fifty first
fifty first
Buddha told him Tu Bodhi: "For such a large sea boats sink vanity, if someone in the boat did not grasp the buoy, not hug trees or corpses games, to know that they were not able to shore and drowned. Those who hold or hug trees float boarding, the corpse, to know this man did not die sinking, will be on the shore peaceful liberation.
Also, this Bodhi Monastery! Good men, good women a Buddha, if only the popular belief that such care Prajna Paramita, such chroniclers, such life over, no reading, no litigation, no preacher, no recollection district, with three years Nhut other perfections ring to set such strains are also medical location, such chroniclers, recitation, recollection district, to know good men, good women between the attenuator this, no place to be Nhut set strain, will witness get angry Sravakas or Pratyekabuddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! If good men, good women a Buddha, have faith, patience, with meditation, deep down, there is prayer, there are solutions, with discharge, with diligence, care Prajna Paramita, transcribing, life over, recitation, preacher, pastor of recollection, this man is the blessing of the Perfection of Wisdom profound secret, rings to get the blessing of location Nhut set strain. Since this man is the household should not halfway attenuation, beyond angry Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, or the net Buddha, achievements beings, will witness the Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Tu Bodhi! For example, a user may not statements baked clay pots to draw water, to know how long it's going to tank vase life, return to the land.
Also, good men, good women have oil Supreme Bodhi mind, have faith, patience, have inner peace, inwardly, with prayer, with solutions, with discharge, with diligence, without the blessings of Prajna Paramita deep set ring to the strains of location Nhut, men between the attenuator, will fall into the annoying bar text, Pratyekabuddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! For example, a user may have baked clay pots to draw water, the pot must know this will not hold up.
Also, good men, good women Supreme Bodhi Bridge, have faith, patience, have inner peace, inwardly, with prayer, the, discharge, diligently, to get the blessings of the deep Prajna Paramita Nhut remote setting ring to the strains of mind, to know this man did attenuation between road which is beyond annoying bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, or the pure Buddha, achievements beings, evidence Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! For example, a boat equipped with unfinished that transport material resources beyond the sea, this boat will know sank halfway to nowhere, the one place, and material resources sinking boat drifted their separate ways. Because of insufficient means traders should take material resources.
Also, good men, good women have Bodhicitta oil, with faith, with patience, prayer, meditation, heart to diligently without human means of Prajna Paramita set ring to the strains of location Nhut household, must know this man between the attenuator, took great storm strains Nhut set position, falling into angry bar text, Pratyekabuddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! For example, a location, a large boat fitted perfectly, then lowered the boat into the sea transport of material resources, must know this boat all unspoilt halfway, going to a place to go.
Also, good men, good women a Buddha, have faith, have patience, with meditation, deep down, there is prayer, the, discharge, energy, force was the means of Prajna Paramita to Nhut set strain household location, must know this man will be the Supreme Bodhi, no attenuation between the road, fall into Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! For example, people older than hundred years old, many sick weakens. This elderly bedridden patient can not get up to walk, or walk up and could not walk away from a twenty mile.
Also, good men, good women have Bodhicitta oil have faith, patience with meditation, deep down, there is prayer, the, discharge, be diligent but not its means of Prajna Paramita household, rings such are the means to power of location Nhut strain household equipment, to know this man fall into line between annoying bar text, Pratyekabuddhas.
As more than hundred years old, many sick weakens want to stand up to walk, there are two healthy people to paddle together helped both parties, whereby the elderly sick to go to a place like.
Also, good men, good women a Buddha, have faith, have patience, with meditation, deep down, have sex, the, discharge, energy, force was the means of Prajna Paramita's rings to Recreational facilities hemp strains Nhut household, must know this man does not fall into the walls between office, Pratyekabuddhas that want to reach the site, it is the Supreme Bodhi ".
Come back to the Lord Buddha Bodhi Monastery: "You instead, heal instead! Tu Bodhi because Bodhisattvas which is talking place such as Lai incident.
Behold Tu Bodhi! if good men and good women from the use of this new mind to fall down center facility that generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom. At Bell rings to wisdom, this man with the notion: I am the benefactor, I give to him, I'm giving everything left, ring to have me as a cultivator concept of wisdom, wisdom that I practice, I have wisdom. This man did not know, cashiers, such was the blessing of the Prajna Paramita to such rings are the blessings of location Nhut set strain. Because of Prajna Paramita in Dan na ring to perfections no such distinction. It leaves the cashier, shore, that's six perfections minister. Since there are so blessed this man not to set strain Nhut where mired in frustrating bar text, Pratyekabuddhas.
Behold Tu Bodhi! How was the bridge Buddha without means?
Buddhist since who needs a play far no real power while operating vehicles six degrees, this man is my opinion that benefactors give to people and material resources that used to give alms, to the notion that rings I favored her convent, had favored him, so that high self-concept: where arrogant generosity, morality pride, patience, pride, pride diligently, meditate pride, pride wisdom.this man does not know that irrespective remember how, far from the cashier, the minister's shore six perfections. Because the cashier did not know, did not know this man shore should not be guardian of Dan na ring perfections to not necessarily strains guardian of location Nhut, therefore can not be Nhut set to race to fall into place that bothered Sravakas or Pratyekabuddhas.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! if such great bodhisattvas are very means of Prajna Paramita guardian, is doomed to fall into the annoying bar text or Pratyekabuddhas.
If the household's means of force Prajna Paramita, mau be great bodhisattvas all Supreme Bodhi, is not immune to upset or Pratyekabuddhas bar text.
How is the blessing?
Behold Tu Bodhi! From the outset far, Bodhisattva exertion means alms, do not mind falling down head ring thought to not mind falling down establishments that cultivate wisdom. This Bodhisattva not think I have to give, that's mine to give, such as self-giving that high, such as ring to wisdom that high order. This Bodhisattva not think I was the benefactor, I give to him, I brought the thing to give alms, do not think my patience to cultivate wisdom, wisdom that I have. Why so? Because of perfections Dan na no such distinction, far from the cashier, the Minister of Dan shore perfections na, come away from the cashier rings, shore is Prajna Paramita minister. Why so?Because of Prajna Paramita not the thought in mind, such a distinction.
This Bodhisattva cashier know, know shore. This is Dan Bodhisattva perfections na ring concept to households are households Prajna Paramita conception, is not internal, not external ring to strain their minds are set notion Nhut. As is the notion that households should not fall into this Bodhisattva Sravakas bothered, that is to Pratyekabuddhas strains spanking set position.
So, this Bodhi Monastery! great bodhisattvas of being human means of Prajna Paramita should not fall into the household Sravakas upset, but quickly was Pratyekabuddhas Supreme Bodhi. " END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/10/2016.
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