Ghatìkàra Sutta - Ghatìkàra the Potter .
The Buddha recounts the story of the chief lay supporter of the Kassapa Buddha past .
Ghatìkàra potter . The Buddhist story of the official lay foreign pagan of the past.
Was traveling in Kosala, the Buddha smiled recalling here l à prosperous place at Kassapa Buddha. At that time, he was a nobleman named Jotipala who was close to a potter. One day drooping Jotipala potters go to hear the legal, do not go talking useful Jotipala g ì to audience bald monk [2]. After many pleas, the potter grabbed Jotipala's hair and pulled it away. Hesitant because of the blasphemous attitude of the potter, Jotipala trotting along. After the method, Jotipala asked you not to leave the house, the potter must protect the elderly parents. Jotipala requested ordination according to the Buddha and was ordained [4].
Hearing that Buddha e ã to Benares, Kiki visiting Buddhist king of the boys life. When the Buddhafinished the meal, the king invited the Buddha to settle in the rainy season at the Ba to complain that the king was offered. Buddha rejected v ì e ã receive donations of other benefactors. King Kiki disappointed sadly asked Buddha, who is more lucky than the king. The Buddha said that it was the potter, and told the potter's virtues to the king:
2. Have been taking care for the maintenance of gender gender.
3. There is no trust in the Buddhist doctrine , no doubt about suffering, practice, kill, religion.
4. Eat ng ày one meal, live the virtues, according to dhamma, abandoned gold and silver, not e rushing hoe land.
5. Bring old parents blind to the practice of making pottery with landslide , not buying and selling [5], but only for rice.
6. Potter e ã attained Any cough eat, will enter Nirvana biochemistry and no callbacks life nit.
Buddha tells the king heard the story once he e ã to nh à potter, poured out his part rice. When potters returned to hear his rice e ã Buddhahood d boots, potters and happy parents for up to 7 ngày instant. Another time he sent his disciples to empty the roof to fix amenity. When it came to knowing the story, the potter was happy for half a month, and during the three months of the rainy season, the potter's hut was not raining, though it was shining. Listening to the king, he carried many food carts to the potter [6].
The Buddha taught Jotipala to be his precursor.
1. At the end of this sutra , the Buddha said that Jotipala was Him. In the Business Directory, the God of Ceramics visit Buddha and recall old friendship with him.
2. This seems to be a glossy word that Brahmins used to refer to the lifetime monastics, contrary to their ideal of continuity .
3. In the East, one of the lower classes that touches the head of the upper class is dark. Fear explained, potters available s Ang risked violating rules for l warm Jotipala youth must come to see him.
4. According to fear, according to the Buddhist bodhisattva precepts monastic purity, catechized, practice meditation to v à insight practice for until they reach secondary conveniently, anulomanana. But they do not attempt to attain virtue and virtue , because in doing so, their bodhisattva career will cease.
5. A layman like a potter who holds the precepts is no different than a monk. According to traders, potters do not sell products but only exchange with their neighbors.
6. According to fear, because sexual minorities potter e ã refused. He realized that the reason the king sent food to v ì e ã hear the Buddha extolled the virtue of m ình, but I think we do not need this food. With what we earn by our work , we can support parents and donations.
3 treasures, 4 truths, and 5 precepts .
V. CONTROLSWhile studying abroad h Transformation into
Buddha smiled recalling
This place ancient prosperity
At Kassapa Buddha
A young aristocrat
Name Jotipala
The delivery and potters.
Potters are Buddhists
should invite you to go ch rushed
But youth deny
Ich GMT met bald head
after repeatedly begged
Thanh ni Israel refused to go
potter holds your hair
Forced c Brøndby teammates under go.
The unmatched attitude
of the miserable friend
Makes the young noble
curious .
After listening to the sermon
Ch ang young people ask you
why do not you monastic
culture blind elderly parents.
Young people apply for ordination
and receive ordination.
Buddha to Benares
King visiting Buddhist life son
King invited Buddhist retreat
in th publication only Benares
To King is offering
Kassapa Buddha refused
V ì He benefactor
King sadly disappointed
For benefactors do
get lucky Than the
Buddha said about the potter
And his virtue:
Do not bother as King
If you refuse him.
Life over n silent world
Yes l He believes any rotten
For Dharma T antenna
of them who thinks France
Potter eat a meal
Living legal right under the
Abandoning v Ang and silver,
not e rushing hoe land.
With diversions craft pottery
By landslides shore e ê
Potter exchange for rice
farming parents gi à blind
potter prime Any cough alk
When death will biochemistry
At that demise b alk
A go no return.
Kassapa Buddha recounted
once to alms
Ng one takes all the rice
intended for potters
When potters back
Listen Buddha to take rice
Potter v à parents
Seven day fun profusely
He sent his disciples to come and play the The potter
Pulled out the canvas to
return to restoration
When returning to know the story, the
potter happily
plunged for two weeks,
his heart filled with joy.
During the three months of the rainy season, the
hut was sheltered.
No rain, no sunshine
King Ki Ki heard through
Cho carry more food
came to the potter's place
Donate the king's products.
Ratthapàla Sutta - On Ratthapàla .
The story of a young man who goes forth into homelessness against the wishes of his parents and later returns to visit them. About Ratthapàla .
The story of a young man resists the desire of his parents to attend the convent, and then returns to his parents.
When the Buddha came to the Thullakotthita town, the noble son of the rich Ratthapala asked his parents to follow him. Parents did not give, Ratthapala went on a hunger strike near death so parents forced to allow. Ratthapála is ordained, ordained [1]. Soon he attained Arahanta [2]. After the testimony, Ratthap Allah asked the Buddha to go home to parents.
