Sàleyyaka - Veranjaka
The brahmins of Sàla and of Veranja .
In these two identical identical suttas, the Buddha explains to the groups of brahmin householders the courses of conduct leading to rebirth in the lower realms and the courses leading to higher rebirth and deliverance.
Brahmins in Sàla and in Veranja .
In these two similar suttas, the Buddha preaches to Brahmin household groups about the paths leading to rebirth in the lower realms, and the paths leading to high rebirth and liberation. II. SUMMARY
The Buddha preached in Sàla to the people of Kosala and to the people of Veranja who came to visit, about ten kusala and ten kusala, when asked by the person after death to be born into the land, there is I'm into the realm. Birth into the land is due to three karma of the body: killing, theft, adultery; Four negative karma about speech: lie, say double-edged, say rough, speak in vain; And three negative karma of mind: greed, hatred, wrong view. Whoever renounce these ten negative karmas, on the right path, at will, can be born into the noble family of human beings, or born into the world of sex or sex, colorless.
The wrong view "No generosity" means wrong view wrong answers retribution of generosity. "No life , next life" denies rebirth. "No mother, no father" denies the retribution of gratuitousness or filial piety to parents. "There is no sa ..." denies the existence of the Buddha and the Arahants. These are the "utopian" attachments of materialism.
" Administrative lawful, correct religion " is said in Scripture, l à conditions need to regenerate vrushing heavens and cessation of defilements, but not enough . For example, to reincarnate in the realm of the upward, need to attain the meditations. Want to reincarnate in the realms of the net [the five celestial beings] must achieve results in Real . To reincarnate into the realms of the formless realms, the attainment of the respective formless analytic meditations, such as No infinity , infinite consciousness, etc. Want to reach the Diet cankers, need to h perfect image holy religion eight ng for expectant to Arhat religion.
Three action, three action, four rulers, ten negative karma, ten good karma, 28 heaven .
People hear gossip
Go to the audience with the Buddha
- Venerable Bach, press g ì
Being the realm of birth data
Back predestined by what
Born c oi good?
Because of human
wrongful living beings evil realms
By virtue of righteous
living Some of the good.
Three illegal actions are the
killing, the theft
of sexual misconduct.
Four illegitimate sayings
Liar and two tongues
The rough word, the useless word.
wrong practices are greed, anger, wrong view.
Legal renounce evil ten
living right under the director
Know mercy organic t ình
No theft of objects
not lewd misconduct:
Three corms lawful.
Avoid lying, double-edged,
Avoid evil words, phantom:
Four legal grammar.
Not greedy hatred
V à main there is:
Three standard operating lawfully.
Who exclude ten evil
V à ten good practices
can be arbitrary wanted
Born in the realm of healing. Four legal grammar. Not greedy hatred V à main there is: Three standard operating lawfully. Who exclude ten evil V à ten good practices can be arbitrary wanted Born in the realm of healing. Four legal grammar. Not greedy hatred V à main there is: Three standard operating lawfully. Who exclude ten evil V à ten good practices can be arbitrary wanted Born in the realm of healing.
Dai Phuong prom
Mahàvedalla Sutta - The greater series of questions and answers .
These two discourses take the form of discussions on various subtle points of Dhamma, the former between the venerable Mahà Kotthila and the venerable Sāriputta, the latter between the bhikkhunì Dhammadinnà and the lay follower Visākha .
Large set of problems replied .
Two of these take the form of e àm conclusion the subtle point about France. The preceding Sutra isbetween the two sutras, the Sutra and the Sutra, the sutras between the nuns of Dhammadinnà and the lay Visakha. II. SUMMARY
The venerable Sariputta comment e àm Ma ha Kosala of points:
1. Ignorance and wisdom: Ignorance is not understanding four truths; Wisdom is the wisdom of the four truths. Wisdom is the win tri, tri willow and cessation .
The difference between Wisdom and Wisdom : Wisdom is due to practice and renunciation. Truth is knowing the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feelings. Between knowledge and consciousness is correlated, meaning that what is known, intellectual property is also known, so difficult to distinguish.
Between consciousness, thought, feeling is correlated, so it is difficult to distinguish; For what is sensible, is also perceived, and what is perceived is also made distinct.
