Friday, 16 June 2017


In this world there are people who have  the right view , believes that the  alms offerings to  bring about the results of  the good ; the  acts of  good and evil leads to  retribution ; At the same time, it  is believed that there are people who  practice the  Dharma ,  proclaiming things that  they themselves have experienced  and  realized . Because  the cause  of right is that some species of  sentient  after  common destiny  to be born in  good fun , this life.
Ancient times,  India  is one of the  civilized , had many  philosophers  prominent, but  still have  the doctrine  erroneous  and  outdated . One of the worst policy is the  distinction  of race  and self-esteem  class  one way  blind  people's  religious Brahmin  at that time. Therefore, after attaining the  Supreme right enlightenment ,  the Buddha  has employed  intellectual  super top, exposing undertakings  absurdity of them,   
Those  Brahmins  undertakings: "Only  Brahmins  is  racial  supremacy ,  strains of other races are  inferior ; only  Brahmins  are  purified ,  strains of  other races are not  pure . The  Brahmin  is the  mainstream  of  Brahma , because  Brahma was born, entitled heirs of Brahma ".
To refute  views  mistake  , the  Buddha  declares : "Hey  Brahmin , if self can be born in the  race  Brahmin , let him be  recognized  as  Brahmins . If the self can be born in the  racial  surveys to favor , let him be  recognized  as  surveys to gain . If the self can be born in the  race  Phệ amnesty ,  prime momentum , let him be  recognized as  Phệ amnesty ,  prime momentum . This  Brahmin , Just as the fire from an object is burned, it is named after  it. For example, the fire is burned from the firewood, it is called firewood; From shreds is called shavings; From grass is called grass fire; Cow dung is called cow dung. Also, this  Brahmin , I recalled his  ancient clans , wherever he was born, that self was recognized  according to  that clan  . Particularly, I advocate the dharma  is the  ultimate possession  of each person. Brahmin , I recalled his ancient clans , where he was born, that self was recognized according tothat clan . Particularly, I advocate the dharma is the ultimate possession of each person. Brahmin , I recalled  his ancient clans , where he was born, that self was  recognized according to that clan . Particularly, I advocate  the dharma is  the ultimate possession of each person.
"Hey  Brahmin , he must understand that: If a  Brahmin  with the  acts  illegal , like  stealing  or murder, it was called names thief, a murderer, and the name  Ba la Its subject  has disappeared. Conversely , if a  Prime momentum educated , have noble qualities, the  galaxy  called him as a  scholar , is the degree  Ulama , and the name  Prime momentum  of him before now discontinued ".
According to  the Buddha , those who do not  understand  the  Four Noble Truths  can not be called true  Mara  or  Brahmin  . In contrast , only those who  comprehend "This is suffering," "This is the file format", "This is hard kill", "This is the  path leading to suffering Removal" then the person has deserved called  recluses  In the  field , is  Brahman  in  Brahmins . Because only the  worshipers  can use the victory to attain  the goal  of  Sa ,  Brahman  .
Brahmin  Kandarayana  critics  venerable  Mahakaccana lack of  reverence  for the position  recluses ,  brahmins  old he says that the restaurant Kandarayana  eldersdeserve  all  respect . The venerable  Kaccana  answered  as follows: "Hey  Brahmin , Buddha is Tier  Supreme  Chief of sense  has  to know  how the  elders , and how is not the  elders : If an old man of 80, 90 or 100 The age that is immersed in  desire , always pursuit of  desire , flame of fire training and  hope burning, the  galaxy  called the person who is  foolish , not the  elders . On the contrary , if a young man, his age is still green, but lives  pure ,  innocent , does not enjoy the  desires , does not pursue the  desires , is not  consumed by  fire desire, such people deserve Called the wise, is the elders.