When he arrived at the old palace, Ratthapala went to his parents in alms order . The father did not realize so reviled scare chase, thought the people n ày e ã make their children leave home to go. When he left, he saw the maid carrying the porridge [3], he said to empty his bowl. The ladies approached to pour porridge, recognizing the petitioner on the news. The grandfather ran out, saying: "Oh, yes, [4] ... Why sit and eat porridge does not go to your house?" He said he had no home, he came to the alms round, but only received the words. Then he accepted his parents the next day to dinner.
The father prepared to welcome the author, the wealth of silver in piles, cover the cover; And told the ex-wife of the costume jewelery to welcome. When worshiping at home, he just pile the vow that advised the author to complete the practice at home, doing blessings. The venerable recommends pouring all down the river, v ì that l à source of sorrow for the home. Successor to, the b à wife go out to hug the foot Venerable m à asked it because passion goddess should monk to be l Israel there. Venerable Prophet sisters, not for the purpose of birth, but to increase the number of religious practice. At that time , my ex-wife told me that my husband is now calling her sister. Venerable Master told the landlady wanted to give food to eat out, do not harass him. The father invited the supper to eat.
After eating, the messenger reads a note about the impurity, suffering, and impermanence of the body but is adorned [5] to trick the fool. Then ng Ai goes v rushing king's forest to lunch. King Koravya heard the goddess [6] return to win the chariot to visit. When meeting with the religion, the king asked the people and four of the decline that the monks, senile, sick, thinking, body failure. Now there are no four reflect on what excuse is left. Reverend replied to the four preaching points of the Holiness:
2. Innocent no man [8],
3. No possession [9],
4. Always lack of desire.
The king was very pleased with the explanation of religion.
1. Buddha announced this position is most of the monastics with confidence, because he e ã suicide ready to be a parent allows a monk. There are his verses in the lord 769-93.
2. Though the scripture says "Soon" but according to the Sutras, Tra La La must take 12 years to attain Arahantship. This seems to be correct when we consider the fact that his father did not recognize him when he returned.
3. àbhidosikam kummāsam , Nanamoli translates kummāsam as bread, but here it is apparent that it has only one liquid food. According to the legend, this food is made of barley.
4. The father wants to say: Dear children, we have property, not the poor; So you are eating porridge here in a place like this. However, because of the grief he could not finish his sentence.
5. The shelf clearly refers to the ex-wife beautiful jewelry to exhort religious practices. A strange thing before he left home, business did not say anything to his wife.
6. fear : Referring to false religions, the king extolled ng kind to e ình spirit that the young e ã working hard to do, is to give a major asset that out going, last not retreat nor nh Print The two sides.
7. upanìyati loko addhuvo . Business: The world is about to die.
8. attàno loko anabhissaro . Business: No one can give it a shelter or comfort it with a shelter. Of course, this does not negate a refuge from the secular, that is, the miraculous .
9. assako loko sabbam pahàya gamanìyam . Nothing of me, to give up everything to go.
10. uno loko atitto tanhàdàso .
IV. LEGALism 4 decay: body failure, failure, senility, failure;
4 preaching points: impermanence, indomitable, miserable and not.
N mande growth fitness .
V. CONTROLSnamed Ratthapàla
Please follow the Buddhist monk
Parents do not allow.
The youth hunger
With that the earnest
will die or ordained
Parents e publication only agree.
Ordained ordained
Soon attained
Th him because Arhat
He asked about th mande nh game.
Upon returning to the old village
Sequential seeking alms
He came nh à parents
The father did not realize
reviled scare chasing
venerable b en suite go
again met the woman t ì
Bring stale porridge went down.
H he sheds his porridge
On your turn t antenna
When the maidservant approached
Lien recognize employers.
Listen coral handmaid transposed
Mr. b à rushed out
- Oh baby, the child that
Why not v rushing home?
"Ban t antenna nh not Asia
Have come to beg for food
, but the food is not
only to be cursing."
Parents invite the
faithful The next day to
go to dinner and come back to prepare the
children about the country.
His yellow substance into piles
Eclipsed after plate m alk
And tell the daughter
Jewelry to pick ch ang.
When false religions at home
dad advised disrobed
- All assets
Spoiled child as being
"If the landlord for me
Let poured Ganges
V ì that l à the origin
of sorrow grief"
The b à wife steps the
Crying Slim leg false religions
- Must ch antenna v ì goddess
which he quit to become a monk.
"Ladies and
gentlemen, I'm not going
to ordination. Not for the purpose of being reborn celestial."
Wives are crying
- Oh, oh my water Oh
our husbands
call us by your sister.
Religion parents:
"Homeowners if you want
to give food, do
not give up harassment."
After e ã eaten
venerable read b Ai Ke
Say body actually
unconscious, suffering, impermanence
Although point chalk lipstick
Only fools sa net.
Then ng Ai goes v rushing forests
And when the king went to.
King came to Venerable
V à say: - Persons in e ời
Often abandon secular
Because four of decline:
Someone being old
Someone very sickness
The money for all
Ke for bereavement.
Aging, sick,
Body of thought All four things are not worthy of
false gods ? "I renounce secular Since four points preacher 's great teacher M à I found true. One, the world is impermanent Two, numerous households derelict Three is priceless possession, Four needy longing This body is very Often Being going to destruction When it comes to knowing it So let go no matter When the body is suffering Suffering There is blood, blood Also no pain: no body without a master . Though the money is full of Death that can not be taken away White handed ownership , this body. People in positions n rushing Also slave craving Always needy longing Because greed is not the bottom. Realization of Buddha's teachings Seeing growth sexual risk I export from h Transformation into ascetic paramount. " Listen to four points preach of heaven master, who respected author deployment King extremely delighted. People in positions n rushing Also slave craving Always needy longing Because greed is not the bottom. Realization of Buddha's teachings Seeing growth sexual risk I export from h Transformation into ascetic paramount. " Listen to four points preach of heaven master, who respected author deployment King extremely delighted. People in positions nrushing Also slave craving Always needy longing Because greed is not the bottom.Realization of Buddha's teachings Seeing growth sexual risk I export from h Transformation into ascetic paramount. " Listen to four points preach of heaven master, who respected author deployment King extremely delighted.