4. The idea of isolating the five senses is: can lead to the non- aboriginal, the unbounded, the uninhabited.
5. The conditions for knowledge : there are two, the other , and the mind . How can knowledge lead to the two liberations - mind and liberation - with the merits of the two freedoms: need 5 factors areGender, Food, Discussion, Only and Quan.
6. How many beings : there are three, sex, color and colorless.
7. Regeneration of the future occurs: by ignorance and craving, enjoy here and there. If you let go of ignorance and craving, rebirth does not happen.
8. The first meditation to give nothing, achievements : Divine education, glass of ungodliness, abandoned 5 hindrances: greed, greed, kiss, pretentious, and suspicious; Achievement 5 meditation is the range, four, joy, peanuts, one-pointed.
9. N am in need : with objects differences, intended to shelter, the territory of the realm of 5 c eat, only 5 units due unto life that residence. Longevity again conditioned by the warmth , charm and warmth by longevity, as well as by the light that shows heart e EN, cardiac e heats that light out.
10. Tho act and sensation is one or the other: the other, because if a stock is a great life Cessation going to die, but the truth l à he can come to v à feeling back.
11. Death : Invariably, the body is considered l à e ã die: at three measures are abandoned: the age of life , warmth and knowledge . Difference between a dead body and monks enter exterminate life thought that: where monks enter the Cessation of life thought, life v à dwell formula still should still slightly warm, where people died, two things that e ã terminated.
12. Conditions for import certificates center Freed any unpleasant suffering 4: exhaust communication, discharge line, kill joy pros e ã sensation before, except that the discharge fourth meditation with pure thoughts.
13. Conditions to enter the mind of liberation Non- Prime Minister : there are two, the arbitrary world and do not consent to all legal.
14. No TGT, no TGT, no TGT and no liberated mind: these are sometimes different, sometimes synonymous. Other meanings when talking about the cult, such as:
Ownership is due to over the boundless Consciousness, domiciled Residents of the land;
No liberation mind is meditation on emptiness, no self or self;
Generous liberation mind is due to no intention of all generals, reluctant to form.
All four heart liberation means, v ì it is characteristic of certifications, ie mind freed any action , no action v ì greed. Attending si is the cause of the limit, so do not greed is the mind of immeasurableliberation ; Greed is an obstacle, so do not be ignorant as the Center of liberation and non-existent liberation mind ; Attending si is the creation of the generals, so do not go to the field called si liberated liberal .
Master Ma ha The contest is considered by the Buddha to be the first in the field of analysis, theory.
In meditation , the body is the breath in and out; The quadriplegic is quadruple; The idea is life, thought. Luan said, normally, the c eat contaminated v ì sense objects, like a mirror placed in Table A of the highway; But the roots of a person in the Absolute Set are as clear as a mirror placed in a box.
Operating life , ayusankhara , according to Luan, only gas, different feeling, because it keeps your body an e ã stock exterminate life thought alive. This witness meditation, in which all interested h publication only are discontinued, only be attained by an e ã attained Any cough eat or Arhat but also e ã mastery of pure meditation only eight.
An emancipated liberation mind is the result. Chess is identity, etc .; General no-novice is Nirvana, in which the absence of any organism genic kill. Interpretation No liberated mind , Sunnata cetovimutti , the witnesses and legal knowledge are countless ng ã, not self. In four mental liberation, only Wuxi minister deliverance is of superpower. Three freed before that, countless are four categories, Wuxi property is the third in the four formless formless, v à No liberation - Property apparent acts is not - belong to the world.
Attacks , delusions, and delusions create limits, pamànakarana , because they impose limits on the scope and depth of consciousness. But, according to the Commentary, it makes people measure a person who is ordinary, congested, united, or incomplete.
The comment says there are 12 minds of liberation are: 4 abiding, 4 direct, 4 fruit. Mind liberating motion is Arahanta. Saying empty mind, greed, delusion, is liberating the supernatural thanks to non-generals for greed and greed create generals.
There are nine minds of liberation by non-generals: non-possession of land and four directions, four fruits.
Commentaries, the formation of the general, nimittakarana, is greed because they place the mark on a person is sacred or holy, greed or greed or si. But it is also understandable that the greed of greed and greed causes the mind to attribute to misleading attributes such as permanence, kindness, self-will , beauty.
Commentary: There are 13 non-liberated minds of liberation: wisdom, because it removes the general, lost, fall; 4 formless form, because they do not have physical material; And four four fruits, so they have no pollution.
