Thursday, 13 July 2017


MATERIALS Brahmàyu Sutta- Brahmàyu. 
An old and erudite brahmin learns about the Buddha, goes to meet him, and becomes his disciples. 
Pham Thi Brahmayu. 
A wise old brahmin learned about the Buddha, went  to Ngai and became a  disciple of Ngai. 
Pham Brahmayu 120, a brahmin  directing high moral esteem, mastery of the contemporary press minister [1] when he heard rumors about Buddha, e A must Uttara a  disciple smart young to go to the assembly of Buddha to t ser Understand about 32 generals [2]  who are considered true rumors. For hissainthood  , whoever counted for only 32 of them, there were only two  ways: one was the king of turning with seven treasures, elephants, horses, jewels, women, servants, and adviser. Second is to become a  big anger, unveiling the world.
Uttara saw  all the generals, except for the two generals as long and wide generals and generals. The Buddha shows the power [5] shows the two generals. After seven months of observation, the youth reported: The coronation fruit is  full 32 generals,
1. flat feet
2. under the feet are shaped like a 1000 ccwheel 3. thin heel .
4. Long toe fingers.
Soft limbs.
6. Legs have mesh skin.
7. Fish eye round like a shell.
8. Foot like a goat.
9. When  standing upright, or your hand falls down on  your knees.
10. Chess
11. The skin color is like pure gold.
12. Non-sticky dusty skin
13. Each pore grows only one thread.
14. Hair grows round to the right
15. High straight body.
16. There are seven places  fullness. [
17 ] 17. The front half like a lion
18. Between the shoulders there is no
19. Body in balance ; The height of the body is horizontal with the arms outstretched.
20. Half body on
 round square
21. Taste extremely delicate [7]
22. Jaws like a lion
23. There are 40 r .
24. regular
teeth 25. non-defective
teeth 26. slippery teeth
27. wide blade
28. Great sound like the sound of birds Ca lang frequency .
29. dark blue eyes
30. eyelashes beautiful eyelashes b ò the
31. Between the two eyebrows with fine white hairs
32. Peak head protruding l Israel Minister protuberance [8]. Half the corners of the square 21. Very delicate taste. [7] 22. Lions jaws 23. There are 40 r 24. regular teeth 25. non-defective teeth 26. slippery teeth 27. wide blade . 28. Great sound like the sound of birds Ca lang frequency . 29. dark blue eyes 30. eyelashes beautiful eyelashes b ò the 31. Between the two eyebrows with fine white hairs 32. Peak head protruding l Israel Minister protuberance [8]. Half the corners of the square 21. Very delicate taste. [7] 22. Lions jaws 23. There are 40 r 24. regular teeth 25. non-defective teeth 26. slippery teeth 27. wide blade . 28. Great sound like the sound of birds Ca lang frequency . 29. dark blue eyes 30. eyelashes beautiful eyelashes b ò the 31. Between the two eyebrows with fine white hairs 32. Peak head protruding l Israel Minister protuberance [8]. Generic tongue is long . 28. Great sound like the sound of birds Ca lang frequency . 29. dark blue eyes 30. eyelashes beautiful eyelashes bò the 31. Between the two eyebrows with fine white hairs 32. Peak head protruding l Israel Minister protuberance [8]. Generic tongue is long . 28. Great sound like the sound of birds Ca lang frequency . 29. dark blue eyes 30. eyelashes  beautiful eyelashes b ò the 31. Between the two eyebrows with fine white hairs 32. Peak  head protruding l Israel Minister protuberance [8].
The majesty of His very perfection: when he walked  away, while Ng one is sitting, when he received meals, time  to eat just to eradicate the feeling old m à not arise sensations new [9], while he taught depending The Law [10] ...
Uttara said: We  e ã see religion Gotama  go, see false religions stand, see false religions sit, see false religions sat quietly eating, seeing false religions silent lecture go to the monastery. Gotama is such a god, and so is Gotama, and so much more.
Brahmayu finished listening  to the Buddha himself. He had seen all the  great generals, except for two generals: the generals of the museum and the broad generals. The Buddha knew he could prove fruitless, so he showed his spirits to  32 generals. He asked the Buddha meaning: B à la keeper, ticketing  e à [12], three intelligent, auspicious, application offerings, fullness, Muni, Buddha  e à.
The Buddha answered the  Buddha  [13] is to win the tri  things need to overcome tri, practice theneed to practice,  except the need to get  rid of [14] And he caught the answer with the verse:
Who knows  is his previous life,
Seeing good zoo, beast
 Then take rebirth
Win Place  is micro Israel into
He called Muni.
Who knows pure mind
Freed every craving
Samsara  e ã  cessation
virtues are of
 Israel into
Thong  achieve legal necessarily
He proclaimed Buddha e
 à [15].
Brahmin finished the  ceremony and kissed the Buddha. He gave his lecture on sequences, about heaven, about the danger of sex and the benefits of evolution. When his mind  e ã maturity, preaching quartet  soles. Dhamma arise in him: What is initiated  is eradicated. He enlightened the Fa, suspected or eliminated. He invited the Buddha the next day  to meet the boy. Seven days later, he died.
Buddha claimed he  e ã  paragraph five lower fetters, v à Pure Land Residential biochemistry at no callbacks  life n it.
1. Generals  are a scholar who feeds on over 12,000 works that explain the  characteristics of the great beings such as the Buddha  , the monk , the  great disciple, the king of rotation ... These worksinclude The 16,000 verse called the Secret  of the Enlightened One.
2. 32  Genes mentioned in this  sutra are mentioned in the Sutta Sutra No. 30 named Sutra. Each minister  is doing explained l à retribution of a  virtuous m à Buddha  e ã fullness while they do Bodhisattvas.
The seven treasures  are mentioned in the Book of Mankind. 129. The treasure is the reason the king  is called the kingship.
4. This world is surrounded in darkness of affliction,  covered with 7 layers : greed, anger, delusion, doubt, ants and act  immorality. After removing these layers, the Buddha radiated light all over.
5. The sutras say: The Buddha has this power because he knows that the teacher of youth can fail if the youth is suspicious.
6. The seven body parts consist of the back of the four limbs, shoulders and body.
7. The chennai (business school 30) performs as follows: "Anything that  touches the tongue ofNgai contact, he enjoy  it in the throat, and he spread it everywhere." But it is difficult to understand  is l àm how  put generals n ', can  be seen as a general tr Israel body, and how others see  it.
8. This hero explains why the  top of the Buddha protrudes the humiliation at the  top of the Buddha statues.
9. This is the way of thinking when using  alms-giving food, as in the Middle Sutra No. 2.
10. Depending on the method, a short dharma after meal  so that the benefactor's parables about a certain aspect of the dharma and express their blessings of blessing will  bring them many retribution.
11. This sentence mean: the  virtues m à do not describe is much more than the  virtues m à me  eã description. The  virtues of the virtue of the  Master is like the  great land. If the details are so immeasurable as infinite void.
12.  Vedagu, tevijja, sotthiya - ABOUT  e -ah, three intelligent, sand wall  - Three nouns typical brahmin class ideals; See also Central Sutra 39. The sixth  kevali fullness , and the seventh  muni,  are probably the ideal types of ascetics that are not brahmana . With his answer, the Buddha attributed these terms to new meanings, derived from the system of Buddhist practice.
13. In  this v à in answer, word Buddha means one who  e ã awakening, enlightenment, in the sense of an arahant.
14. France must win voters is the Four Noble  Truths, need to practice l à St.  religion Eight Ng UK, need to abandon the greed pollution. In  this need to understand the words to mean special Buddha l à  sheets slept.
15. The sutras explain the Buddha's answer including the eight brahmanical questions.
16. Like Central Business 56.
3 deaths, 5 deaths, 32  deaths .
Pham Brahamayu
The high age of  moral importance
Mastery University's Minister
Wants t
 ser The religious understanding.
He sent Uttara
Smart and young,
Take  the Buddhist congregation
Observe characteristics
Pursuant his holy
Who hash enough two generals
 ì only two  roads:
Dharmaraja or Buddha.
After seven months of observations
Thanh ni
 Israel to recount: Gotama And over so much Listen Complete the old criminals to come  to the place of Buddha observation of the general Buddha of Shakyamuni. Buddha knows the brahmins will prove fruitless. So he shows magical powers. Show that  all the generals he asked the Buddha meaning: - What is brahman? Why call information Cleaning  e you? What's so called ba minh? Sand and apples? Fullness and contradiction? Star called Buddha  e à Please Venerable clear solution. Know what to know Cultivation practice, And except for the required  period , It called l à  omniscient . Who knew  being born before Seeing friendly animals, beasts stroll rebirth Wins place called  Muni . Who knows pure mind Freed every craving Samsara  e ã  cessation virtues are of Israel into details  reaching necessarily law He proclaimed Buddha e à. " Brahmin listening Satisfied solutions  meet bowed claiming to name And kneeling on the feet of his Buddha sermon serialization About generosity,

