Turn Falun: first discourse of the Buddha.
Enlightenment - Catechism of the Four Noble Truths with four truth beyond all the impact of external conditions, discusses the nature of human life and the ability to overcome all the suffering of human suffering has become a driving force and beliefs of humanity, against all the vicissitudes of life still believed in a bright future of mankind in general and people in particular.
Buddhism was introduced, more than 25 centuries, but the teachings of the Buddha are contained breathing time and does not seem to depend on the change of space and time.
One of the basic tenets of Buddhism is important Eightfold Path (path eight branches - Middle Way), contained in the texts Zhuan Falun - the first sermon of the Buddha. Sermon became the focus of attention, in which the meaning of the attitude of tolerance, tolerance, avoid extreme or outrageous (anta), Lao Tzu and Confucius were shared in the concept of "centrist" or "neutral", and take remote Greek, this idea is also shared by Aristotle, through the concept of "harmony". This seems to be a topical issue, help us to be alert to the temptations of contemporary life, to seek a life of peace and tranquility.
Catechism of the Four Noble Truths with four truth beyond all the impact of external conditions, discusses the nature of human life and the ability to overcome all suffering the pain of people has become the motivation and confidence of humanity, against all the vicissitudes of life still believed in a bright future of mankind in general and people in particular.
Middle Way and the Four Noble Truths is more meaningful than when it was first sermon Buddha said shortly after the Supreme Bodhi enlightenment, proved to be a matchless wisdom has been awakened after a long time dreamless propelled into the realms of life and death.
Therefore, understanding the Middle Way teachings and the Four Noble Truths, and the introduction of texts Turn Falun mean not only theoretical but also practical internships each Buddhists, thereby determining the aisles and clear purpose before time finding the hybrid nature of the materials themselves.
Ideological context of activities leading to the birth of the texts
The researchers reviewed the situation when academic activities of the Buddha, often divided into two separate trends: fundamentalist and non-mainstream movement. Fundamentalist Vedas and Upanishads taken as the main classics; the movement against economic differences or Veda and Upanishads are considered non-mainstream or orthodox reaction.
One other classifications, in more detail, the trend of thought divided them into 4 main categories: orthodox Brahmin, folk religion movement, Veda and Upanishads trends do take the main ideas but has developed more like Yoga, Number opinion, the reason ... and finally the non-mainstream movement.
Also, there are some researchers, based on the Buddhist scriptures, namely economic performance recluses , mentioning that in the classic six-sect commonly called "pagan sect clerk":
1. Phu-lan-na Ca-lettuce (Purana Kassapa): for that is good and bad employment practices by industry rather have a corresponding basis, so do not believe anything or skeptical all.
2. Mat-old Chile sentence-amnesty-la (Makkholi Gosala): only natural, all evil acts, even liberating thing complies with the laws of nature, humans can not decide or attempt anything.
3. amitābha Page-sa-admiration-she-la (Ajita Kesakambali): Comment advocate materialism. Humans composed by the four elements, are all dead, so enjoy the pleasures, reject morality.
4. Match-Ca-fried-performing momentum (Pukudha Kaccayana): advocated idealist, says Center immortal animal, human life and death is only the approval of these factors converge to create a human being, even the factors that shall never be destroyed.
5. Approves Pi-anonymously-da-la-le-Prince (Sanyaya bellatthyputta): advocates of inspiration, if you feel that way, to say that the phenomenal world, no certainty as to whether or not, right or wrong.
6. Ni-Gandhara Nha-threads-mail (Nigandha netaptta): Comment undertakings destiny, use it as a basis to justify it all. As for the practice, it took the extreme asceticism and moral habit estate as special police.
Overall, the academic activities of the Buddha was born, Indian philosophical thought with the strong development, diversity of themes, rich in schools rather than in economic unity Veda or Upanishad formerly. The school was born in this era can be compared to the middle of spring blossoming flowers, each school has its different way of explanation, sometimes oppose each other in the interpretation of the nature world as well as the practices that lead to final liberation. The boom not only created the premise for Buddhism in collecting the essence of the other schools, but also the basis for Buddhist supplement, revise and fix the advantages and disadvantages of the different schools of thought , forming a new religion - Buddhism, has inherited the tradition, both new ones to make up the fundamental turning point in the general flow of Indian philosophy.
