51 products: PARAGRAPH EXCEPT with NO NOTION of PERSON. 56.
According to the theory of master Ma-ha-States said: "at the time in Germany As an elders Hybrids Dormitory-benefits-echo and Items-hopea-along five hundred disciples are spice world life Tool. Then Mr. Ma-da-old country words sequentially go from village to village to another, optionally to travel through the countryside, to the time of the United Kingdom. "
According to the theory of the master in the Ca-lettuce-di said: "Germany As a hybrid to the southern mountains, the travel, and then returned to the United Kingdom."
Early life he has more right to the big powers the charity men dread, widely influential in society, according to Lai tu Pham set. But on the contrary also who harshly condemned World Religion, they said:
-Sa-Cu-subject talks always make us no children, we concur ruin, make us great. SA-Cu-subject talks had a thousand Criminals releases bun. SA-Cu-subject talks also plundered five hundred disciples of San-rafters-to three-cups-BA-ca-soap making them. Now in Ma-elderly-da also has many friendly South big powers Germany dread looking Like Lai tu Pham.
The people see the stock cancelled Bhikkhu-stilts to come in front of her, they said.
Great Sa-back subjects
South beyond painting to here
Have them She-SOAP
Will anyone? example
Then they say they heard on stilts-Bhikkhu that, taken as a shame, return Lisa submitted article Buddha shelf. Then Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master must know, the words say so do not survive long, in just seven days. After seven days, these words can kill, every place is no longer heard. The Bhikkhu-stilts, if someone came up with the master says the article like this: shelves
Great Sa-back subjects
South beyond painting to here
Have them She-SOAP
Will anyone? example
If they say so, then the master using the racks like the following in response:
Religious Macho World
As France leads people away
Went as France and
Tri guys would not follow.
One day, at dawn, the sun still in the East, the Bhikkhu-stilts up y bring custard into real qifu gangui. Then people cancel stock together bring the shelf post ridiculed the Bhikkhu-stilts:
Great Sa-back subjects
South beyond painting to here
Have them She-SOAP
Will anyone? example
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts used as shelves on the return. At the time the other person heard the shelves and then, thinking: "that means that the Sa-subjects Like electronics degrees who are teaching them proper practice as Chief of France, is not improper Chief of France."
Therefore, the response to their shelves only exists in seven days. Over seven days, all the work on no longer, everywhere are no longer heard.
52 products: RITUAL THEORY
An early life, in the United Kingdom there are three pagan-us Cup-she-SOAP-ca, usually every year on mass gathering theory. Listeners to listen to France. So, in this time, every layman Three-cups-she-she-ca SOAP are respected glass and more.
Then King of Qin-BA-sa-la in the United Kingdom, Ma-da-very old water Chief Buddhist beliefs, thinking: "today the layman Three-cups-BA-ca usually every year on gathering public sermon, listeners to listen to France. Thus every layman is the respect life, respect donation, is more beneficial. Today, we also set the master Bhikkhu-stilts, sometimes the teacher for every five on the sermon once, then I personally go to Congress. If they saw me coming, all the people are also to attend. So will cause the teacher to be worldly people respect, respect donation, be more profitably. "
OK, so the King thought sailings offering everything to the white Buddha. Now That the personnel Respect the Germans gathered them Bhikkhu-stilts, said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, l King Qin-BA-sa-la, for every five days the Bhikkhu-stilts are allowed to organize the Congress, because the masses that theory, discussions mean the French.
The Bhikkhu-stilts at the white Buddha:
-Dear World Religion, we will persuade the French? And shouldn't the French theory?
When the Bhikkhu-stilts asked so, Buddha told mass Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, we promise great Qin-BA-sa-la, for every five days, when the mass gathering is complete, the master should merit the exclamation of approval, the Germany of France, Germany's Rising, the Germany of the Chief Justice, until the evening of the German profile canopy maintenance world, multicultural, alms, intellectual, tri University First, the momentum, the remote village of lia, neighbors into the hamlet, often preferred in that calm, marvelous, Executive benefits, effort; the German donation parents, religious leaders, and Sa-Ba-la-Huu charity donation, subject knowledge; concur the exclamation exclamation canopy tame, friendly self-catering, dining with an evening of canopy, canopy top last night the evening night province without sleeping, to scatter the exclamation born mindfulness, riveted together, serve together to scatter exclamation exclamation merit together learning, concur the exclamation, head of the French heard German approval according to article did merit the exclamation heard the master teach , not countering left; the evening of the primary hearing French Germany rivets and then Chief Justice, heard the tri-born France and positive practice options; evening worship merit approval, anniversary, anniversary celebration, Increases in France, the notion of countries, President, Memorial anniversary of the Cafe window, reciting the stem, often reciting visualizations impure, death anniversary ideas, anniversary ideas start to eat impure. Concur the world contemplate the exclamation is not at peace, the idea of impermanence, suffering and not ideas, idea of egolessness. The German exclamation of approval from removal, separation, ideas, ideas, ideas of white bone bone General dispersion, not loving the idea expansion, ideas coming half-crushed, the idea takes half a body, thought the fuselage disintegrated. The ideal evening of half burnt rivets, red, burnt body, should also praised the German public. It should also concur the exclamation Quartet principals need, like Italy, five, five, eight provinces, interior parts, riveted the French liberation and subjects the exclamation of the liberation part of the evening, eight wins, riveted the exclamation triangle. Also the German exclamation six Kabbalah.
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts: thinking "As Lai has allowed us, for every five days meeting the masses in order to concur the exclamation of the Buddhist schools of merit ..., riveted the exclamation six Kabbalah."
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts for five days back meeting once, and then the master theory by bar riveted the German schools of Buddhism the exclamation ... exclamation, the Germany six Kabbalah. When he heard French listeners are chattering archrival, says:
-Why the teacher the sermon the same sound, same as we grow together, learn new reading.
The Bhikkhu-stilts to hear such criticism, listeners bring this about the Buddha teaches the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, from now onwards, we don't for the master Council bars riveted the exclamation, only allowing the visiting a physician would take your possibility theory.
At the time the Bhikkhu-stilts or sometimes the poor teacher capacity, lack of Majesty, the Germans destroyed it, not purity, as his sermon. Listeners again decry responded not please nice. They said that:
-The shamans but also say so, what situations are not wizards!
The Bhikkhu-stilts heard so, the full back up Buddha. Buddha teaches:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, from now on, We teach the disciples are not inferior ability, the master occasionally lack the Majesty, the Germany purity do not shaman. If there are sometimes shaman must fully master the ability to petition, must be a master in gender achievement in them.
So the Buddha prescribed:
-The need to understand the Dhamma teacher occasionally and have your sermon, sequentially the understanding A-function do shaman.
In them there are many teachers out of business A-function, the Buddha taught the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The only the master out of business A-functions do shaman, her position that need to understand the other comments. If the new position occasionally should be he represented them as shamans. If the mass of many Bhikkhu-stilts out mean the economy, law and arguments, then select them in the understanding of inscriptions, good teaching takes place. If in them the understanding texts, good fish I lectured a visiting permit of him in from the lower layer is set up, the mass change time how do shaman. If the first taste of being sick, sometimes the second position. If the second position was sick then sometimes the third position. If the third position was sick then should sometimes fourth position. If the fourth position sick should sometimes fifth position. So in turn sometimes the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts have the ability to make mass changes, shaman.
At the time, had the Bhikkhu-stilts theory, or being hot or cold. The Buddha sailings allows take off lectures in which the sermon. However, there are lectures without four walls, wind-blown dust bin do grease the teacher, the Buddha allowed around the lecture hall building prevent dust bin.
The Bhikkhu-stilts theory in lectures, but the background lectures not flat, should stop the jute or grass sprayed on the ground, or use the mud bowl on the background to be clean.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts construction coated finish ground lecture, in which practicing, reading, business litigation. Dust do Venice should foot the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts for the master is allowed to wash the feet.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts wash should foot the heels were aching, new Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts aromatic hot sprinkle soy source should be used on the background to wipe the dust.
Clean dust, dry the floor back, doing dirty feet so the Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We now allow the master to use cow dung and water plaster the scent on the lectures.
When the water dried cow dung and the aroma peeling ragged doing dirty foot as before. The Buddha back to the Bhikkhu-stilts should take soft grass or jute cover onto the background.
To see the full legal remedies and your sermon, instant mass bring scented flowers scattered on the shaman himself. Then the Magi do not accept this donation, France again shunned. Why? Because the Buddha forbade the renunciation is not used the scent and the corolla. When he heard the audience so new harshly condemned the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-For map donation so trivial that dare not get, is the better material situation.
The Bhikkhu-stilts bring this process up Buddha. Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The teacher, if there are forums free renunciation because the bridge an evangelical, fragrant flowers take the wedding Festival, scented powder and the corolla are scattered up the Magi, the master should head life.
When he has free forums guys take renunciation of the precious wealth Austria ca-sa donation, Shaman of fear, shame should not assume. The life seen such taunting, decry:
-Sa-keeper Like this for such trivial items--receives, the better things are the case.
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts to hear such things, to bring this process up Buddha. Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-If someone's life to bring wealth and ca-sa ... surges worship for shaman with heart wedding Festival, then we allow the discharge master pilot. If the teacher would need then lets assume. If the teacher does not need to use, then allowed to leave.
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts in theory bring large economic Ministry, should litigation or a whisper, without finishing, just wanted to quickly complete ashamed, afraid, just want to look forward to litigation brief, should mind tired.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts bring this process up Buddha. Now the Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-Because our theory is trendy.
She's the life of the Bhikkhu-stilts theory using emotional words, voice literary lecture. Then the Bhikkhu-stilts fear, shame, sailings offer this Bach up Buddha taught the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We allow the master words of literature inspiring speakers mean the French.
Early life he the master strategy of taking the main meaning in that theory for mass heard, not in theory class. Then the Bhikkhu-stilts fear, shame, lo, to bring the law of business left with full this process up Buddha. Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We allow arbitrary excerpt retrieved in the core sense of business, arranged according to the written statements that the sermon, but to get the right meaning, don't be wrong Italy my duty.
The shaman's childhood during the sermon, because our group meetings, hear the sermon, not clear, make the masses are not satisfied the wedding Festival. Then the Bhikkhu-stilts bring this up Buddha full transparency. The Buddha teaches the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We are now allowed in the mass is set in the High Court, and then sometimes shamans promoted the Court sermon to all listeners are listening.
One day the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts organization theory, masses gathered, the shaman's theory is also not the same all over. The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha. Buddha back to teach:
-Need to set high court human shaman's Court, invited the sermon.
Mass set high court many times, of which the shaman still not resonating throughout. The Bhikkhu-stilts back the white Buddha. Buddha teaches:
-We allow arbitrary master or head or stand that theory.
Early life, the Bhikkhu-stilts to focus in a way that has up to two master took place said the French economy should impede each other. So take two sailings lectures, in each lecture hall has a different theory of the sorcerers, but are still obstacles to each other. As Bhikkhu-stilts in this lecture to lecture there, and then the Bhikkhu stilts this lecture asked Bhikkhu-stilts across the lecture turns back to this lecture. Or don't like hearing French stilts-Bhikkhu this subject should have listeners through this lecture, guys leave the other lecture, making France a noisy society, the French are not listening. At the time the Bhikkhu-stilts bring this white Buddha full up. The Buddha teaches the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-From now on, not two people shared a theory lecture, not construction of two lectures each other making progress? say this loud lecture lectures there. Nor are they this lecture to lecture there, them other to lecture this lecture, not decry disciplines, preferred not to hear. Who decry right as that law.
One day, in the sagging no sorcerers, the Bhikkhu-stilts bring this up white Buddha taught the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-If there is no Mage, so sometimes a court chanting.
In the meantime we have no known chanting, the Bhikkhu-stilts bring this up white Buddha taught the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We allow the master class in chanting: Or from the upper row is located in the wrong class chanting, or from the lower row is located in the wrong class chanting, to read a shelf four sentences.
Now the shamans chanting like lifetime, soak the French anthem, the listener should discuss decry:
-Chanting so our life-like ca Bay. SA-subjects where hair shaving ca so Bay that should the sermon.
The Bhikkhu-stilts to hear such things, this process brought up Buddhist pertains. Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-If the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts used Gulf voices according to the sermon then made five errors. In what is the error? A habit is the vocalist of the Gulf. Two is the listener born infected with the mind, not getting the primary meaning of France. Three are by tone scholarships do take the word in verse. Four is the life hear, chattering decry. In the future life is listening to the Mainland so grounded in the work world was the usual guidelines for.
If any Bhikkhu-stilts would rely on the Bay of secular voices that the sermon, the people he suffered in such error. So, do not use the voice of the Gulf that theory.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, if the master does not understand the French as on, to where, prior to the Italian taste, sometimes for venerable or A-Acharya ...
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts like to travel to the hamlet, Phuong tha villages. The venerable A-Acharya and the Bhikkhu-stilts that:
-The master, the master should not go there.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts does not comply with the invitation, just go. When to go to the middle of the road having sent bandits, they catch the Bhikkhu-stilts. They used the limbs, the master of suffering immensely, declaring lives remaining. Bandits get y Bowl, then drop. Then the Bhikkhu-stilts returned to the temple, take this fully narrated with the other teachers. Now take this job on stilts-Bhikkhu Bach up Buddha. Germany World human Respect this for summoning them up, ask the master:
-Actually the venerable and A-Acharya of the master disagreed to the hyperopia master du to the villages?
The Bhikkhu-stilts that reply:
-World Religion, so true.
The Buddha asked:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the master must know such jobs is not good. Venerable and A-Acharya of the master did not tell, why the master character ride to her village neighbors?
The Buddha said:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, why is there such a thing? I remember in the past, in the Match-match-this, in five hundred people, traders have a trade name owners From fake, was the lead. At the time the traders discussed together:
-Us today should fully shopping all food utensils to go into the sea, looking for treasures, will be many cherish privacy as ma-ni, foot, kha, coral, gold, silver ... bring home, we're rich, we led in seven consecutive life, become rich, keep this material attractive, nurturing, and business career.
At the time five hundred traders shop full of media tools, commodities to go into the sea, cost up to three thousand ten thousand money. A thousand thousand worry the food while on the road. A thousand thousand for traders do trade capital. A thousand thousand lo on the restoration and hire boat driver.
Fully prepared so well, everyone assured eight. Then, eight each of his home from his parents, his wife, in the nostalgic.
Trade at the Home From work sometimes provide False Italian parents. When his mother is upstairs, has just finished washing bath, eight were quiet. From Imitation to parents dear:
-Heal instead! Dear parents, I want to be on the ocean in search of treasure. To place the search was much wealth as Romanian, European leg, Crystal to gold, silver, and then will return, will make his home rich in seven years, all widgets are full, extremely wealthy, donation parents, foster children, bring alms to create merit.
At the time the mother of the home trade From security Author:
-You need to go in the sea. In the House the full asset today, very wealthy, when what is needed is full, no more life to seven deficiencies can live and work, relief donation and alms to make merit. Dear children, in this sea there is much terrorism as Feng ba cut fish, intense storms the dyke-di-la, the sea God to cause terror, female demons together La-suicide. This love, in the sea, there are many such accidents. Her mother ill, the decline has come, dear child, if the mother goes out re funny hard. Today's mother's life really fragile, on dead.
Parents From Assuming earnestly said so three times. From Fake mother again:
-Heal instead! Dear mom, I've decided to go into the sea to find of treasure. To get there, you will gain many precious jewels, and then decided to go back, to bring the Romanian, European leg, gold, silver ... give rise to parents, Master Chief, economic laboratory, created many German potty.
Say the word and then, From the fake out. At the time her mother From leaving Fake seats, go to embrace From fake, says:
-From fake, the love of my mother! I don't agree for the into the sea to find the treasure. Why in his home are very much still in search of wealth?
Then from the Author thought: "my mother is not happy with the job I have is compromised. Today is not for us in the sea to find the treasure, we will suffer the scourge failed. " So, From a fake anger, his mother falls lies on the ground, the pedal at the start and then discarded.
From Fake commercial delegations to the coast. To where, they celebrated the spirit of the sea international. Ceremony is finished, they compose boats strictly. In addition, they also own five rental price three times. This year the worry about the following: A person keep the sails, a person holding the rudder, a ship Restorer, an able pool diving, an able to go to sea.
Everything was arranged, they associated to the boat out to sea, in the sea to find of treasure.
When people go into the sea, the ships were shatter, five hundred traders were dead, only wounded alone uối home from the Author survived. At the time From the broken pieces of the boat clinging to False, relying on this wreckage used swimming limbs off power strength, thanks to prevailing winds blowing the waves put to shore, lost to a small island named Bhikkhu-contest-theme-she (sui room is Turned).
At the time From the island in only eating fruits and vegetables. Lived here for a short time, then From walking around, Fake to the South of the island saw an aisle, sailings go this way as long as a short interval, the distance to see a silver, into this very attractive, beautiful little sudhanshu view, not bored. Would hope, guards floor guards repulsed the enemy, boasting surrounding, there are rails of the door. The doors are made of precious jewels, the Palace floor scaffold, ladder shelf, on board John said the Golden, precious Topaz page, NE 31 mph, the cuckoo enough hung Bao phan, desk, fragrant incense, perfume pagoda. Around the city there are many forest garden, outdoor ponds, rivers are full of fun play place.
Main has a your name is loving. This electricity is made of seven treasure such as gold, silver, Yuri, far from the CU, brain code, amber, Pearl foot ... At the time there were four great women that our words in the come out, dung nhan beautiful, stylishly, makeup by the British chain, not a nostalgic look bored. They headed for home injuries From Fake dear:
-Heal instead! From the Author here. How can the adventure diving Wade? Into this unattended, again full of wealth does not lack anything. In the there is a electrical protection called loving, made furniture. We are living in it. Dark light, sleep wake Center Italy clean, speak true, happy, mellow, gentle voice vrushali lobe. So, today, the guy could go up electrical protection. Where no man, even the guy love go, standing, lying, sitting. Together we enjoy life harmony exercise. We bring all the wrestling product donation, to serve him.
Then from the instant the Dummy, to no man, and four of her life entitled love wear this year. Life so spent a few years, and then spent a hundred years, spent a thousand years to let go of hedonistic enjoyment wiggle.
In one day, four of her ladies with From:
-Heal instead! This guy, just in the city, not to the other.
From Fake mainland born: "why does she tell me this:" today the Holy Prince only in this city, not to the other. " We should not listen to the Little Mermaid, will sneaks away. Wait for the her asleep, we follow this road goes everywhere to know how true, or heal or, when that we customized processing facilities. "
From Imitation to wait the girl lying asleep, slowly get up, get out of your auto week, go out the door into the East and then goes around the four sides. When to the South into see a path, this time by way of instant progress to, saw a beautiful golden city, attractive ..., there are many rivers and streams surrounded by water-filled pond. In the your name is there a drug Usually is made of seven treasures of gold, silver, Pearl, legs still far ... magnificence. At the time there are eight girls envision beauty, makeup by England wonderfully beautiful Club chain from in this city go out, toward the home injuries From Fake dear:
-Heal instead! From fake, how did the guy can come here from far away?
They ladies trade home:
-The whole net of gold make this a full property, treasures, in the middle of the city there is a electrical protection called drugs, Usually made of seven treasures. We I sleep light up. ..
From Fake also, up your, where no man, along with eight of her love of wearing this fun festivity fun team. As such, through several years, hundred years free River. One day, eight girls back ladies with From:
-Holy Holy death, This should get out of the city that goes to the other.
Then from the Author again, and then seek hiding facilities born out of the observation number-travel, everywhere ... Back from far away to see a city made of Crystal, attractive, beautiful, nostalgic look not bored. In the there is a electrical protection called Italy, made of seven treasures of gold, silver, Yuri, the Europe leg ... dignified, beautiful eyes. Then sixteen girls great beautiful adventure content, with Bao Chau he lost points on the page, not a nostalgic look bored, from in the come out, headed for the seat From Fake and also dear:
-Heal instead! From fake, why venture back to the guy. The city made by Crystal, the full asset. In the there is a electrical protection called Italy, also made by seven treasures. Sixteen us up slept the morning wake up. ..
... as before, sometimes From the author. From the instant the Fake, protection, power up where no man, along with sixteen of this fun, tho she enjoyed the pleasure experienced. Spent the last few years, several thousand years, and then into a day, her dear with From:
-Be careful, it should go here.
From Fake also born hear no sailings, facilities, out of the city, walking across the track where times. Back to far far away to see a city made of Yuri, four fortified wall, compelling, magnificent, streams, rivers, ponds and Lakes filled with water. In the there is a electrical protection called the German Offense, made of seven treasures, magnificent, gravity. There are thirty-two at the fine jewelry by British chain, content great, beautiful titles out of the city, headed From fake, ladies:
-Heals instead of, how to remote false here?
They say:
-Into this made Yuri, full of treasures, we completely in white, living together not against the left, when doing a job, before having to hustle and make new, Italian harmony, elegant speech, Liu Feng. We came to in the Scriptures, sometimes up to security along us harmony entertainment, enjoy the pleasures of life cereal. Holy death-what things need a prearranged, we provide a full serve.
Then From the electrical protection up, Gi, where no man, along with thirty-two Americans enjoy life enough fun team. Spent a couple of years, a few hundred years, few thousand years living the life. One day, her thirty-two ladies from the author:
-Heal instead! Dear Saints, Guy be cautious, do not leave the city that goes to the other.
At the time From birth, again False thinking: "why she told me: ' Holy Prince should caution, should not leave the city that goes to the other." We now can see her asleep, will sneaks up, follow the path that goes to it to know the blessing or the data. Got it customized processing facilities. "
Then, From the Fake her asleep, sneaks up, down off power protection, out the door into the East, marching all over around. To the South to see a path, then follow this road that only moments away, far away to see a guy with the iron, the face of the feature, inside there is not a person, or a man or a woman, the male or the female copper out nghinh. Just heard it like this: "who's hungry, thirsty, anyone who's accomplice, who runs fast, who go far on tired, we're relying on one!"
At the time From a fake think like this: "since before we met up with silver, as she has four sitting out the procession. Back when we go to the gold, had eight in the Little Mermaid sitting out the procession. Back when we came into the Crystal, as has sixteen her out next in the procession. Back when we come into Yuri, as has her sitting out thirty-two procession. That far into this without a man or a woman, the male or female out next procession, only heard such fun: "who's hungry, thirsty, anyone who's accomplice, who runs fast, who go far on tired, we're relying on anyone." We should enter into this trial who says such words. " The time from the instant False step on up. Into the then four doors into closed sailings. From the Author of business spirit and body construction, vía looming, that run throughout this shout: "We now fail? We now ruined? " While Pundits find outlet suddenly saw a first team iron wheels, wheels red like fire breaking dawn are on fire, horrified. From Fake Mainland to ask:-Mr. personality, who is who? Why on top of wheel rotates, the burning Red, scary, more like the fire?
Sinners a:
-You know, this affordable, I'm injured Hardworking owner-Qin-BA. "
From the Author again asked:
-Before so what industry that today create coast people were burning red iron ring turned on so early?
Sinners a:
-The day before by me anger, pedal on top of my mother. Because of such poor coast workers should today be fire red iron wheels turned on the head.
From Fake heard so sad, crying screaming, blame, repentance, recalls his childhood career first, then uttered:
-We are imprisoned as the deer in the barn!
In the meantime there are a yaksha demon curator into this MS-save-ca, to meet top iron ring hurt Hardworking owner-Qin-BA, to stick on the top shooting From. At the time, burning red iron ring made From imitation of suffering immensely, unbearable. The guy taking the shelf yaksha asked:
The city perimeter have four doors
Often flaming fires of terrorism people
We have the confinement and then
Like deer and everything collapsed.
Heals instead of yaksha, I beg to ask:
What excuse we head stick fire ring
The fire broke out as the fire and pace phừng
Make life coming from the ceiling?
We undergo loving power
Back on the gold, the drug usually
To the Crystal Palace, Italy lost
Finally to provide Offense.
Before the silver has four little Mermaid
After coming back into gold to meet eight
Crystal into sixteen her snatch
The Yuri thirty-two she
So meet here, to see the other
Sequentially go through as well.
Now unfortunately met the this
Fire ring stars of today's terrorism?
Do we take part in education do not know enough
Now meet the gauge yoke accident such as this.
Or is the previously created career?
Far from being fire iron ring on top
Burning Red as fire
How do I network coming off the ceiling.
King yaksha trade stating
How many years of experience to bear on this round?
Meanwhile yaksha curator into instant iron used for shelves From author:
Mom, you keep the NET world
You used her first heel
So because such Karma entertainment
Far from being the top rotates the iron ring
Burning like fire red
Red fire flame real seats.
The ring of fire on his head motion
Make the network he's dead alive
So spread enough six thousand years
Number of years so do not reduce
The ring of fire is often above head
Not so true.
At the time, Germany That Suen said shelves:
As someone help people
The back of the Temple of grace by disaster
He later suffered woes
Like the popular Fake yard From si.
Should not cause evil evil caused
Nobody should make the crime again made of sins
He later suffered woes
Like the popular Fake yard From si.
Starting from the center of the series, later as
With German newspaper not grace the grace place
He later suffered the scourge
Like From the popular Author si yard
Power industry the past leads to the present
Today's power industry will continue
Leading business people the origin
Depending who created life miserable career fun.
Not in the sea, land, nowhere
Nor between the mountains or in the stone
Can not in any
Can not escape the life industry.
The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master? Should not think of anything else. From Fake at the time is us today. At the time, before entering the sea of Us eight-overview-son, due to human health because this industry should be created Phuoc coast newspaper is four times against the treasure, all things are full of such deficiencies are not. By Jesica malevolence, anger his mother first round six thousand-year life should result report being very painful burning iron ring.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, characters, karma is not unjustly that miserable life. Just because they create evil, then industry according to human life that's the coast result report. Hence the need to create a master password, the pure-body industry.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, if the teacher would be unknown Sin foolish blessed evil, need to ask Sir Master Chief, the venerable, A-Acharya, and then go into the villages. If venerable, Acharya did not allow that arbitrarily comes out in France that's on stilts for treatment of Bhikkhu-irreverent tastes not pros.
53 products: the DUTY of BUDDHA CONTEST-gas
When Portuguese slapped also ascetic seclusion in Favor-long river-Qin-speaker, sitting lying by hoan, dressed in old, bad character just use necessary. Each day just eating a sesame seed, or a grain of rice, soup or a minor, or a modern grain legumes, or a green bean, red bean, or a or a green pea.
At that the King Produced-the Portuguese search-forums-slapped, don't know where everyone should ask:
-In of now? Do the job?
In November, the same year the King silently wrong an emissary visit ask your Bo-slapped. The King said to the Messenger:
-Please search our children day Khanh. What work? Notify us.
Then the Messenger mission leader, my Lord the King:
-Lower the spirit would like Majesty command to teach, not left.
They go around asking for news, times times torture Pros-long-frequency-speakers, see the Bo-slaps here happy ascetic seclusion difficult tu. Envoy rushed back to notify King Produced-start-forums:
-Bach, blessing instead! Currently pupils are ascetic seclusion in favor of long-frequency-speaker-, accommodation of people are depending on the circumstances, every day eat a green bean ...
Great first-Dan to hear my Lord – Recorded as so sad, not funny, brain, take coats of coal:
-Oh, you're good. The soft and weak, because what I have to do it!
In six years, the Messenger always offers fresh ask database news to your Majesty, to know. Early life, her Skin-du-da-la line they love hearing your messengers: "death is suffering, ascetic seclusion, sleeping accommodations, depending on the circumstances, every day eat a pea green..." She heard such things and then think: "why are we husband ascetic seclusion that an outlawed nature. It's not a good thing. We also customized the convent's French pupils Shun that. " Her thoughts then, successively remove all the precious jewels as the British chain, gold, silver, Yuri, legs, pollen, wax, the corolla ... and then wear all white, leaving only the bun on her head. Map is trivial, eat up just enough for living. The ascetic life not more so.
After the German World Religion has the moral right, Pros-da-di white Buddha:-why Da-du-da-la knowing That Religious ascetic seclusion in the mountains, she cleverly customized pros World Religion that ascetic seclusion, the worldly people cannot compare with?
The Buddha told Pros-da-di:
-Priority-This da-di, Da-du-da-la line they like, for this life only when We see the ascetic seclusion in the mountains, she can follow that ascetic seclusion He's French, but in the past, when We see her distress We also follow yoke Lin on where the great tribulation.
Pros-da-go white Buddha:
Him how, please tell.
The Buddha told Pros-da-di:
-We remember long past childhood, in the mountainous jungle slots extremely secluded waterfalls, quiet. There's a deer God leads the Pack, eating grass leaves to live. On one day, walking across it yourself week deer, unceremoniously into a trap net of a hunter. Deer herd panic run quarter-stroll. Then there's only one deer that uncovered nai God trap, tubular stand does not run. Her childhood, the people, should know the deer herd, nai nai told shelves which the Lord:
The stag God must attempt
Head and feet are strong
Arab hunters by grids
At the moment they have not come.
NAI nai in response to the shelf using the Lord:
We now but used jewelry
Can't break this trap
Wire-mesh skin
Bind more tightly.
Stunning forested mountains
Sweet Springs, delicious green grass
Pray for future position life
Such woes.
With stand:
Her two childhood this deer
Fear flow rate
By Hunter to
Hold the sticks left holding the knife.
See the Hunter holding sticks to, nai nai security shelves use the Lord:
The other is the Hunter, they are about to
Dressed in a black body, strongly stain human skin
Now to get our skin Peel deal
Tight young body, they bring about.
Meanwhile the glimpse deer hunters are advancing to the front, said the shelves:
Heals instead of doctor Hunter.
Far should cover the grass out
Prior to surgery I flesh
And kill deer God later.
Hunter asked the deer:
-Nai, along with familiar thou Lord?
NAI the response:
-This is my husband, Lord of Nai, downright love dear. So I think this: "expect that we can't get AI which disconnection." So ask your doctor to kill me before, then killed moose.
At the time the name Hunter thought: "this is at least true for extra Gentleness. Is the species that have deeply faithful deer weighed so! "
Hunters for moose the best please, use the shelf a:
From small until now unheard
See, the people who know the animals
This had little real world
I would dare you sất mind-born.
We're now not not kill you
Thy husband we released
So the network you are living
Pray thy spouse Huong reunite.
Hunters to trap the deer God, drop off. NAI that saw her husband was Liberal, very excited body openings, Hon cannot initiate, again using sparse shelves Hunter:
Heals rather lofty real hunters!
Bereaved relatives see your doctor all the wedding Festival
As we see her husband freed
Happy Hon openings are the same.
The Buddha told Pros-da-di:
-Master must know he is not the life of the Lord, else, is us today. NAI the childhood that was the precursor to her Da-du-da-la today. Da-du-da-la early life he followed the University's ACE gauge is more positive options today We practice greater asceticism. For the people who can't do this life that she can do.
Talk about La-almost-la, due to human industrial past made miserable should stay in the pregnant mother for six years. Skin-du-da-la because Portuguese gauge, not sad should bear slapped the makeup. When such as Lai complacency six years ascetic seclusion, Endless Primary Primary College upper fruit buds, King Produced-the-herd still sent to track news. When the emissary found That Religious Buddha left the seats then rush back to the Palace, my Lord the King Produced-start-forums:
-Today, the Crown Prince has to satisfy the mind, leaving the seat, no longer ascetic seclusion.
King Recorded first-Dan to hear my Lord-so instant, sent to another and said:
-May have to go to the Crown Prince. To which my reply transmission like this: "her ascetic seclusion, no longer so hurry back to the head of the national system, make London Transfer full Seong seven treasures."
Two porcelain reviews well head of the order, as the word King teaches in the correct order, go to the Crown Prince. Arrived, they face a police ceremony, wealthy girl, standing leg back to one side, the white Prince:
-Heal instead! Dear Prince, United Kingdom-first Recorded the wrong forum-lower the spirit to this Majesty lyrics for transmission the Prince said: "I no longer ascetic seclusion, should quickly return to the head of the national system, make London Transfer full Seong seven treasures."
Listen to the two messengers, so Sir Ton said shelves:
Who would've been subduing
The life of unshakable
Buddhist schools of endless scene bi n
To go no.
If the person is not brought
AI no where born
Lettered boundless Buddhist scenes
To go no.
Then Da-du-da-la in the Palace, hearing the Prince most ascetic seclusion, hope soon will surely return to United Kingdom territory, making life Moved London United Kingdom ruled the Holy people. She thought: "Prince do Move, we will make the United Kingdom the Saint London filed for Africa." So she excited Hon openings flooded, unable, to bring homemade aromatic oils into the DAB dear, precious clothing and jewelry by the British chain, eating all the food, sleeping on the rooftop privacy ready with map. To do so is to await the Prince.
When La-almost-la in the pregnant mother was six years, the newspaper industry in the past have been complacency, is at Da-du-da-la nourishing themselves for themselves. Consequently, La-almost new-born. When La-almost-la, everyone in the Palace hurried to ask King Produced-start-forums:
-Strange instead! My Lord, Da-du-da-la to present new born baby! The King hear my Lord so downright outrage, says:
-Prince the son we discharge export country for six years, to the present Da-du-da-la baby new born, where is it?
At the time Like-she-reached-most dear:
-That child is my child.
Great head-back-Produced as angry, associated to summon all the people in the Royal family, declared:
Hey Mahadeva must know, Da-du-da-la does not preserve the Crown Prince reputation, nor keeping our reputation, not honor. Italian she let go of the lung do respect our national disgrace, today we have to do to punish it?
Now all the Imperial Family Council said:
-Da-du-da-la do dishonour our clan. We have to bring the French Royal's dishonorable that fine treatment.
At the time of the meeting has a suggestion:
-The hair should cut it! Use the sticks hitting it, and injuries on persons.
Have a different suggestion:
-Cut the ears, the nose it toss it!
Have a different suggestion:
-Should the two eye hooks it up!