Makhàdeva Sutta - King Makhàdeva .
The story of an ancient lineage of kings and their virtuous tradition was broken due to negligence.
King Makhaddeva . About a line of ancient kings, their religious traditions e ã due to distractions that interrupt segments like n loud.
Upon arriving in Mithila, the Buddha recounts to A Nan that this was the territory of King Makhadeva. The king ruled the French, living free in the dharma [3], keep the male sex on the daddy slaps [4]. After tr mande ng alk n mande, the king told the barber to see gray hairs appear tr Israel started [5] th ì let the king know. King ceded the throne to children for ordained and commanded his son to treat v ì lawful, v à see gray hairs appear, should know that l à angels [6] signaling going to heaven to enjoy the performance, Daniel optimistic. Then give back the throne for children to leave the practice of four suburbs, the same network of heavenly precepts.
This king, after being invited by the heavenly heaven, invited him to go to heaven on the way to visit the two roads. [7] Good news returns, also returned to the throne and instructed his son, categories. After death the king was born in the Brahma realm as the previous kings . But the son of King Nemi father not as the king commanded, e ã cut off her beautiful tradition.
The Buddha, King Makhadeva at that time was the Tathagata now. His e ã up that tradition, but it was not brought to the cover glass, dispassion, cessation, the first President, the upper position, enlightenment, Nirvana b eat.
Now that he established a better tradition , brought to enlightenment, enlightenment, and death, he is the eight paths : right understanding to right concentration. The Buddha taught the monks to continue to maintain, not to make himself an ultimate [8], that is, he breaks the tradition.
1. See the birth stories of the ninth and the ninth generation. King Makhaddeva and King Mithila are the precursors of Shakyamuni Buddha.
2. This forest, previously planted by Makhdeva, still bears his name.
3. Comment: He is set up in 10 good .
4. Slap Day is the day of the world of ancient India , later on Buddhism also applies.
According to Buddhist cosmology, life expectancy has changed from a minimum of 10 years to 10,000 years. Makh adeva lived at the time that people have the longest life span.
For angels, or signs of death, see 130.
Mozart led him through the hells, then returned to take him to the heavens.
8. The sutras: The practice of dharmas is destroyed by a bhikkhu who has precepts when he thinks he can not attain Arahantship, and therefore does not work. H truth he is being continued by grade school property, v à e ã continued by Arhats.
4 abiding, 8 sacred paths , 10 good karma .
V. CONTROLSBuddha told Ananda, "
This is the territory of
King Makati.
The king reigns in
accordance with the righteous living in accordance with the Dharma
of the daddy daddy
Long live thousands of years The
king told the shoemaker
When he saw on his
hair appeared silver
Tell the king know.
When white hair appeared
the king to abdicate for the
Renunciation from that of
Dặn ruled lawful.
V à do the father
When hair start early silver
N Israel know that angels
Notice of enjoy the natural touch.
Give the throne
and ordained practice
shall not to traditional n ày
Indirect segment by distraction.
Over many kings
The tradition continued By the reign of Nemi
Also l warm as the previous king.
He handed over the throne
and instructed his son.
Then he left the practice of
But the king Nemi
Not according to father commanded
Dut good tradition beautiful
living distraction to c boots.
And the Buddha told Ananda:
King Makhadeva
is precursor to
Establishing that tradition.
Though it is very good nice
not taken to cover glass
Ly participated v à cessation enlightenment nirvana.
Now we established tradition
Countless well nicer
L à holy religion eight ng publication only
Sees dispassion, enlightenment.
Please continue to be
not the ultimate, that
is, the end
of this supreme Tradition .
Madhurà Sutta - At Madhurà .
The venerable Mahà Kaccàna examines the brahmins claim that brahmins are the highest caste. At Madhurà .
Mahatma Gandhi recited Brahman's statement that only their class was paramount.
King of Madhura go to religious Price Details Daniel Dien are forest Gund à [1] asked him, What is your opinion about the policy of the brahmin: only brahmins are descendants supreme, lines other varieties are Being paralyzed Only the brahmin is the righteous son of Brahma, born of His mouth. The author of Ca Chien Dien said that just sound is not worth anything, and give the reasons:
2. Persons belonging to all four classes, if committed in the ten unwholesome states, are deprived of differentiation: peer in the life of evil.
3. People of all four generations are born in the world of good practice, renounce ten evil: peer in the results of karmic retribution .
4. On the life, any caste n noisy offenders are fined: b ình equality before the law.
5. Any person of the class who is ordained in strict observance of the precepts is reveredand is called as a layman regardless of secular class : equality in the face of liberation.
King Madhura happy with the explanation of false religions and take refuge, but the false religions take refuge in the Buddha told the king, although at that time the Buddha e ã nirvana.
1. Venerable Shakyamuni Buddha was considered excellent in the development of the meaning of a brief dharma. Sutras 133 and 138 are also spoken by the Buddha.
2. From verses n ày, we see though is the heavy discrimination, the caste system in India at that time was also quite flexible more active emergency system to be deployed later.
Three karmas, four classes or racial traits. 4 items ( eat, wear, stay, disease), 10 negative karma, 10 good karma .
V. CONTROLSBach Khen Dien
- Brahmins
See other lines are paralyzed.
Only brahmins are
real nobles.
The orthodox saint of heaven.
Born of his mouth.
How does the author think?
"That is sound empty
Not at all worth
For these reasons:
The caste public
When multiple assets,
which are hired
servant from every line.
People belonging to every caste
must be rotten peanut
When ten unwholesome violation: At the colleges evil life.
The caste n rushing
Also born exam Israel presented
If hatred healing:
At the College awarded fun.
