Friday, 30 June 2017


 The word  "  Right  " in  Buddhism  is a huge topic and be  aware of  the deep or shallow is depending on  the level of  understanding of  the teachings  and  the level of enlightenment . It is thought that  it can be understood in  the  usual sense of the right or the right.
What is right or right? Right view does not have  an  independentmeaning of  itself; right view  is seeing right about a certain object. How many objects there that much  of right  and back again is  wrong . There are countless objects should  of right  or  wrong  are also numerous, not to mention them all.
1.  Right  absolute  or  the right view  ultimatum  or  right understanding lokuttara  time:
While not yet reached  the level of  "see one by one in all and all in one by one", each of  us  has the  right view  and  wrong view  of countless objects in life. Issues  critical of the  practitioner is  of right  more than  wrong  or  wrong  than  right view , each accounting for approximately what percentage; things  decide  who  the practitioner this can  continue  practicing or not, or is capable of  evangelism  or not.
To be  absolute  , only the level  of enlightenment  liberation  are seeing right or proper look of a thing or a  phenomenon  somehow. Those who see things as if they are {the words Krishnamurti calls "the what-is"}. It is something without a name, a  reality , a  reality , when the viewer (subject)  can enter  into that  reality  (object) in  a state of  unity . For example, to  see a dog as a pure dog  , not  afraid , not loved or hateful, There is no discrimination between  strangers and dogs. Or see a woman as a woman with a pure meaning, no  distinctive  beauty or bad, rich or poor,  attractive or not  attractive , strange or familiar, etc. ...... People living in  the world  dualistic treatment  of  the mind , always grasping or hate mind, should never get  the right view  about any  kind of  object. Each of  us  can have more than 20,000 ideas every day   , most of which are  false thoughts arising from these  misleading thoughts . Failure to think will be wrong and wrong. Thought wrong and formed  heresies  and spread, to lead  people  to the collective evil. The consequence  is  a world  world  crazy  chaotic  than killing  grief .
How  to distinguish  is  the right view  for  wrong  ? In  cases Nikaya ,  the Buddha has clarified about 62 dishes  Ta is , are the  thoughts  and arguments about the  world  and  beings , capital  mistake  from the  fundamental , leading to  ignorance and  bondage , stockings filled  road  solutions exit . 
2.  Right  relative   or  right understanding  conventions , or  the right view  of the world :   
So a  normal person  can have right  understanding  ? -  Right  may have been in humans  Buddhists  hard to  learn  to cultivate  the teachings  of  Buddhism , but not  enlightened  liberation , but here is a look, a saw  relatively  right on  the path  to achieve knife. To say  it  is understandable is: the  obscurity , even  ignorance , but at least not much wrong than the sight of the  enlightened  as  Buddha , It may be like  a circle into an ellipse, or a rectangle into a trapezoid or square. Round which the distortion, rectangles that a square, it may be because  opinionated  individuals become molded in  the past  by  special now  separate or community  common cause  of  society  each  era  as  culture ,  race , place, etc ... This is called  right understanding  relative  or  the right view  of the world  or  right understanding conventions , is a look,   
Right view  of the world  this might be called a  utilitarian  understandable  is:  right view  of life, which is the subject of this article. And here, what is  Right View  ?
Right  view is what view, what view .... but  through  it  we  can go to the shore  of enlightenment  liberation , to where  the district is  absolutely  the level  of enlightenment . The word  "go" function  meaning  is to have  an integrated  pole, diligent  own  self  alone, but it does not drag or carry her go if I refused to walk. Indeed, if "see" and refused also  to no avail , then rolled  scramble  taken raven life, wrong  again filled with crushed sprouted  right view , making it aborted gone, And I will not have a chance to recover  that vision again. The word "go" function also  the meaning  that must be attached to the practice, are steps in  the next . The word "come to be" content  meaning  that according to  road  type this  we  will  succeed , other than the  path  of  evil is  that more and more away, as far from  the goal  of enlightenment liberation . Here  we  see that people have  wrong  more than  right view  it is difficult to  put into  practice  the Eightfold Path  of the Buddha, Because the front gate "Right view" closed with them. It may be justified  as a "visa" to enter a  country ; That country  is the home of the  Tathagata .
 Below  we  may have some  examples  :
- See a man as a person who must give himself a lot of  money , or satisfy  his sex to give birth to children. This is an  wrong view  because it does not lead to  liberation , only increases  greed .
