Pham Van Tuong
At that time in the realm of Dai Thien Duc has Devas realm, charger with scattered flowers and incense to the Buddha bay, pay homage to the Buddha's lead then stood back and said, "Blessed! Have said very deep perfections. What is the Minister Prajna Paramita very deep? "
Buddha told Education gods realms, realms Sac: "Behold gods Death! Minister, minister formless, uncreated Minister is Minister Prajna Paramita very deep, very starting minister, the unborn, no kill, no structure, no net, no ownership, formless, infinite care facility, Minister of nowhere the Minister Prajna Paramita.
Behold gods Death! The Minister as Minister Prajna Paramita very deep.
Worldly Buddha used to being spoken for, and not the easiest means.
Behold gods Death! The minister did, all Thien Nhon, asura in life is not to be destructive. Why so?Because Thien Nhon, asura in life as well as minister.
Behold gods Death! Minister can not sabotage Minister, Minister unknowable Minister, Minister unknowable formless, formless unknowable Minister, Minister and formless place know that know know that's because measures are not possible. Why so? Behold gods Death! The minister was not made sharp, not feeling, perception, and consciousness make, not six perfections made, rings Nhut not necessarily strains to make out position.
Behold gods Death! the Minister did not have possession of the person, of the sun, not the earth, the Earth, not organic contraband, outflow, not compounded, unconditioned.
Behold gods Death! As someone asks what is Minister of nowhere? Word of this question correct?
Devas said: "Blessed! Word was not right to ask. Because there was nowhere minister said, because nowhere did arise, not be made".
Buddha told Education gods realms, realms Sac: "There are Buddhist or not Buddhist, often cylindrical general nature. Since the minister is just as real emptiness that Buddha called Tathagata ".
Devas said: "O Buddha! Buddha is the general legal nature very deep. Being his nature and was very afraid minister position. An office in this general use Prajna Paramita general meeting of the legal order.
Prajna Paramita often this is where the practice of the Buddhas. Due to this practice should be Supreme right enlightenment. Due to Supreme Bodhi which communicate all dharma, or ring appearances to set strain Nhut general location ".
Buddha said, "That's right. Behold gods Death! Brain damage is the Minister General of identity, sense of life as minister, minister of a great fortune to marry, artifacts are being run by Executive Minister, put his general especially the formula. The Buddha was not his generals.
Behold gods Death! Or discharge such as Dan na perfections minister, not the minister's brain temperature Thi la perfections, such as Minister of the Rings changed perfections, such as Minister of Attack recoil perfections, photography is the minister's mind perfections meditation, leaving apart the Prajna Paramita minister. Germany does not have the generals.
Behold gods Death! Harmful interference does not disturb the heart's Minister of meditation, immeasurable, invisible to the quarterfinals. The Buddha was not his generals.
Behold gods Death! Export is the world's thirty-seven minister directed the assistant, left the minister's departure is not liberation, was a general cessation of formless liberation, is the Minister of ineffective pain relief. The Buddha was not his generals.
Behold gods Death! Winner of ten super-hero mentality, such awe as the four fearless generals, known throughout all the generals of the four unobstructed location, others may not be a Minister of eighteen plus legal estate. The Buddha was not his generals.
Behold gods Death! Mercy being as compassionate minister, the minister's feet damage infallible, infinite as minister of defense establishments usually exhaust, known as general current of location Nhut set strain. The Buddha was not his generals.
Behold gods Death! As are all the Buddha law minister should not be called bothered unobstructed location. "
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "Prajna Paramita is the mother of Buddha. Prajna Paramita or display worldly generals. So he just legal Buddha to remain, offering, reverence, respect, praise her methods.What was France? Is Prajna Paramita. Y only Buddha Prajna Paramita place to dwell, offerings, reverence, respect, praise Prajna Paramita. Because of this honey Perfection of Wisdom born of the Buddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Because the Buddha is known impact. If someone asked right. Be a true impact response, no one more than the Buddha.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Because the Buddha is known to impact of the Buddha and the religion of the Buddha goes until being Supreme Bodhi. Buddha back offerings, reverence, respect, praise her approach, her religion and her life over legal guardian, his religion.