Have a different suggestion:
-Pierced body piercing it, and then Stab columns on the tree!
Have a different suggestion:
-Throw it down a well lang!
Have a different suggestion:
-Throw it in the fire!
Have a different suggestion:
-Catch it hug the iron column boil!
Have a different suggestion:
-Column of limbs it for beef herds which trample you to death!
Have a different suggestion:
-It is located on the land for the huge elephants which trample through.
Have a different suggestion:
-Use discharge sawing out from head to toe.
Have a different suggestion:
-Close relatives it makes eight.
Now the great United Kingdom Produced-the-herd declared with great spirit:-today I ordered Da-du-da-la and its children are dead.
Early life he was a Prince of the endless Primary Primary College upper leaders, should see her Da-du-da-la and the yoke is accident. So where should compassion tribulations He also were found. There are Sun-sa-Mon Bhikkhu Buddha not far way, this heavenly learns of Such Hybrids, mainland poultry pens and leaves the embankment rises As Lai. At the hand of world religious Affairs wrote to the father: ' Dear your Majesty, baby Da-du-da-la was born as the son of the son. Please do not ignore father. "
At the heavenly Bhikkhu-sa-keeper hurried away to hordes of shorts Produced between-the-herd, take this message to the King. There is clear evidence letter, King Recorded first-new review forums-see the text clearly in this letter is the Crown Prince's hand all his children, reaching written. King Produced-start-and the great spirit because this new letter for the wedding Festival Da-du-da-la.
Early life, Da-du-da-la to hear people say: "your Majesty decreed about to kill his mother." Because to conserve life should she hurried away to the Palace of Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-ask:
-Heal instead! Dear Religious scenes, this innocent child. This baby is the bloodline of the Crown Prince. Heard that a short time more, the Crown Prince will return. When the Crown Prince about how this service will clear. If the mother and son, kill now what does seem a whitewash!
When Ma-ha-Ba-ba-SOAP theme heard Da-du-da-la, so ask very Hy, for Festival Bhikkhu to sometimes King Produced the first-to-A-Garden-du-ca. When the King Lam price then the Ma-ha-Ba-ba-theme SOAP ask the King:
-Please review for King to bow. Now her Da-du-da-la line they like to come here with your business card: "this innocent child. This baby is the bloodline of the Crown Prince. If the Crown Prince about it then this naughty truth itself. " So, please, don't order the King to kill their mother. need to wait for the Prince on the Mainland know how truth.
When he Recorded King-the-herd listening Ma-ha-Ba-ba-theme SOAP my Lord these things reasonably justified as such, Mainland security Ma-ha-Ba-ba-SOAP:
-This was probably true, Words like the words of respect, we should wait for the Crown Prince. If not then this know how is defined.
But as such, but the King for Da-du yet wedding Festival. Therefore, should give a little dress and chain him, at the same time ordered an entertainment living alone.
Then Da-du-DD-la go to Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-ask:
-Heal instead! Mr. Suen, today I wanted to in the garden to pay small prayer ceremony with Chu, not know Religion late have allowed or not?
At the time, Ma-ha-Ba-ba-theme SOAP along Da-du-da-la bring La-almost-la, full sacrifice shopping go to the Temple of angels. This deity named Plot-theme-la-ca should forest park also took the name Angel is-Batch-la-ca. Where this Oldtimer, while still in his Bo-slaps often to play this garden place resting. In the garden there is a large rock, is where the early Portuguese slapped sitting on it. At the Da-du-da-la place La-almost-la lay on the rocks, and then shove boulders into the water, swear vows:
-We now play the true oath not reviews lie. This works only with the Crown Prince, also not with a man. My son is actually the blood stream of the Crown Prince. If this does not damage the lie, then make this rock surface, not sunk.
Large rocks at the right as an oath, floating on the water, boat-like banana leaves floating on the water, not sinking.
Now people see the same for what hy, coil, excited shouting, no gap Hon, dance, choir singing, swing skirt, sleeves and arose from the digital music ...
When King Produced the first listen this forum--, downright excited to overwhelmed, unable to initiate, ordered the Royal Anthem-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it clean, gravel, soil and Rock Hotel in the impure animals unclean ... Again using scented water sprinkle soy source side of the road, sweeping edits to the flat, in the place, an incense is burned by the legal position kind of marvelous aroma. Intermingled among the precious jar packaging the perfume pagoda full of perfumes with the fragrant flower spike. Between the damage and the average flower planting banana trees in rows of long, on which hangs the colourful silk Strip, with the cuckoo flag in full color along the Sedum you tossing flying all over the place, along with vertical blinds mounted grid component by gold all over the top. Back to create the image of the Sun, moon, stars hanging on the chain with nowhere jade drooping flowers. Again using the Niu mao or the tail inside.
When the Ca-Bhikkhu-la are magnificent, decorated like the Qianlong emperor-thát-Mrs. After the page is finished, the King's Royal procession sailings La-almost to the dollar. Then the King summoned back stems by progeny like Royal, all of which converge in Eastern enough bare new set of composite material, food, drink. Back to organize a private birthday for La-almost-la.
When Da-du-da-la forest then the spirit of La-most tank-la A-tu-la United Kingdom users manual Moon light in the short period of time, a few moments and then let go. Therefore, the bereaved psyche in Love meeting group discussion: "When God A-tu-la che Moon in short time to death at fellow students, so named for the pupil is La-almost-la."
La-almost-la Belle n cute, everyone looks to see who the wedding Festival. Flesh white gold as the yellow metal, such as the rounded head East at 22 mph, high nose straight like the birds he universe, sometimes long arm stretch too long slender knees. All the parts on people doesn't have decreased. The perfect apartment, not a radical would be not be.
Now the King Produced-the-herd because La-almost-la chose four di template. The four di model to do what? A closing of a bong she showered, a she suck mớm, a walking guide. The four models depending on the weather mobile nurture should soon La-almost-was.
Early life that Germany World Religion Zhuan Falun at the Ba-la-complaint, the sermon was Chu Thien the realms of heaven media together with up to Date wealthy girl realms. When he Recorded King-the-herd listening to the Crown Prince, after the Invisible Primary Primary College upper results Director, World Religion to three-dollar complaint moved the great Falun, because Chu and Bias that marvelous French sermon.
Now the King Produced-the-herd for That Suen longing human, think: "we have to use whatever means to make the Prince charming in mercy, come back to the Ca-Bhikkhu-la?." And the King thought: "Are wrong who do the Messenger? Who is who has Tri comb is fluent in this? " The King thought this: "Pros-da-di, son of the clergyman, followed Far-anonymously. Two people from small to large, together with all reached multi-always close intimacy, socializing with each other. The two are likely to go to the All-hit. So far we may be wrong two people as messengers. "
The King demanded instant favor-da-di Of the teacher and Flashy-anonymously to, said: This two-khanh, now two khanh must know, now the Crown Prince has Infinite results achievement of upper Primary College Finances. People were coming into the three-dollar complaint Zhuan Falun, because Chu, the people that took the French-speaking. Now the khanh should quickly go there, read my order, I want tv: "today the Prince ascetic seclusion has come to have the same, satisfies the mind, were the fruit of upper Primary College Finances, Myriad has moved Loads of upper Falun, because Chu, the public presentation of the phấp. Heal instead! Dear Prince charming in that mercy, please return to the Ca-Bhikkhu-la. "
Now the pros-da-di, son of Professor along with Far-anonymously ask the King:-great to know, if the Prince All-hit-not about, we don't know what design must be used?
King said:
-Two listen only Prince taught khanh said. Pros-da-di, the Country lawyer and Far-my Lord the King: sailings to anonymously
-As your Majesty, this spirit down guys dare not left command.
The two leaders, wealthy girl 24-foot of the King, and then each person returned to his family from my parents, progeny.
Two times times go to the Nai, the client's forerunner, the three-dollar complaint. To place, two wealthy girl foot ceremony of world Religion and then move to one side and Bach:
-Today we serve your Majesty command Produced-the-herd brought St. just. Holy teaching: "Heal instead of Crown Prince, Crown Prince ascetic monastic nowadays already have satisfying proof, transcendent results upper Primary College Finances, Invisible transfer of greater London, p ph back for Chu, the French speaking population. Heals instead of Prince, now because of all the bereaved with mercy in the can back into the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it. "
Germany, the world Religious heard such sailings said shelves:
If people were subduing
The life of unshakable
Lettered boundless Buddhist scenes
To go no.
If the person is not brought
AI no where born
Lettered boundless Buddhist scenes
To go no.
At the time, Pros-da-di Of the teacher and Flashy-anonymously Bach:
-What Religion wants them what should I do?
The Buddha teaches:
-He can learn French as the disciples of this?
However two questions so Religious but before they have for the Buddha mean to admire, kink in their renunciation of the white Buddha:
-We both fans.
Then Germany World instant Respect for them life spice world Instruments.
Since Germany World spice Respect until the leader, left the Court never rotate the face toward the homeland into Ca-Bhikkhu-la, until yet plat in Bhikkhu-stilts knowledge useful and friendly to the fuselage by the friendly owner of Da-du-da, four Chief in three-la-complaint: one is Bhikkhu-ma-la, two Car-she's-most, three rich-long-na and four is She-she-bat – the Roman Empire.
Now Ton leatherette-du-da has over fifty. Long Phu-elders-na Di-la-ni Electronics have the map they are thirty people. The elder Ma-ha Ca-fried-land again eight thousand four thousand disciples. Elders She-da-disciples also Bhikkhu, is thirty people and the number of close friends is the companion of sixty people. In the village of Mexican States-da has elders-Bhikkhu-ca-na-da-na.
A Ba-la-Division has two daughters, one who is Nan-da, a person who is She-la. Her husband married again-la-Mon-Ms. Qin-speaker elders, Ca-lettuce consists of five hundred Violates the will of speaker design. Pham Chi elders have designed Loudspeaker Na-Ca-lettuce consists of three hundred map them. Get the elders to L-da Ca-Romaine with the map we are two hundred people. Get the elders Favor-three-private-na has two hundred and fifty people. Has five hundred human ascetic seclusion in forests First Tho. Because of them that the Buddha has flush French rain. King Qin-BA-sa-la and spread, people in the United Kingdom consists of ninety-two XA-do-tha. Get the elders Ma-ha-Romaine, elders Residences-benefits-the ECHO, Items-hopea-contact and five hundred disciples of pagan San-rafters-leather Ballet-BA-ca-SOAP.
When Germany World religion then those goods, then You sit facing towards the new home to the Ca-Bhikkhu-la. Now the pros-da-di see Ton sitting facing home into Ca-Bhikkhu-la. Thien Chu at the ladies Slid ng elders favor-da-di:
-Heal instead! Dear fake Religion, now you can sometimes That Honor on the Ca-Bhikkhu-la, where the homeland, since mercy with progeny.
At elders Favor-da-di to understand Scripture is Like a hybrid coming home, sitting left, pitching shoulder jacket, fix, pieced together the hands back bowed, said khom sparse shelves:
Such trees isn't the season
Want to wait for results, forecast
Fruit lush no time left
Now Buddha can cross the River Ganges.
Prashant flaunted at the main plant of a thousand
Aroma pervades the ten realms method
Blooming flowers and delicious results
At the main World Religious about mother earth.
This truly great at micro magic
The river of the lake waters, pure perfume
Thousand of hundreds of internal chatter for von
Rejoice the happiness at this major.
They like to play the Ancient Prayer Center
All of our Shows in the
Mr spice as sorrows
Not just the will as of wrath.
The attraction in That Respect are expected
So He gave birth to La-almost-la
Pray to him about suspected things award again
Everyone looks to meet strict threshold.
As Lai should think Grace di sample
Because she kicked Him for mercy
If the Holy See go far
Happy Hon priority investment runs out openings.
Your Majesty, they like the first-Recorded-Forum
Please play please pray earnestly
The estimated net gold body see stars
Her return to Ca-Bhikkhu-la.
The weather is warm at this
Case at World Religion go peace
Thousands of great wall with waiting contemplate
Like the stars All waiting on the moon.
Germany World instant Respect Privacy Pros-da-di:
-Priority-This da-di, if it true so then two master on the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it news ahead for them in attractive with the likes of me: "The ascetic austerities of the Crown Prince has done, because mercy progeny, soon would be drawing.
Pros-da-di and Far-only teachings, Buddha was anonymously sailings of the white Buddha:
-Bow That we Respect Germany please please obey.
The two wealthy girl 24-foot Buddha, noise around the right side three rounds and then from sledge. Recovery times were about to the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, two stopped back in the neighborhood, where the jungle Ni-verse-da.
Early life, in order to Gain first-Dan at King-Emperor Bao page away from Sichuan province, out of the city, toward the forest-sentence-da enjoy this fresh piece of land. Then the King from far sighted Far elders-anonymously and elders Favor-da-di, body hair removal shaving up ca-sa, hand carry the average Bowl. Thus, the King asks the great spirit sailings:
-That is what the people that removing hair, stem up ca-sa, hand carry custard?
The God of my Lord the King sailings:
-Two people are disciples of the Prince All-reaching.
Meanwhile in the Palm of the King Produced the first European flock-melancholy-Austria no brain, says:
-You're presentable facilities Chief content cute, like a golden statue, people see not bored that today this two-person body like that, I'd like to see! This may, the two men to Mahalakshmi out of sight.
The King said so then entered in the United States. Now the great spirit to think: "Two people, a man who was the Master Of, the second is the Crown servants All-reaching." Such thinking should not chase them away.
King Produced-the-herd picnic in the garden, wanted to back out. Now the God of fear the King saw the two elders that born of discomfort, so putting the two into the empty House.
Then Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, now must quickly complete shopping y Bowl. We are about to travel to observe, the villages, the water. That I will visit my hometown is the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, because all the mercy in progeny.
The time Property of elders-benefits-the echo to leave the Court, fix, trịch right shoulder jacket, kneeling knee land, pieced together the hands towards the Buddha, Bach:
-Ownership replace Respect! Never so! Dear World Religion, is today at World Religious travel. Truth is the magic! Today the German World number-travel suicide coming to honor the country, it is the right time!
The Buddha told Amnesty-benefits-the echo:
-Teacher wants to hear this? I'll tell the teacher know. Germany World Religion-such as Chief Justice Chief Justice College Upper Countless Futuristic Feeling when coming travel visit the hometown He birth, police villages into the hamlet of everywhere, did charm magic at human behavior is actually like.
Then echo the white Buddha-benefits-Xa:
-Dear World Religion, now has time, please Respect That because the Bhikkhu-stilts that say things Like Hybrid gas-Oldtimer Contest, when coming back to his hometown, where He was born, a close neighbor, the village of Hamlet, to the Bhikkhu-stilts to hear it recorded.
Now Germany World Religion used Germany as the Competition shelf say Hybrid gas-travels anywhere, a hometown He birth surveillance:
Or replacement of Property-benefits-marvelous echo.
The teacher who most need to hear now
Ancient Buddhist Hybrid Contest-gas
Go back to the mother land survey pubs:
All travel into rural, Hamlet
Ancient Buddhist Hybrid saw such Contest-gas
The place where all born sweet streams
Water filled the eight flavors of Germany.
All travel into rural, Hamlet
Ancient Buddhist Holy See Thi-gas
The place where are the flowers of the forest
Twig lush redbud land.
Traveling across under the trees
As Lai Thi-gas vacation where
The tree's natural flush of beautiful flowers
Fills a region on the ground.
All the trees He step up to
As Lai Thi-gas stand where
The tree's natural fresh fruit fall
Twig bends are ground.
Have people just coming with
Clustered fruit is great
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
The tree would people with not coming
Fresh flowers, fresh natural fruit fall
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven on earth or in the air
At the same time, scattered the flowers were wonderful
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Are scattered fresh beautiful Jasmine Flower
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
The port name flower rain-da la
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Three flowers-Le-da is scattered
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
The rain of flowers the name Bhikkhu-BA-old
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Lovely fragrant flowers scattered asphyxia
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
The beautiful Jasmine Flower boats scattered
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Scattered flowers flavor pervades
As Lai Thi-gas of the Holy Era.
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Jasmine flowers scattered on various types
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Beautiful yellow flowers are scattered
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Scattered treasure the beautiful colors of the seven flowers
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Whole lemon yellow flowers scattered on the net
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Scattered all kinds of precious community
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Scattered wing United Pros-ba-la
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Sprayed powder, aromatic wood chips-all forums
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Sprayed powder of fragrant flowers fried sausage-Forum
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in vain.
Scattered wooden incense powder full calf head
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chu Heaven now in nowhere
Up the sky Music trio
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Africa personnel now in nowhere
Fucking nice y types toss
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
The ECHO is not loving touch.
Chu Sui Tang Buddha pros Bias go
Bring the marvelous fragrance flowers
That light may shine glitter flower
Flower rain down the road flooded to the knee.
Early life's warm climate
Also not fly, the poisonous insects
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Of all the places are moving
All the great sea and big mountain
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
All mellow were great
Clean rugged no
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
How many pits are flat
Mountainous, rugged no nổng mound
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Induction arises.
Chaplain-dread-filled favor in Germany
The eight thousand travelers six thousand
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Pham Chi tu happy NET rows
The eight thousand travelers six thousand.
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Head of the Phu QUY filled fake dread in German
The eight thousand travelers six thousand
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Local resident Genius Chu also present
Dignified beautiful pure
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Again there Heavenly realms lettered nowhere
German real solemn dread enemy WINS
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Four heavenly and natural we
The German enemy fantastic WINS dread
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that, according to most.
The representatives of the United Kingdom the Sun
Back full of dread that's pretty amazing
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most lower
They Sun the donation-favor thirty three
Micro power magic dread more the enemy WINS
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
King Sun Empire Like wealthy girl Tu-di
Along the attractive goods dear in
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most lower
Chu-ma Felt Natural Friendly solar section
Majestic pure beautiful
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Celestial-sun-loving client performance
The real responsibility of majestic German jerseys
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Again there Heavenly Sun Chu Culture contacts
The Germany austerities as micro magic
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Again there Heavenly Sun Chu Tha hóa
Dread Germany dignified very brilliant
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
Have Great Bias supply breaking Chu
Color the dread force rotate brilliant
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
How much Natural Sun Chu identity world
All gods, dragons, Fairy Gold
The excellent spirit-thát-she, A-tu-la
Yaksha demon, spirit and La-police
Ma-almost-la-, Emergency-na-la
Full dread real mission German jerseys
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
All of them born where the world
Told on here and not to mention
As Lai Thi-Holy Great gas Engineer
Stand sitting here that according to most down.
World Religion-happy gas so
Subduing them immeasurable, the
The Chief sensory enter into Nirvana
Completely reincarnation is not born again.
The Buddha say to Xá-benefits-the echo:
-Germany-Hybrid applications, such as Worship, Chief Justice Turns Voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Profoundly Religious Buddha first coming back to his hometown, have boundless immeasurable things Greek owners.
54 products: human CHARM PROS-da-DI
Then the Buddha told the echo: benefits--Xa
-Property-benefits-This echo, we're traveling the country, first going to the beautiful land where my hometown.
Dormitories-benefits-the echo left the Court stood up, fix up, pitching shoulder on the right, the white Buddha hand pieced together:
-Dear World Religion, when Germany World Religious travel the country to police the village neighborhood pub?
The Buddha told Amnesty-benefits-the echo:
-Property-benefits-This echo, this month, when States slapped by the middle of March is finished, then We will travel the country.
After the German World Religion Claims between January, He slapped-together the Bhikkhu-stilts walking through the water. When Germany World Religion to the United Kingdom, Lord Ganesh son done, rotate left foot step up external doors. Then the earth shook six ways, then, floating up sink, emerged.
At the time King Qin-BA-sa-la, along with water-Ma-elderly people-instant momentum come to Buddha and Buddhist followers traveled the country to police the village neighborhood Pub. Then out of nowhere has thousands of immeasurable cox2 Chu Thien see Buddha coming to travel the country, they are all meeting excited all body openings Hon can not. They mouth the chorus up the sound is great, singing, fun hissing, screaming busy rịp, sit, dance, tossing sleeve sprayed Natural y, tung again sprayed the kind of Blue Lotus, pink Lotus, Lotus on the great white Buddha himself, bring the kind of pollen, perfume and fragrant Corolla scattered away on his back sprayed the Buddha.
At the time, national country that Germany, the World Religious quang Lam to all people in the region are respect respect for donation. As to the Future are the stuff of good clothes, food, drink, medicine, blankets and mosquito nets, mattress bed ... all of these things can not, o indispensible advantage great what a dish. Rumors around the world reputation, but the Buddha for honor and favor this balm is not born of mind taking immersed, like the Lotus Flower grows muddy place.
Now the German Religious World's dread immeasurable so, than all the German dark dread WINS in the world, the dread of his German foe wins first.
Now Germany As Lai, Chief of the upper Class, a religious Chief, Intelligent, Friendly, Happy World Entertainment, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, the Sphinx, the Buddhist World, in this world or another world, for Chu or Lama, Brahma, Sa, Ba-la-subjects ... for all the celestial realm, He has proven through God knows should Germany, World Religion so that the written definition or theory is true, before, between and after are perfect, making them fully happy offense was purity.
Germany, the world Religious knew they would likely get the teacher turned the instant You place, education should organize Dharma then You teach opinions formed, depending on the country they are accomplishments. Who should the life are given to French rules, Tam Tam. Who should the five precepts life He gave France Five. Who should the French life are given eight for France eight. Who should the French Collected life are given to improve France's cross. Who should join Him, then export to. Who should the world student Tool life are given Specific gender. So, turn on the journey, He came into the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it stops in the United States of forest park.
When Germany World Religion has returned to the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, dwell in the United forest park-questions-da. There are presented the shelves downright magical in when He traveled across the country:
As Hybrids like the lion of God
The s-Level talks the German Dark Dread Prevailed
The hamlet, You go to the villages
Are there a lot of strange things.
Villages, into the hamlet he's coming
Just saw As the great Holy Hybrid Master
All the people throughout all of
Respect, respect to the procession.
Villages, into the hamlet he's coming
Just saw As the great Holy Hybrid Master
How many plants, flowers of the same leaves
All his World Religious ceremony of tilt.
Until the past under the tree
World peace or Respect stood away
The tree's natural flush of flowers down
The land where this flaming flowers.
Under the tree As a hybrid to
Wherever the Buddha resting
Sweet berries of this plant naturally shed
Twig bends half mast foot surveillance.
Has altitude tree size at hand
The fruit beautifully look various xen
World Religion the Holy Great conversation-Isle Mastermind
The induction of such travel.
Not that this applies to trees
Flower petal color natural sweet fruit fall
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng courageous conversation
The induction of such travel.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Rain down Diamond flower-ca-la
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng courageous conversation
The induction of such travel.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Rain down flowers Romantic-enemies-sa
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng courageous conversation
German touch so dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered flowers gorgeous
Tickle-Great World Religion crumb courageous conversation
Dread God of induction.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered flowers Romantic-l-la
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng courageous conversation
German touch so dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered flowers-benefits-skin
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng courageous conversation
The induction of such travel,
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered flowers Bhikkhu-BA-la
Lion Island-the great Holy conversation Tutor
The induction of such travel.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
The most fragrant flowers scattered
Lions Tickle-talks Sun key people
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered flowers fragrant bowl of afraid
The great Holy Isle-talks Sun people
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Jasmine flowers scattered pervades the place
Tickle-Great Religious Scriptures themselves into courageous conversation
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Yellow flowers scattered marvelous color
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng courageous conversation
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered treasure marvelous color flowers
The great Holy Isle-Who Collected talks of force
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered flowers gorgeous color treasure plus
Tickle-talks Sun Meng courageous people
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Scattered shower stunning color green
The s-Master Sun Meng people courageous conversation
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Sprayed powder scented marine sediment bowls fields
CU-ba talks the Sun person weight
German touch so dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Lay fried sausage-sandalwood micro magic
Lion Island-the great Holy conversation Tutor
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Sprayed powder scented Aravind Bowl head calf
Tickle-Great World Religion crumb courageous conversation
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Chu Thien in out of nowhere
Arose up the music heaven
Tickle-Great St. Crumb courageous conversation
Traveling to Germany the dread.
Inhuman in out of nowhere
Tung Thien y types are scattered nice
Lion Island-the great Holy conversation Tutor
The induction of such travel.
Heavenly divine guardians take the Buddha
Both bring flowers full colors
Because the Holy Sun in the sky University
Take the scattered flowers flooded the knee.
At the warm climate
No mosquitoes along the toxic infection Gull
The great Saints jerseys are responsible for Chu Thien
Induction arises.
All are flat-earth realms
Mountainous, rugged no nổng mound
The s-force ten talks St. University
Portable travel application.
Throughout the realms of pure truth
There is no dust in the same poisonous spikes
Tickle-dread talks in Germany for Sun users
The induction of such travel.
Throughout the realms of both the movement
The long river of the sea with the mountains
Tickle-the ultimate high talks for three realms
The induction of such travel.
All Kings, She-la-Mon
The same row Bhikkhu-XA, Player-da-la
The layer of thousands of manifest them
Always kumquat Germany World Religion.
Back beautiful Place than heaven
Beauty, majestic real strength ...
Tickle-Great World Religion crumb courageous conversation
Walking, rest are mostly Buddhist.
There are four King of the sky
All have power than all dread
Isle-Dieu Dai Thanh ton vi talks
Walking, rest are mostly Buddhist.
King Sun Empire Like wealthy girl Tu-di
To Date the United Kingdom, King-she
The s-max's talks win
They'd always most Buddhist party.
Again there Heavenly Realm client Education
Until the four color world, meditation
Tickle-St. University Professor Meng dread talks
They'd always most Buddhist party.
Has Dragon species, the Golden wing bird
The excellent spirit-thát-she, A-tu-la
Until the yaksha, La-police
Together in most of Germany As a hybrid.
How many of them born in the world
Told in on or not
All by most Germans of world Religion
Traveling the country and into the hamlet.
As such, the Ton when traveling
Chemical Education our immeasurable Sun people
Compassion home kinship along
Back to the old Ca-Bhikkhu-la.
At the time two elders Favor-da-di and Far-away to fellow Alcoholics Anonymous, wealthy girl stand under the desk to one side, the white Buddha:
-Dear World Religion, King Recorded first-no credit herd-mentality, no meditate, do not want to see the Bhikkhu-stilts.
World Religion know this should protect the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the master would have the ability to Procure the first Christian King of chemistry-the King, leaving the flock-born heart purity?
In the meantime we have a Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Germany World Respect, elders Residences-benefits-the ECHO has the ability to Procure the first-user forums-King of media education, which made the King born mind.
Again the white Buddha on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-Germany World Respect, elders Items-hopea-has the ability to spot early-Recorded King-forums using chemical education means making the King born mind.
Again the white Buddha on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-Germany World Respect, elders Ma-ha-Romaine has the ability to spear, causing the King born of mind. glass
Again the white Buddha on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-Germany World Respect, elders Ca-fried-land has the ability to make chemistry education the King born mind.
Again the white Buddha on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-In we have elders Favor-long-frequency-speakers Ca-Romaine has the ability to make chemistry teacher who was born King glasses.
Again the white Buddha on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-Germany World Religion, in this our elders Na-Ca-Romaine has the ability to make chemistry education the King born mind.
Again the white Buddha on stilts-Bhikkhu:
-Germany World Respect, elders Favor-three-private-na has the ability to spot King Produced early-Christian culture media using Flock-prompting the King born of mind the glass.
Now Germany World Respect alert-da-di:
-Priority-This da-di, at the moment the master can go to early-Christian forums-Recorded King, prompting the King born of mind or glass?
Pros-da-di white World Religion:
-Dear World, I can do this.
The Buddha said sailings:
-Priority-This da-di, the master should come first-user forums-Recorded King of media education culture makes the King b. glass Center.
Meanwhile, elders Favor-da-di heard That Religion teaches such sailings of the white Buddha:
-Yes. Dear World Religion, like his word to teach, please follow.
In the morning, the Sun has just, Pros-da-di offset y, bringing the average bat, go to the Palace of the King Produced-the-herd. To the place, he asked the Agent port:
-Mr. Entertainment, who have know Majesty now Produced-the-herd where dwell?
The name sentry ladies:
-King now dwell in the Palace of reason Treatment United Kingdom service.
Then the pros-da-di come to King Produced-the-herd. To freeze, place in the patio. At the time of the great God of corpses found favor-da-di stand on one side, the four-door guards protect sailings:
-Mau to pursue others who go out, not to be standing here. Don't let the King find that irritating.
Door guards heard the Lord say so, hurry to the people. When this unit detects new arrival is the Son Of lawyer's early life are you friendly and always fun deals besides the Prince all reached, should not dare you pursue and go back in.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor asked usher:
-Why you're not chasing people across the country out of this mess?
A: the door guards
-Ladies and gentlemen, he is the son of the architect. From birth until the present day is you mind delivered frequent playing with Prince All-reaching. So we dare you not to chase away.
When King Produced the first-in-the place where the Palace of the political desk finished, the King stood up, coming out of the door, the guardians both sides brought into the Cabinet. At the time of favor-da-di to rush and embrace King hand Produced-the-herd. The King of silence not saying, just think: "If I said today, the gatekeeper will chase people out. Gatekeeper think: "The Lord himself must pursue." The Lord thinks: "hold the door internal supply to prevent chased out." These guys keep the inner door provides thinks: "this People which is great idea, now hand injuries that go." They all have such thoughts should no person would bear chasing away all.
Great first-Dan Tien-Shou in penetrating arc and then up internal dwell on the throne. Then the pros-da-di see the King on the bow and then straight up the electrical cabinet, the elders also comes into this power, standing in front of the King not far away. King Produced the top-Priority-see forums-da-di standing in front of his way not to far, seeing that the mind born frustration, whisper of coal:
-Oh, misery! I envision the lean also sick like this? Really boring! The people should pursue this spice guys lick. An attacker would have to allow it on here?
At the time the Lord my Lord:
-My Lord, as we lower our spirit, for this should not do so. Your Majesty should not pursue people involved. For whatever reason? Because this man was the son of the architect, as you love, often penetrating deals with the Crown Prince from his childhood.
Then the pros-da-di words sad injury shelves without the Italian King Buddha said:
Want good rice need plowing, much like good
Want to find treasure right on the sea
I come in here, in here forever
Just hope it mau achievements.
The path so often benefits
Off the sadness worries, enjoy peace
Want to tha pitch benefits
Need to Tickle-talkie, achievements.
People always ploughed land
Always sow the seed in this
Chu Heaven always rain cam Lo
Country is always full of grain,
Qifu gangui always act qifu mumo carried
Lab home always act alms
This life always do alms
Always be good fruit heaven.
Dairy cows always stretch breast milk
My calves are always his mother side
The women always wear pregnancy
B. Bloom always be suffering.
Zombies are always buried cemetery
The fuselage like the sad farewell often cry echoes
If Holy witness directed most of reincarnation
In life such afflictions.
Now the King Produced-start-forums to hear Pros-da-di read the shelves so sad, but still a little bit of doubt, raising questions of the pros-da-di:
-Religion produces in where? Master of Religion who is fake? Pros-da-di user shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
Father: King-first Recorded Master-forums
The mother of the teacher we name Ma-da
Bring the master in the past ten months of pregnancy
B. finishing dead mother, born the donation-benefit.
As such, our Master student Writes
The great Saints Big Sky Sun in German
This House seven life salvation
The reputation handed over ten method
In Thy true wife goods less
Not born in any other home
The great Saints such home births only.
This home enjoy the true cause of the Phuoc
They like big reputation kinship
You are hundred stately Phuoc stems
Like Prince so over Sun species
On Him please.
At the time the King Produced-the-herd ask elders Favor-da-di:
-Or instead! This true master, stilts-Bhikkhu according to who would export, which he trusts, primary teachers have principals Italy tu Pham happy or not? The master of fake Religion sitting under a tree out there, the mind be at peace?
Elders Favor-da-di back shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
The King asked as to who could be his?
This Unit Chief credit tu Pham almond
Where, You don't fear
Sitting under a tree usually at peace
Not afraid of the other, like a lion
Mesh compartments, not as strong wind
Just teach the learners, their learning
Suffering for the people, not themselves.
King Produced-the-herd ask elders favor-da-di:
The Bhikkhu-stilts so far?
Pros-da-di responded:
-In the words of the great United Kingdom mean As Chief Justice Chief Justice College Cult Visual Effects Hybrids currently dwell in the garden-questions-da, where the Ca-Bhikkhu-la.
At the time the King Produced-the-herd thinking: "Pros-da-di is the disciple of the ta. So we have to tell the Lord invited pros-da-di sit. " Then the King said:
Hey Mahadeva, now the khanh should invite the position of this Court an stilts-Bhikkhu is located.
The Lord heard King taught so, my Lord: sailings
-Dear your Majesty, we dare not left.
The Mainland invited Pros-da-di sit. King Produced the top-back-the interest:
Hey, so rice to cleanup Mahadeva Bhikkhu-this feed on stilts. The listening King taught, successively brought clean water to Pros-da-di wash hands and then surges food for Pros-da-di. Pros-da-di get food that is not eaten, the intention to bring this food on the worship for That Suen.
King Produced-the-herd ask elders Favor-da-di:
-Why the master not eat? Pros-da-di responded:
-This food I am to spend surges in world Religious cult, so without eating.
Then the King Produced the top-back-as Austria brain, Gladiator cried, tears obvious rụa that of coal:
-Oh, come on! Her soft body, ancient in usually enjoy pleasure, the body does not suffer the agony. Today because of what the excuse was so miserable? That said-go stilts, qifu gangui Bhikkhu was about food have to eat!
Net, the take-Sanskrit King laments as so sad, crying, choking with the Pros-da-di:
-Just use this section. We will give people a different master to master.
Pros-da-di back your Majesty:
-Like this, your honor, this part I had intended to dedicate worship World Religion, any of them would eat this food section are not objective. Why is that? Because Germany World Religion world happy than people, meditation than people, more intellectual people.