The caste n loud
Regardless of low or high
the offenders were fined:
B ình equality before the law
people of all caste
When abandons e ình
Renunciation precepts
are being who feast are called recluses
No including d gentleman convenience
As tr mande river to the sea:
B ình College of liberation. "
King multitude c Brøndby teammates happy
with this explanation
please refuge in false religions
" King take refuge in the Buddha. "
- Buddha now in where
Bodhi tree
Bodhiràjakumàra Sutta - It is Prince Bodhi .
The Buddha counters the claim that pleasure is gain through pain with an account of his quest for enlightenment. Tell Prince Bo threads .
He refutes the claim that mischief is due to suffering, by recounting the enlightened path of thePersian.
In order to inaugurate the new building, Bodhi Tree [1] invites the Buddha to live. He spread a roll of new cloth, the Buddha stepped on him blessed. The Buddha is silent [2]. When the third prince arrived, the Buddhist monk A nan. Venerable Prince venerated the cloth, because the world to pay respect to future generations. After the meal, the Buddha thought he was lost due to misery [4].
Ancient time when Buddha first ordained, he also thought that, should e ã two ascetic monk, one witness Unknown Origin owns, a great witness ideal non African origin. He quickly reached the testimony , invited to stay in the leadership. But Ng Ai e ã to go to t ser supreme ones. When he came to the Ni river, he stopped searching for a pleasant place to meditate.
An example for him at that time, logs when still soaked in water or just picked up from the water, although rubbing can not be ignited. Likewise, the person who does not let go of sensual desires, even when suddenly feeling severe suffering, can not attain.
Conversely, a log e ã plastic dry, put tr Israel dryland th ì can catch fire easily. As a person who dissolves a craving for sensual pleasure, if one experiences unpleasant or unpleasant feelings, one can attain the attainment of meditation.
So after abandoning austerity as e ã sensual abandon before it, Ng Those who practice meditation and enlightenment. After enlightenment, Ng who thinks this method of magic deep, it's hard for the world 's ch ser immersed in sensual pleasures can comprehend. Therefore Ng Ai to enter Nirvana b eat. He asked the Buddha, first lecture for five disciples on the four, the eight virtuous disciples . Listening to the five pilgrims attained Arahantship.
Bodhi Prince asked Buddha time needed to attain enlightenment. Buddha asked Wang to death, if a person wants to learn to ride elephants m à unbelief, many sick, deceitful, lazy, ignorant stupidity, th ì can learn it? He replied that only one of the five can not learn, let alone the whole year. The Buddha also teaches that the monks who want to practice must have five spells:
2. Have good health, less disease;
Honest Truth;
4. Compassionately renounce the unwholesome and cultivate good;
5. There is wisdom and the birth of the dhamma.
He may have been traumatized for seven years. It can also be six, five , four, three, two, one, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, half a month, seven to eight days. Could someone be taught th morning ì afternoon e ã evidence obtained.
Upon hearing this Bodhi Bodhisattva uttered, "Oh, that's the Buddha, Oh the truth, Oh that's clever." The young man approaching the king asked how he would not seek refuge. Prince Bo started talking when he c ons in the womb, his mother e ã to apply Buddhist refuge for b rushing pregnant. The second time he was taken to the bhikkhu by the nuns for refuge. V à This is the third time, to before the Buddha, his refuge, please Bhagavan get him l àm lay, now and for the overall network lifetime he embraced.
1. Bo threads Prince l à son king Udena Kosambi origin; His mother was the daughter of King Candappajjota of Avantì. Partly also be t ser seen in Vinaya, origination rules invented later said in a note.
According to the sutras, Prince Bodh Gaya has no children, desires to have a son. He heard that the Buddha can meet the wish, so spread a white cloth and vow: if Buddha steps on the spread, we will have a son. If the Buddha did not step on the cloth, we would not have children. He knows by his past karmic merits that he will not have a baby for the rest of his life, so he does not step on the cloth. Press it Ng anyone refuse precepts learned monks stepped on the white cloth. Later he rebuffed this precept, allowing the monk to stomp on the cloth when he needed to bless the owner.
3. According to the sutras, Ananda says this because he thinks that in the future people will see the work as a way of satisfying their secular needs; and they will lose faith in t antenna gi à if reverently without being th British as desired.
4. This is the basic dogma of Nihonomas, as in the sutta 14.
4, 4 , 4 meditation, 4 no, 5 need to read: information, less sick, honest, diligent, wise . 8 chastity director .
V. CONTROLSKhanh th Transformation into building long e Ai
He invited Buddhist meal
Lined Road by new fabric
- Some Buddhist stepped l Israel fabric
Let him be happy l Transformation into
But he stood silent
not step l Daniel cloth
A nan said the king Prince
- Let's roll shroud
Bhagavan not step it
So great defender injured hybrid
After Buddha meal
Because Prince offerings
He came b Israel Buddhist transparency:
- There is a new format to be happy.
The Buddha taught:
At ancient Tathagata also thought that
N Israel e ã ascetic
Certifications Infinite owned Origin
Then witness African non-ideal
Peer two masters
, but he came out to go To find the supreme
Meet venue endearing
B Daniel waterfront Ni venture
he began meditating
Abandoning ascetic
One example arises:
the log was soaked
Or just picked up
impossible catches fire
Likewise those who practice
if not separated from education
Despite feeling pain
stroll through well unsucces.
Such as plastic dry logs
will catch fire easily
The detachment craving
Ðắc religion is not difficult.
According to the Middle Way
Avoid two extremes
Ng who have attained the prime meditation optimism
Because sexual ly arise.
When e ã into attainment
Ng anyone see who captivated
the 5 th sensual
Puzzling is legal n ày.
To say no one understands
Only the work of labor
With the thought of such a
Buddha toan Nirvana
Brahma sphere to ask the Buddha
Transmission of the four dharmas
Five people heard the results Laws labeled ceiling.
Bo threads prince asked
- who want to learn the method Ng Ai
For how long
To cultivate enlightenment?
Buddha asked again:
"As he coached n Ai
If a study
which does not trust Mr.