- Seeing that this world is a place to enjoy the blessed or for  pleasure . This is a  wrong view , because   deepening karma . Conversely, if this world is the realm of  rotten communications  easily, then this is a  right view , help  energetically  practiceHowever,  if you are  eager to  cultivate  with the intention of being  rich  or blessed, this is an  wrong view .
- See the realm or  material  in the world is his. This is  wrong view , because of death or death  of wealth , the  suffering is  extremely .
- Seeing your wife or husband as belonging to you, is a  wrong view . On the contrary, they are just  ordinary beings  ; this is a  right view , because they can do many things that I did not expect them to.    
- Seeing the  practice  is to  perform , but the enjoyment  of pleasure  on earth can not be ignored. This is an  wrong view . Take both things as the same, which also hug all, no room for  enlightenment  !  
- The    practice of  healing and health is a  wrong view  (because this is not  the goal that  the Buddha wants to aim for),  however,  if to keep the life  to continue  with  the goal  of liberation  is  the right view. .
In short , in my opinion,  the district is  great and basically  most  of the life  lived by  us  are:
Life is the temporary realm, the land is  lost , not a place to enjoy.
I call this "great and fundamental righteousness," because  without  it, without this gaze, all view of all objects is  wrong view . In a nutshell, the person who does not have  this  great and fundamental righteousness can be called a "person of wrong view." Unfortunately, most  human beings  today, in which  we  are a  part , are full of  wrong views . And the word "foolish person" will be used below to refer to those who do not have  the  great and fundamental viewpoint.
Whether a cultivator or a disciple, if not  looking at life with  this  great and fundamental righteousness  , will  fall into place . Further  more, can also understand the realms of life are worlds are  rotten peanuts  in the physical body  the four elements  with this birth, old age, while from  without beginning  formerly the light body  sauntered  without  eating .
It is thought  that the  disciples  of  the Buddha in the  past  had  this  great and fundamental right  to follow him. If  compared  with them,  we  will  consider  who weare, what  the base  , have the desire  to find truth as they do not, look at life like that? Then,  we  can determine the proper method  for ourselves.  
If the world is a place to enjoy,  we  will seek blessings at all costs. Blessed is not found, not touched, has committed many  crimes  already. Hell  awaits no wrong run.
And, for the rank  of Bodhisattva  reincarnated ,  Right  of them are:
Realms of life is a good place to  perform  love  her to  others  or  beingcharming  else.
3.  Right  and  three ways of learning :
In  three ways of learning  (  About Dinh  Tue) About the  elements  first and  fundamental  to Dinh and Wisdom. Gender can be  likened to  a yoke in the neck so that it guides you on the right path. But  the core  of  morality  is in the mind, not in action, but bad deeds kept repeating forever without exception, they will  become a habit  difficult to treat, going  deep into the  end in mind Government (  A Re da consciousness ) into the  gas of birth and death . Oil has  intelligent  introspection waking wisdom, but during  anesthesia  Museum President, such as in a dream or in the intermediate  body  after death ,  habits  will play a  role  active in mind and action all of  us . Udom  Ba Ly , one of the 10 chief  disciples  of  the Buddha , is the first  precept of the precepts ,  first of all  in  majesty  in the  way of  standing.
We  should not  despise  the habit , as it always is the launching of the  seeds   of  Alaya formula . The  seeds  had strong activity or thwarted away, due in  we  nurture activate it, or neglect it to death. Morality , but to keep the mind  clean , also created the  habit  good  necessary  to  curb  the  habits  of birth and death , making them harder to rebel. We  should not  disregard  the supply  going  is sitting or talking. It is just a habit , a  rule  of the  body , but it  determines our mind  is not good at all. For example, a  person who has the habit of  looking foolishly like looking at women, for example, triggers the mind to become unkind , which is a  difficult time to abandon. Or who have a fondness for argument, initially  just argue to hear people say wrong, but after they get used to, no matter who was right  or wrong, is also trying to be controversial. For example, a person who has the habit of looking foolishly like looking at women, for example, triggers the mind to become unkind , which is adifficult time to abandon. Or who have a fondness for argument, initially just argue to hear people say wrong, but after they get used to, no matter who was right or wrong, is also trying to be controversial. For example, a person who has the  habit of looking foolishly like looking at women, for example, triggers the mind to become  unkind ,  which is a difficult time to abandon. Or who have a fondness for argument,  initiallyjust argue to hear people say wrong, but after they get used to, no matter who  was right or wrong, is also trying to be controversial.
Have clarity of vision (  right view ), the new clarity in behavior (behavior)
    There is clarity in how to behave bright in the dream.
