Saturday, 15 July 2017


Beijing Real  paragraph
Anupada Sutta - One by One as They Occurred.
The Buddha described the venerable Sāriputta's development of insight when he was training for the attainment of arahantship .
One by one, as soon as they arise. 
The Buddha describes the development of insight of the relics of Phat as he cultivated  to attain Arahantship. 
The Buddha in the guard, calling the bhikkhu who praised Sariputta is the level of wisdom, the lawless ombudsman  [1] for half a month.
He abides not interrupting  the meditation consists of meditation, meditation, meditation, mind, feeling, thought, private, mind, When they arise, stay and kill; Staying with an uninhibited, non-opposing mind  [3] and knowing more liberation [4], much more has to be done. He out of range, four, dwelling meditation, with the second dharma meditation (internal static, joy, peanut, one center, touch, life, thought, conscience, education, winning, effort, With regard  to the Four Noble Truths of meditation, with the discharge of pure thought [5] ( and other dharmas), they know well that they arise, dwell, and die, . He attained similar attainments and attitudes  similar to that of the  Indigenous Peoples, Out African ideal non origin idea, he observed the law from not th he tried, and after appearing e ã disappeared [6], to them he no attachment, no opposition, dwell with The mind is unlimited and knows more liberation. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal states , states of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind.He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. he observes the law since can not he tried, and after appearing e ã disappeared [6], to them he no attachment, no opposition, to dwell with the mind does not limit the amount v i know there stuff Higher liberation. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal states , states of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind. He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. he observes the law since can not he tried, and after appearing  e ã disappeared [6], to them he no attachment, no opposition, to dwell with the mind does not limit the amount v i know there stuff Higher liberation. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal statesstates of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind.He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. and after the appearance of eã disappeared [6], to them he no attachment, no opposition, dwell with unlimited amounts center v i know has something liberating higher. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal states , states of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind.He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. and after the appearance of eã disappeared [6],  to them he no attachment, no opposition, dwell with unlimited amounts center v i know has something liberating higher. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal states , states of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind.He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. Abide with unlimited mind and know more liberation. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal states , states of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind. He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. Abide with unlimited mind and know more liberation. He transcends the non-perception of non-ideal states ,  states of life-giving, smuggling, or extinction by seeing with wisdom. With mindfulness, he made boots exterminate life thought to also observe as tr Israel, the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing  e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not against , Dwelling with the unlimited mind. He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear, for they care not attachment, not opposition, to dwell with infinite care quality.He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do. the law [8] from nothing into something and after appearing e ã disappear,  for they care not attachment, not opposition, to dwell with infinite care quality. He knows there is no greater liberation [9] and there is nothing left to do.
And Buddha concluded: Venerable Shariputra  e ã wonderful success [10] About aggregates, Concentration aggregates, Tue aggregates and Liberation aggregates of saints, is the main tone of the Buddha, from France biochemistry, heirs France does not admit of material resources, genuine turning Falun supreme that Tathagata  e ã move.
1.  Anupadadhammavipassanà . MA (Siddhartha Siddhartha) explains that he develops insight  into the dharma through meditation and meditation, as described. Half months say in  here l à since Venerable Shariputra ordained Buddhist for  time ng who authorized arahatship while listening to Buddhist teaching for  Dighanakha  about feelings. (See Sutra 75,  paragraph 14.)
2. Năm pháp đầu trong bảng kê này là các thiền chi thuộc sơ thiền; các pháp sau đó là những thành phần thêm vào mỗi thứ làm một nhiệm vụ riêng trong thiền định [DGTheo duy thức học, gọi là năm biến hành và năm biệt cảnh tâm sở]. Sự phân tích tỉ mỉ này về các tâm pháp báo trước phương pháp luận của Luận tạng, bởi thế không phải là sự tình cờ khi tên tuổi của Sàriputta được gắn liền với sự ra đời của văn học Luận tạng.
3. All those terms mean the temporary ballast up defilements by n antenna power of meditation, not the cough safe liberation of pollution caused by  cessation them by Arhat direct and m à religious Fake sariputta must also  attain.
4. The further beyond  here is the next testicular meditation, the second jhana.
5. According to the BBS edition (University of organs Burma) is  passaddhatta cetaso anabhogo , which fear that the center located in the triangle of meditation also now  be viewed l à still rough, and when he lost, the mind settles down with the police Net by the discharge. PTS Assembly is  passivedanà , obviously wrong.
It is necessary to use this method of indirect  insight to observe the Four Noble Truths, the Fourth Noble Truths, so that it is extremely subtle, the  disciples can not directly examine them . There are omniscient buddhas who can directly observe it.
7. The sutra  gives the following explanation of this passage , passed down by the elders of India: Sariputra monk was only concurrent and  attained Infinity. Then he entered  the life thought Killing và after manufacturing  the n ày,  e ã arahatship evidence.
8. Because in  the life sentence does not think any meditation, the Law says that these methods must necessarily imply the material ritual birth while the fake suicide  , or referring to the mental state of defilements Wednesday before.
9. Notice the realization that there is no more liberation than  attaining Arahantship.
10.  Vasippatto pāramipatta , ultimate triumph.
The Buddha calls them bastard
Praise the relics
sublime intellectual sublime Abide
disregard  .
He certified meditation
Dwelling unbroken
The method of meditation:
Games from bliss to
Promotion (work) the same raw
Sexual winning concept discharge
 õ know students stay away
No attachment against  the
Dwelling mind infinite
 the higher law
There is work to be done.
He is second to meditation.
To  mindlessness. The
same attitude
liberation does not cling.
African non-ideal start export
certificate life thought Killing  specified
When the Killing start to
observe the law n
From not that out there
Have not returned
Dwelling liberating insight
No more work to do.
Venerable Sariputta The true nature
of the Buddha
Dharma as the Dharma Transcendental
Six pure
Chabbisodhana Sutta - The Sixfold Purity.
The Buddha explains how a bhikkhu should be interrogated when he claims final knowledge and how he would answer if his claim is genuine .
Six purification. 
Buddhist teaching questioned how a monk when he declared  e ã  achieve ultimate location; If true,he must answer how. 
Buddhist monks taught us: If you do declare  e ã  cessation cankers, the l àm  e ã completed, it should not hear compliments or disprove, that he should ask the question  topic as follows. They see, hear, think, know [1] what they say? Answer true is: For what is seen listening thought to know ( is v eat enlightened ) they are not loving attachment not fight  for, without them bound, to dwell with unlimited amount of interest [2]. To be answered like that, it is necessary to ask  how their  attitude towards the five aggregates is. Need answers e ã  except bigotry Center v à depending newspapers [3]  for us v i know that they are impermanent, turning septic. Taoist third thing l à the six men ( local water, fire style not v à formula), they must realize that  boundaries are not self ng ã, ego does not depend on the  boundary [4] (also with five world c review). The  fourth problem is the six doctrines , the correct answer :  for the eye, color, consciousness, and dharmas  are perceived by consciousness [ 5], they  e ã  cessation craving lust joy, performance, Israel accepted, depending newspapers (also with n mande apartment ceiling c informal review) should know the mind  e ã liberation. Nth mande là  to wake yourself v à Minister outside, How can we know e ã  period t chronic Commissioner newspapers  I had made, of my department who do  [6]? In answering this question, they have to recite the ordination sequence with the faith, the achievement of the world of aggregates, the attainment of the four meditations [7], as seen by the four truths and by the observation of the mind, from illegal sex, property illegally, ignorance, arises understanding: Students e ã advantage, dignity, e ã success, to do e ã do, after this present life is not c Workers are still living n loud else . At that time, should praise: It is beneficial for us to see a priest as well as religious. [8] My job is to do [6]? In answering this question, they have to recite the ordination sequence with the faith, the achievement of the world of aggregates, the attainment of the four meditations [7], as seen by the four truths and by the observation of the mind, from illegal sex, property illegally, ignorance, arises understanding: Students e ã advantage, dignity, e ã success, to do e ã do, after this present life is not c Workers are still living n loud else . At that time, it should be praised: It is beneficial for us to see a priest as well as religious. [8] My job is to do [6]? In answering this question, they have to recite the ordination sequence with the faith, the achievement of the world of aggregates, the  attainment of the four meditations [7], as seen by the four truths and by the observation of the mind, from illegal sex, property illegally, ignorance, arises understanding: Students e ã advantage, dignity, e ã success, to do e ã do, after this present life is not c Workers are still living n loud else . At that time, it should be praised: It is beneficial for us to see a priest as well as religious. [8] elected four meditation [7] to find realistic four truths v à by observing with wisdom, the mind freed from illegal sex, property illegally, ignorance, arises understanding: Students e ã advantage, dignity, e ã success, to do e ã do, after this present life is not c Workers are still living n loud else . At that time, it should be praised: It is beneficial for us to see a priest as well as religious. [8] elected four meditation [7] to find realistic four truths v à by observing with wisdom, the mind freed from illegal sex, property illegally, ignorance, arises understanding:  Students  e ã advantage, dignity,  e ã success, to do  e ã do, after  this present life is not c Workers are still living n loud else . At that time, it should be praised: It is beneficial for us to see a priest as well as religious. [8] after the present life not cWorkers are still living n loud else . At that time, it should be praised: It is beneficial for us to see a priest as well as religious. [8] after the present life not c Workers are still  living n loud else . At that time, should praise: It is beneficial for us to  see a priest as well as religious. [8]