4 liberated mind are synonymous because they are alluding arahatship, v à because four names immeasurable, no, formless, infinite owns all l à other name of Nirvana.
Four senses, four truths, four subjugations, four no, four liberation minds, nourishment support for political liberation: gender, literature, discussion, just.
V. CONTROLSDefinition and Distinguished Subtle
Duty of the Dhamma
With the Great Question is.
Do not know the four truths
Thi call l à Lit wisdom
Wisdom is the win voters ,
Willow tri and cessation .
Wisdom by the practice of
knowledge, sense of life
, suffering and neutral.
Wisdom, consciousness correlated.
The sense of isolation c eat:
Certificate Not very compassionate Israel originating
from that very compassionate Soul Israel
and an organic origin.
There are two conditions n ày
Bringing to the knowledge :
Is the voice of the other person ,
and like the mind .
Dissolve the mind, liberate
knowledge Thanks to additional comments:
Gender, eating, and Discussion,
Pure Land and Wisdom.
Rebirth in the future
Due to ignorance, craving,
Pleasure for pleasure
Here and there.
In the first meditation What :
Evil sexual, immoral law,
together with the 5 hindrances
Join yard sleeping Conference
Achievement 5 Goodwill
Games, quarterfinals, rapture, happiness, regulations. N am in need other objects
But c Brøndby teammates rely on Italy
Due life that residence
life expectancy due to the warmth ,
The two mutual coast
As e heats with wicks and oil.
Operating life other sensations:
life practice is life
Stock Removal life thought to
Dut sensations, c please take
should not die
Export regulations, feeling.
Body died when abandoned
life, warm warm .
Want to reach the mind liberated
Beyond the suffering and optimism
must discharge optimistic, rinse suffering,
kill joy pros e ã life,
witness residing fourth meditation
to purify exhaust concept.
Want to liberate non-Prime Minister
There are two conditions:
Formless world volition
V à no intention whatsoever.
This four rescue center
Other people mean by religious
Synonym by certifications: Immeasurable by category
Shop compassion petal;
Inheritance is free
because consciousness is not.
Achieve No liberation mind
Consistency of self incarnate
Empty empty.
Formless mind freed
Due attained the formless.
Four heart was synonymous
only Luohan fruition
V i am just any action ,
no action greed
V ì greed Main
Page made limited quantity,
Little business marketing
Cùlavedalla Sutta - The shorter series of questions and answers .
Set of short questions responded . (See sut. 43).
Dhammadinna preached to the lay followers Visakha about the following points:
1. Self-identity : n- grasping aggregates is self. The beginning of self is the thirst for righteousness, greed, seeking for joy in this place. Self-destruction is the eradication of thirst. Path cessation l à holy religion eight ng image.
2. Grasping and aggregates : sexual desire for the five aggregates is called clinging aggregates.
3. The body is the attachment of the ordinary, see 5 aggregates as self, or see ego n aggregates, or view 5 aggregates in the self, or see the self in the five aggregates. Phi no comments are not such views.
4. Eight holy religion v à three aggregates . Holy religion l à conditioned, not unconditioned; The Three Aggregates Collective Sutras : The Aggregate of Aggregates is the primary language, the karma itself, the network itself; Concentration is the very essence, righteous thoughts, righteous thoughts ; Intellectual understanding is political, and thought itself.
5. Concentration, ordinance, settling capacitors, and practice : One-mind is determined; Four thoughts of the land is the prime of the four, the main need is the instrument of concentration, the practice of calling it a tu concentration .
6. The three are body, speech, mind. Breathing breathless is the body because of the body; Quadriplegia is the act of meditation because of the thought of words; To think, feeling is because these two are dependent on the mind.
7. Import and export Killing Life minister for : A man entered the n did not rise to the thought I would enter, login or e ã enter, just by practice should lead to that state. When entering this meaning, the order of killing the three is the body, mind, and mind . Upon export, the order of reincarnation returns to the three elements of mind, body, speech . When he came out of the Mantra , he sensed three types of exposure , formless, voluntary. The mind is focused on monopoly.
