, do not get rid of the old, but saw the elderly, the disgust, contempt, not love, not love without self-consistent look yourself .
"Then we think we have the old, the old, not escape the old. If we see the old but disgusting, not favorite. We should not be so, because we also have this case . Observing so, then high culmination initiated because not old enough to destroy themselves . "
Then at the end of the sermon the Buddha warned young people and those who had no illness should not be complacent about their health but drowned in desire , because illness and death are not reserved only for those who Old age for all ages:
"Qualities foolish not multicultural , because they have not been sick, so the mind is lifted up, conceited, and because lust is born si referring , not to practice the virtues . Ordinary foolish not multiculturalism because still young so conceited pride, not practice the virtues , then greed is born delusion possessed . Ordinary foolish not multiculturalism because life span so high self-conceit, restlessness and because lust is born si referring , not to practice the virtues . "
But not to wait until the times today, but in the era of Buddha in India also made a point of view extreme contrasts the philosophies of contemporary but in the history of thought India is often called extinction or Ants , ie those who advocate living according to the material that the founder is Carvakas. According to Carvakas, death is the end, the end of all, only the present life is real, so while living is enjoying all the worldly pleasure ,
But if the pleasures of the world is not only fast fading but also bring disaster to themselves , family and the whole society anymore, people kill sex life of dignity have found joy eternal to change the world For the joy of that fade? Especially the joy to reach right in the present life rather than waiting for some time in the distant future?
In the name of Suffering (II) recorded the dialogue between the Buddha and the Ni-Kien-Tzu, which the Buddha told Ma Mahal to hear can answer this question:
"Ladies and recluses Cu-Talkie, today we want to ask between the King of Qin-Ti-Sa-La and recluses Cu-Dam, who delighted more than others?"
Buddha replies :
"Ni-Kien-Tu, I now ask you, according to the knowledge that answer . What do you think Ni-Kien, King Qin Qi-la achieved a speechless speech like that , that person will be rejoiced , pleasure in seven days and seven nights?
Ni-Kien-Tử said:
"No, Cu-Dam!"
I ask again, "Will there be joy , pleasure in six, five, four, three, two or one day a night?
Ni-Kien replies:
"No, sir!"
I asked, "Hey Ni-Kien, we have achieved the president wore no words like that , people that were rejoicing , pleasure in a day and a night not?"
"Yes, Cu-Dam."
I asked: "So we have been rejoicing in the two, three, four, five, six, to seven days and seven nights?"
"Yes, Cu-Dam."
I ask again: "Ni-Kien, what do you think? Who happy than the king of Qin-Ti-Sa-La or was I? "
Ni-Kien said: "Ladies and Cu-Talkie, as we understood in the presentation of recluses Cu-Dam, the recluses Cu-Talkie happy than the king of Qin-Ti-Sa-La can not equal it."
And the Buddha concludes :
"Ma-ha-nam, so should know where pleasure is not lost, only suffering. If multiculturalism St. disciples not seen as true , so will be covered by education, was wrapped tightly by Justice evil unwholesome , should not achieve discharge, peanuts, supreme tranquility , this Ma-Ha-Nam, as Thus the multi- lingual disciple of the disciple who was sexually withdrawn . "
No doubt anymore , because want to achieve , "the president wore no words as the" this Prince All-Dat-Da did a waiver as great as the Prince had said to the king Binh-Sa king when the king offered to invite the prince in the kingdom of the king to reign and enjoy the pleasures of earthly as of Khuddaka Nikaya recorded questions answered by Prince All-Dat-Da:
Clan of sun
Birth clan is Shakyamuni
Abandoning family was
Sir king I left home
I have no earnest
For the type Academic
Leave them be in peace
, I will go, diligent
Italy we are rejoicing
Birth clan is Shakyamuni
Abandoning family was
Sir king I left home
I have no earnest
For the type Academic
Leave them be in peace
, I will go, diligent
Italy we are rejoicing
In addition to the rejection can say is too great this is what? And the roar of the lion lions of the forest?
In the market price has narrated one day the Buddha told the attendant Ananda:
"Ananda, who should lie like a lying lion ."
Sun author Ananda Nan that:
" The Lord , the lions of the animals, lying in what way?"
The Buddha said:
"Ananda, the lioness of mammals, go out to eat in the daytime, then into the cave. When you want to sleep, your legs are stacked, your tail rearward, your back looking at your body. If the lion of the animals but the body is not upright , when it is , it is not happy . If lions of mammals, but the body is neatly on all sides, then when he saw it immediately excited. He came from his place, got up , went out of the cave, came out and snarled, growling and looking at his body again . Self-view the body and then look in four directions , I turned around four directions and then bellowed three times, roared three times and then went looking for food. The way lions lie is like that. "
Since Buddha announced teachings great place Deer Park (He often likened roar of the lion lords of the mountain and forest) that Buddha has insight enlightenment under a tree Bodhi , since then until now has How many young people have not only young people of that time such as Saree-Phat, Mendip-Lien, Ananda, Re-Tra-Hoa-La or Buddha-Ca-Sa-profit that until the age of today have so many young people more around the world have listened to the roaring of the lion that awaken and from give life prison of earth to hit the road to go to foot wide sky with great volunteer thunder :
"Stand up for what has fallen , to reveal what is hidden, to guide the lost, to bring the light in the dark so that those who have the eye can see" in the dark world. present.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/6/2017.
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