nineteenth SATURDAY
nineteenth SATURDAY
His white Bodhi Monastery Buddha: "Blessed! How is Bodhisattva cleverly communicate the dharma? ".
The Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "For goodness such as the current chemical greed, hatred and delusion, not current form, feeling, perception, consciousness, not the current internal and external measures, such fetters prevailing negativity, current no tangible worldliness, outflow, worldly, French-made, compounded, unconditioned law, nor holy.
Likewise, the Bodhisattva without these things, nor his legal distinction. This is called the law minister of communication ".
- Blessed! How can chemistry of spiritual multiplication?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Directed such goodness chemical structure, not pure, nor in five species of birth and death.
Did he think, this Tu Bodhi! Buddha's mercy chemical evolution of the damage the roots, with structure, with net reasonable?
- Blessed! Not. Buddha's mercy chemical turns out there is no damage the roots, no structure, no rest, nor in five species of birth and death.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva dharma cleverly communicate the same.
- Blessed! All form, feeling, perception, volition, chemical formula as reasonable?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! All such cultural identity, all sensation, perception, and consciousness as merchandise.
- Blessed! If all such cultural identity, all sensation, perception, and consciousness as ring to all chemical methods.
Hoa Nhon no form, no sensation, perception, consciousness, no structure, no net, no species of birth and death, nor place of liberation, the Bodhisattva have what use?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Did he think, the Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice time, he has seen the beings from the Hell, Peta, hells, Nhon, God liberated reasonable?
- Blessed! He did not see the.
- Exactly. This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva not see beings be liberated from the three worlds. Why?Bodhisattvas see as legal know all districts, such as chemicals.
- Blessed! If the Great Bodhisattva perceive all things as illusory, such as chemistry, for what Bodhisattva the six perfections practice, practice meditation, immeasurable, formless Quartet to act, thirty seven legal executive assistant onion rings to compassionate, high net Buddhist country, achievements beings?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If beings knew the law as illusory self, the Great Bodhisattva nhuhoa not fulfilled in countless lives as beings that act Bodhisattva.
By beings not know the legal order as illusory, as the Great Bodhisattva turned up in countless lives six perfections act, achievement beings, purify the Buddhist country, is Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! If all such measures as romantic, as effects, such as photos, like Diem, as illusory, as the goods are being dwells in place to be Bodhisattva practice rescue six perfections?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Beings only remain in the famous general, falsehoods, great memories, distinguish, so Bodhisattvas practice the six perfections in the famous general, falsehoods them at birth.
- Blessed! What is the list? What is the minister?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! List resist counterfeiting was just laid out: This is excellent, as sensation, perception, and consciousness, are male, female, large, small, This is Hell, as Peta, the animal, is Nhon, is God, this is compounded, is unconditioned, you are Tu Da Complete results, results from Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas religion, religion is Buddhism.
This Tu Bodhi! All measures are pretending harmony. Use the list of measures taken so that list. All compounded generals only. Flesh in it being attached.
Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because using energy vehicles should stay in their title, but teach them far from sure that: This living being! List list was only emptiness, arises in falsehoods, great memories, discrimination. You shall not attachments falsehoods, great memories. The responsibility does not have to, because nature is not so empty, frustrating its attachments such false position.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, forcibly means for beings that sermon.That's the list.
What is the minister?
This Tu Bodhi! There are two general secondary is where flesh attached:
One is form. The two generals are formless.
What called appearances? Everything has rough or sharp or health, or good or structure, are empty. In the great depression was empty approach, distinguished generals to seize attention. This is called form.
What is formless minister?
Where great memories are immaterial, distinguished for birth center should embrace negativity minister.This is called formless minister.
Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, forcibly taught means being away from the attachment means being taught away from the attachment of his generals. In the formless approach makes them leave away from the two measures, such as general, is formless.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita beings leave the departed minister teaches them to remain in the formless nature.
- Blessed! If all measures only famous general, how great Bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita operator can benefit, also teaches them to benefit others act? How full Bodhisattva earth: from a planet to a planet, they are also taught that living beings are fruit Three ministers?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If the legal grounds for the decision that not only is the famous general, the Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita can not benefit, nor can benefit others.
This Tu Bodhi! Because there is no legal basis that only obligation the famous general damages, should the Bodhisattva time the Prajna Paramita Meditation can complete perfections, PhD perfections, perfections Rings, About three perfections, Candidates perfections, such as formless. Meditation can complete secondary perfections, Tu immeasurable perfections, formless Quartet to perfections, such as formless. Can complete perfections Satipatthana noble ring to bowl section perfections. Maybe not a full cabinet to the ring Paramitayana Friends Forever legal measures are not perfections, such as formless. Can fully Liberation perfections, filed Nine things to perfections, because so formless. Can fully liberate perfections, filed Nine things to perfections, such as formless. Buddhism can fully gather forces to eighteen ring plus legal estate perfections, because so formless.