At the same time ,  the Buddha  also gave a definition of  elders  in another place: "Hey  , brethren , if a man aged 80, 90 or 100 years, but says  illegal ,  unjustified , untimely,  words  Not for  the purpose , he is only called a foolish old man  . On the contrary , if a person is young, young and  in the right mind  ,  speaking  at the righttime,  meaningful ,  speaking  for  the sake of  goodness , then he is called a   wise elder . "
Through the above definitions,  we understand  how  old  and what is not the  eldersWe  know that  the Buddha  who  Buddhahood  , what he says is aimed at making  up good  growth ,  immoral  measures  decline , bringing  benefits  to the  people ;  Therefore , he advised  Brahman Vassakara to be  careful when he said: "  Brahmin , what has been seen, heard, known, but when speaking out  the  Dharma of growth, Dhamma  reduction , should not say. On the contrary , what has been seen, heard, known, that when speaking out  the law of  growth ,  the law of harm reduction, should say that.
Thus,  the Buddha  gave  us  know what to say how to have  benefits  and  achieve the purpose of  the good ; He also taught the  disciples  to learn and  practice  how to correct with  the Dharma : "This,  monks , the  monks  memorize  the law, but do not know  the purpose of  supremacy  of France, it was good  Memorized  without living up to the law. Again, the  Bhikshu  dharma talked  fluently, but did not  understand the  supreme purpose  of the dharma, Then it is the only good rhetoric that does not live up to the French. Conversely , a monks  memorize  scriptures,  sermon fluently,  and  understand  the purpose of  supremacy  of law, it was the  monks live with the legal right ".
Birth, aging, illness, death are the  natural laws  that  often occur in this world, no one  avoids , including the  gods  in the  heavens . Whereas, those who lack  Place witness is the  events  that happen often stabbing confusion, fear, then  left again , the Bible  student  to  think : "Not only  alone  are old, sick, dead, that all species of  charming  everyone is born there must be destroyed, that  rule  nature . Therefore, these holy  disciples are not  sorrowful , suffering,  
Kisa Gotami She was born into a  family  in poverty, grew up married, to meet  the circumstances  been  no rejection , contempt until birth to a baby boy, she  felt  her to be  comforted lot. But  misfortune  rather, her child was  dying . People advised her to come to  the Buddha  to ask for medicine to save the child. She  obediently  obeyed , looking to  the Buddha . Know  the grace  has  matured , The guru  advised her to ask for  a handful  of mustard seeds from a  family  who had never been killed to  save her life . However, she is looking everywhere without a home without death. Perhaps rupture of  impermanence  no one in this world  inevitably , brought her children to the cemetery  cremation , and uttered  this verse :
Death is not reserved 
for any village, no home, no 
even the  gods
Venerable  Sona because artless conditioning during  practice , should be discouraged want to  return to  life  the secular . Buddha  metamorphoses before him, hoi unknown  reason , then provided an example to encourage: "Action  Price from collective  St. method  is like a musician must know attune true  moderation , not too tight and not balk too , The new sound of melody to play the new melody. Also,  the practitioner  must  diligently  with  the extent , conditioned life wisely, rhythm, the  life of dignity,  new  achievements  fullness ".