1. See number 17.
2. Just as in doing 111  paragraph 4, but here the word n ày power poles  reach the cessation by Arhat defilement religion.
According to the sutras, all of these words  have meanings and meanings .
4. The first part  denies the view of the land is the self, the second denying the outer rupa and mind is  the self. Same with the  other.
5. Beijing seems duplicate when  e ã said added color to the law  are realized by nh mind eating. The award  presented two views to solve the problem. One view is that color is only for things that actually  go into consciousness, and dhammas can be perceived by visible vision as visible things  but which have ceased before they  are seen. The second opinion said Bull all h ình irrespective format, also from the second group of three aggregates center operation  Dynamic C with consciousness.
6. MA (commentaries Central) explain I  do  ( ahankara ) is a  chronic  left of me ( mamankara ) is  involved . All generals ( nimitta ) except for extraterrestrials.
7. The net of life and death  here are dismissed, and the first question  relates  to the attainment of Arahanta rather than the worldly implications.
8. MA states that it is also called  Ekavissajjitasutta ; And it is difficult to explain the sixth number in the title  of the book , because there are only a few questions in the Bible. It is possible to divide the last two, the body with one's body and one's body. Or having  the view that the four truths can be viewed l à problem  started Friday. But both views are unstable, so it is very likely that there is a  lost segment .
The Buddha taught them bhikkhu
If someone declares birth
commendation should not praise, or uncle.
Ask them what they
hear, what they think, what they know
To claim liberation
No more work to do?
Need answers true:
I do not prefer boring start
to sue v eat enlightened
Hang residence infinite mind. 
For the grasping of the aggregates
Seeing the impermanence of change
I am except the persistent
mind of liberation and
With six in the external world
(Four  University v no, informal)
Failing  that l à me
Or my self.
With six internal and external origin
(ie eighteen)
I take joy rid
myself know  e ã liberation.
But how do you know that  was the end of the custom:
I was the
department of mine, who do?
With the renunciation faith
I accomplished
the righteous enlightenment and awakening
In all majesty.
Meditation  in the desert
Except for the five hills of the witness
to the four meditation
mind center.
Lifelike know four soles
Mind liberation illegal sex
Friends smuggled ignorance
Knowing l
 àm  e ã done.
As seen on this
As for this body
and all foreign affairs
I am out of habit.
Answer as above.
Give praise: Good
for us
Meet people like fake.
Hail Mary
Sappurisa Sutta - The True Man.
The Buddha distinguishes the character of a true man from that of an untrue man .
[The Buddha simply  characterizes another true person with the unrighteous.]
The Buddha teaches the truth and non-truth. Africa's legs are proud ordained from one part  e ình noble, so my compliments belittle people. Likewise, pride in class, fame, fortune,  multiculturalism,law, sermon, asceticism, meditation  , As such, the other bhikkhu no, she complimented me neglected. Leg press, then take  direction l àm key, so do not think because of Sale  e ình topping, family noble, reputation ... for  the testimony of meditation, m à greed  get rid of, so please do not compliment m ình Cheeky He remembers the Buddha's teaching that the truth about everything is always different from what  is conceived of them [3], I will overcome the non-idealism, the vedana of thought  , [4] and after seeing with wisdom, gobbling or  removing. He does not think he is anything, not thinking of  anything .
1.  Sappurisa Dhamma  and  asappurisadhamma .
2. The 13 virtues  mentioned in the Pure Land, chapter II.
3. MA explains that  atammayata is  not  assimilated, not included in it, which means absence of desire. But, according to this  passage , perhaps the absence of conceit is  more true. V v ì How notion though we  go again th ì always true other than ( yena yena hi hoti ANNATHA mannati tato triangle ) is a hidden philosophical terminology longer appears in 588 sub sutras and Ud. Udana explains that it means that no matter what the conception of the aggregates, the self or the self, etc., the truth is different from what people attribute to it: it is not mine or mine.
4. It should be noted that there is no story of the non-footprints that enter into  the Dream of death.The other with four meditation v à four  to formless m à ordinary securities also  are, to exterminate life thought l à scope only for your  e ã attained Any complete and Arhat.
5.  On mannati mannati, on kuhinci mannati, on kenaci mannati . This is a brief word about the same state  e ã  described fully in the economic central 1. intellectual idea, see footnote 6.
The Buddha's teaching on the human foot
and the leg of human dharmas.
Africa's legs ordained
Proud of  everything:
I in e
 ình noble
brethren another despicable
Because such thinking
should belittle people praising me.
About the class of family,
reputation and benefits
Multi- cuisine, smart world,
 and ascetic
Think no one by yourself.
Human beings are thinking
not by the law he is
a greedy,  except the
Essence is the
 practice  .
With such thinking
No compliments
 on the person
Seeing anyone on the  right path
should also be lauded.
When you attain the jhana
To Africa phi phi
 thap sui
no one let alone.
Leg's not so
As evidence  attained jhana
Until non-ideal African
Still with alobha center.
As a result, the idea
of freedom from the idea of illegality or deduction is completely liberated.
Should practice, not practice
Sevitabbàsedvitabba Sutta - To Be Cultivated and Not To Be Cultivated.
The Buddha sets up three brief outlines of things to be cultivated and not to be cultivated, and the venerable Sariputta fills in the details .
Should  e rushing train and should not  e rushing train. 
Buddha give a brief summary of the legal compendium three should  e rushing train and do not need, then Venerable Shariputra said details  in full. 
Buddha  for ten following measures [1] l à body, oral, volitional, biopsychosocial, great  prime, is a prime, ng ã calculate  prime, six sense objects (color bar flavors contact method), four widgets v à people socializing -  are two types, n Israel and should not  e rushing train [2]. It should not be when training it, evil law , good law reduction and should be the opposite.
Sariputta teaches that the teachings are as follows: On the body, should not kill, steal, sexual misconduct. (And to give up those karmas is the  thing to do,  for the latter to do the same.) On theshoulders, do not lie, double tongue, evil, say vain. About the issue, it should not take material resources, courts want to harm others, and wrong [3] does not believe in handouts, causality, parents,  life n ày  afterlife, the sages. (N Israel as is standard practice dispassion, no major damage and there is, in contrast with the above wrong.) Mind students should not  e noisy training is what makes evil legal mind t antenna, reducing friendly France; As a greedy person [4] living with a greedy mind, (with the yard and harm too). To realize that it is not a practice to think  aboutsex, anger, or harm; the opposite should  e rushing fitness training separatist ideas, countless golf, no harm. The  idea does not have the wrong view that there is no alms and so on; is  a prime n Israel there is political as above. Self-  esteem [5] is not a harmful attribute  , for the unwholesome of good and the good decreasing, preventing the cessation of samsara [6] is  harmless. , To increase good faith, to reduce the unwholesome. There are two kinds of sensory contact (sensory, bar, incense, taste, contact lens, nose and tongue) that should be contacted. Lust should not be exposed [7] is that when the contact it is doing lawlessness , good faith reduction, contact is the opposite. For the rest of the objectis (ninth, ten in the summary table at the  top) , the same is true.