    Clear in the dream is clear in the  middle of the  body later.
Four stages "  Seeing, Behave, Dream,  Central warm " 4 way that  the practitioner must  undergo in the process of  practice , if you want to be  enlightened  liberation . The sight is the first stage so it  is very important. For example , if the  intermediate state  without the  right understanding , seeing the gods hung anger  overwhelm death threats that do not know it is because  the center  of its turning  out , or do not know which is the position  Bodhisattva manifested  To help me see my nature, immediately  scared  to run away, surely fall into hell , or is seen  men and women intercourse immediately covetous  and envious, pushed the father to take the mother, the result is to enter pregnancy  does not come out anymore. Right understanding  is  so important . Therefore, the Buddha  has set Right  is heading  the first in the teachings  of him on the Noble Eightfold Path  ( Right , Right Thought , Right SpeechRight Action , Right Livelihood , Right Effort , Right Mindfulness , Right Concentration ) . Or men and women sex together to envy and jealousy, pushed the father to take over the mother, resulting in the need to become pregnant again. Right understanding is so important . Therefore, the Buddha has set Right is heading the first in the teachings of him on the Noble Eightfold Path ( Right , Right Thought , Right Speech , Right Action , Right Livelihood , Right Effort , Right Mindfulness , Right Concentration ) . Or men and women sex together to  envy and jealousy, pushed the father to take over the mother, resulting  in the need to become pregnant again. Right understanding is so important . Therefore, the Buddha has set Right is heading the first in the teachings of him on the Noble Eightfold Path ( Right , Right Thought , Right Speech , Right Action , Right Livelihood , Right Effort , Right Mindfulness , Right Concentration ) . As a result, there is no way to get pregnant again. Right understanding is so important . Therefore, the Buddha has set Right is heading the first in the teachings of him on the Noble Eightfold Path ( Right , Right Thought , Right Speech , Right Action , Right Livelihood , Right Effort , Right Mindfulness , Right Concentration ) . As a result, there is no way to get pregnant again. Right understanding is  so important . Therefore,  the Buddha has set  Right is  heading the first in  the teachings of him on  the Noble Eightfold Path (  Right ,  Right Thought ,  Right Speech ,  Right Action ,  Right Livelihood ,  Right Effort ,  Right Mindfulness ,  Right Concentration ) .
Now there are lots of  practitioners  of meditation refuses to  learn  the doctrine  for  thorough  but think just  meditate  intensely  long term  , the  right view  will turn out. This is  completely  wrong , or maybe unfortunately only true for those  practitioners with  the right view  more  wrong . Right understanding  is  the first step  in the  Noble Eightfold Path  , not the final step  .
Below  we  will discuss the importance of right  understanding  in the process of  practicing the  Three Formations .
 The first is  Virtue , the question posed is  : The full  TA  may  hold world  or not?
 A person  Buddhists  , regardless of which  lay  at home  or  monks   in the temple,  if not  look that: "Life is impermanent world, the realm of rotten peanut, not the place to enjoy" (  the chief is  great and As mentioned above, when approaching  attachment or  sexuality , not only does not  let go  but also embraces: "Today enjoy, go tomorrow, compensate," or  if not  bad As such  , it  also  holds  the moral force in a forced way. Mind they always  fluctuated  by right thing to do (  discipline ) and what he  feels , For example, the meat is  fragrant but nothing is  impure  when  the idea of lewdness arises  . This leads them to fail in dhamma. And, when  meditating  or meditating, they do not have the whole of mind, such as  the idea of  "now do not know if your child is hungry at home" or " To make money, while my friends go to make sure you earn money! ". The mind is divided in two places, not whole heart, ie  mindfulness . In Mr.  Monks  is rare these  ideas  akin  so  crept  in meditation, Especially meditation where paint is deep in the same cup  . This is the great difference between  lay  and  ordained , or between  Upasaka  or  Upasika  and  monks . People life, see this great difference that remains from reading  most legal practitioners of  Bhikkhu  is self-  evaluation  High  himself  alone so.
About The question posed is : The full  viewpoints  can  meditation  is not  ?