To  alert  those frivolous only  focus  on  form  outside but  ignored  for  the purpose of the primary ,  the Buddha  taught: "Hey  , brethren , if the  monkstook hem  shirt Sangha pear follow after Me The foot steps, but full  of craving ,  anger and  defilement , not  alert , not  mindful , he is far away from me, and I  far away from  him. Why? Because he does not see dhamma; Do not see the dharma should not see Me. On the contrary , if the monks  live far from me hundreds  by week, but please do not  craving ,  anger  and  defilements , always  alert  and  mindful , it's very close to my position, and I am very close to him. Why? Because he sees the dharma, because the dharma should see me. "
In the face of the  ups and downs that  were lost to the  possessions  of his life,  the Buddha  showed  us  the  least valuable   and the   most valuable : "O  bhikkhus , Most of the losses are property loss  . The biggest loss of the loss is the loss of  intelligence . The  growth of  less  value  in these  growth  is  growth in assets . The growth of  the greatest of the  growth  is the  growth of intelligence . Therefore, the teachers  should study as follows:  We  must always  increase  intellectual. "  
Then  Buddha  specified  purpose  live  Pham happy  to paragraph  eradicate  birth, old age, deep  compassion suffering  mental afflictions. Therefore, the  ordained being  avaricious ,  reverence ,  honor  not so  happy , greedy,  liberal , nor praise her, damn who  attempt  achievements  morality ,  achievements  Meditation ,  achievements  location Knowledge  and  achievement  of liberation . Once  liberatedThis person will never be separated from that state  of liberation  . Then the Buddha, for example, said: "If a man looks for a tree, when he  finds  a large tree, he knows the leaves, knows the branches, knows the bark, knows the tree, and knows the tree. So, he  removes the  leaves, removes the  branches, etc., but only takes the tree. It was someone who had achieved  the goal of  finding the tree. The root of the tree here is used as an example of the  ultimate liberation  of a  happy life. " Know the bark, know the tree and know the tree. So, he removes the leaves, removes thebranches, etc., but only takes the tree. It was someone who had achieved the goal offinding the tree. The root of the tree here is used as an example of the ultimate liberation of a happy life. " Know the bark, know the tree and know the tree. So, he removes the leaves,  removes the branches, etc., but only takes the tree. It was someone who had  achieved the goal of finding the tree. The root of the tree here is used as an example  of the ultimate liberation of  a happy life. "
The aim  was also to be  venerable  puñña · Mantaniputta presented with the  venerable  Sariputta a  summary : "Hey  Sage ,  gender purity  is to  aim  to reach  a calm mind . Pure mind  is to  achieve  pure knowledge . Pure knowledge  is to  reach segments Comfort  purity . Comfort paragraph  purity  is to  reach  Dao non  direct  knowledge pure . Directed non  direct  knowledge purity  is to  reach  intellectual purity . Intellectual purity  is to  reach the  Infinite  defense before  Nirvana . This  sage , living  virtue  under the guidance of  the Buddha  is to  reach the  Infinite  defense before  Nirvana and nothing else. "
Brahmin  Nigrodha  misunderstanding  that Buddhist  teachings  is to persuade him  to abandon  the profession,  renounce  scriptures and expected  acquisition  were many  disciples . Buddha  has clarified: "Indeed, Nigrodha, I say so not because he wanted to  abandon the  career lives,  abandon  books and wish he  obtained  many  disciples . This is Nigrodha, there are  immoral deeds ,  if not  removed, will arise defilements, leading to suffering in the  present  and  tomorrow . The purpose  I  preach  is to eliminate those akusala dhammas   . If you  practice  according to My teaching, your  defilements  are eliminated, the  pure Dharma  is  grown , so that you  realize  fullness of wisdom   and  attain peace  in the present. " 
Also  there are some  recluses ,  Brahmins  others  misrepresent  the Buddha  a lake map, they said: "recluses Gotama advocated  neo-  nihilistic , promoting  cessation , to  destroy  sentient beings" . To  answer  these people,  the Buddha  explained , "  Brahman , I only speak of suffering and  the method  of extermination . Therefore, if there is a scapegoat, humiliation makes me angry, here I am not angry. Conversely , if someone  revered ,  praised  me, Here I am not proud . Why? Because I think that this dharma has come from the ancients, and these are the duties that we must do. "
Venerable  Kassapa after  teachers of  Brahmins  Payasi, he went only he knows the  altar  does little results and the  altar  that results most: "Hey Payasi, at the  altar  that buffalo chicken swine  slain  victim, the species of  animal  more were  sacrificed , those who  attend the  altar  there is  wrong ,  wrong livelihood  , the  altar  does not bring  benefits  realistic , practical results; therefore, the  altar  was not  promoted widely . On the contrary , at the altar  does not have the species of  animals  were  sacrificed , those who  attend  have  the right view ,  right effort , then the  altar  was brought  benefits  practical , results  practically ; Therefore, these forums  should be  widely promoted . " Results practical ; Therefore, these forums should be widely promoted . " Results practical ; Therefore, these  forums should be  widely promoted . "
Lifting the  five precepts,  practicing the  meditations ..., is  the  least  expensive forum that brings the most  benefits  . This  Brahmin , I  declare : no  altar  other than noble,  wins  over the  altar this. "   
There are some  celestial beings who  ask  the Buddha  how to be  auspiciousBuddha advised them to do  good deeds , because only the  good works  will carry the  auspicious  indeed, as of Mangalasutta  described :
Not close fools 
But close intellect 
prostrate  ranks  respectable
As  auspicious  supreme . 
