Monday, 24 October 2016

Paramita Sutra


Then beat one Kiet Bodhisattva Slapping Da Ba Luan told Bodhisattva:

Hey good son! Buddhas do not come from, nor anywhere to go.

Why so?

Chu such measures, no active generals.

Chu is sufficient legal as Buddhas.

France unborn do not come, do not come. Ie nothing is destroyed Buddhas.

Nothing is not to kill, not to go. Ie nothing is destroyed Buddhas.

French economic damages do not come, do not come. French economic losses are Buddhas.

France does not not come, do not come. France is not the Buddhas.

Immaculate French do not come, do not come. France immaculate as Buddhas.

French president not to kill, not to go. France passed away as the Buddhas.

Nature nowhere do not come, do not come. Buddha nature is nothingness.

Hey good son! He is no longer legal to leave the Buddha.

Buddhas such, as legal entities, one like no other wrong.

Hey good son! As was usually one, not two, not three, out of the law, because the property is priceless.

For example, the last month of spring, mid-day at the hot sun, some people see the sun went chasing monoclonal hope to find water. Italy he resting? What does the water from the pond, mountain streams flowing to, where to go now, or is flowing on the East Sea, West Sea, South Sea, North Sea U

Slapping Da Ba Luan said:

An engineer Sir! In the sun longer without water, how to get water to the site, move!

Hey good son! No mind fools were the thirst picture stringent, sunny side menu shows the water wall.

Hey good son! if a person has come to distinguish the Buddhas, he must know are stupid wife.

Why so?

Hey good son! Buddhas, physical body can not get to see. Buddhas, not to the law itself, do not go, nor place to, place to go.

Hey good son! Competitors like the magician, the technical things like elephants, horses, cows, goats, male and female. What he think? That from where the virtual travel anywhere?

An engineer Sir! How virtualization is not a place to damage, place to go.
Hey good son! Who distinguish Buddha had come, had come as such.

Hey good son! For as dreamed of elephants, horses, cows, goats, male and what do you think? The landscape seen in a dream place to place matter?

An engineer Sir! The landscape seen in a dream are falsehoods, how could they come, has come.

Hey good son! If the person has to distinguish the Buddha, there goes the same way.

Hey good son! Buddha said the measures as a dream. If beings do not know the law means that, for the name itself is self identity Buddha he distinguishes Buddhas have come, have come.

Because of the economic damage did not know the law minister, the wife should have no mind is stupid class.

The person forever through the year, away from Prajna Paramita, away from the Dharma.

Hey good son! Buddha said the law as virtual, like a dream. If beings who know the correct damage, he does not distinguish between legal, or to, or away, or birth, or death.

If no legal distinction or to, or away, or born, or destroy, the minister could know of the legal damages that the Buddha said. He Prajna Paramita operating near Supreme Bodhi, Buddhist disciples known as the feet, such falsehoods pilot dining credits. He deserves offerings. Fill the earth is blessed.

Hey good son! For example, in contemporary customs, the jewels in the country not from the east, not from the South again, not from the West, not from the North together, nor from the four sides and on the lower back. Since the grounds of the beings that fresh sea treasure was born. Jewels that no multiplication coast nor is born. Jewels that are from the multiplication coast harmony is born. Jewels that if consumed, it does not go to ten. The charming harmony there. The left coast is destroyed.

The body of this death Buddhas good men too, since obligations multiplication coast now that birth retribution. The birth is not from the ten directions to, nor come to kill at ten. Only half of the coast there, the grace to leave the kill.

Hey good son! For as the woman is not so, now known to emit no place, no place to go kill time hours. As fate should have known harmony.

There are barrels, neck, skin, wired, based, need, someone hand tray, the harmony was predestined that his sound. Sounds from the barrel of a woman he did not come not from the hand of rings emitted. Then there is the charming harmony sound. At the coast was left to melt, the sound is also no place to go.

The body of this death Buddhas good men, too, from the immeasurable merit multiplication coast born, not from a mercy, a grace, a merit being, nor that there is no multiplication coast. As fate should have harmony. Buddhas such body separate from that of a. By not from nowhere, going nowhere not.

Know this men e Buddhas, minister to, minister went so.

This element is also good men must know all there is no general legal arrival.

If he knew the Buddhas and no general legal arrival, born, kill it all is the Supreme Bodhi, or heal well Prajna Paramita and power facilities.

Then Sakka Thien Nhon bring flowers to complete mandala sun handed Bodhisattva Slapping Da Ba Luan said,

Who took this flower offerings to beat one Kiet Bodhisattva. I have offered him guardian.

Why so?

Because in him that today by bringing the benefits to hundreds of thousands of living beings like memory, making them is the Supreme Bodhi.