Lai has more illnesses
deceit and laziness
Add brutish stupidity
Th i have learned it?"
- No, the lord
D ringing in only one practice
also can not learn
Let alone all year.
"Likewise, monks
If not enough in faith
L à n negative should spend
Th ì can not witness prime
Firstly l à trust
Health and true
Diligent n antenna with friendly France
Yes Place of birth and death. N Enough mande his virtues
Seven years for Israel to
May time practicing
only consists of seven months
there cultivator half months
Or just seven days e Smoothly
And you also have
the morning to hear dimensional e ã evidence.
The prince uttered the words
- Oh really, Buddha
, the Dharma is good.
I would like to take refuge in Ngai. The prince uttered the words - Oh really, Buddha , the Dharma is good. I would like to take refuge in Ngai. The prince uttered the words - Oh really, Buddha , the Dharma is good. I would like to take refuge in Ngai.
Angulimàla Sutta - On Angulimàla .
The story of how the Buddha subdued the notorious criminal Angulimàla and led him to the attainment of arahanship. About Fingerbone .
Tell the story of the Buddha dressing up The finger of a famous criminal, and bring him to attain Arahantship.
In the territory of the King of Prussia, there was a bandit killing the man with a fingerlace , for he wore a string of human fingerprints. One day, the Buddha went down the road to meet a finger, dressed in a lot of food. Finger protection chain runs Ng Ai stopped, Ng Who said: "I e ã permanently stopped, you not only stand, v ì you can not control himself around." He heard that he was touched, knew the Buddha because he entered the forest, [2] and asked to leave. The Buddha said: "Come here, monk [3]."
After ordination The chain of ascetic fingers eating a meal, need diligence. King Prasenajit one day to visit the Buddha with faces of anxiety v ì not kill t Israel robbed famous murder. Knowing fingers Chain e ã ordained Buddhist king admire Buddha because e ã convince a person with weapons and soldiers, King e ã not convince it.
Prophet Finger with a finger to get pregnant with a poor child is rolling in the middle of the road. Too tragic, religion returned to the white Buddha: "Holy Lord, suffering in behalf of beings."
Buddha told him to approach the woman said, "Since my parents were born, I never intentionally killed the lives of beings, hoping that with this truth, she gave birth to safety." The venerable white Buddha, if we say so, it is deliberately lying, because he e A has killed so many sentient life already.
The Buddha said: "Then you say," From holy birth I never intentionally killed my life ... "Obedient monk, to the woman and said:" Dear sir, since I was born Deliberately killed her life, hoping for the truth she was born safe. [4] " And indeed, the mainland women giving birth is safe to eat.
Religion live alone, long-distance, zealous, not liberated, not long to self- attain and live right now, the purpose of virtue. He said being e ã take brahmacariya e ã into, what should e ã do, no callbacks life n anymore. Venerable as an Arahant. One day, in the alms-gathering place, many people were throwing earth, stones, gravel, canes , bloody holes , broken bowls. He returned to theBuddha. Buddha comforted him to patience, because he is reaping now, the retribution of karma mà supposed hell he suffered hundreds of years, many ng alk n mande [5].
While living alone, the emissary of feeling is freed and said the verse [6]:
shining life like a cloud escape
Who is evil karma, by virtue of food And
shining Brighter life like the escape of clouds ...
I Tau no harm, [7]
Now it is righteous, and it does not harm anyone.
I do bad karma worthy of data.
Finished, do not owe me [8].
1. The chain of fingers is the son of Brahmin Bhaggava, a close-knit servant of kingship Padmasat. His name is Bambi meaning no harm. He studied with a teacher in the city Takkasila, became a pupil is master y êu preferred. Friends by jealousy, e ã said to the teacher that Angulimala teacher affair with his wife. The teacher tried to harm him by ordering him to bring back a thousand right-handed people from the dead to the end of the ceremony. Cortex to forests J alini, attacking the road, cut off a finger each string th Transformation into a chain around the neck.Beijing n ày open beginning v loud when he e ã killed nearly enough ng Refreshment just missing, and decisions will definitely kill m ình about to encounter. Buddha said Angulimala going to kill his mother, and his consistent enough only Israel to witness Arhat, n unto Him e ã interjected before the mothers came.
2. According to fear, He realized monks in front of him was the Buddha, and he e ã to the forest in order to convert him.
3. According to the sutras, due to the virtues of many previous generations, Nô ê y is a bowl of bowls developed by the Buddha power, just as Ngai said: "Come here, monks."
4. Even today, this verse is often read by the bhikkhus as a mantra for the pregnant women near the birth.
5. The fear of speaking a deliberate act, or now, can bring three kinds of retribution: the current report or retribution are feeling right now, life m à acts that are l àm; The karmic retriever is the resultant sensation in the next being; And the latter is that karmic retribution is felt in any later lifewhen the lineage of samsara continues. Because e ã attained Arhat, String Fingers freed two kinds of retribution follows, but not escape retribution head, v ì Arhat also suffer the retribution of karma in the present life after attained .
6. The next verse also appears in the Dhammapada. Fingers of the Finger Sections are found in Aging 866-91.
7. Though the Central Sutra says the Finger Bunch is called Vo-Bong, the Laotian Thesaurus says that he was originally named Brain.
8. While monks morality that has not attained Arhat eat alms as inheritance t charity of Buddha, Arhat eat no debt, v ì e ã made himself completely value deserves Of offerings. See the Purity of the Way 1.
4 offerings, 10 good karma .
V. CONTROLSThere murderous bandits
Dubbed Chain finger
Because wearing beads that
Buddha went tr Israel the way Sees bandit lair
Many followers accused him
Buddha cavalier move forward.
The robber pursues Ngai,
but runs out of speed.
Do not catch up, rob the chanting:
- Said subject, stand back.
Buddha taught blandly:
"I e ã standing long
Only you never stop
V ì not control himself."