8. Three life : for pleasure, residence is peanuts, mutilated is suffering. For suffering, the place where suffering is, the distraction is lost. For unhappiness, there is a position is lost, no mind is suffering. In pleasure, there is attachment; In dukkha has courtyard; In any misfortune of silence. However, three of this life in meditation on th ì no option free of greed, hatred and delusion. For example, in the meditation, there is no attachment; The desire to reach the higher realms is a kind of longevity but no yard of custom; And discharge the concept of pure meditation in four meditation is miserable but no happy life without any delusions.
9. Minh and ignorance ;
10. Freed and nirvana .
Visakha is a rich merchant in Rajanagara . Dhammadinn while at home, his wife. Once ordained as a nun, she attained Arhat, Buddha announced l à disciples ni Best of lectures.
The Five Aggregates of Truth are all the truths of suffering, so the four questions that come to mind are the Four Truths related to the Truth or Suffering.
Prime in just craving, l à part of the formations, so it's not n aggregates; But since it does not separate the five aggregates, there is no one outside the five aggregates.
There are 20 types of self- identity. The Four Forms of Consolation relate to aggregates as follows.Or the shape is falling , as the fire is one with the color of fire. Or clinging is a tree-like substance. Or grasping in the fall , like the smell in the flowers. Or self in the form , as the jewel in the box.
The order of extermination and rebirth initiates the three actions in meditation : quadruple ormeditative death, in the second jhana; designed to l à breath or kill themselves in the quarterfinals meditation practice; And finally, life and thought or intention to kill when attaining Immortality . When the devastation comes, first the mind, the consciousness of the arising , with it is the feeling and the corresponding thought; Next is when the mental component arises, the breath or body begins to return. In the end , when the meditator returns to normal activities, the passage arises.
Relatively equal, patibh Aga , only the correlation between the two methods has opposed both depend v rushing together, as light to dark.
Ignorance is equivalent to unhappiness, and this feeling is subtle.
Nirvana is also the opposite of conditioned dharmas, but in absolute sense , it does not depend onwhat is dependent on nirvana, which is unconditioned, unconditioned ?
There are three, three, five , four, five, five, five .
the Dhammadinna about the beginning of the body
and its cessation.
Five Aggregates l à themselves
there because craving
sentence for blowing your property, visit
Find joy all over the place.
The termination itself
is loving detachment, the
Son of the road stopped loving prime
L à holy religion eight ng image.
2. Prime differs n mande aggregates
try, aggregates is one?
No other prime n aggregates
V ì in n aggregates
Prime belong h Transformation into aggregates.
But when there is sexual desire
For the namabody called New aggregates.
3. Body is meant
Ke byproducts attachments
See identity is self,
or ego has color,
or color in the fall,
or fall in the colors
with sensation, perception, and consciousness
The body is twenty.
Eight cults , three aggregates.
Noble l à compounded
Includes three aggregates
About aggregates is the main language,
the main industrial and networking;
Concentration of fine aggregates, righteous
thoughts and intentions;
Wisdom is the
same as mindfulness.
5. What is Concentration , General,
Tools and practice?
One is called concentration;
Tidus: four thoughts;
Tool: four need;
His legal practice
Call l à practice regulations.
6. What does three mean?
Body, speech, and mind.
The body is breathing
because of the body born;
Cannabis is a quadruple.
Think before, say after.
It is thought, feeling
Because of the mind.
7. Cessation import status to
Occur by practice
not start due nail care
, "I will enter, reside, manufacture"
bhikkhus samadhi n ày
Marble Games quarterfinals Removal
And personally, volitional.
When the Diet the
Italian boot, To body, oral .
Feeling three kinds of exposure:
General, voluntary, no.
8. For pleasant feeling,
Dementia, distress.
For suffering,
suffering, distortion.
With unhappiness,
Trick, no mind suffering.
In the peanuts, the custom,
In the suffering, the courtyard,
In the discharge, si custom.
However, in meditation
there is life, not meditation :
Joy in meditation
There is no attachment;
Concern want prime meditation
L à unpleasant does not golf
Discharge anniversary in jhana
No ignorance potential.
Lac do take suffering for
suffering pick up peanuts exchange
Real estate pleasures suffering
L à ignorance nearby.
9. What ignorance for?
- symmetry v à opposites -
Get "Ming" l knowledgeable parties
Ming grab g ì to respect?
Liberation is equivalent.
Liberation took g ì for?