When he Recorded King-the-herd the great God:
-Should bring other servings may consecrate Bhikkhu-stilts and should finish on stilts-Bhikkhu told quickly bring this servings for the Crown Prince.
The Lord immediately bring other servings surges for Pros-da-di. When the pros-da-di ate, my Lord the King:
-Yes! Yes United Kingdom, Germany, the World Religious Cult Hybrid As Chief Justice Chief Justice College is Degree was chaplain to boundless sentient immeasurable respect. So, now your Majesty should also go there.
Pros-da-di say so then, seat, left out of the Imperial Palace. King Produced the top-back-white elders Favor-da-di:
False-religion before telling the Prince All-gain-is long, we will visit the Crown Prince.
Pros-da-di respect King accepted the invitation. Pros-da-di brought out into the rice section, back to the jungle Ni-verse-da. To the place, he of the white Buddha:
-In Germany, the World Religious education was Recorded first-King-chemistry Forum, making the King the wedding Festival Majesty should visit Germany to world Religion.
When the pros-da-di has just left the Imperial Palace, King Recorded the first-back-the great God:
Hey Mahadeva must know, today the Crown Prince were to reach all the city. We have to do now?
The Lord my Lord:
-Heal instead! My Lord, if the Sa-other subjects come up, we have to donation, provides a further case, now the Prince all reached multi-along with ourselves we don't other, anywhere nonchalantly not born of mind respect. We're just as Italy's, and new to it.
King Produced-the-herd ordered Bell informed people in the inner city are or know. Notice that: "We are now going to murder the Crown Prince's accommodation all reach. Everyone is a perfect way to decorate, then come with me. "
(This is the words of the master in the Ca-lettuce-di. According to the master in the Ma-ha-States said: "at the time, King Produced the top-Priority-white flock-da-di:
-Discretion of the Bhikkhu-stilts should do what dishes to donation Prince?
Pros-da-di dear your Majesty:
-Like this, your Majesty, if want to make food for That Suen, the delicious sweet dishes should do, clean purity.
When he Recorded King-the-herd ordered the Chancellor:
-May have known, because the Crown Prince should did the mau mau may eat delicious food, clean purity.
The Lord heard my Lord again, so judge King:
-Like Majesty lyrics teach, don't dare goes wrong.
Together they make the food taste sweet Navy trench painted drinking sweet, clean purity, complete delivery to the Pros-da-di. When the Pros-da-di ate, bring the food drink tastes sweet, aromatic sea trench paint tho, pure pure have just done, out of the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, go back to the jungle Ni-verse-da. After arriving, the white Buddhist elders:
-Dear World Religion, the Catholic Church has turned the King Produced-the-herd, prompting the King born Centre Christopher Hy. He's coming to visit Buddha. Please get Buddha dish like this).
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Useful instead! The White World Religion, why elders Favor-da-di Catholic culture was King Produced-the-herd, making the King are Hy? Can cause the King to make the dish taste sweet Navy trench painted drinking sweet, clean purity bring about surges for That Suen?
The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, favor-da-di can't just today the parish is King Produced-the-herd and bring me the sweet delicious dining dish, which also makes chemistry teacher Oldtimer King Produced the top-center of the birth herd-the wedding Festival and bring fresh delights consecrate Him.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts back the white Buddha:
-How does, the German Religious World as they please bow to me ever since. We now want to hear prayer.
The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
I remember in past life long distance, in Three countries-la-complaint has a bird God named the car the echo-multi-la (sui room is Friendly) along the eight thousand birds flock the harmony with God, fellow bird life in the country. Birds are a female named the car the echo-jobless-benefits (sui room is Friendly for women). Early life, the females copulate with the bird God had brought, females birth suddenly thought: "I'd like to be drinking the delicious food, clean as the diet of the King of mankind today." But for fear of dreaming not satisfied should females times times sad, terrible body atrophied, stood shaking not firmware. God Bird Friendly Prince saw his wife rolling on the ground, the terrible sad sick o, shaky standing firm should not ask: "for whatever reason she tossed on the ground, terrible body atrophied, shaky standing not so strong?"
Females responded: "Heal instead! Dear Saints, cards are carried, suddenly thought to want to be a proud Navy son food delicious taste in food as the King of clean. "
At the time the bird God than with my wife: "strangely! This gentle, what are the delicious drink food as such. Palace of the King, then discreetly, not able to be. If we get into that will fire on their hands, certain leave uncovered. "
Females back ladies with birds of God: "Holy death, if today the cards are not so formal dining, will die and the fetus will not live."
The bird God tell females: "strangely! This gentle, her death date approached, the new thinking of the hard food should be the same. " The bird God said so and then, favor stonework stand brain thinking: ' as we think, the food delicious drink in clean as the King's food, it's hard to be. "
At the time of Lord Bird Bird flocks in a child see things, fly to spot the bird God dear: "strangely! Dear false, because what excuse he thought such forlorn stand? "
God bird Charity said detail the cause of the incident. The other birds back Dear Lord Friendly birds: "Heal instead! Dear Saints, please don't optimization in melancholy. I will go in search of food because he painted the delicious flavor hard to find Navy pride of the King. "
At the time, Lord said: "Heal instead! This friendly, if capable because we do this, we will pay the Germans. "
At the time of Lord bird from snatch birds fly climbed nowhere, straight to the Palace of the King of Breaking Germany, parked on Gemma, a tree not far from the kitchen to the King's food police bars where the kitchen. Birds find the food is finished cooking, the King had a woman fully prepared the son Hao Hai. Time to eat, she brought sớt into the map by using the silver teeming with formal dining, going to the King. Right now her snatch birds from tree to land on top of the woman, using the operating mine into her nose. This was a slaughter of birds nostrils she aches should miss the hand made food fall to the ground. Then hurry bird bite food fly about for birds. God bird food to Improve women's wife birds sailings. The birds are eating instant foods wife full body, an okay, then childbirth.
Birds and everything on the other day, frequented the Palace the King won the food for birds. Meanwhile, King German common Offense going this should think: "spooky instead! Why this bird often to defile my food? Again using the nail we women do mine! " The King does not hold this, calling for bird themed sailings to:
-Mau mau may go there, this bird alive for me.
The Hunter bird listen to the King, my Lord: sailings
-Y as the great United Kingdom teaching, we dare not wrong.
The miners and trapping the birds arrive, captured this bird was handed to King Offense in Germany. Pham Duc King asked bird:
-Because the excuse you often come here to do unclean food? Again using the beak nails hurt women?
The birds responded:
-Heal instead! My Lord, please listen to me, the King, he will consent to.
When the King's Offense in Germany, because the wedding Festival think like this: "this is hope. Why do birds speak again? " Think so then, the King said of bird:
-Or instead! Or rather, who should I speak to this sense we are the wedding.
Now the birds use the shelf responded King Violations in Germany:
The King must know, three-la-complaint
There are birds on often in that
The same birds you eight thousand by fins
Follow the orders of the King of the birds.
His wife Princess dream birds
Directions to her husband expressed the song please
She wanted the American wage high-flavor
It is true that the food of the United Kingdom.
So I often fly here
Won the American food tastes of Lord
Far as serving God bird I
So that was great.
Heal instead! wish the great Bible United Kingdom
Open compassion let me out
Because I serve my wife King birds
Usually steal his food.
Remember from small until now
Never do such a thing
Please your Majesty command are tolerated
After dare not re-offending.
When the King of Breaking Germany heard the bird say so, in Hy said: "this Festival really hope owners! The human species for the employer also does not have the mind as this birds of Ireland. "
Say so then, King said the German Offense racks:
If the Lord so
Know the answer to the heavy grace lufeng most
Like the true dung snatch birds facts
Because the home in search of prey no pity.
Pham Duc King says the shelf and then, with the birds:
-Heal instead! Bird, from now onwards you please to take the food to America. If people would stop picking is not for you, please report to us, I will give you my servings to thee.
The Buddha said to the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master must know, the bird life of the Lord's body. Birds go stealing food during his childhood he is Favor-da-di. The King also Violates Germany's first songs King Produced-the-herd today. Early life, Pros-da-di do for the King and the wedding Festival also because we go in search of food. Today also so, Pros-da-di do for King Produced the top-center of the birth herd-the wedding Festival and back because we bring awareness.
After that, King Produced the first newly-ordered-ring the Bell, shake the ghost informed all the people in the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it was not a one visit Crown Prince before. Who wants to visit the Prince will take the King to that audience.
Now, King Produced-the-herd brought all these people in his palace, the people in the Palace of the Crown Prince All-hit, they also bring the bereaved in the other, is the Prince of the line they like and the retainer, brought four branches, hundreds of officials, the Commander General of the guardians and the renunciation, head veteran where the fake villages , into the hamlet. To show how the dread of the King and the German spirit of his presentation should the King bring the kinship, guardians around the branches, so.
Time to honor their Favorite race of nine thousand nine thousand people, the same people in the Ca-Bhikkhu-la-Dame-Bowl-it wants to contemplate As Lai.
Germany As Lai see Majesty Produced-the-herd along with mass ranks of competitors are heading to, should be thinking: "If we see that the father did not stand up, then people will welcome for that:" this person is not enough virtue who report results. Why see my father that doesn't stand up welcome? "
If we see and which stood up then they would welcome being the large criminal immeasurable.
If we're keeping to sit still as the old, they're not born with mind respect. "
As Lai considers three cases as above, every case is found to have defects. As Lai thought the meaning of three such cases then, He uses seats from the aircraft climbed through God nowhere, in vain, He turned the minor gods, or standing, or sitting, or lying, or sleeping, or smoke, or fire reporters shine the tops, or hide, or does ...
The gods in the Ca-Bhikkhu-la-Dame-Bowl-it as God protected, God keep ports appear in front of the King Produced-the-herd and then Dang van up frivolous, wealthy girl 24-foot Buddha, and then move to one side, said That Sir Ton shelves:
Prince night goes renunciation
The yaksha households open
King Bhikkhu-sa-lead seems to go
World Religion is great Merit Rank.
Meanwhile Crown Prince out of the door
Play the great falls pray like this:
"If none are ghost army
Into this, we're not on the back. "
Today's prayer was successful
World Religion acquire flood ghost army
Certificate of results of Bodhi Infinitely superior leader
The old chapel were members.
Because the current largesse Buddha birth
Bodhi was Infinitely superior leader
Because kinship by every compassion
So today on the.
When he Recorded King-the-herd from far sighted World Religion uses the spirit soaring pines of nowhere, expressing the God of transformation, the information should be thinking: "I remember the erstwhile Prince all reached multi-export, discharge that now has become the first University to have more dread in Germany, the great spirit." King Produced-the-herd such thinking and sailings to walk off the bus, when King Buddha from Buddha to sit closer, the Buddha also from nowhere slowly lowered. When King first-to-police Recorded seats of Buddha, the Buddha then also from nowhere took to their seats.
King Produced-start-see the top Buddhist forums no heavenly crowns, hair removal, body shaving back up ca-sa, because compassion should the King fell to geek out. New momentarily wake up, King is rolling on the ground, crying tears sad give me ten dam. At the time the nine thousand nine thousand people in the Royal family, along with all the people in the city as well as outside the city fell to geek out on land cry, sad, tears rolling til rụa both face, sad brain coat, suffering immensely.
When he said mass racks:
They lead to great Buddha side
Father saw the Buddha yet to visit
The King wanted to call you but afraid
Want to call Bhikkhu-stilts is also confusing.
The King saw the Crown Prince Sa-form subjects
The King found himself in disgrace
Short coal sighed angry heart
Geek fell on the land, telling enough.
As Lai deep seated meditation
The King saw so still favor melancholy
Just like people thirsty from the farthest reaches
Water, still saw good drinks.
Now, Germany World Religious thought: "the Royal family they like very high tribute a self ego. If set to head down to the ground to me, they don't want to do. " He thought so, the Mainland soar nowhere land around a staff. You think: "We Now take as long as he, so they get enough bowing ritual."
With stand:
The Buddha knew the King I crush falls to port
Fly up high nowhere a staff
Compassion to all who come to this
So You stay where nowhere.
When he Recorded King-the-herd from the ground up, the foot of the Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl and said the shelf:
Me, my Feet Like Christ three times
Buddhist ceremony when even the just born
The old monkey in the Palace General Counsel guess
When sitting in a tree cover to cool body
Now see the expression more than the
Face bright as flowers bloom
Who helped me very pleased
So we are now 24-three Oh.
Now, King Produced-head-foot Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl forums, and then sequentially progeny in the two bows are attractive to Buddha ceremony in foreign parties also Buddha feet ceremony. The pupils their lines Like the foot of a ceremony also notable artists Buddha. guardians and hundreds of officials also sequentially. the Buddha ceremony upasaka modern aristocracy, wealthy girl line 24-foot Buddha. Sequentially the States Chief rich University student author also 24-foot Buddha.
Germany World Religion has the profound Dhamma micro magic but afraid the unborn mind mass wedding Festival, the thirsty threshold, not yet born the idea hope the special friendship should not say this French Hybrid such as.
Now Germany That wants to Respect the existing mass money b. mind the glass should He believe the wedding Festival use the spirit soaring pines of nowhere, based in the East about a tree-la, then You turn the spirit: a close relative, several or many stems form a vacuum travel trunks, touched the ground , from the bottom going up, from the top going down, going through the mountains, the cliffs being obstacles, into the soil as in the water, go on the water as on the ground, sit the old Fang out of nowhere an estate, natural or administrative experience like birds, or on stems of fuming, under the fuselage, or body as fire massive Dong , as well as Sun Moon has no big German dread big pine, dread Germany quang minh urbanisation throughout the projection, or when using the hand to catch the Sun, the Moon, high body hitting the Brahma ...
After the spirit as on, He appeared at the same time the two spirit Info for each other, i.e. half above the fuming, half below the flame. Or half the bottom half, fuming over flame. Or the left hip, right hip flame radiates smoke. Or right hip, left hip flame radiates smoke. Or back half of the fuselage above the fuming, half below the spray of cold water in the cooler. Or half above the spray of cold water in the cool, half below. Or the left hip, right hip fuming spray of cold water in the cooler. Moments right hip or fuming, left hips sprinklers to cool in cold water. Or half the bottom half, hot burning above the cool fountain. Or half the Fiery Hot, half on the bottom spray water in cool to cold. Left hip, right hip flame spray cool water. Or the left hip, right hip fiery spray of water in cool to cold. Left hip or cool-water spray, the right hip of picking out a red flame. Or fiery body, between two cool fountain eye. Or between two fiery red eyes, body spray cool water.
Now Germany As Lai to show half the bottom, hiding half the loss on that theory. And then to show the half above, half below the loss hidden that theory.
As Hybrids enter the fire, on each pore emit the aura; There's kind of a blue aura, yellow aura type, there kinds of Red aura, there kinds of white aura, aura color granite grass type, there kinds of crystal color aura.
As possible when in out of nowhere, the way the ground as long as a tree-spirit, which currently has the dollar when making land around two tree-la, or three, or four, or five, or seven tree-la, in vain that spirit. The spirit through out a body appears more environmentally ... aura crystal color.
Now As a hybrid body hidden where the South, appear where the West high, how the ground about a tree-la, change everything through God. Or That Respect anonymity in the West, the North, the high land around a Banyan tree, la, and then head out of nowhere transformation of spirit. The spirit of that information such as: a branching into more environmentally ... launched aura crystal color. Until every other also, are based in the high-ground way nowhere about a tree-la ... seven tree-la, the transformation of spirit. The spirit of that information such as: a branching out more environmentally ... launched aura crystal color.
Now, see How German mass to honor the spirit of such information, who was born to mainland, Buddha glasses wedding Festival, is unmatched.
When the mass was saw the wedding Festival, glass, for the unprecedented World new Respect from the German right, nowhere down, spread the mass sitting before the instrument is located on, and then because, teaching the French serial. He said: "they are born from long ago in negativity," making people listen to depart negativity. Therefore, He advised the French tu alms, precept, the rings will be born in the humiliation of charity. You teach depart pirated, pirated organic education ... to be escapist negativity. He also lauded the in Germany. He riveted the French liberation Cyrillic letters as such.
When Germany As Hybrid theory, you know our excited and needs the Center openings, Hon no ample magnification.
At the time, Germany also Respect the legal theory That lineage of Buddhist followers as Suffering, destruction, and Director ...
When Germany World Religion because theo means God appears, the primary citation France, there are hundreds of thousands of sentient memory immeasurable spot sit depart ceiling texture, no longer the history paragraph, affliction, is pure đốì, label France with France launch exercises are both kill the General, evidence was true. Such as clean clothes, not little stain, dye can color, the color of it.
The Buddha said such legislation and, in the boundless immeasurable mass hundreds of thousands of myriad memories the sentient, the spot to sit bare sentence, depart is no longer suffering, the paragraph was pure label France President ... kill all General, testifying as truth. This mass found the French, were the French, were the French, entered into the French, pass the comfort, or destroyed, no longer mind, has been invisible, all charm born of environmentally clean removal ideas. They know so and refuge in Buddha, France, Increase, maintenance in the world banned, making people homeless.
King Recorded the first-grid because forums-negativity and trade the coverage should not testify, sitting in front of That sad, wounded lament, warm memories choked the shelf that says:
Caps by seven ancient treasure the team
Beautiful stately put where?
EU in hair lost where to go
Early cancellation ceiling to be no dread of Germany?
Ancient wear Ca-great competition
I also put it in?
Dispose of bad crude costume
I love my dress again?
Germany World Religion use the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
Central spirit's reputation
We send important bias for her
To clear the mind of the falling beam
Wanted French achievements in cam Lo.
Built ca-sa y ruined the colors
So I quit the Austria Ca-contest
This stems back to wear y ruined the colors
Certified results are Infinitely superior to the magic.
Your Majesty-the beginning-back Produced using Hybrid-like shelves:
We supply hundreds of volunteers in
Vow to be born baby do London Transfer
Now see the head shaved, hand carry the Bowl
You told me to be more than what?
Germany World Religion use the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
London United Kingdom are both still not bored
However be long lived not in
We at the Center without borders
Want the London United Kingdom truth or not.
Your Majesty-the beginning-back Produced using white shelves of world Religion:
The seven treasure old leather shoes bear
Smooth smooth blanket mattress variety row
The Palace floor guards place OK
On top of the Museum covered the White North at 3.1 mph
Soft white legs like Lotus flowers
How do you handle spikes, sand and gravel.
Germany World Religion use the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
We have the most evidence Set Position
Not infected the French, like the Lotus Flower
Pass the realms not immerse
So, did we also gauge.
King Produced the top-back-taking the white Buddha shelf:
In the Palace used FRY-forums ...
With the cool scent like the Moon
Depending on the body embalmed DAB forecast.
DAB done the body found was elated.
Down to the present day, over-heated
Walking away would seem to gauge forest
In the ancient Palace of mellow music
Now women can not have fun with?
Germany World Religion use the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
I have a pond in French
The joyful mind, peace
The German body washed treasure pond
Not sink, ashore.
King Produced the top-shelf user forums-says:
Even during the old Ca-contest
Enjoy a sauna-bặc body with aroma shower
Several layers of soft flowers lined in Austria
Dwell in the Palace really majestic.
Now wear gauze fabric throw away
Customize colors of dyed bark
Just to cover the real body shame
Macho star ranks not bored?
Germany, the world Religious back shelves answered the King Produced-start-forums:
Dress, lying, formal dining ...
I take this stuff soak up
Lovable beautiful body
We now should not use mindfulness.
King Produced the top-shelf user forums-says:
In the seven figures in treasure
Utensils, table silver gold plated
Taste the sweet yummy Navy trench paint
Arbitrary Prince wearing jewelry.
Now the food was bad, foul again Hey
Delicious edible stars such bland?
Why doesn't this food cooking
Not born angry smelly creatures note?
The Buddha again using the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
Legend of the past to the present
The same life, taste the false
However, no taste delicious food
Mercy the world should clink.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelf says:
When the old people in power in the US
Real soft spot sits on is
Excel world none
Medium pillows propped, don't decry.
Now located on Earth, map, textured nhúa
Just cover the grass with leaf litter
Why sleeping without cooking
Soft body don't pain?
World Religion use the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
We have been in positions
Get rid of all the suffering
Pulled the thorn suffering affliction
The life of compassion should not cooking.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelves told Buddha:
Oldtimer who at home entertaining
Beautiful flowers scattered on the floor
Enclosed room not wind, bright lights Zhuang
Up to the second floor and window guards
Wreath he lost body makeup
Concubines presentable as jewellery
Speaking suave according to serve
Such threshold left glass husband commands.
World Religion back shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
Father, We have revamped the French school
Date almond vi magic in the sky
Because We were in the Auto Center
What we want are all achievements.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelf says:
Drumming, not nearly the same iron Forum
CA soaked marvelous do the formula
Like the Roman Empire Like in heaven
People in the old palace.
The Buddha again using the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
Scripture, marvelous micro audio shelves makes them unable
As enlightened We regress award
We have organic pure almond goodness
Your Majesty, we live between them.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelf says:
Utriusque frontier along the mountain river
Entitled to exercise full of thousands of children
Seven great treasure stars no idea
Why tu get Sa-happy?
The Buddha used the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
TAM-I land my wisdom
Thousand of France was the meditation I
The seven treasure the feeling of the genus is the furniture warranty
The French, He's the Prime witness.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelf says:
Old children ride with Tuan code
Car decorated by the treasure
Museum of East 73 mph as snow to cover the trunk
White silk fans, rolling by jewel.
The Buddha again using the shelf responded King Produced-start-forums:
I took the Chief Justice should do good horse
Get wisdom, you do very good, private airport
Transport, dung tu Meng
I ride this bike on the unconscious captain.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelf says:
Antediluvian in Qian'an County ride-TRAC
White horse white over all
Yen diamonds adorned with seven treasures
Ride this horse go.
The Buddha used the shelf responded to your Majesty:
How many species of horse in the world
Countless world people ride it
They were the law of impermanence
Finished bars, optional ride a spirit.
King Produced the top-back-use the shelf says:
When the ancient people in the Palace
Other guards floor scene Chu Thien
Bow and arrow, spear wielding guardians
Body wear Crimson truth dread.
No one in the jungle of today's households
Yaksha, La-real police fear hung
Fun jungle ROAR scream in the darkness
Do stars in without fear.
The Buddha used the King responded to the shelves:
How many yaksha, Bhikkhu-dormitories-reviews
What kind of scary animals there
In the forest of darkness always comes back
Can't touch a fur I
Don't fear, though Lions ROAR
As the wind cannot be stop nets
As well as non-stick water Lotus
We in the world would the weapon box.
Now mass immeasurable: elders Items-hopea-, Ma-elders ha Ca-Romaine, elders Favor-long-frequency-speaker-Romaine, Na-Ca-Ca-lettuce, Romaine, Old leather-Ma-ha-Sentence-la, Hamlet-da-la, Ly-she-. sides sitting Buddha. The greater Germany by elders ascetic seclusion should not body bright, skinny slacking, ill an less fresh, pneumatics declined, and only the leather upholstery. At the time, King Recorded first-Dan white Buddha-:
-Dear World, the sitting to the right of world Religion, where they followed the renunciation of world Religion?
At the time the Buddha put the yellow arm only one Bhikkhu-stilts and stated the identity presented to King said:
-This Property is-benefits-the ECHO, this is Ma-ha-lettuce, this is the Favor-long-Ca-lettuce-speaker frequency, this is Na-Ca-topical aromatic herbs, this is Old-da Ca-Romaine, here are the pros-three-private-na, this is the Glass-Mrs. These are the great noble family in Ba-la-Ma-old country subjects-da.
King Produced-the-back asked:
-Now the sit on the left side who? From where to follow That Religion renunciation?
The Buddha told King:
-This is Ma-ha Items-hopea-contact, this is Ma-ha Ca-fried-land, this is Ma-Plain-momentum Joson ... He also owned the great nobles in Ma-elderly-da.
When King Produced-the-herd listening Buddha introduced as such, in the heart of sadness don't have fun, thinking: "I though it was great Aristocrat in pupillary-Empire-Loi, visualize maize varieties such as golden statues, one sees not bored. But is College Police clan line pupils-the Roman Empire-that to Her-la-Mon lateral is down two things most Africa. Were is the pupil-the Roman Empire-line benefit should be the noble-goods Empire-benefit most should probably around the landing. "
Think like that then, because this is the achievement, the King left the seat up back to the Imperial Palace.
55 products: human'S FAVOR-BA-GLASS
After King Produced the top-back forums-the Imperial Palace of Albright, have a pupil named Pros-ba-glass, from mass in front of come to the mother Buddha. pimp hand pupils go to Buddha. She speak:
-Advantages-ba-glass was once shaving hair for That Suen.
When that Favor-three-ly associated ingrown hair for That Suen.
Pupillary-mother three-Cup white Buddha:
-Dear World Religion, tongzi Pros-ba-glass of ingrown hair for Buddha there fella?
The Buddha told the mother of the suicide-three-cups:
-While removing hair was clean but the fuselage tongzi bowed too low. When her parents divorced Pros-ba-pupils tell the pros-three-cups:
This three-cups--, the hair removal shaving for Like, OK should bow too low causing False Religious mind disorder.
Right now the pros – three-Cup entered into Preliminary meditation.
Pupillary-mother three-glass Buddha white again:
-Germany World Religion, the Prince-three-cups have ingrown hair for That Suen has cleverly?
Instant Mother Buddha tongzi Pros-ba-glass:
-But was removing hair but at the death to lift too high.
Pupillary-mother-ly told pupils:
This three-cups--, OK to lift too high, causing the fake Religious mind disorder.
Then the pros-ba-glass type in the second Meditation.
Parents Favor-ba-glass Buddha white again:
-Germany World Religion, tongzi Pros-ba-glass of shaved hair removal has cleverly?
The Buddha told his mother to death fellow Pros-ba-glass:
-But was removing hair but breathing on too fold.
Pupillary-mother-ly with the Council:
-Removing hair for Like Lai should also not breathing in too fold, making a fake Religious mind disorder.
Sailings now Favor-ba-glass entered the third Meditation.
Pupillary-mother three-glass Buddha white again:
-Germany World Religion, tongzi Pros-ba-glass of shaved hair removal has cleverly?
The Buddha told his mother to death fellow Pros-ba-glass:
-While cleverly removing hair but breathing out too fold.
When her parents divorced Pros-ba-pupil told the Council:
-Removing hair for Like, OK should breathe out too folded so, making False Religious mind disorder.
Sailings now Favor-ba-glass type in the fourth Meditation.
At the time the Buddha the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The teacher, the teacher should hurry to take the razor blade in the hands of Pros-ba-glass, shalt not to fall to the ground. Why? Because pupils entered the fourth Meditation.
When her parents Favor-three-ly associated the knife from the same place.
When King Produced the first-arrived into herd-Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it successively, summoned all the great places and Royal Proclamation:
-This all, you need to know: Prince All-reaching-most child of the body politic if not certain will do the rotating Switch Seong khanh must serve. Now, the Prince stepped spice Loads Upper Primary, College Principals have Infinite upper Zhuan Falun over all heaven. Was Prince-the Roman Empire-line, available in gaming like gold statue, Chief of respectable people like look see, why are you using Her line people-la-Mon served as his disciple. This is true of France. Were is the Prince of the line they like Suicide-the Roman Empire-benefit must have Police-the Roman Empire-benefit they like most new French right down.
Now my Lord the King together clan Produced-the-herd:
-Dear your Majesty, Majesty, Italy today want us in advance what to do?
At the time, King Produced the top-security the herd-Like molecule:
-The person they like line, if the khanh found trendy, each family needs to have a person. Or the family they Love would have five brothers, then for three people, two people in the House. If there are four, then two people, two people in the House. If the family has three brothers, the two people, one person in the home. If the family has two brothers, a family man, a person in the home. If the family would only have a son shall not be exported. Why? Because not to stream them Like very good.
Now they like to ask the Council of Royal King Produced-start-forums:
-Dear your Majesty, if so then have to establish clear papers.
King Recorded the first-instant forums convened-and declared:
-We have spice, can anyone follow you back or not? If one wants to export his then stated his name to register.
Now there are five hundred pupils they like themselves enrolled in the Crown Prince. Five hundred pupils leave the British Club jewelry chain, this on the stem out and discuss with each other:
-Who is worthy to receive the British chain of us?
And then they think: "Pros-ba-glass from old spent long time hard serve we should Favor-three-Cup was the deserved our Club the British chain." Now all five hundred pupils were off the chain I tribe given to Pros-ba-glass. After the finish, awarding each pupil to return his family father mother to abandon.
Then the pros-ba-glass thought: "Now cấc pigment they like have remove the treasure and the British chain, if we get the user then this should not. The pupils they like big, powerful German dread has already discharge of treasure and respect sovereignty status to go home, while we export today for whatever reason without renunciation?. "
Early life he Favor-ba-glass is a Barber, saw the death of father mother to abandon. Pros-the three-Cup also left all the chain he lost was the Zi alms, Buddha, wealthy girl you feet ceremony stand to one side. After the move to one side, favor-three-white glass Buddha:
-Heal instead! The White World, please be as Buddha.
Then the Buddha allows Pros-ba-glass production and the life world Instruments. Talk about five hundred pupils they like, after coming home from his parents and associated back court ladies-first Recorded King-forums:
-Your Majesty, Majesty, now can we go to place like Religion. Crown Prince of renunciation, we should follow the Crown Prince.
King Produced-the-herd along with five hundred pupils they liked the Council come to the Buddha. To place, wealthy girl under desk and they retreat sits to one side. After an is located, King Produced the first flock of white Buddha-:-
-Dear World, heal instead of greater Germany! -The Roman Empire-line benefits should not use Her line people-la-most down around the subject, this is not true. Today That Honor should provide line-the Roman Empire-benefit return most down around the Suicide-the Roman Empire-the new benefit is a must. Now, the likes of World Religion has five hundred pupils want to stay in the Dhamma of the Spice world life Tools, please Respect. Please Respect compassion That allows them to be Specific about his life.
Now, five hundred pupils are permitted to honor the life of world spice world Instruments. You teach them the dread and facilities:
-Five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts they like, the master must to venerable Bhikkhu-ceremony, wealthy girl on stilts-ba-glass.
When a hundred years ago, wealthy girl feasts on stilts-Bhikkhu at the foot of the Buddha, Bhikkhu venerable stilts-ceremony, wealthy girl-three-Cup. Wealthy girl in class, their finishing ceremony an is located.
Now Germany World Religion told King Produced-the-herd:
-Present your Majesty should Favor-ba-glass desk, wealthy girl, then according to the second grade ceremony five hundred wealthy girl Bhikkhu-stilts.
At the time, the King heard That Religious teaching as such, Mr. sailings:
-Dear World Religion, well, shall I dare not left.
Then the King under the ceremony, wealthy girl sailings next holidays on stilts venerable Pros-Bhikkhu-three-Cup and in last year's holiday hundred wealthy girl class Bhikkhu-stilts. The King in the class is finished, the ceremony returned wealthy girl sit.
At the beauty of the World Honor bright, He said:
-Today the line they like winning himself was pleased about his noble family and shattered the arrogant about yourself.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Useful instead! The White World today, Pros-ba-glass so that Religion should be five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts they Liked and Recorded top-Majesty-Forum respect respect wealthy girl.
Listen to the Bhikkhu-stilts says so, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, favor-ba-glass not only this life thanks to Ta that is five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts they Liked and Recorded top-Majesty-Forum respect respect holidays ... The Bhikkhu-stilts, in the past, three-cups-also thanks to Him that ever was five hundred great spirit knelt and Jesus also was the King of Breaking Germany's glass palace life of the cult ceremony.
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-How does this Work, So please Respect because we bent articulates his duty career Pros-ba-glass.
Now Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We remember past times, in Three countries-la-complaint, two close friends, they are all poor despicable, no old name in society. One day, two men carrying a sharp green beans from his home off the three-dollar complaint to go to rent. Now there's a Bich-Buddha-frequent three-la-complaint.
In the early sessions, the Mural-chi Buddhist medical relief-custard, bring on the real qifu gangui. The two of you poor remote location to see this Mural-Buddha-go to, stem up y Increase-old Chile dignified neatly hand-carry, custard, rational silent slowly, looking straight, go ahead. Two people found that b. heart purity, glass-Buddha-news, downright pleased they said to each other:
-Today we poor, due to the previous life never met Irene so, rice or have met nor admire, respect, serve, donation. If then we met was Phuoc Endless rice fields of the upper bow glass knows that winning the evening seemed to be, then today we from being the miserable not property, always go for hire to Japanese magnitude. So today, we need to take a promotion to this donation for the First Green beans. If you load tho the merciful shall we escape the yoke of poverty.
Think so, they offer instant promoted green beans for Svs cult-chi-Buddha and ladies:
-False start Religious compassion please bow to receive this donation of our animals.
Flange location-chi Buddhist Compassion-two people should receive donation figures. Yes, but the Flanges-Buddha-Muslim culture want them born, only a single French is currently a spirit, there no other means. Then because of this the two of compassion, life after the donation and then, the Mural-chi-Buddha from now the ground fly up nowhere.
Now the two close friends seeing Flanges-chi-Buddha flies away in vain all the way to freely, in the center of the best wedding Festival, brimming eyes could not supply hand pieced together glass, homemade holidays, wealthy girl foot Flange location-chi-Buddha, the word of the prayer was: "today, our aspirations in life position often met professors like that or more. The teachings of the Professor says, we heard are hit and not born into the path of evil. "
Such a prayer and then, one of the two men pray: "Pray thanks to the power of Germany, located in the vast stream of often hybrid ethnic She-la, vows suit four sets the only treatise-da and know six things engineering."
With stand:
Direct primary care isn't credit
That's called rice field good Fuk
Need donation the same Buddha Rising
So thanks to see Flanges-chi-Buddha.
