Wednesday, 19 July 2017

History Bodhgaya (Bodhgaya) - where the Buddha enlightened.

The Great Bodhi Bodhisattva, which we see nowadays, apparently in the Mauryaan period (317 - about 180 BC), has been called the "crown tower" (ràjapàsàdàcetika = ràjapràsàdàcaityaka).
1. Bodhgaya in the  Chinese monk's journals
The best sources we have of the history of Bodhgaya are the Chinese monk's journals. French Show (340-420?) Describes it as follows:
From here (a cave in the north of the ancient city of Rāj agrha) to the west by four  (yojana),  we came to Gaya. Here everything in the city is ruined. Going south twenty feet (l = 400m), we arrive at the place where the Bodhisattva practiced  asceticism for six years. This is an area . Traveling  to the  west, we arrive at an ancient place where the Buddha had taken off and left the pond by grasping a branch cut by a deva. Two ways to the  side is where old girls Gràmika offer Buddha rice porridge milk.
The other two way north is where the Buddha sat on a rock under a large tree, looking east, and ate jellies . The tree and the stone today are still there. Slab of stone is slightly lower in the width of 2 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. In Trung An, there is no extreme heat and extreme cold, and so it is said that some trees live for several thousand years for ten thousand years.
Going half-by-week  (yojana)  to the northeast, we arrive at a cave  in which the Bodhisattva has entered and sat in a lotus position, facing west, telling himself if he attained Enlightenment ( Bodhi) there must  be a divine sign. Then on the wall of the natural cave no doubt appeared a silhouette of a Buddha of 0.9 meters long is still clear.
At that moment the sky was moving, and the angels (deva) said,
- This is not the place to attain Enlightenment of the Buddhas of the past and the future. Under the tree asvattha just half a dozen weeks ago  (yojana)  is the place where the Enlightenment of the past and future Buddha.
When you have finished speaking, you will sing and sing. So the Bodhisattva got up and followed. About thirty feet away, an angel deva gives him some  kusa. He received that grass. Further fifteen feet away, five hundred green birds flickered, rounded him three rounds and faded away . Bodhisattva approached the corner of the asvattha tree, spread the kusa grass and sat down facing towards the trees . Then Mara brought three beautiful maidens from the north, to tempt  him. Mage himself came from the south to tempt  him. Bodhisattva use the toes to touch the ground, Ma troops withdrew and dissolved everywhere. All three matrimony women  turned into  ugly old mothers.
At the place where the Bodhisattva had practiced asceticism for six years and all other places, the people of later times built many stupas and erected statues. These relics  still  exist.
The stupas were also erected in the place where the Buddha, after having attained enlightenment, sat for seven days and saw the tree and enjoyed liberation; Where the Buddha walked for seven days from east to west of the asvattha tree; Where the devas make  a hall of seven treasures and worship the Buddha for seven days; Where the blind Mucilinda rolled around the Buddha for seven days, where the Buddha looked eastward on a square stone under the nyagrogha tree and Brahma came to him; Where the four  Uranus offered him; Where five hundred merchants donated flour and honey; And where the Buddhist Kasyapa brothers (Ca lettuce) and a thousand disciples.
At the place where the Buddha attained Enlightenment there are three Samgharas for the Sangha . Both monks and laypersons have food available to them, no lack of food. Rules and rules are strictly observed. The rules that govern all manner of behavior, waking up, entering and leaving are the same as the precepts that the saints of the Buddha practice and maintain to this day  .
From the time of the Buddha attained Nirvana, published n throne  stupa l still offers  TV and nothing changes. The four great stupas where Lord Buddha gave birth, where the Buddha attained enlightenment, where he first taught the Dhamma and where he entered the Mahaparinirvana.
France Show recorded that the "bodhisattva toward tree  asvattha , spread grass  Kusa  and sat down, facing east." Mara put three women to tempt his Ma but Bodhisattva conquered them. Although he did not mention the diamond ( yajràsana ), there must have been something marking the Buddha's enlightenment. In chapter eight of the  Great Tang Zhou,  Huyen Trang writes:
Fourteen or fifteen miles southwest of Priggodhi we  reached the Bodhi tree. The wall is built of brick, high, straight and firm . The wall is long from east to west and narrow from south to north. Perimeter walls cut in five hundred feet. Rare types of  flowers are splashing around and on fine sand, strange weeds that we have never seen anywhere else that grows on the ground.
The ancient fort opens eastward and faces the Neranjarà River. Male neck is connected to a lake full of flowers and west is blocked by a high rock slope. pipes and Silver n amnesty to college Increase (Samgharama). The territory within the walls contains a lot of relics. There are many stupas and a monastery (vi hàra), all of them are built by monarchs, angels, and elders of all countries in Jamaat . The teachings of the Buddha.