The Buddha praised the deployment of Sariputta, and taught that anyone who understands the teachings in detail [8] would  enjoy blissful happiness for long .
1. And  the first n was just  given a catalog will be deployed in large edition of Business.
2.  Ananamannam . Two mutually exclusive, one can not see one with the other  .
3. Although political viewpoints and often  included under About, in doing n ày we are tr ình disclosed separately in the  segment  is  obtained  as the player  acquisition standpoint.
4. While craving and aversion to say in  paragraph  volitional  n antenna of a directorial capacity, th ì in the  passage about the  biopsychosocial , they  displayed new preliminary stage, as the tendency is not found now.
5.  Attabhavapatilabha , the player  obtained the individuals, here only for rebirth.
6.  Aparinitthitabhàva . This unusual word  is translated according to the caption of MA.
7. The difference does not lie in  the object in the object approach  With n ày craving and other defilements arose  for a sharp n loud  , but c to one or other sharp departure was a boring mind, dispassion exposure.
8. MA: Those who study business and economic commentary without practicing  it th inertia can not be called  e ã understand the meaning of economic detail. Only those who practice according to the teachings in  it are called to understand the meaning of detail.
The Buddha teaches two kinds
So, should not be treated
With the following measures
should not be considered carefully.
First up briefly:
Body and mind practice,
mind and thoughts born  prime
occasions, ng
 ã calculated  elected
six sense objects
Four widgets are usually d
 Brøndby teammates
and socializing of people
are  good, no good.
The g
 ì don'ts
Because  result in
Compassion reduce unwholesome increased
 Israel do the opposite.
The body should not do
Is killing, stealing, sexual
mischief Lie, double tongue
Frivolous comments on the wrong side of the law wrong view of the
cause of the result
of the right
to practice it.
The biopsychosocial estate  worth
Makes good evil increase decrease
As people l
 he visits
again live with greed
(Also golf and bad)
Tam students should practice
Being involved psychological life
proletariat and no harm.
Ideal  prime n not Israel act
As great harm prefabricated
idea  attain worth h tri
It leaves the pitch sexual harm.
The  idea is not there, there
is wrong view
father and mother, saints
contrary is the view.
Selfhood  elected not n Israel
Is any thing harmful
not terminate reincarnation.
Should work harmless,
Improve the efficiency , reduce the evil. For six subjects
Due to sensory perception:
Sac not n
 Daniel exposure
is the exposure it
Evil t legal antenna reduces improvement
 Israel touched the opposite.
With what's left:
Qing taste contact legal
Four everyday objects
and places, people socializing
Under here n Daniel said.
The teachings of Vaishnavism
Who understands this word
will be happy long time. For six subjects Due to sensory perception: Sac not n Daniel exposure is the exposure it Evil t legal antenna reduces improvement N Israel touched the opposite. With what's left: Qing taste contact legal Four everyday objects and places, people socializing Under here n Daniel said. The teachings of Vaishnavism Who understands this word will be happy long time. For six  subjects Due to sensory perception: Sac not n Daniel exposure is the exposure it Evil t legal antenna reduces improvement N Israel touched the opposite. With what's left: Qing taste contact legal Four everyday objects and places, people socializing Under here n Daniel said. The teachings of Vaishnavism Who understands this word will be happy long time. Bar flavors contact legal Four everyday objects and places, people socializing Under here n Daniel said. The teachings of Vaishnavism Who understands this word will be happy long time. Bar flavors contact legal Four everyday objects and places, people socializing Under  here n Daniel said. The teachings of Vaishnavism Who understands this word will be happy long time.
Bahudhàtuka Sutta  -  The Many Kinds of Elements .
The Buddha expounds in detail the elements, the sense bases, dependent origination, and the kinds of situations that are possible and impossible in the world .
Many types of factors. 
The Buddha teaches in detail about (eighteen) worlds, (twelve) states, dependent origination, and possible cases, which can not happen in  life. 
The Buddha teaches that all fears, disappointments and afflictions arise only for the fool, not for the wise, as well as the fire that spreads from a grassy house and  burns it down. Therefore, the bhikkhu should become a gentle, inquisitive mind. Sun Ananda asked how gentle. The Buddha teaches that when the bodily tricks about the [1], the origin, dependent origins and the country of origin.
- Magic about Gender is known eighteen sex (six meals, six ceiling, six consciousness); Or six worlds (four more, not conscious); Or the six precepts are lost, suffering, joy, goodness, equanimity, and ignorance [2]; The three precepts are sex, color, colorless [4]; Or two precepts are conditioned, unconditioned [5].
- The country has six foreign countries are eyes and ears and the sound ...  to the mind and the law [6].
- There are 12 conditions.
- The land of non-origin is clear about what can happen or can not happen as follows:
There can be no accomplishment of political opinion [7], but the view is that ordinary actions, lost, [8]; Violates the law Featured another teacher. Ph Sheol they can commit these mistakes, see any of them  that l à Settle [9] and patricide, matricide, killing an arhat, a clearance t antenna h boo case, and Buddha bleeding [10 Or  highlight another teacher.
Nor can there be a thing in a world where  simultaneously two Buddhas [12], two kings of kingship, appear simultaneously. Nor can there be a female story as a Buddha, [Mara, Deity, Brahma. There can not be a cause of causation [14] think, do, say evil that the  fruit is happy and born on the heal or vice versa. The  opposite may happen.
When  asked what this method is, the Buddha should be called the Multiverse, or the Four Transitions [15], the Dhamma, or the Immortal, or the Supreme.
1. The eighteen precepts  are explained in detail in the TTD chapter 15. In brief, the mental world (manodhàtu ) of the Commentary, including the five disciplines of mind ( pancadvàràvajjana-citta ) and the sense of receptivity to  the object after the senses. To know The consciousness of the world ( manovinnànadhàtu ) includes all kinds of consciousness except in the body and mind. Dharmadadhammadhàtu ) consists of subtle types that are not within the reach of the senses, the three aggregates of mindfulness, and nirvana. It does not include abstract ideas, ideas, judgments  , etc. Although the latter  is included in the concept of mind (mind of the mind), dharmas are only composed of self,
2. Lost and suffering is the pleasure and suffering of the body, the joy and the precepts are the pleasures of the mind, the renunciation of feeling is not happy nor suffering. According to MA, ignorance  is putting v loud  here V ì said it looks similar to the vows.
3.  Vibhanga  defines here the six types of vitakka , see Central 19,  paragraph 2.
4. Education MA explanation is n aggregates of sexuality, identity l à n aggregates of gender identity, formless l à four aggregates formless realm.
MA: Transcendental encompasses all dharmati sutras and is the name that implies nirvana. Infinite world is nirvana.
6. The twelve  states are explained by TTD in Chapter 15. The place of origin consists of all kinds of consciousness and so it consists of the seven realms of the awakening. France as well as France.
7. MA: a political person ( ditthisampanno ) as there is of  religion, at least l à a holy disciple e ã  attained a Stream. H Transformation into  here need to understand l à compounded an act, means any legal public interdependent.
8. MA states that a sage  disciple who has not attained Arahantship can also view the mind as being lost with the wrong view of mind, but he can not keep the notion that any action is possible. shake. Though thought and thought can arise in the mind, he still reflects  to know that is wrong.
9. In the  passage about self , the alphabet  is replaced with the French word. According to MA, the reason so v ì  to include concepts such as Minister of Kasina etc m à easy to see that ordinary self. But considering the fact that Nirvana  is depicted as immortal and lost, and also easy to be thought to fall (see No. 1), the discourse can be said to include only compounded dhammas, Intimate and unconditional. But this explanation is not in the commentary of the commentator.
10. This section distinguishes the phobia with the saintly  disciples on the opposite side of sin.According to MA, a saintly student can not intentionally  take any human life , but  here it is the murder of his parents  to emphasize the dangerous side of his or her subordinate position. The power of the holy disciples.