Since formless, the bodhisattva himself fully healed legal, others also taught them full healing methods, such as formless.
This Tu Bodhi! If the dharma that has long trench isolation damage, the time the Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas know not the law formless, infinite concept is Supreme Bodhi, also being taught that they are outflow. Why? Since all outflow are formless, so no-mind.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita outflow user benefit beings.
- Blessed! If all measures formless, non-conceptual, why Thanh Van legal matter, the law Pratyekabuddhas, a Bodhisattva, the Buddha is legal?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! What do you think Italian, formless with legal measures Thanh Van has else?
- Blessed! No other.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! France formless ie there must freezer Complete results, results from Da Ham, fruits A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas legal, legal Bodhisattva, the Buddha approach reasonable?
- Blessed! Exactly.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! That's why the law should be aware of all are formless.
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva formless learn all this law, shall be great more wholesome approach, which is six perfections, meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals, quad rings mindfulness to eighteen plus legal estate. Why so? Bodhisattvas do not take the other measures in three key disciplines of liberation. Since all self minister, that call is not freed by. Since all legal formless, is called formless liberation goal. Since all methods ineffective, very start, it called ineffective freed goal.
If the Great Bodhisattva is studying three subjects freed five warm can learn minister, may enter the duodenum school generals, generals can learn the gender bowl, can learn minister's Four Noble Truths, the twelve can learn multiplication coast, there internal school can not ring to infinity compounded not legal, can learn the six perfections to eighteen plus legal estate.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita can learn how warm the army generals?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita know appearances, said identity being destroyed, said sharp.
What is known appearances?
Do not know the ultimate identity, its components split differences as foam damage water damage is not fake, not durable, not sure. It is known form.
What is known identity being destroyed?
Now arise, not from where the colors, at no place to go. If not know, I did not go, it is said identity being destroyed.
What is known as identity?
Lust as he can not bear, not destroy, not again, not walk, not increased, not decreased, no structure, no net, which is known as identity.
Lust as he can not bear, not destroy, not again, not walk, not increased, not decreased, no structure, no net, which is known as identity.
This Tu Bodhi! As it is said damage such as damaged. As it was before after and between races, too, are often not changed. It is known as identity.
How is the minister said life? How is knowing life being destroyed? What is known as life?
Bodhisattvas know the general life such as water bubbles: a starter, a kill. Such is life minister said.
Life does not know where to, no place to go. It is known the life and extinction.
Life as he can not bear, do not kill, do not come, do not go, do not increase, not decrease, no structure, no net, which is known as life.
How is the imagination? Idea being destroyed? Think?
Such ideas, known as Diem Bodhisattva, can not be, that is the illusion. That's the general idea.
Where that is not the idea, no place to go. It was great to know being destroyed.
He seemed to be born, not destroy, not to not walk, not increased, not decreased, no structure, no net, no conversion where general damages. It is known almost.
How is the executive minister know? Administrative being destroyed? Act like?
Bodhisattva known acts such as banana stems, barks from barks of stripped solid no. It is the executive minister said.
The issue does not arise from nowhere again, no place to go. It is known practice being destroyed. The operator can not bear, not destroy, not to not walk, not increased, not decreased, not structural, not net.These are known as operating.
What is known formula minister? Soul being destroyed? Waking like?
Bodhisattva known as the magician formula, magic the four arms, no damage. That's the formula minister said.
Consciousness does not arise from nowhere once again, no place to kill time. It is known form being destroyed.
Wake as he can not bear, not destroy, not to not walk, not increased, not decreased, not structural, not net. It is known as knowledge.
How sensitive is the Tower of import?
Bodhisattvas know eyesense eyesense emptiness, ring-base-base to emptiness, emptiness identity known identity, rings to legislative emptiness.
How is the world knew bowl?
Bodhisattva known brands emptiness gender perspective, rings gender consciousness not conscious.
What is known Four Noble Truths?
At Holy Roman Emperor known suffering, far from conception Bodhisattva differences, we see there are two methods that know suffering two such substrates, no different.
With practice, Removal and religion as such.
With practice, Removal and religion as such.
What is known twelve multiplication coast?
Bodhisattva said twelve multiplication coast no minister born ".
