Monday, 17 October 2016

Writing Tuesday
The Ninth: Cong Duc Tho Tri
Then Bodhisattva Hien Ho, young Ly Bao Duc Xa, commercial owners friendly rich downgraded Da Ma Na La Pass Go, Thuy Tien along with five hundred items they hear his teachings are delighted to bring instant five hundred costumes stunning rise Exalted and offered him many other items.

Buddha said to Ananda:

Ananda Behold! Households Hien Bodhisattva usually always the master of five hundred items we teach them the significance of the law, teaching pat make them happy. Do have fun so they consciousness depending upon, true, clean except for sexual ly out without disturbing it wrapped bondage

With that five hundred hands reverently Nhut attachments Buddhist ceremony and sat back side.

new household Hien said,

White Exalted! Bodhisattvas need some new enough capable attained Samadhi Buddhist concept of this subject?


Behold Hien Ho! If Bodhisattvas have the following four measures to obtain the Samadhi. A theory is not captivated by all the pagan, the two are not like all the craving, three is often the first to lose the momentum merit, four is always boring three realms of sentient life by disturbing place. Bodhisattva achievements will attain these four are eighty.

Behold Hien Ho! If good men and women reciting the economic life of this samadhi, or sometimes brought others spoken for five minutes immediately Currencies merits: one is not all malicious damage, two is not hurt by weapon sticks, three countries are not accidents: drowning etc .. four is not evil fire burning, is not evil king years, the district has the opportunity to harm.

Why is that? As for the strength of mind of Samadhi.

Behold Hien Ho! Suppose the earth falling into septic whole world lives immersed in flames, glowing fire of heaven and earth, if there is the economic life of this man or boy or girl fell into the fire, despite the red but by dread of the eighty, red fire ceased, never something was off.

Hien Ho! Good men and women who at this economic life is never evil king, the District evil, thieves, lions, tigers, wolves, poisonous snakes harm. This business practice when they are not even being that ball, la police, preta, conceived tea table, bar spleen amnesty to all species of non-destructive hindrance. When good men and women who read this chanting, meditation significant moment, when spoken to, at entering samadhi, to practice the virtues nor y took the loss occurred until the work bowl of obstacles, except life balance prior notice due to not turning. Three black guys this economic life is not sick eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, and another tribulation until interment network critical accident, obstruction of dignity. Good men and women who hear, see, know enough about eighty such business if they do not meet the Buddha, the Dhamma does not preserve the peace agreement break increased contrary to the Buddhist Bodhi, truth is never can happen!

Behold Hien Ho! Good men and women who maintain economic life this is all sun, dragon, removed, Gandhabba, asura, ca la stairs, emergency na la, la ma so the lighting, non-human, the four heavenly king, Executioner benefits the heart, heavenly king committed to the Bhagavan Buddha wholeheartedly praised.

Back households now! Good men and women of this economic life has always been the love of all sun glasses, dragon, removed, Gandhabba, asura, ca la stairs, emergency na la, la ma so the lighting, human, non-human, four great heavenly king, heavenly king executioner benefits, great heavenly king range, the bodhisattva goods until all Bhagavan Buddhas.

again those good men and women in the strength of the business should always be the protection of all heaven , dragon, removed, Gandhabba, asura, ca la stairs, emergency na la, la ma so the lighting, human, non-human, the four heavenly king, Religion advantage heavenly kings, college brahma king, all Bhagavan Buddha Bodhisattva.

the Bodhisattvas until Bhagavan Buddha during the day or night in a dream, the image of his apparent self-proclaimed title first, then rub maintain economic comfort eighty people offered praise and encouragement encourage them.

again good men and women who had never heard whether the other classics, but in the strength of eighty compassionate nature so that luck comes to talking or dreaming hear, listen and memorize fluently do not forget.

Behold Hien Ho! I speak of the virtues of good men and women who temporarily the economic life of this wonderful eighty though many lives have not gone through it all, let alone those who have heard this before eighty medical practice the teachings, live as Dharma.

Then Bhagavan speaks to repeat that verse above:
If people have the ability to explain 
Samadhi Buddha's first President 
Suppose we now say merit 
Like a grain of sand between the Ganges. 
If for some eighty others said 
water was not engulfed, fire does not burn 
Not wounded by knife sticks 
King evil, evil shall not harm 
or recitation samadhi If economic 
Come afraid all the terrorist 
forces of this Oai eradicate all 
contemporary Even venom crossbar. 
Ke classic life over this is 
also not afraid of wicked 
deleted, and the dragon closely la 
behold We have a chance to do damage. 
If this one to say eighty 
They are not sick and victims of natural 
birth without the fuzzy labels newspapers 
smooth words, arguments or. 
If the experimental profound meditation 
strong body not sick 
lifetime identity far from the wicked 
have laid Come hell worry. 
If anyone reading chanting samadhi 
to heaven, angels are protecting 
skin rubbing, la police who hatred 
just to have panic and flee. 
If one of the other guys said 
sun, dragon, ball and heart rejoices 
The dark days are always praising 
Bhagavan Buddhas injured as children. 
If this prayer for others 
no doubt all legal 
being beautiful face difficult one packaging 
Ha to rot reduce Bodhi 
If they brought teach others 
despite all the evil king, civil separation disorder 
in dry years, the rice shortage 
never hungry, or harmed. 
If eighty people say this award 
merit Harvest difficult measurement failure 
Despite being harmful ghosts 
touched also hard bristles or hair 
maintenance guys have talked about doing 
The victims, fear and negativity 
No harm ever been 
Only excluding fixed before now and then. 
If anyone doing this to protect 
the heads of the Buddha they are 
I have long praised their 
future life will also commendable. 
If anyone's keeping this method 
myself always being free to rejoice 
are not abandoned so popular 

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