Liberation of Nirvana b alk
By this l à every respect. l wall or Ming grab g ì to respect? Liberation is equivalent. Liberation took g ì for? Liberation of Nirvana b alk By this l à every respect. l wall or Ming grab g ì to respect? Liberation is equivalent. Liberation took g ì for? Liberation of Nirvana b alk By this l à every respect.
Little French onions
Cùladhammasamàdàna Sutta - The shorter discourse on the ways of undertaking things .
The Buddha explains, differently in each of the two suttas, the four ways of undertaking things, distinguished by whether they are painful or pleasant now and whether they ripen in pain or pleasure in the future .
Short texts on behaviors . The Buddha explains in these two sutras, the four modes of receiving dharmas, which differ in that they are now lost or miserable and in the future they become fruitful or happy.
There are four practices: the present lost, miserable; Now suffering, the future is suffering. Now suffering, the future; And now, the future, the future is also peaceful.
Class 1 is the practice of the brahmanas who desire sensual pleasures, the future is retribution in three evil lines.
Type 2 is the ascetic of the pagans .
Class 3 is the innate beings of greed, but hard to cultivate hard work, live pure virtue, when the body on the same birth.
Type 4 is the innate person who is less attentive, intelligent, lust, evil, witness and first meditation to fourth meditation, when the birth of the world.
Three poison, three life, four meditation, four kinds of meditation , meditation .
V. CONTROLSThere are four kinds of practice:
Right now, after suffering,
As craving sensual pleasure,
Death three evil lines.
The time of suffering, after also suffering
as pagan ascetic
T à sa is hell.
We are suffering later happy
As heavy on craving
Still trying to live happily
General network of healthy living Show
joy, later also happy
As the little greedy courts
, evil glasses
Certificate and stay the meditation
When the birth of celestial beings.
Episcopal practice
Mahādhammasamàdàna Sutta - The greater discourse on ways of undertaking things .
The long version of conduct . (See Sutra 45) II. SUMMARY
The Buddha teaches that most sentient beings wish to lessen their suffering, to be happy, but to be less happy and suffering. The reason is that ordinary people do not study the Dharma, do not do worthy things and avoid the worthy causes, causing the legal suffering , the lawlessness to reduce.
There are four practices: the present suffering, the future suffering; Present happiness, future misery; Present suffering, happy future; Present happy, happy future.
Now suffering, the future is suffering, is the case of the present man made ten bad karma in the state of suffering, when the body of the common body to the bad. As medicine e ã bitter m à re- toxic, l àm deadly drink.
Currently funny, future suffering, as do 10 cases of bad karma in jubilant mood, when dead rotten v noisy data realm. Such as drug toxicity leave v loud beverages juicy.
Now suffering, happy future, is the case of the renunciation of 10 evil karmic suffering; The only way to give up karmic retribution is by giving birth to the physical body. Like a bitter medicine , butrecover from illness.
Now the joy, the happy future, is the case of people who give up 10 evil karma with joyfulness, due to that grace when death reborn in the healing. Like a sweet drug, healed.
Things to do and do not do are mentioned in full in 114 Sutra (volume 3).
Four methods, Ten negative karma .
V. CONTROLSReducing suffering v à t antenna touch
But having the reverse
L à funny little, suffering much.
Period due to mortal
foolish ignorance
Not studied church law
Professionals do not worth
Avoiding the appearance l àm
make it difficult t antenna, reducing optimism. Currently suffering, after suffering
Being who work evil
in the mood suffering
When relatives septic joint networks
Sinh v noisy planes insecurity
As medicine bitter poison to
L àm deadly drink eat. Currently happy,
after suffering As do 10 bad karma
in jubilant mood
Dead rotten v noisy data realms
as medicine poison hidden underground
in delicious sweet drinks. Now suffering, after joy,
Is giving up 10 evil
With painfulmood When the body sore joint Generated into the healing world
As bitter medicine , cured. Now happily, after fun
Is to give up 10 evil
With joyful mood
Death is born into the healing world
As good medicine rejuvenated.