After the two men died, a person born in Ba-la-complaint, in-line Empire-throne successor, favor, name Violation. The second person was born as Prince in her home-la-very pure, the name is the old Pros-ba-, understand the comment. Tongzi Pros-three-old has a wife named Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca, dung nhan grace, people don't look bored, in the world no one. She was pupil of pros-three-old men love so absent in seconds then no security guy mentality.
On one day, her Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca because there is little Salve angry pupils should not speak with her husband. Tongzi Pros-three-old depressed brain gauge, lament: "today the Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca does not say anything to him, do thinh so!
After that, four months of summer is over, autumn weather to come, her Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca ladies with copper:
-Heal instead! Dear Saints, the guy should go to the fair shopping hammer the fragrant oil, chalk and wax real nice Corolla. Why so? Because the four-month fall weather has arrived, people enjoy together fun active education, we must also point to this fun page.
Tongzi Pros-three-old man heard his wife say so, glad all over body openings, Hon cannot initiate, thought: "today the Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca my wife why we suddenly talking to me?" Before that three-old-Pros have a gold money, went for the other country should lend at noon, the sun shining down on the soil, sunny chan chan, every scene like a chicken, which crested red pigment still remains out of the House to the other country to claim the debt. On the way, because the education focal pressing, take singing lessons porn guy. Where is the King of Breaking Germany not far away.
Then the King of Breaking German are napping upstairs, just wake sitting in cool, fresh air suddenly hear people infected with active exercise, the wanton song take ca. The King heard as such sailings start Education Center.
With stand:
Or because the habit is there from the previous
Or by human action scene sentiments
This is because AI infection where lust
I like the Lotus from the water.
When the King heard this Date German porn post ca, Marvel: "didn't know who this person is, in the midday sun sunny chan chan as burn like that burning craving infection, mouth singing suggestive ca?."
The King thought so and hope, through the window, far away from seeing Pros-three-old walked on the street singing under panned by noon, calls to security options:
-People are arrested mau to sing Khanh kia on here for me.
Officials heard the order, your Majesty sailings:
-Don't dare left St. just.
Officials to priority-three-old says:
This copper-, come here, come here! Today the King called him to.
Pros-three-old heard so downright fear of body construction, hair, parting the coat the brain, thought: "Now why would someone know? Don't know what error do we have with the King? This really make us forlorn!
When the great spirit lead Pros-three-old until, the King who had compassion with this person, should say the shelves:
Noon sun chan chan burn
Scenery Red crested as chicken
People are singing suggestive sexual infections ca
Why can't you see the sunshine in suffering?
The Sun unleashed rockets pervades the place
Golden sand on Earth as more hot
He passionately sings porn ca
Why can't you see the sunshine in suffering?
Now pupils-three-old used shelf my Lord King Violations in Germany:
Your Majesty, not hot today
Well how hot Japanese sky
Only the gain and loss of profit
In this gauge, the gauge is a gauge for
The sunlight but hot
This gauge in the gauge, less suffering for
All business careers
The so called downright miserable.
Now the King of Breaking Germany ask tongzi Pros-three-old:
This e-business today, said the work that goes on the road in the hot lands?
At the time of favor-three-old man submitted to the King his events as on a thorough way. King Dong Pham Duc says:
This copper-, stop, don't go. I will give you two coins (gold coins Indian party).
The King of instant cash given to pupils. Pupils receive two coins and then ask the Kings Offense in Germany:
-Heal instead! Ladies, however, are the great Kingdom for two coins, I beg your Majesty a coin again, the previous total after three coins, and then I come to the countryside and everything demanded a money, plus money for the King, all is his duty as a coin, to me along with her Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca in education team fall to enjoy life.
Pham Duc King with the pupils of the pros-three-old:
-Thou shalt not stop going. I will give you eight coins.
The King awarded money for pupils. Pros-three-old received eight coins and Mr. King:
-Heal instead! Ladies, please, your Majesty, please present the wedding Festival for me a more coins news nine coins, and then I came across the country claiming a total of ten city, more money. If so, I along with her Ma-na-ca-five pleasures of life Bhikkhu sex in this collection.
Pham Duc King with the pupils of the pros-three-old:
-OK go, today I will give you all the sixteen coins.
Instant King awarded to molecule sixteen copper coins. Pupils receive money and Mr. King:
-Heal instead! Heal instead! Dear your Majesty, you're sixteen coins for my wedding, now you give me the money into seventeen coins, and then I came across the country claiming a total of money into eighteen coins. If so, I along with her Ma-na-ca-five pleasures of life Bhikkhu.
Pham Duc King with the pupils of the pros-three-old:
-Come on, this shalt not go! We will give you a total of thirty-two coins.
Tongzi County money, Mr. King:
-Heal instead! Dear your Majesty, you're thirty-two for my Hy money, now please give me a King anymore, and then I came across the country claiming a total of the thirty four coins, along with her to the Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca enjoyment fun team.
King Dong Pham Duc says:
-Come on, this shalt not go, we now give you sixty-four coins.
When she-ba-old Pros receive money and then, back to the White House to King:
-Heals instead of your Majesty! Are you Christopher Hy, I got great place sixty-four coins. Now please your Majesty give me a coin, and then I came across the country claiming a total of the sixty-six coins to along with her Ma-na-Bhikkhu-ca enjoyment fun active exercise in the fall.
Great Offense in Germany with the Pros-three-old:
-Come on, this shalt not go! We will give thee a hundred coins.
Pros-three-old men get money, back dear King:
-Heal instead! Dear Sir, I am sorry, Mr Christopher Hy give me a hundred coins. Now please your Majesty give me a coin, and then I'm going to the other country requires a longer, for a total of one hundred and two coins. That, to me, along with her Ma-na-ca-enjoy life Bhikkhu fun active exercise in the fall.
Pham Duc King with the Pros-three-old:
-Come on, this shalt not go. We will enjoy a country-style for his reindeer.
Pupil She-la-this subject as for back as possible to take part, so often come to the King. Therefore the King chooses a fertile ban for pupils. Pupil after the hamlet and, diligently working don't know Newt, tired as servant to serve the King, up late up early, mature, things are with the King of Italy, the Italian mind straight. Served so completely from being King of the rebuke. For that reason it was pleased the King, making the King the German Offense not Hy Festival. The King then split two-for-three in san Jiang-old rule, until the King's treasure is also divided into two.
BA-la-Mon is the King of breaking the German Offense, so enjoy the full pleasures of active exercise, nothing lacking. All employment sequentially is the King of the new test was completed. When each time She-la-subjects from the home to the Imperial Palace, the King usually knee on Her thighs-la-keeper to sleep.
Later, on the day, Germany's Offense is King pillow on the thigh-three-old asleep. Pros-three-old man realized the King was asleep, suddenly arose the thought: "How can a country that has two copper King used a dread. In the treasure back nor should two people use. Now multiply the chances of breaking the German King asleep, he assassinated the King. If the successful assassination, alone we kept taking the throne, chemotherapy. "
Pros-three-old thought so then, while holding the knife, think: "the King of Breaking Germany first because we give great benefit, have split two Jiang san for we rule, all of the treasure were broken into two. If today we kill the King, the US is the invisible grace. "
The second Favor-three-old men think like this: "How did two co-creators rule a country. Two others also should not again use a treasure. "
Until the third also think so, then himself: "If I kill Kings we the invisible grace the certain sense."
When the Pros-three-old thought so, cried. Pham Duc King heard the cry echoes suddenly woke up, woke to ask the pros-three-old:
-Sir, because what the excuse that cry to?
Pros-three-old meticulously presented all his thoughts. Pham Duc King doesn't believe the old Pros-ba-so, should say:
-Three-old-This, certain he had no work. Old Pros-ba-, this shalt not say such words!
Pros-the three old ladies rush-King Violations in Germany:
-Your Majesty to believe my words. Actually I have such malevolence.
When her three-old-think again: "We are because of what that suddenly born malevolence so!" The Chief Justice of such thinking, and then successively says:
-Born evil, such work is due to the active or? Or no faction is led by the King? We should also not take this throne, nor ham worldly pleasures. Due to the work that we're born of this evil mind. I have only one thing is needed to discharge the procedure.
Pros-the three-consecutive national ladies with the King:
-Ladies, you know for, today I want to continue the discharge.
Pham Duc King told a three-old-Pros:
-It says so! We have divided the half-Jiang san for his rule, treasure is also divided into two. We are the mind, does not get the second person like you. If you spice, we aren't happy. Pros-three-old back dear King:
-Heal instead! Dear Sir, please Sir give me sex trade. I am now certain of renunciation no longer hesitated. As for my job, please your Majesty should not interfere.
Pham Duc King tell-three-old:
-You follow his liking. Early life, at the three-dollar complaint had a previous renunciation, potters, happy First, tu currently resides into this place. First human he was, big German dread in Kabbalah, can users manual overload the Sun, the moon. Now the pros – three-removing old spice hair according to this position of tu school. After producing his then, courageous and strong effort to achieve the four meditation and in Kabbalah, there are big German dread can also use hand removable Sun, moon.
Pham Duc King listen to Pros-three-old spice modern first achievement, have large German, also can dread hand removable Sun, moon. To listen so the King smiled, went on the shelf with a civil bow says:
Pros-three charity soon
That benefit big results
Heal instead! Pros-these three are body
Discharge leave of five education goes.
When the King heard the staff provides Breaking Germany say such shelf post, mind they all favor such melancholy, Council of my Lord the King:
-Your Majesty should know, that people do gambling trade, holding the sticks to qifu gangui action feed. Her killer-la-this subject has no power, so the new one. Today the Great United Kingdom should not mimic her discharge, abandoning the country.
King Date Germany had a Hairdresser named Radical-old-she-la, ever be King of love. Then the King of Breaking Germany calling for the hairdresser to protect:
This old radical--she-la, you shave the hair for me.
This word, and then successively King slept. When the King saw asleep, shaving the hair shaving sailings for the King. Finished shaving, the King remains asleep yet.
After the wake, the King told hairdresser Based-elderly-Ms-la:
-I have ordered you shave the hair for me, why don't you shave?
Heard her words, old Apartment-barbers-she-la my Lord King Violates Germany:-my Lord, God had finished shaving down. Your Majesty slept unaware.
Then the King of breaking the German mirror, find themselves have been ingrown hair and then, very glad, that protect the old radical-BA-la:
-You should receive the most abundant of the villages and are free to use.
Apartment-old barbers-she-la my Lord King Violations in Germany:
-Dear your Majesty, please let down the spirit along with the Palace's loveliest personalities in the detailed discussions have, then lower the God will answer.
He said then he cult of the King the nickname. Please freely in and out of the Palace, so the hairdresser Based-elderly-Ms-la going into the Cabinet, presented with the offer:
-Great for me very rich villages used as style hamlet. Please with commenting? Should receive or should not receive?
At the time of the late Radical-old-she said non-la:
This old radical--she-la, he received abundant villages that do! Now we can give you full gold silver, Pearl ivory. But we only thanks to him one thing, he has to do?
Radical-old-she-la question:
-The Africa of today want to protect my work?.
The Mainland said the hairdresser:
-Great every time on internal supply often say the shelves:
Pros-three charity soon
That benefit big results
Heal instead! Pros-these three are body
Discharge leave of five education goes.
When we heard the King say the article this shelves, mainland think: "E quit the throne King go." Heal instead! N y Radical-old-she-la, he went to Mr. Majesty this shelf article questions the meaning?
Radical-old-she-la rush come to the King, my Lord the King with the German Offense:
-The United Kingdom promised ban for lower spirit villages lush. Lower the spirit does not accept the idea that, just want to know why every College United Kingdom come to the front, said the post racks:
Pros-three charity soon
That benefit big results
Heal-three Priorities are changing body
Discharge leave of five education goes.
Heal instead! Ladies, please explain the meaning of the article this shelves? Down to your Majesty wishes such things.
Pham Duc Bao old Apartment-King-she-la:
-We hear from the Pros-ba-old pupils leave half the nation status that goes renunciation, the University first, have large German dread, can use the hand removable Sun, moon. We're being passionately subordinate active exercise like this, so I do First, secret, often on in the Palace read shelf.
Apartment-old barbers-she-la sailings back bow Cabinet the idea for non-runner:
This non-logistics, shalt not worry your Majesty wish to export to. Your Majesty certain today cannot.
The late heard barbers said such words, equally excited Hon openings flooded, can not, the homemade Sedum I lost points on the body and the page are Based-elderly-Ms-la:
-The British chain of this Club are for him. He didn't have to because the life that made the other careers.
Radical-old-she saw the dollar as such, arises the idea: "Pros-three-old abandoned throne half a country that seeks access to export, should the King Date Germany adore the place. No excuse because we export, to all the world adore me. If we miss the Italian afternoon, he does well. Today I quit that stuff that goes. "
Radical-old-she-la thought so then, Mainland come to the King, my Lord the King up the German Offense:
-Yes, he has given the lower spirit things like before, now God is like, things that go.
Pham Duc King asked old-she-la-Base:
-You want one spice?
Radical-old-she-la meeting:
-My Lord, did I want to follow down-three-old spice.
Pham Duc King says:
-Align-old-she-la, as he, that freedom.
At the time, Radical-old-she-la, and then go to the hair shaving himself priority-three-old, into mainland people. After producing his then, handyman, reached the quarter finals and enough meditation in Kabbalah, is the great God, the great German dread dread, can also use your hands to touch the Sun, the moon.
Pham Duc King heard after Radical-old-she-la spice, has become the first University, has great information powers, oai also had the capacity to use removable hand grab the Sun, the moon. To hear such things, could not prevent heart longing should look to the future generations, glass gaze, the King told the spirit:
Hey, shall I now want to go to the First Apartment-old human-she-la. So the khanh should go threw the same.
The God of my Lord the King:
-Great candle not to do so. Your Majesty should not come First thing provisional price. We will tell him to come to the Embassy.
King said the German Minister Pham:
-Present the khanh should not do so. The khanh shalt not say so. From ancient to present, without allowing yourself to not go to the First that referred to the forerunner to his audience. We have to go personally to the forerunner, so new right in France. Why? Because rice is the First row, the Dai Phuoc donation, we have to go there.
Now the King of Breaking Germany retrieved his ordered German dread decorated chariot along with five hundred five hundred great guardians, the departure from the three-dollar complaint goes to the first one, because like to flaunt the dread of the King.
When the First human Root-elderly-Ms-la King sightings to the remote, go to the front of the King, says:
-Heal instead! The great United Kingdom Violates the remote forestry prices here in Germany, it is useful for Greece!
At the time five hundred great resentment towards God i.e. Align-old-she-la rude words should be uttered:
-You're down, the House of prostitution for women impure, unclean must always wash the hate. Why today you dare call for great!
Then the King of breaking the German Chancellor the interrupt:
-The khanh should not speak such words. Under allow, calling for the name. Because the First person world, have great dread.
Then the King said to the shelf Date German Chancellor:
The angry First multiply this shalt Mahadevan
Chu First offense be integrity
How much their ascetic austerities
Pass the same gauge of fear
Malevolence goal except, out of guilt
No longer is the patented Hunter, Potter.
Radical-old-she-la was incompatible
Every Easter falls should call the port name
The khanh are seeing jewelry rings humiliation
Acquire the certification results first
Was in the Sun are respected
In the Sun who pass up on.
At the same the German Offense King girls in his palace at the foot of the First ceremony, wealthy girl, entertainment first, and then move to one side. Then five hundred great spirit ceremony, wealthy girl rush at the foot of the forerunner's new wealthy girl, after which the ceremony at the foot of the old radical human-First she-la, successor to the foot of the First ceremony, wealthy girl also multiply the potters.
Your Majesty the German Offense back to sit on one side then asked the consolation of the forerunner:
-The fake Religious body have been an okay healthy? Widgets for the life there difficult? Is anyone bothered?
The First human King responded to the Violations in Germany:
-So, Yes, it needs to endure. But long gaming's have an OK? All progeny of the same spirit and in the number of population in the country, all is peace?
Ask so complete, the First since the King that Muslim culture theory, causing the King Center, the growth of the wedding Festival in Germany.
Now Germany is the First Offense great personalities who made chemistry education theory, the growth of the wedding Festival in Germany, from seats stand up ceremony at the foot of the First wealthy girl entertainment and then return to the Imperial Palace.
Then the Buddha the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master if hesitant Pros-three-old at the time, then it should think of anything else, is the US today.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, if pause forerunner Apartment-old Barber-she-la's childhood, should also not think of anything else, i.e. the Pros-the three-Cup.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, or the master pause does not know is that Date German King indefinitely, then it ought to think of anything else, now Produced-the-herd.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, or the master pause not know five hundred great childhood she is God, then who should not rejoice over class think of anything else, is five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, Bhikkhu-stilts-three-ly childhood he also thanks to Him that is five hundred great spirit along King Violates Germany 24-Bai. Today also We place are five hundred Bhikkhu-stilts and King Produced-start-24-Forum ...
Now Germany World Religion the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, if one wants to know of us Stick our text on stilts-Bhikkhu, who maintained precepts. That is three-stilts-Bhikkhu-this Cup.
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts thoughts: "Pros-ba-glass front creates career, but now according to that newspaper industry born in the lower House, Barber do? What career to date according to the industry newspaper that published his world life Student Tools, proven results A-la-Han, as Future longevity: "this the Bhikkhu-stilts, Thanh Van of disciples in them, who maintained the first world is Bhikkhu-stilts-three-cups?"
The Bhikkhu-stilts thinks so, and then, to the White World Religion:
-Germany World Religion, Oldtimer Advantages-three-ly created what today's business career that quote was born in the lower House, Barber do? What career to date according to the industry newspaper that published his world life Student Tools, proven results A-la-Han, as Future longevity: "among the disciples of Ta, Bar-ba-glass is the world's first maintenance?"
Then the Buddha the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
This master we remember-Oldtimer also had in a Hairdresser, who proposed marriage to a girl, the son of a barber shop to another, with his family to the wife. Soon after the birth of a baby boy, the hairdresser suddenly ill. But the invitation to treat disease physician does not heal, so that the position he died. After the hairdresser is dead, his wife brought him the delivery boys (me) and say: "this boys is the nephew of the British side, guys. Today I bring you the traffic, guys. Guys, you have to teach me his father's apprenticeship. "
The other barbers who heard her sister say so, should receive the baby, and then my father's Barber vocational it. The barber shop is usually in the bow and the King, was the King of importance to fix the hair for the King should hardly go out to Barber.
Early life, the King granted to hairdresser a statue wearing white sex used to go there and give a golden box to stay razor and Barber tools. The King said again: "whosoever shall during the period no Buddha's birth, only the Flanges-chi-Buddha appears, like the Javan Rhino calf to go alone, I have to do the benefit."
At that, a Mural-Buddha-hair beard, nails are long, go to edit out the hair, says:
-Heal instead! This gentle, please multiply hair removing fake for me.
Shaving hair Hunter responded:
-Heal instead! Great first, so if you'd like, please wait until tomorrow morning, come here I would shave the hair for.
The fake religious Mural-Buddha-heard so return sailings. Through the night, waking up tomorrow morning, the medical relief, bringing the average Bowl back home the high hair, Hunter says:
-Heal instead! This gentle craft, today human dummy please shave the hair for me.
Then the Barber-Buddha-white again:
-Heal instead! Great first, so if you'd like, please wait until the afternoon, I'll shave hair for.
So, that day, when the Sun fell on the West, the forerunner back again place the hairdresser. Hairdresser says:
-Please wait till morning.
So, tomorrow morning, First multiply back to the hairdresser. The hairdresser says:
-Please wait until the afternoon.
As such, the morning nor the afternoon, hair shaved nor shaved hair.
When he found the position Flanges-chi-Buddha, or in the early morning to afternoon or cool, to consecutive day, as such, should respect the position pupils Flanges-chi-Buddha:
-Dear fake Religious Mural-chi-Buddha, for whatever reason in the early morning and afternoon coolness always coming here?
Flange location-chi-Buddha full narrative of what fits for pupils. Tongzi ladies First:
-You I won't shave for the First human hair. Why? Because of you I his be series, due out in the Palace of the King should be born his port side. I would shave the hair for him.
Instant hair shaving for the First pupil. Now the fake Religious Mural-chi-Buddha thought: "Now this fellow created great merit, we need for the show of the German market." Think so, this fake Security Council:
-This pigment, if you know should take my hair, produced after this will bring about great benefits for you.
Say so then, just as the swallows the Lord extended wings, the Mural-chi-Buddha's spirit power, applied bay rocketed up that goes nowhere.
When her pupil's hair-gatherers produced genus-Buddha to over the shoulder and then towards bringing Buddha-mind-purity, prayer, ceremony, wealthy girl hand pieced together: "The prayer life of the hybrid position will encounter was fake-Flange-like Buddha or beyond, the tenets of That Religion to say the vows were mau knows all. Back to life after the prayer not born into the evil leader. The eternal vow again fuck fuck do barbers. Because rice blessed so well seems to worship the false way.
Now where's the count officials serve on either side the King is on the Court in the civil power, forestry, were seen positioning Flange-chi-Buddha flies away in vain. God pants found that instant my Lord:
-Today there bodes true interests hope, hard to be such a body. Today in rice paddy water blessed advent.
Then the King to lift the face seen-chi-Buddha Mural unit so severely protected sailings:
-Who would shave beard hair removal for Flanges-chi-Buddha will be many benefits.
This hair for the King at that instant is standing next to my Lord the King:
The main down-I was removing hair for human Immortals, also has anyone?
Do you hear yourself saying pupillary response like that, with my Lord the King come to the Mainland.
-Dear your Majesty, your Majesty knows, just then her say the word lie is not real. Not shaving her hair for the First. Little things like that, but also lie we shave hair for First. In fact, the hair removal shaving for the First child.
Now the hair doctor King's rebuke of copper:
-Phew! Foolish guys! What power do you shave the hair for First?
The time pupils take the hair of the human spirit to give out the First see and say:
-This is my First human hair, now I bring here, please see the for!
When the King saw him, angry repairmen name hair yourself.
-Phew! Foolish guys! You're in the right, we have such a power, because what excuse lying to me? You lick out of the water, not in the border country.
The King to reclaim the white statue along the then phong lộc Barber tools for copper and confer:
-From now on, khanh always fix hair and nails feet.
Pupil my Lord the King:
-Yes your Majesty command! Lower left no word. From now on, lower the spirit always fix hair and nails to your Majesty.
Because the Germany ingrown hair for Flanges-chi-Buddha, tongzi depending on longevity in life, after death, eternal shit shit not born evil, often through back in the Sun. And then life after born in the three-dollar complaint, where home hairdresser, visualize maize, cute, viewers see not bored. Pupils are his parents nurtured, gradually grew, career accomplishments.
Her childhood in Germany, the World Religious As Lai, Chief Cult Chief Ca-increasing sense of Equal birth, making the Professor Thinks the application, the Chief Justice Turned to the voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, the Sphinx, the Buddhist World Religion.
Now Happy That Accrues Net German Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds Ca-Romaine was reversible, Zhuan Falun was a full prayer life along the French, are claiming to be the wife of Thy dark intelligence Ranks win, setting up the Court, to bring the chemistry teacher flowers to Venture an infinite amount of hundreds of thousands of sentient memory put on charity.
Buddha's childhood Ca-van lettuce two of them dwell in copper Garden on stilts-Bhikkhu Nai, is the accommodation of human life First before Jesus, part three-la-complaint. Now the father of the hairdresser often to Nai hair shaving for the Bhikkhu-stilts. Thus the pupil are together with my father going to the Elderly. When the Bhikkhu-stilts theory or sermon, the Prince saw the people were allowed to listen to France. But until then the law read see hear, someone not to be heard. When he asked the pupil teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-Why all the Dhamma is the language by which the charity has found the person to be heard, to have people not heard? Note that like?
The Bhikkhu-stilts for pupils:
This is law, Council-France of secret Bhikkhu-stilts. If people do not yet tho about sufficiency Tool then won't be heard.
Pupils listen to say so, regretfully, thinking: "I must do soon to be able to hear this precious organ Act?"
later, when mature, the Prince to a lawyer pleading renunciation, be Specific about student life, by learning where the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts maintenance and litigation law, grounded in France that austerities. Yet but he is still not proof position is position. Later, the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts Lam trong disease, is in bed, when the dying prayer again: "Germany As Lai-Romaine That Infinite Respect Upper Primary Sensory Class a Primary disciple Bo-slapped named Households, was Buddha Ca-life: aromatic herbs" in future, when human life expectancy a tr m will be the Buddha as Love-ca As Chief Justice Chief Justice College Religious Afterlife. " I now pray on future life he met Buddha. If prayer facility, I was like in his French spice tho Please also about Tools. With regard to the maintenance of the disciples in the Religious World, I was the first, as my venerable nowadays for every disciple of Buddha law maintenance Ca-Romaine, my Teacher is paramount. I also, in the Dhamma of the Buddha-ca, is the first in his law maintenance disciples. "
When the Bhikkhu-stilts she then died, later born to heaven today, fuselage reincarnation in the family barbers in Ba-la-complaint, the name is Favor-ba-glass, i.e. This taste.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, if the master pause about pupil at the Barber then shalt not have thought anything else, the main Advantages-ba-glass. Oldtimer, favor-ba-glass hair shaving for Flanges-chi-Buddha was: "I am the eternal prayer shit shit, if do a body often born in house hairdresser." The position at which he vows: "I pray not born in evil." Due to the strength of voluntary release results because he should from then to now is not born in the evil, just born in the Sun and the people, enjoy many happy, now has such benefits.
Does prayer position: ' I pray in my lifetime the position often met Professor Max win that way. The Dhamma of a Professor just taught, I pray quickly clear evidence to know. " Because of this, today's newspaper industry Pros-ba-glass meet, religion Professor, was his student, Stuff about life result and A-la-Han.
Back then, the erstwhile in the Dhamma As Lai Ca-Romaine "I pray prayer played in his life to meet hybrid positioning Germany As Hybrids Like-ca. If the renunciation, in every disciple of our Lord, maintenance is on top. " Thanks to the newspaper industry's position today in the Dhamma of me..., in the maintenance of the disciples, the position is more about maintenance on stilts-Bhikkhu.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, favor-three-ly in the past period has created career so far bitten born in house hairdresser. So does prayer play coast again, today was bitten in the Dhamma, was my life until about Student Tools, proven results A-la-Han. Now us tho. "In every disciple of maintenance, Pros-three-Cup is the world's first Maintenance ranks."
56 products: human CHARM of LA-almost-LA
On one day, the King Produced the first flock of white Buddha-:-
-Germany World Religion, Germany World Religion and mass tomorrow morning to receive the donation my Sanskrit boy.
Germany, the world Religious silence. King Produced-the-herd seeing silent Buddha accepted, left seat, stood up at the foot of the Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl, interference and from round around the three give off about.
When the King arrived at the Palace that night, right in the Cabinet ordered the food shopping, dining American wages. After the shopping continues, through the night, the sun light to medium, sprinkle soy source for the King country, sweeping, the ceiling set and King for messengers go sometimes World Religion:
-Germany World Religion, came to life now boys, animal food shopping this page in full. So please Respect the mass and bent quang Lam.
Then the Sun in the East, Germany World average, bringing medical relief Respect Bowl, He went with a mass following, and stilts-Bhikkhu to inner court Produced-the-herd. To where, the Court has sat on Religion available, also the Bhikkhu-stilts as France, Monday that security is located.
Your Majesty-early-Recorded forums see the Buddha and the sitting mass is complete, the King hand bring us wages high enough food to Buddha and consecrate, make all are satisfied just Italy. See the Buddha and finished eating and had mass take-custard, wash the King caught a small couch sitting next to Buddha , Bach:
-World Vision please bow to teach me. Pray That Religious, steps Charity Was education for us, for we are many benefits long-term peace.
Now Germany World Religion dear to the United Kingdom Produced-start-forums:
-Gentlemen, if today you know time, should not ignore these things listening to France, should also often asked to visit the Bhikkhu-stilts. Before long, your Majesty will witness the fruits up to win.
Now Germany That used chemical education means Religious preaching of France led the top-League forums-Recorded King, mind very stand up, and then the wedding Festival from retired back to the Imperial Palace.
In other Property-benefits-thanks when the echo that the United Kingdom was pure label and the French result Tu-da-done. When the Net was Sanskrit, the King of France, the French, have entered the French, have crossed the mind, facilities no longer or no longer fears, doubts about the French no longer other almond, all known evidence, King sailings go to Buddha and Bach:
-Heal instead! The White World Religion, leaned him for me, tho export discharge about Stuff.
Now Germany World number-basic Respect the King, in the discharge of his Dhamma export countries are the ultimate French victory or not? Then Germany World Religious thinking himself said: "the United Kingdom Produced the first-flush not-export, also could not prove to be the ultimate French victory."
Buddha Cafe know so yes, sailings told the King:
-Your Majesty, if today your Majesty knows, should just stay home to do the free alms, created the blessed career.
The next day, the wife of Ma-ha-Ba-ba-theme SOAP back sometimes the Buddha and our donation Meridian Sanskrit ..., are full.
Until Tuesday, the bereaved found in Africa in the first arc back sometimes the Buddha and our donation Hai Hao paint ..., all of which are full.
Come on Wednesday, in the second petition in Buddha and our donation percentage of American food, things are full.
Talk about La-almost-la, after Lai was published As six years, La-most new dollar. When turning on, the Imperial Palace Like at La-almost-la was six years old. When such as Lai reached into Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, the mother of La-la-most think this: "because the Ancient La-most of which we suffer humiliation, to family we have to clear up the matter to prove ourselves clean. Therefore, we must resolutely Buddhist mass and sometimes sweet and sometimes also Sanskrit donation Royal family attend to this. " Da-du-da-la thought so then, the next morning sailings for messengers to sometimes Buddha, Bach:
-Germany World Religion, all foods are shopping this page in full. Please know for.
And she also occasionally sent all progeny in the Royal family to attend the meeting.
Soon, when the Sun is still in the East, Germany As Lai bình, carrying medical relief bowls along with them the great Bhikkhu-stilts a thousand two hundred and fifty. He led the mass, take the two parties, and to the King. The Buddha and the true mass as France in the class sitting on the Court have set ceilings available.
Now her Da-du-da-la do a round tablet, named the College Hy, and her festival called La-almost to the dollar, put it in the hands of La-almost-la and said:
-This Mule-almost-la, you come in we would see your stilts-Bhikkhu is the father of your child, then take the donation of this Hy Festival Park.
She Da-du-da-la back ladies with alluring in:
-La-almost-la go in search of his father.
When that La-la-most holding staff Hy Festival go see all Bhikkhu-stilts and then go straight to the Buddha, Buddha with transparency:
-Happy to change the shade of Sa-this subject! Happy to change the shade of Sa-this subject!
Now the great United Kingdom Produced the first flock of white Buddha-:-
-Germany World Religion, how does this work? For this Da-du-da-la guilty?
At the time of world Religion dear your Majesty Produced-the-herd:
-Dear your Majesty, Majesty, today shalt not such facilities. For this, the Da-du-da-la not guilty. La-almost-la, just because the truth is due to previous coast should prevent the industry must stay in the thai mother of six years.
Great head-and-Produced progeny in listening to the Buddha said so, all excited around the fuselage openings Hon. People hand carry food drink taste America surges for the Buddha and Bhikkhu-stilts. When the Buddha and mass catering, handwash and custard is done, all of the Royal family who each experience a small court sitting around, towards the Buddha.
Now the great United Kingdom Produced the first-due because the flock-respect the Buddha should not ask questions about Buddha, which Bach them Bhikkhu-stilts.
-Bow please master ladies ask the Buddha of the past coast of La-almost-la and Da-du-da-la has created human industry?
The Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, La-almost-la t o industry entertainment? Do what the newspaper industry in the pregnant mother six years? White Germany World Religion, Da-du-da-la created human industry that pregnancy to six years?
Germany, the world religious affiliation the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We remember about the past is immeasurable. Early life he had a king named Nucleus, in Her line-la-keeper, gave birth to Prince: two adults named Japan, who is under the name is Moon. The great Prince does not like the world, Italy would like to export. And then over time soon, King Nucleus complacent life span, died. After the King's death, and then, two Japanese Prince, Moon throne, the British told the children: "I got to be King, seized the main, national rule."
Who are you telling people: "He must be King, embrace the politics, to rule the country."
Japanese Prince told Prince Yue: "I must be King, and you will continue to discharge."
Prince Yue back dear to him: "You are bigger, the throne of England, is not about me."
Japanese Prince said with Prince Yue: "Chums get the throne, before the French do?"
Prince Yue responded: "before the ban orders."
Japanese Prince asked: "if people violate the signal will belong to what?"
Prince Yue back responded: "the need to punish felonies."
Japanese Prince asked Prince Yue: "based on moral, procceed as King, but now we're bringing This throne given to me, I have to do, because we want to continue the discharge."
When he brought the Japanese Prince throne given to Prince, and then discharge export, search the way tu school. How many progeny in the Prince of Japan under Prince go.
Now position the Japanese human thinking: "today the people have followed me home, we do export the master who should we must diligently study, industry leaders than overhaul them." OK, so First think entertainment broadcast prayer falls lyrics: "We pray that this stems from now if not for the animals is not retrieved, to drinking water and rub the teeth."
On the other day, the First Japanese workers forget prayer, self taken using plant roots, herbs and fruits that people not to. The other day, at night, First multiply the thirsty, see Turkish water of people next to your bathwater is thought, should get a drink. When the owner found his dry new water tank asked: "who was taking water in Turkish? This is accommodation of bandits, not accommodation of human First. "
Now the Japanese have found drinking water forerunner of his water-filled tubs on the side, the other associated with the Sir tank: "I was wrong should have a drink of the fake, because for is my bathwater." First thing said to Japanese workers First: "If the First human drinking, that's good, I'm very excited."
