Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Mahàli sutta

 1. So I heard. At the time of  World Exalted  in Vesali (Vaisali) in the  lecture of Chong Trung, Dai Lam forest  . At that time, a large number of  ambassadorsBrahmin Kosala (Question-all-la) and water Magadha (Ma-out-momentum), was at Vesali for some work. Even the  messenger  was heard as follows: "Behold the venerable , recluse Gotama is  Like death ,  renunciation  of  family  -ca is currently staying at Vesali, at the  amphitheater  egg, forest  Dai Lam .  English The  followinggood news was sent to Gotama: "He is the  Blessed One , Arhat, Enlightenment Minh Hanh Tuc ,  Auspicious ,  the World League ,  Supreme Master ,  Article fisheries Phu ,  Thien Sphinx , Buddha,  Bhagavan He has  insight  enlightened  the world  with the  devas ,  Makai ,  Brahma world , with us recluses, Brahmin,  Devas and  species who ,  insight  enlightenment then  display  for all known species. His teachings are  neat, neutral, benevolent, meaning literary, presentation of dignity,totally  full purity ". If  listing is  an Arhat as  so  very precious."  2. The   Brahminmessengers in Kosala and in Magadha went to the  auditorium  in the forest of  Dai Lam At that time,  Venerable  Nígita is  the attendant of the Blessed One Even the messenger  Brahmin in Kosala and Magadha went to the spot in  virtue  Nagita in and said:  -  The venerable  Nagita, now  venerable  Gotama at where  we  wanted audience with the venerable  Gotama.   