1. - In fact, the monks, monks he  preferred  congregation ,  delighted  the congregation ,  dedicated  preferred congregation ,  preferred  map them ,  delight map them ,  dedicated to  Favorites  map them ,  fun  map we  will  happy to  live  alone , live  renunciation ,  the event  did not occur. Not  happy to  live  alone , live in the  distance , he will hold the general of mind,  this event  does not happen, Do not hold the general of mind, will make the fullness  of right ,  the event  did not occur. Do not make the  fullness  of right , will make  fullness  concentration , the event  did not occur. Do not make the fullness of  concentration , will abandon  the fetters , the event did not occur. Not abandoning  the fetters , will realize  Nirvana, this event  does not happen. will make fullness concentration , the event did not occur. Do not make the fullness of concentration , will abandon the fetters , the event did not occur. Not abandoning the fetters , will realize Nirvana, this event does not happen. will make fullness concentration ,  the event did not occur. Do not make  the fullness ofconcentration , will  abandon the  fetters ,  the event did not occur. Not  abandoningthe  fetters , will  realize Nirvana,  this event does not happen.
2. Indeed, the monks, monks did not  fancy  the congregation ,  not fun  like  the congregation , not  dedicated to  fancy  congregation , not  fancy  map them ,  unhappy  love to  map them , not  dedicated Favorite  furniture,  not happy  gadgets, not  dedicated  clothing enthusiasts  , will be  happy to  live  alone , live  telecom ,  this event  occurs. Happy  living  alone , living  renunciation , He will hold the general of mind, this event  occurs. Holding general of the mind, will make  the fullness  of right , the event  has occurred. Make the fullness  of right , will make fullness concentration , the event  has occurred. Make fullness  concentration , will abandon the fetters , the event  has occurred. Abandon  the fetters , will realize Nibbana, the event  has occurred. will make the fullness of right , the event has occurred. Make the fullness of right , will make fullness concentration , the event has occurred. Make fullness concentration , will abandon the fetters , the event has occurred. Abandonthe fetters , will realize Nibbana, the event has occurred. will make the fullness of right,  the event has occurred. Make the  fullness of right , will make  fullnessconcentration ,  the event has occurred. Make fullness concentration , will abandonthe fetters , the event has occurred. Abandon the fetters , will realize Nibbana, the event has occurred. This event has occurred. Make fullness concentration , will abandon the fetters , the event has occurred. Abandon the fetters , will realizeNibbana, the event has occurred. This event has occurred. Make  fullnessconcentration , will  abandon the  fetters ,  the event has occurred. Abandon the  fetters , will  realize Nibbana,  the event has occurred.
Texts above  we  see the steps  progress  on the  cultivation  of taste  Bhikshu towards  liberation  as follows:
1.  Fun  live prospect Equity Holding minister Tommy 2. 3.  Perfection  Secretarial kien- 4.  Perfection  Secretarial-making
5.  To give up  the fetters- 6. To  realize Nirvana .
 Joyful  live  telecommunity  is the happiness  A Lan Nha , can only be obtained in the people with   great ideas and basically mentioned in the above. From that, the  wrong viewer  can not be  enlightened  because from the lack  of right view  leads to no  concentration  in  meditation .  In short,  the condition  required for  enlightenment liberation  is "  Bhiksun  A Lan Nha". Among  us  , who can live as a   true monkLet's say A Lan Nha  ? The majority of  people life now is not  Bhikshu ,  or say  a  precise  than is- not live as a  Bhikkhu , rolling into the world full of hustle shooting shocked  greed  and full of  wrong , just understand a few  teachers Management  or the  classics , then  meditate  by the practice of  bhikkhus , with the  hope  to  enlightenment  in this life , it is a dream! We  must  know  who we are Is it  qualified to practice under the practice of the  Bhikkhu  ?  If not , think of another way out  ofthis.
 In  the  Buddhist doctrine ,  we  have heard by the term "Mahayana" with the word "equality" which means that the four directions are  equal , the practice for non-  bhikkhus ,  alluding to Ordinary  people  are  not  ordained . Yet the people now rush to  meditate according to  the method  of the  Bhikkhu , claiming that he was on the right track and only  the original Buddhist  right. People who live like that, although that "no horizontal level is also vertical," but in my opinion,  hope realization  is only an  illusion , For the Buddha  said: "This event does not occur" (  this event  means  realization of Nirvana ) in the Six Sutras. And furthermore, if  suspected  of  Mahayana  is wrong, he will fall into  hell  : the  Mahayana  they defame, with Thua  Theravada  Theravada is also not to be standing outside, no  fulcrum , Do not go to hell  go? And the important thing is losing the opportunity  to learn  and  practice  the  practice  stronghold of  Mahayana  is very  necessary  for those who have  karma following, as Mantra, or  general maintenance  Da La Ni  .