Hey you! Kiet Bodhisattva beat one's very difficult to meet. For the benefit of all beings that her great Bodhisattvas of the miserable toil in the countless lives.

Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattvas possess mandala flowers spread on the upper boundary Kiet Bodhisattva Infinite that transparency that:

An engineer Sir! From today, I personally belong to that used supply offerings.

Then again, and five hundred bourgeois ladies Slapping Da Ba Luan said to the Bodhisattva that:

From today we are His relatives brought. Because fresh root multiplication coast, we will be such measures, as well as he has been. We are with him forever offering to the Buddhas, usually offered him forever.

Slapping Da Ba Luan told them female Bodhisattva mercy:

The man took my devotion belongs, I will get him.

They said women:

We are His devotion, depending on the place where the Lord taught.

Slapping Da Ba Luan female Bodhisattva, and they brought the stately treasure map with five hundred vehicles rose seven treasures beat one Kiet Bodhisattva that transparency that:

I bring this goodness to serve five hundred female masters level. Five hundred vehicles masters used this option.

Sakka instant natural compliment that:

You instead, heal instead! He is the Great Bodhisattva candidates must exhaust all such property. Such generosity will soon be Supreme Bodhi.

Preacher offerings such an evaluation can be heard Prajna Paramita and spa facilities.

Buddhas past, erstwhile time the Bodhisattva also remain in the alms so that was heard Prajna Paramita and spa facilities and is Supreme Bodhi.

Then beat one Kiet Bodhisattva Slapping Da Ba Luan want to be based Bodhisattva should fully healed life took five hundred carts, five hundred bourgeois ladies and ladies, grab finished and brought to life again Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva .

Kiet Bodhisattva beat one sermon to sunset, he left the law is on offer.

Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva thinks: because legal that I was there, so I should not sit and lie. I had to use two postures: either go, or stand to wait a shaman from the contents sermon.

Then beat one Kiet Bodhisattva Nhut seven years full of boundless mind enter a period of increased operating Bodhisattva Samadhi and Prajna Paramita, panning the same vehicle.
Slapping Da Ba Luan also full seven years Bodhisattva monk meditation or standing, not sitting, not lying, no sleeping, no craving angry mind, please do not accept attachment, only Kiet Bodhisattva Infinite passion ever came to the sermon.

Through seven years, Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva think I should because Kiet Bodhisattva Infinite upper boundary which set the legal ceiling is so that he will sit on the sermon. I shall sprinkle clean sweep, spreading these flowers, solemn sermon place, because the upper boundary Kiet Bodhisattva Infinite will Prajna Paramita theory and means of force.

Slapping Da Ba Luan Then Bodhisattva same female and five hundred bourgeois ladies put seven precious bed. Five hundred women were neglect of human kindness, ear, the nose, tongue, body and mind their legal cover on coordinates, center Kiet Bodhisattva Infinite passion will sit on this is legal theory and Prajna Paramita means of force.

Legal arrangement is finished, looking dressings that look not land. Why? Because evil cover prevents water makes no compromises.

Slapping Da Ma Ba Luan think Bodhisattva find such water is, where Supreme Bodhi if the nails start about a poor concept of wisdom such other projectors, more such fresh root, will delay where omniscience Nhut.

At that time Bodhisattva Slapping Da Ba Luan think I have to stab himself to draw blood sprinkled dust flying ground covered by Ambassador. I also need this body, it will be damaged. From time without beginning until now, I always take my life has never been legal.

Slapping Da Ba Luan instant Bodhisattva sharp knife stabbed into the body, blood collection sprinkle soil.

Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattvas with female and five hundred bourgeois ladies are no other moral consciousness, ma no harm occasion.

Hoan Thien Nhon Thread Sakka thought: Really unprecedented, Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva Dharma even to love it. Stabbed himself to draw blood sprinkled soil.Female Bodhisattva mercy to them that the mind does not move. Week Three such evil is based sabotage their healing. Fortified their mind, play great solemnity, not sparing the network itself. Friendly user needs Supreme Bodhi mind. Will of all beings from samsara immeasurable.

Thien Sakka Slapping Da Ba Luan praise Bodhisattva:

Good men to death! He is trying hard to be diligent effort shaken, was not inconceivable.He loves the Dhamma, who is the supreme dharma very.

Good men to death! Buddhas such childhood past. Using a legal body and mind love, unfortunately legal, legal matter, a meeting of the merits, is Supreme Bodhi.

Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva thought I was so beat one Kiet Bodhisattva legal ceiling is set, scanning will sprinkle clean land, I have to find somewhere to get beautiful fragrant flower to land dignified place this sermon. And when the Bodhisattva is sitting on the lecture method must also sprayed flower offerings.

