His white Bodhi Monastery Buddha: "Blessed! I did not feel well for nothing is true bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita time preacher who will because Prajna Paramita?
Blessed! Son could not see all set to leave the melting method, if a child because that name is Bodhisattva Bodhisattva You might regret.
Blessed! The name does not remain nor dwells there. Why so? Since no property called capital.So he did not name nor such cylindrical pillars.
Blessed! Son could not see color rings to form, label to the ring, ring to legal identity, consciousness to consciousness rings, contact rings to mark the promotion, multiplication coast, living life, I did not see the ignorance rings to old age and death instant case, ignorance to old age and death destroy the ring of tan, ignorance to old age and death destroy the ring of melted away. If you have the time could not see how the name. So called no office, nor did the universe.Why so? Because so called wealth ownership.
Blessed! Son could not see greed, hatred and delusion defilements, fetters of melting, they saw six to eighteen perfections estate legal community tan set off, how time will name called Bodhisattva. This name did not remain not remain. Why so? Because so called wealth ownership.
Blessed! Son could not see where the five warm tan dreamlike, as the ball, like wine, as positive points, as the metamorphosis.
A child can not leave the instant case, and passed away, unborn, eternal, no structure, where soluble impurities.
A child can not legal nature, damage health, dharma, the legal status of tan.
A child can not improve the legal, immoral method of melting.
The child can not compounded, unconditioned, illegal possession, with instant outflows.
Such child is the legal past, future, present, where tan.
A child can not the past such measures, no future, no tan present case.
What is the past such measures, no future, not the present? Thus was the unconditioned law.
Blessed! Son could not see where the legal unconditioned tan. Buddha could not see where the tan, did not see the day-sa Buddhist country, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and Thanh Van, where tan Pratyekabuddhas. As such it has no legal ownership office, not such office.
Like how the teachers will be able to Bodhisattva on Prajna Paramita.
Blessed! List Bodhisattva itself not dwell here, nor there dwells. Why so? Because of this self-possession so numerous, so no office, nor did remain.
Blessed! Human beings could not see where the melting of the legal damages minister how that Bodhisattva name called Bodhisattva. List of the legal order such damages Minister office, nor did the universe. Because of this self-owned wealth. So such a list universe itself, nor did remain.
Blessed! The multiplication coast so harmonious law that pretending Competition. List yourself in five warm Bodhisattva, duodenum origin, gender bowl rings to the public in any legal eighteen are impossible theory, harmony in legal theory is impossible.
For dreamlike, photos, effects, Diem, turned in the law, are impossible theory.
For as their title of nowhere, place, water, fire, wind can only say in legal no.
List of sex itself, samadhi, wisdom, liberation, liberating knowledge, their title of Tu Da Complete, Tu Da Ham, A Na Ham, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas can only say in no legal .
List of the Buddha himself, the French can only say in legal no. the measures are positive, negative, often impermanence, suffering, happiness, self selfless, passed away, divorce, property, wealth.
Blessed! So my heart will regret it if you hit list that called itself Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, as Minister of melting of all prime measures are impossible. List did not order office, nor did universe, because this property is priceless.
Blessed! If the minister heard great bodhisattvas and meaning of Prajna Paramita such that a center such downs, no regrets, no business, no fear, the Bodhisattva must know this decision remain in the nature of non-retrogression, because where the law does not remain so.
Blessed! Great Bodhisattva want to really practice Prajna Paramita, should not remain in the aggregate the duodenum origin, gender bowl, should not remain in the six seminarians, duodenum multiplication coast.
Why so? Because color and form is not ring to lao tzu lao tzu and generals are not.
Lust does not ring to old age and death are not known as such until such sharp ring called lao tzu. left outside does not also have no identity, to leave the outer ring is not no old age and death.Ie no identity, no identity ie. Tolerance to laozi ie no, no that is aging and death.
Because of the above should want real operating time Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas should not remain in color, should such rings to remain in old age and death. Should not remain in the quad ring to such mindfulness should remain in any public legal eighteen. Why so?Because quartet of quarter-mindfulness and mindfulness minister is not. No such Satipatthana quartet called mindfulness, left outside is not no mindfulness quarterfinals. Satipatthana ie no, no mindfulness ie quarterfinals. Tolerance to any legal eighteen community so well.