Recently , in parallel with the  idea of  rejection of  the Mahāyāna  to be called "  returning to the  source of the Dharma," a  wrong view is pervading and raging. That is the  distinction between  "historical Buddha" and "religious Buddha". This distinctive concept  denies Buddhas such as  Amitabha Buddha ,  Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva ,  Bodhisattva Bodhisattva , etc., and only  accepts  the  historicalBuddha  as  Shakyamuni  . The distinction between  the  historical Buddha  and  thereligious Buddha  with  this  blasphemous goal is no different than the one who burned a  burning  oil lamp for the night wondering "  the  oil lamp in the third watch is  the  oil lamp in Two soup or not? "-  Of course  , the two  lights  are different, but not what is it?
The doctrine  of  dependent origination method  (Pratyasamutpada) Buddha teaches  us  that in  this world there is no  existence  any  independent , which is  present  in the correlation, including correlation (interdependence), interaction and creation (conditioning co-production), the  notion of  integral Buddhist  history and Buddhist  religion  is a  wrong , to divide  Buddhism , which is a tree  covered  with many different branches. For  this big tree  ,  we are  just monkeys, but smart monkeys  , Know the branches that just  grab it, do not  let go  to hold high branches when not   reach enough . When there is  enough power  to climb (with enough right  understanding ) to grab the high branches. If you  do not do  so, there is no branch to take refuge, will fall into the ground.
The third one in  three ways of learning  is  insight ,  think  from the  need to  ask the question, because the  answer  was  clear  then.
4.  Right  and Mantra:
 Before  learn  clues  related  between  Right  and Mantra,  we  try to question  fundamentally  this:  The idea  or  thought  can create  the right view  or not? Or how does  thought  have  power  ?
Tibetans  have a saying: "In the body of the donkey to know  to enjoy  the taste of grass" (according to The Yoga  Tibet  about  dreams  and sleep  master  Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche), implying that in the body of  man , right To make use of  the power  of  thought . Why so? Because only  humans  can  communicate  their thoughts  and  understand  each other through  the medium  of  language . We can not teach chickens or dogs how to  recite Buddha  .  
In the past,  the Chinese have  a  virtual story "Sangha kill people" to express  the power  of repetition in  thought . Sang Sâm  leave home  for a long time. Sâm Sâm's mother at home,   sometimes  from far away to report that: "Ginseng killing people." At first  she did not believe, knowing that her son was a good man  . But after a  long time  many people came to the news like that, she became  suspicious  and eventually  transformed  into the  conviction  that her son had murdered, while that did not happen.
The power  of  thought  is possible because it is deep in the  mind for a  long time by repetition. For example , a natural man  or tell  lies, if known  painstaking perseverance  concept read the sentence: "I do not like  to lie  " from several hundred times, then  continue  a few thousand times, and tens of thousands of times,  until  a few hundred a thousand times more, then, will see the nature  lie  turned to go and then take time. That's how  to use  Mantra to fix your  mind . If Mantra is  the right view in  the  Buddhist scriptures,  
Right understanding  can be  distinguished  as two types of shallow and deep. Right Understanding  is just a   fleeting thought , only in  the  consciousness, not active. Chanh is  deep as  of right standing  with strong activity,  instilled  from the level of  consciousness  rooted in the  unconscious   (unconsciousness), that is awake or dreaming sleep are also seeing similar.  
"  Life is a temporary realm, the land is  lost , not a place to enjoy."   With the right view, this correct view of the Mantra statement,  Buddhists  do  training  a few hundred thousand turn up, make it  ingrained in the  mind, it is difficult to condemn  the  world, and  of course  will easily  achieve.   Rapid progress on the path.  In summary ,  the district is  not cracked up to be, but by  building ,  training  new. If just  knowing  a  right understanding  that, although obtained from  doctrine , or extract is in classical , it's just a  thought  crossed about 20 thousand  thoughts  per day, not strong enough to  become  a  right view  schools directly. Read Mantra or mantras for a quorum is a way to  reinforce  sight, seeing the right, ie  the right view . On the monastery, people without right  understanding  are like people with no backbone, can only crawl, can not sit up, say no to  get up  or walk or run, or just like people are drifting on the sea Without a pillar or a raft,  Must be battered turbulent waves   in the sea of  birth and death samsara . Do not let an  understanding be  just a  fleeting thought , but make it memorable. Let's  strengthen  it, so that it grows roots stem,  firmly  in  the subconscious  (  Alaya formula ).