Knowing Slapping Da Ba Luan mind Bodhisattva, God Sakka immediately brought three thousand fossil flower mandala sun Slapping Da Ba Luan handed Bodhisattva.

To be flowers and then, Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva used half soil and flowers, and half of flowers for miles Infinite Kiet Bodhisattva sat sermon will offerings.

Then beat one Kiet Bodhisattva Samadhi enter more than seven years, from eighty up, because Prajna Paramita theory should last hundreds of thousands of thousands of their boundless reverence surrounded to sit on is legal.

At the upper boundary Unknown Masterpiece see bodhisattvas, Bodhisattva Slapping Da Ba Luan delighted please enter third Bhikshu as meditation, he crawled fake five hundred women and ladies came to the Supreme Kiet Bodhisattva scattered flower offerings, top surface bowed and sat to one side.

Kiet beat one saw mass Bodhisattva sat down, he told Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva saying

Hey good son! Listen carefully and territories. But now I will because his theory Prajna Paramita minister.

Hey good son! Since the legal equality should be aware Prajna Paramita also equal.Since these measures should leave must leave the Prajna Paramita know also leave depart. Since the law of any community should be aware Prajna Paramita estate also.Since the concept should be aware that nothing is Prajna Paramita is no-mind. As the fearless approach should be aware Prajna Paramita also fearless. Since these measures should have known Nhut Prajna Paramita Nhut also taste. Since these measures should have known boundless Prajna Paramita is boundless. Because the unborn should have known method Prajna Paramita and the unborn. Since the killing should be aware that nothing is Prajna Paramita very well kill. Because boundless vanity should be aware Prajna Paramita boundless also. Since very young marine gallop should be aware Prajna Paramita is boundless. Because the stately Mount Meru should be aware Prajna Paramita also dignified. Because of non-discrimination should nowhere to know Prajna Paramita and non-discrimination. Because infinite colors should be aware Prajna Paramita boundless also. Because feeling, perception, infinite mode should be aware Prajna Paramita boundless also. Because boundless address should strain to know Prajna Paramita boundless also. Since aquatic species, fire strain, strain boundless style should be aware Prajna Paramita is boundless. Because there is so immense strain to know Prajna Paramita boundless also. For as vajras equality should be aware Prajna Paramita and equality. Because the non-discrimination law should be aware Prajna Paramita of non-discrimination as well. Because of the nature majeure should elect to know Prajna Paramita majeure also obtained. Because nothing is equal ownership should be aware Prajna Paramita also equal ownership. Because of the work should be aware that nothing is Prajna Paramita also ineffective. Because the law is inconceivable to have to know Prajna Paramita is inconceivable.

Instant meantime, Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva in the eighty seats. The law is equal lettered eighty, eighty legal Vassal, Vassal fearless approach eighty, eighty monks're legal Nhut, eighty monks unborn legal, nothing is destroyed eighty, eighty boundless vanity, modern customs shui boundless samadhi, tu di painted eighty dignified, non-discrimination nowhere eighty, eighty boundless color, sensation, perception, infinite knowledge eighty, eighty address boundless strain, water, fire , style, not boundless strain eighty, eighty as vajra class, lettered eighty non-discrimination law, legal inconceivable lettered eighty. Being six hundred eighty thousand such subjects. "

Buddha abandoned in his cell: "As we are in today's three great Christian monks monks always around, taking her minister, took his general appearance, his self-presentation in the name Prajna Paramita.

Slapping Da Ba Luan Bodhisattva is six hundred and eighty want it, every sa see ten Buddhas in the world Observatory Bhikkhu Sangha reverently surrounded, so grab minister, took physiognomy so, in the name theory that modern self Prajna Paramita did likewise.

From that day on, Slapping Da Ba Luan multicultural Bodhisattva of wisdom not think the table is, generally such as customs gallop left the Buddhas, Buddha birth place of water, patience comes in dreams nor unprecedented time Buddha, all the victims who were stopped, in the realm of water, depending on the willingness of birth of Buddha.

This Tu Bodhi! must know multiplication coast that Prajna Paramita can achieve all great Bodhisattvas merit, is Nhut location set strain.

This Tu Bodhi! So if you want great Bodhisattvas lettered six perfections school, wants to penetrate the Buddhas wisdom, want to be where they must strain Nhut set life over that Prajna Paramita, recitation, recollection district wide because people the preacher, also transcribe sutras, respectful praise, floral offerings to celebrate the music ring.

Why so?

Since Prajna Paramita is the mother of ten schools of Buddhism past, future, present.Ten schools of Buddhism are respected so Prajna Paramita. " END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/10/2016.

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