Sela  [1]
Sela Sutta - To Sela. 
The brahmin Sela questions the Buddha, gains faith in him, and becomes a monk along with his company of pupils. 
Speak to Sela. 
Brahmin Sela questions the Buddha,  gained faith in Ng Ai and became a monk under the  measurealk  Buddhists. 
Brahmin Sela  went to Keniya's hair and saw the house  decorated , asked the reason and  answered that it was prepared to  welcome the Buddha. Listen to this sound , Sela  shaken the mind, then asked Keniya where the Buddha is staying and  bring them to the Buddha. He observed where NgWho has all the characteristics of an enlightened, n Daniel  read shelf praise:
For smart students
The Minister further formal
feature tr
 unto Himself
All  university personnel minister
eyes bright, face tr
 Workers are still  full of
balance and straight, coughing
 My Security
Between them recluses t antenna
 Who played as the sun
His value The  Great
Dictator, The Dirk
The All-
The Supreme, The Mighty [2]
He asked to ch antenna Ng who is the chief Career  College corner. The Buddha affirmed with thecontents:
Need to know, we  e ã know
need to cultivate, I  e A from
officials, we  e ã quit
Therefore we are Buddha [3].
Sela same  map we ask l ordained under British  guidance of Venerable, was ordained v à finally they  have attained Arhat.
1. This sutra is not included in the Buddhist scriptures of the Society of the Pali Pali, and is similar to the Sutra in the Sutra.
2. auxiliary  threads l à subcontinent  Indian.
3. Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8 in the chant below  are taken from the translations of Minh Chau.
32  great generals .
Career Diaoyu Win contest throughout Israel Lower Tier ultimate match point [2]. He asked to ch antenna Ng Ai bracts chief equiangular L à playing World religions? Buddha acknowledgment:"Be advised, we e ã know Need convent, I e A from officials, we e ã quit Therefore we are Buddha." Sela same map we rejoice please ordained Well l He breathed contemporary worldLate c Brøndby teammates are attained. He asked to ch antenna Ng Ai bracts chief equiangular L à playing World religions? Buddha acknowledgment: "Be advised, we e ã know Need convent, I e A from officials, we e ã quit Therefore we are Buddha." Sela same map we rejoice please ordained Well l He breathed contemporary world Late c Brøndby teammates are attained. He asked to ch antenna Ng Ai bracts chief  equiangular L à  playing World religions? Buddha acknowledgment: "Be advised, we e ã know Need convent, I  e A from officials, we  e ã quit Therefore we are Buddha." Sela same  map we rejoice please ordainedWell l He breathed  contemporary world Late c Brøndby teammates  are attained.