11. That is, it is possible to admit anyone other than the Buddha as the Supreme Master.
12. MA: It is not possible to have another Buddha  born since the time of a Bodhisattva's last mother's womb until Ngai 's teachings completely disappeared.
13. This statement only asserts that an omniscient Buddha is always an immortal person, but does not deny that a current person is a woman who can become a Buddha in the future. But first, he must first be reborn as son.
In  this paragraph , the sentence due to that condition ( tannidàna tappaccayà ) is very important. As the Buddha will show in chapter 136, a person who commits evil deeds can be reborn in heaven and the good deeds can be reborn into the  ruins. But in these cases , rebirth is due to a cause other than kamma. The  rule of law only applies to karma and its effects.
15. Four transfers are Gender, Land, Dependent Origins, and Land of Duty (which can happen, can not happen).
All fears
Disappointment and disaster
Just  for the fool,
Not for the mind.
As from grass hut
 buzzing  pretty pretty ki EN
A  spark stand l Israel
also  fired tan t he owes
, therefore, be determined
Become a sage
Know reflections learn
This is the Buddha's teachings.
Intelligence is skilful
about the world, the land, dependent origination
can happen
And can not happen.
Gender is eighteen gender:
eye color and eye-consciousness
Italy, France and consciousness
Eighteen sex.
Then there are six types of gender
Four  college th Smoothly not,
Knowing the things It
is skillful about gender.
Lac offers wedding suffering exhaust
Finally add ignorance
is six world of mind
The bhikkhus should know.
Sex, identity and formless
This is called third world
Friends and unconditioned micro
This is called bisexual.
Land of six in addition
Eyes and shapes
Hearing and sound
Until the  mind and the law. This is the birth of the birth
This is the
birth There is the birth
This is not the other Is not
killed, the other also kill.
Due to ignorance, born executive,
by act of birth, formal birth
due to wake, wake born
by matter, six entered
by six entering,
There is exposure that has long
life because love is
love that has a
player that has possession of
possession that birth is
due to old death
Removal operating ignorance Removal
Action, the official kill kill
Soul Removal, and matter destroy
Given  to gi à die away.
This is the birth and the destruction
of this whole  pile of misery .
The bhikkhu know so
Shameless on the dependent.
Shameless country of the land
is a bhikkhu know clearly
Stories can happen
And can not happen:
achievement of political knowledge
Can not conceive
Common, lost, and fall
In the compounded things;
Or commit crimes; Desiring  another guru.
It is not possible that
 the same time, the world
appeared the two Buddhas,
two cakkavatti.
There is no such thing as a
woman who becomes a Buddha, a
Mara, a God
or a Brahma king.
It is not possible that
therefore think, say, do, evil
Which  fruits happily
 à born in the realm of healing
Due say do think charity
which meet results  suffering
 à born in the  fall of origin.
The probable
 à the  opposite.
 name is Multilingual
or French,
Tien Isigilisatta Village  [1]
Isigili Sutta - Isigili  -  The Gullet of the Seers .
An enumeration of names and epithets of paccekabuddhas who formally dwelt on the mountain of Isigili .
The object swallowed the fairies. 
Name the names and  characteristics of the previous monks who lived on Mount Monastery. 
While in Rajagaha, on Mount Isigili, the Buddha gave bhikkhus to the mountains surrounding the city, Vebhàra Mountain, Pandava Mountain, Vepulla Mountain, Mount Gijjhakùta And they teach: These mountains were formerly named, now the only name, only the Isigili mountains, so far is still the same. The name of the Buddha is as follows. In the past, there were fifty hundred Buddhist monks [3] who lived in the mountains for a long time. They  were seen going v rushing in the mountains and did not return, so mass  e ã told each other: mountain  e ã swallow hermits (IME isigilatiti) [4]. So it's called Thôn tiên. And since the name Buddha Buddha thirteen  unicorn eã long residence in that mountain: Arittha, Uparittha, Tagarasikhi [5], Yasassi, Sudassana, Piyadassì, Gandhàra, Pindola, Upàsabha, Nitha, Tatha, Sutavà and Bhàvitatta. There are also many other monkeys and hermits. They are the essence of the charming  e ã arrow pulled hard and thoroughly clean attachment, for themselves  attain liberation, even the e ã  make an end to rebirth, abandon grasping the origin of suffering, defeat the ghost , the very structural level except the accident, with extraordinary courage, life after the last body, e ã  end use, e ã win every battle,  e ã  reached Nirvana b eat.
1. In Sri Lanka, this  recitation is often performed as a prayer prayer.
2. The mountain and the mountain after  which l à the surrounding mountains of Rajgir.
3. Indigenous Buddha is a self-  gaining enlightenment not liberated by the Dharma spoken by the Buddha. He can not teach the dharma to humans and can not establish doctrines. Indigenous Buddhas only appear in the world time no longer Buddhist.
4. Han Dynasty is the village, in  which the  village  is swallowed.
5. Tagarasikhin  is mentioned in Ud5 and SN3.
6. Nanamoli commented that without it, it is very difficult to distinguish the names and  characteristics of the monotheistic Buddhas.
When in Rajgir
From  mountaintop village ti Israel
Buddha mountains
Surrounded Rajgir:
Vebhara (Earnings weight)
Pandava (Bach charity)
Vepulla (spectrum)
Gijjakuta (Vulture)
The mountain ancient
site offers Another name is
Duy Tien
ago is still the same.
Because  where there is not Israel this
is I-si-gi-li (first village)?
In the past hundred years  Indigenous
Tu in this for quite a long time.
They  e ã into the mountains
then did not return to
should the masses to each other:
The mountain swallow ( village ) hermit.
And since the name Buddha
Ten three  unicorn deduction in his mountain
Along many other hermits.
They are the essence
Of all beings
Have extracted the arrow of suffering
And the cessation of craving;
Forums for themselves elected, Forums cessation regeneration renounced clinging
origin of suffering pain; Forums defeated the ghost, Forums rid accident
Yes extraordinary courage
Tho h
 ình final comedy
The very structure of human
Forums paragraph to use organic, already won every battle
've reached Nirvana b eat. They are the essence Of all beings Have extracted the arrow of suffering And the cessation of craving; Forums for themselves elected, Forums cessation regeneration renounced clinging origin of suffering pain; Forums defeated the ghost, Forums rid accident Yes extraordinary courage Tho h ình final comedy The very structure of human Forums paragraph to use organic, already won every battle 've reached Nirvana b eat. They are the essence Of all beings Have extracted the arrow of suffering And the cessation of craving; Forums for themselves  elected, Forums cessation regeneration renounced clinging origin of suffering pain; Forums defeated the ghost, Forums rid accident Yes extraordinary courage Tho h ình final comedy The very structure of human Forums paragraph to use organic, already won every battle 've reached Nirvana b eat. Forums cessation regenerationrenounced clinging origin of suffering pain; Forums defeated the ghost, Forums rid accidentYes extraordinary courage Tho h ình final comedy The very structure of human Forums paragraph to use organic, already won every battle 've reached Nirvana b eat. Forums  cessation regeneration renounced clinging origin of suffering  pain; Forums  defeated the ghost,Forums  rid accident Yes extraordinary courage Tho h ình final comedy The very structure of human Forums  paragraph to use organic, already won every battle 've  reached Nirvana b eat.
Holy Cross
Mahàcattàrìsaka Sutta - The Great Forty .
The Buddha defines the factors of the Noble Eightfold Path and explains their inter-relationships .
Great forty  
The Buddha  defines the branches of the eight paths and explains the relationship between them. 
The Buddha teaches the bhikkhu about the Concentration of the Holy [1], together with the supporting factors  , including the seven major parts of the Noble Eightfold Path , Right Thought, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Cause  It is rectitude and righteous thoughts.
1. About politics:
Asian. Righteousness is the guiding factor  [2], which distinguishes between righteous thoughts and wrong views [3]. TA is not believe in handouts, causality,  life n ày  next life, parents, saints and sages.
B. The mainstream of the two, is illegal and smuggled. Smuggling is a kind of worldly opinion, blessed, grasping [4] such as having alms and so forth, contrary to wrong view. Also, the view of the unruly [5] is seen in  the path where the person has mastered in  the path, there is noxious mind, holy heart.