Behold Tu Bodhi! It's called the Buddha is known impact.
This again Tu Bodhi! Buddha knows all there is no general legal because there is no general artifact author. All no general law arise because there is no criminal.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Do Prajna Paramita Buddha said that there is no general legal artifacts, no minister arise. Also because of this that the Buddha is known impact.
This again Tu Bodhi! Buddha by Prajna Paramita which are all measures not bear, so is wealth so acquired. The Prajna Paramita nân or being Buddhas, or displayed minister of the world ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! If all measures are unknown, is not seen, so Prajna Paramita born again or Buddhas, or displaying Minister earth?"
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "That's right. All measures do not know, do not see. What is not known, is not found? Since all measures which are not, as such fake permanent damage, all measures should not know, do not see.
This again Tu Bodhi! All non-medical methods only, and without knots, so all do not see no sense.
So that Prajna Paramita or living Buddhas, or display worldly generals.
Because not see color, do not see life, perception, informal setting ring to not see Nhut strains should place Prajna Paramita or displays Minister earth, or birth Buddhas ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Why did not see color ring to see location Nhut set strain should Prajna Paramita or displays Minister earth?"
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "If such charming places to birth distinguish colors, charming places such feeling, perception, and consciousness to being distinctive, such rings to the coast where Nhut necessarily distinguish strains of location for delivery, such that called not see Minister of form, feeling, perception, knowledge, patience to see the minister did not call the race Nhut set position, should show the general world. Since this that Prajna Paramita or being Buddhas, or display worldly generals.
This again Tu Bodhi! How is Prajna Paramita or being Buddhas, or displaying Minister earth?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita show the world does not.
Show the world does not like?
Show five warm earth not, show the world does not enter the duodenum, showing bowl worldly world, show the world cross multiplication coast binary zero, show down is the sixty-two worldly knowledge, show ten worldly religion friendly, show meditation, immeasurable, quarterfinals of the world does not, showing thirty-seven aids worldly religion, showing six perfections worldly, display cabinet no, no rings to outlaw foreign ownership is not worldly approach, showing nature compounded, unconditioned worldly nature, showing ten rings to mental strain Nhut set worldly place. It is showing the world does not.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita or living Buddhas, or display worldly generals.
This again Tu Bodhi! Buddha Prajna Paramita by showing that the world should not know this world, or the world does not, thinking not of the world, the world does not discriminate. So Prajna Paramita or living Buddhas, or display worldly generals.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita waving worldly display.
Show how worldly Buddha?
Show five warm earth not, ring setting to show strains Nhut worldly place.
So Prajna Paramita or living Buddhas, or display worldly generals.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist showing incredible world:
Show five warm earth inconceivable rings to show the world where Nhut set strain inconceivable.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist showing world cup:
Show the world five warm cup rings to show strains Nhut set world cup place.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist showing earth passed away:
Show passed away five warm earth rings to show the world where Nhut set strain passed away.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist world show ultimately not:
Show five warm earth rings ultimately not to show the world where Nhut set ultimate strain no.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist show the emptiness of the world:
Show emptiness five warm earth rings to show the world where Nhut set strain emptiness.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist display world of outlaw not:
Show outlaw five warm earth rings are not necessarily strains Nhut to show the world where wealth is not legal.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist world show no organic law:
Show five warm earth rings are not useful measures to show the world where Nhut necessarily organic species not legal.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist showing legal ownership is not the world, showing five warm earth not legal ownership, setting rings to show strains Nhut world organic position is not legal.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist displays useful worldly legal outlaw not:
Show the world of outlaw five warm friendship rings to show measures not necessarily strains Nhut worldly wealth compounded Hotel not legal.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita Buddhist world display stand no:
Show the world five warm poison rings to show Nhut not necessarily toxic strains not worldly place.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita born or made Buddhas, or displaying Minister Buddhist world.
This again Tu Bodhi! Prajna Paramita minister profound display this world, it is general can not bear this life, the afterlife. Why so? Because there is no general law being used to this world, life after being ".