Assalayana Sutta - To Assalayana. 
A young brahmin approaches the Buddha to argue that the Brahmins are the highest caste. 
Preaching to Assalayana. 
A Brahmin  student who goes to the Buddha to discuss Brahmin's class is the highest. 
large number  of pilgrims from all over are  coming to the place where the Buddha  was staying.They nominated Young Assalayana, shaved head, intelligent, paternal grandfather, mastered three Vedas,  debated with Buddha, and advocated the purity of the four classes. Three times refused youth, told Gotama is the  correct French, it is difficult to dispute Ngai. But  mass b à la said young subjects  e ã live  religious life h Transformation into a hermit [2], should be able to discuss with the Buddha. Finally  e ã follow their requirements. Young people  come to the Buddha, beginning with the words of the brahmin: Only brahmins are orthodox born from Brahma's mouth, And consulted the Buddha on that view. Buddha contradicted the argument:
1. Brahmins also have menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding as all women of all classes; Brahmins are also born of women like everyone else.
2. In the two regions of Yona and Kamboja [4]  of India, there are only two classes, the master and the master, who have no control over me, and also the opposite, after making me again word.
3. Persons belonging to all four classes commit 10 karma [5] when they die  in the realm of evil: equality in the face of evil.
4. People of any class, but give up 10 evil do 10 healing, when the body of the common body also  be born in heaven, heaven.
5. Both 4 class  can practice metta not anger, not ri Eng brahmin caste nothing new initiates  are: b ình  College tr Israel Practicing.
7. The fire by the Brahman  burned with fragrant wood, with fire by other classes burned with wood, can burn bright and have the same effect.
8. In the marriage, the child of a brahmin who marries another member of the same class will be both father and mother of both blood.
9. If there are two brothers from the same father, one who understands the sacred , one who does not communicate, the brothers  will offer respect to the understanding of the sacred  , regardless of their family.
Between the two, a holy  but not good, a person who practices Dharma without divine approval  , the disciple will respect the person who practices the Dharma.
Buddha conclusions: firstly young brahmin undertakings being strain, the back drop being given as holy  Dictionary, v à finally giving up holy  Dictionary m à recognizes the average  class of 4 class by Buddha advocated.
The Buddha tells the story of the past, when seven Brahmin hermits discussed the superiority of their class, as Asita Devala provoked them to take Asita into ashes. But the more Asita, the more  beautiful. The seven Brahmin hermits sadly think that their virtues and  sutras have become null and void; But Asita says it is not, just give up the hatred  of Asita. The seven angels listened to Asita Devala's photo. Then Asita dismissed the B class's superior view  of favor with two arguments:
Brahmins are not purebred because in the past there were brahmins who married other people of the same class.
2. When the parents are having sexual intercourse, the warmth of the human fetus becomes new. But it is impossible to know the  warmth of a person at the time of his or her adulthood . Therefore, they themselves do not know who they are.
Story told, the Buddha told the Assalayana youth: Seven ancient Brahmin hermits hidden as Asita Devala questioned about birth still  unresponsive, how can young people today  respond toNgai. Youth praised the Buddha and asked the Buddha to accept him as a  disciple, from now on to the general network will be lifelong threshold.
1. The argument for defending this position  is given in Chapter 90.
2. They imply: The youth have completed 3 Veda and the teachings are the same as the renouncers. So he will not be defeated, he will win.
3. This statement is to say that brahmins are also born of women as others, so their claim that they are born out of Brahma's mouth is unreasonable.
4. Kamboja is a  land in India to the north of the central country.
5. The reasoning in  this paragraph is exactly the same as that in the 84th.
According to the sutras, Asita Devala is the Buddha's predecessor. Buddha wanted to show: in the past, people of higher strain our properties, but the  e ã not answered  are questions of us in terms of calculation. So how can one now question us  when we become a Buddha?
7. Like number 38.
4 classes, 10 unwholesome, 10 good, 4 battered .
Brahmin youth
Smart and rhetoric
Sees debate with Buddhist
Brahmin advocated
Only strains of this nature
the Son orthodox Brahma
was born from his mouth.
Buddha physician offices  that point:
Those b
 à la subjects
also from female c eat
As everyone
Women b
 à la subjects
Pregnancy, lactation
As all women
Then nothing at religion?
There are two wings domain  address
in the Indian Ocean when
only two terms interchangeably
 am seeing it makes me.
Working-class people do
when evil committed 10
Dead  are rotten c vomiting:
At the  college bear with evil.
People in class n
That hatred healing
When relatives septic joint networks
are recycled animal friendly.
What kind of
people can cultivate the
mind from non-hatred:
Coherence  in practice.
People in class n
is also possible in the river
stood tall backs, bath powder
to wash the dusty
fire  is burning l Israel
With premium fuel
effect not unlike
Fire shabby fuel.
If a Brahmin
married another person of the
same class as the mother and father
of both blood.
Two other brothers father
A holy message  classic
 Workers are still a people who are not
a man of  respected
Regardless d
 Hu something.
If the information holy  Dictionary
 à no good legal practice
Nor  is respectable v ì
people with good legal practice
Although uncommon saint  dictionary
will also be honored
than people who do not really h
Due to this argument
Buddha unbeaten boys Comment
At  first religious strains birth
After being s holy
 Brøndby teammates
And finally giving up
Bible  Dictionary c Brøndby teammates birth strains
to scrape practice dhamma
As Buddha  e ã undertakings.
Buddha storytelling ancient
7 hermit
discussion of ascendancy
class brahmin
Then predecessor Mr.
Hermit Assyria we
reject the notion  that point
with two arguments n
Caste Brahmin
No Must be pure
because in the past
married to outsiders
want to form fetus
Need mother, father,
warm flavor , but do not know  is
class warm flavor n
Seven hermit ancient
Forerunner conclusion I beat
Sao your house today
Questioning  is Tathāgata?
Thanh ni
 Daniel brahmin
Recognition Buddhist teachings
Please follow as  disciples
Regulation thresholds to life.