C. Who is  the elimination of the idea of ​​political achievement, called progressive. The righteous thoughts of  the righteous, righteousness, and righteous thoughts. So there are three factors that revolve around politics,  that is, righteous thoughts, righteous thoughts and righteous thoughts.
2. About Thinking:
Asian. Main is  going h ang  head [7]: Know the main distinction between thinking v à-called deviant political thinking. Ta thinking is sexual education, yard, harm. It is thought thinking, irrational, harmless thinking [8].
B. It is the thinking that is of two kinds, the illicit and the unproductive. Smuggling is the same thoughtless divorce without harm. The smuggling is the main thought of the supernatural, the holy, the  direct [9].
C. Progressive  deduction is the thinking, the achievement of thought itself, called the radical. Righteous  except t à thinking, dwell the thoughts, called mindfulness. There are also three factors that are centered around thought itself, that is, righteous thoughts, righteous thoughts and righteous thoughts.
3. About the main language:
Asian. It is important  to have a proper understanding of the language and the main language. Tai language is lying, double-edged, evil, frivolous.
B. There are two types of speech is illegal, smuggled. It is the same language that is to give up the four above mentioned speech,  bringing blessings. Verbal language is the transposition of four types of evil language where a saint has a supramundane  consciousness [11].
C. Strive to eliminate the evil language, primary language achievements, called the mainstream. Righteous  excerpts of speech, staying speech, called righteous thoughts. So in terms of language, there are also three elements that revolve around politics, righteous thoughts, righteous thoughts.
4. About the industry:
Asian. The main idea goes well  to distinguish between professional and professional. It is the pursuit of masturbation.
B. There are two types, the smuggled, the blessing, to abandon the three trades mentioned above. Invisibility is the karma of the supramundane,  the path, the separation of three evil spirits in a holy one.
C. Who is progressing  the deduction of karma, professional achievements, called advanced. Righteous  excerpts from the karmic career, called righteous thoughts. Thus, there are also three other factors, namely, righteous thoughts, righteous thoughts and righteous thoughts.
5. About Networking:
Asian. The idea goes well  to distinguish between network and network. Satanism where bhikkhu is a fraud , speaks mú, appearing, deceiving  , taking advantage of benefits [12].
B. The network itself has two, smuggled and uninhibited. To renounce the evil network is the illicit network of blessings. Far from the evil network where the practitioner  of the path, there is no heart, called the network super-world, the  direct.
C. Three factors revolve around the network itself as well.
6. Great Cross:
Main is  going h ang  head, v ì thanks to the views of students the thinking [13], so the thinking has the language, because the language with the industry, by the industry with the network, because the network has the crystal Advancing, by the very progress of righteous thoughts, by righteous thoughts have the right  , by the right mind, by the main mind liberation. So l à  path of being comprised of eight v à la drought of ten spend A [14].
Here  , first of all, is politics; Where the right view, the wrong view  , and the evil due to wrong conditions are also  excluded. The virtues arising from the practice are up to the full ... Where people have the liberation, liberation and the unwholesome due to liberation  are abandoned, the liberty of liberation is born Practice until fullness. So there are twenty good parts, twenty unwholesome [15] called  great forty.
Meeting this method  e ã  is transported not be stopped by any ascetic b à la any subject in the world, because if anyone denies it right today may be criticized for ten par  threads legitimate that Uncle Abandoning the idea is to see the brahmins have the wrong view of  respect worthy, offering ... Rejecting liberation immediately is to see the liberated brahmins are  deserving respects offerings.Even those who follow the Unconditional, vain as the two masters living in Okkala , Vassa and Bhanna [16] do not think this method is  worth criticizing.
1.  Ariyam samma2 samàdhim sa-upanisam saparikkhàram . MA explain holy word in  here that l à superpower, and say  here l à  the path of delusion êu that. The  conditions, the basis of it is the otherseven  , as will be displayed.
2.  Pubhangamà : pioneering. MA says that the two types of political views that  go into the mind are insights based on insight. and politics of  religion start l Israel as a result of insight  led to the cessation of defilement. The very idea of pioneering wisdom seems to  be shown in paragraphs 4, 10, 16, 22 and 28; politics of  religion l àm pioneer  is said in paragraph 34,  35.
3. This word suggests that in order to  gain an understanding of the nature of reality, we must first distinguish between paganism and the doctrine of the nature of things. According to the MA,  thisis the right view of intellectual property, the intellectual property of wrong view wrong view  for an object is to  go deep into its non-selfless impermanence, and political is through the task of tri-tri And thanks  for disarming doubts.
4. This is worldly righteousness, a  merit that brings about good rebirth but it is not  enough to overcome it beyond the realm itself.
5. This definition for political superpower is wisdom uncivil  t ser seen in  conditions such as l to enlightenment à an c eat, energy, enlightenment v à  directed spending. In other places, such as business 141, the view of the path is defined as the knowledge of the Four Truths. We can say that the concept of the four truths is understood as worldly view, and that insight is the penetration of four truths  by the path of true realization .
6. MA: We  go k You're the cargo is  started. It is effort and righteous thoughts of righteousness with the supernatural view; Intellectual insight is the pioneer of supernatural opinion.
7. MA explains that  it is intellectual property, intellectual property thinking through its duty and by removing panic. But it seems that the  problem here is to distinguish two types of mind or thought.
8. This is  the standard definition of thought itself as one of the eightfold path, see Trung 141.
9. In the  definition n ày, thinking ( sankappa )  synonymous with the Games ( Vitakka ),  is explained further l à factors  brought to the police only through radial v à riveted attention on  its object. For language as a language , see Central 44.
10. MA: This word refers only  to dharmas with right thought . During  the preparation for practice, th ì three major world thinking arose separately, but at the moment  the path si êu world, a standard issue arises only cut  off all three t à thinking. So superstitious thought can also be described as thinking about abandonment or sexuality, no matter how bad and harmful. Same with main language and so on.
11. While the worldly language  is practiced in four types, depending on the type of evil language to be avoided, on the path of  the path , the only main element that causes all four tasks to cut  off the tendency towards Four types of language. The same with karma itself.
12. With a bhikkhu, there are unreasonable ways to ask for what  is said in TTD. I. MA says that the ways mentioned in the sutras are not the only type of evil, which includes any type of sword. Any life violates Buddhist precepts. T antenna 5 after spending five types t à layman's network of weapons trafficking, beings, meat, alcohol and  toxins.
13. MA explained that with an  e ã adopt is under  direct th ì  or children of Israel will adopt the thinking of  religion; So also the opinion of the results of the thought of fruits also appear. Similar to the next sections except for the last two that  mention the direction of the path .
14. Two factors that Arhat more politics (maybe considered opinion that his position in  e ã destruction of defilement) and the liberation, the experience itself proof that the mind liberate all pollution .
15. The twenty good are ten major and the good is derived from each major; There are twenty unwholesome states that are tenfold and the unwholesome ones are derived from each evil. So  here is the Great Cross.
16. MA said only two of them are people living in Okkala.
The Buddha tells the bhikkhu
About the Concentration of the saint
Along the coast, the help
( assisted elements)
Consists of the seven remaining
In the  main path.

1. It is going h
 ang  first:
Know distinguish t
 Well, the main
is called politics.
Wrong view is wrong
There is alms, cause and effect
This lifeand  after life Parents and sages.
Righteousness consists of two kinds
of worlds and the emergence
of worldly
Organic world is pirated
Properties blessings, clinging
And the outflow is
Belongs holy  religion, sacred heart.
 Eng  rid t à is
And the main achievements is
Called the diligent;
Mentalism of a
Righteous Thoughts It is called righteous thoughts.
Political, effort, mindfulness
comes under political opinions
in the main church  to n ày.

2. Want to have a mindset
First of all, need political views
Know how private
and how private.
Ta thinking: thoughts of
sex, anger and harm.
It is the mindset of
anger and harmless.
It is the thought that there are two
smuggling and smuggling.
Smuggling is thinking
Left Behind and Harmless
is the supernatural
Thought of  the path.
 Eng thinking exorcism
Main Achievements thinking
Called the diligent;
The most devoted mind
, the main practice.
