Wednesday, 21 June 2017

7. Jàliya 
(Jàliya sutta)

1.  Thus have  I heard. One World Time   in Kosambi, garden Ghositàràma. At that time, there were two of them, Mandissa and Jàliya,  disciples  of Dabrupattika, came to the place where  the Blessed One was  , expressing the  blessings of friendship and  socialite  with him and standing on one side. After standing to one side, two ordained  told him as follows: - Hey  Sage ,  network base  and  body  are one or the other? - Hey  Sage , listen and skilful  volition , I would say. - Yes, sage! Two ordained answered Buddha  like that and he said the following: 2. - Hey  Sage , here Tathagata  being born, the Arhat,  Enlightenment  ... ( same  as trading Sage fruit, paragraph 41-82) ...  Sage , so the rate of monks-  attainment of peace ... witness and  stay meditation The  sage , when he knows this, sees it as such, is he willing to address  the problem of  "one's mind and one's  body  and the other"? This  sage , monks know that, see that, He is willing to address the issue of  "The root and the body  are one or the other." This  sage , but I know that, but I do not say: "Network base and  body  are one or the other."  



3. Certification and  abides II meditation ...  third meditation ...  To Charity The  sage, when he knows this, sees it as such, is he willing to address  the problem of  "one's mind and one's  body  and the other"? This  sage , monks knew it, so he found willing to mention the  matter  "Network base and  body  are one or the other." The  sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the  body  is one or the other." 4. The rate of bhikkhu directing, leading to  knowledge The sage , when the bhikkhu knows that, sees that he is ready to address the  question : "Nibbility and body  are one or the other"? The  sage , the bhikkhu knows so, he is ready to address the problem : "The root and the  body  are one or the other." The  sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the  body  is one or the other." 5. He knows: "After life there will be no other life." The  sage , when he knows this, sees that he is ready to  address the issue of  " not? The sage , the bhikkhu knows so, he is willing to address the problem of  "nourishment and the body is one or the other." The sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the body  is one or the other." The Buddha said  so. Two wanderer happy credit life words Bhagavan  taught.  not? The  sage , the bhikkhu knows that, he is willing to  address the problem of "nourishment and the body is one or the other." The  sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the body is one or the other." The Buddha said so. Two wanderer happycredit life words Bhagavan taught.  The sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the body is one or the other." The Buddha said so. Two wanderer happy credit life words Bhagavantaught.  The sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the  body is one or the other." The Buddha saidso. Two wanderer  happy credit life words  Bhagavan taught.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/6/2017.

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