OBJECTIVES Ghotamukha Sutta - To Ghotamukha. 
A discussion between a brahmin and a bhikkhu on whether the renunciate life accords with the Dhamma. 
Speaking to Ghotamukha. 
An argument  e àm between brahmins and monks on  offer life renunciation of the law have not. 
While false religions Udena  are doing h pictures in mango orchards where he resides, Brahmins  go to ch rushing asked false religions and says: There is no renunciation  lawful, v ì not see anyone  being as false religions (mean General monk in general). The venerable steps from  diameter h publication only  to v noisy abode, seats [1]. Brahman also followed.
Udena firstly describes four classes of people: self-suffering, suffering, suffering both, and not suffering self-suffering nor suffering. Brahmins prefer only the fourth, such as 52,  Kandaraka .
Then he said there are two assemblies: the degree of desire, the search for the wife and children of the treasure ... and no greed, without these things. Then he asked her what kind of audience he was interested in attending. Brahmin  replied classes that are present in the congregation did not take jewels, jewelry, abandoning his wife and children ... Then b à la disciplines recognized her  e ã self contradictory to say before, and asked Venerable award Love about 4 class people The author explained in the 52.
Brahmin hearing, false religions for refuge, but false religions take refuge in the Buddha advised then  e ã nirvana. Brahmin offers 500 kahapana, but he does not accept the Brahman offering an adjutant, but he advises him to give a lecture hymn  . B à la following subjects, to build a teaching  path in the Bali monks worshiping Israel waving [3], is still teaching  road t bring unto him.
1. terrifying: he did so after realizing that there should be an  e àm gab comment.
2. Kahàpana was  the predecessor of the time.
3. In the last days of the Buddha 's  life, this city is still a small town called Pataligama. In the  cases of  16, a fine  guess the future it will th him an  important urban, v à ultimately it indeed  e ã prime  capital of Ma Kiet A. Origin game. Today is Patna, the  capital of Bihar.
TWO CONGRESSS : There are no craving and no craving for the 
four types of people: self suffering, suffering people ... 
The venerable Advantages  threads na (Udena)
Beijing h
 pictures in mango
Meet me mu kha
Brahmin  to me:
Dear Venerable Advantages threads
In renunciation
It minority lawful
Few people are as Ng
venerable  away v rushing home
Along Mu kha discuss
Taoist  threads he made:
Renunciation is not lawful
 Ai Ke the 4 classes:
class self-propelled, manage the
class afflict both
class not do anyone suffering
Ranks Last not craving
calm, stay Pleasure.
- I like this idea
Do not miserable, people.