This is called righteous thoughts.
Political, effort, mindfulness
comes the thinking
in the main church  to n ày.

3. The main language needs to
distinguish evil, main language.
Ta lied, two tongues
Abusive and frivolous.
To give up the four wrongs That
will  bring blessings to the Hereafter.
The language also outflows
As renunciation four deviant
Properties  spirituality, si êu that.
Diligent exclude wrong speech
and practice the language
Called the diligent;
The most devoted mind
, the main practice.
This is called righteous thoughts.
Political, diligent, concept
comes under the term
In the main church  to n ày.

4. It is now also on the
need to first right view
Distinguishing deviant, primary industries:
Ta Industrial Monitoring  stabbing
Abandoning religion explicit closely
 à The organic contraband now
will  be enjoying blessings.
 Workers are still major outflows now
is renunciation of evil acts
Properties  spirituality, si êu that.
Kind of exorcism industrious career
and main practice now
Called the diligent;
The most devoted one
Main practice called righteous thoughts.
Political, diligent, concept
comes under the Industry
In the main church  to n ày.

5. The need political network
Distinguish misconduct, the network:
Trick  island, said m ê glasses,
phenomena and fraud
also took advantage globe benefit
mande alms way he called Ta network
Place a monk.
Renounce his evil network
is the wired network smuggled
The renunciation of evil network
Place monk holy  religion,
 à main superpower network.
Greedy eliminates the evil
and practice the network
The most devoted one
Key practice They are called righteous
It is, diligent, concept
comes under the network
in the main church  to n ày.

6. In  the path of learning
(with eight members)
Or Arahant
(with ten chapters ).
Political opinion is also leading:
 there are political views
that have the mind of
the private,
due to the language, the Industry,
by the Industry, the network
by the network, the progress
by the progress, righteous
by righteous thoughts and  specified
by the regulations, politics
 à cause this place
which has the main liberation.
First is political
place whose primary is
Ta is  being abandoned
 à these immoral methods
Do wrong born
Simultaneously are excluded
All dhamma
Coming from politics
 practiced fullness.
(With nine measures left
the thought ... liberation
also deployed as on
Under  here n Daniel said.)
There are twenty good part
And twenty unwholesome
In  Dafa forty is transported any great
Anyone on  life
Nor can stop.
If anyone refuses it
Will be criticized immediately
With legal reasoning:
He is a
 chain of opinion. The
view is  worth adoring.
The ones who have the
Until  the liberation.
If he
 interrupts it. The
view is  worth adoring.
Righteous Humanity is
also indifferent method.
Enter the news immediately
Nàpànasati Sutta - Mindfulness of Breathing .
An exposition of sixteen steps in the mindfulness of breathing and the relation of this meditation to the four foundations of mindfulness and the seven enlightenment factors .
[Presentation of 16 steps in the concept of breathing, the relationship between this meditation and the Four Noble Truths and the seven senses.] 
In suicide rate [1]  e quiet full moon, between heaven seated Buddha  surrounded by a mass composed of even the foremost reputation. Ng Ai  looked nh Print this congregation around and praise really perfect,  e ã attained from the project up to Arhat, or l à even the four foundations of mindfulness meditation specialist for  the Noble Eightfold Path. He will stay  there until the Komudi April. The local bhikkhikens come together to meditate. They specialize in the practice of the four subcontinent, impure thought, thought of impermanence, or mind breathing out.
This practice of mindfulness of breathing, if  practiced for the sake of fullness, will  result in thefulfillment of the four foundations of mindfulness. Because of the four foundations of mindfulness, the seven senses  are fulfilled. By seven enlightenment liberation fullness that intelligent  being ofIsrael complacent.
How can breathing chanting  be multiplied with great results, great  merit? The bhikkhu go to the empty place, sit down straight and stay righteous thoughts in front of him. Righteous thoughts, he breathes in, his mind sighs out.
Breathing long, he knows I breathless. Or breathe out long, he knows I breathe out long. Briefly breathing, he knows I breathless. Shortness of breath, he knows I breathe out short. He practices: Feeling full body, I will breathe. Feeling full body, I will breathe out. He practices: calm the body, I will breathe. Keep calm, I will breathe out. [3]
He practices: Feelings [4], I will breathe. Feeling good, I will breathe out. He practices: Feeling good, I will breathe. Pleasure feeling, I will breathe out. He practices: Feeling the mind, I will breathe. Feeling of mental activity [5], I will breathe out. He practice: calm mind, I will breathe. Peace of mind, I will breathe out.
He practices: Feeling of the heart [6], I will breathe. Feeling of the mind, I will exhale. He rehearsed: With joy, [6] I will breathe. With joyful heart, I will breathe out. He practices: With calmmind  , I breathe. With calm mind, I will breathe out. He practices: With liberation mind, I breathe. With liberation mind, I will exhale.
He practices: Depending on  impermanence , I will breathe. Depending on impermanence, I will exhale. He practices: Depending on the  lust , I will breathe. Depending on the taste, I will breathe out. He practiced: Depending on the  death , I will breathe. Depending on the death, I will breathe out. He practices: Depending on the release, I will breathe. Depending on the release, I will breathe out.
The first four dharmas  , while body contemplation [8] as body, bhikkhu, enthusiasm, mindfulness, righteous thoughts  to regulate life. When the sensory experience [9] as the feeling with the next four measures, the bhikkhu enthusiastic, alert, righteous thoughts  to regulate life in favor. With the third group of four, while meditating on the mind [10], the bhikkhu, zealous mindfulness, and righteous thoughts, in order to subdue [11] in life. While the practice of the law on the four groups of the four. Thus the four foundations of mindfulness  are amplified by the inward breath.
The seven senses [12]: While bhikkhu according to the trunk on the body, the  concept  of generalization arises and  goes to micro . Thanks to the thought of the examination while there is righteous thoughts [13],  the  sense- truncheon arises and  goes to fulfillment. While the massacre was legal, the diligent refusal to  restart l Israel called  diligent  enlightenment, and enlightenment diligent when the fullness of  joy  immaterial arise. Heart joy to  go to micro will make the body  contempt , the sense of contempt. When the mind  is despair, peace, will lead to  the point  of view, And with calm mind, it is easy to see things with the attitude  of  discharge ,  that is the feeling. For the other three groups is life, mind, dharma.
Intelligent liberation: Seven Enlightenment  practiced micro Israel freed complacent making intelligent  being of Israel's complacent because all seven enlightenment factors  are li unto us  to renunciation, dispassion, kill, detachment.
1.  Pavarana  feast ceremony, which is the end of the rainy season, in which bhikkhus petition for each other, only fault for themselves.
2.  Komudì  is the full moon day of Kattika month, the fourth month of the rainy season; It  is called so in the rainy season flowers kumuda (lilies) hatched.
3. The first four dharmas  are explained in verse 10, just different from here in the example. Because  e ã explain the four foundations of mindfulness with breathing shop in Purity  Act n Israel in MA, Professor Luan He simply states  readers refer TTD comment. Four later notes are drawn from TTD VII.
4. People experience joy in two ways: by  achieving the first two meditations in which there is joy, thefeeling of pleasure in the style of pleasure. The second way is to get out of that meditation and look at the joy also must pass away, so he  is happy in the way of insight.
5. The same method of explanation applies to the  second and third clauses, except for the secondclause,  which consists of three meditations under the third clause  including all four meditations. Mind is thought and life  is calm by sequentially developing higher levels of purity and wisdom.
6. The feeling of mind needs to be understood by four meditations. The joyfulness is to either  attain the first two meditations with joy, or go deep and meditate with wisdom  to see that they are impermanent, and so on. The tranquility of tranquility implies or implies meditation, or the momentary concentration (momentum) begins with wisdom. Delivering liberation means freeing one's mind from obstacles and raw meditation by  higher attainments, and from false perceptions through insight knowledge.
7. These four dharmas are completely  intellectual insights, unlike the previous three paragraphs that mention both consonants. V management participation à shop  cessation can understand l à insight  deep v rushing the impermanence of the operator, and is  Supramundane Path stock Nirvana b alk sexual ly ( viraga ) and end suffering  pain. Quan abandon l à waiver by mental defilements and the nirvana by  religion.