Blessed! Now want to really practice Prajna Paramita, should such great bodhisattvas who abide in the six perfections. Why so? Since the six perfections and the six perfections minister is not.No such six perfections called six perfections. left outside not nor have six perfections. Ie six perfections no, no that is six perfections.
Blessed! Now want to really practice Prajna Paramita, great Bodhisattva should not dwell in self subjects Nhut, delicate rings themselves subject to countless self goal. As well meaning as mentioned above.
Blessed! Now want to really practice Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas should not remain in the psychic arts. As well meaning as mentioned above.
Blessed! Now want to really practice Prajna Paramita, great Bodhisattva should not dwell in is impermanent, as suffering excellence, excellence is selfless, is not sharp, colors are passed away, is glass. Why so? Because of impermanence and impermanence is not. No such impermanence impermanence called, left outside not nor impermanent. Impermanence ie no, no that is impermanent. Suffering, selflessness has not passed away and glasses like that.Tolerance to sensation, perception, and consciousness is isolation, great bodhisattvas should not remain as such.
Blessed! Now want to really practice Prajna Paramita, great bodhisattvas should not remain in such like. Why so? For as the minister is not called as such should not, nor left outside not as such. As that is not, that is not such.
Blessed! Want true Prajna Paramita practice, great bodhisattvas should not remain in legal nature, dharma, legal status, economic damage. Why so? Because economic losses and damages health minister is not. Called economic damages such not damage health, well not leave the outside world does not have any damage. Ie non-economic damages, ie damages not fact.
Blessed! Want true Prajna Paramita operator, Prajna Paramita era should not remain in all subjects momentum la ni, eighty subjects. Why so? As Minister of momentum and eighty ni la is not. Forums are not the subject momentum not called ni la eighty subjects. Leaving apart not licensed nor ni mandala, eighty subjects. Ni la Mon momentum and eighty subjects ie no, no that is the goal and the goal ni la momentum eighty.
Blessed! Great Bodhisattva want to really practice Prajna Paramita, because no means should remain in form, feeling, perception, consciousness, because the ego mind Bodhisattva should this issue arise identity. If the departure time bore no life rings and Prajna Paramita Sutra nor sufficient paramitas. Since no full Prajna Paramita should not necessarily strains achievement Nhut location.
As the five aggregates, cross sensitivity to eighty origin also such subjects. Due to falling corn that Bodhisattva mind arises operating eighty subjects. Since committing to such and such a full life ring Prajna Paramita, so this should not be necessarily strains achievements location.
Why so? Because identity to eighty subjects received such funds. Because there was not received so sharp colors, subject to the Samadhi, not eighty subjects, because that emptiness.Prajna Paramita was not received, so not Prajna Paramita, because that emptiness.
So want to truly practice Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva great to contemplate the emptiness approach, concerned not behave. This is called the Bodhisattva not received, the utility of this eighty such generosity in conjunction with checkout, Pratyekabuddhas.
Circuit set strain nor received this position, because the cabinet did not, because it is not foreign, interior no, no no, not great, not the easiest means, not compounded, not unconditioned, not all fields, without beginning not , spread not, emptiness, self-heroes, gods are not legal, elected not impossible, not very legal, non-legal ownership, numerous measures are not compounded.
Why so? Recreational facilities such strains because Nhut Minister and Executive can use that may be general practice. As minister general practice is to configure.
What is the general structure? Subject to the Samadhi appearances minister called the Minister defilements.
If the life ring, if this general practice structure that can be set strain Nhut location Tien Ni latest press time such violations found faith.
How private? Prajna Paramita news. Pondering such distinction by the Attorney General said, such as formless law. Thus, Tien Ni such violations cling even that dwells minister. In operating credit, using credit Ni Tien committed not even enter in the legal position minister, not the life ring form, feeling, perception, consciousness, because the equity method may not ring minister should not longevity.
Pham Tien Ni neither this insight by foreign customs and internal and external consistency that this wisdom. Just because there is not customary wisdom should be this wisdom.
Why so? Committing this even legal not see, because people know the legal position, knowing that origin.
Not in form, feeling, perception, consciousness, nor in external form, feeling, perception, knowledge that these violations are even position, nor in the exterior form, feeling, perception, knowledge but this wisdom, nor leave the outer form, feeling, perception, and consciousness that this wisdom, because exterior is not so.