Again as the sun goes up
Dark clouds cloudy dark
Current current affairs
Fate happy Future
Tathagata teach
Destroy all heresies. To give up 10 evil With the state of suffering When the general body collapse Be born in the healing world As bitter medicine , recover from illness. Now happily, after fun Is to give up 10 evil With joyful mood Death is born into the healing world As good medicine rejuvenated. Again as the sun goes up Dark clouds cloudy dark Current current affairs Fate happy Future Tathagata teach Destroy all heresies. To give up 10 evil With the state of suffering When the general body collapse Be born in the healing world As bittermedicine , recover from illness. Now happily, after fun Is to give up 10 evil With joyful mood Death is born into the healing world As good medicine rejuvenated. Again as the sun goes up Dark clouds cloudy dark Current current affairs Fate happy Future Tathagata teach Destroy all heresies.
Vemsamsaka Sutta - the inquirer .
The Buddha invites the bhikkhus to a thorough investigation of himself in order to find out whether or not he was accepted as fully enlightened .
Find out . The Buddha advised the monks to undertake a comprehensive investigation of himself to see whether he was worthy of enlightenment.
The Buddha taught the monks need to find out whether the Tathagata is whether he is actually isogonal sense or not. There are seven things to understand.
1. Diarrheal dilemmas caused by hearing and hearing are still present in him.
2. The dermatology when infected when the net due to ear perception, there is no start.
3. The completely pure dharma due to the eye perception, there is no beginning.
4. This method of accomplishment in Him for a long or short time.
When it comes to fame, some dangers happen to Him.
6. Considering his bad reputation due to fear that abandoned or because e ã cessation of craving m à abandon; To receive that fearlessness to give up, whether in the midst of them or alone he still; And he did not criticize those who follow the evil world, specializing in material things.
7. After inquiring, to ask the main Buddha again. A disciple must come close to a guru so to hear the law, evidence of law that, reaches finality, v à will then start Longjing credits: "The religion is the One the class sense, France is Ng Ai skillful teaching, t antenna cleverly h tri. " Such trust is called l à c eat every tr Israel politics, can not be undermined by anyone in the world with gods, ghosts, discounts, recluses, brahmins ...
The eyes and ears are aware : the body and the language are the things that the eyes perceive. As well as seeing the ripple, the foam that floats in the water, due to behavior or defilement, one can know that the mind that produces these behaviors and words is also defiled.
Dharma, because of the act of purification , but can not persevere morality, when the Buddha when ghost.
Danger was arrogance c antenna ng A Man, etc. Some people, when not known, these dangers are not obvious, they seem calm; But when they get famous, they have them, they behave inappropriately, attacking others like a leopard .
Three types of dhamma : contagious, net, and mixed.
V. CONTROLSshould learn Tathagata
silver Main equiangular
In seven suicide.
1. There are defilements
Caused by the eye Cause still exists
in Him
Or does not appear.
2. Knowing that does not start
Back at the complex legal
Sometimes when pure infection -
also no longer arise
3. Then consider the purity law
- France completely pure -
Due ear eye awareness
Yes start where Tathagata.
4. Next , learn the
Buddha's accomplishments.
In the short, long time,
he has accomplished so long.
Back at the famous There is a risk that occurs to
Buddha no danger n rushing
As lust, romantic, is ...
6. What's again review because
He practiced renunciation
Seeing Him by loving kill
but by renunciation.
Between them or alone
he has not changed
not despise the wicked world
Chuy Israel focused material resources.
7. After learning through
Back Buddha please verify
About the thing t ser see
To know really not exaggerating.
Disciples must approach
such a guru To hear dharma,
reflection and legal evidence that voters
Scoring over to salvage
V à net credit arises
For Exalted
"L Asia North Main equiangular
French Ng Ai skillful instructor
T antenna cleverly h tri."
That's worth calling for.
Pursuant to the opinion.
Can not be sabotaged
by anyone in the world . "
Kosambiya Sutta - The kosambians .
During the period when the bhikkhus at Kosambi are divided by a dispute, the Buddha teaches the six qualities that create love and respect and conduce to unity. He then explained seven extraordinary knowledges possessed by a noble disciple who had realized the fruit of the stream-entry .
The people of Diem .
While the monks at Diem paralyzed for a debate, the Buddha taught them the six virtues that create love and respect , bringing them together. Then he explained the seven tricks that a learned disciple had when he attained Prophecy. II. SUMMARY
Multiply the bhikkhu in Kosambi divided by arguments, the Buddha preached six harmony and seven elements of the fruit.