8. Breath in and out should  be considered as the four  major body functions. It also needs to be understood as touching the root of the body (because  the object of attention is the touch of breath entering the nose).
9. MA explains that  sàdhuka manasikāra  (close-minded) is not self-actualization, but  rather metaphorically speaking. In the second four passages, the true feeling of pleasure is said in the second verse and the sense contained in the mental text in verses three and four.
10. MA: Although meditators get out breathing Minister make  headings convent, he still considered là  are concerned as l à care, as  is the only p ì his mind on the  subject by awakened two heart The lawis mindfulness and awareness.
11. MA: Greed and pleasure are the two hills of the  head and the anger, and thus the representation of mindfulness starts  with the five hindrances. He gave up the hindrances by the impermanence, the greed, the killing, the abandonment, and  the result is the view of  the object with equanimity.
The MA says that this  passage shows the same sense-organs present in each mental state when practicing meditation.
13. MA: Mindfulness of the breath is in the world; This worldly righteousness perfects the foundation of worldly righteousness; The foundation of worldly righteousness enfolds the  greatpowers; And the  great sages filled the right mind and liberation, that is fruit and nirvana.
Night tr antenna slowly fifteenth Buddha sitting in the sun
with  mass surrounded
 An Thuong players reputation.
He  glanced nh print around
Praise perfect congregation
included many Luohan
Minimum Provision is also saved.
He told  the masses that the
Tathagata will stay
shelter for the next full moon in April.
When  was the news that
The local monks
gathered h
 taking walking
According to Buddhist teachings.
Or cultivate four pains
Or impure
Or impermanence Or breathing meditation.
Buddha this method
if practice fullness
There will be great results:
Perfection four foundations of mindfulness
consolidate seven enlightenment
For  the intelligent liberation.
Mindfulness of breath
Composed of sixteen topics
About the body-mind
The way to practice as follows.
Abbot selects the empty place
Sitting in the
 back straight
An residence in front
of consciousness, breathing out.
Slightly long, well known
Slightly long, well known
Shortness of breath is also
sensation Full body,
I will breathe,
Feeling whole body,
I will breathe out.
Calm the body,
I will breathe
I will breathe out.
Thus he practices
Four Mindfulness of the  Body .
Feelings of joy,
I will breathe.
Feelings of joy,
I will breathe out.
Feeling good,
I'll breathe.
Feeling good,
I will breathe out.
Feeling the mind,
I will breathe
Feeling the mind
I will breathe out.
Peace of mind
I will breathe
calm calm
I will breathe out.
Thus he set
four contemplation of  Life .
Feelings of the heart
I breathe in
Feelings of the heart
I will breathe out.
With joyful spirit
I will breathe
With joyful heart
I will breathe out.
With calm

mind  I breathe in With calm mind I will breathe out. With liberation mind I breathe in With liberation mind I will breathe out. Thus he practices Four Mindfulness  Mind .
Depending on the  impermanent
I will breathe In
accordance with impermanence
I will breathe out.
Depends on  sexuality
I will breathe
Depend on sex
I will breathe out.
Depending shop  passed away
I will breathe
depending shop passed away
I will exhale.
Depending on the  severity
I will breathe In
accordance with the salon
I breathe out.
Thus he practices
Four Mindfulness of the  Fa .
While contemplating the body
Only as the body
Bhikkhu Refraining from
Enlightenment Awakening and righteous thoughts
To  subdue the desire For all  life.
While customary sensations
care about the
 game of law
Through sixteen  headings
brethren fervent residence
righteous v
 à awakening
To  subdue take priority For all  my life.
Thus, the Four Noble
 Truths are practiced
While depending on body
and mind, mind,
Dhamma knowledge  is born
and  come to the full .
Thanks thinking massacre
While righteous
Investigation of  Enlightenment was born
and  went to micro Israel complacent.
While investigating the Dharma
Efforts arise
As the  essence of  consciousness
When the essence of fullness
harmless  material.
Joy extreme  degrees
will cause a slight body nh
And also refreshed mind
is  calm  enlightenment.
Calm  brought to communicate
Lac leads to
Call l
 à  the  enlightenment.
And with the mind  calm
I enjoy nh
 print things
with Status  of release  discharge
That is discharged enlightenment.
Seven enlightenment practice
Going  to places of Israel chronic
Ming deliverance arise
for all the seven factors of enlightenment
are contact renunciation
Separated greed, killing, liberation.
Body of mind
Kayagatasati Sutta  -  Mindfulness of the Body .
The Buddha explains how the mindfulness of the body should be developed and cultivated .
Mindfulness body. 
The Buddha explains how  to practice dharma and how to say the benefits of this practice  
We monks gathered praise corms disciplines that Buddhist concept  e ã teach. The Buddha  taught here broadly .
A. The concept of the body:
1. Mindfulness breathing: Sit cross-legged in the back straight for the waste, monitor out breathing as  e ã says in 18th position relative concept.
The righteous thoughts of the four majesty, the sense of clarity  , walking, standing, sitting, lying, zeal, subtract the secular ideology.
Mindfulness of consciousness: Being aware of the body  being used like that , looking back and forth or stretching arms and legs,  eating and drinking, talking and going to sleep.
4. Impurities in all body parts from hair  to the urine.
5. Distinguish four  college in the body: hair feathers nails ... l à  -earth, tears nose mouth ... l à hydro, heat is the fire, move  up l à style.
6. The body swelled after three days of withdrawal.
7. The body of the body is eaten by the same species  .
8. Shop skeleton still flesh and blood links,  e ã all but bloody meat, bones  e ã exhausted every where a bone.
9. The body shop after n mande month just c ons are  piles of white bones m Au shells. Seeing the essence of this body as well, does not go beyond that nature. By living without exhortation, zeal, need to contemplate the above thoughts, thoughts and secular thoughts  are excluded, the innermost moving ,  static. This is called the cultivation of the body.
B. The results of the body of mind:
1. Four-meditation: The first meditation with the bliss of relaxation, which is permeated by the mind, like a paste of water. The second meditation, with blissfulness due  to birth, like a lake full of heavy rain, cool water spread over the lake. The third jhana meditation imbued with soothing feeling is called the discharge of meditation, like the lotus flowers in the lake  filled with water. The fourth meditation discharge pure thought, to the body absorbed in pure purity, as the person sitting with a white cloth covered hooded  down the body.
2. Ming location [3] and liberation: The corms practice concept  e ã fullness, the good behavior of he  will partake v rushing clairvoyance, as tr mande v pouring river rushing sea. Not personally practice the satanic notion easy to hurt, as Department of  wet clay was sinking under the weight of one of Israel  stones throw v noisy, as easy as an empty bottle  full of water, such as flammable dry tree. Conversely people practice body h image The competition without harm  , such as a ball Here For v loud door certainly can not break the door, such as water bottles  e ã  filled not pour th quieter, like fresh fruit  full of plastic Can be burned
Easy to  obtain divine: With the body of mind, the practitioner is easy to prove any law that can prove victory, as an athlete easily shake  ball full of water  , breaking a song for water spills, as a  charioteer driving a chariot or solid run tr Israel  flat road.
C. Conclusion on the Benefits of the Body of Mindfulness:
The body of perfect meditation will  bring about ten great benefits: One is the suffering of suffering. Two, photographers fear horror  . The three have been adversities of all kinds. Four easy to witness four meditation, is currently staying in touch. The year of the deity. Thi Sau Dan atrium. Seven forgive. Eight network. Nine birth death or celestial vision, living dead beings. Ten smuggled out.
1. Paragraphs 4  to 17 of this verse are similar to the number 10, except that  here the refrain of wisdom is replaced by the chorus which begins with: This change proves that this experience emphasizes  concentration while the 10th emphasizes insight. This change reappears in the  passage about meditations (paragraphs 18 to 21 of the Nana-moli translation) and in terms of triumph (  37-41), both of which differ from the 10th.
2. The meditation metaphor is also  found in Sutras 39 and 77.
3. MA explains these dharmas as the eight kinds of insight  explained in Sutras 77.
The Buddha teaches the nuns
to practice the Nibbana
and the result of meditation.