At the heart of this range is even Tien Ni credits set the location where Nhut. Thus violations of the press law minister believes the damage, since all attained legal impossibility. Such credit solution then is no legal time to be able to ring life, because no general approach, not inhibit thoughts.
Where the law, violation? Tien Ni press very well possess, not players, not discharged, because players are impossible to attain such discharge.
Pham Tien Ni nor wise idea, because the very notion that dharma volts.
This is called Prajna Paramita of great bodhisattvas as the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra honey not so perfections.
Life rings such great Bodhisattvas form, feeling, perception, consciousness, because all life rings so such measures. Tolerance to eighty subjects such life, because all such measures HTO so.
In this setting, this Bodhisattva Nibbána nor mindfulness, because mindfulness quarterfinals incomplete incomplete ring to eighteen plus legal estate. Quartet Quartet anniversary this land is not mindfulness, patience to eighteen plus legal estate is not any public law. What this law is not legal, nor is not legal.
This is called Prajna Paramita of life such great bodhisattvas sharp, ring any community to such initiation.
Blessed! Want true Prajna Paramita issue, contemporary thinking to the Bodhisattva, saying, What is the Prajna Paramita? Why called Prajna Paramita? Prajna Paramita's who?
If true practice Prajna Paramita, great Bodhisattva should think that nothing in mind that if the ownership majeure is a prime time Prajna Paramita ".
Sariputra asked: "What measures very favorable ownership impossible?"
He Tu Bodhi said: "Prajna Paramita is that nothing is impossible to attain ownership, Meditation na, price ratio, available for, dill, Dan na perfections is that nothing is impossible to attain ownership. Why so? so do not be internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not the easiest means, not compounded, unconditioned not, all fields are not, themselves heroes, gods are not legal, elected not impossible, outlaw not, not organic law, property law does not outlaw it.
Behold Shariputra! Form, feeling, perception, consciousness is that nothing is impossible to attain ownership, legal ring to infinity compounded is not that nothing is impossible to attain ownership.Satipatthana to any community property law is that nothing is impossible to attain. The same subjects such as legal psychic nature, dharma, legal status, economic measures are cylindrical and damage property that nothing is impossible to attain.
Behold Shariputra! Nhut Buddha and omniscience, circuit equipment is legal where countless species majeure prime property. Since the inner ring is not legal to outlaw not so useful.
Behold Shariputra! If at such thinking, observing thus downs great bodhisattvas such a heart, no regrets, no contempt, not fear, to know this great bodhisattvas not leave well Prajna Paramita ".
Sariputra asked: "Do what multiplication coast Bodhisattva not leave well know Prajna Paramita?"
He Tu Bodhi said: "Distinguished outstanding qualities left, ring to leave the informal informal nature. Six left the six perfections perfections nature, rings to damage economic damage left international nature".
Sariputra asked: "What is a real identity to the international nature nature?"
He Tu Bodhi said: "Countless nature sharpens ownership, ownership is ring to infinity economic damage nature. For this pretext to leave identity should know that identity rings to damage nature damage left international economic nature.
Behold Him Shariputra! Sac appearances also left, ring to damage economic health minister also left the loss. Minister also left the Minister, nature also left emptiness ".
Sariputra asked: "If such a study, great bodhisattvas set strain Nhut location is reasonable?"
Tu Bodhi He said: "Yes so. If great bodhisattvas such learning achievements of location Nhut set strain. Why? Because the law did not arise, so such achievements."
Sariputra asked: "what the legal pretext not born, not into?"
Tu Bodhi He said: "For outstanding ie no color, rings come for economic loss damages fact that should not be impossible to attain excellence birth, born into a ring to damage majeure prime health.
Behold Him Shariputra! Such learning, once time great bodhisattvas strain near Nhut set location, time times is itself pure, pure heart and pure form. Since the body and mind are pure form should this great bodhisattvas such negativity arises the mind, greed, anger, ignorance, pride, xan wrong. Because there arises Bodhisattva mind this affliction should not bear the mother's abdomen that typically born from a Buddhist nation turned to a Buddhist country to achievements beings of pure Buddhism, until the full Supreme Bodhi such always leave the Buddhas.
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