The Blessed One The Blessed One  is  pure . These  messengers  Brahmin in Kosala and Magadha sat down at one side and said: "After the  audience with thevenerable  Gotama,  we  go".  3. The Licchavi Otthadda, along with a large population of Licchavi, also went to  the Hall of Lecture Halls , the Forest of  the Forest  meets the  great virtue of  Nāgita,  bowed  and stood aside. Otthadda the Licchavi with the great virtue Nígita:  - Currently the  Buddha , Arhat, where is the  Chief Justice  , We want to hear the Buddha , Arahant, the  Chief Justice  - Well, now is not the time to see the Buddha , the  Buddha  is  just pure  Otthadda Licchavi people sat down and did a side spot and said:  - After the  audience with the Buddha , Arhat, Enlightenment  new child go.  4. Sami-san came to the  great Venerable  Nàgita, bowed to the virtue  and stood aside. After standing on one side, Sanga Sila said to Venerable  Nīgita:  - Bach  Venerable  Kassapa (Ca-lettuce) a large number of messengers  Brahmin in Kosala and Magadha have come here for  an audience with the Buddha Otthada the Licchavi also came here with the large population of Licchavi to  see the Blessed One Venerable Kassapa,  well , if these people were to see the Buddha  - So, please speak to  the Blessed One  - Yes, white virtue! Shaykhama  obeyed  the teachings of  great virtuoso  Nígita, came to the place of the Blessed One ,  bowed to Him and stood aside. Shamima Sìha after standing on the right side of the Blessed One  -  Blessed Buddha , a large number of   Brahminmessengers in Kosala and Magadha came here to  see the Buddha Otthadda, the Licchavi same Licchavis the rural masses have come here for  an audience with theBuddha You instead  if these people get  an audience with  the Buddha!  - Now Sìha, please seat in shade, in  front of  the  Vihara  - Yes, White World!  Shamima Sìha obey  the Buddha 's teachings  Arrange  a seat in the shade in  front of  the  Vihara , and  the Blessed One  went out of the  Vihara  and sat on the prepared seat in the shade, in  front of  the  Vihara  5. Then the  messenger  Brahmin in Kosala and Magadha to spot  the Buddha , they speak the words  of praise of friendship  and socializing  with  Bhagavan  and sat down on one side. Otthadda the Licchavi and a large number of Licchavi also came to the place of  the Buddha ,  bowed to  Him and sat down. After sitting down one side, Otthadda people Licchavi said to Bhagavan  - Bach  Venerable , two or three days ago, Sunakkhatta,  family  Licchavi came to me in and told me: "o Mahāli, since I live close to  the Buddha , not longer than three years I saw beauty and  excitement , excitement and excitement, but I did not hear the beautiful  , excited, happy echoes. " White  Exalted , the negative bias that Sunakkhatta  family  Licchavis not hear the sound fine natural wonders,  excited , excited, Do not understand whether the sound is true or not?  - o Mahāli the negative bias that Sunakkhatta  family  Licchavis not hear the sound fine natural wonders, excited , excited, the negative bias was real, and not without.  6. - White  Exalted , so what's so what charm, the negative bias that Sunakkhatta,  family Licchavis not hear the sound fine natural wonders,  excited , excited, the negative bias was real, and not without neck.  - Mahāli, the rate of monks  in the direction of the direction , facing east with  the purpose to  see the beautiful,  beautiful , exciting, but not for the purpose of listening to the sound of fine natural wonders,  excited , excited. Because this position initiates the Nhut direction, towards the East with  the purpose  that chromosphere fine outstanding,  interested , excited, but not with  the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding,  excited , excited, so this position shows is east of fine outstanding chromosphere,  excited , excited, but do not hear the sound fine natural wonders,  excited , excited. Why? O Mahāli because monks in the convent to Nhut direction, towards the East, with  the purpose  that chromosphere, fine photo,  enjoy excited but not with the purpose of  listening to the sound of fine natural wonders,  excited , excited.  7. Again, this Mahàli, there is a monk in the direction of direction, toward the south ... west ... to the north ... above, below, horizontal, with  the purpose of  seeing the natural Sharp, beautiful,  exciting , excited, but not for  the purpose of  hearing the gospel, beautiful,  exciting , excited.This person is in the direction of the direction, toward the top, bottom, horizontal, with the purpose of  seeing the beautiful, beautiful,  exciting , excited, but not for  the purpose of hearing the sound, beautiful,  interesting , chalk. smoke, He can see the top, bottom, horizontal, beautiful beauty, fun , excited, but not hear the beautiful, exciting , excited. Why? Mahāli, because of this monk, while concentrating in the direction of the direction, toward the top, the lower, the horizontal, only for  the purpose of  seeing the beautiful,  exciting , but not for  the purpose of  hearing the heavenly auras. Wonderful,  exciting , excited.  8. o Mahāli, flavored monks cultivate the  best direction , toward the East for  the purpose of listening to the sound of fine natural wonders,  excited , excited but not with  the purpose  that fine outstanding chromosphere, Excited , excited. Because this  person is in the direction of the east, with the aim of  listening to the beautiful, exciting , excited, but not for the purpose of seeing the beautiful, exciting , excited, he hears is  east of natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because the monks in the convent to Nhut direction, towards the East, with the purpose of  listening to the natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited but not with the purpose  that chromosphere cosmetic magic, love Interesting , exciting. Because this person is in the direction of the east, with the aim of listening to the beautiful, exciting , excited, but not for the purpose of seeing the beautiful, exciting , excited, he hears is east of natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited. Why? Mahāli, for this bhikkhu while orienting himself to the east, only for the purpose of listening to the beautiful, pleasant , excited but not for the purpose of seeing the beautiful beauty, love. Interesting , exciting.Because this person is in the direction of the east, with  the aim of listening to the beautiful, exciting , excited, but not for the purpose of seeing the beautiful, exciting , excited, he hears is east of natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited. Why?Mahāli, for this bhikkhu while orienting himself to the east, only for the purpose oflistening to the beautiful, pleasant , excited but not for the purpose of seeing the beautiful beauty, love. Interesting , exciting. Look East for the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited, but not with the purpose that chromosphere cosmetic magic, excited , excited, so this position heard in the east of the celestial sounds fine Wonderful, exciting , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because the monks in the convent to Nhut direction, towards the East, with the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited but not with the purpose that chromosphere cosmetic magic, love Interesting , exciting. Look East for the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding,  excited , excited, but not with  the purpose that chromosphere cosmetic magic, excited , excited, so this position heardin the east of the celestial sounds fine Wonderful, exciting , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because the monks in the convent to Nhut direction, towards the East, with the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited but not with the purpose that chromosphere cosmetic magic, love Interesting , exciting. but not with the purpose that fine outstanding chromosphere, excited , excited, so this position heard east of fine natural sounds wonderful, excited , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because the monks in the convent to Nhut direction, towards the East, withthe purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding, excited , excited but not with the purpose that chromosphere cosmetic magic, love Interesting , exciting. but not with the purpose that fine outstanding chromosphere,  excited , excited, so this position  heard east of fine natural sounds wonderful,  excited , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because the monks in the convent to Nhut direction, towards the East, with the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding,  excited , excited but not with  the purpose that chromosphere cosmetic magic,  love Interesting , exciting. 








 9. Again, this Mahàli, there is a monk in the direction of the direction, toward the south ... towards the west ... towards the north ... Top, Bottom, Horizontal with  the purpose of  listening to the heaven. Sound beautiful, excited  excited. Because this position initiates the Nhut direction, towards the top, bottom, level with  the purpose of listening to the natural sound fine outstanding,  excited , excited, but not with  the purpose  see the chromosphere, fine photo,  excited , excited so this position  heard , the Top, Bottom, Horizontal, celestial sound fine outstanding,  excited , excited, but do not see the fine outstanding chromosphere,  excited , excited. Why? Mahāli, because of this monk, To the top, bottom, horizontal only for the purpose of  listening to the beautiful,  exciting , excited but not for  the purpose of  seeing beautiful,  exciting , exciting. 

 10. Mahāli, whose bhikkhus are orientated towards the East with  the aim of  seeing beautiful,  pleasant , excited and  beautiful gods with  the purpose of hearing the beautiful, exciting pleasant sounds  Because the binary monk direction, towards the East with  the purpose  that fine outstanding chromosphere,  interested , excited and with  the purpose of  listening to the natural sounds, fine photo,  enjoy This're excited to see the east-facing chromosphere the fine outstanding, interest , excitement and  hear  the sound fine natural wonders,  interested , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because monks while practicing the delicate direction, towards the East with the purpose  that chromosphere fine outstanding,  interested , excited and with  the purpose of  listening to the natural sounds, fine photo,  enjoy , chalk smoke. 