Honor your mother's father, 
Nourish  wife and children 
do the  job honestly
is  auspicious  supreme . 
Giving  the right  Dharma 
Hunting Caring for  the loved ones 
Acting without  fault
is the   supreme omen . "
In another  case  ,  the Buddha  preached to the  bhikkhus  about the  good things : "  Bhikshuni , what kind of  sentient beings  , in the morrow of doing  good work , saying good words,  good thoughts  ,  beings  that have a morning  good . Species  charming yet ... at noon, in the afternoon, the body doing  good work , good mouth to say,  the thought  of good, the species of  beings  that have a good afternoon. "
Believe or not believe what the Buddha  declared  as the right of each of  us ; but  surely  we  can not  doubt  plate  compassion  mercy  beings  of whom  Supreme right enlightenment . The following passage,  the Buddha  for  we  see  the consequences  disastrous  of those  viewpoints  and results of  nice  of people with  the right view : "Hey  landlord , in this world there are people heavily wrong  that the  alms offerings to  not produce results  good ; the  acts of  good and evil  does not lead to  retribution . In this world there is no true north  practice  Dharma , achievements wisdom , attained attainment ; After attaining, declare  the things by yourself to experience  and realize . Because the cause of  evil is  this that some species of sentient  after common destiny  to bear on the beast , hell ". In this world there is no true north practice Dharma , achievements wisdom , attained attainment ; After attaining, declare the things by yourself to experience and realize . Because the cause of evil is this that some species of sentient after common destiny to bear on the beast , hell ". In this world there is no true north practice Dharma ,  achievementswisdom , attained  attainment ; After attaining,  declare the things by yourself to experience and realize . Because the cause of evil is this that some species of sentient after common destiny to bear on the beast , hell ". Declare things by yourself to experience and realize . Because the cause of evil is this that some species of sentient after common destiny to bear on the beast , hell ". Declare things by  yourself to experience and  realize . Because the  cause of evil is this that some species of  sentient after  common destiny to bear on the  beast , hell ".
... "And what,  in all , in this world there are people who have  the right view , believes that the  alms offerings to  bring about the results of  the good ; the  acts of  good and evil  leads to  retribution ; At the same time, it  is believed that there are people who  practice the  Dharma ,  proclaiming  things that  they themselves have experienced and  realized . Because  the cause  of right  is that some species of  sentient  after  common destiny  to be born in  good fun , this life "( Majjhima  I, p.
At this point, perhaps  we  were too well how is  right view  and what is  wrong ,  the interests of  right understanding  how and  harm  of  wrong  is how, thanks to the  wisdom  authentic and not  based on  Blind faith . Moreover,  Buddhism  which is the  religion  of selflessness ,  breaking mortgage , no  dogma , and  absolute  respect for the truth; offal, accept  or  refuse  receive a  statement  of  Buddha  completely under the  free  thought  of each  of us  , not anyone else. Government  freedom  of thought  this was the nature of  true religion from  compassion and wisdom .  Government freedom of thought this was the nature of true religion from compassion and wisdom .  Government freedom of thought this was the  nature of true religion from compassion and  wisdom . END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/6/2017.

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