Tu Bodhi He said, "Blessed! At issue Prajna Paramita, if the Great Bodhisattvas know the legal distinction own, not due toan identity septic legal nature which legal nature, race ring to set position by Nhut destroying legal nature qualities that reasonable? ".
- Hey Tu Bodhi! If in addition to the legal nature, the new law there is probably corrupt law legal nature.
Besides legal nature, such measures should not be able to get septic.
Why? This Tu Bodhi! Buddha and a disciple of the Buddha known outside legal nature, such measures may be.
Since such measures should not be able to get outside legal nature has legal say.
Thus, the Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita operator must learn legal nature.
- Blessed! Great Bodhisattva if school is not affordable legal nature of school places?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva, the legal nature study all legal practitioners.
Why? Since all the legal measures nature.
- Blessed! What all legal pretext is legal nature?
- Hey Tu Bodhi! All measures in unconditioned formless nature. Thus, the legal nature should study all legal practitioners.
- Blessed! If all measures are legal nature, why the Great Bodhisattva six perfections study, meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals? Why Bodhisattva school assistant thirty seven measures, three subjects liberation, eight multiple discharge, the second filed nine, ten to eighteen mentality rings plus legal estate? Why study Kabbalah six, thirty-two generals, eighty depending perfect shape? Why bodhisattvas born in the great minority school, the heaven? Why Bodhisattva Development Center School first place to tenth place? Why local school Bodhisattva Thanh Van, address Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattva? Why Bodhisattva beings learning achievements, net of Buddhist country, the momentum is half Romanian, mock theory of eloquence. Why Bodhisattva Supreme Bodhi school, finish school race Nhut necessarily know all the legal position?
Blessed! In the legal nature of the measures did not differ.
Blessed! Affordable Bodhisattvas fall into the runway? Why? Because of legal nature was no difference. In nature there is no legal form, feeling, perception, consciousness. Dharmata away nor form, feeling, perception, consciousness. Ie excellent legal nature, ie excellent legal nature. Feeling, perception, volition, consciousness, too. All legal, too.
- Hey Tu Bodhi! Exactly. Yes as you say: excellent legal nature ie, feeling, perception, and consciousness that is legal nature.
This Tu Bodhi! At issue Prajna Paramita, if the Great Bodhisattva saw outside legal nature, the law is no bridge Supreme Bodhi.
At issue Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas know all the legal nature of the Supreme Bodhi. So time the Prajna Paramita, Great bodhisattvas know all the legal measures in place the legal nature and not generals generals used to preaching, which is excellent, is feeling, perception, knowledge, patience to the Supreme Bodhi.
This Tu Bodhi! For as magicians in making art in public these visible forms, what are girls, boys, elephants, horses, yet beautiful forest gardens and homes, yet the stream, bathing pond, Siamese Labels, ear, billion, tongue, body and mind, flowers, incense, he lost, drinks, food, air is singing tunes to entertain people.
Magician who made the arts and said generosity, morality, patience, diligent, meditation, religious wisdom.
This magician contemporary art as ethnic lines, the heaven, the Saints completed freezer, freezer Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, Great bodhisattvas from a play practice six perfections truth , to gather preliminary address, enter the Bodhisattva, psychic du theater, achievements beings, purify the Buddhist country, du theater of liberation samadhi meditation, rings true of Buddha to Buddha's body collected enough force thirty two generals, eighty depending perfect shape.
Magician, make such technical for everyone to see.
In every audience, who are so very commendable position talent of the magician. Wise people contemplate that truly unprecedented, in that there is damage that can not use the law to make fun place with nice people, from the formless, not the minister but there is still no minister has .
This Tu Bodhi! Great Bodhisattva was there no law left outside legal nature. At issue Prajna Paramita, because of media, oil such great Bodhisattvas saw beings that self-giving, and teach others generosity, giving praise, rejoice praise generosity. Forbearance to cultivate self-wisdom, and wisdom taught practitioner, practitioner delighted praise wisdom.
Great Bodhisattva ten good deeds true self, the five precepts, eight precepts, meditation, immeasurable, formless quartet of thirty-seven legal assistant, onion rings true to himself no community legal eighteenth, eighteen praise plus legal estate, real excited praise any legal act plus eighteen.
This Tu Bodhi! If legal nature before, after and between the differences may not be so great Bodhisattvas effort to show legal means emptiness, achievements beings.
This Tu Bodhi! Due to the legal nature as before, after and between no differences, the Great Bodhisattva world Prajna Paramita act for the benefit beings that Bodhisattva acts so real. "END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/10/2016.
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