Then Bodhi Monastery said, "Blessed! Bodhisattva retrogression great achievements merit, immeasurable achievements merit, merit immense success".
Buddha is saying: "That's right. Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva retrogression great achievements merit, immeasurable achievements merit, merit immense success.
Why so? Bodhisattvas retrogression is infinite wisdom, not every agreement with Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas.
Resting in his wisdom, this great bodhisattvas arise four unobstructed location. Since this was four unobstructed location should all God, Man, and the world can not take it. "
Bodhi Monastery said, "O Buddha! Buddha can praise the constant sa happy life, kind, great bodhisattvas general appearance of retrogression.
Blessed! Bodhisattva retrogression remain in place this dark shirt that real time operating six full perfections quad rings to complete mindfulness strains Nhut location setting? "
- You instead, heal instead! Behold Tu Bodhi! For great bodhisattvas who retrogression dark place and asked that shirt.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Dark shirt this place is not what it means, is formless, uncreated, infinite launch, the unborn, immaculate, is isolation, is passed away, as such, is the legal nature, economic damage, is Nirvana. The law on this is of deep significance shirt.
- Blessed! Only not, formless, uncreated Nirvana ring is dark shirt, but all is not legal it?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! All measures are also means dark clothing both: identity also penetrate clothing, feeling, perception, volition, consciousness also penetrate clothing, rings to the attention also penetrate clothing, legal identity to also penetrate clothing, conscious gender perspective to also penetrate clothing, Forum na perfections to Supreme Bodhi also penetrate clothing.
- Blessed! How is identity rings to Supreme Bodhi are also dark shirt?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! As sharp as a dark shirt and dark color shirt should, because the Supreme ring to Bodhi as dark shirt Supreme Bodhi should also penetrate clothing.
- Blessed! What is remarkable as dark shirt to Supreme Bodhi ring as dark shirt?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! identity such as identity not that sharp left, ring to Supreme Bodhi as it is not the Supreme Bodhi not leave the Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! It is rare. Buddha means wonderful forcibly make great bodhisattvas retrogression leave Nirvana excellent origin, as well as to leave all the legal origin of Nirvana.
- Exactly. Behold Tu Bodhi! Buddha means wonderful forcibly make great bodhisattvas retrogression leave Nirvana excellent origin, as well as to leave all the legal origin of Nirvana.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva has the same approach so dark shirt Prajna Paramita respectively, observations, calculated measures, meditate, think: I must really act like that, true to the teachings of the Prajna Paramita, I must such learning, just as in the prajnaparamita said.
Behold Tu Bodhi! If great bodhisattvas can do, can learn just as, just as with the observation Prajna Paramita, diligent diligently filled the time arises a concept will be boundless wealth of merit, super Vietnam countless lifetimes, close to Supreme Bodhi result, cases are often very act Prajna Paramita right with Supreme Bodhi anniversary.
For as many lewd nature appointment treaty with beautiful girl, to her appointment as obstacles should not reach. How you Italian? Behold Tu Bodhi! Accommodation great memory of the man will where?
- Blessed! He was reciting mantras always remembered her, wish she would come to the same sitting, the same lies, the same fun.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! In a day where he had little interest arises anniversary?
- Blessed! Great number of.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita anniversary just as the Prajna Paramita, it acts in a memorable Super Vietnamese klhoang fate of mind as well as in a day of that guy.
This true Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, away from the guilty Supreme Bodhi.
Bodhisattva practice this in a real day Prajna Paramita is no reduction of virtue merit, merit full of both worlds Dai Thien sa constant. For other less merit such match by one percent, a thousandth, rings to the numerical example of this would not by merit.
This again Tu Bodhi! If someone away from Prajna Paramita which offerings Jewels: the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha in time be blessed many lives every sa reasonable?
- Blessed! A lot, is boundless countless blessings.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Still not great by merit of the Bodhisattva in the Prajna Paramita strictly to the word.
Why so? Since Prajna Paramita is the great bodhisattvas lettered religion. This religion is quickly admit Supreme Bodhi.
This again Tu Bodhi! If someone away from Prajna Paramita, undergoing constant sa fate as offering the Tu Da Complete upset, Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham, Pratyekabuddhas and Buddhas. this man be blessed more reasonable?
- Blessed! Blessed lot.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Still not great by merit of the Bodhisattva in the Prajna Paramita just as practice.
Why so? Because it's great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita practice it, the better than annoyed Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas enter, will be the Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Some people away from Prajna Paramita, during the period of practice every sa life giving, morality, patience, effort, meditation and wisdom. This man is blessed more reasonable?
- Blessed! Blessed lot.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! It does not merit the blessing with great bodhisattvas in Prajna Paramita just as in a day of generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, wisdom.
Why so? Since Prajna Paramita is the great mother of gods Bodhisattva, or the birth of great bodhisattvas beings. Because monks great bodhisattvas remain in Prajna Paramita is full so the Dharma is all.