When her First Japanese Chief of human thinking mind: "We had left erstwhile oath, is the real thing. Such action is not the France of human First. Why today for the fruits, herbs, roots, people don't let that get used? Why take water of other people that drink? " Because of this First human events upset not funny, melancholy priority brain, squatting on the land Chief of the mind to think, Europe about this melancholy. At the tongzi Sami's First Japanese personnel to go to the foot of the First ceremony, wealthy girl, served as the Church of France. First multiply the tongzi disciple: "this fellow, today onwards not so wealthy girl me. Why so? Because today we had become thieves. " The pupil asked First: "venerable Sir, how would that work?"
Japanese workers say his first: "this fellow, the people have to know, I've taken the use of fruit, herbs, plant roots are not for someone else, get the country of people that drink."
Speaking first, then, as the pupil of Bach: "the rush should not say so. All of these formal dining that are all of the venerable. "
First Japanese workers say the same: "The people must know, such things are people for that job, not yourself. For herbs, berries, roots and water in Turkish, not for that we get used, so we have to be the aggressors. Therefore, he must punish sin as we treat the aggressors. "
The pupils are human: "our First Ladies did not dare treat the crime of venerable. I now venerable King utriusque countries, such as France chemotherapy, until this frontier, certain children venerable venerable punishment can be. "
He First arrived at human Semicircular Palace, United Kingdom. Lunar Eclipse at the United Kingdom heard this already, know that Japanese personnel should come First for four army out into ready nghinh. When the First Japanese workers arrived, Yue Wang, wealthy girl under desk. When her First Japanese staff told Wang Yue: "come on, don't be under my desk, wealthy girl. Why is that? Because I is now the name of the aggressors. Please your Majesty Sin fine treatment as punishment the aggressors. "
Then the King asked the United Kingdom parent First Japanese workers: "today the Scriptures as the aggressors?"
First multiply the response: "your Majesty must know, when I place a quiet wooded austerities stick away, for the fruits, roots, herbs and water, not for other people that own use."
Dai Wang Yue so heard, lamenting the coat of warm memories, brain, rụa, til tears thinking this: "Germany's First duty personnel ever pure without sin, why today again guilty of value for value fine!"
Such thinking then, King said "the forerunner forerunner was allowed to take the fruits, roots, herbs, including drinking water ... freely retrieved. Therefore, the objects that are used have taken the forerunner's vast first should not, aggressors, should not treat the fine. "
Now the Japanese say Moon fairy King United Kingdom: "this new Order issued today, not before."
The King "When you ban this command pertains to the throne:" we're alms for Sa, Ba-la-Mon grass and water plants, disposal. " Thus, the first non-aggressors, how do I treat fine! ''
The first King said: "or instead! Hey, today we have created real friendly, self thought crime-crime cannot be objective, we have other people's drinking water. So to me as punishment great value not other aggressors. "
At the time the Nguyet United Kingdom had a grandson is in. Her position with the United Kingdom, Sir: "ladies, First multiply decided guilty, shalt not to human brain of Austria upset First."
Yue United Kingdom ladies with forerunner: "if so, the First human will into in the garden of worry."
When ordered in the garden and on the first, the King of instant forgetting not to remember. Until six days after the new Moon, recalls the unpressurized United Kingdom rush to call the spirit: "this may, at First in the Garden have out yet?"
Ask the genie pants: "ladies and gentlemen, the First human King still in the garden."
At the time the Nguyet United Kingdom ordered the release of all prisoners in the country, including the flying birds fun run, but especially the human First are invited to stay in the high-wage food donation to America. King said: "Please, Mr. University first Leaned arbitrary."
After the First human King, then drop no peace of mind, said: "I am guilty for this First. Due to this we First guilty. "
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-If anyone uncertain childhood she is now the Japanese first King who would, should think of anything else, it is us today.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, if anybody is hesitant Moon's childhood is now the United Kingdom who would never think of anything else, should, i.e. La-most of this dollar. Because by confining the grounds in the first coast six days in the newspaper industry should bear in mind the brain suffered immeasurable mortal agony. By then, the quote back to balance in the pregnant mother for six years.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, I remember Oldtimer immeasurable experience, farmers have a beef herd. The wife of the owner bring the cows a daughter go to the milking cows stay in two tanks. The wrong mother daughter carries a large vase, also small vase I bring. When halfway, the mother told her daughter: "you, this section of the road full of dangers, most notably fear." Daughter dear to his mother: "this pot too heavy, how can I go?!" The mother keep saying that up to two-three times: "you, the road has a lot of terror!"
The girl at the time thinking: "why tell us the team retrieved the jar too heavy, back end of exercise go faster?" Therefore, the angry daughter desperate to parents: "Parents can bring households always take this milk Binh bowel moments."
The mother got both big milk Binh that carry away, the girl slowly followed. At the time the mother brings both heavy milk goes to six questions-plot-XA.
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-If the master pause angry daughter, wrong parents bring heavy bottle away in six sentences-plot-is the present, does anyone else think it is her, they like Da-du-da-la. Her childhood she was wrong his mother brought the bottle to go heavy on the ramp six questions-plot-XA. Due to her newspaper career, in mortal mind brain suffered immeasurable suffering. Due to balance career, today a six-year pregnancy.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, all industry report doesn't do naturally take, which according to professional life, then returned to evil.
Therefore, the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, to abandon the evil business by Italian exporters. why hull? Because the human body where the evil charm password. The master we have seen the results of such evil report, should the master need to overhaul the charity industry.
Now Germany That Respect for the King and Royal family, whose Sanskrit Translational commendations, a French Catholic culture magic led the King to be the wedding Festival. Then leave the Religious Court, returned to their accommodations.
At the Da-du-da-la told La-almost-la go to parties That Respect, That Honor awarded. At the time La-almost-la escort, Buddha walked says:
-Apply Sa-subjects awarded to the child! Please Sa-awarded for his subjects.
Then Germany World Ton inserted fingers for La-la-La, holding almost-almost-la holding Buddha finger go in a party. When Germany World Religion bring La-almost-la about to quiet forests, Property-benefits-call prospects to develop:
-Property-benefits-This echo, the master brought La-almost-la for it.
Benefits-echo white Buddha-XA:
-Please follow the word of the Buddha.
Dormitories-benefits-to develop obedience to the Buddha, for La-almost-la. At Germany World Religion because of the Bhikkhu-built on stilts all spaces. La-la-almost delighted to be banned, according to French health expectancy that well kept. The reason why? Because the Dhamma to adapt. Benefits-as the echo-amnesty only taught by the Buddha, well ordered only teach La-almost-la.
Time, how many men are Chief e-credit friendly, Chief Justice. Why? Because they want to export his tu Pham, Director of wireless bridge. They are benefits, get to know the French. Certified self know, they self initiator up: "These were ceased, Pham has finished, the work done, no longer dear life." La-almost-la also, testimony taken, self was Chief of the rescue. World Religion associated press credentials:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts must know, in every disciple of maintenance, text Bar La-almost-la is above all.
(Above is the theory of the Ministry sent Ma-ha-States).
The Ministry dispatched Ca-lettuce-only then said:
When King first-edit shopping forums-Produced food is complete, calls the progeny belonging within the Palace and out l nh for them:
Hey Mahadeva, not one who told La-almost-la know that Religion is the father of it.
Why? Because the King feared La-almost-la know will according to my father.
In the night's King complete repair shop for Sanskrit Net the high American wages drinking dishes. The next morning, when the Sun has just set the ceiling for the Court, sat, sai who put together the most of La-la tongzi women play out in the forest A-gain-ca and simultaneously for the emissary to the white Buddha:
-Noon son arrived, formal dining has taken measures, please That Respect know for.
At the Sun in the East, the Ton up y, bringing the average bat to go ahead, and the Bhikkhu-stilts Entourage followed, go to the Palace of King Produced-the-herd. To the place, sitting in class presentation available.
La-almost-la and his colleagues found the girl said that the anarchy laughs playing, née model also does not stop. Them together laughing playing, away from the forest A-gain-ca gradually into the Palace of the King. We find That Religion and mass-wealthy girl holiday sailings on stilts Bhikkhu. Finish ceremony, wealthy girl rush upstairs terrace. Mom La-most have stood here. She found That the dominant religion, the body hair removal shaving up ca-sa, the sadness, the tears.
With stand:
The new line was King and wife Love
Her name was called Du-da-la
See the husband under General spice guys
Sad crying mind brain coat.
Then La-almost-la mother:
-Dear Marian, why the sad mother cried so?
Da-du-da-la told La-almost-la:
-Woman NET gold in them Sa-Mon is the father of the child.
La-most again asked his mother:
-False since children born to this day, I've never thought of, why now suddenly found peace.
La-almost-la say, from upstairs rushes down towards the Buddha, and then crawl away in the tie y. Then the Bhikkhu-stilts like to prevent. The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, This should prevent it, so that it stood on in y.
See the Buddha and they Increase in the class sit completed, King Recorded first-hand his flock-carry the paint feed Hai Hao, to consecrate the Buddha and the monks ... all are full-life son.
When Germany World Religion and food, washing hand washing is completed. The King brought a small chair to sit a party of world Religion. World Religion because of the great United Kingdom mainland say bless:
Religious, fire above all
The shelves, riveted over most of
The human species, the King above all
The rivers, the sea above all
The stars, the Moon above all
In the morning, the Sun more than most.
On the bottom and the four directions
How many types of beings
Sun species or human
Headless Buddha is over.
Now Germany World Religion because of Net finished shelf, speaking Sanskrit King left the seat himself at about.
After that, King Produced-the-herd going around that this check is everything. At the time La-almost-la went by That, when out of the Palace to go on. What Ton inserted fingers for La-la-most holding, then on half Dollars-almost-la felt peaceful, pleasant, like the rope tying the legs of birds, could not leave. La-almost-la Lady on her World so Religious, together go to the jungle Ni-da sentence.
Now Germany World Religion asked La-almost-la:
-La-almost-la, you can follow That renunciation is not Religious?
La-almost-la meeting:
-In Germany, the World Religious truth can export countries.
World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
We now want to give La-most exhaust, export dollar Property-benefits-the echo do invited venerable.
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts thoughts: "German Old World Religion often teaches us, if not twenty years who are not gender Specific, but life far La-almost-la new age fifteen, we should base the word of Buddha erstwhile that do, or would do." Because there are such thoughts, they bring this up white Buddha.
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, must know fifteen that are exported, can only do Sa-di.
The Bhikkhu-stilts are OK, just teach Buddha sailings for La-almost-la spice, Property requirements-benefits-the ECHO made venerable.
When the great United Kingdom Produced the first-World and Religious inclusion Forum-Bhikkhu-stilts along the nostalgic in out on, and then sat on the dining table. The King left the security guards:
-The khanh tell La-almost-la came along with us.
Then guards officers searched all over the place that don't see La-almost-la, your full return sailings to the King:
-Ladies, lower spirit find La-almost-la, now don't know where pupils?
Great head-back-Produced said:
-The Garden A-gain to Mahalakshmi-ca and in the bow. Should search in the place.
The guards officers immediately went to the garden A-gain-ca and in the bow, but also not find La-almost-la anywhere should my Lord the King:
-Yes, I find it down without notice.
Great first-instant forums-Produced said:
-The mau forest to Mahadeva-sentence-da, perhaps bringing Respect, give it spice should it go like that?
When the guards heard the King's Ordinance so hurried away to the jungle Ni-c u-momentum, looking everywhere to see La-almost-la was That Respect for. Thus, they hurry to run back to ask King Produced-the-herd:
-Your Majesty must know, now La-almost-la was Germany That mutual respect for the renunciation.
Net great Sanskrit sounded so, dive to the ground falls dead dream sailings, seconds long province, rushed out of the city, go to the jungle Ni-da sentence. To the place where the King's wealthy girl, 24-foot Buddha, sitting on one side, the white Buddha:
-Dear World, the old World Religion at home also when, the math teacher She-la-subjects have ever predicted ' "If That Religion in his will the London Transfer of Saints." Today the World Religion has continued discharging spice, spice world Cost, I think: "the Coming succession for Nan-da". Then again the Religious teachings That Nan-da. After Nan-da renunciation right, I think: "Will order A-nan-da throne successor." After being World Religion led away. After A-nan-da renunciation right, I think: "Need to order A-na-law succeeded the throne." After being World Religion led away. After A-na-family law and then, I think: "Three-title-benefits-ca will throne." After being World Religion take away. To date, the only expectation where La-almost-la, will award the throne for it, it was So Venerated that lead away. World Religion leads La-almost-la go such renunciation, curb racial segment is my King?
Again, my World Religion, not as such, but also in relation to the children, nabagesera spectacle to flesh, tendons to bone marrow core. So, please Respect That from now on after the building conditions like this: "anyone want to export my Bhikkhu-stilts, to teach them the permission to the parents. If the parents agree and then allow. "
Now Germany World Religion dear your Majesty Produced-the-herd.
-We do not left the same. I teach them to do this.
Say the word so Religious that because Net teaching Sanskrit meaning the King of France to the King are increased power, dread, the wedding made the King more wedding Festival. When King Produced the first wedding and Festival forums--, leaving the seat, the foot of the Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl, then ring around the three interference from Ta That Religion back to the Imperial Palace.
Now Germany World Religion because of this coast workers gather on stilts-and said: Bhikkhu
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, the master must know, do me favour parents very difficult. Why? The parents do the hard thing to do, to introduce for the life, nurture the warm to the birth, and breastfeeding mớm, raised the people. So the master from now onwards, if good faith South women's credit would beg spice, before having to teach them to ask permission, then parents new to exporting countries. If the parents agree, the master would speed their countries, then as that process. Henceforward We created regulation like this: When people come to beg, to ask them before export: "parents who left or lose?" If he answers: "my parents are still alive today." Ask: "his parents had given him spice?" on the La-almost-la, has a different theory:
-Or are speaking like this: La-almost-two years after the birth of la, Bo-slapped, new ascetic seclusion for six years, after the new leader.
Or have the novel says: Bo-slapped after the seven year leaders then returned to Ca-Bhikkhu-la, downloads as above. Usually the dogma says La-almost-la spice in fifteen years.
Or have the novel says: Di model Ma-ha-Ba-ba-Bo found SOAP-slapped export countries, should favor stonework of the brain, called upon to cry sad, two blind eyes. But when Dude slapped into Infinite Respect That Buddha-Upper Chief Justice Chief Justice College, twelve years later, because the Buddha want to show mercy in this attractive should return the new Ca-Bhikkhu-la. At the time, Recorded the first-Dan-great pioneer, with all of the guardians Palace in the charming surrounding. As such, all races they like include nine thousand nine thousand people contract until Buddha.
Now Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-the copper scroll this, come to the Buddha to meet La-almost-la. At the same time on two Hybrid Germany as Kabbalah. Ms. Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-di to hear other people say: "Now the son she embodied the spirit of pine, the spirit that is: Half the above fire Launcher, half the body beneath the spray of cold water..." She sounded so awfully excited Hon openings flooded whole body cannot initiate, should go to the glass, to the place where Buddha Buddhist ceremony, take water from the Buddha-body spray, sprinkle soy source on himself and wash his face.
Now Germany World Religion because of the compassion Ma-ha-SOAP-three-title, making her body feeling pleasure, her blind eyes were immediately clear than before, so for more respect for Buddha. Then the Bhikkhu-stilts back the white Buddha:
-Useful instead! The White World Religion, why today Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-di, that Religious melancholy, sad crying brain favor blind two eyes. Now back to the Entertainment World, her eyes are clear?
Now, Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-not just a lifetime, this move because we're sad crying two blind eyes; well for me that the eyes are clear. In the past life that sad, because I also cried two blind eyes; After the human eye, also was back.
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-World Religion, how does this work? Please Respect Art World!
Now Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
This master we remember-Oldtimer, very long ago, near the village of excuses in the Ca-water competition, there is a hill called wrath-galleries-old. The South side of the mountain has a forest of trees, the number to ten thousand kinds, lush fruit, dense foliage, from far sighted as the Green cloud, in the forest there are many outdoor shower mist that adorn the forest. This vast forest, very quiet.
(Speaking of wrath-forest features Have-in the old three-la-complaint)
Early life, the forest has a herd of elephants, an elephant born elephants, very nice shape, no look bored. This baby elephant nõn white skin, full ivory pure black shades early, six, like Human Bird-da-la-CU-ba, seven genera land. Elephant was raised soon became a huge elephant. This big elephant life as France, positive parental fondness. Every time the big elephant has been the food such as fruits, leaves, roots first and foremost respect donation to parents, parents of feasting and then it's dinner.
One day, the big elephant walk around, feed the fruit drink. Casually hordes of hunters see, they think: "this is not the big elephant can often ride. Only the great United Kingdom Violates Germany's new ride may be. " Payment instant hunters go to the Imperial Palace, where the Dragon platform, ask King Violates Germany: "my Lord, I beg you to know for, in a forest of excuses have an elephant God imagine beautiful, cute, white skin nõn, ivory black, six full as early birds Multiplied-da-la-CU-ba, seven genera land. According to the place of Xia noticed this elephant gods, only your Majesty ride was only. If Italy's wish should give people caught elephants to elephant which, led to the master view. "
Then the King of breaking the German claim to the elephants, who said: "shall I hear tells: there was an elephant full Lord six ivory beautiful body, cute, viewers don't know bored ... seven genera are ground. The khanh to mau that this God elephant starts to bring him, shalt not so delay making it go away. "
Those who catch the elephants hear King's Decree Violates Germany as such, associated my Lord: "as the word of the master taught, lower left no command."
They associated the leather rope enough shopping and then go to the accommodation of the elephant God, stop paying attention to the art of making elephant God. They use the skin of elephant God and guides take column for King Offense in Germany.
Pham Duc King from far see the elephant who leads the elephant God coming to the place, because excited should stand out to receive. The King said: "Rapture instead are enormous elephants and cutting boards so beautiful! Rapture instead are enormous elephants and cutting boards so beautiful! "
Now the King personally feed the elephants. All the food what elephants can eat, the King of all care for eating. Yet that elephant God left a thin, thin, often ROAR and moaning, crying tears sad forever. Great Offense in Germany saw the elephants skinny and sick terrible, sad crying such movement rate, should go to the front of the elephants, "I brought hand pieced together all delicious food supply to serve you, not skin nourishing body meat, in contrast, thin thin, sharp force is decreasing, the sick skinny. I see you like that, so don't worry. We have given you, the centres provide food, foster care not one bit left, for whatever reason you are not happy? What do you want now, we give to you are Hy. "
Elephant God dear King Violations in Germany: "I would like to present an article, to the great United Kingdom wedding Festival."
When the King heard the elephant God says so, very little sudhanshu, Hy was there, thinking this: "this is hope. This God elephant speak! " Thought so then, the King said: "this elephant God, things that you said I tell you, the wedding Festival."
Now ask the Lord the King of elephants Violates Germany: ' your Majesty, must know where the forest there I also have elderly parents in jewelry in it. I thought: before your Majesty has not been caught on, I remember when ever I eat first and then the parents eat later, drinking water, too. I consecrate my parents eat first, and then after that I eat. Today I think: I am getting the nourishment, providing all the food not the deficiency, but my parents became so lonely in the forest, bear much of the suffering. Because not be near my parents so I favor such brain gauge, melancholy cheer. "
Pham Duc King heard as such, too, was the unprecedented King of thinking: "this is hope, do! In the human species is also hard work, so why was God so elephants? " Think it, the King said the statue of United Kingdom: "this elephant God, we would rather order confinement in prison labor, rather than dare cause turbulence for guys keeping precepts magic, extra nutrients according to the model of the French fondness."
The King said to the elephant Lord: "this elephant God, we drop you back to your parents, bring food, foster parents, arbitrary epicurean."
When the elephant drop, King said the shelves:
Elephant God freely present return
Foster parents Shun hospitality offers
I would rather exhaust body networks
With you, I don't cause turbulence.
After the elephant God is the King of Breaking Germany drop out, the times of the old forest area. The elephant's child lost his mother during his childhood, melancholy, sad crying ROAR carpet set, so blind in both eyes. Because blind eyes, from mother elephant should his recovery time in going around it, to the other methods. Until the elephant God when back home, looking for his mother but didn't know where. Do not see the mother elephant should God, the Dragons ROAR. The mother elephant to hear such a noise, which is raising your child should cry sad dragons. Elephant God hear my mother calling for, rush towards the cries to go to. Elephant God saw his mother standing rested on the banks of the pond. To my mother standing on the Bank, elephant God into the pond of water, used water-filled hose up from the pond mind, happy Hon openings flooded, can not. Elephant God brought the water to the sprinkler, bathing for his mother. When the elephant mother was elephant bathing water to bring the body, the eyes suddenly lit up brighter than the old, the mother elephant to see your child recently asked: "where did you go today, returning to the course of time over the past College parents don't see the baby?"
Now the elephant God brought all the German Offense for the Kings from getting to the Imperial Palace, the King's charm, foster care, drop out, return this ... presented for elephants the mother knew. When the mother elephant to hear the presentation so excited body fills openings Hon can not initiate, should say: "baby! Baby, mother of us nowadays living happy like this, we pray that your Majesty c DD Offense along, his wife, parents, men and women attractive, until all of the fuselage by friendly possession of knowledge, hundreds of officials, the Assistant ... and live happily hedonistic as ours is today. "
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, if the master pause elephant God who is today's childhood, it is us. If the master pause indefinitely mother elephants he is now the man, the master also not think of anything else, i.e. Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-di. The master needs to know, early life he Ma-ha-SOAP-three-Jiao-talks-also because we favor stonework brain, screaming, tears flow carpet, blind eyes. Also do I light her eyes again. Today too, Ma-ha-SOAP-three-also because we should not see the pros screaming brain melancholy, two blind eyes. We also back, her eyes bright again.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, Oldtimer in the position, yet as the Buddha Monastery, which as a hybrid work benefits for such beings, is the situation today leader achievements result Invisible upper Primary College Finances. Therefore, the master if the position, for the Buddha always mind hope and respect. For France and Increased security must also be born of mind homage. The master must refuge under here that tu school.
One day, Germany World religion culture Like Prince Nan-da flush export countries, said about human spice coast, also praised human charm. He said:
-Nan-da, come here! He should go.
Listen to the Buddha say, Like Prince Nan-da white Buddha:-Germany World Religion, I don't. The reason why? Because the vow for life offers four Friday, map is, formal dining and clear donation for That Suen and popular Bhikkhu-stilts.
Germany World Religion back Catholic culture Nan-da by the evening of the German export discharge approval..., spice coast and workers often say to use exclamation his advice.
So, to the second, the third, which is not subject to renunciation of da-Nan, still says:
-The lifetime offer four things, map is, formal dining and clear donation for That Suen and popular Bhikkhu-stilts.
A short time later, Germany World Religious life after son is finished with a fake, go slowly towards the Palace of Prince of Nan-Like momentum. At the tongzi Nan-da same Religion she-da-benefit picnic, sit on the floor. Nan-da upstairs, far sighted World Religion towards his palace, so hurry up, downstairs the next World Religious nghinh. To place, Nan-da 24-foot Buddha, wealthy girl, and then stand on one side and the white Buddha:
-Or instead! The White World, far from the Religion would come here? So please please invite Respect leaned into my house, is located on the seat.
Now Germany World Religion in the Palace of Nan-da, to sit on the Court, comforting commissioned example Nan-da. Commission example done, He sat silent. Nan-da white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, leaned him tho the donation son Sanskrit. I will let people arrange enough food paint Hao Hai.
The Buddha told Nan-da:
-All right, boys life We should not move the food further.
Tongzi Nan-da Buddha white again:
-You have at least your phi, You have used?
The Buddha told Nan-da:
-Arbitrary pupils.
Nan-da white Buddha:
Yes, the White World Religion.
Nan-da bưng Bowl Suite Africa forecast rise for That Suen. World Religion at the time did not bear the next grab a bowl of honey. Tongzi Nan-da bring a bowl given to fake a secret of the Buddha, but also not to fake a position taken. Germany World Religion same attendant stood up back to the jungle Ni-verse-da, tongzi Nan-da also from upstairs bưng Bowl Suite followed Buddha.
Now women like Ton-da-benefit are comb, see Nan-da bưng Bowl Suite filled followed Theravada Buddhism, her voice high hopes rush by calling:
-Nan-da!, Holy Prince would like to go somewhere?
Nan-da hand just on the bowl that says:
-Bring the bowl to rise for cult secret Buddha. you came to that on the Mainland.
Ton-da-benefits says:
-The Holy Prince mau about, should not stay long in that party.
When Germany World Religion out of the Palace, He Nan-da should go around because of that here on the falls road. Italy Buddha is like to all the people in the city see Nan-da bưng Bowl Suite Africa forecast comes after As Lai.
Now people see things like that, are all said to each other: "today Germany World Religion decided to make Nan-da continued discharge."
When arriving at the monasteries, He put his hand out to mark one Bhikkhu-stilts to grab a bowl of honey in the hands of Nan-da. Then locate Bhikkhu-stilts understand Italy Buddha, offer a bowl of honey from the Nan-da. At the time, Nan-da 24-foot Buddha, wealthy girl and ladies:
-In Germany, the World Religious please cheers, want to return home.
The Buddha told Nan-da:
-He should not return.
Nan-da Buddha white again:
-In Germany, the World Religious thinking do not want to export. Why? Because the vow for life offers four the donation for the Buddha and Bhikkhu-stilts.
Germany World Religion with the Nan-da.
-The Matches-match-wide vertical surface, seven thousand by-week, spacious North, South narrow, car-like. Examples in which Jesus filled La-Han much as the cane wipes, Sesame, rice ... Are male or female friendly would bring four lifetime the donation for the La-Han. After the La-Han entered Nirvana, they built the Church of the Tower dormitories-benefit, in each of the decorative Tower East 73 mph and the cuckoo ghost, again using the aroma oil lamps ..., to donation, he thought? The Germany of the friendly male or female does much charity?
Nan-da responded:
-Blessed him tremendously.
Now Germany World Religion with the Nan-da:
-If the lifetime giving four to the United States ..., incense, oils, lamp ... donation Jesus La-Han in the Match-match-as above. If the donation of a Buddha, then bitten donation a Buddha over the German donation the La-Han in advance.
Again, Nan-da, if this person would have to be on in the Dhamma of the Buddha, renunciation is only a date one night, austerities happy offense, then the result of this than the people bitten by the donation of Buddha. So Nan-da should decide the renunciation, it should enjoy the pleasure experienced in life.
Again, Nan-da, this exercise at least interesting Club, suffering a lot. Sexual contacts should depart most notable impermanence. Education is the root of suffering, is the great scourge, is spiky, poison is the binding of the yoke is the brain gauge, accidents, loss reduction, is General is General vandalism, impermanence, don't stand still, not solidly, dangerous, easily shattered, many of the fears, is suffering, is not, is no autonomy. He now need consistent observation of suffering sexual sins.
Hey Nan-da, he was clearly thinking about the suffering of sin, then it should soak up.
Hear What Religion says the sin of sexual pain in the mind, so Nan-da but don't like spice, but because the respected Buddha, so he bowed Bai Oh, Bach World Religion:
-I will.
World Religion are going to experience, the associated signal hand waving a Bhikkhu-stilts to and said:
-Please call for a Master hair shaving.
Now locate this calling for sailings on stilts-a Bhikkhu themed hair shaved in front of them to Nan-da. When this person hold the razor, shaving about hair for Nan-da. Then Nan-da fist brought before edit and say:
-Do you dread what German dare head shaved?
Now Germany That Respect the Chief Justice noted mindfulness told Nan-da:
-Bhikkhu-stilts come here! In France He's happy because the offense to end tu clean the gauge.
When Germany As Lai said such testimony is complete, the hair of the Nan-da, loss of taste-like self sailings Bhikkhu-stilts have just seven days ago, ingrown hair, natural body up ca-sa, hand carry custard as France, sailings are gender Specific student life, renunciation as elders.
Nan-da also has thirty general good is not the lack of physical gold shades, but lower than the four Buddha finger, cute, handsome man who looks not bored. Nan-da shop ca-sa medical of Buddha-like, may then use wear. Have the remote to see stilts-Bhikkhu Nan-da go to, are mistaken, should stand up nghinh. When to not know where new Buddha, they back seat. For this reason the Bhikkhu-stilts, thinking: "why elders Nan-da y shopping like that Buddha used!."
The Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha. Now Germany World Religion because of this coast, staff immediately summons. He asked Nan-da:
-Master there may old-Le-wide Increase y by y of the Buddha that used or not?
Then Nan-da responded:
-Germany World Religion, this is so true.
The Buddha told Nan-da:
-So is not true for France. Why the teacher wearing older broad Laba-rise-y as y of the Buddha?
Germany, the world Religious commandments teach, rebuke Nan-da so declared them to the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-From now on, the master may not be as wide as the Buddha of medicine medicine that even. If anyone violates the punishment which such as France.
Nan-da ever thought: "That Religion banned must not allow broad medical uses long stilts-Bhikkhu as Buddha. we have Y laundry for lustrous to wear." Nan-da iron tubular y lustrous that user, and then retrieved the drugs make the eyes and the mi foot, body makeup, wear leather shoes, hand carry the bowl, holding the left hand though, go to the white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, I want to be on the village to qifu gangui.
Germany World Religion told elders Nan-da:
-Master not primary care trusts to discharge or export?
Nan-da responded:
-True to the word of the World Religion says, the truth is the same.
Germany World Religion with the Nan-da:
-Master has a friendly female Chief, discharge procedure. Why iron lustrous clothes that wear? Because what the makeup of the body, the use of drugs, his eyes make you legs, leather boots, hand carry the bowl, a handle though, like to go real qifu mumo? Again, Nan-da, as if this master in secluded spot, go to qifu gangui live even chalk algae, so new medicine is a good thing.
Germany World Religion because of the said shelves:
When would We see the Nan-da
In place of gap usually qifu mumo carried
Student minimum education material used leave Tri
Love depart the general education?
Now Germany World Religion because of this, assemble them Bhikkhu-stilts and declared:
-The teacher, from now onwards, not laundry y lustrous that user. If the teacher would wear y lustrous, will like that punishment. Again, the master was not taking medication, his eyes adorn you and good leather boots. Also no bowl of thin, beautiful and not holding enough to go into the villages, qifu gangui. If a Bhikkhu-stilts would violate such things, then it's like that.
Nan-da lyrical but was permanently banned the Religious World iron y lustrous, not taking you guys, eyes, cars are not good skin boots, no bowl of thin, beautiful and not be carried though. But still think of power and life's pleasures, won't follow the world ban, Religious women like dreamlike again-da-benefits, think of lust, not practice violations, like discharge about complete. For this reason, Nan-da often draw little mermaid statue to honor-da-benefit.
On one day, Nan-da went to the secluded spot, taking clay or plank pose Like Religious women-da-benefit, see all day. There are other visible stilts-Bhikkhu, born of mind, told Nan-da:
-Why elders in secluded places, clay or game of drawing women and then watch the whole day?
The time the Bhikkhu-stilts bring this Bach with the Buddha World Religion because of the German workers. this charm summons the Bhikkhu-stilts. In them, He asked Nan-da:
-Really master in the secluded spot to use clay or game of drawing women and then watch the whole day?
Nan-da white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, is so true.
Then Buddha said elders Nan-da:
-Master work is so good? Oh, the Spice do Bhikkhu-stilts where are drawing women to watch ngía!
Now Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts, from now onwards, the master was not draw women, oil is of the person's real or imagined his human form. So because the mind, draw and then see. If the teacher would draw women that look, then left with the guilty act.
On the other, the Nan elders-da in the class to live day to look after the monastery. Nan-da thinking this: "Like Hybrids soon will enter into real qifu gangui. Today we return to the Imperial Court. " When he learned of the Nan-da mind, World Religion called Nan-da elders came and said:
-Nan-da, This if the master wanted to close the door of the room back then.
World Religion say so now, villages goes on sailings qifu gangui. Master Nan-da thinking: "What Religion has to go into the village we will be real qifu gangui back home."
Then Nan-da find That doors Ton vacant, should think: "We closed the room of German Religious new World, then return home."
World's doors closed, the Religious left saw his room door-closed yet echo benefits-Xa, Nan-da sailings go to closed his Clinic room-benefits-the echo. Property shop doors closed, the echo-benefits-see your doors Items-hopea-vacant. Nan-da go to closed rooms of Items-hopea-contact. The door of room Items-hopea-close and then, saw the door of his room Boss-Romaine vacant. Nan-da go to shut his Big rooms-Romaine. The door in the room of Ca-Romaine closed his doors again, Boss-fried-land abandoned
blank. Nan-da go to shut his Big rooms-fried-land. The door in the room of Ca-fried-land closed, saw his long-doors-Qin-Ca-lettuce speaker vacant. Nan-da rush go to his room closing Favor-long-frequency-speakers Ca-Romaine. Doors of Favor-long-frequency-Ca-speakers come see lettuce closed the door of his room Na-Ca-Romaine the title vacant. Nan-da rush go to his room closing Na-Ca-Romaine. doors of Na-Ca-lettuce, close, and then saw his Old rooms doors-da Ca-Romaine vacant. Nan-da rush go to his Old room closure-da Ca-Romaine. Of Old doors-da Ca-lettuce close then, saw the door of his room-three-private-na vacant ... Doors of Favor-ba-na-closed, saw his Sentence-doors-la vacant ... The door of the room-hy-la close then, saw the door of his room Ma-ha-da Fried dropped looks ... Door of Ma-ha-da Fried closed, saw his three-doors-most vacant ... The door of the room Benefit-three-most played and then, saw his three-doors-glass-three-most vacant ...
For the week, as the first door closed, Monday, Tuesday closed the door and the door Wednesday, vacant. Nan-da saw a close door then a vacant, should think like this: "what sins We that we conduct such stilts-Bhikkhu! The oil is closed or empty, we will go back home, because I'm afraid soon That show respect back. " Think so then he from the jungle Ni-verse-da about to leave.
Then Germany World Religion by Heavenly label view see, know your Nan-da wanted to leave the jungle Ni-da sentence. As Lai see so mainland hide where the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, immediately appear where the jungle Ni-verse-da. Then Nan-da saw the Buddha are present in the forest, in a hurry to sit under the tree cover associated Ni-questions-big momentum. At the time in Germany That uses Religious spirit through putting great this life up nowhere. The Buddha saw Nan-da sitting hiding under a tree, He asked:
-Nan-da, today the teacher want to go where?