What Xuanzang described can still be seen until now. In the same chapter, Xuanzang refers to the diamond, which survives when he visits, although it may have been restored:
In the middle of the campus around the Bodhi tree is the diamond tower. It was erected a long time ago, from the beginning  of this life and appeared on the earth. It is in  the three worlds of the world, stretching to the level of pure gold (Skt., Kàncana-mandala) and appearing on the ground. It is made of diamonds and has a circumference of less than one hundred feet. It is called the diamond because all the thousands of Buddhas in this Kamma have settled there and enter the samadhi (samadhi). It is also called the place of enlightenment (bodhi manda) because this is the place where enlightenment is accomplished.
Even earthquakes shake and shake, only this place does not shake nor shake. When Tathagata is about to attain Enlightenment, he goes on  all four directions, the earth shakes and shocks. But when  you arrive, all are quiet and calm. When the last time approached and the Dharma  began to decay, the sand covered it and it was hard to see it.
After Buddha's death  (nirvana),  the kings of every territory, heard about the enormity of the buildings diamonds, has created two statues of Guanyin ( Avalokitesvara) look eastward to mark the northern border and male. When I asked an old man about this, he said: " When the statue  sank to the ground and not see it anymore, then Buddhism will  turn  ma t". The statue of Avalokitesvara in the south was buried to the upper part of the chest.
The bodhi tree on the diamond court is a palm tree. Once upon a time , when the Buddha was still living, the tree was ten feet high. Although it has since been destroyed and torn down, it is  still four and a half meters high  The Buddha sits under the tree and  attains the sense- hall sense, so it is called bodhi  (enlightenment). Its body is ivory, branches and dark green leaves. The leaves do not wilt in summer or winter, but remain dull  all year around.
The east side of the bodhi tree is a vihara, commonly called the Great Tower. Tower height 48 or 51 m, wall on lower tower has twenty feet circumference. The tower is built of green brick and covered with lakes. In every pedestal, there is a yellow statue on each floor. The four walls are really fancy ; There are statues such as the jar and the jade statues . At the top of the tower is a gilded àmalaka, also known as jade or jade jar.
Connected east of the vihara (vihàra) is a multi-storey fish family. The heads extend out from the third floor, and the trusses, columns, handrails, doors, windows are carved with golden ornaments of gold ornaments and are full of precious pearls. Rooms  brain  problem u are spacious and have large three-wing doors. On both  sides of the exterior of the gate are the indentations, the left is the statue Avalokitesvara (Avalokitesvara), and on the right is Maitreỵa Bodhisattva or Maitreỵa. The statues are cast in gold or silver and three meters higher.
This building is a great tower, not a small shrine  (sarìràni).  From the outside, it seems to be a nine-storey tower, but actually it has only two floors.
The northern side of the Bodhi Tree is the place where the Buddha went walking. Even  after the Tathagata attained Enlightenment, he did not leave the vigil, but sat in meditation for seven days, free from deluded thoughts. When he left, he went north to the tree and walked from east to west for seven days. When he had walked ten steps, eighteen flowers appeared at the place he had just passed. Later people brick up here and make a platform 0.9 m high. According to the first level , this platform covers the Buddha footprints designated life span of a lifetime. First of all he sincerely pray, then measure the pedestal, the pedestal will be big or small according to his life will be long or short .
Biography of Hsuan - Tsang,  The Great Great  Wall of Compassion , written by Hu - Lap, summarizes Hsuan - Tsang 's description of Bodhgaya and further information:
In the middle is a court diamond (vaj rasana ... It's called Diamond (vaj review) because it is strong, not damaged and is capable of destroying everything.  If  he (Buddha) does not trust this, he simply could not exist on earth.  If the  security is not being made of diamond (vaj review), the results did not was not able  to bear the samadhi (samadhi) of this determination.
So when  the Buddha wanted to dress up Mara and realize Enlightenment, they must be here; If you are somewhere else, the earth will move and fall apart. And v ì So Buddha thousand threads u sitting on the court diamond  (Vajrasana)  from the beginning of the sun was not. It is also called bodhimanda (the place of enlightenment). Legend even cell cycle world Ye n and Cha n action, this place is not only enjoying lag n action.
In the last one or two hundred years, the destiny of sentient beings has waned, and even when they are under the bodhi tree, they can not see the diamond court ( vaj rāsana) ...
 Bodhi leaves do not fall in summer or winter; However , on the day  of the Buddha's passing away the year, the leaves suddenly dropped, and then throughout the day it grew green as dense as the old. On that day, kings from many countries gathered under the Bodhi Tree, as well as the entourage, watering the trees with milk, offering lamps, spreading flowers, gathering leaves and then returning home.