Contents: Economic Zhuan Falun
a) Critical Mistakes views of sectarianism
Opening Sutta, the Buddha said: "This, O monks, there are two extremes (anta) that every home (pabbajitena) to avoid ..."
The concept of extremism (anta) is only a concept extreme attitudes, excessive or extreme; and the concept of home person (pabbajitena) is only those who renounce worldly path, cutting charity from relatives and seek the path of liberation.
Once started preaching to his five brothers in particular ascetics and those who seek the path of liberation in general, reminds immediately Buddha ordained that those who need to abandon the path of two extremes or excesses ; in other words, Buddha criticized two roads is the wrong path, do not lead to ultimate liberation. That's two paths:
1. be neglectful in sensual - is vile, vulgar, profane, not value human dignity saint, and in vain.
2. The passionate attachment ascetic style - is suffering, not value human dignity saint, and in vain.
The first path is the path of passionate or sensual pleasure and excesses second path is the path immersed in austerity, suffering outrageous. Here are two paths the Buddha warned not to give the home people complete freedom.
It should be added that, at the time Buddha Sakyamuni was in this world and even before the birth of Buddha Sakyamuni, India has existed for many schools or different teachings to seek the path of liberation. But high achievement, attitude towards life often revolves around two main roads: one is the sensual indulgence and two are rejected every desire.
One of the doctrines advocated enjoy all the pleasures of the earth is the doctrine Lokayata - Pali and Sanskrit - refers materialism and materialism by Carvakas founder. In view of this doctrine, people are dying off, leaving everyone in the life and capacity of the present life only is real, therefore, the advocates of this theory say: " Let's eat , drink and enjoy all the pleasures, because death comes to all ", and that: " Ethics is an illusion, only pleasure is reality. death is the end of life. Religion is a foolish aberration, a mental disease. There is distrust all that is good, noble, pure and compassionate. their theory advocated sexual gratification, selfishness and gross, confirmed obscene willpower. No need to control passion and instinct because it is part of the natural heritage of the people ".
Meanwhile, some schools promote rigorous ascetic life. They said that only ascetics can bring people to salvation. This doctrine is most people who practice many different schools accept. Even the Lord Buddha and his 5 brothers previously ascetics practiced also had a hugh so for 6 years but still did not achieve ultimate liberation.
Criticism two undertakings, the Buddha said that both are useless, useless, unworthy of the dignity of the saints.
b) The teachings of the Buddha preached the first sermon. The doctrine of the Middle Way or Path eight branches
Even after criticism of two undertakings is pleasure and asceticism outrageous excesses, Buddha gave the third way is the Middle Way (Majjhima Patipada). "Abandoning both these two extremes, the Tathagata has realized" Middle Way "(Majjhima Patipada), is the way to bring the vision (cakkhu) and knowledge (nana) and to tranquility (vupasamaya), supreme wisdom (abhinnaya), enlightenment (sambhodhaya), and Nirvana "
Middle Way is not the path that lies between the two extremes is the way to rise above two extremes.Dictionary Buddhist concept: "China means duality, all treatment is wonderful, is non-parallel but a strategic position, is an unbiased neutral religion to one side", which means that a middle path is the put an end to treatment as usual dualistic pars; have-not; right left…
In the later stages of development of the Buddhist, the understanding of the Middle Way are also many different opinions, such as the French Minister for the Middle Duy formula, Tam's argument for any Middle Path, Tiantai for Food Minister is Middle Way, Flower Adornment for the Middle French world ... However, in doing Zhuan Falun , Buddha's assertion that the Middle Way or Eightfold path is the path of the eight branches.
In the talk:
"This, O monks, middle path which the Tathagata has realized, the road to bring the vision, knowledge and leads to peace, supreme wisdom, enlightenment and nirvana is what?
That is the Eightfold Path - is Right (samma ditthi), Right Thought (Samma samkappa), Right Speech (samma vaca), Right Livelihood (samma kammanta), Right Livelihood (samma ajiva), Right Effort (samma vayama ), mindfulness (samma sati), and Right Concentration (samma samadhi). This, O monks, the "Middle Way," which the Tathagata has realized ".