Behold Tu Bodhi! If great Bodhisattva Sutra away perfections, within legal working life cleared sa pilot. This man is blessed more reasonable?
- Blessed! A lot.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Still not blessed by French pilot's day in the Prajna Paramita strictly true as words.
Why so? As such this great bodhisattvas away from Prajna Paramita was not very far from where Nhut set strain, not far from the location Nhut strains such devices away from the Prajna Paramita.
So great bodhisattvas like to Supreme Bodhi was not very far from Prajna Paramita.
This again Tu Bodhi! Should an away Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita that mindfulness practice to Nhut quartet set sa constant strain experienced life where this man be blessed more reasonable?
- Blessed! Blessed lot.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Still not a day to practice the four foundations of mindfulness Nhut set strain in place of the Prajna Paramita strictly true as words.
Why so? Because such great bodhisattvas away from Prajna Paramita is never set strain Nhut location retrogression. And away they can retrogression.
So, this Bodhi! Bodhisattva practice should not far from Prajna Paramita.
This again Tu Bodhi! If great Bodhisattva Sutra away perfections, undergoing constant sa real life pilots operating assets, the French pilot and meditation, and bring dedicate merit Supreme Bodhi.This man is blessed more reasonable?
- Blessed! Blessed lot.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Still not a day blessed by financing pilot, experimental methods, meditation, Supreme Bodhi dedication of good men, good women in the Prajna Paramita strictly true as words.
Why so? Since Prajna Paramita practitioners dedicate dedication is Divisions. If left Prajna Paramita such dedication is called dedication. So want to be Supreme Bodhi, great bodhisattvas must learn Prajna Paramita dedication.
This again Tu Bodhi! If great Bodhisattva Sutra away perfections, undergoing constant sa harmonious life, depending on how third blow of good roots of Buddhas and Buddhist disciples then dedicate Supreme Bodhi. This man is blessed more reasonable?
- Blessed! Blessed lot.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Many do not merit a day depending blow by friendly apartments, Supreme Bodhi dedication of good men, good women in the Prajna Paramita strictly true as words.
So want to be Supreme Bodhi, Bodhisattva must learn modern means of Prajna Paramita Supreme Bodhi dedication.
- Blessed! At the mouth, the Buddha spoke of mercy is exercised by the effects origination from delusions are born, not feet damage, so why good men, good women was greater merit?
Blessed! Since the origination work, the multiplication method should not be your main method is entered, there should be effective to Tu Da Completed rings should not be Supreme Bodhi.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Exactly. As the legal effects such kindness origination should have the right view, enter the legal status, should not be ring to Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva really practice Prajna Paramita said origination operation method nor mercy, not permanent, damage such frivolous claims. Because of this great bodhisattvas not clever internal study of outlaw ring to organic methods are not smart. An office in eighteen this is not legal, great bodhisattvas initiate work measures are not observed, he did away from the Prajna Paramita, once time is infinite wealth of merit.
- Blessed! Countless along with boundless immeasurable what's the difference?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Countless are told not among those compounded or unconditioned. Countless are saying no measurement is either the past or the future or the present. Boundless is to say the edge can not be legal.
- Blessed! Fig form, feeling, perception, yet also a wealth of knowledge boundless reasonable?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! There multiplication coast that form, feeling, perception, volition, and countless informal boundless.
- Blessed! Because what multiplication coast form, feeling, perception, knowledge and boundless multitude?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Since no color, as sensation, perception, and consciousness with beings should not boundless.
- Blessed! Only not excellent, just feeling, perception, and consciousness are not without having all the French were not it?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Buddha used to say all measures does not it?
- Blessed! Buddha often spoken to all legal.
Blessed! The law does not, that means that countless endless boundless.
Blessed! In not, the number could not be, such amount may be, can not be marginal. So endless boundless wealth of meaning is no different.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Exactly. The law was not meant to know each other.
Behold Tu Bodhi! France did not speak. Buddha forcibly media statement said that distinction, which is endless, countless, countless, boundless, infinite ago, no, formless, uncreated, infinite launch, the unborn, no kill, immaculate, Niet You. Use power means that Buddha distinguish statement said.
- Blessed! It is rare. the Minister did not say the legal damages that Buddha means forcibly statement said.
I understand that according to place of Lord Buddha, all measures would not speak.
- Exactly. Behold Tu Bodhi! All such measures speak. Minister not speak of all that is not legal.Minister did not say that not.
- Blessed! Meaning not say there is increased, decreased reasonable?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Meaning not say is not increased, not decreased.
- Blessed! If that does not say is that such increases do not decrease, nor Dan perfections increase and decrease, ring any legal eighteen plus increased nor decreased.
Blessed! If the six perfections such rings to the law of any community college rose why Supreme Bodhisattva Bodhi again?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Exactly. That means no talking is not increased, not decreased.