Cankì  [1]
MATERIALS Cankì Sutta - With Cankì. 
The Buddha instructs a young brahmin on the preservation of truth, and the final arrival of the truth. 
With Cankì. 
Buddhism is about a brahmin youth about truthful holdings, discovering the truth, and  attaining truth. 
Introduction :
When Buddha in the forest gods [2] in the village of Kosala Opasada, many homeowners brahmin heard  rumors about Ng nice Ai  e ã pull together  going audience. B à la upstairs subjects from high Canki saw that scene, asked the housekeeper and after know, immediately sent this man  to report to measure Refreshment wait, he wants to  go up is Buddha. Then there are a large number of monks from many other places to come, listen to the disciples Cankì  to meet the Buddha to eat food and say it is not worthy  of the subject.  e àm, but vice versa,  to get e àm brahmin Canki audience, because there Canki noble lineage, rich, the three volumes on e à 5 factors: nominal, rituals, language resources, commentaries, historical tradition; Again  handsome, loving, moral;Honored by the king, honored by the Pokkarasati [3].
Canki also  gave reasons for his visit to the Buddha: Gotama is a patriarchal and matriarchal kind; His  e ã give up a lot of gold and silver, ordained in adolescence; He is the teacher of teachers in the galaxy; He  is full of 32 great generals; v à He is the honored guest of  the local n it, so it was good  worth for Cank ì  to the audience.
Arrive, see the Buddha is discussing with some elders brahmins, and a young Brahmin named Kapathika occasionally interrupted these people, was rebuked by the Buddha, brahman Cankì intervened, Please do not reprimand Gotama  do not blame this young man is a  multi-literary, intellectual, good argument. The Buddha knows that this nihilistic mind wants His problem, so  keep an eye on him.
Main section :
Kapathika prospectus: Dear monk Co  e àm, medical attention on the ancient art  e ã  oral tradition far, b à la subject  to the conclusion: just new here l à truth, in addition  they are wrong. Ng Who says stars of  things?
Buddha asked the youth: There are a brahmin yet, or master of Brahmins present or backward on seven  previous lives, e ã said: I  e ã know  e ã see  it n it, just  here l à The truth, in addition  are all wrong? Thanh ni Daniel  replied no.
The Buddha asked the chanting priests and the writers of the sutras [4] who had  been oral until now, saying: I know, I see this; Only  here is the truth, in addition  all wrong? Nobody said no.
Then the Buddha taught, because no past or present  brahmana has really seen, known, then they say  only  here is the truth, but  also wrong , just like a blind chain. They hugged each other back, and their trust became unbearable. Thanh ni Daniel brahmin brahmin said not only based on faith, but on the word of mouth (word  gossip).
Buddha has 5 things right now and can  bring two different results (ie l à not sure)  that l à credits (trust), rejoice (fun follow,  agree), t Uy v eat (Listening), reflect on the reasons, and accept the  view [5]. There are things that were initially believed to be complete, but later empty into falsehood, on the contrary,  at first we do not believe but later turned out to be true. The other four are the same. Therefore, the person who respects the true truth should not  come to the conclusion that this is the truth and that it  is false.
When asked how young he called  upholding truth  [7], the Buddha taught that when a person says  I believe  that n ày , but not both decided  just  here l à true, moreover  , all wrong . With the four remaining things too, he does not make the same decision as above, it is called guarding truth (or defending, respecting the truth). But such is not the  discovery of truth  .
Discovering or realizing the truth is that, after observing a master [9] on the body of the mind, he is no longer attracted to greed, hatred and delusion that he can deceive others, They  go to self-harm, have to suffer for a long time , a person begins to believe,  approaching, close contact, ear, hearing, legal, understanding the meaning of the law, blowing accepted, then start up the desire to practice, when  e ã desire, try after try to closely consider [10], after consideration, he refined to [11], so ardent, location He himself realized the truth and entered the truth with wisdom. But that is also not the  stock  reaches the truth  [13].
To  attain truth, it is necessary to practice many times. In attaining the truth, the essence is needed. Want to think, to consider. Want to consider trying. Want to try to have a desire. To have a wish, it is necessary to rejoice. To rejoice, to understand the meaning. Want to learn the meaning of life expectancy law. Want to receive the Dharma to hear the law. Want to hear the law to lure. Want to have a right ear close to communication. Want to  get close to the relationship. Want to get close to having information.
Brahmin youth praise Buddha  e ã locations where he patriotism monk glasses, and ask Buddha to accept him as  lay disciples, from now to the general network Lifetime specified threshold [14].
1.  The opening paragraph of this article is similar to  the opening of the Middle Sutra 4, entitled Sonadanda Sutta.
2. According to fear, this forest  is called l à Forest gods  Devavana , because the  offerings there dpublication only  to worship gods Exam Israel.
Pokkarasāti is another wealthy Brahmin, who  was raised by Ukranian King Naismith. In the cases of 2, after listening to the sermon Buddha, he attained Project Save and  e ã with in  e ình relatives for refuge.
4.  Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, and Bhagu  is the hermit that brahmins as the chroniclers of Ve  A à by revelation.
5.  Saddhà, ruci, anussava, àkàraparivitakka, ditthinijjhànakkhanti . In these five foundations  for trust, the first two are emotional, the third is blind admission, and the last two are in the sphere of inference. real. These can  all come in two different ways; n how loud can the  true v à wrong.
6. Do not be  concluded just here l à  right, when no self m ình evident truth, which only recognized based on 5 c eat tr like Israel, the basis of nothing sure.
7.  Saccànurakkhana , the truthful protector, protect the truth.
8.  Saccànubodha , discovering, realizing the truth.
9. The method of finding the truth (find out who said there were still legal greed, hatred and delusion dominates  that incited others to hurt, not hurt people. After learning the language itself h him because of who he is not haunted because of greed, then know France because he preached are profound,  is the wise witness said, not easy g ì by a man also greed that teaching  is) by doing nseemed to develop methods  e It  is said in No. 47.
10.  Tùleti . He examines the dhamma according to the principle of impermanence, etc. This  stage seems to be a  period of insight.
11. Efforts  ussahati , seems  synonymous with  padahati , ardent, but  from before that l à efforts before insight,  from after l à efforts n Ang insight l Daniel  path si êu that.
12.  The sutras : he attained nirvana with the psychic body of the Path of Provision, and after penetrating the defilements, he attained  nirvana with wisdom, making nirvana manifest.
13. In this sutra, the discovery of truth seems to have  resulted in the Consciousness, the attainment of truth which seems to attain Arahantship.
14. See footnote 8.
3  greedy greed; 5 uncertainties: faith, joy, dependence , reflection, acceptance; 12 legal measures to bring to the truth: information,  approaching, dealing with, hearing, listening to, receiving life , learning meaning, joy of acceptance ... 
Brahmin Canki
By audience Venerable
At Buddha's comment e
Along elders
A brahmin youth
Name Ka-pa-thi-ka
Popular interrupt adults
Buddha reprimanded him
Canki instant intervention
Please respect authors Gotama
Do not blame Ka-pa
Good mind, good argument.
Know the heart of Ka-pa
Venerable looked nh
Ka-pa-thi-ka prospectus:
- Ask Wood-ta-ma,
eat every v noisy uncle arts
Brahmin concluded:
Only  here l à truth  
Apart Out of the  wrong. 
What do you have to say
about that statement
Buddha asked the youth:
In the brahmin now, seven  died,
Does anyone know themselves see
 à declared in words:
I know, it was found  that n ày  
Only  here l à true. 
Also  are wrong? "
Young  replied no.
" The author notes true
oral tradition of this ancient
Does anyone speak like this? "
- Neither, sir false religions
" If the t
 ình is so
not brahmins does
Historically current
A I really see,
I know That's the message:
Only  here is the truth,  
Also  wrong ,
As blind connected  end to end
message so baseless ".
 à la subjects retort:
- Not only faith
but also the oral tradition.
He says:" There are 5 jobs
can be  right or wrong
 game for two Retribution
Right In the present time
; Two,  agree
Listen hearing
Four, consider inference
mande, accepted views.
Maybe we believe, 
With four the rest also state  level as tr Israel is upholding the truth , but not yet realized Discover or realizations As observed master body language the behavior no longer greed Do not deceive others made them suffer long long, after seeing so Departure trust he then  approached, communicating cages in m à hear French Life over legal  e ã listen and learn the meaning understood happy to accept Start up the desire to cultivate Try and balance prompted Finally, ardent. Thanks to the need,