The first element of the Eightfold Path is Right Understanding, the understanding of the true, to break all of the cynicism of old fellow on Buddha's teaching, and also want to raise a key statement Buddha's teachings are: objects need to find a genuine way, that is seen as the main object it can lead to the following remarks. Without the proper show, meaning objects with her eyes looking subjective or emotional bias can lead to mistakes in the assessment. To have the right to know or see as real, to remove wrong notions, delusions, traditions, customs, habits, power, status of the speaker ... and look at them as they are. That is the first element and is also a prerequisite in the teachings of the Buddhist Middle Way.
After obtaining the understanding of the right, such as implementation of the object, the second is the chief branch of thinking, contemplating the true meaning. True meditation in Buddhism requires objects to objective thinking the object was thinking, thinking that is subject to attachment, removal, selfish attitudes and malice. To do this, the subject needs to nurture kindness, peaceful attitude toward guests could be thinking.
Third branch doctrine of the Middle Way is Right Speech - righteous words. True word comes from the true thinking, as real objects of thinking and of course, the true word is a must for the purpose of not only real say on the subject but to object to the enjoyable rather than talking just to talk.
Next Right speech is Right Action - righteous deeds or righteous action and right livelihood - true life. All three factors: Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are the expressions of true thinking to perfect virtue, develop healthy lifestyles.
Sixth branch Right effort - effort to practice righteousness in order to eradicate the bad seeds and development of moral consciousness. Liberation and enlightenment is not an overnight achievement, therefore, have seen, there are thinking, but with practice, the lack of effort and meticulous practice quickly eroded. In the effort, relentless effort, Saturday factors - Mindfulness - always mindful of each act, gesture, speech to employment become identical twins essential. Effort but awareness can lead to a reversal results with the original intent. From the non-stop efforts in awareness leads to Right Concentration - that dwells in a single object, a special object that is our own consciousness will lead to a result - our minds are increasingly opaque cottage sail in, the impure elements, negativity, ignorance more effort be eliminated, instead, the good seed, wisdom, purity increasingly sprouting. When the mind, in the awareness of Mindfulness and Right Concentration, thanks to the efforts of the Chief relentless effort, with the regular practice of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are invisible to lead to a results, the understanding will sound natural, clear thinking one day. Thus, the Eightfold Path with eight basic branches above, both a human just as effective, reciprocal to each other as a goal of liberation and enlightenment.
In short, the Middle Way doctrine - Eightfold Path of the Buddha said in Zhuan Falun , has a basis to criticize the two extremes that dominate contemporary Indian society, has established one of the postulates most of the Buddhist religion has influenced not only India that has spread throughout the world. doctrine of the Four noble Truths
Opening the text by renouncers suggest two extremes renounce extremism, establishing the Middle Way, the Buddha said about the Four Noble Truths as the most basic teachings of all the teachings of Buddha and also the only goal when the existence of Buddhism in this world.
Four Noble Truths (four wonderful truths) include: Suffering, Volume sole, insole and sole director Killing.Sacca Sanskrit, is the truth, what really has. List Sanskrit (Sanskrit) equivalent is Satya, an event no longer debated. Pali call these truths is Ariya Saccani (holy truths, or Noble Truth), as this is the truth found by the Buddha, the saint (Ariya) greatest, completely clean and was fully purged of all defilement.
(1) "This is the noble truth of suffering"
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This noble truth of suffering must be aware (parinneya)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "This noble truth of suffering has been aware (parinnata)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
The first noble truth (Suffering) refers to dukkha - a Sanskrit is meant to be painful or difficult to endure.Standing in terms of feeling, "du" is difficult, "kha" is to endure, "dukkha" is what makes it difficult to endure. Understood as a truth, "Du" is something worthy of contempt, not worth grasping. "Kha" is nothingness, emptiness. In the world is so full of suffering and despised, disgusted, not worthy of me clinging. The world is an illusion, nothing is real, so the world is nothingness, emptiness. So, dukkha is nothingness, not worthy of me clinging.