The monk Huyen Trang respects the Bodhi Tree and the Buddha attained enlightenment by Maitreya Bodhisattva Maitreya embellished. O kneeling on the ground and mourning very mournful, the tears of pain pouring down his face:
The disciple has no idea of ​​where he was and what rebirth occurred when the Buddha attained Enlightenment. Now during the French Statue, the end of the disciples also came here. Why is the student's karma so deep?
That day was the last day of the retreat season, and thousands of close bhikkhus gathered there, but everyone cried as the mage mourned. In one of the week (yojana) of the place there are many relics. Xuanzang stayed there for eighty-nine days and worshiped everywhere.

2.  History of Bodhgaya (Bodhgaya)
Between Asoka and Sunga dynasty established by King Pusvamitra about 185 before TL, all artifacts in Bodhgaya (Bodhgaya) is tree  bodhi , diamond and court A lotus pond. This can be confirmed by referring to a bas-relief of Bhàrhut in the second month before the  Prophet (peace and blessings of Allahabad) Elāpattra worshiping the Buddha. Dragon king  (nàgaràja)  Elàpattra also appeared in the epic epics of  Mahàbhàrata  and  Rāšanyana;  In the Buddhist sutras, this dragon king takes refuge in the teachings of the Buddha. This rectangular piece presents the Bodhi tree  on  the left with the bottom platform (diamond court). On the pedestal can see the relics of flowers scattered, It shows that spreading flowers is a custom. (In India today, people also throw flowers to bless.) Below is a hand-shaped figure, featuring a first-person dragon on top of his head (a common theme in Hindu art). This is the dragon king Elàpattra shaped human. 
On the lower left is a lotus pond and the upper half of the three figures, the dragon king and two courtiers. Higher up on the right, the dragon appeared as a dragon in the first year in the lotus pond because of the Shakyamuni Buddha who instructed the dragon to leave. Above is the statue of guardian Vajradhara (Diamond) Brahmà (Brahma) accompanying the left. 
We learned two things from this relief. Firstly, the Buddha statues are no more. Second, indigenous people worship a snake god; This goes to Hinduism and is also accepted by Buddhism. 
Asoka's inscription indicated that he had visited the Bodhi tree   ten years after the coronation. Legend has it that this is the source of what Asoka calls his "Dharma travel" ( dharmayàtrà ). Buddhist sources agree that after the king visits Kapilavastu, the ancient capital of the Shakyamuni tribe, he goes to the Bodhi tree   and praises the enlightened event of Shakyamuni. The king offered the bodhi tree   a gift of 100,000 gold coins, built a tower there and left. The followers of Buddhism in the latter period were very respectful of King Asoka's pilgrimage to the Bodhi Tree   He did two things that the emperors like Bimbisàra could not do: he worshiped the Bodhi Tree   by sprinkling incense on the tree and convened a conference once a year  (pancavàrsika ). 
The fairy tales tell that Queen Tisyaraksità of King Asoka tried to make the  Bodhi  die, but he was using water to save the tree. According to the  Great  Fourth Century, Queen Tisyaraksità followed the "heresy" and secretly sent the man down at midnight. King Asoka was very upset and prayed wholeheartedly for the resurrection of the tree, and sprinkled the scented milk on the tree. Soon the tree rose and the king immediately "surrounded the tree a brick wall higher than three meters; This wall is still visible today. " However, a few centuries later, Sasànka, a king of Bengal, Ascended before 606, cutting trees to destroy Buddhism. Legend has it that King Pumavarman, the last descendant of King Asoka, "was full of sorrows, drenched with thousands of cow's milk and overnight resurrected." 
According to  Gao Gao,  the king of Asoka, Asoka's queen cut down the asvattha tree  , and it revived because he bathed him. Hsuan - Tsang recorded three texts about the people who tried to destroy the Bodhi tree  :  Asoka himself, Queen Tisyaraksita of King Asoka and King Sasànka; In each case, the stump survives and the tree regenerates. The intent of destroying this tree is certainly true, but it is unclear how many generations are separating the present tree and the tree from the time of Shakyamuni. 
After Mahinda's journey, Asoka's prince arrived in Ceylon (Sri Lanka today) to preach Buddhism there, the concubines of the Ceylon clan expressed the desire to live the religious life and requested the bhikkhunis come here to preach to them. . Princess Samghamitta, king of Asoka, led a delegation of eleven bhikkhuni, carrying a branch south of the Bodhi tree  requested by King Ceylon. It was Asoka who cut the branches miraculously and put them on the boat. King Ceylon visited the delegation at Jambukola harbor and planted trees there. Finally, eight shoots sprout and these shoots are planted in many locations. 