Mantra 2 types: type of  language  understanding, and kind commonly known as Sanskrit  mantras . Particularly for  the mantra ,  the meaning  of the mantra should be  investigated  so that  the meaning  is  ingrained in  the mind when reading. Should  study  the  original sutras that  the Buddha  preached on that note,  if not literally literal, then  at least  know the intention of the note or how to recite it to match the mind  expressed  in  the sutra ,  eg  concept  notes compassion  , the injured person must have heart, Without  this mind, it is  useless . Again, if the mind is not suspected (see Beijing  compassion  Guanyin  or economic Thien on  third eye unobstructed  compassion Da La Ni center  ). Initially  recite reading Mantra or  Da La Ni  should read loudly in the quiet place, the  ear of  reception, will soon. Once in, can read small in the mouth and no need to look at the paper again. As I read, those who hide their face like  ghosts  or  gods , gods, gods do not need to hear  the sound of his reading, but only know his mind only. So ,  
University Professor  Tibet  Tsongkhapa, patriarch of the  sect  Gelugpa (the  sect  of the Dalai Lama's 14 now), had also  practiced  concept recite  countless  mantra Vajra Slapping Đỏa , and many other options (kind of repeated Again) of  Kim Cang Thua .
The Dalai Lama has  preached  that "  because we can not change  the world , so we must  change  the mind  me ," This could be interpreted broadly that if we have the heart  of love ,  kindness , and I will To live in  a world  of  love , in which one who is not  suitable  as jealousy, for example, will carry away the burden, because we are not the object of their jealousy, or they do not go elsewhere; Change, hate hate. So can  we  change  the world  ?
Mantra we can use to change  the heart of  me, is a way  to train  Xinxing  well, and create the  right understanding  core  for  enlightenment . Here are a few Mantras that can  apply .
- Mantra minus  lewdness  (M3) :
Erotica  is a stinking mess. The human body is a bag of skin filled with  blood , sputum, sweat, and urine, which is disgusting. Enter into the  fetus  is also foul smell. I decided not to  be born  nor  reborn  anywhere in the six realms of samsara  . I just pray about  buddhaland  Amitabha . I just pray about buddhaland  A di  Da ...
-Mantra dissolves  self  (M9):
In  this world  , I am nothing, because I have disbanded. And so, nothing is me and nothing belongs to me.
-Mantra except greed (M10):
Life is temporary, a recent day   I will leave it, I can die at any time. Each pleasure  is a  temptation . Appetite  anything, or  desires  to be  present , leads to  rebirth  and reincarnation  in 6 walks.
Every day one of these Mantras reads 108 times. After 3 months of self  attention , will see how your mind  changes  . Mantra minus own  lust , if we truly  realize  that  sexual immorality  is the focal point of  samsara , the quit  elaborate  concepts such reading  until  the end of  life  is something worth doing. Read one year anniversary will see the  body and mind  soothing  peacefulness . If you read 1 million variables up and add Surangama notes anymore, the results are not  equal  .
The   masters of Mantra or  Da la Ni are  qualified, no  need to be  afraid of  death near death  later. Oil  near death now  have bad (by  accident  traffic death sudden death as  nun  Thich Nu  Tri Hai  instance) that fall into evil ways,  practitioners  of this just being  rotten peanuts  in place of him (like  hell ) a  time  very short, then exit onto higher planes immediately afterwards. This is  similar to  a suddenly cut tree  , which will  fall down  in its available tilt. 
That's about  the value   of Mantra 's  benefit . There is one more thing  of  equal value , that is  bodhicitta . Who  nourished  by  Bodhicitta , regardless of style shepherd (help  people liberate  ago I  freed  after get- well to her country, sheep drink water before), or styled boatman (  we It is  the  liberation  one turn or  drowned at once) or a king-style (we  went before  was  attained  , and now lead the people behind),   
So , fortunately, in the  realm of  the dharma world  ,  we  have two  savior  :
1) Mantra or  Da La Ni  :             Nam Mo  Kim Cang  Tri Vuong  Bodhisattva
2)    Bodhi Mind  :                           Bodhisattva Nam Mo  Bodhisattva  vows 
With  practice  recite or read Mantra  Da La Ni ,  the practitioner  will be the position  Vajra  Tri  supporters  preserving  , making always  diligent  and imposing force. With  bodhicitta  always  nurtured ,  practitioners  will be  gods  close gods  support , causing all  obstacles  in life  are happy.
We hope that all  of us  will soon be full  of right , lined up outside the front gate, to enter the house of  the Tathagata . END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/6/2017.

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