For people reaching religion, life is suffering. Living means suffering. All the feelings or the ones achieved in the world could not make up the so-called real joy or happiness is only temporary, transient, not sustainable ... Finally, people also disappointed and distressed with his own life . "Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, disease is suffering, death is suffering, to live with the unpleasant is suffering, separation from loved ones is suffering, desire without being is suffering, brief the relatives they are all suffering. " of all the suffering that people have endured, what is the most common birth (jati), aging (jara), disease (vyādhi) and finally death (marana). Four suffering permanent threat on human life and no one can avoid.Besides the four sufferings on, the pain of feeling like desire, without success, to love without meeting or meet people you hate are giving people the suffering of pain. All in all, this Friendly ie suffering and nobody can escape suffering by accepting to live in this world. In the scriptures, the Buddha said that Suffering is a fact, requires to be perceived as a real and present existence of life, demanding to be observed, analyzed and the analysis and opinion suffering pain damage will lead to adequate real knowledge of oneself minister.
(1) "This is the Noble Truth of Suffering."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This Noble Truth of Suffering should be eradicated (pahatabba)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "Suffering has been eradicated (pahinam)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
The second noble truth Buddha determined to ultimate - causes suffering pain. In the scriptures, the cause of suffering is craving or attachment (tanha): "This, O monks, this is a profound truth about the origin of suffering (dukkha-samudayadhammam-ariyasacca, Suffering Truths ). the craving is the cause leading to the rebirth (ponobhavika). Ai, with earnest heart yearning, grasping one or the other (life). it is love, hangs upon sensual (kamatanha), loving hangs upon survival (bhavatanha, born of love, attachment to the idea that the universe is eternal longevity), and love, hangs upon the existential (vibhavatanha, unborn Sincerely, attachment to the idea that death is nothingness) .
Business Dhammapada stated: "Due to being bothered craving. Do craving being afraid. Who has completely stopped craving no sorrow, the less fear " (verse 216).
Business Dhammapada stated: "Due to being bothered craving. Do craving being afraid. Who has completely stopped craving no sorrow, the less fear " (verse 216).
The Buddha taught that craving leads to birth and death-birth, constantly, forever. Thus, the key to ultimate Buddha indirectly referring to life past, present and future.
There are three kinds of craving: First, uncouth craving form attachment least according sensual (kamatanha). Second is our attachment to life (bhavatanha), and the third is attachment unborn by status (vibhavatanha). According to the commentaries, the two categories are craving craving after material pleasures related to the belief that the universe is eternal immortality (sassatadiṭṭhi, usually is) and attachment is related to the belief that after this life is nothing, no nothing (ucchedaditthi, passage is).Bhavatanha also means the attachment of Lust and Vibhavatanha the attachment of Immaterial World, because Aruparaga (lust hangs upon Immaterial World) is also seen as two 'months' (Fetters, bondage rope, columns we born in samsara).
Craving is an extremely mental capacity mighty, always latent in each person and is a major cause of the most unfortunate things in life. The main desire, coarse or subtle, make us cling to life and, therefore, lead us forever wandering in samsara. A normal person is only entitled to know sensual life, and that is noble, is happily single. In the sexual gratification, certainly the happiest time as expected, while enjoying life, and when he recovered the memory of pleasures. But it is only temporary and illusory. According to the Buddha non-attachment (viragata), or stretched beyond material pleasures is nobler happiness. True happiness lies within us, and can not be achieved through the property, career, power, fame, or conquest, invasion. If happiness is achieved through the things mentioned above then it is only temporary, soon disappeared and instead cling consciousness, suffering and eventually become the cause that leads us to birth and death foul.
(1) "This is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering should be realized (sacchikātabba)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering has been realized (sacchikatam)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
The Third Noble Truth is the Cessation of Holy Roman Emperor - the state after separation of greed, hatred and delusion and craving the mental constraints. "This is a profound truth about the cessation of suffering (dukkha-nirodha-ariyasacca, killing noble truth of suffering). That is, completely alienated and eradicates the craving mind that. It's the left, the refusal, escapism and detachment from craving attention ". Accordingly, the most rugged form to the most subtle of craving, the decline was partly attained that section. The rugged form is declining, the momentum attained Bosnian function (Reload), second floor of the church floor, and will only be eradicated when attained anagami (Real hybrid), Tuesday church floor.The subtle forms of craving is completely eradicated when attained Arhat.
(1) "This is the noble truth of suffering destroy religion"
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(2) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering religion must be developed (bhavetabbam)."
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
(3) "This Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering direction was developed (bhavitam).