MATERIALS Esukàrì Sutta - To Esukàrì. 
The Buddha and a brahmin discuss the brahmin's claim to superiority over the other castes. 
Speak to Esukàrì. 
The Buddha discusses with a Brahman the Brahmin class statement that is superior to other classes. 
Brahman Esukari consulted the Buddha on Brahman's class policy  whereby peers were served together and serve the people of the above classes, not serving the lower classes. As class prime  e à la must serve three upper classes, and  is served by c Brøndby teammates class. The Buddha asked again, that  view is acceptable to everyone. B à la subjects  responded no. The Buddha taught as well as the poor were forced to  eat something they did not want to eat, and told them to pay.
Next, the Buddha said that he did not intend to serve or not to serve, but according to him, if by service that the waiter becomes better, he should serve. If by service they become worse, then should not serve. Because if you say truthfully, people of any class will say who needs to serve them so they become better. Then the Buddha analyzes what is good:  it is not the improvement of the family, the  beauty, the property, but about the elements: faith, gender, hearing, generosity and wisdom. Intellectual property.
Esukari to consult Buddhist about the policy of the brahmins of assets: assets of caste brahmin is alms [1], of the Police  to wade l à bows, of the Radiation is ch eat animal farming [2], of the Prime Minister is manual labor  If a class does not live up to t Assets above, but other work  for a living, th ì  that l à no duties, is  synonymous with theft. The Buddha asked again and  was answered as if it was not  accepted by everyone, and the Buddha also  gave the example of a poor man who was forced to swallow something they did not like and had to pay.
The Buddha advocates the property of man as the supreme god, [3] but when he remembers  a person's past life in the direction of his father and mother, he  is told the place where he was born. So any class of people can give up 10 evil, can practice ten heal, attain good deeds, can also go to the river to bathe dust, can also  burn the fire with fuel I  am there. All classes can th publication only achievements chief  director, v à when  e ã achievements they are freed. Just as the fire burned with all the wood  has the same effect, light and heat are just one.
Brahman praised the Buddha and asked for his refuge.
1. According to legend, the old brahmins had the custom of  begging for money because they had large possessions.
2. Although farming seems to be a strange job  for someone e ã  described l à merchants, need to understand that the merchant class not only trade in  urban m à owns and withdrawal Managing  agricultural investments.
3.  Ariyam Warehouse aham bràhmana lokuttaram dhammam pruisassa sandhanam pannàpemi. Brahmin, we advocate property for man is the ultimate holy.
4.  Attabhavassa abhinibbatti : That  black l à "Any place  where he re-entry b rushing pregnancy".
3 criteria  to evaluate worldly: d Hu, color  beautiful, t Assets; 4 inmates; The four classes of brahminic class property: alms, bows, sales and labor  . 4 services in the discipline; 4 advocates the service of the Buddha according to  which the servants must be better over time; 5 standards  to evaluate the Buddha: faith, gender, experiment, literature, wisdom; 10 good karma. 
A brahmin
Name E-su-ka-ri
Q Buddhist thought How
About advocated by them:
The brahmin
Need to  be served
because the co-class
 à three classes under the
Soldier  was serving
by fellow class
 game two class under
As merchants, employees  work
merchants are served
by merchants, craft e
Private class player  e à
must serve each other.
Is this policy accepted
by  everyone? "
- No, the Wood me ma
 à la subjects  posed.
Brahmin alms Sat  sole benefit provision t Israel Radiation industrial farm animals Thu  e à limbs of living any other way out is not dutiful. And Buddha as well as on And teach: "

SALT SORTA - To be honest.
The venerable Sàriputta admonishes a brahmin who tries to excuse his negligence by appeal to his many duties. Later, when he is close to death Sāriputta guides him to rebirth in the Brahma - world but is reprimanded by the Buddha for having done so .
Speak to Dhanyanjàni. 
Sariputta preached a brahmin on the grounds of his busy duty  to justify his neglect . Later, when he was near death, Sariputta guides him reborn in the realm of Brahma, but he was rebuked because Buddha  e ã do so. 
Dhamanjani Brahman religious teacher, because he lives freely, is also responsible for  parents, wife and children, friends , servants, laborers, friends, blood brothers , New guests, ancestors, gods, kings, and also this body must  be provided, it can not cultivate  . The monk asked him, a man withthese contacts and for the body that do  illegal things, dragged to hell, could be the excuse to be free from sin? B à la say impossible goal.
Then ask him for those relationships and for the body that do  the wrong thing, with the person also with those contacts and for the body that do  the right thing, who is better? B à la who do technical answer  lawful th ì better  more beautiful.
Later, Brahmin was dying, sending people  to pay homage to the Buddha and Sariputta  to tell the news, and  see the religious. Venerable visited him, including the c Oi regenerated from  hell back lIsrael  to c Gosh four heavenly king, Three decades triangle, Da Ghost,  Where interest e à, Chemistry optimistic, Tha turned himself in, and late The same is Brahma. Listen  to Phrasal precepts, Brahmins  pay special attention, Religion author lecture him the  way of staying with Pham Thi , is the residence of the ten metta center, compassion, joy, discharge. Then he went  away, although there are more noble dharma [1].
Knowing the story, the Buddha rebuked the author why there are more noble realms need to witness, but she just preached to brahman a lower realm. Venerable reply because he knows he loves heaven, so he lectured the  way to go there. Buddha says b à la real gift  e ã birth to Brahma world [2].
1. The venerable Shariputra  e ã leave without teaching him a doctrine helped him  reach the path si êu world  to become th him a rank  No. enlightened. Compared to this possibility , the birth of the Brahman plane  is considered to be inferior.
2. This comment is almost a mild rebuke. Perhaps Buddha  e ã see Dhananjani able n antenna reaches path si êu, because elsewhere (such as in business 99) Himself also teaches children  road l Israel Brahma world in case the listener France inability n As a result,
Three kamma, four incarnations, five sex leaders, ten unwholesome karma .
The venerable Shariputra
Visit violation Releases  A à course
when  the news is not l publication only
This person lived distraction
Brahmin  A à course
Pleading also responsible
With his parents, wife and children
And friends servants
And labor, friendship
And the relatives of the
Order and the ancestors of the gods and kings and lords of
this body
need to  be provided
Need to be benefited
Hard to live without exertion.
This is a brahmin
If anyone for parents
For the blood
and blood For the sake of yourself
Do the  illegal Things
down to hell
 preempt this excuse 
to exempt or not?
 ì these relationships
which make  it lawful.
With l
 àm  something illegal
Who better than who? "
 à la disciplines recognized
Pleading not escape
When  e ã illegal do
better, making lawful
When A
 à However ill
he would like to see false religions
Before moments from the ceiling
venerable to visit th mande
 who wondered if the world scene
from  hell, b ang birth
Realm people, the heavens
Up  to Pham thi Daniel world .
Listen noun Brahma
Brahmin attention
venerable he preached
Road l Israel realms brahma
Please stay heart complications of chronic
Ten unreal world
with love, compassion, joy, discharge
This way to Pham thi Daniel
Giang finished four categories
Religion went out
Although there are many
higher than Brahma world.