N antennas human beings compassionately
Feeling right chemistry t Israel robbery
Antenna gu li ma la
Please follow Buddhist renunciation.
"Come here, O Bhikkhu"
The Buddha just uttered the words
Y full
bowl Due to the force turned out. After the Ascension of the chain of ascetic eating Eat a meal, the need in the dharma. Sultan of Persia, one visit to the world with the face of sadness is not deducted on the robbery
When he knew the chain of fingers was
born Lord Buddha did
not admire his master of
Chain finger monks
alms see women
L eat upside in b Daniel road
venerable k êu suffering rather
And retreated white Buddha:
- Suffering instead of beings.
This ye Chain fingers Let approaching women
H he uttered words:
"Since parents born
I have never intentionally
destroy the life beings
forward by this truth
will make her sister
safe childbirth."
String finger upset:
- If you say words
To lie deliberately
Because the e ã trying to kill
very many sentient network.
Then, monks,
please say:
- Ever since the holy birth
I have not tried to kill
the Buddha obeisance Buddha told the pregnant woman.
"Since the holy birth
I have not tried to kill.
Ai Sanh
Piyajàtika Sutta - Born from Those who are dear .
Why the Buddha teaches that sorrow and grief arise from those who are dear. By relatives that arise .
Why does the Buddha teach sublime excellence from loved ones?
A home with a dead child, suffering does not want to do anything, going everywhere crying. " Where are you, my only child?" He went to the Buddha to say the same . The Buddha says: "Suffering is suffering from the birth of Enlightenment, existing from the place of affection."
The hostess says the opposite, blissful from Enlightenment, existing from Ai. He discouraged to leave, met a group of people are playing gambling, he recounted the Buddha's teachings: sad sorrows born by Ai (love is suffering). The gamblers agreed with him that, on the contrary, he was happy.
The story goes to the palace. The Emperor of Persia called for a return, telling her that the Buddha taught "love is suffering." Ho ang Miss says Buddha e ã teach the course properly. The King of Persia was insecure, because she was so fond of Gotama that what Saathi said, the queen also said yes.
The queen sent the servants visited the Buddha to ask again for sure there must Ng Ai e A Day so no. The Buddha taught so. In the past, many people have lamented dead relatives: sons and daughters crying parents, parents crying sons and daughters, wife crying husband, husbands crying wife, brothers cry sister brother sister brother siblings ... so too commercial that plays away Israel crazy, heart panic, they go from Table A of sugar n was too crossroads other lines v à say: "Has anyone seen my father do not, see my mother, seeing his wife My husband, my son, my daughter, my brother, my sister ... So know, sorrow suffering suffering from loving kindness that born. In the past, a married woman was forced to marry another man. Husband e ã her tight as twin and then commit suicide, saying: The two of us will meet in the next life. Therefore, we know the sorrows of suffering from the birth of the Enlightened One.
Upon hearing these words, the servant went to the king of Persia, asking, "Did the king love the princess Vajir? Yes , the queen Vasabha, the general Vidùdabha [1], had her own business and the people of Kàsi, Kosala does not. " King said yes, the queen asked, "If the epidemic [2] changed g ì happened to these people, the king has no sorrow?" The king meets the child is yes. Lady said, therefore the Buddha taught suffering sorrow cerebral Ai.
After hearing the presentation queen, king of Persia anonymously got up clothes, told Lady king gave permission [3] and the direction of Buddhist m à bowed.
1. Vidudabha son of King later e ã flip down the king. K ASI and sentence Tat La is the reigning king territory.
2. This term is often used to refer to severe illness and death.
According to the sutras, he used this water to wash his hands and feet and rinse his mouth before greeting the Buddha.
Do not have.
V. CONTROLSMy sorrows are not with
me Wherever my
children are crying Where are my children ? He came to Buddha to teach the Buddha tounderstand:
"Mourning by the birth of the Enlightenment,
existing from the Ai."
- recluses contradict life
deliberately êu fun new
joy born from Ai
Due Ai, with joy
to four people gamble
he was they agreed
, "Thuong y êu is bliss"
It passed in internal supply.
Sultan of Persia,
insecure Lady
Buddha taught "love is suffering"
She thought right
- Buddha e ã teach things n loud
Of course it right
- The g i have e àm tell
his disciples to join in.
Lady false servant
Walk visited the Buddha
Buddha explained that n loud
note of the report.
"Mourners by Ai Birth
Existence from where Ai
No love, no worries grief
advantage he e A Day.
Back then e A as men
Because love should suffer grief
Come crying parents
Which husband and wife cried several
reasons to love,
They are crazy Wandering the streets
With a nervous mind
Looking for someone to love.
Because the Italian team êu together
Having a husband killed his wife
then the man himself
Romance reunion next. "
Ladyship heard it
Linked to ask the king, saying
- Princess v à Prince
King injured many, to ch antenna
If the King Yer Feeling
Feeling What The King Feels Like?
- We will be very painful.
- That is
why it was taught by the Buddha that
is suffering from enlightenment.
Bàhitika Sutta - The Cloak .
The venerable Ànanda answers King Pasenadi's questions on the Buddha's behavior. Robe .
A monk responds to questions from the abusive king of the Buddha.
The King of Persia asked Anan, eternity has never been a body can make people rebuke not [1]. Sun replied not. The word and mind are the same.
Then the king asked how the body, speech, and mind were rebellious people. Venerable Anan answered, that is the body, speech, evil intention. Negativity means being guilty, harmful, suffering, leading to self-harm, harming people, harming both, and causing unwholesome deeds and good deeds [2].
The king asked if the Buddha merely praised the renunciation of all bad things. Reverend replied, the Tathagata has abandoned all akusala, and accomplished the good [3].
The king asked how the body, speech, mind not being rebuked by the mind; And the sorcerer replied that it was good deeds, good deeds, good deeds. And goodness means not guilty, no harm, there is news.