2. word of mouth;
3. From the mind;
4. material benefits;
5. Together achieve discipline;
6. Together achieve sage knowledge. In here, holy knowledge l à harmoniously core.
The Seven Elements of the Prophecy are the seven elements of saintly knowledge:
2. Get to the net.
3. This knowledge of observation is not in the precepts .
4. Disclosure when transgression.
Help fellow practitioners.
6. Long wave French headset.
7. Achievement of the meaning of life, faith, and joy associated with France.
Beijing stems from the debate in Question Diem was, departing from misunderstanding a small world but e ã quickly erupted and spread, divided majority Sangha v à credits map locally th Nii faction feud inverse.
N mande hindrances, six-hour -a-boo, seven elements of performance Provision save [except five hindrances, net only; Mindfulness; Disclosed immediately upon the sub-category; Help fellow practitioners; Hides the ear; Understand meaning and joy in the Fa].
V. CONTROLSDivided because of quarrels
Not accept reconciliation
Buddha Dharma talks.
Together with the seven factors
Bringing the Project to save results.
2. A l à from corms
two are from exporting onions
Three is from standard operating
Behind as front
four, shared benefits
N mande, c yingcheng achievements presented
Friday, the holy knowledge
- the Core of harmoniously.
The Seven Elements of Reconciliation are
the saintly perceptions :
A trumpet of the hindrances,
Extinguishing controversy ;
Second is the net;
Three l à observer
Seeing clearly this knowledge
not available in foreign religion.
Four revealed a mistake;
Five helpers;
Six French headphones;
The seven strengths of
French and French
laureates have been associated with France.
This seven-year achievement
is the result of the project.
Brahma sphere
Brahmanimantanika Sutta - The invitation of a brahmà .
Baka the Brahma, and high divinity, adopts the pernicious view that heavenly world over which he presides is eternal and that there is no higher state beyond. The Buddha visits him to dissuade him from wrong view and engages him in a contest of Olympian dimensions .
Invitation of the Brahma .
The Baka heaven Brahma, there is the view that the heavens that he owns is permanent, no higher realms. The Buddha visited him to get rid of him in his place, and brought him to a world class event. II. SUMMARY
Brahma Baka originated his wrong view of heaven is permanent, comprehensive, no liberation higher than that. Buddha visited th mande v à said he e ã mistakes. Then evil came into a god to prevent Buddha intervene, and confirmed that Brahma is the number one in the world, the defamation will be ruined , who praised Pham Thi , when the general collapse will be happy. Then Buddha Devil Ng one knows Brahma also in the hands Devil, but not Buddha, he e ã rid of ghost fingertips.
Brahma repeats the wrong view that heaven is everlasting, comprehensive, unchanging, and says if the Buddha abides on the four great beings ... to the heavenly realms, then the Buddha will be in his realm . The Buddha confirmed the power of Pham Thi in that limit, but He also knows many heaven higher than the Brahma, such as the natural world, natural net, Quang fruit ... but he did not grasp the four v Any one. So He goes beyond Brahma.
In order to prove himself, Brahman said that he would disappear before the Buddha, but he could not make it. In contrast, Buddhism does Kabbalah that contest Israel we do not see is Ng Ai, but heard his voice say, "Because the danger of possession, Tathagata looking non-organic; and against property, the Tathagata does not respect, not clinging " Exam Israel they praised the Buddha's powers.
Evil has entered a god to advise the Buddha not to teach the Dharma, because there were former monk's ordained dharma, guide the disciples when death dies . Buddha recognizes evil and says he knows evil thoughts: "Those who are taught by Gotama, will escape my influence."
Beijing No. 1, teachings c eat the , also preached the Buddha in the forest at Ukkatth Subhaga game. Similar Threads Between Two Kinh n ày rất đáng chú ý. Can say of n was a dramatic demonstration of the idea e ã outlined in the economic teachings c eat the form of abstract philosophy. So, the Brahma Baka represents the self in the earliest form, blind in thought with illusions of ordinary, lost, fall. Below is the thirst, symbolized by the Evil - not revealing itself between the guilds, but the true author of all ideas, evil has the whole universe in hand.
Four college .
V. CONTROLSup evil evil view
Still no higher realms.
Know your mind is
Buddha appears where it
Bao he e A as wrong
she is come unto the island.
Evil has not come to heaven
Buddha does not intervene
Pham is the
number one birth mother in the world
Who defame to die
Who isfond of security. Buddha said evil Ghost
"I know Brahma
Well within your reach
But Tathagan not so
out of the net ghost."