Nan-da responded:
-Germany World today, the recall of sensual freedom and remember Like Religious women-da-benefit. Therefore, such like tu Pham, Italy would like to discharge about complete.
Here the Buddha said the shelves:
Want out of the Woods was out of
Out of the forest and then back to the forest
The master take consistent suicide so people
Out of bondage, bondage again.
Germany World Respect for Nan-da says such pallets and then, again:
This master-Nan-da, the master in the Dhamma, the distribution centre of diligent effort, tu happy date to eradicate the misery.
Germany World Religion has turned teacher Nan-Nan-da, but momentum is still not forget lost currency about five days ago and the sexual pleasure of delight, still dreams her Religion-da-benefit, not like the French tu Chanh by date, want to discharge about return to the Imperial Palace.
On one day, Grand Buddha sometimes fake donation son Sanskrit. Day also aims to keep the momentum of Nan-Old version-lam. Nan-da at the thought: "That the invitation of Minister of Religion. When entering the village boys life, then we will return to the Imperial Court. "
Know the mind of the Nan-da should Germany World Religion said:
-Nan-da, the teacher must know to water the garden at the temple and sprinkle soy source sweeping must get filled with water the sink of the Bhikkhu-stilts.
Say so then, the Buddha goes on to son villages under the previous offer.
Elders at the Nan-da thinking: "That Ton received verbal, go into the village. We are free to go home. " Nan-da thought so, seen before the room As many dirty land Hybrid should think again: "We first to sweeping the UE joint and then return to the Imperial Court."
Think so then, Nan-da holding brooms sweeping the front rooms of the Tathāgata. When Nan-da cleaner this side then the wind blows the grass covered the other half-pull trash, should have to scan again. Nan-da ever thought: "We only sweeping, must get filled with water all of them sink Increase, following new scans."
Think so then, Nan-da offers all of them rising to sink wells get filled with water. When the Turkish water-filled containers were then capsized. Then Nan-da thinks: "How do We clean sweep and get water filled the tank, such as how long will not return to the mau mau, one should return to the Imperial Court." Think so then, Nan-da sailings from jungle-questions-the momentum coming back to the Imperial Palace.
Now Germany is the home of world Religious life in imitation of Him, head boys use Celestial purity than the human eye label, see see Nan-da are from the jungle Ni-verse-da about to go home. That, He turned to other relatives, from the Chief of a dummy in the blink of an eye in the jungle Ni-verse-da, standing in front of elders Nan-da.
At Nan-da far sighted World Religion to come near, Mainland and included major high shore climbs, and then climb down the strings sit yourself in the hollow of the channel.
Time in Germany That uses Religious spirit through other Alpine bank turn into flat lands such as the hands, You see Nan-da sit so new, said:
-Master sitting here for?
Nan-da white Buddha:
-Dear World, the promised her Religion-da-is your child will come home. I think no candles to himself become a liar. Therefore, I want to return home.
The Buddha told elders Nan-da:
-What must Master met Ton-da-her body, such as skin, bones get sachets inside filled the spinal cord, brain, blood, pus, or the minor, like latrine, really disgusting! Teachers need to depart.
Hey Nan-da, I said something, each one of them with his wife live out map more sea water defilement, nor taken as sufficient.
Now Germany World Religion because of this coast, staff said the shelves:
Want out of the forest, were out of
Out of the forest and then, back to the forest
Master please observe such person
Out of bondage, bondage again.
Now Germany That religion teaches, Nan-Chemistry:
-Nan-da, This master is in the Dhamma, the freedom fun happy Pham tu, is due to end in 1290 all suffering.
He was at da Nan-but That means using more Catholic Religious culture that is still not the favorite along with Record date should overhaul the pants Bhikkhu-stilts links do your friends, frequent discussion, from morning to night said all ties far strings network.
Now Germany World Religion see Nan-da work as such, should be thinking: "today the Nan-da learned under cloud of Green trousers Bhikkhu-stilts, afraid to hurt the virtue. We should not cut off for Nan-da deal with them. "
You think so, then, the Mainland told elders Nan-da:
-Nan-da, This master to come here, we go into the master Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it.
Nan-da white Buddha:
Yes, as That Religion teaches.
Now Germany That same Respect Nan-da go into the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, go to the store selling the fish. At the time the World sees Respect to hundreds of fish on the cover sheet only foul grass shone at the booth. Yes, He told Nan-da:
-Nan-da here, let's take a lemon grass fish exposure projection. Nan-da reply:
-In Germany, the World Religious will do as his word teaches.
Say then, Nan-da shortly a haywire fishy foul under the Sun projection booth where fish plate. When Nan-da grip where hand painting and haywire, the Buddha says:
-The teacher holding a slice and then thrown to the ground.
Nan-da white Buddha:
-Y as the Word That Religion teaches.
Then Nan-da holding foul fishy additions haywire standing in a short time, and then thrown to the ground. At the time the Buddha with the Nan-da:
-Smell the hands of Master teacher.
Nan-da smell his hands sailings. The Buddha asked:
-Nan-da, I feel the hands smelling?
Master Nan-da responded:
-Dear World, just have a stench impure.
Now Germany World Religion told elders Nan-da:
-Yes! Yes! Who would close you bad, along with they the do friends, socializing with each other the link you in a short time, after the due order of the volume of work badly, causing the notorious rumors.
Germany World human Respect this shelf that said:
From exposure of fish to grass projection panels
Take slice haywire twinge hand
Hand blown dead fish smell
Close you so bad.
Then one day, Germany That same Respect elders Nan-da Council go to wholesale aromatherapy, incense bags seen in the booth. See that, He told elders Nan-da:
-Nan-da, This grab bag of incense where this booth. Nan-da y according to the word of the Buddha, take the bag of incense where stores. The Buddha says Nan-da:
-Hold the Master moments and then of Huong pouches to it down.
Nan-da heard the Buddha said so, put the handle retrieved the bag of incense momentarily and then to down. The Buddha says Nan-da:
-Master the master hands smell.
Listen to the Buddha, Nan-da smell his hands sailings. The Buddha asked Nan-da:
-Master hand saw what smells smell?
Nan-da responded:
-Germany World Religion, scented hand extremely pleasant.
The Buddha told Nan-da:
-Yes! Yes! If someone close to you good, often used to live with this man, thanks for that class that are affected. Due to the proximity with each other, the good will, the famous wine.
Now Germany That human Respect here that says the shelves:
One hand hold incense cards
Patchouli, musk, perfume varieties
Take a few moments to perfume the aromatic
Close you heal as well.
Now Germany World Religion out of the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, go to the jungle Ni-verse-da. For this reason, the Buddha gathered them Bhikkhu-stilts, said Nan-da:
-Nan-da, This master don't close the continental pants Bhikkhu-stilts, should not end with them as friends. Why? Someone close to you so bad, or make friends, let's work together, or as they do all the bad things. If close the bad person, bad rumors, then all over in the world.
Hey Nan-da, if you want to find a good friend should then close the Bhikkhu-Property-benefits-the ECHO, stilts Items-hopea-, Ca-Ca-lettuce, fried-land, favor-long-frequency-speaker-Romaine, Na-Ca-Ca-lettuce, Romaine, Old skin-Pros-three-private-na, Ma-ha-Sentence-la, Ma-ha-da, BA-Religious-Multi ... We recommend the master so close, positive options and serves the Bhikkhu-stilts. Why? If you close the good, friendly service, but not yet proven the benefits, but the deals together, then good will was rumored all over in the world.
Now Germany That human Respect here say the shelves:
Someone close to you bad
Currently not hearing the praise
Because intimacy with you bad
The future will be an underworld A-Bhikkhu.
If someone close to you good
Positive options according to them the philanthropist
Though prime time advantage certification
But in the future will be misery.
But is That good religion lyrics used Religious, but Nan-da still fall fun catapult Yi dynasty, dreamlike exercise where the tribe where she show respect-da-benefit, for the Dharma not preferred, want to give offense, discharge about complete.
Now Germany World Religion know mind Nan-da so, He thought: "Nan-da of this negativity is too strong, can not the normal way that chemistry teacher is negativity. We must use the media like people's life: fire, fire destroying toxic poison. "
Germany World Religious think so and, using the force holding hands hidden from momentum, Nan-Ni-da sentence forest, appear to stand on top of the mountain Divisions. In this mountain, because the wind blows two trees rubbing together, emit fire burned the forest fire smoke, very hot. In the mountains there are many monkeys orangutan numbers to five hundred children, they were burned by the fire, is rolling on the ground to fire.
At the time Germany World Religion found in the orangutan had a herd of blind eyes one chimpanzee taking the hand get the fire on the fuselage, should protect elders Nan-da:
-Master has found the monkey blind eye, in the forums, take your hand are orangutan fire on the body?
Nan-da white Buddha:
-How are you, Germany found it.
Germany World Religion with the elders Nan-da:
-The teacher think? Her Honor-da-cute pretty beauty benefits, compared with chimpanzee this old thing, one more beautiful?
Nan-da towards Religious xịu the silent hand That does not answer. Germany World Religion back fist Nan-da, hide where the mountain Divisions, go to the Sun thirty-three, stood under the trees-quality benefit. Under a tree has a large rock called She-dumb-ma-la (sui room is Huynh beads). Then the King of the Roman Empire Like trip in Y-ca-da-benefit along with five hundred human can Supply the music, women served around.
See King of the Roman Empire Like the United States where medical staff-ca-da-profit brought in hundreds likely female, are fun to play, Germany World Religion told Nan-da:
-Master has seen five hundred women can walk, dance, choir singing or not?
Nan-da white Germany World Religion:
-I have seen.
Germany wife/Ton with the Nan-da:
-The teacher think? Like Religious women-da-benefit or is this beautiful women can be five hundred?
Elders Nan-da white Buddha:
-Dear World Religion, if old one eye blind monkey brought compared Ton-da-no benefit by one percent, for up to a thousand, for up to a thousand percent, or payment of the world is also not comparable. If giving her Honor-da-beneficial than five hundred can this woman, nor a thousand times by folding, folding until hundreds of thousands of times, or the payment of the Earth also can't compare. You can't make comparisons.
The Buddha says elders Nan-da:
-Master like along with this women can have fun?
Nan-da happy Hon the white Buddha openings:
-Dear World, I really want to be with five hundred female festivity fun this can be.
The Buddha says Nan-da:
-Used to attach himself to the same body the women affected. So, if you want to master my French in xide County Festival of tu Pham. We will give the teacher said: today if according to our legal agreement options master, austerities, after death, in life after life dear student newspaper decided in this realms, along with five hundred female Genius entertainment, enjoy.
Nan-da heard the Buddha taught so, excited, overwhelmed openings Hon can not homemade, white Buddha:
-From now on, in the Dhamma of the Buddha are keen tu Pham pure almond. The White World, the today newspaper has this body, I really want to taste life lai born where this world along with five hundred female Bias to her enjoyment.
Germany, the world Religious Nan elders hand-momentum disappeared where the Sun is thirty-three, back to the jungle Ni-verse-da. Then Nan-da thinking this: "Germany That Suen promised for future position life together in five hundred other women enjoy life Natural fun mail." So, Nan-da bring out mind mindfulness Hanh Pham tu, subduing cấc based, dietary, first last hổm minutes chanting meditation, courageous and strong, not with other people playing, conversation, laughter is not wildly fluctuate, the mouth does not say happy, textile embroidery, hold four suspected dread your favorite, in that calm, subduing the achievement, mindfulness vi dark magic win.
Early life he Nan-da want consistent, stem Center, willed themselves into courageous, was then beginning mindfulness Oriental Café. While no such forlorn, no dark, with the real number-always friendly French police do not fall into the, well not intoxicated.
To the South, the West, bars the North, on, under, also an incarnation, courageous and strong willed. When the bars are also not being forlorn, darkened, for any French cafe always friendly suicide not being, also not fooled as above.
Now the Bhikkhu-Dong tu stilts with Nan-da says:
This master-Nan-da, why not finish the elders before the dues, for the food and drink do not know details, often find Pajamas: bridge of beds, mattresses, blankets, sleeping bag-li did not know boring, or when the mocking laughter, not an Italian, eat the horizontal embroidered left speaking textiles , every essential need, always favors award, also without mindfulness, much distracted, lose the dread, no meditation, no stock photography, the launch base secluded ... can not tell. Today's elders that subduing the grounds, eat more, last minutes early today not been sleeping, does not exceed the dues Center, trunk end, welcomed back do not say add, courageous and strong, diligent, Mindfulness Meditation, the mind was not ample, the reporter did not let go of the lung ... today why elders are so?
Then Nan-da ladies Bhikkhu-stilts:
-This the elders, must know, Germany World Religion told me that if ever after living with five hundred beautiful women Genius in thirty-three heavens realms fun festivity should diligently tu happy offense in Roman Catholic France.
The time the Bhikkhu-Dear Companion stilts of Nan-da ridicule jokes ridiculed, talk with each other:
-Elders Nan-da strove for That Suen, in his diligent Dhamma tu Pham almond to the pursuit of future results. The Department of Nan-da in the Dhamma of Buddha tu Pham happy just because the pursuit of future life with five hundred River Natural beautiful women only.
From then on, the Bhikkhu-stilts you owner Nan-da often called Nan-da is the person doing the hiring.
Early life, Germany World Religion see Nan-da was because the girls that tu, Mr. almond handheld date Nan-da disappear where the jungle Ni-verse-da, go to hell. Here, the Buddha found under fire and pace of phừng copper pans, pans heated red as fire. See that, He told Nan-da:
-Master to ask the hell good is this copper pans because who cook so exciting?
Nan-da elders heard the Buddha said so, Bach sailings:
-Dear World Religion, like his word to teach.
Nan-da go to the hell good asking:
-Large copper Pan for cooking so exciting that anyone?
Hell good answer Nan-da:
-The Buddha has the children the model named Nan di-da. That's because the Cook burned this pan.
Nan-da asked:
-You won't hear As Lai had promised the day before da-Nan is if you want to enjoy the life fun with five hundred female Bias should tu Pham, after going up the second thirty-three heavens?
The hell good says:
-Yes! Yes! We already know that. But we do hear that people once lived on the Sun were fallen thirty-three will head the thai place.
Then Nan-da heard so downright frightened body erect, hairy legs, thinking: "we will sequentially suffer the agony. So we don't need result report entitled life fun with five hundred beautiful women Genius. "
At the time Germany World Religious elders fist Nan-da disappear where hell, again where the jungle Ni-da sentence.
Early life he Nan-da were friends called hired for the Buddha, being ridiculed teasers, cooking jokes, more see hell should Nan-da taking shameful fear, boredom, repentance, find secluded spot, walking meditation is located alone, again no longer sheltered, launch strike strong ejaculation.
The Chief of South continue to discharge credit card friendly spice, Pham tu, best happy date then happy, then the clean, environmentally certified end to spirit of pirated media, self initiator up: "Violations have created, job done, end to mortal life, no longer clean the stem." Her taste symptoms result and A-la-Han, the mind is freed. The Nan elders-da is also so.
After the proof of results A-la-Han, Nan-new momentum to ride Buddha, wealthy girl, and then the feet ceremony sitting on one side, the back of the white Buddha:
-In Germany, the World Religious date please return the favour which the Buddha had promised the day before. Days before the acceptance speech of the Tathāgata is Heavenly beautiful women five hundred because. So I abandoned the Religious World.
Then the Buddha with the elders Nan-da:
-Not to discharge him today's working for him, but when he started up the chorus: "it has established, the work done, no longer dear life after", right now We have to discharge him for abandoning him.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts with Nan-da not know Nan-da has to stop the contraband, should still treat Nan-da as day as was, about the cartoon, saying: "the Nan elders-da in place of That Religion to make rent because the bridge thing coming, want to live with Heavenly beautiful women, five hundred industrious tu offense."
Now Germany World Religious thoughts: "The Bhikkhu-stilts have yet know Nan-da has a stop to clean the contraband, is still treated as the contraband, such as Moss rao:" Nan-da elders just because five hundred beautiful women Genius that tu offense. " E that the teachers suffer the sin. Today, we should in front of mass claims the Nan-da has a stop to clean the contraband. "
Germany World Religion by this coast for group meetings all Bhikkhu-stilts Rise that claims:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, said: If there is any good, then the nanzih Nan-da is the people. If someone is also handsome Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. If they had the courage to say, also the crumb Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. If they say yes the tender body, as well as the Nan-stilts-da Bhikkhu. If they say yes the people calm not disarray would, again also the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. If they tell someone to eat and drink more, also known as Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. If they say yes the last day and night not sleeping, then also the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da today. If they say someone born from three races, the purity is Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. If they say there is evidence the six Kabbalah, then also the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. If someone had said eight rescue plan would then also the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da.
Germany, the world religious affiliation also told the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, in the bar of disciples, who restored the grounds then the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da is superlative.
At the time the Bhikkhu-stilts asks the Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, such a Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da the previous life of this apartment have planted what healthy, thanks to that same healthy base that today was born in the House they Liked best, so much wealth, beautiful body, cute, far be That life Respect: ' in every Bar of disciples, who served the root for is Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da. "?
Listen to the Bhikkhu-stilts asked so, the Buddha said:
Hey, I remember life on stilts-Bhikkhu too past ninety, a life of Buddha's birth as Bhikkhu-she-contest, So Infinite Respect Upper Primary, College Finances the full ten marks: such as Lai, the Worship, the Chief Justice Turned to the voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Natural Sphinxes Buddha, World Religion. The capital, where the King in the name of the table-map-ma-to. Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-she-contest along with them six thousand people are on stilts-Bhikkhu is A-la-Han, dwell in this city. The King indefinitely is desk-top. The King respect, respect donation Buddha and distillation Bhikkhu-stilts everything raiment, map is, formal dining rooms, smoking rooms and dormitories.
Early life, in the desk-top-ma-to have a fellow Prince Ba-la-warm bath room construction binge, donation for the Buddha and the monks use. Pupil She-la-keeper saw the Bhikkhu-stilts from warm baths went out, body, downright sweet clean, no odors. See so happy Hon openings flooded, homemade, pupils cannot play the mind: "Prayer in my life, my tastes are pure, there is little structure to UE, foul, like the Bhikkhu-stilts, sweet purity not bit smell."
After the Buddha Bhikkhu-BA-Religious Afterlife As test Loads of upper Primary College Primary Sensory entered Nirvana, the King of the table-top building four towers Tuesday treasures of gold, silver, glass, Crystal to worship Buddha at the residence-benefits-pupillary ... la-Tower buildings command. After the building of the tower is completed, pupils play the prayer: "in the future position life I usually see Germany World Religion like this. How much of his Dhamma talk, I know, the farther left France. Eternal prayer shit shit not born evil paths. " So after this Council passed, usually up the Sun or in the nucleus. Then there's the pupil's life into home head fake College, are parents to nurture self-motivated times, times, all aspects are achievements.
Early life, the home of the pigment has a Mural-chi-Buddha do teachers in home so often. Flange unit-chi-Buddha's Dapper Chief cute, fullest thirty General macho. Pupils usually take four the donation for Flanges-chi-lifetime Buddha does not lack. Flange location-Buddha-complacent life span, then enter Nirvana.
Now seeing fake head Flanges-chi-Buddha entered Nirvana, đủng remains as France made cremation ceremony, property, land use-produced stone and ash slurry tower outside. On the Tower, the head of the British chain hanging fake tribe to dignified, and then play the word voluntary testimony: "I vow to meet future position life Germany Flanges-Buddha-World Religion and his Dhamma sermon I heard successively been food poisoning, remember not to forget. Eternal prayer shit shit not born into the evil way. Also pray my Dapper Chief cute, full of thirty General macho, get people to see the wedding Festival, not bored, as representatives of this first. "
Her fake head after death, never made it into the path of evil, always into the realms of heaven, people, moving in such a long time, later King of children born of sand-benefits-contest (sui room is Gig) in Three countries-la-complaint. Early life he was Buddha Ca-Romaine As Afterlife Ton Loads of upper Chief Justice Chief Justice appeared in College life. How does the motor head options in Respect of life and then kill.
Now the King of sand-benefits-contest using the seven treasures of gold, silver, glass, Crystal, Pearl, coral and leg chains code brain to build the tower. Outside the large brick Tower. This high tower a do-downloads, horizontal along the East, West half-week. There are khấc intelligent posts called Reach-she-lang-ca-amnesty (sui room is General Cross).
At the time, King Cat-benefits-contest seven Prince, they board my Lord the King: "Heal instead! My Lord, please father know for, we want each worship a big SW 0 mph to cover up on the Tower dormitories-the Buddha's advantage Ca-World Vổ lettuce As Chief Justice Chief Justice College Upper-hybrid. Heal instead! My Lord, I beg you. "
The King said: "We allowed, arbitrary."
Now the seven Prince, who each do a SW 0 mph: Or in gold, silver, or by brain code ... cover on the tower.
Locate the second Prince of the seven Prince do the NNW at 11 mph with gold cover on the tower and Chapel: "I pray in my lifetime the position often meet Germany-Buddha-World Religion. The French teacher teaches, I pray to be listened to, remember not to forget. Eternal prayer shit shit not born into the evil road and Chapel are colors stems as gold. "
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, if anybody is wondering about the pupil She-la-Mon in the desk-top-ma at the donation of warm baths for the Buddha and they Increase and pray: "in the future position life was pure, aromatic body tho not UE structure, like the Bhikkhu-stilts", and then after the Buddha Bhikkhu-BA-Religious Afterlife As test Loads Upper level Primary Primary Sensory Class destroyer This tower built of brass, bows, you don't seem to think of anything else, the element that is the predecessor of the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, if anyone who has doubt as chief author lifetime donation Flange location-chi-Buddha, and then soon after the Flanges-Buddha-kill, head of land use fake rocks, ash built towers and chain he lost Royal property donation page-benefits, voluntary return: "I wish my life was a respectable body alarm Unit Chief, full General macho thirty non lacking human Immortals, like Bich-chi-Buddhas ", that is people? The master clerk pause to another, this is also the author of the Chief predecessor of the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, pause the second Prince of the King of taste the sand-benefits-contest, because Buddha Ca-Romaine As Afterlife Ton Loads of upper Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds do a NNW at 11 mph with gold cover on the Tower, shalt not suspect anything else, the Prince that was the predecessor of the Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da.
Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da oldtimer has because the Buddha Bhikkhu-she-contest and they build a House on stilts-warm bath Bhikkhu, as France donation and staff play prayer: "I pray in the hybrid unit life is dear, sweet, not UE stem-like, structure of the Bhikkhu-on stilts."
Bhikkhu-stilts-momentum back lifetime donation-Buddha-World German ton, after Germany's Mural-Like Buddha-Ton kill, use ground game built the tower and the British chain of stately Club donation and favor prayer-halls: "I pray in my lifetime be environmentally respectable hybrid Unit Chief, the full thirty General no shortage of macho, like this First incarnation."
For the property-return of Buddha Tower Ca-Romaine As Afterlife Ton Loads of Upper Class gentlemen, Chief Justice Chief Justice then do a full South 82 mph with gold cover up on the play and pray: "I pray in my lifetime was excellent position the fuselage as net gold." Thanks to her charm, her career is brilliantly yellow hull, Dapper Chief, thirty General macho enough.
Back then, the life of the Bhikkhu-Nan on stilts Vedic prayer was: "I pray in my lifetime the position was not born into the path of evil." Thanks to the play of this prayer alarm industry should not born into the evil leader, often born up mortars or in humanity.
Back then, the erstwhile has built the Tower of the shrine of the Buddha Bhikkhu-benefits-BA XA-contest As Afterlife Ton Loads of upper Chief Justice Chief Justice, College life offers four the donation for Germany-Flange-Buddha; Thanks to karma, newspaper workers today are born in the House they Love.
Back in her childhood she Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da who has played "I pray prayer life hybrid positioning to meet Germany in world Religion like that, or more. For the Dhamma that Germany World's Respect comes out, I pray you heard mau was food poisoning. Thanks to the health industry conference that coast, today's tastes are met and the Spice world, Tool life is life We signed: "this the Bhikkhu-stilts, if want to know every pupil's text Bar, who offers the better? It is this momentum-stilts-Bhikkhu. "
The Bhikkhu-stilts, the master must know, yore Bhikkhu-stilts Nan-da has cultivated the grounds so wholesome. Thanks to the staff of that coast, now born in the House they Liked, yellow body, fully thirty General macho, be Specific about student life spice, the result of A-la-Han, was the life I signed: "If you want to know in every Bar of disciples, who offers the better? It is this momentum-stilts-Bhikkhu. "
Product 58 of HER CHARM: human-THEME-benefits-CA
Early life, pupil-she-hit-multi line they like to see five hundred pupils they like discharge, export start up the thought: "We can also follow That Religion continued discharge." Think so then, and electronics to dear parents:
-Heal instead! Dear song father sample, I want to play Center for exporting countries according to the Buddha, bow please song stems for permission.
Listen to say so, instant parents told pupils-she-hit-:
-The parents think this: the parents are relying on you, you are relying on my parents, but I had intended as so, then whichever you want, allow your child to be.
When she is wearing a beautiful dress, elephant ride a priceless good, go out the door into the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it,-she-reach-by both sides, door hanger hooks to do tear off. Have a great She-la-general understanding of subjects, in nearby saw so, so up for pupils of the legendary Title-she-reaches-Max:
-Export career of tongzi will.
Pupil-she-reach-out, going to his accomplice Lin, at the foot of the Buddha, on one side, the white Buddha:
-Please Respect the baby How to bow.
Now Germany World mindfulness closely consistent Respect life career before and after the lifetime of the Title-she-hit-to know the mind of the almond Board. The Buddha said-she-reaches-Max:
This Topic-her--reach, he should carefully, should not export household discharge, should just go home, to bring the practice of wealth used in the alms, created the merit, should not export in France.
At the time, were the Buddha rebuke, pupil-she-hit-most go to Property-elders benefit-the ECHO, Bach:
-Dear Property false echo, benefits-child-is exported.
Property-elders benefit-the echo asked-she-reaches-Max:
This Topic-her--reach, he got to the ladies with the Buddha? Threads-she-hit-ladies:
-I have ladies with the Buddha.
Property-elders benefit-the echo asks:
This Topic-her--reach-multi, Germany World Religion told you? Threads-she-reach-multiple answers:
-Dear Saints, Buddha said: "He should not export household discharge, should stay in the convent, he created the almond industry in Germany. If renunciation in France, he will not get the benefit. "
Now the echo benefits-new-think Property: "German Religious World today were it not for Title-she-hit-multi. If we don't, we're the right spice for. " Think so and Property-benefits-disqualified, he told her--instant-hit-:--This she-hit, he should do as That Religion teaches. At the tongzi Title-she-hit-Property-benefits-the ECHO has been refused, again go to the elders Items-hopea-contact. Arrive wealthy girl, stand to one side, and the white death:
-Transparent Glass Items-hopea-lien Presbyterian, leaned I beg you for your being.
This Topic-her--reached-most, he came to my Lord Buddha? Threads-she-reach-multiple answers:
-You have come to the ladies and the Buddha.
Elders Items-hopea-says-she-reaches-Max:
-Germany World Religion has told him what?
DD-BA-reached-multiple answers:
-World Religion said: "He should also not put export countries in France, my home life candles as France that austerities, use of alms, created the work in Germany. Should such renunciation in France. If renunciation is not beneficial for him. "
The time elders Items-hopea-told Theme-she-hit-:-you need to listen to That Religious teaching should return home, need to
do these things.
At the Title-she-reach multi qian'an County-also--not for export, go to the Elder Brother-Romaine ... Summary as above.
Next, topical-Mrs-reached-most come to him Ca-fried-land, and then come to him Favor-long-frequency-speakers Ca-Romaine. Next go to the elders place Mr. Na-Ca-Romaine. Next go to the elders Favor-three-private-na, until your seat Ma-ha-Sentence-la, Ma-ha-da-Ton three-Cup-most ... are not for export.
Threads-she-reached-most come to elders Favor-three-Cup Three-foot desk, wealthy girl, stand to one side. Pupil-she-hit-back Pros-three-Three-Cup maximum please.
Elders Favor-three-cups-multi again asked Topic-her-gain-:
-He has to place the Buddha?
Threads-she-reach-multiple answers:
-Dear false, before you came to the Buddha.
The time elders Favor-three-Cup Three-question:
-He has to place the Buddha, he has taught him what?
Threads-she-reach-multiple answers:
-That the Religious should not export household discharge, should just stay home as French practice, use of alms, created the merit, should stay out of Him. If you are not home and export benefits.
The time elders Favor-three-cups-most thoughts: "Now That Religion was not the suicide Theme-she-reached-most spice, if we rush for spice, we're not right." Think so then tell her-sailings-reaches-Max:
-Listen to What pupils taught Respect, need to do the same.
Threads-she-reach-multiple sequential went to the Bhikkhu-stilts venerable, Germany asks that the renunciation Bhikkhu-stilts, the venerable German told-she-hit-:
-German Religious World had such teachings, pupils should follow his teachings.
The time-she-reach-by the Bhikkhu-stilts refused to ride the white elephants, so the spice back into the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it, to relive the scene offers.
Pupil A-nan when just saw five hundred pupils they like are spice, mainland think this: "today we must continue the discharge." Think so then dear parent:
-Dear parents, I want to continue the discharge today according to the Buddha, published bent please parents be satisfied the wedding Festival.
His mother A-nan which has conditioned mind to Buddha. For whatever reason she mind? Because when Germany World Religion is also the Portuguese home, she slapped see Bo-slapped the dread force German shines, so for Bo-slapped Ms. born, many say infection misdeed. Then Bo-slapped because her relatives is di Ma-ha sample Three-SOAP-three-title, should answer for her misdeed, He silenced not interested.
Because she has no certain should meditate A-nan discharge procedure. When heard again is A-nan would like to export, but the parents don't give, Title-she-reach-to tell A-nan:
-The true pupil Center would like to export but not yet for parents?
A-nan responded-she-reaches-Max:
-Correct as Prince said. I don't know what to do to her parents for permission to export, are about doing life Bhikkhu-stilts.
Threads-she-hit-A-nan told:
-If after this fellow parents for pupil spice then tell us, to put people away.
A-nan instant answer:
-As Prince said, I dare not promise.
Now A-nan think like this: "my parents sure do spice for us" think so yes, sailings in the House took five hundred coin sneaks away to the water-skin-where the Bhikkhu villages excuses have a head fake, former good friend of father, brought five hundred money delivered to and said:
-I bring this money given to workers to take on eating for me. When would like to eat, I go to home entertainment, at the time giving this money to buy the food for me. Fake human also don't ask me where. When I arrived as the author know I need food.
A-nan said so and then, soon to the desolate, "do not say," go-stand-is-sit silent does not say. Every time need food, A-nan arrived home Secretary reviews sitting eating in silence. Done eating, out of silence.
Now residents in villages often see pupils like A-nan go stand is sitting, to retreat in silence. See that, they asked A-nan:
-Who is the author?
Now A-nan did not answer a Word, silence again. Meanwhile the villagers say together: "this Position is probably derived from the water-skin-Bhikkhu." Therefore, they named A-nan was the First water-skin-Bhikkhu.
One day, her parents A-Nan heard this: "A-nan fled into Ca-Bhikkhu-la, go to the villages in the country-life-da, Bhikkhu" doesn't say "happy first, tu, now has the first one." Hear my parents A-nan, successively sent to says:
-Baby! Baby, if you decide to not be at home, just like to spice, you should follow the pupils they like that.
A-nan sounded so back home, and then to tell-Mrs.-reaches-Max:
This Topic-her---, United Kingdom you must know, my parents took me home and then export.
Threads-she-hit-multi again asked A-nan:
-Prince now want spice?
A-nan responded:
-Today I want to follow the Buddha.
Threads-she-hit-multi again says:
I had previously asked the Buddha to renunciation, which He does for us.
A-nan says:
-Should the Property false-benefits-the echo asks.
Threads-she-hit-multi again responded:
-Elders are also not for me. So until Ma-ha Items-hopea-, Ma-ha Ca-Ca-lettuce, fried-land, favor-long-frequency-speaker-Romaine, Na-Ca-Ca-lettuce, Romaine, Old skin-Pros-three-private-na, Ma-ha-Sentence-la, Ma-ha-da Pro, Pros-three-Three cups-..., how much Jesus Bhikkhu-stilts venerable, greater Germany as such are not for me.
A-nan asked-she-reaches-Max:
This Topic-her---, as in my United Kingdom parent should go?
Threads-she-reach-multiple answers:
-A-nan, we should go to the place that no one knows.
A-nan says:
-I also depending of the Italian parent.
Each family they like in the Royal family to have a man of his, should have more pigment they like spice world dread-filled according to Buddha.
Meanwhile in Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it has a family they Love excuses only two brothers. The name is Ma-ni-da-long (the old duty called A-ni-da-long). The English name is Ma-ha-ma. Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long had many lifetimes, the cultivation of tu the liberation, happy end to the troubles, towards Nirvana, not want born in the realms of pirated property, in tam about just wanted to kill the clean or pirated. So because in the past the German public should contain more pigment today in the home they Love. From when the Prince was born in the House they Liked him then his career this time home development, such as wealth, gold, rice, Pearl foot, Yuri, coral, amber, Bich Ngoc types ... so gold and silver, human, beast is full, five hundred ordinary material things under the ground naturally appear. When the Prince is asleep, where again there Heavenly divine bed offering five hundred Pearl invaluable protection cover on the bed.