First anniversary of breath
brethren look for the waste
Sitting cross-legged back straight
Subscribe slightly in and out
Includes four  headings
mindful body tr
 Israel dear
brethren residing zeal,
Tinh need mindfulness of breathing,
And thinking secular
Inner  Is static
Two Mindfulness Mindfulness
In all four majesty
As sitting sat up Standing
bhikkhu heart,
Essence of majesty,
 Secular thought
Inner mind  is static.
Three l
 à corms concept
, well aware of the body
is used that n loud
Peering to look back or
limbs shrink or stretch
Sense of time  eating
Speaking im v
 à sleep mode.
Bhikkhu refraining zeal,
need to recite the body The inner 
secular thought is static. Four contemplating the body impure hair feathers nails Odontodes Meat tendon kidney marrow Tim Lough him how opening spleen lung colon gut lining classified confidential  e àm Pus blood, sweat, fat Fat water and tears, saliva, and water Nose, joints, urine. Bhutan refuge zeal, impetuous impure mind, The inner secular mind  is static. Five Distinguish the four elements in the body n ày hair coat is of  local university, Tears nasal oral L à belong aqua  contemporary, warmth of the fire, the motion l à style monks residence zeal Tinh should shop four  Great, inner  secular thought is static. Six patron ph ình account after three days qu antenna away Seeing nature itself n ày Final  are so monks residing zeal, Tinh need patron distention, The inner secular mind  is static. Seven eater patron, BI tr Brøndby teammates huddled preen Seeing the nature of this body Final  are so brethren zealous resident Crystal important need Brøndby teammates preen, Then secular thinking Inner  been calm. Eight shop skeleton danger Israel And bloodied and meat, Expired meat only blood, skeleton  e ã weary bones limbs  head and see nature itself n ày Final  are so monks residing zeal, Tinh need consistent set bone, The inner secular mind  is static. Nine bars a corpse Over many years only c Workers are still  piles of white bones Throw away the middle moors. N see nature itself ày Final  are so monks residing zeal, Tinh need consistent white bone, And thinking secular Inner  been calm. Nine concepts of Bodhisattva practice bhikkhui practice Great retribution. One, the present stay. Hai, Ma can not harm. Three, easy evidence of divine. There are ten benefits: One, photographer suffering misery Two, photographed horror Three, Rings are adversity Four, easy to witness four meditation Year, proving sufficient spirit through Friday, stock Thi Dan atrium through Seven, know  the mentality of people eight, proving sufficient network location. Nine, interesting business (Know living dead beings. Also known as celestial label) Ten is evil grooming defilement fault.

practitioner (Sankhàrupapattisuttam)
Reappearance by Aspiration .
The Buddha teaches how one can be reborn in accordance with one's wish .
Rebirth due to wish 
The Buddha teaches how one can be reborn according to one's desires. 
The Buddha teaches the rebirth brought about by the mind. A monk  full of legal l à credits World contestants v eat Property, if activated l Israel wished  to be reborn v noisy class public or which plane, then focus on the realms of it, cultivated it, when the body damage Network as soon  as possible. It is  the path that leads to rebirth according to wish. As expected to give birth to the line of slaughter  , Bá la disciples, layman, Four  major contestants , Tam three natural, Da, Geography, Chemistry, Tha liberated, or expect to be born in the realms. The paradise has changed [3] from one thousand to one hundred thousand  world. Or desire to be born into the heavenly [4]: ​​Optical, Infinite optical, Optical sound; Or Pure Land: Pure, Denaturation; Or heaven of the fruit, Breath, Infinite, Good-nature, salvation; Or boundless realm, boundless consciousness, unmanaged land, non-ideal non-ideal origin. According to the will and practice of any realm, the bhikkhu will be reborn in that realm. If the full year of the law , but only wish to peace of mind liberation, insight freed, he is due to  deduct the illegal or, will attain the current non-existent mind, no regeneration Anywhere [5].
1. Sankhàrà is always  translated as formation, but this content may need to be interpreted differently  to clarify meaning. MA  originally solved the re-emergence of the actions (instead of a self or a human) or re-manifests the aggregates in a new being through a  virtuous business.However, in the following  paragraphs, the MA notes sankharara as patthanà, which has a definite meaning as aspiration.
2. MA: The path of faith is the belief of the wisdom associated with vows. Persons n mande virtue m à not pray or pray without n mande virtue th ì no fate  regulations. Fate is decisive only when there are two factors.
3. MA explains a few things : change of heart, that is, to know the mind of sentient beings in a thousand worlds; The kasina variant is the deployment  of kasina's generals to the world; The paradise, the light, the body, as above.
4. See note number 1 on the heavens.
5. MA: N mande virtue e ã matter well  enough to regenerate v noisy realms, but would like to have more wins regeneration and want  rid of contraband or th i need many  more conditions. Pursuant trDaniel n mande virtue m à  prime witness th meditation ì will be due in the realms of Brahma; If the  attainment of the formlessness is born into the formless. If you develop insight and attainimmeasurable  results , then you  are born in the Pure Land of Nature; If you  attain Arahantism, it will  be smuggled.

The Buddha teaches about the reincarnation of the
mind [1].
There should be  enough in virtue
Tin World contestants wisdom literature
Hope reborn Where
 ay attention to practice,
when the body damage public network
Lien reborn as prayer [2]:
In line Sat  cup,
 à la keeper, lay,
or Four  poet Daniel King,
or Three decades triangle disasters,
Yes ma, oil productivity  e à,
Hoa Lac, Self in heaven,
or the Brahma world
Salty [3] from a thousand
By hundred ng alk world
or on monks Optics
, Impotence, Vision
or Pure Land:
Understanding, Infinite, Transformation;
Or the heavens, the results of
Disobedience, Infinite Heat,
Good Ants, Sacred wings;
Or no boundless
or unconditioned realm of consciousness or non-possession of
non-free realm.
Due to desire, practice,
bhikkhu will be reborn in the
realm of the will.
If full five measures
, but only wish to dwell
Unknown illegally mind freed
Unknown illegally liberating insight
 rid of cankers,
bhikkhus will witness reached
Dwelling outflows Center
Right in the present life,
not c
 noisy should regenerate
in any Anywhere [5].  Lovers of life; Or no boundless realm, or unconditioned realm of consciousness or non-possession of non-free realm. Due to desire, practice, bhikkhu will be reborn in the realm of the will. If full five measures , but only wish to dwell Unknown illegally mind freed Unknown illegally liberating insight rid of cankers, bhikkhus will witness reached Dwelling outflows Center Right in the present life, not c noisy should regenerate in any Anywhere [5].  Lovers of life; Or no boundless realm, or unconditioned realm of consciousness or non-possession of non-free realm. Due to wish, practice, bhikkhu will be reborn in the realm of the will. If full five measures , but only wish to dwell Unknown illegally mind freed Unknown illegally liberating insight rid of cankers, bhikkhus will witness reachedDwelling outflows Center Right in the present life, not c noisy should regenerate in any Anywhere [5].  Non- possession of Africa Non-Desired Realms Due to wish, practice, bhikkhu will reborn in the realm of the will. If full five measures , but only wish to dwell Unknown illegally mind freed Unknown illegally liberating insight rid of cankers, bhikkhus will witness reached Dwelling outflows Center Right in the present life, not c noisy should regenerate in any Anywhere [5].  Non- possession of Africa Non-Desired Realms Due to wish, practice, bhikkhu will reborn in the realm of the will. If full five measures , but only wish to dwell Unknown illegally mind freed Unknown illegally liberating insight rid of cankers, bhikkhus will witness reached Dwelling outflows Center Right in the present life, not c noisy should regenerate in any Anywhere [5]. If full five measures , but only wish to dwell Unknown illegally mind freed Unknown illegally liberating insight rid of cankers, bhikkhus will witness reached Dwelling outflows Center Right in the present life, not c noisy should regenerate in any Anywhere [5].  If  full five measures , but only wish to dwellUnknown illegally mind freed Unknown illegally liberating insight rid of cankers, bhikkhus will witness  reached Dwelling outflows Center Right in the present life, not c noisy should regenerate in any Anywhere [5]. 

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