Pham Thien said that
Heaven is often
do not turn septic Who medicine every four college
will be close to us.
Buddha such certification
Authority of Pham thi Israel
Within that limit.
But Tathagata know
that the higher heavens
as heavenly realms Optical audio
denaturation and Quang result ...
Still not accept Buddha
Four University v à all
should be beyond Brahma.
"If You Do not Receive
Any Dhamma
You Will Be Empty
And Without Limits,
I Will Disappear
Right In Front Of The Prophet."
"Yes, you go away."
Pham thi Israel does not turn to be
Buddhist spiritual powers , they do not see Ng Ai
Just heard Tathagata
"Due to the danger of being
Tathagata looking non-organic
Tathagata does not respect
Nor organic clinging."
Before the power of the Buddha
they are very praised.
Fear of Buddha Dharma talked
evil He advised him
not to preach the Dharma,
there are the monk
, the disciples
M died when death .
Buddha recognizes evil:
I know you are thinking,
"Who hears Gotama,
will escape my influence."
But n asks evil
Tathagata wiping take
D ù says France,
Màratajjanìya Sutta - The rebuke is Màra .
Mára attempts to harass the venerable Moggallàna, but the latter deals with the story of the distant past to warn the masters of the dangers in creating trouble for a disciple of the Buddha .
Martyrdom . In intercourse, he told a story from the past to warn evil of the dangers of harassing a disciple of the Buddha.
In the garden of fortune, religious items are intercontinental outdoor, suddenly felt heavy belly. He came back to meditate, saw the evil in the stomach. People should not harass a Buddhist disciples, will bring long-lasting . When the evil ghost came out, the author told to listen to ancient times, under the Buddha Kakusandha Ngai is also the evil name Dusi, evil now he is the son of his sister, calling him By you. The buddhist buddha has two excellent disciples in Vidhura who are good at sermon and Sanjiva is good in meditation. Evil ghosts enter the householders, using crude words to slander the virtuous monks. Most homeowners n ày after death must fall v noisy data realm. Bhikkhus are taught by Buddhaghosa to transform the mind from non-hatred, so it is not affected by the libel. Then the evil Dusi changed the method, enter the homeowners to honor worship offerings to the virtuous monks, in order to dominate these . The homeowners after death are born to the heal. The monks are Buddhist monks religious teachings teach meditation impure, impermanent to the idea ofboredom, should not be dominated by reverence. Evil Dusi does not harm Vidhura with libel as well as praises, so he enters a child, causing him to throw stones at the head of the false god, blood flowing while he is walking behind the Buddha.
The author of the section is complete, Evil ghost disappears in place.
Whatever the name of evil, means the pervert, or the pervert.
Vidhura means Unruly .
Sanjìva is Survivor. Items copper found Ng one clicked Cessation of the forest in the middle, l thought à dead bodies, burning body Ng who is like dry grass and cow dung and walked away.After leaving, Ngo hugged the begging bowl , they thought Ngai to live again.
Four peoples .
V. CONTROLSSun worshiping intercontinent is going
back to
Sudden feeling abdominal pain.
He went back to meditation
Observing evil Has gone
into his stomach
Come out.
Ng Ai storytelling previous life
"Time Kakusandha Buddha
I also l à evil
With the name" The ugly "
people into childhood was
The son she
So you are the grandchildren I
Have their blood relatives.
The two disciples identity
of Kakusandha Buddha
A l à Vidhura
Unparalleled about sermon
Area Sanjiva other
Good life Kills great import.
Dusi, The bad guys go
into the house . Most homeowners n ày Dead rotten v noisy hell. The monks are humiliatedTurns the ten worlds from the heart no grudge So should not be dominated. Ma entered homeowners By bowed offerings to Monks virtue To break the ascetic. Homeowners offering Death to the good. Monks are rewarded Impure mind, impermanent Birth control , mental separation center does not move. The venerable Vidhura Ongoing follow Buddha Devil my predecessor Lien enter v noisy children Cast stone l warm baby started bleeding profusely. When Buddha turned to look at and think "it is too glaring As evil Dusi" My public network instantly fall into contemporary hell Being cook h ang thousand n warm. " Mahamaudgalyayana li Israel had finished Devil hid themselves away. END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH TAM GIAC.( TNCT ).VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/7/2017.
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