About a century after King Asoka's reign, a sandstone balustrade was erected around the Bodhitree  in  Bodhgaya and a small tower was erected. Type of handrail in the normal form. There are four square or eight-edged stone pillars with many people and objects on the front and back, many fairy tales (such as Jàtaka)  and large circles touch the lotus. The protrusions on each side of the pillar serve as a basis for horizontal rock strips, connecting the pylons. The horizontal stones are also sculptured lotus flowers and other large circles. The stones on the top of the pillars are externally emblazoned with a lotus crown and inside with lots of animals. 
On the pillars there are many types of relief, including lotus and common animals. There are also some picturesque scenery from the life of the Buddha, but according to the custom of the time did not sketch the Buddha bearing the figure. There are also scenes from the  Jàtaka  and the symbols of the astrological circle. A drawing of a sun god driving a horse drawn by four dragons is the first known painting of this god. The sculptures outside the banisters are simple, but the lions, horses and winged elephants show the influence of Persia. 
There are also some short lines, one of which indicates that the parapet was Indrà © nimitra, reigning in the first I bc. TL: The base  (bodhimanda)  under the Bodhi tree   is called the Diamond Tower and it is The object is respected by the disciples of the Buddha. When Xuanzang consulted this area, there is a prevailing belief that not only Gotama Buddha but also many Buddhas have attained Enlightenment there. In Sri Lanka today, the high platforms under the bodhi  tree in the temple grounds are called the  bodhimanda in the name of the attained enlightenment in the Bodhgaya. 
The railing around the diamond was restored several times. Perhaps restoration is necessary because some part of the balustrade has been lost or need to be expanded more. 
The tower was finally destroyed and buried in the sand. When the king of Burma sent three courtiers to unearth the buried pyramids in 1856, the British government in India no longer despised the site. In 1863, a dug was excavated by Major Meade around the tower under the supervision of General Alexander Cunningham. In 1878 Rajendralala Mitra published an academic report on Bodhgaya and the following year Alexander Cunningham inspected the site. In 1880 Sir Asley Eden, Bengal's deputy governor, commanded JDBeglar to excavate there. In the following year, JDBeglar not only discovered the diamond court but also restored the relics of the Buddha stored there. Details of the excavation are recorded in the Mahàbodhi  or the  Great Tower of Bodhisattva  by Alexander Cunningham. The last general restoration was undertaken by the British Government in India in 1880-81. 
The Great Bodhi Bodhisattva, which we see nowadays, apparently in the Mauryaan period (317 - about 180 BC), has been called the "crown tower"  (ràjapàsàdàcetika = ràjapràsàdàcaityaka).  Until recently, many homeless mobs who played pilgrim pilgrims' pilgrims gathered around the stupa and defiled it. Now the tower is being cared for and preserved by a management committee. According to legend and records of Xuanzang, King Asoka built a stone wall  (andr) around the bodhi tree   but now the stone wall has disappeared. 
Nearby is a stone rail, and since the inscriptions on it almost coincide with the period of King Asoka's, it is believed that the walls now come from a wall built in the time. King Asoka. The small white towers adjacent to the Great Pyramid structure, re-create the main characteristics of the great stupa. Since both Hsuan - Tsang and Fa - Hsien did not comment on the stone footprint in the Buddha 's footprint near the Bodhi  tree and behind the (ie west) Great Tower, it is difficult to predict its age. 
As Buddhism wanes, Bodhgaya becomes the holy place of Hindu followers, owned by high-ranking Hindu mages called  mahanta.  Since 1953 the site has been managed by a government commission. Gaya, fifteen kilometers away, has long been an important shrine of Hinduism, but for most Indians, Bodhgaya is just a tourist destination. Pilgrims visit Gaya to celebrate the ancestral worship of pitabbaksa in fifteen days Normally Gaya has a population of about 300,000 people, but during the holidays, Legend has risen to 900,000. Many gods are worshiped with Vishnu as the god most admired by the people. Pilgrims flock to Vishnupada Tower in the city center and perform sacrifices. Gaya has some lakes for bathing (baptism). A few square tanks with levels on three sides. No lake has level on all four sides. Buddhist disciples in the dark ages have criticized the bathing ceremony in Gaya without merit.  No lake has level on all four sides. Buddhist disciples in the dark ages have criticized the bathing ceremony in Gaya without merit.  No lake has level on all four sides. Buddhist disciples in the dark ages have criticized the bathing ceremony in Gaya without merit. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.TNCT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/7/2017.

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