 11. Mahàli, a monk, bishops orientated toward the south ...  west ... towards the north ... up, down, horizontal, with  the purpose of  seeing the beautiful sky Amusing, amusing Excited and for the purpose of  listening to the beautiful,  exciting , excited.Because this position initiates the sensitive direction, towards the top, bottom, level with  the purpose  to see chromosphere fine outstanding,  interested , excited and with  the purpose of  listening to the natural sound fine outstanding,  excited , excited should this position Towards the top, bottom, horizontal, see the beautiful beauty, enjoy , excited and listen to the beautiful,  exciting , excited. Why? O Mahāli, because monks while practicing the delicate direction, toward the top, bottom, level with  the purpose  to see fine outstanding chromosphere,  excited , excited, and with the purpose of  listening to the sound of fine natural wonders,  excited , excited. This Mahāli, due to this, by virtue of this condition, these sounds are true, not without. 

 12. - Bach  Bhagavan , so there'd be evidence of  statutory meditation  was that monks live lives  of dignity , under the teachings of Bhagavan?  - Mahāli, do not want to witness these  meditations  that the monks are living  upright , under my guidance .O Mahāli, there are other more noble,  wins  more. In order to attain these dharmas, the bhikkhus live the virtuous life  , under My guidance.  13. What is more noble,meritorious ,   than the bhikkhu because they want to prove that they live in  the world, under the instruction of the Sun?  - Mahāli, here bhikkhus end the three  fetters , the level of  the constriction, not ruining the  beast ,  certainly  reached Bodhi fruit. O Mahāli, this noble approach and  wins  more, because they want this legal evidence, the monks live  holy  under my instruction.  Again, o Mahāli, monks finish third paragraph  fetters  alleviate greed, hatred and delusion, the Career  Circuit hybridthere must be born again in the life  of this  once  more before killing would suffer.Mahāli, this dharma is more noble and   more victorious In order to attain this dharma, the bhikkhu live  virtue , under My guidance.  Again, Mahāli, the bhikkhu who has ended the lower half of the  fetter ,  is born , entering Nirvana here, no longer have to  return to this world  again. Mahàli, this noble and   more conquering .Wanting to be legal evidence of this, the monks live  holy  under my instruction.  O Mahāli, those noble and  wins  this, because he wanted to be legal, the monks live holy  under my instruction.  14. - White  Lord , there are  any paths  , which paths lead to the  realization of  these?  - Mahāli, there  are paths , the path leading to the realization of  these.  - White  Exalted , has  road  yet, there is no path leading to the realization  of that approach?  - That is the  way  Scripture has eight branch: chief knowledge ,  right thought ,  right speech ,  right action right livelihood ,  right effort mindfulness ,  right concentration Mahāli,  this path  , leads to the  realization of these dharmas.  15. Maháli, one of my time in Kosambi garden Ghositàràma. At that time two people  left home Mandissa, a Dalian trainee and Jàliya's  disciple  , arrives at My residence, expresses the  blessings of friendship  and  socialite  with Me and stands on one side. After standing to one side, two  -home  told me the following:  - Hey  Sage The root  and the  body  are one or the other?  - Hey  Sage , listen and skilful  volition , I would say.  - Yes, sage!  Two  ordained followers reply  me like this and I say the following:  16. -  Sage , here is   born as Lai , the Arahant, the  Chief of the Enlightenment  ... ( similar to  "Sa fruit jelly ", verses 41-82) ... Hey  Sage , so monks  achievements morality ... evidence and  abides Profile meditation This  sage, when monks know that, see that, Will he be willing to address the issue of  "one's mind and one's  body  ?"  The  sage , so-and-so, he is ready to  address the problem of "the root and the  body  are one or the other."  This  sage , but I know that, but I do not say: "Network base and  body  are one or the other."  17. Certification and  abidesII meditation ...  third meditation ...  To Charity This  sage , when monks know that, see that, Will he be willing to address the issue of  "one's mind and one's  body  ?" This  sage , monks knew it, so he found willing to mention the  matter "Network base and  body  are one or the other."  The  sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the  body  is one or the other."  18. The monk he minded, leading to  knowledge This  sage , when the monks know that, see that, he willing to mention the  matter : " The bhikkhu knows that, he is willing to deal with the matter of "mind and  body  as one or the other." The  sage , though I know so, sees that, but I do not say "Nibbling and the  body  is one or the other." The Buddha said  so.Otthadda Licchavi people happy  credits they word Bhagavan  taught.  Although I know so, see that, but I do not say "The root and the body are one or the other." The Buddha said so. Otthadda Licchavi people happy credits they word Bhagavan taught.  Although I know so, see that, but I do not say "The root and the body are one or the other." The Buddha said so. Otthadda Licchavi people  happy credits they word  Bhagavan taught. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/6/2017.

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