Thus, O monks, for the law had never been heard before, vision, knowledge, wisdom, insight knowledge and light, arise to the Tathagata.
Fourth Noble Truth, sole director, the path to cessation of suffering and the achievement Kill soles. In the scriptures, the Buddha recognized that, to cessation of suffering, people must practice renunciation Eightfold Path or Middle Way, the road eight branches: " This, O monks, this is the profound truth about human path to the cessation of suffering (dukkha-nirodha-gamini-patipada-ariya-sacca, director Noble Truth of suffering kill). that's Eightfold path: Right Understanding, Right thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort tons, mindfulness and right concentration. "
Eightfold Path becomes a means of implementing the transformation of suffering, achieved attainment.Thus, the Eightfold Path, besides two critical mistakes outrageous path of another doctrine, the Buddha also confirmed that the path to peace and ultimate liberation.
After explaining the Four Noble Truths meticulously and coherently, Buddha sermon concluded with strong words the following:
"This, O monks, the date that such absolute true knowledge of the Four Emperor Tathagata under three and twelve-tone method [1], has not been completely clarified, then, until then, the Tathagata not confirm that the Tathagata has realized the Supreme enlightenment (anuttara sammasambodhi).
When absolute as real knowledge of the Four Emperor Tathagata becomes completely clear, only until then, Tathagata confirm that the Tathagata has realized the Supreme Enlightenment.
And then arises knowledge and insight: The center of the Tathagata has totally freed firmly, no longer budge, and this is the last life, no life any more. "
When the method terminates, Kondanna (ascetics), disciple of the five most senior, teachings and insight attained from the skin completely, the first floor of the four storey church. He realized that something had to be born ie annihilation - Yam kinci sabbam samudayadhammam nirodhadhammam-dhammam triangle.
Business Zhuan Falun is the first of Buddha said immediately after the Supreme Bodhi Certificate results. Content texts contain the main principles and the most important of the Buddhist (both North and South television transmission). From the content of above, we can draw a few guidelines to learn Buddhist scriptures in general and in particular:
1. Buddhism based on personal experience and away from the system or doctrine have great power at that time. This principle requires to understand Buddhism, must be based on personal experience rather than purely in theory. In other words, Buddhism emphasizes the importance of the practice, instead of focusing on beliefs and dogma. Believing in it into dogma can not lead to liberation.
2. Buddhism is a path leading to the cessation of suffering rather than a religious belief needs or create a world "illusion" to mean "compensation unreal".
3. There is no god in the creation of human suffering, but only by the human suffering created out for myself. Therefore, no divine rites to man must timid or fearful vow valve.
4. Morality (sila), concentration (samadhi), Wisdom (panna) are essential to achieve the goal, Nirvana is expressed concretely through the Middle Way or Eightfold Path.
5. The foundation of Buddhism's Four Noble Truth (the Four Noble Truths) can be verified by experience.Four Truths of the Buddha discovered through awareness and thinking of himself, not from any teaching of anyone.
6. Suffering, the first truth, referring to the composition of the ego, and the different stages in life. The main components of the state leads to human suffering. First knowing the truth (Suffering) reasonably taken to eradicate the causes of suffering.
7. The second truth (to ultimate) related to a capacity always latent in every person, it is craving. Craving is the cause of all misfortunes in life. Key to ultimate and indirectly referring to past lives, present and future, through which the long chain of life and death of human life and the consequences of karma, reincarnation is mentioned.
8. The first truth is in that, of the world (lokiya). Third Noble Truth, the cessation of suffering, although that depends on us, the superpower (lokuttara) and transcends beyond morality. Extinction is a legal Emperor (dhamma) must be insight by mental vision (sacchikātabba). This is not a case of refusing outside world that is rid of any attachment inside to the world outside. Therefore, Nirvana not be created (uppadetabba) that must be reached (pattaba). Nirvana can be accomplished even in this present life. Thus, although it is conceivable that rebirth is an essential doctrine in Buddhism, the ultimate goal of Buddhism is to terminate the rebirth - not depending on the future, because they can achieve in this lifetime .
9. To eradicate a powerful capability (craving) cầ
10. Absolutely pure, completely freed from birth and death process endless, a mind no longer entangled little pollution, state immortal (amata), is the blessing accompanying the great victory this.END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2016.
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