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Prajna Paramita that this arises because of the large, because of the incredible that arise, because of the impossibility confess that arise, because of the immeasurable which found start, because of the very class that arises. "
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "That's right. Behold Bodhi Monastery, Prajna Paramita higher this because, as incredible, as impossible profession, as unequaled, as the equity wealth that arises.
How Prajna Paramita ambassadors should arise?
Behold Tu Bodhi! University of Buddhas is: save all beings, not leaving all beings.
How Prajna Paramita inconceivable because of it arises?
Behold Tu Bodhi! inconceivable is the Dharma, the law of the Tathagata, the divine natural law, the law of omniscience spanking.
How is Prajna Paramita because majeure confess that arise?
Behold Tu Bodhi! Proclaimed the impossibility of all beings because no one can claim to strategic thinking of the Buddha Dharma, the Tathagata law, divine natural law, law of omniscience spanking.
How is Prajna Paramita because the immeasurable that arise?
Behold Tu Bodhi! In all beings no one can predict the Dhamma, the Tathagata divine law, divine natural law, the legal position of the foremost device, so the Prajna Paramita because of the impossibility that arises.
How is Prajna Paramita unequaled since the that arises?
Behold Tu Bodhi! In all beings no one can equal more Buddha's case, so the Prajna Paramita unequaled for that arises. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Prajna Paramita just because of the Buddha, the Tathagata law, divine natural law, law of omniscience foremost, is the inconceivable, impossible confess, impossible amount, unequaled which arises it? "
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "That's right. Of the Buddha, the Tathagata, divine nature of omniscience spanking is inconceivable, impossible profession, impossible amount, unequaled. Excellent feeling, perception, and consciousness ring to set strain Nhut location, legal nature, dharma are also incredible, impossible profession, impossible amount, unequaled. In this, the mind and the heart are impossible to attain.
This again Tu Bodhi! Because the rings to attain excellence majeure strains Nhut set up excellent prime location impossible to Nhut set strain rings are impossible position incredible, impossible profession, impossible amount, unequaled.
Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Where does because identity majeure should attain excellence inconceivable, unequaled to? Tolerance to where I got because Nhut set strain prime location majeure strains should set position Nhut inconceivable to unequaled? "
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "Because no one can predict the color rings to no one can predict the strains Nhut set up identity majeure prime location, set ring to strain Nhut prime location impossible.
Why so? Behold Tu Bodhi! Because appearances inconceivable that no one should be patience to measure unequaled appearances because nobody was incalculable. As set strain Nhut incredible place nobody should be ring to measurement because strain Nhut setting unequaled location so nobody incalculable.
Behold Tu Bodhi! How Did he? In the inconceivable to the unequaled about it were possible? Form, feeling, perception, knowledge about where to Nhut set strain can be reasonable? "
Blessed! It can not be!
So, this Bodhi Monastery! All measures are inconceivable to the ring are also unequaled.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Buddhism is inconceivable, impossible profession, impossible amount, unequaled.This is called the Dharma incredible ring to call unequaled.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Buddhism is inconceivable for this incredible process. Real profess Buddhism too confess that. Dharma impossible because the amount of that. Buddhism unequaled since the class this class.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Since this should all inconceivable to approach unequaled.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Inconceivable is called means that inconceivable, impossible that he claimed to be called impossible confess, impossibility is known that the amount of that impossibility, unequaled as meaning that unequaled call.
Behold Tu Bodhi! France's Buddhas is inconceivable to this unequaled.
Inconceivable as nowhere inconceivable, impossible as nowhere profess profess impossible, impossible as nowhere impossibility of quality, unequaled as unequaled nowhere.
Behold Tu Bodhi! This is called the Dharma incredible ring to unequaled.
Such boundless Dharma. All of God, Man, asura nobody can count measure is inconceivable. "
When Buddha said the Dharma incredible, impossible proclaimed, immeasurable, unequaled behold, five hundred and twenty Bhikshu Bhikshuni because not all legal life so disturbing of all, the mind is freed and certificates Arhat, all Upasaka six and three all upasikas away from the ceiling, is pure dharma, twenty great bodhisattvas are legal unborn rings, will be signed during this aeon life.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/10/2016.
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