After the e àm speech, the king wanted to donate false religions elephants and horses, or even a village of gifts, but said he came to not being allowed to receive the nth ày, so please donate a roll of foreign goods [4], gifts Of King A, so he may. The venerable refuse v ì e ã have enough 3 y. The king begged him to receive three new ya, and gave him three old bhikkhus to the other bhikkhus. So generosity will spread, as the heavy rain of river water flows to shore.
Religion about the story with the Buddha. Buddha really happy for the Persian king anonymous eã an audience v à are offering Anan false religions.
1. The old saying, the king asked this is allude to the case of female tourist Sun Yinui at that time being searched. V ì want to denigrate Buddhism, some wandering ascetic multicore convince Sun to visit the United garden has on you e quieter let people see m ình return at dawn, make people suspicious. After some time, they sent the assassin to her and buried her body near the Jade Garden. When the bodies were found, they condemned the Buddha. A week after the slander is revealed , when the king's detectives find out the truth behind the assassination.
2. Briefly, this section introduces the five stanzas of evil kamma: it is an act of unhealthyness and has an unhealthy consequence on the mind; It is reprehensible because of its moral nature ; It brings suffering ; It has bad motivation and has long-lasting consequences for both you and others. Good kamma is the opposite.
3. The answer of Venerable Ananda beyond question, because he shows not only praised the Buddha abandoned all causes of evil, which he also executive action ph buzzing with their words, that is e He gave up all bad things.
4. The sutras explaining this sutra is a cloak made in another country.
3 actions, 3 actions, 3 y .
V. CONTROLSAsk Anan false religions
- Buddhism have never done
deed reprehensible
Venerable replied, "no,
It's about language, the
All unwholesome h Transformation into a
Buddha are e ã give up."
- What is the body is
rebellious people?
"These corms unwholesome
Likewise, language volitional.
Any improvement is guilty
Harmful, may report suffering
Bringing to harm m Dinh, who
Gets Evil t antenna, improved reduction.
- Was Buddha commended
Renunciation unwholesome ?
"Ng who renounce the evil
and good legal achievements."
- What is the behavior of the
person do not blame?
"It was good personally
Shan language, willingness to act.
- What is called good?
" Compassion is anything
not guilty, innocent
Yes retribution happily. "
King offerings to Him
A roll of foreign goods merchandise
But venerable refused:
"I e ã enough three y."
- Please h he received this offer
to sew three new y
Then donated three y old
Given the need to take
such generosity
will be spread throughout c boots.
for example, When it rains
Water is flooded by the river
Buddha knows the story
Dignified France
Dhammacetiya Sutta - Monuments to the Dhamma .
King Pasenadi offers ten reasons why he shows such deep veneration to the Buddha. Temple of the Dhamma .
The Persian king gave ten reasons why he would pay deep respect to the Buddha.
While walking on the garden, seeing the pleasant, cool trees suitable for meditation, the Persian king remembered Buddha. According to the guardian of Kāranyana [1], the Buddha was not far away, only about 3 by the week [2], the king sent the wrong train to the Exalted.
Take the place where the king walks, take off his weapons and the captain's head is given to the bodyguard to talk to the Buddha. Squire thought, sure what the king wants to lose you here, nIsrael to us in the [3]. When meeting the Buddha, the king bowed, touching Ngai and self name. Buddha asked by where m à king condescending gesture so extreme. The king mentioned the following reasons :
1. holy monks lived a full life not as recluses b à la subject of foreign direct cultivate only one time and then returned to enjoy sex. So the king thought: France was well instructed, well-trained disciples monks .
2. Every part e ình measure alk congregation, are in dispute [4], c one greater. On the contrary, the monks of the Buddha lived in harmony, not quarrel, looking at each other with glasses.
3. The profane brahmanas of the pagan religion, who are feeble, poor skin, poor skin , seem unlucky in their religious life or have hidden hides . When the king asked them why they seemed so weakthey said we had inherited diseases. In contrast, the disciple of the Buddha is always happy, the roots calm.
4. While being a king, whenever he was speaking, he was often interrupted by the courtiers. And when the Buddha lecture [5], no one dares to cough. King thought without a map we n loud well trained so.
5. Many scholars have a sharp questioning set [6] to question the Buddha, but when they arrive in China, they are all influenced by Discipleship.
6. In the same way, the Buddha has many brahmanas.
7. Feelings are the homeowners have wisdom.
8. Feel the intelligence of the satan.
9. The king had two horses keepers [7] eat the king, living by the king, but do not respect the king of glass Buddha. One day when the troops were with the king in a tight house, before lying down they turned to the king, head to the direction they know the Buddha is staying. The king thought, there really must be a wonderful thing in this teaching, so the new disciples have that attitude.
10. The Buddha is the same lineage of soldiers, homeland, the age of 80 as the king, so he is willing to humble himself to express his affection. Presenting the above reasons, the king stood up prostrate, his body towards him and then go away [9].
After the king went away, the Buddha called the monks and nuns to teach them: take care of the solemn dhamma. [10] These dhammas are related to the goal , and are the eating of the virtues.
1. Kāràyana is commander in chief of the Persian military . He was the nephew of Mallas. Who was previously chief Prasenajit you king, the king was executed along with 32 sons because e ã plot with e ình corrupt god. Kāranyana also conspired with Prince Siddhartha to help the prince take over his father.
2. Three by the week equals about 20 miles.
3. The fear of saying he thought: "Before this, after secretly consulted monk Co Dam, King e ã caught my uncle's son, along with 32 notes. Maybe this time will make me king " The Indian king gave him a fan, a cloak, and a pair . He hurried back to the throne with the seals to crown Prince Siddhartha.
In the Sutra 13, these disputes are said to arise because of sex.