The Buddha resolves a dispute between two young Brahmins on the qualities of a true brahmin. 
Speaking to Andsettha. 
The Buddha resolves a quarrel between two brahmins about the virtues of a true fairy  . 
Two young brahmin Vasettha Bharadvaja and debate on  all t Who's that is a brahmin. Some people think that by blood, some people think  of current action. They brought the problem to ask the Buddha to solve. First of all, the Buddha makes the difference between the animal and the person. While the species is distinctly different from that of the generals, there are many colors that seem to be low and low, without legs, legs or legs ... other. Therefore, the difference is only due to the name, due to the current occupation of each class. By  this time, the Buddha almost agreed with theVasettha Queen advocated Brahminism is due to  action, by virtue. But then, ascribe to Brahman a  higher definition,
1. The business is not in Central Business of the V edition eat Pali, v ì reasons such as  e ã said in note 1 of 92.
2. In  this list from  operating  activities  to understand the current behavior rather than past behavior or  now  produce consequences in the present.
3.  Sannana . According to the sutras, the differences in the shape of animal bodies are due to their species -  yoni  -. But such discrimination does not exist in Brahmins and other races. For this reason, the distinction between the Brahminical class, the  selflessness, and so on, is purely on the noun; A conventional expression, which does not correspond to reality.
4. From time  to time, the Buddha has criticized Bhāradvāja's assertion that birth makes one a brahmin. Now, he will  highlight the testimony of V asettha that the executive  action or karma, makes people th Transformation into a brahmin. Because ancient brahmanas and wise men in the world  did not accept the fact that a brahman had undue livelihoods  , morals and disabilities.
5.  Bhovàdi . Bho ,  he , is the name of the brahmins. From  here onwards, the Buddha united the true master with Arahantship. The verses in this verse  are like Dhamma verses 396-423, except in verse 423 there are two verses.
6.  Business : Because current ideas want to complete field work  , etc.
7. With this verse, now somewhat noun rather  change the meaning of words by  conditionality . The kamma  here does not mean that the  present action determines the social norm of a person, but acts  in a special way as a forceful attachment into the ring of existence. This line of thought is even more evident in the next verse.
8. This verse and the next one refers  to the Arahant. But here, the contrast is not between the arahant becoming holy due to his  actions against the Brahmins, but not as brahmanas; but between Arahats matter as an  e ã bondage liberation of executive  action v à retribution, with all other beings also be tied down at the wheel of life and death by deeds his career.
3 smuggled or, 3 karmic, 4 caste, 5 hindrances .
Youth Vasettha
Along Bha-ra-DVA-ja
Brahmins  to Buddhism
Please settle disputes
- Venerable Gotama
Between the two of us
can debate n
About bloodline life being
Bharadvaja said
Government by the life born
Son said by operating  activities [2]
New th
 Transformation into brahmins
Both of us
could not convince each other
we  went to ask ng Ai
Tier honored enlightenment.
He said: National degrees But he l à kings And I do not have to call But he Brahmin Just because by life being therefore noble, wealthy. Do not be greedy. Do not be greedy, clinging. [5] Escaping the straps Mainly Brahmin. Who do not bug, resistant  containersberating c Brøndby teammates  hit tied Equipped with power rings the list B à la goal. Who knew  life n ày suffering because of falling  cessation burden placed down the name B à la goal. Operating  activities l àm farmer [6] operating  activities l àm of workers operating  activities l àm traders operating  activities l àm serf operating  activities l àm  steal HTransformation into  action l àm military operating  activities l àm international agencies operating  activities l àm Kings and queens Kẻ trí see  action as truth is so clearly see the origin of origin [7] Knowing the business of dharma Karma ,  life rotation Because of karma, the reincarnation tyranny beings like wheel spin. Asceticism,

(Most of the essay is from the translation of Master Chau Minh Chau, except for the last translation in English.)
Subha Sutta - To Subha. 
The Buddha answers a young Brahmin's questions and teaches him the way to rebirth in the Brahma - world. 
Speaking for Tu Bat. 
The Buddha answers the questions of a young brahmin and teaches him the  path of rebirth on theBrahma. 
Brahman Subha Todeyyaputta [1] presented to the Brahmanical Buddha's view that the lay person who attains righteousness  , good deeds, renunciation can not accomplish. Because there are many services, work, organization and labor, there is great retribution. Also, with less service, work, less organization, labor force, so results are small. The Buddha taught him to undertake an analysis [2], can not say one way. And He analyzed four cases:
(1) Great service, great work, great organization, great work, if damaged, small results
(2) great service ... big organization, if done  right, great results
(3) Small service ... small organization, ruined, will have small results
(4) Small service ... small organization, accomplishment, will have great retribution
The first two cases  were agricultural, the latter two being commercial [3]. Next brahmin  given year blessed the prime method m good game they advocate, is Realistic, austerity, dignity, chanting read và towns. Buddha asked among the brahmins present and the past, no one claims they e ã realizations with rooftop location, independent of n simple retribution mande that legal? Thanh niDaniel answered no. The Buddha taught as a series of blind people holding back, the  first, the middle and the last one did not see [4].
Youth brahmin discontent because to say so, he quoted Pokkharasati, a brahmin reputation say [5] there are some recluses Brahmins themselves for  e ã factual merchants, really see only Is a word empty, how can someone who can  be found beyond France?
The Buddha asked again, brahmin he has forgiveness, know the mind of all other Brahmins. The young man  replied to his servant's heart that he did not know how to know all Brahmins.
The Buddha taught that the blind man claims no shapes, because he does not know them, he  is not right. Then Ng And why are youths have confirmed four standards of good words  beautiful l à:  be secular acceptable, must be thinking, to analyze considerations, v à related  to the purpose. NobelLaureate in the above statement of Brahmins completely lack these four standards.
Next Buddha raised 5 and 5 sexual hindrances, brahmin Pokkharasati  e ã ng equipment we eat cover  and binding should not certified  by a French merchant. Ngoc again  refers to blissful meditation through the evil lust as a burning fire  without the use of conventional fuels. He asked five young people to practice  good deeds more than at home or at home, the brahmin said in the monk. The Buddha taught these five dharmas are the tools of the mind,  to cultivate no anger.
Finally, he preached the  path of his stay with Pham Thi [6], which was to transform the ten directions with compassion, compassion, joy, equanimity, and unlimited calling. Young people praise the Buddha and ask for refuge.
1. Subha Todeyyaputta is a wealthy Brahmin, who ruled a village near Tudigama Shrine. Business 135 is also  taught to Mr. Tu Bat .
2.  Vibhajjavàdo aham ettha warehouse . Such words explain why later  Buddhism called l à  vibhajjavada , she lay monk or theoretical analysis conclusion.
3. Clearly, business was in its  infancy. Ng guilty can absolutely not say so.
4. As in the 95.
5. This word is probably  e ã  been said before becoming th Pokkharasati Transformation into a  disciple of the Buddha, as is said in business 95.
This mind belongs to the third force Tathagata, know the  way to the realms. See No. 12.
According to the sutras, the karma of karma is karma; In contrast to infinite kamma, meditations of rúpa or non-rúpa. Here  refers to the practice of meditation as a meditation practice. When attainingand mastering a meditation of the formless or immoral world, a kamma of the sex can not overcome it and have  the opportunity to bear fruit. V ì ng ate the consequences of the blocking of sexuality now,  categories  that meditators  e ã all  correctly, will he stay with community regeneration Pham thi Israel.
4 inmates; 4 reasons in the house are many blessings  according to the guidelines of the brahmin; 4 analysis by the Buddha. 5 legal practices  of good brother; 5 hind legs, 5 sex growth .
Brahmin Subha
To come to the Buddha:
It is the people at home
Achieves many good deeds