The attraction in seeing strange things so should together: "When this Council sleep, has brought invaluable treasures Bias lettered cover on the bed. Therefore, we should put this fellow's name is Ma-ni-da. "
This cute maize pigment, people see not bored, bright yellow skin like net gold, such as the rounded head East at 22 mph, high nose, plump bird nose like You two arms stretching, martial arts too long, horizontal body pillow along on the bottom weight, the perfect apartment. His parents own the four nursery care: A closing of a bong she showered, a mớm and a breastfeeding her walking guide. The four nursery care, upbringing, this pigment gradually to be self-motivated, there was understanding. See play, rong pupils arrived at the likely gain the education should teach the parents to entrust his career. The subjects of mathematics, that is, music, dance, satire, humor, funny, charming, dancing, trim the n ma ni, may cut, dyed clothes, blending the fragrance, floral paintings and portraits; teach the kind of micro-States flag, green Bowl, xu Bo with fun ..., teaching literature, elephant ride, ride horses and vehicles; the art of firing, gesture down upturn, currency, jewelry, aromatherapy massage ..., banishing spells taught American colonists rebellion, elephants break fast, remodeling of the United staff, way to go stand out on good bad omen, knows, ordinary destruction, the subtle battle troops, others holding hands they meet not out, standing on the ground who shove not waggle , comb hair, Masons ' knives sharpened edit, punching, perforation of the animal, the fucking stone wood-fired cannon, landing right on the part of people shot in the hair strand of hair; Archer quickly as sound, very powerful forward ... How many such craft are am wall, full accomplishment, not what is not know, profound intent, in spirit bright throughout, great minds, smart intelligence.
After that, Prince Ma-ni-da-long take the extra body check agriculture, for the living. When it came to that, because thirst should coast streams pupils draw water to drink, the water turns into cam Lo Chu. Father did not know, see so immediately stop stop, exclaimed:-this! Hey baby! Should not drink water, fear not the an e.
When the Prince Ma-ni-da-long has tasted the water streams, dear father:-Daddy! This delicious sweet spring water.
Because the father does not believe should tongzi users manual bụm water surges for father and dear:
-If not, please try this water.
So the father tongzi tasted and then says:
-Baby! Baby, my father while living in the United Kingdom offers but had not been drinking so juicy!
Then, say the father is very pleased to see the unprecedented, self says:
-You're weird, have blessed a huge treasure. From birth until the present day, how many dining needs, colors, scents, tastes, feelings, every time people bring children we all turn into better human times.
Now Britain is Ma-ha-ma saw the formal dining of the child who was born so envious so says:
-Why the clean sweet delicious food just for the children but not for yourself?
The mother heard the older says so inland, said:
-Baby! Baby, you know, before the formal dining done, bring the Ma-ni-da-long, often ten times more delicious variations.
But Ma-ha-ma still won't believe it.
One day Ma-ni-da-long picnic in forest park, the wrong people most of them home and get:
-To bring food to her mother.
When her mother tongzi coming food on trays, then use white silk covered up, the wrong people brings tongzi Ma-ha-ma ago, and then the wrong people brings new pupils Ma-ni-da-long.
When bringing food to pupils, Ma-ni-da-see color taste more delicious food, poornima in the kid's plate also filled. But the incident as such, but Ma-ha-ma still skeptical, saying:-while the food from home brings but delicious food with full unfinished is because the organiser, who knows this?
At the other, Ma-ni-da-long scene of excursions in Yuanlin, the wrong people most about the ladies with his mother: "mom, please let people dining." Now the mother took the bowl of the forks are not placed on trays and then use a towel draped over it, for people to bring to the big kids preview, then brought to Ma-ni-da-long. She told the pupils:
-I see it, the real damage?
Ma-ha-ma heard successively, so follow the alloy wheels to the Ma-ni-da-long, see bat fork in a tray filled with colorful food taste delicious. When you see such pupil Ma-ha-ma, delighted, uttered this:
-Strangely! Never seen! You have blessed such large German!
Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long over time grew strength laminated event, parents as pupils built three buildings. The first building used in the winter, the second Court used in the spring and autumn and the third building used in the summer. The building in the winter warmth. The building in the summer and cool the building in the spring and Fall, the temperatures mild case Italy. Accommodation of pupils do not have an other man, one pupil, arbitrarily go back enjoy life enough stuff cheer team.
Now pupils Ma-ha-ma thoughts: "today the pupils they like have great powers, each family must have a spice that people haven't had the family going. So we should continue to discharge. If not then have to told you're Ma-ni-da. " Ma-ha-ma think so then, soon to tell pupils Ma-ni-da:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, belonging to the families they love to have full power, each House must have a renunciation, which in the House we don't already have one. I think you must have or or is a person.
Now pupils Ma-ni-da-long dear to you Ma-ha-ma:
-You make spice, I can't.
Ma-ha-ma says:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, if so, he will entrust his career for you. Divine cultivation principles, before having to plough the land, then the ban for using to clean up the tree lawn, stone tiles, then sow the seed. After sowing seed, if Sun not rain must depend on the weather which is watered. You have to follow the method of plowing planting Harrow trimmed carefully and wait for the harvest. Then, clean up garbage burying ground grass and reap the revenue into Depot section. To do so, and then, until next year also, the other from year to year according to the Saturday class so that do, do not stop.
Now pupils Ma-ni-da-long ladies with Ma-ha-ma:
-So then I'm at home doing the work unremitting, also has no time to rest. Such work, no day is complete then the time would I be in where three buildings of enjoyment fun active exercise?
Tongzi Ma-ha-ma with the tongzi Ma-ni-da:
-I did indeed work, no finish date nor time has ended. We save parents of grandparents to leave, should work also, unfinished work that had ended his life.
Now pupils Ma-ni-da-long tell you Ma-ha-ma:
-If you know the job is never done, no termination date, the parents themselves have ham sorry ancestral career, would not have the vacation time that was body network also should not be in. I think you have to stay home, let me exhaust career export countries.
At the time electronic copper Ma-ni-da-long to dear parents:
-Dear, my date wanted to export his discharge, to Italian parents sometimes are discharged, to export classes with As hybrid.
Then his parents told Ma-ni-da:
-You must know, my parents only had two children, so for two parents love, does not want to depart. If depart momentarily then your parents favor stonework brain. Suppose we have the dead, still no desire to depart two children. Today more parents alive to his renunciation or go!
As such, the tongzi Ma-ni-da-xin to second, then third, ladies:
I want to export in discharge in the Dhamma of the Tathāgata. Bow please parents allow.
Erstwhile, when Crown Prince all reached multi-spice almond then great offense Produced tu-top-Forum because Bo-slaps that favor stonework brain, pressing so the Royal summons, declared:
-The bereaved, you must know, now Crown Prince All-reaching-spice has largely gone, we don't want in the throne, also does not want the heavenly crowns team. In the Royal family, which can assume the throne, we will do it pianguan poolside ceremony, wealthy girl Jessica awarded throne.
The time of Her death the society-topics-benefits-ca, son of Mrs. Black-Cu-da-di, my Lord the King:
-My Lord, God may accept the throne down and natural.
At the time the King Produced-the-herd and all the Royal family they Love sailings do Café, buffet, wealthy girl given pianguan throne King for Her pupil-theme-benefits-ca. From then on, Mrs.-title-benefits-American they like King, in King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca. King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca King spent twelve years, as France chemotherapy. This attractive royalty they like which have established commitment: "If people would get Natural interest as King then are because all progeny in Like that paint party treat Hao Hai full hundred formal dining." King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca with Prince Ma-ni-da-long early childhood also VOC Informatics ground play together, as friends, so far the King set, ordered the tongzi Ma-ni-da:
This Council, uk-help us treat bereaved in front, finished with him.
Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long my Lord the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca:
-Y at the command College United Kingdom, left no word.
When the King along with pupils worry treat bereaved in finishing, then ate together. Dinner, the King invited pupils stay on stay at Imperial Palace.
Night coming through, the Sun bright, the King Liked Her near-deals-benefits-ca to an Advisory Council Prince Ma-ni-da:
This Council, then night-sleep?
Ma-ni-da-long answer:
-Dear, last night I sleep.
The King asked:
-Reason khanh sleep?
Ma-ni-da-long answer:
-Tonight I suffer abdominal pain and hot to cold.
The King asked:
-Reason colic and heater?
Ma-ni-da-long response back:
-Ladies, formal dining today the spice is not appropriate, so now I'm left abdominal pain. The blanket up, when ancient weavers weaving blankets, they were hot and cold should I also getting hot and cold.
Now the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca calls upon the chef asked:
-Khanh recently made hundreds of dishes is too much or too little, or just right?
Who cooks my Lord:
-Yes, so true, so true! When God made food, slightly older, slightly less. Since then the lower gods aren't busy, anxious to go check out more work. The aide did not know should use spices were wrong.
King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca back to the demanding weavers blankets to ask:
-When khanh textile this blanket for me, why not single-minded? Weavers a:
-My Lord, true to his word says. When the lower spirit woven blanket that physically sick heater, which your Majesty back to the wrong messengers to urge. Yet God down at the heater, your Majesty fear angry should lower the spirit woven rush gave the Messenger, so the blanket are not sophisticated.
Now the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca for this weird, couldn't think, so think: "few have! at least there! Ma-ni-da-long back are intellectual enemy WINS vi so marvelous!. "
King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca says to Zi Dong Ma-ni-da:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, from now on, if there's anything we need from the pupil must, only for someone to come. We're not together.
At that same mother Prince Ma-ni-da-long thought of: "Likes Mrs.-title-benefits-ca has the childhood life of this we play with each other, land VOC Informatics link you friendly, so today the tongzi sure don't." Think so, Yes, she called her son and says:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, if King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca discharge export countries then have you published?
Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long heard his mother ask like that, should the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca. At this time, the King left the Palace to attend the Assembly in Na-ca-(the sui room is Of ca theory to the sand) and watching. Now pupils Ma-ni-da-long thoughts: "if we go into the Assembly then will hinder the vacation enjoying of the King." Think so, so sit outside the alley, waiting for fun Festival Na-ca-tan, then new to.
While in Congress, most fun at society, the King saw a female artist handgrip forums most No. Then suddenly a herd of definitive, her quick connect again that in the happy Na-ca-no one knows who or alone, the King saw only. But Prince Ma-ni-da-long outside the lane also know this.
When the Prince saw the fun society-investigation-ca-almost new, came to the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca. To place, King antique gown hand guy and then sitting on a new party. The King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca says to Zi Dong Ma-ni-da:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, previously we have said to the Council, if need something off the stems to the right, only for people, we can't spare. Now because of what the pupil personally come here?
Ma-ni-da-long answer:
-My Lord, things like this, it is impossible for other people to be.
The King asked the Council:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, things people say are what? Is due to the pigment or do we?
Ma-ni-da-long answer:
-My Lord, this because I, also related to the modern United Kingdom.
The King asked:
-If relevant to us then please tongzi articulates.
Ma-ni-da-long answer:
-Your Majesty, your Majesty must know, I want to continue the discharge. As such, it is related to the modern United Kingdom.
The King responded again:
This e-Ma-ni-da-long, pupils want to export his discharge, all related to me, I would agree for the pupil. Tongzi for us shalt not so anxious. If want to spice the arbitrary Board.
Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long my Lord the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca:
-The United Kingdom to join me. Why? Because my parents told me: "Ma-ni-da-long, if King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-American spice, you also continue to discharge under the King of that."
At that Council Prince Ma-ni-da-long saw King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca in mass before saying a word:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, the Prince wants to export his discharge, if we had to, we do not do the opposite, will depend on with pupil that exporting countries.
At that time the people in the Royal family they love to speak the word of the truth:
-So, please your Majesty, sometimes for the same production with Ma-ni-da-long.
Now your Majesty Likes Her-theme-benefits-ca says to Zi Dong Ma-ni-da:
-If such a decision, the Prince had to wait in the House for seven years, so we set the of done then we will together Prince discharge procedure.
Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long back my Lord the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca:
-My Lord, shalt not say so. I can not wait to seven years. Why? My Lord, seven years too long. Know where in that period the export of us suffer setbacks. The King told tongzi Ma-ni-da:
-The pupil can expect him within six years, national arrangements to the finished, then we will together with pigment discharge procedure.
Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long back my Lord the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca:
-The United Kingdom, should not say so. I also can not wait six years. Why is that? Because six years too long, maybe in that time, the cause of obstruction for the export of our country.
Ms. King-theme-benefits-ca tell tongzi Ma-ni-da:
This copper-email, if so, certain pupils expect him within five years, I will arrange the national.
Just like that, the reduced to four years, three years, two years that pupil Ma-ni-da-long are not good. Now the King said:
-If not, then please wait so ta to ta within a year of the arrangement, then the same pigment.
Ma-ni-da-long still my Lord the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca:
-I also can not wait up to a year. Why? Because a year is still long. Perhaps in time he work of the King made obstacles.
Now the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca told Ma-ni-da:
This pigment-, if not certain, ask pupils wait for me within six months of the arrangement to me.
So dropped three months, two months, one month of which pupil Ma-ni-da-long are not good. When her King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca told Ma-ni-da:
This copper-email, if certain pupils not subject, pupils wait for me seven days seven nights to me of the arrangements, then the same pigment discharge procedure.
Ma-ni-da-long sailings my Lord the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca.
-Heal instead! Your Majesty. Heals instead of She-theme-benefits-ca! Well as your Majesty, I'll wait seven days seven nights.
Early life, Germany World Religion dwell in villages A-di-ca-da. In seven days and nights where the Imperial Palace the King used the British Royal sites such as Lac jewelry chain on the fuselage, until in flower life members enjoy exciting active exercise. As people move to another House to Congress, they shampoo, hair brush, clothing, use the string he lost the makeup on himself, then new. When King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca coming to United Park fun excursions as well.
Have a pupil named Canvas-match-da (sui room is multi-Mi). Is there a different name is pigment-Bhikkhu-la. Is there a different pupil named Nan-topics-ca. Has a pupil they like other A-nan. Is there a pupil they like other named Title-she-hit. The body of this Council as well as the aforementioned King page, the pupils also clothing, jewelry by the chain you, bring along a good Barber, and go to the village of A-di-ca-da.
Now the King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-ca has the valuable treasures to three hundred taels. The value of a hundred gold raiment, string values you lost a hundred gold and the yen value diamonds, equipped for horses of a hundred gold. Tongzi Ma-ni-da-long as well.
The pupils they like: Canvas-match-she, bow-Bhikkhu-la, Nan-da-ca, A-nan-da,-she-hit, each also has many valuable treasures to three hundred gold .... worth equipped for horses. The total value of the treasures the pupils up to two thousand one hundred gold.
When the pigment out of the Ca-Bhikkhu-la Dame-Bowl-it's over, everyone down, are off most of the British chain on the fuselage for the hairdresser and say:
-The British chain of tribe we are for him to live, he did take the capital live, should not be expecting anything else.
The pupils awarded British chain and brass go to the village of A-di-ca. Now the hairdresser think this: "people they like dread Germany urbanisation have when going for that we put the pupil goes away around it. For that reason, e that they harm us rape pics to. The pupil was vomiting up the animals, why are we eating? Today, we should not take the treasures, the pupils have riches, filled with dread of Germany as such, urbanisation still dispose of immeasurable wealth, treasures of the same royalty to the discharge procedure. What situations like we are today because of what excuse without according them the renunciation?. "
Such thinking, hairdresser sailings offer the treasures, the British chain ... hook on tree branches and thought: "If anybody sees this, freely taken, completely not steal."
Thought to myself, okay, so the hairdresser come to the Prince they like. The pupils they like from far away to see the hairdresser asked her position, navigate to:
-Why don't you go home?
The hairdresser answered the pupils they like:
-Dear Saints, I think this: "very powerful people they like, are filled with dread of such powers, the German can assume that the pupil goes away. For that reason, fear them to compromise the network trunks. The pupils were vomiting, we treasures removed why eat on our hips, take the treasure. Why? Because the pigment they like CUONG Thanh district, there are many that still dread renunciation more today why kh ng spice? " Dear Saints! For that reason I do not return home.
Now the pupils they love to hear talk like that should be protected:
-He was thinking, such decisions should not return home. For whatever reason? True to the word he says. The person they like our majestic brilliant, that he will lead the pupil goes away. There have been such words, they will come to harm his life.
Now the pupils they like working with the same hairdresser come to Buddha, to the place of the ceremony at the foot of the Buddha, and then sat on one side and white:
-Germany World Religion, please tell us about life Tools country export discharge.
They leave Bach:
-Germany World Religion, if You give them the renunciation should for the hairdresser before export. Why? Because of this barbers who spent long time need to serve our suffering, never published, should give the hairdresser renunciation and gender Specific student life before. He joined then, we join new world life student Stuff later, to have a chance we stand up, hand-pieced together glass supply nghinh wealthy girl he ceremony, to show respect. Why? Because the pigment they like them, his high Peacock now because this person we revert the mind, to abandon their erstwhile romantic Center.
Now Germany World Religion for the Spice world-life barbers Student Tools before. Then the next level King Like Mrs.-title-benefits-spice gender Student Tools life shifts. In addition, the other pupils in order to be home tho about Stuff. At that time A-nan and Title-she-reached-most have not been published for two left That Honor goes to the foot of snow.
Now the foot of Snow paint a Canvas they elders-da-SAC-investigation, named Rose-elderly. This unit has three austerities, meditation, Quarter accomplishments often lived at the foot of Snow paint.
Canvas-da-SAC-investigation found two old-pupil increase in A-nan and Title-she-reach maximum go to reception, elders asked han:
-The pupils they like what the coast has come to this?
The two pupillary response:
-Today, the two of them I like spice, so new to the elders. Heal instead! Dear false, leaned him for us.
Now Canvas-da-SAC-look up old police number-not-Increase virtue and never knew the names of the Prince-she-hit-multi should elders sailings for two people about life and Stuff.
A-nan Presbyterian renunciation not yet long, secluded spot in meditative thinking, thinking this: "today, maybe we go to Professor Hull met the Buddha. We should also until the Buddha."
Think so then, God has just brightened, A-nan from the room go out, towards the Canvas-da-SAC-Increased screening of older, wealthy girl-24-foot, standing on one side and white Awning elders-da-SAC-investigate Rising-elderly:
-Elders, I now want to see the Buddha, not bi t elders have allowed or not?
Canvas-da-SAC-investigate Rising-A-nan said: old
-If you see at the right time then just go. Upon arrival, we will feast at the foot of the Buddha, rather we ask an advice How to honor German words that You have less disease, less brain, relatives have been an okay? Go stand there was easy? Christian travel is hard? The air force itself has been abundantly?
A-nan to listen Dear Professor says so, Bach again:
-Y as elders, I dare not left.
A-24-foot Tent, wealthy girl nan-da-SAC-investigate Rising old-Jammer, around three laps and then from sledge.
The time elders-she-hit-see A-nan met the Buddha should ask:
-A-nan Presbyterian, I go somewhere?
A-nan responded:
-I plan until the Buddha.
-A-nan, if certain physician gone, please wait a few moments, I'm also going to ask permission of the fuselage, then Professor of the same teacher, I go to the Buddha.
Threads-she-reach-multiple sailings come to mock Religious Canvas-da-SAC-Increased screening of older, wealthy girl-24-foot, standing on one side, white:
-Sir, you want audience Buddha. Bow master compassion please allow.
The time elders Canvas-da-SAC-investigate-she said-reached-:
-If I feel up to at, when Buddha will come to us under the Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl and an advisor to world Religion: less disease, less brain, the body has an OK? Stand easy sitting there? Travel goods may not difficult? The air force itself has plentiful?
Threads-she-hit-ladies Canvas-da-SAC-investigate Rising-elderly:
-As the word Religion professor teaches, I dare not.
Threads-Religious ceremony, wealthy girl associated she interference around three laps, from weightlifting.
Now the two elders A-nan-da and Title-she-reached-most left foot of snow paint, go to Buddha. To place, two wealthy girl 24-foot Buddha and standing to one side.
Elders-she-hit-most of the White World Religion:
-When you pray As Hybrid production that As not to. Far As Hybrids do not see you be his?
The Buddha said-she-reaches-Max:
This Topic-her--reached-for what purpose, that renunciation? Renunciation and then, people should not betray.
The teacher Bhikkhu-stilts Bach Buddha:
-Strangely! The White World Religion, when to him are usually task-she-reach-work benefits. Reverse date Title-she-hit-multi again brought resentment enemies with Buddha.
The Buddha the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, not only in this lifetime, we teach Theme-she-reached-most do benefit, that people, in the hostile resentment kh also so. We teach what benefits, in contrast, resentment towards his enemies.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, how's work, please teach clearly for.
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
I remember in the past at the foot of the snow paints are a two-headed bird, usually staying at this place. A bird called Ca-long head-start, a tea called birds-ba-ca-long-tea. This two-headed bird, a sleeping head, a head.
One day, early Priority bird-ba-ca-long-dormant, the tea party has knowledge of a bird near the fruit name Ma-top-ca. This tree the wind do the flowers fall where the birds. At the time with the thought: "If I eat this alone, when ingested, then both ends are beauty and strength, the hunger and thirst", should not awaken early bird oil birds asleep, also did not warn, silence eating flowers.
Then, the early birds sleep wake, found in the abdomen, cough sneeze out, mainland told bird formula: "I eat this amazing food, make my body full of comfort, make the sound of I clear?"
Early bird-long tea-a: "When he sleep, where the first way I, the flowers of fruit trees-top-ca, at the time a flower fell on top of me. Now with the thought: "Only United we eat this alone, until on the abdomen, then both ends are from hunger and thirst, are beauty and strength", so I don't wake you up, nor tell you, which eat flowers. "
The early birds to sleep listening to say so, the resentment, the associated problems, think of it like this: "Who are we to say no food or, don't call me up, ate alone. So, from now on after the food giant also be referred, not to know. "
Two birds head on a flight the other day that walks here, suddenly having a poisonous flower. With the thought: "I eat the flowers to both ends are dead." Should the other end told top Ca-long-tea: "now I go to sleep, I will."
CA-long-first-Priority three listening tea-ca-long-tea says so inland asleep. Early bird Advantage-ba-ca-long-ate poisonous flower rush tea. Early bird-long-finished waking sleeping tea, cough sneeze out, know this is somewhat toxic, early bird Federation: "When you eat poisoned food, would cause no body, dying life, make him sound harsher harsher, like to speak out but stuffy not hard throat!"
At the top bird-ba-ca-long-tea told bird-long-tea: "When I sleep, I eat the poisonous flowers, like to give the top two are dead."
CA-long-tea said to Favor-ba-ca-long-tea: "the making of you're actinodaphne ellipticbacca grabbed hurry! Why do you work? "
Mainland said the shelves:
The old days are quiet sleep
I eat the fresh flowers smell sweet tasty
Other flowers wind blowing bottom side I
He generated anger.
Pray don't want to see this fools
Volunteers are also not living with them
Living benefits not stupid
Stupid self harm, harm to other people.
The Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-If the master mind of doubt-long bird-Jasmine Flower tea is someone indefinitely should also not think of anything else, i.e. us. The birds Favor-ba-ca-long tea toxic childhood she flowers-who? I.e. Title-she-reach-this multi. He's the life of the working interests, Title-she-hit-multi reverse born anger. So today, we're taught what benefits, in contrast, enemy, resentment.
When the elder Mrs.-title-benefits-ca has been joined, and then, in the lower three months three achievements in France through God, Ma-ni-da-long is T.i
label, Awning-elders-elders, Staff, elders Nan-topics-American ... the Prime result of this A-la-Han. A-nan-da-fruit syndrome again, Title-she-is-God reached through divine Lady of the world.
When the elder Mrs.-title-benefits-ca DAC results A-la-Han, or under a tree or in the room away, or at the vacant places, or in the garden on night three momentum-time chorus up three times this: "what peace!"
At the time the Bhikkhu-stilts to the white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, the elder Mrs.-title-benefits-ca Kieu-CU-di do not like in France That Venerated, not happy, not happy, always remember to Phu QUY pleasures as a United Kingdom. Because often remember thinking she should or under a tree, or in the absence of, or in the rooms well where the land looks, often three-time chorus up three times: "what peace!."
Then the Buddha a Bhikkhu-stilts to and said:
-Master here. Keep because we, the master came to see Her-stilts-Bhikkhu-benefits-ca and said That Religion should meets the master.
Bhikkhu-stilts Bach's the Buddha:
-Y as World Religion teaches, I'm obedient.
Come to Her elders-theme-benefits-ca, he said:
-Dear Ms. elders-theme-benefits-ca, Germany World Religion called the master to.
Mrs.-title-benefits-ca heard successively, so come to the Buddha, to the place where the wealthy girl married to stand back on one side.
The Buddha told Mrs.-title-benefits-ca:
-She-theme-benefits-ca, not like in my tu Pham Hanh in France? The teacher always thought to the throne? Because such memory should or under a tree, or where the room away, or where, in three time chorus up like this: "what peace! Truth is at peace! ", right?
Elders-Grandparents-benefits-ca white Buddha:
Yes, the White World Religion. Yes, like a hybrid.
The Buddha says:
-I feel the benefit of, or under a tree ... three time chorus: "truth is at peace! Truth is at peace! "?
Elders-Grandparents-benefits-ca white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, when ancient children in at the King, receiving consulates ceremony, wealthy girl, King ruled, are seven walls bounded to protect palaces, have seven layers of military figurines guardians, has seven class war, as such. Back there, army infantry, each type has seven layers, both wearing armor, hand-held weapons bows, arrows, spear, spear, Pike, conflict, baseball great Dharani and big iron, iron, iron, round pointed at lock, hammer and axe. How many such weapons guardians around. In addition to the wall have seven layers of ditches. Keep sheltered, so so, but the night if heard, still nervous not yen, up body hair, usually put to shame, the volatility.
The White World today, Germany or in under a tree, or in the absence of, or rooms where bare soil, at night, the animals heard, I no longer fear, the body does not build hair, no disgrace, no fluctuations. Therefore, I often think, thinking this: "We have obtained great benefits! Today the World Religion is my Masters Degree, the theory that He was enlightened, in France we did was to export his austerities, piracy, there are many banned about households maintained I to be magic. We are being good life, when death is also nice. "
Germany, the World Religious white brought the Rapture riches Oldtimer where royalty, compared to spice the peace today as the fun seat away, the sense of fun, the fun fun ones, President of Sa-level subjects ... do you think this should be fun ones to while under a tree , or in the absence of, or rooms where bare soil, tri, qifu gangui student minimum go no fear, that body construction, like who was in the Woods, deer come stand is sitting not hindrances. So three time usually rings three times: "what peace!."
At the time, the elder Mrs.-title-benefits-ca in front of Buddha because which says the shelves:
Deep bows I'm dwell
Seven towering walls
Upstairs the real aggressors firmly pursue the soup
Ramparts surround to seven layers of
Troops always hold the gas world
Throughout the day and night guardians I
So many ways to defend
But the mind is still afraid of such security.
Today I live with Honor
No one who followed the guardians
Until life really desolate place
Or under a tree in the forest of the mountain
I: Three-title-ca, Buddhist disciples
Everyone together copper cover
Go stand is sitting often at peace
Thus the mind no longer disturbing.
I ride in the old elephant God
Dear wonderful Silk Clothing
Eating rice soup delicious sweet
Soup porridge with meat taste delicious,
I now sit as cover
Chalk algae covering the fuselage where the wilderness
Charity cut from original miseries removal
Want to work what are arbitrary.
Then because of this Germany That Suen said shelves:
Know the network trunks, not alarmed when live
Also not sad when Forestry Network General
Who would be courageous and strong saw brackets
But in the sea of suffering would have feared.
Bhikkhu-stilts would have a useful piece of Ireland
Then the paragraph except all Tran
Mortal affliction are clean removal
So no reincarnation.
Now Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
This, in the master-disciple of Bar, wealthy nobles for renunciation, which is on stilts-She-Bhikkhu-benefits-ca.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, the elder Mrs.-title-benefits-ca on this before creating friendly career, now within the modern dime you they like, are many of the products of industry, not lacking? Create career inherited the throne of what they like? What was his career tho creation World Student Tools, proven results A-la-Han? Was That Religion noted: "this the Bhikkhu-stilts, in the Office of the Bar confidant disciples put generosity you discharge fame go to export, then She-theme-benefits-ca is the first"?
Then the Buddha the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, I remember This life of the past, have a poor person go begging for life. This from a person into excuses to go to the Ba-la-complaint. Upon arrival, the beggar in where are you name that rebuke: "where are you from? We prohibit thou not go begging. " Now you see this person the obstacles should be thinking: "we're with them not guilty, why do they prohibit me no go please?."
Early life, at the three-dollar complaint has a chief author takes a bronze Bowl, should he go looking. Look at it no, he goes to the other country to find copper Bowl.
When he ate the other gatherers of you was copper Bowl where the manure pile, hang the Bowl on top of the rod, go into the Three-dollar complaint, go from street to street, away from alleys and everything to the other alleys, from the crossroads of the alley to Alley, crossroads from street corner to street corner excuses mouth, rao "bronze Bowl is who's? Who is the owner, please assume! "
Who eat you go around it to find the owner, but ended up finding it home so Piracy for the King to Germany. After that, the chief author of the new hearing: "there are people who collect is bronze Bowl from the manure pile, hang the Bowl on top of the rod goes into the Three-dollar complaint, from the street to the other, from the street to the other alleys to the alleys and snatch up this copper Bowl: rao mouth? ... go anywhere where the owner does not know. It does not find the server should they come delivered to the Kings Offense in Germany. "
So, listen to Chief met German Breaking King and my Lord: "your Majesty knows! The copper Bowl, which was previously the name you give your Majesty is the bowl. "
The King at the German Offense to go name calling you to, the King asked: "the bat before people brought here, now head of this fake fake chief says. How's the job? "
Who eat you my Lord the King: "the German Offense like this, dear, I do not know this fellow is Bowl possessions of anyone. It in place
shit, I collect all right hanging on top of the rod, go into the Three-dollar complaint, going around that this question does not know where its owner. Do not know, should I give rise to the modern United Kingdom. Far as your Majesty use.
Now the King of Breaking Germany heard so, delighted, given back to the copper Bowl and tell you: "this, for us, who want to wish what we will give."
Who eat you my Lord King Violations in Germany: "Your Majesty, if today the true Majesty thrilled to meet the aspiration of my Majesty, please let me do God in you crowd where three-dollar complaint."
Pham Duc King said: "today, you please do the Lord hordes that you do! Should please the other desires or is gold and silver, or ask for a fertile hatching style for our country ... we will immediately ban the person. "
People eat are you my Lord: "my Lord, if your Majesty, please give me the wedding Festival wish it, I just want to be like" the King of instant judgment: "as he wants to, I accept."
The time in the three-dollar claim a total of five hundred people eat you. Who eat you wish he gathered all the beggar and declared: "We are great for doing God unto you, ye are commanded."
Five hundred eat you ask you people of God: "Now the Lord split us do what?"
The beggar Lord Justices: "ye're goin' on the shoulders together, or put us on his back that carry him away, how much most down around the sides that go."
They're eating you five hundred people heard so that manure treatment on the Mainland: the procession or on the shoulder, or who carry him on his back, traveling across it. To please the map sitting, lying, drinking food ... and bring about a spot, the beggar Lord split and then together using copper. The activity as such, lived through a long period of time.
The other day, there was an absence of seat, eat Ma-Ho-tea-ca (sui room is complete the wedding Festival). At the time the name beggar Lord steal food Ma-Ho-tea-ca of this person and run, five hundred you map them copper chasing beggar Lord. Run your ad the way far away, everyone is tired. So tired because they are back, and you name the Lord body strength laminated event should run without tiring. To run away, turn heads look back don't see five hundred eat you. See that people go into a forest, use water to wash hands, sits opposite the coast, Italy coming eat Ma-Ho-tea-ca. But when about to eat, he regrets: "we good, what excuse he won another's food, won and then hide the Horde's Entourage. The food we eat, not much has. If in the world have the Holy, please be clear that I come here, I will for this food. "
Playing such mind and then, a Mural-Buddha-name is the Friendly Sage, from nowhere, lowered stand in front of you Lord, how this person not far away. Eat you Lord see Remote Flange location-Buddha-dread leveled step slowly, facilities, classes, the right gesture allowed, not folding is not delayed. All right, so he uncovered for Flanges-Buddha-born Kat. That was pure trust and then, people think: "in the past and until the present, we suffered a poor scene are due to not having been blessed like rice. I've never known such people seem to worship glass. Suppose that in the past I've met was Phuoc ploughing so then today probably does not meet this miserable scene, perhaps not living under oppression. We now offer a feed Ma-Ho-tea-ca this position consecrate, unaware that First pick or not? If the recipient is retrieved, the prayer in the life of our dear escape hybrid unit bastard this squalid yoke. " Think so then, he take Ma-Ho-tea-ca surges for First.
Flanges-Buddha-only a single French is God through Christian culture as they are, also without France. Flange location-Buddha-receive feed Ma-Ho-tea-ca and then, because this person compassion, from this bay climbed nowhere that goes.
The beggar Lord seeing Flanges-chi-Buddha flies away in vain so excited Hon openings flooded, can not. So should he hand-pieced together the wedding Festival at the top, under the fake Religious ceremony remote Flanges-chi-Buddha, and then play the prayer: "Pray us in eternal hybrid unit That Quadratic see such Respect, or beyond, with how much his Dhamma talk, I vow to hear off sailings are to shed enlightenment. Again that we in the future position life born in the House, the moat has great dread of Germany, King of chemotherapy, shalt not born back in you miserable bunch. Leave that shit damn eternal not born into the path of evil. "
The Buddha the teacher Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, if anyone doubt God you name in the Ba-la-Ma-donation claim indoor-tea-ca for Flanges-Buddha-early life and everything is OK, then the person would think of anything else, that is-She-stilts-Bhikkhu benefit-ca. When you name the old Lord donation Ma-Ho-tea-ca for Flanges-chi-Buddha, by charm which should nowadays be blessed journalist born in line they Liked, a proud nobility, until the wealth is not missing something.
Back in her childhood that you name, play the prayer: "in the future position life was born in the great national dread of Germany, King of chemotherapy." Due to personal business, now be blessed within newspaper they like, assume the throne.