Bodhisattva when practicing Prajna Paramita, because power means should not think that I increase the Prajna Paramita Dan na ring to increase perfections, but the notion that just because their title which called Dan na perfections only.
Real time operating Bodhisattva Dan na perfections, attention and dedication of virtue as minister of Supreme Bodhi, onion rings true time Prajna Paramita, attention and dedication as Minister of the Supreme Bodhi .
- Blessed! What is the Supreme Bodhi?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! All measures as minister, is called Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! What is that all such measures minister called Supreme Bodhi?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Minister sharp, feeling, perception, and consciousness as minister, as minister Nirvana ring is Supreme Bodhi. Minister as he did not increase, not decrease.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva not leave the Prajna Paramita was often observed as such measures saw increases, with reduced. So the theory that majeure unchanged, Dan na ring perfections estate legal community to increase nor decrease. Bodhisattva any increase or decrease due to these measures to the Prajna Paramita virtues.
- Blessed! Using preliminary Bodhisattva Bodhi Supreme Consciousness or Supreme Consciousness used post Bodhi?
Blessed! He did not mind to post-primary concern, while other such post in primary heart center.Such consciousness and mental together so, how to gain good grounds. If such increase of virtue, why is the Supreme Bodhi?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Because the Buddha who will use examples. There are examples where people are apt to understand the meaning.
Behold Tu Bodhi! As for the light, is used for the initial flame burning wick or use fire next time?
- Blessed! Was not the original fire burning wick, nor leave the original flame. Not later burning flame wick, nor leave the flame later.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Wick had burned it?
- Blessed! Tim was dead burned lamps.
- Also, this Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva no user profile is Supreme Bodhi mind, nor leave application was the Supreme Bodhi mind, not using the post-post-post center nor left the Supreme Bodhi mind that the damage was Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Tu Bodhi! In the great bodhisattvas from operating a play true Prajna Paramita full tenth, is Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! What is that great gathering place and be fully Bodhisattva Supreme Bodhi?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva full address Qian Hui, Local Nature, Bat Nhon location, location Ants, Silver location, location Ly Duc, Di Work address, address Pratyekabuddhas, Bodhisattvas and Buddhas location address. Full sites are great bodhisattvas then Supreme Bodhi.
Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva enough ten local school then, neither left nor center Profile Profile mind, neither left nor center rear post are Supreme Bodhi mind that the damage was Supreme Bodhi.
- Blessed! French multiplication coast was very deep: neither left nor center Profile Profile mind, neither left nor center rear post are Supreme Bodhi mind, which is great bodhisattvas Supreme Bodhi.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! If the mind is destroyed, the center had become born again?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Is your mind Removal Minister reasonable?
- Blessed! As minister killed.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Minister destroy that mind, the mind is killing reasonable?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Such office also reasonable?
- Blessed! Also such pillars, such as pillars.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Such as center pillars that will see reasonable economic damages?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Thus there is a very deep reasonable?
- Blessed! damage is very deep.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Just like that u mind?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Leaving the mind like this?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! If the agency can act as bodhisattvas have to act so deep Prajna Paramita reasonable?
- Blessed! It's the deep Prajna Paramita.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! If acts such great bodhisattvas, it is operating somewhere?
- Blessed! It is an act which has no place operating. As if great bodhisattvas practice Prajna Paramita, the place of such measures, there is no such concept: do not place the concept, no one conceived.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! If acts such great bodhisattvas, it is operating somewhere?
- Blessed! Bodhisattva practice site was thus: the easiest practice that, because there is no such difference phase.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! If great bodhisattvas in the easiest no-mind issue, it is general practice it?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva corrupt generals had reasonable?
- Blessed! Not.
- Behold Tu Bodhi! What is not corrupt generals?
- Blessed! Bodhisattva that Prajna Paramita operating concept would not damage the dharma.Blessed! Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita without full ten mentality, fearless four, four unobstructed location, compassionate, eighteen plus legal estate shall not be Supreme Bodhi.
Blessed! Due to modern health facilities for legal Bodhisattva nor embrace minister, nor undermine minister.
Why so? Because clearly great bodhisattvas know all self minister.
An office in order minister, great bodhisattvas as beings that enter eighty three. Use it to eighty three achievements beings.
Blessed! Bodhisattva enter achievements eighty three beings like?
- Behold Tu Bodhi! An eighty three pillars, being great bodhisattvas see artifacts go in the legal, health means he used to teach them to be ineffective. Seeing beings go in fall minister, he forcibly means teaching them not to go in. see beings come in all generals, he used to go teach health facilities in the formless.
Behold Tu Bodhi! It's great bodhisattvas Prajna Paramita operating three eighty to eighty, then use three achievements beings. " END=NAM MO AMITABHA BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH GIAC TAM.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN AMITABHA PURELAND=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/10/2016.
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