5. As in the 77.
6. As in the 27.
7. Isidatta and Puràna . When they die, the Buddha proclaims that both of them are Irritated. See Figure 6.
8. Word of this suggests is the theory v loud n mande Post c Responding In life Buddha.
9. When King Panat returned to the place where he left Kāranyana, only the female servant told the news. The king rushed to the throne of Ramses in order to pray to his son A prince. But because the king came too late n Daniel gates e ã closed. Exhausted v ì journey, king lying in a house outside of the city and died in e her.
10. The sutra says Dhammacetiya or " Dharma Electric" is a noun expression of respect for the dharma. Every time you show respect for a throne , you also show respect for the three.
10 reasons the king respects the Buddha .
V. CONTROLSwalking garden dwell
Remembering the Buddha
When looking at the tree.
The king asked the attendant:
- Ka-ra-ya-na
The Chief Hall of the senses
Where are you staying ?
O Prince Royal, not far
IN M E is Dum pa
Maybe go there
V game on the same day.
Win the chariots.
I want to meet you.
Then the king with his entourage
came to where the Buddha stayed.
Come near, the king made a
small step into the incense funeral
Procession at the foot of the Buddha
Hand touching his feet
Buddha asked why did the
king of the country
Left the ultimate supreme
body in front of this body.
- Key Tathagata equiangular
French Ng Ai skillful instructor
T antenna cleverly h tri
Because here the homage.
Bhikkhu-disciples of the Buddha
Live life forever
Do not like the pagan
tu only one time.
In other congregations
Yes dispute scuffle
monks Buddhists
living h burst through several injuries.
Monks of foreign direct
look skinny m Workers are still suffering
does not seem to be happy
There is evil h Transformation into hiding.
Conversely Buddhists
not seem frail
face always happy h boo
With c eat first President.
Every time the king speaks
Often interrupted
But when the Buddha sermon
No one dare to cough.
Many scholars have the mind
At first want to catch up to question the
ultimate religion of the same disciples.
Likewise, the ascetic
B à la keeper, homeowners
When the audience with Venerable
All are subjected to.
There are two
seated horses eaten, living by the King
But do not respect King
Cho by admiring the Buddha.
One day at armistice
In the crowded house
They returned to the king
Turned his head toward the Buddha.
Seeing that, the king ponders the
Fa and the Law of the Prodigal might
surpass the grace of the king.
Again, the Buddhist king
At home, the class
V à same eighties
should confess cordial.
The Buddha taught the monks,
"This is a dignified Dharma
C eat the copy of the virtues
You should live long."
Kannakatthala Sutta - At Kannakatthala .
King Pasenadi questions the Buddha on omnisscience, he cast distinctions, and on the gods. At Kannakatthala .
The Persian King asked the Buddha about omniscience, class distinction, and gods.
King Perak visited the Buddha, after paying homage to Ngai, he passed on the question of the safety of the sisters Somal and Sakul. Buddha asked why they do not have someone else reported m à have to bother to nh à king. The king told them that they were going to see the Buddha. King asked if Buddha e ã statement: Not a brahmin ascetic yet all is omniscient, witness are knowledge ofIsrael chronic [2]. Is it true of the Buddha, or is it distorted. The Buddha taught that is distortion.
The Buddha's teachings are: There are no brahmanas who can know and see everything at the same time.
The king asked what was the difference between the four classes. The Buddha replies that there is worship , the class is trampled .
The king then verified that he did not ask about the present, which he asked about the future. The Buddha taught that there are five spheres [4] that are faith, less disease, less energy , real life, and wisdom of the birth of the dharmas. Who all these factors th ì can make an end to suffering, irrespective of caste n loud. As flames of different fuels are fire, there is no difference between light and their effect.
Next, the king asked whether the syllable was born back in human realm. The Buddha replies thatany mind and brain damage is born again, the brain damage is no longer born again.
At that moment, Prince Vidudabha asked, the reclassified beings can expel the recurring syllable . Religion A nan instead of the Buddha answered by asking again: the king can expel the monk in the territory not under the king. The prince said no.
Devotee said that the gods have brain damage can not see the message is not brain damage, how to drive. The king is happy with the answers, and pleads.
1. These two sisters are the king's wife.
2. No one can simultaneously, in a single mind, know all the present past and future. On the issue of the design of the traditional Venerable Ministry ascribed to the Buddha, see note 3.
3. It means that he does not ask about the social status and the prospects of their spiritual progress.
4. As in the No. 85.
5. Business: This answer refers to the gods of the first class, which are non-complete, the latter has not yet proved to be incomplete. Also the question about the Brahma. Two key words that distinguish two gods are brains and harmless brains , which can also be translated as anger and anger. First class annotation has not given up the miserable suffering, the next class has the exception of suffering. Because both understandings can be applied to the Incomplete, they are no different.
4 classes, 5 need to spend .
V. CONTROLSKing Prasenajit questions
I heard a rumor
Is Ng Ai e ã say:
Not a monk does
is omniscience is full
certificate fullness of knowledge?
- That's a distortion.
The Buddha's teachings are as follows:
"There is no
sarcasm Seeing everything
in a moment."
Asked four castes
Yes g ì different?
"Subordinates are adhered s Brøndby teammates for
subordinates robbed a bicycle."
- Do not talk about the present
I want to know the future.
"In ardent chi n ày
How should rank supreme:
Confidence and less disease
Diligent n antenna v à honestly
Having agreed on the birth and death
of all the French.
Who the five measures that are an end to suffering
Regardless class n loud
in here are peer.
Like the flames of fire
With different materials
The nature of fire is still a
Light, heat "
- Devas and Brahms
Are born again this?
" There is also a brain damage
is born again.
Devas with no brains are
no longer regenerated. "
- The gods are born again
Are you naked?
Venerable Ananda thought
N ow he asked Buddha
Now the king broke in
and I will answer him.
Ng one asked the Prince:
- There are those who practice
outside of King
King deportation is reasonable?
The prince can not do that
Nobody knows the brains No see the other
How to get rid of.
T king asked Daniel who meet Reportedly Ananda
king joyful praise
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