You name her childhood again God back prayer: "at the time of the eternal future, taste shit shit not fallen into evil paths, often save switch in the Sun people, enjoy the magic of touch."
You name her childhood again God back prayer: "in my lifetime the position often met Buddha-World-Religion as such, or is more than that, the Dhamma That Respect comes out, I'm willing to hear through the mainland grows food poisoning." So today's the coast are blessed us newspaper, published his world life Student Tools, proven results A-la-Han. We noted: in every Bar of disciples, who Hao you for renunciation, which is on stilts-She-Bhikkhu-benefits-ca.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, Mrs.-title-benefits-ca coast friendly people created apartment old so, due to her apartment should improve the present coast workers born in the House they Liked, in a proud race, extremely rich, so no shortage of wealth, in the line they are connected to the throne, which discharge the Kingdom come, spice World Student Tools , the result of A-la-Han. So I noted: in every Bar of disciples, in their line of trench you spice-she-boon-ca is the most people.
Elders-Grandparents-benefits-ca-fruit syndrome after A-la-Han, usually in secluded spot, go to qifu gangui, pollen, algae often sit y offset is not located, convenient place to sit, keep only three y, not stored in other objects.
At one time, elders in the secluded spot in the Woods in the Dormitory-Mrs.-title. Elders find grass and leaves but no dried excrement of gatherers should the white statue, the Group did the seat. Elders sit old urban planner on the dunghill of elephants, photography, body mind mindfulness spent a night.
Early the next morning, Her elders-theme-benefits-American medical relief, bringing the average Bowl, coming into her real qifu mumo-topics-Amnesty. Now in this city there are many eat you would like the food is done, should go out into nowhere, how far each person coming to his food recently.
At the time the elder Mrs.-title-benefits-remote ca to see the people you're feeding, after finishing food, please leave the no how far each person sit each place about to eat. To the elders who stood silent.
Now all you thinking: "Bhikkhu knowingly stilts compassion-we should come here, qifu guoren." Think so, then, each who reduced a little part of her food to Her elders-donation-benefit-ca.
Now the King-na, Suri-water ride a Unicorn statue dollar slaps the name is For compost-da-benefit out from the Dormitory-she-along with a name Contest-benefits-canvas-da (sui room is Vietnamese nouns Hien), then King of Yugoslavia-na water Kieu-slaps-la distance seen Her-theme-benefits-ca qifu mumo carried where those beggar to eat instant, told Lord Contest-benefits-canvas-da:
-This contest-benefits-canvas-da, this is Bhikkhu-stilts would that please you're eating from the food to eat?
Then the spirit is clearly seen consistent Bhikkhu-stilts-She-boon-ca, know certainly not wrong, so my Lord the King:
-My Lord, I beg you to know for, this is Her Favorite subject-stilts-Bhikkhu-benefits-ca.
The King said the spirit:
-If indeed so, khanh Bach statue to beat Mrs.-title-benefits-ca.
The great God Contest-benefits-canvas-da hear King series command, my Lord:
-Like Majesty lyrics, please Yes command.
Then, the command received Lord Bach statue to King tanker hit Mrs.-title-benefits-ca. When the King-na water Jiao-slaps-la to near-She-boon-ca, sailings down the elephants, wealthy girl under desk elders, then stand back. The King-na water Jiao-slaps-la dear Grandma-elders-benefits-ca:
-False, today for whatever reason make squalid, please feed in place of the pauper to eat like that.
Elders-Grandparents-benefits-ca told King Three-private-na Jiao-slaps-la:
This great-I'm not extreme poverty which according to them begging. I have seven of the dish, I want to keep the poor there begging to let them escape extreme poverty.
Your Majesty must know, I have had the intellectual eye, just because want to smash the screen of ignorance for they come begging to open the eyes of the intelligence for them.
Again, this great, I got rid of all the binding, just because they were taking, so I'm bound to anger that begging to open bound to them.
Your Majesty, this far I have crossed to rescue banks, just because want to save sentient beings immerse in muddy basin afflictions should I go there begging.
Again, this great, I now have to gain is not sick, just because want to curing afflictions for beings come begging.
Then the King-na water Jiao-slapped again white elders-Grandparents-benefits-ca:
-Dear Saints, threw well extreme poverty no treasure Saturday. Shall I also dark, living in the dark. Also killed were steeped in the muddy basin negativity. Body politic sick also took part. Please fake Holy compassion often bowed to the internal supply of the body politic.
Now Her elders-theme-benefits-ca told King Three-private-na Jiao-slaps-la:
This Majesty, Majesty-no need to do so.
Say so then, elders from the King.
59 products: MA-NI-DA-LONG
One day, Germany World Religion because of the row that the lecture on stilts-Bhikkhu France. Then the elder Ma-ni-da-long asleep not knowing the Buddha should rebuke Ma-ni-da:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, why the teacher for this Dhamma that asleep like that? The job of the teacher is not so good. The teacher stood up, don't sleep anymore!
From then on, Ma-ni-da-long without sleep. Because of the long time spent not sleeping so blind eyes, just use Natural label view.
Now Germany World Religion the Bhikkhu-stilts:
This, in the master-disciple of the writer, We Stick on all Bhikkhu-stilts Ma-ni-da-long.
The elder Ma-ni-da-long sewing or dress. There are sometimes five fingers holding all five needle.
One day, elders Items-hopea-contact to tell Ma-ni-da:
-Present us elders to travel here.
The elder Ma-ni-da-long responded to the elders Items-hopea-contact:
-Please Respect author linger, linger. Wait I am y.
Elders Items-hopea-back told the elder Ma-ni-da:
-If the elders use the spirit through which may then y will quickly done, if want to use Italy to mau mau prayer into the city.
When Ma-ni-da-long may this medicine, escape from the hole, the elder Ma-ni-da-long self say alone: "in the world does anyone want to do can you tell me the thread pierced German?"
Now Germany World Religion sitting meditation, the mind alone in the room, with Natural pure Turkish listen Ma-ni-da-long says so. He heard, like the arm extensor lishi, sailings now stand in front of Ma-ni-da-long that does not embody, retrieved just threaded the needle. At the time the elder Ma-ni-da-long sailings asked:
-Who will you pick me just pierced?
The Buddha said:
-Ma-ni-This long-da, I pierced it for him just for elders.
Now all Bhikkhu-traditional stilts each other saying: "Germany World Religion it only pierced Ma-ni-da." Heard, each thought to myself: "Germany World Religion because people happy offense help constantly, what excuse are we ignoring does not help each other?" So, since then the Bhikkhu-stilts anyone doing anything, are help together.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts because this coast staff go to the white Buddha:
-Germany World Respect, elders Ma-ni-da-long ago grown friendly career, now is the life world spice Stuff, A-la-fruit syndrome Han? Was That Religion noted: "this the Bhikkhu-stilts, in the line of text Stick disciples, who are Natural pure label, it was the Bhikkhu-stilts elders Ma-ni-da."
Listen to the Bhikkhu-stilts so white, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts: I remember in the long past life far, immeasurable experience a-increase-States, there is a Buddha birth mark is Posted As a hybrid, the Worship, the Chief Justice Turned to the voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha , World Religion. When row-stilts that Bhikkhu because discourse, the Buddha then riveted the German label of the evening.
Early life, there is a renunciation is the name of the Member to attend the Conference. When I heard this, to France's thoughts: "I now but don't ask my parents, but we export today just because the future was Heavenly life wants the label should we must create the basis."
Such thinking then, Your shop full of grease is five hundred fights, the worship to the Buddha-nature Posted Loads of Upper Class and the Chief Justice Chief Justice play prayer: "I vow to meet future position life Buddha, his teachings, we are quickly proven food poisoning. For every disciple has written his label Genius Bar, we're the first. "
Back to pray: "eternal shit shit don't fall into the realms of evil."
Now Germany Course posted as Lai, the Worship, the Chief Justice Turned to the voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, the Great renunciation protect Your Religion: "in life there is Buddha hybrid taste Like-houses-ni ten full marks: How Infinite Respect Upper Hybrid As Chief Justice Chief Justice College. in the text Bar in the Heavenly testimony of his label, who is the first. "
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, the master who had doubted Tactician renunciation extremely wealthy in the place Buddha who is the life of the Post Course? I.e. Ma-ni-long ago-this momentum.
Now back to the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-We remember the past long period away from the name the aggressors stole, in the dark night are on alleys, Italy wanted to go eat, go between the lines broken shoes. Her childhood where there's a church tower residences-benefit-Flange-Buddha. Where this tower, there is a liturgical Church, lighted lamp donation request Phuoc, which runs lamp oil. Name the aggressors came, saw the lights low oil, due to broken shoes wiring should pour more grease on lights, use a pointed arrow head lamp, glow heart erotic back.
Now name the aggressors see lamp light on, reconnect the wire shoes. By the light of lights, see there he should be Center towers purity. The mind is pure and then play the prayer: "this Tower? We pray in the position to meet future World Religious life a can of this tower, or more. With the Dhamma That Suen said, I pray you heard quickly shed enlightenment. In the World of Radio disciples Religious, eyewitness Angel label, I was on top. "
Back to pray: "damn damn eternal I don't fall into the path of evil."
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The teacher, the name stealing more oil lamps before the Flange-Tower-childhood who was Buddha? It should think of anything else, that was the Bhikkhu-stilts Ma-ni-da-long.
Ma-ni-da-Oldtimer is upasaka Tactician, after doing this crime, because human charm more oil into the Tower lights Church Mural-chi-Buddha, with pure mind, pray: "Pray I don't fall into the future position life the way evil, often born in the Sun and people." Thanks to the newspaper industry, born in the unprecedented birth of evil realms, often peacefully in the Sun.
At that, he vows: "into the future position is often encountered in Germany That such Respect or more. How much of his Dhamma comes out, I pray that By "industrial enlightenment shed lick should today be seen Ta and renunciation, world Instruments.
Does prayer play childhood friends back: "in the Natural World's label proof disciples Venerated him, we're the first." Due to this newspaper industry should today, in our text Bar disciples witness Heavenly label then Ma-ni-da-long head.
The Bhikkhu-stilts, Ma-ni-da old days long – due to the growing of such base should improve thanks to the blessed it now spice world, evidence of Tool life result and A-la-Han. The Bhikkhu-stilts, I noted: ' in every disciple of Bar We witness Natural label then Ma-ni-da-long is the head. "
At one point, Germany World Religion dwell in Nai, is a forerunner of the former, in the Ba-la-complaint. Meet at cold, elders A-nan to the foot of the World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then move to one side, Bach:
-Germany World Religion, today the rain didn't come, so do the way real qifu gangui to the Bhikkhu-stilts help hungry through a night?
The Buddha told A-nan:
-Master out of worry. Bhikkhu-stilts Ma-ni-da-long Phuoc existing power, today, can stilts-Bhikkhu makes them Rise from the hungry through one on one night.
Then the elder Ma-ni-da-long Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl, and then to stand back on one side, the white Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, please receive small donation. If You take the food of children can cause starvation through out the mass a day per night.
Germany, the world Religious silence.
In the morning, the elder Ma-ni-da-long embankment, bringing the average to go to Bowl three-la-complaint, when the medium has not yet come true, qifu gangui again also without former acquaintance friendly. Suddenly, at the got five hundred Turkish food-filled packaging the elders. The elder Ma-ni-da-long sailings brought five hundred Turkish food on the grounds, set up the seats, the ceiling set finished, go to sometimes Buddha:
-Germany World Religion, eat food, have done, Sir Lam quang tho bent brother.
Then the Sun in the East, Germany That brought together the Bowl y wear Religious Bhikkhu-stilts Council go to son the road, found the food was available, according to cleanup Monday that security is located.
The elder Ma-ni-da-see long ton and theo is located, security layer stuff sequentially carry five hundred Turkish food, before consecration the Buddha, after the consecration. The Buddha and great food, then Ma-ni-long ago-new momentum. After eating it, elders and the Bhikkhu-Dong to lecture on stilts, experiencing the Court sitting.
When the elder Ma-ni-da-long sit, the White the Bhikkhu-stilts:-Dear Jesus elders, it's rare! Really rare! Never seen such things. There is a very large message, the blessed Germany great, the German great dread so do?
Mr. Chu elders, I remember long past childhood far, in Three-dollar complaint has a poor person, no wealth storage space. The place has a Mural-chi-Buddha named Three-private-investigation. At that time he met the rice very precious period, many people were starving, the deficiency. In addition to the many people starve, horizontal ngổn white bone all over the place. At the time the Spice taste can't be real qifu gangui. Due to the pressing hungry so they can't practice.
The other day, the Sun is also in the East, the Mural-chi-Ba-private-investigation of medical relief, bringing the average bat, into three-la-complaint by qifu mumo class real, through around the city that are not real, qifu gangui turned out into that bowl of still nothing.
Now I see the fake Religious Mural-chi-Ba-private-investigation, associated to the Sir: "Heal instead! Yes, it really was qifu gangui, Sir? "
False religion answered: "Mr. speaker, today I am not human qifu gangui was real."
Now I'm back to Bach: "Dear author Respect, if so, please come to my house, now in the House-are you part of the rice cooked with rice."
I invited Ton dummy Flange sailings-chi-Buddha home to grab the rice company surges worship to him. When the Mural-chi-Buddha received the donation and then optionally out about. Now I am off to make firewood. Where I make firewood forest way tha ma not far away. While taking firewood, where Miami tha ma have a white skeleton, suddenly stood up, went to embrace my neck. I try remove the skeleton, it was not until the evening that were not. When the Sun is about to dive, I can't help but bring to the skeleton. People see so they told me: "spooky! People carrying the dead bone to do? "
I responded: "I, I'm now trying our best to meet the skeleton that ended up not being. If you have the ability, please remove them for me. "
Then the people embrace each other though an egypian skeleton using our best hope will be removed, but not out.
Now, I was in the House with the intention of going to remove the body from the white bone. Then, the white bone are turned into gold, naturally fall to the ground. I thought: "we should not take this yellow Own." OK, I think the linkage going to the German Offense King my Lord: "your Majesty, know for today's home ground, lower the spirit King, Treasury has produced get sung in the King's treasure."
Pham Duc King demanded the corpses to the judge: "may have to go by this person and this person will just for the gold. May have to get l y bring it back here. "
When he viewed the King's Decree received the corpses, immediately they followed me home. My only gold for the messengers. Messengers full white bone saw dead people. They saw that, said to me: "spooky! This foolish, he has to be crazy guys? What's the excuse for the white bones of the dead is the gold? " Envoy returned to my Lord the King full.
In a later, I back to my Lord the King: "your Majesty must know, summer spirit is the repository of gold, the truth does not lie. Bow please your Majesty soon produced. "
At the time, the German Offense to my house to close bars at the Treasury gold also turned into the white bone as before. The King again asked me: "spooky! Hey fools si, he crazy infected? What excuse he gives the white bone is the gold? "
I'm back dear King Violations in Germany: "your Majesty must know, this is the real gold, not the bones of dead."
I said it twice, and then at my hand holding the gold vow: "If gold this quarter because we're here is because the charity industry report, please notify Irene King Violates Germany also found as such." Play oath, successively King found the bones of dead turned into gold, as I see no other precious gold.
The great United Kingdom Violates German told me: "Heal instead! This author, who do create blessed career? Or have you worship gods? Or donation for the angels? Or made any position that can give people content? "
Now I'm Mr. King Violations in Germany: "your Majesty, I know for each donation of food for a human First, maybe due to the force of the forerunner of today's lower left spirit are blessed like newspapers."
Pham Duc King again said to me: "fake Personalities have created such industry charity should today be blessed this quote. This is the message of the blessed, the other person can not win. Fake personalities should not hesitate, at your disposal. "
Dear Jesus, life of the elders, I thanks to donation-Buddha-taste a meal should he be blessed in life needs improvement message optionally being full.
Due to the donation of a meal which seven times up the Sun thirty three. Here, I do like the Emperor King quote Phuoc tho. After that, I was born in the humanity made monarch and later Moved back to London in the United Kingdom who ruled the Holy four world continents, world mastery, households maintained the world, full of the seven treasures, to conquer the enemy of enemies, such as France medical chemotherapy.
Do Phuoc announces donation of a meal, after his death, I was born to heaven, and then Merry Christmas from heaven down to humanity, from humanity's death back up. So, I'm moving up and down, not born into the realms of a different gauge. Where I was born, the Palace were extremely nice. If I was born in the humanity within the moat, filled with wealth, until all the needs not deficits. If I was born to do Chu Thien, outlawed many of hedonistic, born down humanity as well.
By Jesica donation a meal so far I been blessed within newspaper they like. My birthday, Christmas, to bring down Heaven five hundred precious Sun dress up on my body. The ground has five hundred natural treasures appear ... are due to report results of the donation per meal. Because I am that my parents had built three palaces, court Monday for a break in the summer, the winter break second and third building on spring break.
By Jesica donation a meal today, I was blessed in the House report they like. The rice warehouse in my home at the time gradually every day more overwhelmed. The Jade Pearl foot, Yuri, coral, amber, gold, silver ... cherish immeasurable said, people and animals, lack nothing.
Again due to the entertainment charm donation a childhood meals, today are blessed. One day, I'm in the States, my mom wanted to try I should advocate the bat no forks on alloy wheels, and then use the towel covering, the wrong person to carry for me. Along the way, Chu Heaven brought the formal dining is very delicious, nutritious substances full set fills in the bowl.
Also due to the overall donation message, a blessed day I followed my dad to check the field work. I thirst, go to fetch the water stream, are about to drink the water, then he turned into marvelous tributary of cam Lo.
Again due to the entertainment, meal donation charm now blessed as Shu, went into the Three-dollar complaint, never knew one who, naturally there are five hundred Turkish food does to the front. I receive this food and bring about his accomplice Lin, the Buddha and the monks donation, making the Buddha and the masses are satisfied.
Thanks to Irene announces donation per meal, today for the four I don't demand shortfall. Phuoc Duyen by newspaper donation for education, meals in my life also does not lack. Now spice, spice pleasure for me also are full.
Report by Phuoc donation a meal, now mortal, Hanh Pham piece set, job done, not the life hereafter, hull reached the spot immediately in this lifetime, invisible, enter Nirvana. After Nirvana and then, naturally, there is no known evidence framework.
Mr. Chu elders, her childhood friends I don't know her taste is author Bich-chi-Buddha. If I know the Mural-chi-Buddha explicitly, then right when I pray the fruit enemies WINS, the great German prestige, bridge will bridge the invisibly upper generous fruit.
The elder Ma-ni-da-long summary of events through the shelves:
I think remember Oldtimer
Are living in Three-la-complaint
Do sell firewood to live through the day
Having respected Her fake-private-investigation
See donation per meal
Should you prefer a proud home births.
Ma-ni-da-long news my name
Singing, dance are skilled
Litigation and satire, ca rating soaked
Until all the techniques.
I now know of past life self
So erstwhile born where
B. up the thirty-three heavens
Up and down it to seven times.
There are times to do the Roman Empire Like
Live in heaven very self in
All of my orders
So chemotherapy every natural them.
King of humanity up to seven times
Ritual Cafe, wealthy girl King
Capturing the power of power
Do not use the same weapons
As the rule of law throughout the ground
There are many cherish the immeasurable number,
My level of all wealth
Born in the great House located Phu
Increased wealth untold
For most people, I,
Five worldly education are full
Precious jewel of seven treasure does not lack anything
I created such a career.
Never made it into the three evil sugar
Now they are exporting countries
Was France cam Lo three freed.
I again thanks to his published somewhere?
His removal to discharge it
Because I'd benefit
So to pay grace a Buddha.
World Religion know I mature
Because I am French speaking impermanence
If I think of going to body chemistry
Buddha used spirit to me.
I if there is suspected or
So true for my facilities award
France Buddha speaking out regardless.
French speaking because I do not distinguish
I now hear is true lyrics
Love the French Chief Justice that maintains life
So associated was the three freed
Glass lettered grace Temple i.e. Buddha.
I don't want to end life
Also do not want to prolong lifespan
My lifetime to at most
Mindfulness life discharge thinking network.
I know the future position life mortal
They are back and I also know
Know where it died, then
Also know where their students to
The Bhikkhu-Architectural forest place-hostel
I'm Lisa discharge network life
In the jungle, dense place
Dear discharge smuggled into Nirvana.
Now Germany World Religion with pure Turkish than humans, listen to elders Ma-ni-da-long said human charm created career in the past, so today was blessed, and so newspapers use the magic shelf that presented. To listen so you rejoice praise.
60 products: human FATE A-NAN
One day, the greatest German criminals sometimes almond elders A-nan made the fake for a Buddha does, from the elders A-nan brings all his doing just Like Lai. What Like Hybrid said, elders are remembered. The work world or worldly appearances, when hearing the Buddha said, the elders are to remember not to forget. If anyone is to ask possible suspect, also explain who they are, making the wedding.
Therefore, Germany World meeting, Religious claims with the Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, a fake bar number in the text of my disciples, who have the intellect, that is multicultural Bhikkhu-stilts A-nan.
Then the Bhikkhu-stilts white Buddha:
-Germany World Respect, elders A-nan in the past have grown friendly flat, but now thanks to the charity of that apartment was born in the House great national pride they Liked, a lot of wealth, force, until all the needs not missing something? Because what the industry now is about life Stuff, spice is the patron saint of France, upon hearing That the French-speaking world Religious or worldly appearances, remember not to forget? Is there anyone to ask possible doubt, elders also answers led the centers they are Hy. Be That documented This "Respect the Bhikkhu-stilts, the master must know, in every Bar of disciples, who are intellectual multicultural remember forever not forgotten, which is A-stilts-nan Bhikkhu.
Listen to the Bhikkhu-stilts asked so, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
I remember in the distant past, also where three-la-complaint, King name breaking the Germany. The King has two Prince, who firstly named Hy, second person name canoe (sui room is).
In this two-person Apartment is the great Prince Hy,, a gentle Leanne calmly, substance users need peace, generous heart, fear guilt, depart craving. Prince Hy see Base allows the punishment King, officials of causing brain gauge killed, many bondage scene captivity as cangue, shackles, jails, locked up very solidly, off limbs, ears, nose, an unfortunate luck on the eyes ... Prince see so mainland thoughts: "When our father died, then, what rule? I know taking throne like this to work? We do not know the network trunks used to work? Why is that? I have seen all of them born being how much suffering the brain body pressing. So today the spice is best tu. " Think so, Yes, the guy goes to the ladies with the father and the mother: "dear parents, I want to export his school discharge."
Now father and mother said to the Prince: "My beloved child of Italian parents, parents always think of the nostalgic look, eyes do not know. Parents would rather suffer death rather than likely child, every mother and father are still alive on the certain con. " Such double word three times Xide County Prince Apartment, father and mother: "dear parents know for, today the decision. Bow allows mercy parent, please. "
Prince was always father and mother as father and mother should allow the renunciation and the Prince Prince: "my son, follow the will of the child."
Now Prince is Based and the wedding my mother allowed to be exported.
On one day, the Prince Apartment after the wedding was discharged export countries, removing hair, sequential Visual Charm, a practice full of French spirit through transformation, optical zoom, spray water, turned the Sun, great shocks, floating clouds, rain ... everything a variable self in.
Flange location-Buddha-"I thought because of what that renunciation? Things like that, I did complete, self, duties were done. We should pity the parents and progeny in these same beings, which return to the Imperial Palace, making rice blessed them. " Now the fake Religious Mural-Buddha-Hy moving into three Apartments-la-complaint. Upon arrival, Mural-chi-Buddha stopping where the forest A-la, in the United Kingdom's Offense in Germany.
Then the King of Breaking Germany heard: "Prince Apartment was First, the wedding is about this place, now in the city." Should be thinking: "so we ought to see the wedding, asking for comfort." At the time King of his German world dread Offense, dignified type with four branches guardians put out, to express the spirit of Germany.
Now the fake Religious Mural-Buddha-Hy remote Base to see father come, thought: "The people and the King of Breaking Germany ... has enormous power, rights dread should they fall high drain port. If in front of the King of breaking the German player ... we are certain they do not provide the ceremony glass. "
Think so then, Bich-chi-Buddha flies rocketing up nowhere does the Kabbalah changes such as lying, sitting, business travel, half half eruption, fuming, half above, half below the fuselage fire sprinkler sprinkler ...
When her Majesty the German Offense in the same count of false Religious shows great spirit pants related Scriptures Flanges-chi-Buddha flies rocketing up nowhere appears the spirit through transformation. The King saw so, think: "he's abandoned throne discharge goes renunciation, now have great first, the great dread of Germany, the great spirit" should be downright excited Hon openings flooded, can not. The King went to the seat of the Bich-chi-Buddha. When the King is near to where the Flanges-chi-Buddha from nowhere slowly lowered. The King arrived, the glass palace ceremony, the wedding Festival has just at Flanges-chi-Buddha, sitting on the old building down.
Then the King of breaking the 24-foot Mural, wealthy girl German-spending-Buddha and then move to one side. The time-spent-the Buddhist theory of a marvelous little France, causing the King happy Hon, an expression.
When the King heard the Flanges-chi-Buddha sermon, glad, ladies: "Fresh openings Hon instead! Yes, please accept my invitation, First in always in the Palace, I will fake Religious temple scene, and because home, offers four the donation. The fake religious want something, I both fully supply. If false Religion because of mercy, where they became hamlet wants to go to real, the false Religious freedom qifu mumo, I don't interfere. "
The fake religious Mural-Buddha-silent invitation of father. When the King saw her false Religious Mural-Buddha-Hy silent invitation Basis, should the shopping rush Friday donation: home, four of the donation ... all are shopping this page layout is complete. Also how many other needs are provided in full.
One day, Bich-chi-Buddha because of mercy, go into the real qifu gangui. At the Flanges-chi-Buddha on the real Ms. Prince, qifu mumo-slavery come to First human-Based Hy-Flange serve donation. The Center's position in doubt things often to ask Flanges-chi-Buddha. Flanges-chi-Buddha being Prince charming She asked then silence, not only where the fingers dropped the fire light. Her Prince charming now wonder: "Mural-chi-Buddha has great spirit through which no measures taken."
Flanges-Buddhist-Based Hy told Her Prince charming: "this Prince, Prince should. If today the Prince is not subject to renunciation, we know for sure after death Prince will fall into the evil way. If the Prince appeared, we also know the Prince the first State University. "
Now Ms. Prince-emancipation of ladies with father and mother: "Heal instead! Dear parents, the forerunner of today's Base was the wedding. I also want to export to. Bow please parents mercy for his Italian-heaven "
The King and Queen are not allowed, but Ms. Prince-emancipation still often come First always multiply Hy Radical worship donation. Flanges-chi-Buddha also often told Her Prince charming:
-Prince is. ..
Ms. Prince-emancipation-Flange-Buddha responded: "the father and mother of today aren't for children. It must do it nao? "
Now multiply the First Mural-chi-Buddha found on the surface of Her Prince charming does Prince General, surely seven days again will die should First secure human, United Kingdom: "this Prince charming to Her here! Prince must. For whatever reason? Because of the death of General Prince has, for seven more days Prince will's death. "
Her Prince charming back dear parents: "mother and white Glass, bent over body flush for my song please continue."
At the time the false Religious Mural-Buddhist-Based Hy also to dear parents. "White father mother together, parents are to children. Why? Because Her sister canoe death occurred within seven days, the General will. Because of this coast, workers certain parents will bye ly children. So, I'd rather go to export, died in the French manner, so to stay at home. "
Father and mother said: "If certain in seven more days Her Prince charming will die, farewell we, should we need to."
Soon Her Prince charming at the instant hair removal, shaving up ca-sa, the people. In respect of seven to serve Church Mural-chi-Buddha. Flange location-chi-Buddha for her canoe the France dread. Meet on Friday, to come on Saturday, Bich-chi-Buddha knew her canoe must die. Due for mercy-Buddha-ought to leave the Court, flicking up nowhere, embodying the spirit of business travel information, lying, sitting, spewing smoke, flame, hide not showing ... First She found charming human Mural-Buddha-Hy was based in nowhere evolve the spirit of such information. See that Ms. canoe delighted Hon openings flooded, homemade, hand-pieced together duty towards Flanges-chi-Buddha ceremony, wealthy girl; married, wealthy girl prayer: "I wish life tastes often meet human Saints Flanges-Buddha-like this, or more. How much of his Dhamma talk, I pray you heard are smoothly '.
Voluntary return: "I made fake a serve donation Holy."
Back to pray: "in my life I was the hybrid position, how much dread forces such as Flanges-chi-Buddha. If anyone to ask me the meaning of France, I am equally as they explain, making their wedding. "
Back to pray: "eternal shit shit without falling into the path of evil."
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, if one has the heart to doubt Her Prince charming in the seven-day French life and respect donation Flanges-chi-the life of Buddha, should also not think of anything else, i.e. Bhikkhu-stilts A-nan.
Her Prince charming her childhood due to the center of the Flange-chi donation Hy Festival-Buddha Hy should Base is blessed in the House report they like.
Back to Buddha-Phat-vow: "I pray for ever bitch shit not fallen into the realms of evil", because he should never quote Phuoc fall into the evil realms, only moving up humanity, and enjoy wonderful sensual.
Her childhood again thanks to play pray: "Pray hybrid unit lifetime human life Christian Saints ranks lawyers encounter like this, or beyond, the teachings of the Holy speaking out, I vow to listen through once sailings are smoothly." Due to this industry because today should meet me as a Professor, He published his side about life Stuff, was a French Saint.
Again he played his childhood vow: "I pray in the future position life met such a Professor, I vow made false donation attendant." Thanks to Irene's career, so far making fake glass offer a donation.
Again he played this prayer in her childhood: "I pray in my lifetime was taste great spirit, great dread." Thanks to the newspaper industry should multiply this blessed day the University, have great dread.
Does this prayer play childhood friends again: "If future position life anyone to ask what doubts, I will because they explain, analyze clearly, makes the mind they are the wedding." Thanks to that, the industry newspaper phước today if anyone to ask what doubts, as they explain, making their wedding.
Now back to the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The master, I remember This past long distant childhood, in Three-la-complaint, has a big head fake the name Phu is Rising-slaps-da-na (sui room is United Kingdom An). Chief author of this very much wealth, career greatness like the Palace of heavenly Bhikkhu-sa-not other subjects. In the House every day often has up to five hundred Flanges-chi-Buddhist retreat to qifu gangui. Early life had a custard of a Mural-chi-Buddha pointed bottoms such as breast, should the average Bowl each time to up the grass or on the carpet, the mainland fell, unable to stand.
Major increase in fake-slapping-da-na has a daughter, imagine the Dapper Chief cute, full of Germany's General. She found the average bowl of the Buddha-to-Flange, associated his bracelet off surges for Flanges-chi-Buddha, Bach: "Please take the University first Last round, use lined the bottom of the bowl."
The time First because her mercy, should receive the ring used to lining the bottom of the bowl, so the average Bowl doesn't list falling. When he saw the girl's Bowl Flanges-chi-Buddha standing on the ring rolling fork, should rejoice Hon openings flooded whole body should not be made, voluntary release: "As the average bowl of this round were not put on the human ego not inclined, we pray in life position, if hearing the France world or export the world's speak out , we all remember perfectly. "
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts:
-The Bhikkhu-stilts, if the teacher would doubt she faked her childhood who is now the Chief then shalt not should have thought of anything else, i.e. Bhikkhu-stilts A-nan. Due to her early life were on hand to round off the wedding Festival, consecrate the fake Religious Mural-lined bottom to Buddha-custard, these voluntary release: "As human on the Bowl placed First round do not fall not inclined, we pray in life position, if heard how much France world or worldly appearances, all remember absolutely not forgotten." Because of that, the industry now is what newspapers do not hear the blessed forgotten.
One day, the Sun is also in the East, A-nan Presbyterian medical relief to bring the average bat, went into the Dormitory-Mrs.-title qifu gangui. When away from the forest park – da, Anathapindika, but not to the Dormitory-Mrs.-title, on about the way have a great longevity, named Contest-far-three, under this tree has multiple Ms-la-stop being subjects. From far away, see A-nan elders are about to go to the place, the She-la-keeper told each other:
-The people must know, the Sa-Mon children Tickle-this conversation, in the multicultural intellectual intelligence, then this person is superlative.
They say such words then the false Religion has just arrived. They asked:
-Mr. Entertainment, now please consistent suicide tree Contest-far-three has how many leaves?
Consistent life University and then, assuming A-nan told them:
-Tree branch to the East includes the total possible percentage of thousands of leaves ...
In turn as such until the southern Bough, the West, the North, false Religion are says:
-In total, including the possible hundred thousand leaves.
OK, so say the fake Religious leave. After A fake Religious-nan's gone, the She-la-miscellaneous subjects as long as her tree hundred leaves it hidden away somewhere else. When A fake Religious-nan come back, the Ba-la-keeper back stop asking:
-Fake A Ton Sir-nan, he was back. Please close the Inn tree Contest-far-three how many leaves?
Now A fake Religious-nan to lift tree view and then successively knew she-la-Mon withdraw unheard-of mark hundred leaves, sailings told them:
-The Eastern Branches are possible hundred thousand leaves ...
So until the southern branches, twigs, shoots the North West also said possible hundred thousand leaves. False religion say so and then successively removed.
At the time, the Ba-la-for is the little, never seen. They said to each other:
-Sa-this very intellectual subjects.
The Ba-la-by because this coast Center Chief of human birth. Had credit and finances, then soon they are spice, the A-la-Han.
At the time, have the elders-na-BA-Prosecutor (sui room is the non Sufficiency), elders also-Bhikkhu-la (sui room is Long), the Nan elders-topics-ca. Three people only know their spice cause without knowing the reasons from birth, also do not know the life of the past create a career. They asked this name?
Answer that:
-The master of the Ministry sent Ma-ha-as my duty.
-The master of the Ministry dispatched Slapped-she-most known as Dignified. -The master of the Ministry dispatched Ca-lettuce-di is called Buddha Charm
-The master of infinite-Germany-Talks faction known as the duty of the Happy Buddha.
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