Many services Many
big organizations
And more work
There should be great retribution. Less

attendance Less work, organization
Also less workforce
Should have little retribution.

The Buddha taught him to advocate
Everything needs analysis
Can not say one way
And there are four cases.

Does the job involve
Services, Big Work
Organization, Big Workers
If damaged, Small berries.

If done  right, great results:
The share of agricultural example
Work bag h
Service, work small.

labor force less Damaging, small results
do  right, big results:
Percentage wholesale example.

There are five things merit:
Be authentic v
 à ascetic
virtues and chanting  read
to Town l
 à n warm.

Buddha asked among
 à la the current goal
and past one
statement  e ã evidence  obtained

with the upper position, but
 Daniel theory
These simple retribution independent
of n tone say tr Israel?
- No, white false.

"Just like the blind chain
Hanging  together do not see each other."
 à la discontented subjects
When he heard that the Buddha said.

The venerable Gotama
Someone just lie
Never say evidence  e ã evidence
of exceeding the legal person.

"How can you still be a
man who overcomes mankind?"
- Master brahmin
A ã say so.

Have to master the teacher
Is it tha mind
Knowing people?
- No, Gotama.

Right at the heart of the servant
He does
 not know
How can I know
all the hearts of people?

As the blind man claims There are no figures,
because they do not know what the
word is.

Must ch antenna it nice
 ì secular accept
there thinking analysis
and contact entries  destination? "

- No, the Gotama
's words but
 Israel announced that
no secular accept
no reflection to consider.

" Being 5 hindrances 5 education
Ng eat cover v à bondage
should brahmins did
not witness the legal traders.

Flame  burning l Israel
not by the fuel
have light colors
Fire bliss of meditation.

SALVATION Sangàrava Sutta - To Sangàrava .
A brahmin student questions the Buddha on the basis of which he teaches the fundamentals of the holy life .
Teach Sangàrava. 
A young Brahmin student asked the Buddha about the basis on  which he teaches the  basics of religious life. 
Dhananjani Brahmins, devotees of Buddhism, France, Laos, whenever they slip , praise the throne. Sangarava at  first criticized b game, but after the advice,  visited the Buddha v à asked: there are some recluses, brahmins also admitted (teaching) c eat the dignity after e ã stock  reached soon The present [2] salvaged wings by virtue, so how is Ngai between them.
Buddha has three grades, Grade 1 by tradition, they themselves receive  e ã  enlightened; as the bà la subjects understanding three volumes Ve  e à. Tier 2 trust, like theorists and investigators. Tier 3 is completely self-evident [4] previously  unheard of; Like the Buddha. And the Buddha recounts his progress from his home life  until he discovers the  middle path avoiding the two extremes of pleasures and pushing the corpse, meditating upon  enlightenment.
1. Finishing is a Level of Contingency. According to the sutras, Sangàrava is her husband's brother.
2.  Ditthadhammàbhinnàvosànapàramippatt àdibrahmacariyam patijànanti . Sutra: They claim to be creators, enlighteners, arise a  life of virtue, said: After learning and found in the  present life, after reaching the peak, we have  achieved nirvana. You call it completely out of the question.
3.  It is difficult to understand that the reasoning people ( takkì, ngam )  here are said to be based on the eating of the pure faith -  saddhamattakena . Elsewhere, the information and reasoning contrasts two different platforms of the conviction (China 95), and only  faith m à alone is very close to the c eat every v loud-mouth, rather than with reason and Check games.
4.  Sàmam yea dhammam abhinnàya . This verse emphasizes the witness as the basis  for the proclamation of the virtuous life.
3 category was self published  e ã they often place: Rating hear more, consumer confidence and class certification body .

A brahmin female
name Dhananjani
Therefore earnest faith
Slips Buddhist concept  e à
a brahmin male
name Sangarava
Che truth is inferior
Praise of those bald  head.
- N
 ày dear sage
Do not utter blasphemy
You would not say so
if know  were World religions.
Listen buttons
 Israel this intervention
Brahmin decided  to
go to the audience with the Buddhist
 à asked Venerable prospectus:
- Evangelist Gotama
Sa brahmin
Many people who teach virtue
To claim to be superior
Among such people
- are all the same
I asked Gotama
What is the relationship
Buddha has three class
"Class 1 by traditional
Tu receive  e ã  enlightened
When the three Ve e
Class 2 by the trust
Thanks to theoretical investigations reach
Grade 3 insight tri
What never knew
one of these people
It is The Buddha
himself honored the
Fa never heard himself. " 

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